Thursday, August 31, 2006 |
GnGeo and GnGeo2x 0.7 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 05:33 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Neo Geo
| • GP2X/ARM Save state support for cyclone and drz80
• GP2X: Change the exit sequence to L&R&Select or L&R&Start. Actually it's not really an exit sequence anymore...
• GP2X: Add a minimal menu system (access it via the "exit" sequence ;)
• Add longname option in the romrc.d files to describe tha full name of a driver
• (must be the first line of the .rc file)
• Support dos line ending in the rom.rc files and in the gngeorc file
• Fix various automake stuff to allow Multi-Architecture Builds
• Romrc.d officially replace the big romrc file. Every game have a unique file (ie: mslug.rc) that go to $(prefix)/share/gngeo/romrc.d by default. The path is configurable via the romrcdir option
• Add biospath option. This option tel where the bios is. Now you can have your roms and your bios in different place
• GP2X: Fix TVout with Selector (still some work to do)
• Fix a bug with error handling when a bios file isn't present.
• GP2X: Add Squidge's MMU Hack (via mmuhack.o module, more stable).
• GP2X: Fix the bug that prevent volume change when using a .cf file
• Fix miexchng slowdown, again :D
GnGeo and GnGeo2x Official Site
GnGeo 0.7
GnGeo2x 0.7
Wednesday, August 30, 2006 |
FreeDO 1.8 Public Beta Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:33 PM CET | Comments: 0 | 3DO
| 1. Full rewrited CEL engine - revers original algorithm of texturing.
2. Fix poligons overcrossing (in 3d-games - NFS, Battle Sport and others)
3. Fix missing textres (in Off World Interceptor, NFS...)
4. Fix texture position (subpixel accuracy) - in DOOM, Gex - you can see this.
5. Any types of cd-images whith 2048 sector size support now (iso, nrg, cdi...)
6. We forgot delete Debug functions, so you can use it Smiley
7. On F12 you can do screenshots.
FreeDO Official Site
FreeDO 1.8 Public Beta
Yabause 0.7.1 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:10 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
| opengl video core:
- Added polygons that use a palette.
software video core:
- Added scaled sprites with clipping and flipping.
- Full screen mode now working correctly.
- Added correct support for vdp2 resolutions other than 320x224.
- Fixed compilation issue on big endian systems.
- Added function to software renderer for fetching width/height of the display buffer
- Memory leak when clearing VDP1 frame buffer fixed.
linux port:
- Added autostart and fullscreen command line switches.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the emulator to sometimes start in using PAL timing.
- Added an option to choose the peripheral interface at configure time.
- Started to move the gtk controls code into a proper peripheral core.
- Added code so software renderer can be used without OpenGL.
- Added --without-opengl switch to configure script to prevent OpenGL detection.
- Resizing is now enabled when using software renderer and opengl.
macos port:
- Fixed a bug that was causing the emulator to sometimes start in using PAL timing.
- Some fixes to carbon interface (preferences should works now).
windows port:
- Fixed a bug that was causing the emulator to sometimes start in using PAL timing.
- Added shortcuts to the Yabause website, forum, donation page, and the submit bug page to the main menu.
- Added About dialog.
- Fixed a potential issue when enabling/disabling auto frameskipping.
Yabause Official Site
Yabause 0.7.1
GameEx 6.71 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 12:43 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| 6.71:
•Fixes checking for cpu at startup taking 2 seconds. Sorry about that, completely defeating the object of all the optimisations I made last week!
• First off I highly recommend upgrading to this release.
• If you installed one of the buggy versions last week it really is a must
• Ive removed the load emulators in background scenario and instead implemented really good caching of the emulator lists. This is a hugely better thing, and I'm really pleased with it
• The jukebox when used in File Tag mode also now uses hugely better caching techniques, and should load in seconds even when you have 10s of thousands of files (assuming you have not added files)
• Fixed font caching issue when switching between full screen and windowed
• Fixed Export to MCE putting GameEx in infinite loop
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 6.71
SNEeSe 0.852 Released *updated to 0.853*
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:08 PM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
| 0.853:
• PPU: Fixed handling of tiles clipped on both sides, thanks to Deathlike for the report
• PPU: Fixed scrolling in modes 5 and 6 when multiple horizontal pages were in use; thanks to powerspike and Deathlike for the report
• PPU: Fixed a bug which could cause improper behavior when dual-window logic was in use; thanks to Deathlike for the report which led me to this
• PPU: Fixed an issue which could cause writes to the $212B register to not take immediate effect
SNEeSe Official Site
SNEeSe 0.853
Gens32 Surreal 1.69 R2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 03:21 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Genesis
| 1) With Nazo's debug, fixed the nosie problem with Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum.
