Wednesday, April 26, 2017 |
medusa alpha 2
Posted by LyonHrt @ 11:27 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
A new version of medusa the GBA and now also DS emulator, formally known as mGBA now at alpha 2
| A new alpha of medusa is available. It contains many bugfixes, and allows many major games to be fully playable now. Notably, game-breaking bugs affecting Mario Kart DS, The World Ends With You, Star Fox Command, and more have been fixed. Some smaller hardware features have been added, but many are still missing. The full list of changes is below.
Download at
MAME 0.185 released
Posted by LyonHrt @ 09:43 AM CET | Comments: 0 | MAME
mame have released their latest version of their arcade emulator, now at 0.185 and as usual its a long list from the whats new file:
| MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06402: [Interface] UI:: Switch Item Ordering corrupts software list (Nathan Woods)
- 06481: [DIP/Input] (mac128.cpp) All classic Macs: Keyboard input is not working anymore in the emulated macs since version 0.181 (R. Belmont)
- 06516: [DIP/Input] (coolpool.cpp) 9ballsht and clones, coolpool and clones: Can't coin up (O. Galibert)
- 06526: [DIP/Input] (nbmj8891.cpp) club90s: dsw b should not exist (system11)
- 06532: [Save/Restore] (alpha68k.cpp) skysoldr skyadvnt timesold: No Sound (Osso)
- 06534: [Crash/Freeze] (fm7.cpp) fm77av: BASIC doesn't boot (Barry Rodewald)
New working machines
Acchi Muite Hoi [David Haywood, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, Jred, Mike Krug, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Dame Sensory Challenger [hap, yovan]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 8 [hap, yovan]
Galaxy Games StarPak 4 (prototype) [Keith M. Kolmos, The Dumping Union]
Novag Presto [hap, Berger]
Pirate Ship [Phil Bennett, R. Belmont, Jared Bresee]
TI-2550 III [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tekken Card World [ShouTime, Rob Carr, The Dumping Union]
Wireless 60 (Jungle Soft / Kids Station Toys Inc) [RebeccaRGB]
New working clones
Bionic Commandos (bootleg, set 2) [TeamEurope]
Gals Panic DX (Asia) []
Knights of Valour / Sangoku Senki (ver. 100, Hong Kong) [Pasky Junk]
Mach Breakers (World, MB2) [caius, Silvio Grazini, The Dumping Union]
Martial Masters (ver. 103, 102, 101CN) [kuze, The Dumping Union]
Megatack (set 2) [OriginalJohn]
Novag Octo [hap, Berger]
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World, bootleg) [The Iron Goat]
Rastan (World, Earlier code base) [System11, The Dumping Union]
Sonic Blast Man (US) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (UPL bootleg) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Up Maguila (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.) [Asociacion A.R.C.A.D.E.]
