Wednesday, August 31, 2005 |
VisualBoy Advance (Spacy) S1.7.6 Released
Posted by Keith @ 06:19 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
A new unofficial build of VisualBoy Advance has been released by Spacy. Here is the changes for version S1.7.6.
| Emu:
• Readded MMX macro
• Updated zlib to 1.2.3
• Changed some first start options
• Other small changes
• Put zlib & libpng in seperate Projects
• Added some changes from the latest CVS source
• Small changes to ROM Header Info (just4fun)
• Fixed the linker error (new&delete defined twice)
• Speeded up HQ3X code
• Fixed LQ2X using HQ2X functions
• Added extended display mode selection (Display Adapter, Resolution, Bit Depth, Frequency)
• No more unnecessary black borders in full screen
• Direct3D doesn't take the whole screen (only if you want)
• Direct3D shows menu and windows correct
• Direct3D doesn't show a black screen if left fullscreen to Windows
• Changes on max scale are applied immediately
• Updated sound to DirectSound8
Nice work Spacy. Head on over to his release thread to leave some feedback and any issues you might have.
VisualBoy Advance (Spacy) S1.7.6 Release Thread
VisualBoy Advance (Spacy) S1.7.6
Haze WIP Report
Posted by Keith @ 05:55 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
Haze has posted up some work in progress news regarding Gaelco’s Squash arcade game. Here is what Haze posted over at his site.
| A couple of months back Mike Coates reported some progress with Gaelco’s Squash.
I’ve decided to make this the next thing I look at, and have started off by cleaning up the driver a little so that the game runs correctly.
From his previous work I’ve corrected the loading of the GFX and Sample roms. The crash mentioned before was caused by the OKI banking which and the game attempting to play invalid samples. The game actually seems to be fully playable now (although I don’t know the rules of Squash) but still requires a table of around ~1.5gig in size to actually decrypt at runtime.
The next task is obviously to try and reduce that table to something sensible which is a better representation of how the hardware works, at this point I have no idea of the size of this task.
Again I stress this will ONLY help Squash.
Head on over to Haze's site for some screenshots of the game in action.
Haze's MAME WIP Site
CaSTaway/PSP 001 alpha Released
Posted by Keith @ 04:56 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Skeezix has released his initial version of his CaSTaway (AtariST) emulator port for the PSP handheld. Here is some information from the readme for version 001 alpha.
| Crappiest first alpha (for PSP). Don't expect much yet, except for updates to come quite quickly over the next little while.
Although the emu is missing any form of finesse, it does run pretty well -- for many or most games, it'll run full speed with no frameskip (which is good since I didn't implement frameskip yet ;) During 'heavy math' operations it'll run slower, so unpacking Dungeon Master takes a good minute or two probably.. but running Xenon 2: Megablast and it'll run a little too fast until I add speed throttling.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
CaSTaway/PSP Official Site
CaSTaway/PSP 001 alpha
New dedicated server
Posted by Martin @ 04:32 PM CET | Comments: 6 | Site
This is just a quick note to let you know that our third dedicated server has been setup and it's already serving a few sites from the network, more to join soon to balance the load. A third server has been needed for a while now as weekend traffic has caused some overload troubles. New server specs:
| DELL -Server SC420
Intel Pentium IV 3,4 GHz
2.048 MB DDR2-RAM (400 MHz)
2 x 160 GB SATA harddrives (7.200 rpm)
2.000 GB bandwidth per month
SuSE Linux 9 (Fedora Core 3)
100 Mbit/s connection
Emulation64 Reviews Section Back Up :)
Posted by Keith @ 02:17 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Reviews
The final piece of the Emulation64 Network is now in place. I have just added the Emulation64's reviews into the new Network site. You can see the latest reviews on the side menu and all of them by going here.
Now with Emulation64's reviews and great community over at EmuTalk along with Emutastic's guides and interviews topped of with EmuFanatics news, files and spotlights I think the merge is a complete success.