2) Do some update on YM2612. (I am not sure it's a update), make sounds sounds more nice.
3) Changing default settings to fix some problem.
4) Use simple volume config instread the old complex one, and add a short cut to config the volume, they are: Ctr + Num+ and Ctr + Num-.
5) Fixed some bugs(long...long ago,I forget fixed what).
6) Thanks to AKM1989's help,we have some now logos.
Gens32 Official Site
Gens32 Surreal 1.69 R2
PSPX48 1.0.5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 03:18 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
| - Add new beautiful icons and background designed by Jer666 !
- New user interface with menus and usefull options
- Display battery usage
- Add Help window with all PSP shortkeys
- Save configuration file option
- Screenshot image option
- PNG images instead of BMP (smaller images)
- Toogle between analog and digital pad option
- New keyboard handler and new mapping
PSPX48 Official Site
PSPX48 1.0.5
PSPXTI 1.0.7 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 03:17 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
| - Add new beautiful icons and background designed by Jer666 !
- New user interface with menus and usefull options
- Add Help window with all PSP shortkeys
- Save configuration file option
- Screenshot image option
- PNG images instead of BMP (smaller images)
- Toogle between analog and digital pad option
- New keyboard handler and new mapping
- Bug fix (keyboard freeze etc ...)
PSPXTI Official Site
PSPXTI 1.0.7
clrmamepro 3.90 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 03:10 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • added: XML driven file header support. For detailed information, please consult the xmlheaders.txt file.
• misc: moved all set specific selection stuff from settings to setinfo window
• misc: renamed "?" button for set information
• misc: new apply button instead of OnKillFocus to apply regular expressions
• misc: www profiler xmls get a valid xml header
• misc: xml sax parser handles xml header and xml comments correctly
• misc: using updated zipclass library
• misc: drag'n drop operations bring windows to top position
• misc: optimized setinfo tree/list refresh
• misc: deleting a profile selects first profile in the current profile folder
• fixed: disabling name check falsely hides listed unneeded issues as well
• fixed: double entries in fixdatfiles if rom is listed several times in the scan results tree
clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.90
GameEx 6.68 Released *updated to 6.69*
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:32 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| 6.69:
• Quicker startup still
• Quicker Running (Some threads moved to lowest priority)
• Optimisations to screensaver when it can't run
• Fixes no games found issue when loading emulators in the background
• Temporarily - Default themes are not downloaded when installing by default
• Log file now shows CPU Information
• Fixes Randomization issue with the screensaver
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 6.69
SNEeSe 0.851 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 12:29 PM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
| • Config: Fixed a bug where the 768x717 resolution setting was not restored properly from the config file
• PPU: Fixed a bug which caused OBJ tile upper-page address offset to be incorrectly added only for lower-page tile references
• PPU: Fixed a bug in screen addressing in offset-change mode that affected tiles with V-offset-change disabled
• PPU: Fixed option to disable offset-change emulation
• Screenshots: Fixed a bug where all screenshots saved were blank
• Source: Removed some debugging code that was no longer needed and could cause issues when the period key was pressed
• PPU: Fixed a bug which caused incorrect behavior when OBJ tile count exceeded their time limit
SNEeSe Official Site
SNEeSe 0.851
bsnes 0.017 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 12:17 PM CET | Comments: 1 | SNES
| • DSP-1 support added [Andreas Naive, byuu]
• Added cooperative multithreading library, written by myself