Machines promoted to working
HP 9845T [fulivi, A.Kueckes]
Popper [Dirk Best]
Soreike Kokology Vol. 2 - Kokoro no Tanteikyoku [AJR]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
GI-Classic EX (satellite terminal) [R. Belmont, Jacob Kesinger, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
GI-Classic EX (server) [R. Belmont, Phil Bennett]
Gaelco Championship Tuning Race [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Galaxy Play [PinMAME]
Game & Watch: Boxing [hap, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Donkey Kong II [hap, Sean Riddle]
MegaTouch XL 6000 (Version r07) [R. Belmont]
Megatouch XL Gold (Version r01) [R. Belmont, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
MegaTouch XL (Italy version R1) [any, R. Belmont]
Megatouch XL Super 5000 (Version R5I) [R. Belmont, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Otomedius (ver GGG:J:A:A:2008041801)
[R. Belmont, dopefishjustin, G. Paziouros, S. Fauveau, R. Higashi, R. Howard, B. Munger, S. S. Neilson, Tormod, Smitdogg,
The Dumping Union]
Police Trainer 2 [R. Belmont, gamerfan, Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Ring Riders (Software version v2.2) [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Shark (US Billiards Inc.) [Stiletto, Siftware]
Super Derby II (Satellite board) [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Super Star (Recreativos Franco) [AJR, Akiles500]
Unknown 'VIP 2000' game [TeamEurope, f205v]
Unknown Poker Game by Chain Leisure [Gerald (COY), The Dumping Union]
Unknown Sega gambling game (M1 Satellite board) [Jacob Kesinger, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Megatouch XL 6000 (Version r02) [R. Belmont, AeroCityMayor, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
MegaTouch XL Gold (Version r00) [R. Belmont]
MegaTouch XL Super 5000 (Version R5B) [R. Belmont]
MegaTouch XL Super 5000 (Version R5E) [R. Belmont]
Rocky (French speech) [PinMAME]
The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players, revision ?) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Tokyo Cop (US, dedicated version) [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Tokyo Cop (US, kit version) [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
U.S.A. Football (R01u) [PinMAME]
For more info and downloads go to
Play! News
Posted by LyonHrt @ 01:21 AM CET | Comments: 2 | Playstation 2
Play! the PlayStation 2 emulator for the Win32, OSX, iOS and Android platforms, has finally updated:
| Sorry for the long wait for this build! This was due to all the work that was needed to make CMake the official build system for the project. This should make it easier for other people to contribute the project. The CMake build configuration was used to generate this build and hopefully, we'll be able to deliver builds at a much faster pace from now on. In any case, here's the list of new stuff in this build:
- Compatibility fixes (ie.: Beatmania IIDX, Shin Megami Tensei, Silent Hill 2, Crash Twinsanity now boot (not necessarily playable though)).
- Add screen shot feature on Windows, macOS and Linux.
- Minor performance improvements.
Download here.
Mesen 0.8.1 released
Posted by LyonHrt @ 01:17 AM CET | Comments: 1 | NES
Mesen the nes emulator has updated to version 0.8.1
| New Features
Performance: Code improvements have increased emulation speed by 15-35%.
Audio: Added a customizable equalizer.
Patches: Added support for UPS and BPS patch formats.
Compatibility: Added support for UNIF FK23C/FK23CA/D1038 boards and mapper 104.
PPU: Added option to emulate OAM RAM decay.
Bug Fixes
PAL: Improved PPU emulation accuracy.
MMC5: Improved emulation accuracy.
FDS: Improved IRQ emulation accuracy (fixes Lutter and some unlicensed games).
Emulation: Fixed problem that caused in-game crashes in the "Legend of Link" romhack.
Misc: Several small bug fixes.
Download here.
cemu 1.7.4 released
Posted by LyonHrt @ 12:04 PM CET | Comments: 1 | WII U
cemu has its new release today for the public, this time to 1.74
# New in 1.7.4d:
GX2: Added a workaround for unsupported alignment in glVertexAttribIPointer for AMD GPUs
# New in 1.7.4b/c:
general: Fixed titleId calculation if DLC was installed incorrectly
GX2: Fixed crash if CPU extensions SSSE3 and SSE4.1 were not supported
# New in 1.7.4:
general: Added command line option -ud to enable upside-down render mode
general: Added game profile option 'GPUBufferCacheAccuracy'
general: Added game profile option 'disableGPUFence'
general: Updated some game profiles
CPU/JIT: Overhauled FPR register management, reducing the number of load/store operations
CPU/JIT: Fixed an unsafe optimization that could lead to floating-point stores being optimized away
CPU/JIT: Implemented instructions CREQV, LWBRX
CPU/JIT: Recompiler will now inline small functions
GX2: Improved occlusion query support
GX2: Added API GX2SetVertexSamplerBorderColor()
GX2: Fixed a bug in GX2SetPixelSamplerBorderColor()
GX2: Experimental support for texture readback
GX2: Added support for mip-mapped 3D textures
GX2: Shader dump debug option will now also dump shaders from the transferable shader cache
GX2: Added support for vertex attribute format=0x07, nfa=2, signed=0, endian=0
GX2: Fixed a bug that caused graphic pack shaders always being loaded as pixel shaders instead of their respective type
GX2: Slightly optimized OpenGL backend by reducing the number of GL function calls
GX2: Optimized decoding and handling of index data (utilizing SSE2)
GX2: Fixed data corruption occuring under rare circumstances in vertex/uniform data cache
GX2: Extended shader archive format to support cache files larger than 4GB
GX2: Compiling shaders from the transferable shader cache is now done multi-threaded (if ARB_parallel_shader_compile is supported)
GX2: Graphic packs now support overwriting the format of textures
microsoft now ban emulators from windows store
Posted by LyonHrt @ 08:57 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Xbox One
As many regulars to the forums have seen, and in emulation in general and development for xbox in general, with the Xbox live creators program opening up many opportunities for indie developers to publish to the xbox, but what about emulation?