Many thanks to all those involved in making this a very quick and easy proccess and many thanks to those who will be helping us in the future. :)
ScummVM Team Looking For Screenshots
Posted by Keith @ 08:49 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
The ScummVM development team has made a post requesting screenshots from the emulation community to fill their screenshot gallery. Here is what was posted about the request.
| If you like screenshots as much as we do, you can play an integral role in demonstrating the capabilities of ScummVM with merely single still-frame image.
Basically, we need you to submit screenshots for our screenshots gallery. We have an explanation of the proper way to do so here in our wiki.
So, if you've got a few minutes, an interesting save in the middle of a game, and you want to help, please feel free to take and submit a screenshot of it. As the wiki states, scummvm should be in HQ2x mode with aspect ratio correction ON.
If you are interested in helping out then head on over to the ScummVM official site for more information.
ScummVM Official Site
PSP-UAE 0.31 w/kbd 0.1 Released
Posted by Keith @ 07:47 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Attila has released a new build of PSP-UAE (Amiga emulator) and included keyboard support. Here is a list of the recent changes.
| Changes to PSPUAE 0.31 :
- Moved statistics screen to Menu/Options/Show statistics
- Added finer mouse movements while the () - Circle is pressed.
- Optimized some drawing related functions.
- Added FULL keyboard :
:: To activate/deactivate keyboard; press [] - Square
If Keyboard is active :
- Triangle : changes position of keyboard to top/bottom of the screen.
- Up/Right/Down/Left arrows : walk the keyboard.
- X - Cross : Press invokes a key-press event,
Release invokes a key-release event.
- () - Circle : presses the "Return" key...
The are 8 sticky keys (Ctrl,Alts,Amigas,Shifts,CapsLock); pressed once will make them sticky (they will not be released - indicated by red highlight), pressing again will release them.
Also, please note, this uses a US keyboard layout. If your kickrom is non-US, there are going to be some minor "discrepencies". ( Just imagine that you connected a US keyboard to your Amiga... )
Thank you Christophe for 0.31.
Thanks to wraggster for the news.
PSP-UAE 0.31 w/kbd 0.1
Welcome to the Chilling With Gent Section
Posted by Gent @ 03:52 PM CET | Comments: 3 | Chilling With Gent
The new section comprises of the Emutastic Interviews with Emulator, Plug-in, and Support File/Site Authors whether they have been active or non active in the Emulation Scene. The Interviews I have done/doing are just to catch up with and find out how they are and what they have been up to. They not a "how did you start" "why did you start" kind of thing. This I felt would give you a different insight into these really great Developers on a personal and fun loving aspect of their personalities, in the way I am lucky enough to know them. You can find the section Here.
I hope you enjoy these and watch out for more to come.
All The Best
VBA smooth 6 Released
Posted by Keith @ 03:40 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
suanyuan has released a new version of his unofficial build of the GBA emulator visualboy advance known as VBA smooth. Here is the changes for version 6.
| • use another thread to keep sound synchronization
• use VS.NET 2003 and ICC 9.0 to compile VBA
Some people report to me the sound even worse than previous vesion, and the VBA speed is too fast in this version.
Please make sure to turn on "auto frame skip" option.
When turn on "auto frame skip", I have programmed to set "throttle" option change to "no throttle", frame skip option change to "skip 0", and synchronize option to turn on automatically.
Then the VBA speed should be a about 96% - 98%, a little bit slow than 100%.
Head on over to the release thread for more information and to leave some feedback. Thanks to AEP for the news.
VBA smooth Release Thread
VBA smooth 6
dcemu Update News
Posted by Keith @ 02:38 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Dreamcast
A new update for the Dreamcast emulator dcemu has been posted. It has been a long time since we have heard from this project. Nice to see a new update. Here is what was posted about the latest development.
| 2005-08-30:
now with serial output window (for debugging), check the snapshot at the end of this page.
cd loading is broken but will fix soon, use 1st_read.bin in dcemu dir.
should be faster (it's still TOO slow though).
source cleaned a bit, still a big mess.
window is always opengl 800x600, framebuffer gets scaled (looks fine).
now using libcdio & guichan.