• Rewritten CPU core, now bus accurate
• Rewritten APU core, now bus accurate
• Added cartridge database
• Added several PCB mappers, thanks to research from Overload
• Added several games to database, fixing several mapping-related bugs
• Improved mirroring [Nach, grinvader, byuu]
• vscroll bug in hires, interlaced mode fixed. Fixes RPM racing
• RTO X=256 bug corrected. Fixes Super Conflict title screen [anomie]
• Fixed bug in NTSC filter with hires games
• Updated snes_ntsc to version 2.0.1 [blargg]
• Fixed bugs in HiROM / LoROM memory mapping. Fixes countless games
• Fixed major bugs in HDMA routine. Fixes ToP, Mortal Kombat and Genjuu Ryodan
• Added out-of-order execution to CPU, APU synchronization for major speedup with no accuracy loss
• IRQs are now delayed after H/DMA transfers. Fixes Wild Guns
• HDMA transfers now kill active DMA channels that are on the same channel. Fixes Bugs Bunny and World Class Rugby. Special thanks to zones for researching this
• CPU emulation mode accuracy was improved
• Cleaned up port-specific code to ease porting
• Created unified Makefile, used by all ports [Nach]
• Created GTK+ port of bsnes (although input is currently broken)
• WRAM is now initialized to 0x55, SRAM to 0xff. Fixes Power Drive, Death Brade and RPM Racing
• Fixed extreme NMI / IRQ edge case. Fixes Chou Aniki
• Adjusted PAL execution speed. Fixes Earthworm Jim 2 (E) sound effects
• Fixed auto joypad polling bug. Fixes La Wares
• Fixed H/DMA bug that was preventing saves from working in Secret of Evermore
• bsnes low loads d3dx9_*.dll dynamically at runtime, it is no longer required
• Added support for 239-line PAL mode rendering
• As usual, there have been much more changes I've forgotten about since the last release
• Two C4 bugs fixed. Mega Man X2 / X3 have no remaining known bugs [anomie, byuu]
bsnes Official Site
bsnes 0.017
Saturday, August 26, 2006 |
Daedalus for PSP R8 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 01:52 PM CET | Comments: 2 | PSP
| [^] Replaced all uses of sceCtrlReadBufferPositive with sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive.
[^] Various known value optimisations for the dynamic recompilation engine.
[^] Various texture cache optimisations and rendering optimisations.
[+] Implemented a new clipping method which is more efficient and gives better results.
[-] Removed 'tesselate large triangles' setting.
[+] Added option to reset emulator to the main menu.
[^] No longer use index buffers for rendering.
[^] Implement matrix multiplication using VFPU.
[^] Implement vertex transform and lighting code using VFPU.
[^] Implement clipping code using VFPU.
[^] Minor AddTri optimisations.
[^] Free background and font textures while emulator is running to free VRAM.
[!] Fixed bug in default controller config (c-down and dpad-down were broken)
Daedalus for PSP Official Site
StrmnNrmn's Blog (has more info)
Daedalus for PSP R8
Ootake 0.62 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:38 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Turbografx 16
| - It came to be able to run "Flash Hiders".
- When "SPRIGGAN mark2" was played, the problem that ADPCM voice is not correctly played was solved.
- When "Varis III" or "Varis IV" was played, the problem that the screen of the start demonstration has collapsed was corrected.
- The stability of the "TurboButton(auto fire)" function was improved, and the speed has quickened.
- "TurboButton(auto fire)" can be set with the "1"-"6" key of the keyboard (one that is not ten keys).
- At full-screen, the magnification mark of the "Screen" menu was made the "resolution mark".
- "Hide Menu" was added to the "Setting" menu. When this check is removed, the menu is always displayed.
- The timing of the line scroll (raster interrupt) was modeled on a real machine further. (When "Pac Land",etc. was played, the problem with the scene to which the sprite character shifted was solved.)
- When the tune of the final track of CD-DA is played, the problem that the noise occasionally entered the end of the tune was corrected. (Opening of "Zero4 CHAMP II" etc.)