It's come to no surprise that many have asked, and even have initially tried to bring emulation to the system, but after all the "maybes" windows store has finally updated its polices...
| 10.13.7
Games must gracefully handle errors with or disconnection from the Xbox Live service. When attempting to retry a connection request following a failure, games must honor the retry policies set by Xbox Games. When they are unable to retrieve configuration information for or communicate with any non-Microsoft service, games must not direct users to Microsoft support.
Games must not store user information sourced from Xbox Live, such as profile data, preferences, or display names, beyond a locally stored cache used to support loss of network connectivity. Any such caches must be updated on the next available connection to the service.
Xbox Live games must comply with the following requirements for service usage:
Do not link or federate the Xbox Live user account identifier or other user account data with other services or identity providers.
Do not provide services or user data in a way that it could be included in a search engine or directory.
Keep your secret key and access tokens private, except if you share them with an agent acting to operate your app and the agent signs a confidentiality agreement.
Do not duplicate the Xbox Live Friends service.
Apps that emulate a game system are not allowed on any device family.
So...erm that seems to be a nope then! Was it all that surprising, considering apart from google with its play store, you won't see emulators on any current un-hacked systems.
Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
Wednesday, April 05, 2017 |
Dolphin progress report for march
Posted by LyonHrt @ 02:47 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo Wii
The march progress report for Dolphin is now available to check out.
| A group of Wii IOS changes were noteworthy enough to get their own article with the Wii Shop Channel finally getting compatibility in Dolphin. That's right, you can buy games from Nintendo within Dolphin, or, download titles you've purchased on your Wii in Dolphin, assuming you're using that Wii's NAND.
Other than that, the long awaited GPU Texture Decoders finally got merged for a broad performance increases and a new Bounding Box fallback path works on any machine that can run Dolphin. So we hope you can enjoy this breakdown of March's (and a little of April's) notable changes!
For the full run down go here.
3d Nes 1.3.0 released
Posted by LyonHrt @ 02:41 PM CET | Comments: 1 | NES
3dnes has been updated now to 1.3, the change log is as follows:
| - Switch to core architecture => possibility to use another emulation core
- Improve cpu, ppu, apu emulation accuracy as a whole
- Fix input latency issue
- Fix sound lag, cropping
- Reimplement of mmc3 mapper
- Porting Blipbuf to C# => code base is pure C# now
- Add Vrc2-4 mapper (21,23,25,27)
- Add Action53 mapper (28)
- Remove border masking => now you can observe the scene from trully 360 degree
- Add instancing shader, better rendering performance
- Onepass virtual reality rendering
- Smoother shadow rendering
- Add credits for BlipBuf and BizHawk project
- Save/Load backward compability is broken
Download here
Thanks to goad for the news.
Github emulator update for 2.4.17
Posted by LyonHrt @ 01:07 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Emulators
| Merge branch 'master' into fp_sqrt
Merge branch 'master' into gdb-debug-server
Only pass positive values to sqrt and log2 in the fragment program.