'official' dev environment is dev-cpp, should compile using the SDL dev paks available from dev-cpp itself, and the guichan devpak (available from guichan's page).
have to fix most GL stuff, some demos run fine but others show garbled textures (probably related to the gui lib).
big thanks to Rui Caridade for help & speedup patches.
Head on over to the official site for latest CVS build and for more information.
dcemu Official Site
Reality Boy Beta 0.82.1 Released
Posted by Keith @ 11:18 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Virtual Boy
A new beta build for Reality Boy was released today fixing some previous bugs. Here is what was posted for version Beta 0.82.1.
| 08/28/05 - A bunch of updates today. First ther was a bad bug in the debug build of reality boy, so I added beta 0.82.1 to fix the problem. I added a bunch of new patents on the VB displays, get them in the programming section. I fixed some typeos in the affine mode doc. And most of all, I uploaded the code to my affine mode demos. Hopefully someone can take this further and get a real affine mode demo going.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Reality Boy Official Site
Reality Boy Beta 0.82.1
Emulation64 Network Support Guides
Posted by Gent @ 05:40 PM CET | Comments: 4 | Guides
At the Moment i am redoing all the Emutastic support Guides over to the new Emulation64 Network Support Guides format. This is slightly a lot of work being the third time I've done these damn guides now :P but never the less I'm making great progress.
Here is a list below of what are already available:
Gens Emulator Guide
Handy Emulator Guide
Hugo-Win Emulator Guide
Jnes 0.6 Emulator Guide
Project64 1.6 Interactive Tutorial
Virtual ColecoVision Emulator Guide
You can check them all out from the Support Guides section.
All The Best
GameEx 4.90 Released
Posted by Keith @ 03:51 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of the gaming frontend GameEx has been released. Here is the latest changes for version 4.90.
| • Now uses the latest version of MNG, and via the DLL.
• MNG Timing has been improved.
• And any playback issues or playback speed issues should be no more.
• MNG playback should basically be perfected now
Head on over to the official site for more information.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 4.90
Stella DS 0.41 Released
Posted by Keith @ 11:32 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
TheChuckster has released a new version of his Stella (Atari 2600 emulator) port for the Nintendo DS handheld. A few releases were released during the day. Here is the latest post regarding this version.
| Split project into ARM7 and ARM9 parts. Waded through the TIA/SDL sound source code. It's going to be tough.
On the other hand, I added support for the Game Select/Reset switches so that games such as Adventure are playable. Use the L and R buttons respectively to invoke the switches. In addition, the screen is now scaled 1.5x horizontally to almost fill the whole bottom screen.
I've noticed the recent publicity that I have been getting. Thanks for supporting my project! As requested, I am now numbering releases and naming them accordingly. Stella DS 0.41 is the current version. Grab it from the downloads section and enjoy!
Head on over to the official site for more information regarding previous releases.
Stella DS Official Site
Stella DS 0.41
Spotlight On Hacktarux
Posted by Keith @ 09:59 PM CET | Comments: 3 | Spotlight
A new spotlight interview is up for your reading pleasure. Today we focus our spotlight on the very talented Hacktarux best known for his work on Mupen64. Here is a small bit from the interview.
| Q : What interested you in Nintendo 64 Emulation?
A : It was the latest console out at the time i started the emulator, there was zelda and goldeneye. I wanted to do an emulator and i was searching which machine to emulate. When UltraHLE came out, i was like everybody shocked, and i thought, ok nintendo64 emulation is possible but i believe they sacrificed too much accuracy to get it working as fast as possible with a few games. So, let's try to do something really accurate and compatible.