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
Ootake Official Site
Ootake 0.62
MESS 0.108 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:41 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order):
- Thomson computer family [Antoine Mine]
System Driver Changes:
- [C128] Fixed regression introduced in 0.106. (bug #895) [Nate Woods]
- [COMPIS] Fixed regression introduced in 0.106. (bug #909) [Nate Woods]
- [CPCPLUS] Added sound DMA emulation, improved the soft scroll registers and various other little things to make more games actually work. [Barry Rodewald]
- [EP128] Fixed regression introduced in 0.106. (bug #908) [Nate Woods]
- [NES] Various improvements, such as timing and PPU improvements. (bug #816) [Brad Oliver]
- [SPECTRUM] Added TZX/TAP cassette format support. [Wilbert Pol]
User Interface Changes:
- Fixed UI toggle message to work reasonably with the new renderer/UI system. [R. Belmont]
Imgtool Changes:
- More refactoring; FAT partition support now internally separate from floppy and hard drive code. PC hard drive module now named "pc_chd" and not explicitly tied to FAT. [Nate Woods]
Source Changes:
- The core is based on MAME 0.108. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]
- Made cassette .wav file loading slightly more tolerant. [Nate Woods]
MESS Official Site
MESS 0.108
GameEx 6.59 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:37 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • Various optimizations and non cosmetic fixes that may make GameEx run a little a faster, startup faster and return from games a little faster. Please let me know if you notice improvements
• Fixes games missing from the end of emulators lists
• The last and most played games now only show at the top of an emulator list if theres more than 25 items
• Radio stations now load on a thread, so there is no waiting or long pause when loading stations. They will start to play when complete
• For non theme editor themes theres an additional animation when an item is selected on the first start page where the selected item zooms in a little
• GameEx will not exit with an error if an emultor is not setup correctly but will just disable the emulator and log the error
• When paging through long lists after a while GameEx will start paging two pages at a time
• I think that's everything. Enjoy
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 6.59
Wednesday, August 23, 2006 |
PicoDriveDS 0.1.5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:33 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
| • Added support for appended ROMs. This should allow users with carts not supported by gba_nds_fat to use PicoDriveDS. Simply append a ROM to the PicoDriveDS binary, and it will run it (on *nix systems this can be done with “cat romname.ext >> picodriveds.ext”, on Windows with “copy /b picodriveds.ext+romname.ext picodriveds-withrom.ext”, substituting the appropriate filenames of course). You can only append one ROM at a time. In this mode, Genesis SRAM will be saved to GBA SRAM. Some patchers may work correctly with this and save the SRAM to your removable media, I have only been able to test with the EZ4 Lite software.
• Fixed M3 reset code, added M3SD Mini insertion detection code (untested, may not work)
• Massive code restructure and cleanup (though some cleanup is still in progress)
• Added save state support, accessed via the X button. Due to the current size of the save states, this is only supported for FAT devices and is disabled in appended ROM mode. Currently there is only one save state per ROM (saved to romname.pds). This is still a very experimental feature and save states may not be compatible with future versions of PicoDriveDS.
PicoDriveDS Official Site
PicoDriveDS 0.1.5
Model 2 Emulator 0.3 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:25 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| - I've rewritten part of the emulator for increased speed.
- The SHARC core has also been speedup by removing unused SHARC features that weren't used by model2.
- Added frameskip and autoframeskip (with + and - in the keypad).
- Added Ski Super G and OverRev.
- Fixed topskater and virtualon control maps.
- This is probably the last version of the emulator, unless some Fujitsu TGP MB86234 docs appear to finish the emulation of the 2 and 2A cores. Sorry, I know I still have to do the digital sound board emulation for STCC and TopSkater but I have no free time.
Model 2 Emulator Official Site
Model 2 Emulator 0.3
Hoxs64 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:23 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Commodore 64
| 1) The SID emulation has been improved. The amplitude modulators will hold the last sample sent from waveform generators that have been set to output no waveforms. Clicking, ticking and popping noises have been removed from the following sid tunes: Sheep In Space, Sidewinder II, Brutal_Techno.sid by S. Bachliñski (Moog) & Jetan
2) The combined waveforms have been adjusted.
3) Minor VIC-II fixes have been made. Several stray black pixels have been removed from the bottom right of the "kiss" screen in +H2K demo by Plush. White flickering pixels have been removed from the sprite multiplexer hidden screen in Krestage by Crest.
Hoxs Official Site
Hatari 0.90 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:21 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Atari
| - Better Spectrum 512 support (60Hz support, improved I/O memory waitstates).
- STE right border opening support (used in Obsession, Pacemaker).
- Blitter Smudge mode support (used in Pacemaker demo).
- Wheel-mouse simulates cursor up and down.
- Work-around to FDC handling, --slow-fdc option is not anymore needed.
- Bugfix to MFP, sound works now in more YMRockerz releases.
- Bugfix to GEMDOS path handling (Hatari SIGSEGV).
- Bugfix to emulated memory initialization (4MB was cleared earlier, now exactly the amount set up for Hatari. Saves memory on embedded systems if less than 4MB is specified.)
- Re-written command-line option handling.
- (Again) lots of code const/static, type usage and indentation cleanup.
