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    Sunday, April 15, 2012
New texture pack: Turok 2 by MU-TH-UR

MU-TH-UR let us know that he's released a Turok 2 texture pack:

Click the image above for more screenshots.

Download the texture pack here:

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - by MU-TH-UR


4DO is no longer titled as "beta". The emulation is in a good state, and the primary features of the emulator have been stable for quite a while.

It’s been a overall a quick revival since the release of the FreeDO source code, and 4DO now provides 3DO fans with a clean, functional emulator.

4DO was able to inherit many great features from FreeDO: high-definition rendering, clock speed adjustments, and the impressive emulation accuracy! The FreeDO user interface was not open-sourced, but the resulting rewrite for 4DO was an overall benefit. The development of 4DO has introduced several unique features as well:

+ Intuitive controller setup, native joystick support, and support for up to 6 players
+ Game identification system
+ Easy-to-use quick save/load system
+ Game compatibility fixes (mainly through the efforts of Viktor!)
+ Support for 6 languages

Latest improvements:

+ Bios 2 Support Added. Viktor determined how to added support for the second bios slot, used in Japanese hardware for the Kanji font. This should enable support for several Japanese games that require it (one example being Blue Forest Monogatari). Awesome!
+ Daedalus Encounter timing fix added. This should alleviate many of the freezes encountered.
+ Screenshot Feature added. Press F3 to take screenshots to a "Screenshots" subfolder.
+ Russian translation fixes and improvements from both Viktor and Sedabi.

Visit official homepage and sourceforge repository for latest files and further information.

    Friday, April 13, 2012
NeoRaine 1.3.2

NeoRaine is a NeoGeo CD emulator based on the source of the arcade emulator Raine. Emulator is fast, has great compatibility, many NeoCD specific features, and support for extras like savegames.

Here`s changelog for latest version:

The main change is that it fixes last blade 2 which was impossible to run in 1.3.1 because of an overly optimistic change...
Except that not much, the start of the screen is adjusted for the rasters which fixes the moving clouds in neo turf masters, and makes riding hero more like the video of the original console on youtube. Most of the code for the rasters has been rewritten again, but so far it's quite disappointing.

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Thursday, April 12, 2012
puNES v0.58

puNES (ex Fnes) is an emulator under development that works on Linux32/64 and Windows32. It needs of SDL library to run.

Here's changelog for latest versions:

0.58 (bugfix relase)
Correct a crash with some fds roms (thx Gokun for reporting).
Help Request:
Any volunteers who wants draw a new icon? You will be rewarded with a nice cold beer Smile.
If anyone is interested can contact me at this address

Added FDS emulation (read and write, not sound yet).You need of the FDS bios rom located in one of these folders:
1) the working directory,
2) the folder where is the fds file,
3) "$HOME/.puNES/bios" on linux or "/puNES/bios" on Windows.
The bios file must be called "disksys.rom" and must have a size of 8192 bytes.
Added mapper 37.
Corrected some bugs in the cpu emulation discovered thanks to test roms made by Bisqwit
(http://nesdev.parodius.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=8738 and http://nesdev.parodius.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=8757).
Fixed a bug that in some circumstances, when attempting to load a save state, it crashed the emulator.

Added mappers 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 222, 240, 241, 244.
Correct a bug in the Windows version that did not allow proper configuration of some gamepads / joysticks.
Other bugfixes.

0.55 (bugfix release)
Fixed another bug in the square emulation.
Thanks to Eugene.s for the reporting.

0.54 (bugfix release)
I've forgotten to uncomment same code in new squares emulation that results in distorted sound. Correct.

0.53 (massive bugfix release)
Correct frequency pitch emulation in Dandy mode.
Fixed all the bugs that were going to crash the emulator in the Windows version, now are really stable.
Correct a lots of bugs in the apu emulation and now the sound is much more cleaner and precise.
Rewrite from scratch the popping sound reducer.
Thx Eugene.S for suggestions, feedback and patience.

Added Dendy Emulation.
Implemented mappers 221, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235.
Implemented a sort of "FCEUX Compatibility mode" and now many other FM2 works well (at least several of the most recent).
Bug Fixes.

Check out official thread at nesdev for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Sunday, April 01, 2012
FB Alpha

FB Alpha (formerly FinalBurn Alpha), based on the original FinalBurn source code, is a multi-arcade (Capcom CPS-1, Capcom CPS-2, Capcom CPS-3, Cave, Neo Geo, Sega System 16 (and similar), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board, Toaplan, Taito, etc) emulator. It includes support for cheating, as well as netplay using Kaillera.

Here`s list of changes for latest version:

- Rewrote the DAC core, improving performance and timing [iq_132]
- Updated the Mogura and The FairyLand Story drivers to use the new DAC core [iq_132]
- Updated the Armed Formation, King & Balloon, Irem M72 and M90, Route16, Sega System 16A, SunA16, Terra Cresta, The New Zealand Story, Vigilante drivers to use the new DAC core [Barry]
- Fixed the new DAC core with GCC 3.4.5 [Barry]
- Updated Z80 cycle counting, improving accuracy [iq_132]
- Added cycle counting to the I8039 CPU core [iq_132]
- Updated PGM driver making Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II and Demon Front playable [iq_132]
- Added Fantasic and Kong to the Galaxian driver [Barry]
- Added Arange Mode hack of DoDonPachi to the Cave driver [JacKc]
- Added clone of 1941 to the CPS-1 driver [Bonky0013, JacKc, Techmotour]
- Added clone of King of Dragons to the CPS-1 driver [Barry]
- Added clone of Street Fighter II: Champion Edition to the CPS-1 driver [Barry]
- Added clone of UniWar S to the Galaxian driver [Barry]
- Added clone of Deer Hunting to the Seta2 driver [Barry]
- Added clone of Super Chase to the Taito driver [Barry]
- Added clone of Arkanoid 2 to the The New Zealand Story driver [Barry]
- Added 1945 Part 2 (hack of Battle Garegga) to the Toaplan-2 driver [Barry]
- Fixed sound samples in the Kageki driver [Barry]
- Fixed sample sounds in King & Balloon [Barry]
- Fixed 68000 CPU speed in Best of the Best driver [iq_132, reported by Cmart]
- Updated dip switches in the Side Pocket driver [Barry]
- Changed CPS-1 sprite timing for bootlegs/hacks that render the sprites in reverse order [Barry, identied by manliodp]
- Big-endian fixes for Data East, various Misc, and PGM drivers [lantus]
- Added Unicode title for 1945 Part 2 [JacKc]
- Added support for insane cheat file lengths [Barry, reported by money_114]
- Fixed issue with the load progress dialog not being killed when loading unavailable sets [Barry, reported by BisonSAS]
- Fixed crash if SampleInit is called without a sample list [iq_132]
- Removed sek.h and zet.h from burnint.h, and added to drivers where necessary [Barry]
- Synced sets with MAME 0.145u5 [Barry]

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

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