Head on over to the Spotlight On Hacktarux for the rest. Many thanks Hacktarux for the great interview. :)
Spotlight On Hacktarux
MAME 0.99u4 Removed
Posted by Keith @ 08:49 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
I just read over at MAMEDev that they removed the MAME 0.99u4 diff file update. So to comply with their changes I have removed our copy and replaced it with the older 0.99u3 diff file. Aaron also mentioned they will be releasing 0.99u5 soon so keep an eye out. Head on over to the MAMEDev site for more information.
Saturday, August 27, 2005 |
Mednafen 0.2.0 Released
Posted by Keith @ 11:08 PM CET | Comments: 3 | Multi System
The initial source release of Mednafen formally known as Nintencer has been released. With the new name change also comes new systems that it emulates. Mednafen not only emulators the NES but also emulates GBA, GB, GBC, and Lynx. Windows binary file will be coming soon.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.2.0
Raine 0.43.0 Released
Posted by Keith @ 10:30 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
Hey cool a new version of Raine has been released. Here is a rundown on the changes for version 0.43.0
| • Added new games : Pang, Super Pang, Poker ladies, Block Block. All of them playable with sound, adapted from mame.
• Added sound support to these games based on the nmk004 findings in mame: macross, black heart, bio ship paladin, strahl, acrobat mission, mustang, thunder dragon, and even hacha mecha fighter but this one is still totally unplayable.
For mustang, I switched to mustang original set instead of the bootleg version to avoid the infamous seibu sound system, so you'll have to update your romsets. Congratulations go to the mame team for that, everyone has been wondering how this sound emulation worked for YEARS !
• Fixed the file size recorded in the wav files, when recording raine_soud.wav, and the alignement byte which prevented the sound to play in the microsoft media player ! The wav file format is probably one of the stupidest file formats ever invented !
• add the ability to save screenshots in png (default now). You can set the compression level by editing the configuration file. Also you can now use a png file for the raine default background picture !
• Add a new command to save a "video", or more exactly a sequence of screenshots (preferably in png), and at the same time a wav file. You will still need something like mplayer to merge everything together. See README.videos in the docs directory for the details.
• fixed sound not starting when loading a saved game before qsound has been initalised in the capcom games (also fix a few stupid bank switches here and there).
• When choosing the best video resolution if all the available resolutions where too small, then you got a ridiculously small resolution. Now you get the bigest one.
• Added artwork bezel support - see README.bezels in the docs directory.
• Fixed bad sound in bjtwin and sabotenb, now there are no cracks any more.
• Fix a very old bug where the default directories for screen_dir (snapshots) and roms became "", translated to "/". I never noticed it because I always use the same config...
• Fix a 1 pixel alignement issue for the text layer in do donpachi (I never noticed it before because I usually don't have time to read the text in dodonpachi ! I finally saw it because I recorded a video in dodonpachi!).
• For windows choose a windowed default video mode to avoid any problem with weird setups which have vido sync problems. For the other OSes, choose a default resolution based on the video modes really available, take the 1st from 320x240.
• dx2 emudx file format : graphics for emudx are now stored in .dx2 files, which should be available from These files are smaller than the original .dx files (and it's more convinient to work with these). The emudx files can now be placed either in the main raine directory for compatibility or in the emudx sub directory. .dx files are not supported anymore for the graphics.
• Added hammer music to donkey kong... It's generated from a midi file, oh well, if someone can do something better, let me know !
• Unix behaviour : a long time ago I accepted a patch to make raine to use a personnal dir, and a system wide dir for its files in linux, but I never took the time to test this since I have always used only 1 dir for raine. Well, it didn't work, raine always used one of these 2 instead of trying the personnal dir first and then the system wide directory. It's now fixed for raine.dat, hiscore.dat, history.dat, the snapshots, the language files, and the bezels.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Raine Official Site
Raine 0.43.0
StellaDS Alpha Released
Posted by Keith @ 08:48 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
I just read over at Drunken Coders about a new emulator from TheChuckster for the Nintendo DS based on Stella (Atari 2600 emulator). Here is what TheChuckster posted about his his Stella port.
| I am working on a port of the Atari 2600 emulator Stella. So far almost the entire code base has been ported. Download a ROM and put it in the data directory. Name it "pacman.bin" and recompile. The emulator will load, MD5 sum, and execute it.