- Preliminary support for TOS 3.0x and 030 TT software that runs in ST resolutions and doesn't need PMMU.
- Native GUI for Mac OSX.
- ACSI emulation fixes to get HD formatting to work with AHDI 5. HD emulation now works quite fine with AHDI 5 (but other HD drivers are currently not supported).
- Joystick shortcut changed to toggle cursor emulation between ports 0 and 1.
- Keys for all Hatari shortcuts can now be configured from hatari.cfg.
- Added command line option for setting ST keyboard mapping.
- Joystick command line option requires now parameter for a port for which the joystick cursor emu is enabled.
- Fixed relative mouse event handling in zoomed low-rez.
- Hatari shows now more of the bottom borden (screen size is now 384x276 instead of 384x267).
- Fixed sync delay timings - sound should now be better (e.g. on Mac OS X).
- Added basic support for compiling Hatari with MinGW.
Hatari Official Site
Hatari 0.90
Yabause 0.7.0 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:06 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
| cart:
- Added Action Replay flash emulation.
cd block:
- Fixed Read Directory/Change Directory commands. This fixes Duke Nukem 3D and a few others that have Netlink support.
- Audio data is no longer stored when read by the cd block. This fixes Guardian Heroes.
- other bug fixes.
- Added function that allows developers to get easy to read information on the requested scsp sound slot.
- Fixed a bug where the phase wasn't getting updated if DISDL was set to 0. This fixes Falcom Classics, Nadesico, and many other games using ADX.
- Fixed a bug that was causing OCT with a setting of 0x8 to play at the wrong octave.
- Fixed a bug that was causing King of Fighters 95(and possibly others) to go into an endless loop.
- Improved SCU interrupt handling.
- Fixed a bug in exts.b opcode.
- Corrected some bugs in sh2idle
- SCI emulation improvements
- Added proper DOTSEL reporting.
- Region settings are now properly preserved.
- Changed region autodetection so it defaults to the japanese region if it can't autodetect.
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Debug info bug fixes
- Implemented one mode of external HV latching. This fixes King of Fighters 95.
- External latch and sync flags are now cleared on TVSTAT reading.
- Added speed throttle(basically skips 6 frame draws).
- Added long writes for VCSTA, LSTA0, and LSTA1 registers.
software video core:
- Rewrote it so it's no longer dependent on SDL.
- Added NBG2/NBG3 support.
- Added tile mode rendering.
- Added frame buffer emulation.
- Added normal sprite drawing.
- Changed Normal Sprite drawing so that Scaled Sprite and Distorted Sprite functions can use it too.
- Added some support for Scaled/Distorted Sprites.
- Added VDP1 Polyline and Line drawing to Software renderer.
- Fixed a bunch of bugs.
opengl video core:
- Fixed a few issues with OpenGL initialization.
- Fixed a window/fullscreen bug.
- Added a smart Line Scroll/Vertical Cell Scroll interpreter.
- Changed Color Offset so it uses the same method as the Software renderer.
- Fixed Rotation Table reading.
- Fixed a bug in VIDOGLVdp1PolylineDraw where coordinate reads were writing to invalid areas.
linux port:
- Removed some useless debug messages and fixed the "quit" menu entry.
- Added vdp1 debug dialog in new gtk interface.
- Added dialog for sh2, video core switching.
- Added reset menu entry.
- Added about dialog.
- Added MSH2 and SSH2 debug dialogs to the GTK interface.
- Added transfer dialog to the new gtk ui.
- Added empty Memory Dump dialog.
- Added the dialog box for scsp
- Added shortcut F7 for command Step
- Added support for memory breakpoints in sh2 debug dialog
- Sound is now muted when emulation is paused (in gtk interface).
- The window data is now saved while emulation is paused.
- Screenshot function added.
macos port:
- Added carbon interface
- Can now build .dmg image from .app directory
- Other improvements
windows port:
- Added SCSP Debug Dialog.
- Added Reset option to menu.
- Now uses DirectInput and DirectSound instead of SDL.
- Added dialog for video, sound and input core switching.
- Fixed window/fullscreen switching.
- Added support for memory breakpoints in sh2 debug dialog.
- Sound volume can now be adjusted in the settings dialog.
- Sound is now muted when dialog window has focus.
- Auto frameskip can be be enabled via video settings menu.
- Other bug fixes.