Merge branch 'master' into update-cellhttputil
Replace size_t with u32 and unsigned char with u8
| Merge: 65adbb1 51fe978 Merge pull request #9537 from unknownbrackets/frame-drops Core: Clear debug stats on frame start
Merge: 6b46f8e 0bd31e1 Merge pull request #9536 from unknownbrackets/xinput-inactive Windows: Reduce CPU usage with no XInput connected
Some paranoia in CheckGLExtensions, due to a reported crash in strlen()
Minor safety check
Even the vertex interpreter, not just the jit, can crash from misaligned vertex data.
Core: Clear debug stats on frame start. This way we can log drops and debug stats at the same time - oops.
Windows: Reduce CPU usage with no XInput connected.
Merge: 97058b4 6541413 Merge pull request #9535 from unknownbrackets/ui-background2 UI: Allow setting the background image
UI: Improve documentation on pop up use.
Windows: Add option to browse for bg image. And also to clear the image.
UI: Allow choosing game bgs for all UI.
Apply the D3D11 loco roco fix identically to the other backends To make centralization easier, and this should be a problem for the other backends as well.
Fix crash in LocoRoco with D3D11 when hitting a spiky (a broken texture gets created with too many mipmaps for its size)
Merge: fe45000 f56576c Merge pull request #9529 from TotalCaesar659/patch-1 Updated links to HTTPS
| Arm64: a slew of warning fixes
CPU: Convert state enum to an enum class
Frame: Make TAS dialogs private
IOS/IPC: Remove unneeded forward declaration
Core: Amend VS filter tag
Fix disappearing gecko codes
*All links are from official sources
*Due to the nature of developer builds, they may break games
Github emulator update for 1.4.17
Posted by LyonHrt @ 07:07 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Emulators
| Merge pull request #307 from jarupxx/xdk5344
Added DSound signatures (5344) Starsky And Hutch - reaches the menu!
Merge pull request #305 from LukeUsher/oovpa-speedup
Merge pull request #304 from LukeUsher/remove-unneccesary-uses-of-memorymanager
Merge pull request #303 from PatrickvL/master
UpdateOverlay : Make sure the overlay is allocated before using it
Merge pull request #301 from PatrickvL/master
Merge pull request #299 from LukeUsher/SSE2
| Merge branch 'master' into bdvd_mount
| Merge: f7d6d7d 7230a8b Merge pull request #9526 from hrydgard/remove-disable-alpha-test Remove the "Disable alpha test" setting. It breaks too many things.
Remove the "Disable alpha test" setting. It breaks too many things. The performance benefits in a few games on older hardware are not worth it. We are able to automatically remove redundant alpha test in many cases now.
Update README, also dummy commit to get a new build after buildbot fix
Merge: 186d471 8d1ece0 Merge pull request #9521 from hrydgard/move-flash0-into-assets Move flash0 into assets
Finally move flash0 into assets, fixing #9468 and #9520 CMake fix Fix the innosetup and zip scripts for the new assets location
Update AndroidManifest version to 1.4. (Probably can stop doing this though as Eclipse builds are no longer used for releases).
Gradle: Use the main assets directory instead of the android/assets one which is only updated when doing old style builds...
Merge: fd47e39 11485f6 Merge pull request #9516 from jbeich/qt+sdl Qt: don't require QtMultimedia if building with SDL
Add UMD switching to What's New in README
Qt: don't require QtMultimedia if building with SDL for #9157
| Remove libao sound backend
OGL: Fix MSAA being forced to 1x
VertexLoaderTest: fix maybe-uninitialized warning
Move DVD code to a new directory
ndroid: Change the color of the selected slot to make it more visible
DolphinWX/Frame: Remove GetGameListCtrl()
Update to Android SDK 25
Common: Remove dead code in NandPaths
StubHost: remove unused Host_RequestFullscreen()
Breakpoints.cpp: fix format string warnings
DiscIO: initialize out args to ReadSwapped (fixes warning)
CoreTimingTest: make AdvanceAndCheck() static (fix warning)
| Merge pull request #687 from cesys/altivec_lvrx_stvrx_fix
Fixing Altivec lvrx and stvrx
| New JIT implementation using libbinrec.
decaf: Change old internal_ kernel functions to RegisterInternalFuntion.