What's left? I am having problems with the frame buffer so no visuals. It's a problem with the ported emulator code, not the DS framebuffer because I can write to the DS framebuffer fine. The source code is in the zip; perhaps, you could take a look. Namely, the TIA.cpp file is what handles the Atari's framebuffer. I honestly don't know what's the matter, but then again, this is my first real DS project.
Also, sound and controls need to be implemented. Shouldn't be too hard -- at least the controls. I am not going to start on these features until I get framebuffer working though.
Head on over to the release thread for some more information and to leave some feedback. Many thanks to Drunken Coders for the news. :)
StellaDS Release Thread
StellaDS Alpha
Mupen64 0.5.1 Windows Released
Posted by Keith @ 08:24 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo 64
Hacktarux has just updated the Windows version of the recently released Mupen64. Here is what was posted about the update.
| Update: Because of a problem in the framebuffer code with glide64 (introduced while packaging mupen64 0.5 for release), i had to update the windows version to 0.5.1. You can download this updated version from the download section of the site. Now the framebuffer effects i was talking about should really work with glide64 ;) I have also updated the linux archive with a fixed Rice's plugin : changing the resolution should work now.
Head on over to the official site more information.
Mupen64 Official Site
Mupen64 0.5.1
MAME GP32 1.7 Released
Posted by Keith @ 08:17 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GP32
Franxis has released a new version of his MAME port for the GP32 handheld. Here is the changes for version 1.7.
| • Added Cyclone M68000 ARM ASM core. Developed by Dave and some bugs fixed by Reesy and Notaz. Version 0.0080 released by Notaz. Thank you all!. This means big speed boost in M68000 games: Snow Bros, Karnov, Gauntlet, etc. Thanks also to Una-i for his help compiling Cyclone.
• New supported games: Rastan (ok), Rastan Saga (ok) and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (gfx errors).
• Alignment optimizations added in next cores: I8039, I86, M6808, M6809.
• Internal change: M68000 games are now in a separated executable (m68000.fxe).
Head on over to the official site for more information.
MAME GP32 Official Site
MAME GP32 1.7
bsnes 0.011 Released
Posted by Keith @ 07:34 PM CET | Comments: 2 | SNES
A new version of the SNES emulator bsnes has been released. Here is a quick rundown on the changes for version 0.011.
| • Fixed Mode 0 color palette index problem. Fixes ToP, DQ5, etc.
• Improved LoROM memory mapper to support 32mbit images. Fixes Tokimeki Memorial, etc.
• Added full S-DD1 support, SFA2 and Star Ocean are now playable. Special thanks to Andreas Naive
• Updated BGnxOFS / Mode7 registers with anomie's latest findings
• Added basic ROM mirroring support. Fixes copy protection issues in MMX, etc.
• Rewrote string library to work better on gcc/linux
• Cleaned up S-RTC/S-DD1 emulation to make way for future add-on chip emulation
• Rewrote DMA code, now runs cycle-by-cycle
• Rewrote HDMA code, now allows HDMA to be enabled mid-frame, fixes many games
• Fixed a bug in Mode7 vertical screen flip mode. Fixes FF5 title screen, etc.
• Greatly improved IRQ triggering. Fixes Der Langrisser, etc.
• Added full support for open bus. This includes PPU1 and PPU2 open bus support
• Modified CPU core back to cycle-based system. Slower, but improves debugger
• Implemented temporary fix for debugger to handle new cycle-based cores
• Modified CGRAM to ignore highest bit, since it is not used at all by the SNES, and is impossible to read on real hardware. Lowers memory usage by ~1.2mb
• Added mostly accurate PAL timing support. This should increase compatibility by ~30% or so
• More stuff I'm forgetting at the moment...