- Better handling of NULL string when opening a file
- Fixed a few memory leaks
- ISO support fixes
- PAL support added
- Fixed v-blank timing
- Added auto frameskipping(still not working correctly)
- Improved sound buffering
- Fixed handling of invalid SH2 opcodes
- Dummy sound core bug fixes
- Fixed some warnings
- Added experimental bios emulation
- Added memory breakpoints
- Added a function to the sound cores for setting the volume.
Yabause Official Site
Yabause 0.7.0
Mednafen 0.6.4 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 07:26 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| Added somewhat experimental Neo Geo Pocket(Color) emulation based off code from NeoPop, heavily modified.
GB: Fixed frame rate when sound is disabled.
Added →, ←, ↑, and ↓ characters to the Lynx, GB, GBA, and PC Engine directional button names used for button configuration, to match the NES button names.
PCE: Added setting "pce.adpcmlp", default value 0, that when enabled, will cause Mednafen to apply a lowpass filter to ADPCM sound output with a rolloff frequency dependent on the current ADPCM playback frequency. This makes ADPCM voices sound less "harsh", however, the downside is that it will cause many ADPCM sound effects to sound a bit muffled.
PCE: Moved the OpenGL screen clearing code into the FlipOpenGL() function to fix a problem with some PCE games that use multiple resolutions per frame having a partially corrupted screen when the OSD was up.
PCE: Fixed save state loading with save states created during a CDROM data transfer.
Fixed a bug that was causing flickering OSD remnants to remain onscreen in fullscreen mode if the OSD was drawn outside of the game screen area.
Fixed a bug in the resizing code for save state previews that was causing save state previews for the NES, GB, GBA, and Lynx to look absolutely horrible.
Assigned the two keys "-"(not the numpad instance) and "=" to functions "decrement selected save state slot" and "increment selected save state slot", respectively.
Removed the checks preventing save state usage when playing NSFs, since save states may be useful with NSFs in some circumstances.
Added a new setting "ckdelay", which controls the length of time, in milliseconds, that a button/key corresponding to a "dangerous" command like power, reset, exit, load state, etc. must be pressed before the command is executed. The default value is 0.
Input mapping configuration is now saved after argument parsing if there is no game to be loaded, allowing a command like "mednafen -inputcfg pcegamepad1" to work properly.
The message "Configuration finished." will now be displayed when button mapping for the selected input device is complete when using the in-game configuration process.
PCE: Fixed a bug in the debugger involving disassembling block memory transfer instructions(effectively, the length was being fetched 1 byte too early).
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.6.4
EasyMame 5.4.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:48 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| - New : Added default screen options (mame .107u3)
- New : Added option 'none' to video modes (mame .107u3)
- Improved : Re-arranged the mame options window.
- Improved : Small improvement when using zipped iconpacks.
- Changed : view 'Native' to 'Pixel Aspect'. (mame .107u3)
- Changed : Removed mame option 'Artwork'. Not needed anymore (mame .107u3)
- Changed : Removed 'hi-score directory'. Not needed anymore. (mame .107u1)
EasyMame Official Site
EasyMame 5.4.2
Saturday, August 19, 2006 |
Normmatt's DeSmuME build WIP
Posted by [vEX] @ 03:08 PM CET | Comments: 5 | Nintendo DS
Normmatt posted some WIP information about the his upcoming 0.35 build.
| Some great news,
The next release will include sound (if licence allows) and basic 3d support (although at current state flicker between 2d and 3d scenes on the top screen, I have yet to find away to fix this, if anyone has any ideas let me know).
Heres some screens to get you all drooling :P
But note none of these games are playable as of yet.
Normmatt's blog
Ootake 0.61 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 07:48 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Turbografx 16
| - When "Sherlock Holmes (1&2)" and "Last Armageddon" were played, the problem that had been played as ADPCM voice becoming interrupted was solved. *When do you play "Sherlock Holmes (1&2)", use "CD drive to which reading is steady fast" or "Virtual CD drive".
- The access timing of CD-ROM was modeled on a real machine more. In the favor, the capacity of the "Save State file" has decreased by 510KB.
- When "Tenshi no Uta" were played, the problem that the game screen in the casino has become pitch-dark was solved.
- When "Popful Mail" were played, the bug that the screen of the demo has become pitch-dark (It is generated by v0.60) was corrected.
- The bug that an extra sound had been uncommonly emitted according to the game at the end of the tune of the CD-DA sound (It is generated by v0.60) was corrected.