New JIT implementation using libbinrec.
| gsdx: workaround AVX2 generated code by GCC
See commit for the full details.
v2: use a direct access to the union field instead of extract32
It gives us both optimal and working code.
GSdx: Add merge sprite hack to GSdx hacks dialog
Adds merge sprite hack to GSDx hacks dialog
And ports merge sprite hack to Direct3D renderers.
Special thanks to my keyboards Ctrl, c and v buttons for all their hard
work in porting this hack.
GSdx: Unscale Point and Line Direct3D11 port
Ports the "Unscale Point and Line" hack to the Direct3D11 Hardware renderer.
And enables the "Unscale Point and Line" hack for Custom Resolutions with Direct3D11 and OpenGL.
GSdx: Add Windows GUI for split texture filtering option
Adds Windows GUI elements of the split texture filtering options.
Bilinear Texture Filtering is moved to the top section of the main GSdx window,
and Trilinear Filtering is moved to Hacks.
GSdx: Shader & OSD window update
Adds Texture Filtering Of Display option to the Shader dialog window Windows UI.
Updates the layouts of the Shader and OSD dialog windows to more closely resemble the Linux GUI.
GSdx: Main & Hacks window update
Reorganizes Hacks dialog window.
Adds UI elements for the Memory Wrapping and HPO v2/Special commits
Adds advanced OpenGL functions "Geometry Shader" and "Image Load Store" to the Windows UI.
Renames "Configure Hacks" to "Advanced Settings and Hacks", to more closely resemble the Linux GUI.
GSdx: Direct3D port of HPO special/V2
Adds a port of the new Half-pixel Offset options for the Direct3D
Hardware renderers.
GSdx: Memory Wrapping Windows port
Adds GS Memory Wrapping hack to Windows. Enabling the hack will fix cut-off cutscenes in Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit and Thrillville.
gsdx: cpu detection take 3! Don't use 64 bits type in Xbyak::Cpu
Recent GCC uses SSE4/AVX code to optimize the 64 bits operation.
It is bad idea as it would generate an illegal instruction on
older CPU.
GameIndex: minor update
Update compatibility info for 2 games based on compatibility reports I
made earlier.
Fixes title for the PAL and NTSC-U releases of Tokyo Xtreme Racer Drift 2.
And adds a fix for Sled Storm(confirmed to be required for both the PAL(SLES-50683) and NTSC-U(SLUS-20363) versions).
PCSX2: Console log widescreen patch folder message improvement
Improves the widescreen patch message when loading from the cheats_ws
folder instead of the archive.
PCSX2: Console log plugin message update
Remove full path from every plugin binding and only add it to the
preceding "Loading Plugins..." line.
Instead the revision date and version number are printed for each plugin
to make it easier to identify issues with plugin versions.
GSdx: Move Ace Combat 4 CRC hack to aggressive level and fix spelling issues
Ace Combat 4 CRC hack removes clouds for a good speed boost, which removes both 3D clouds(invisible with Hardware renderers, but cause slowdown) and 2D background clouds.
Removes blur from player airplane.
This hack also removes rockets, shows explosions(invisible without CRC hack) as garbage data, causes flickering issues with the HUD, and in some (night) missions removes the HUD altogether.
The CRC hack has been moved to the aggressive level.
Aggressive is misspeled several times in the file, this has been adressed.
*All links are from official sources
*Due to the nature of developer builds, they may break games
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