Head on over to the official site for more information.
bsnes Official Site
bsnes 0.011
Welcome To The New Emulation64 Network
Posted by Keith @ 07:23 PM CET | Comments: 33 | Site
I am proud to announce the merger of EmuFanatics, Emulation64 and Emutastic. Our main goal with the merger is to provide you guys with the best site possible with our combined content and talents.
The main changes you will notice is the design if you are an Emulation64 regular and the expanded news coverage. The Network now covers all gaming emulation but I have added a news option to filter the NextGen type news. On the main page you will see a link that you can click to only show NextGen news. This should hopefully satisfy those that come to Emulation64 for NextGen news only. You will need to have cookies enabled and no registration is required.
With the new merger also brings all the wonderful guides from Gent's Emutastic site. Currently Gent is in the process of adding the guides to the site and already has a few up for your viewing pleasure. We will also be expanding the forums to provide you with better support for various emulators.
With the merger of EmuFanatics you will notice all the new files for the file database as well as a few articles. The merger also brings our Developer Spotlight interviews which we will have a few more new ones up very soon.
Many thanks for all the support from Keith, Martin, Gent, [vEX], PsyMan and from the rest of wonderful team here at the Emulation64 Network.
Mupen64 0.5 released
Posted by Martin @ 10:41 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo 64
Hacktarux let us know that Mupen64 0.5 has been released at last:
| Yes! Finally! A year of work is out. It's a compatibility and stability release. That kind of improvements are very hard to do but i think it was worth it. Look at the what's new list if you want to know the detail of what's been changed. A few notes on this release : the linux version is using gtk2 and all plugins should be compiled for gtk2. The source code archive includes the source code of many plugins (it means everything's ready to start playing after compiling it). On linux, you can compile a command line version named mupen64_nogui. The multi-users installation has been improved and should work now. The windows GUI is much more stable now with all plugins : everything is closed correctly when stopping emulation. I've also worked closely with Gonetz for this release. I have added some framebuffer functions that are currently only enabled in Glide64. To try it, don't forget to enable the Get Frame Buffer Info option in the Glide64's configuration dialog box. Mario kart's first race monitor should work almost full speed with this option as well as many other frame buffer effects. I'm very sorry for OSX users, we couldn't get something stable released at the same time as the other versions... but don't worry lamer0 is working on it and it should be released soon ;)
I'm now accepting donations. This release is the result of years of work. If you enjoy using it or if you like any of my n64 emulation project, please consider making a donation to support mupen64 development. Even a small donation would be very encouraging.
Binaries for Windows and Linux are available from the Mupen64 website, while the source code can be grabbed in this thread at EmuTalk. Leave your comments here!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 |
Official word on Project64's future
Posted by Martin @ 12:43 AM CET | Comments: 7 | Nintendo 64
Project64 author zilmar has just posted a thread regarding Project64's future in this thread:
| As you might know the Project64 team mostly have busy lives these days. Improvements, fixes and new features still get added to PJ64 behind closed doors. We've always tended not to talk about what's going on, it probably seems like PJ64 happens only every few years, but really its more like a continuous process; sped up around releases and at many other times with no public sign. We always try to maintain a high quality complete release, so even if a nice feature is added it will not be public until everything else is complete. You've probably noticed public PJ64 releases are irregular, and they are difficult due to a natural reluctance to release – it's risky and actually takes time away from dev., and because everyone needs free time at the same time.
Where are we going with this? Well, no we're not planning a major change to our public release schedule, it works for us and we've been going for a long time. We once ran a program where if you donated money then we would be able to help beta test. We are considering doing something similar again, some type of donated subscription where you get access to all the latest test builds, bug tracking information, latest news of what the different team members are planning to do, what we are doing. This might even include just saying we are too busy with real life and we will be back on such-and-such a date. That way you could see whenever you want exactly what is happening.
This idea and point of this is that it allows you to show real practical support to the PJ64 team (who are btw, not rich). Firstly, it would let you thank us for all the work we've done over the 5+ years, if you just wanted to do that. Secondly, it would be a real way for anyone to improve the prospects for next few years of Project64. In the short term, it will give you access to all new features and fixes, and more as they appear. It would also give users who subscribed more voice and what should be added/fixed with PJ64, for we would like to set up some private forum for these people (unlike the public forum which has always had a 'no requests' policy). We cannot promise to do everything that people want, Project64 will still be a free hobby project, but if someone is supporting us of course we would like to support them too. Subscribers would be viewed as partners, not customers, with certain things expected (e.g. not leaking builds), although the amount you participate would be up to you. To be blunt, the support we do or don't get with this setup, if we went ahead with it, would likely have big effect on the future of Project64. We've long passed the point where we've done everything we set out to do for ourselves - future progress is dependent on motivation, from in and outside the current team to take things further.
Any suggestions or comments? This is only something we're thinking about at the moment.
Leave your suggestions and comments here!
New PCSX2 site design
Posted by Martin @ 11:08 PM CET | Comments: 8 | Playstation 2
After the scary message on the PCSX2 website earlier about the emulator being dead, which turned out to be a prank by site designer and beta tester CKemu while the site awaited a new design, is back with a great new look:
| PCSX2 has been running for over three years now, and it was high time this project got a new site design! Well here it is! We hope you like images/smilies/biggrin.gif
The site now has a much improved compatibility section, which is continously updated. Currently it shows what you can expect from the future 0.9 release. So far only 150 games have been entered, out of the 500 or so we do test! Check back regularly!
Downloads have been made clearer, and the site now has a fresh screenshots section, where the best shots will be posted. Many other things have been added, so please browse around and explore!
The site was designed by CKemu and coded by Falcon4ever. We would both like to thank the developers, betatesters and our host Bobbi for their help and support. An apology from myself, for putting up " dead!" - sorry if I scared any of you images/smilies/evil.gif
The site isn't technically complete yet. Whilst all parts function, there is much more to do, but both myself and Falcon4ever are pressed for time, so we shall work on it whilst the site is public!
Head over to the brand "new" PCSX2 site.
DSemu v0.4.6 Released
Posted by Wraggster @ 06:49 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
Chris Double has released a new version of the Nintendo DS emulator for Windows called DSemu, heres whats new:
| DSEmu 0.4.6 is out with bug fixes, a new logging window, an implementation of SRAM, and a more correct implementation of vram mapping. Some of the more recent demo's are emulated close to 100%. These include Teenage Queen, and WinDS. This release also incorporates a number of fixes and improvements from contributers other than myself. A big thank you to all those who contributed.
* VRAM mapping is more correctly emulated. Demo's that didn't correctly show both screens should start working now. Most notably this allowed WinDS and Teenage Queen to work.
* Various bug fixes to solve crashing problems.
* Fixes to enable console text to display with DevkitPro r15 compiled applications. Unforunately this fix breaks console text displayed by applications compiled with earlier versions of DevkitPro. If you wish to run these applications in the meantime I suggest using DSEmu 0.4.5. I hope to have this resolved in the next release.
* SRAM support contributed by Ryo Sazaki. This adds a new file menu allowing saving the contents of SRAM and loading data into SRAM. As an example, the SRAM tutorial now works.
* A log window has been contributed by Troy Davis. Using 'View/Log' in the menu will display it. When using the debug SWI 0xFF the message will be displayed in the log window.
* Some of the code was cleaned up by Julien Hamaide so the number of compiler warnings is reduced. Julien also fixed a problem with the square root SWI.
* Unfortunately a problem has surfaced with a few demos crashing that did not crash in previous releases. Strangly these happen only in the release version of DSEmu 0.4.6. If you build a debug version from source they run fine. I hope to have this fixed in the next release.
Download DSemu at the official site Here.
If your after some DS Homebrew to play on the emulator theres plenty Here.
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