- Timing in which the tune of CD-DA was repeatedly performed was made preciser.
- "Save State" was made to be able to be done with stability even while it accessed CD-ROM.
Ootake Official Site
Ootake 0.61
Thanks to Hawq for not having any life and just keep checking for missed news and brag about it on IRC and all that yada yada. ;-) :-P
Raine 0.43.4 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:48 PM CET | Comments: 2 | Arcade
| • fix bad bg layer in seta games since the new automatic sprites handling in 0.43.x.
• Robiza updated these sets to the latest mame versions : ainferno, downtown, contcirc, and many others... also he added the latest cps1/cps2 clones from mame.
• Force auto-detection of joystick and sound in linux and windows *ALWAYS* (config file is ignored for that now)
• -romcheck/-rc is now much faster, because the games are not loaded anymore the zip files are just opened to check the crcs. It's much enough for a normal setup, and way faster than loading the games. Use -rcf if you want a full check as before (which will detect more errors only if you load your games unzipped, or if there is a bad sector in one of your zip files!)
• In windows & linux, don't synchronize anymore using the rdtsc. This is to work around features like "cool and quiet", or cpufreq which allow modern cpus to lower their frequency when they have no need to be fast. The rdtsc is still used for the profiler display though (F11 key). We now use code adapted from SDL_gfx to sync. It's tested when the game is droping frames and it seems to be perfect everywhere.
• Pressing P to play doesn't put the game directly in pause mode anymore!
• Fix the bad sound in contcirc (actually I just muted it, because I didn't find the cause !). Same thing for darius2do.
• Work around the Microsoft® Digital Media Pro Keyboard being detected as a joystick (at least in linux, don't know if it's the case in windows). All inputs enabled when opening the joystick dialog are simply ignored now (it reports some axis moved all the time).
• Added Steering wheel/Pedals support to continental circus (choose Cabinet: Cockpit in the dsw to use this - I didn't add any calibration for the steering wheel, and I tested this with the one from gran turismo 3 !).
• These games can now run in any color depth : continental circus, battle shark, chase hq, darius, darius2do, aqua jack
• When you launch a game by the command line, you can now give any dir name instead of the short game name. For example "cybattler" or "darius_gaiden" are now recognized.
• Fix again the sound in darius2 (not darius2do).
• The debian package installs correctly its data files in /usr/share/games/raine and not /usr/share/raine as in 0.43.3
Raine Official Site
Raine 0.43.4
Daedalus R7 Released (Nintendo 64 emulator for the PSP)
Posted by Wraggster @ 11:53 PM CET | Comments: 4 | PSP
StrmnNrmn has just released the newest version of Daedalus the Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP:
Heres the Changes
| R7 - 13 August 2006
[^] Avoid checking for interrupts in dynarec code in most situations.
[^] Optimise dynarec Load/Store instructions to avoid checking for interrupts directly.
[^] Implemented the remaining 32-bit integer instructions in the dynarec.
[^] Implemented the remaining commong load/store instructions in the dynarec.
[^] Implemented JAL/JR in dynarec.
[^] Optimised various texture cache related features.
[^] Added various known value optimisations to the dynarec engine.
[^] Link together blocks even when they exit with branch likely instructions.
[+] Added option to allow frequency of texture update checks to be reduced.
[+] Added the ability to configure buttons
[!] Fixed a couple of compatibility issues caused by the dynarec.
[!] Fixed a couple of issues related to self-modifying code and the dynarec.
[!] Fixed issues with the framerate counter flickering.
Heres more news of this release
| The main emphasis has been on improving the framerate of as many roms as possible, but I've also made some significant fixes to the dynarec engine which should improve compatibility for a few roms where this was causing problems before.
There are two settings you should be aware of if you're looking at getting the fastest possible framerate. The first is on the global settings page (that's the one you see on the main menu as soon as you boot up). You'll want to set 'Tesselate Large Triangles' to No here. The next option that helps boost the framerate is set 'Texture Update Check' to Disabled on the Rom Settings screen. A combination of these two options give a significant speedup in various roms.
In R7 I've also added the ability to define your own custom controller configurations. You can define a new controller mapping by adding a new .ini file to the Daedalus/ControllerConfigs directory. There are a few examples in there already, and I'll look at posting a brief tutorial up here sometime soon. If you come up with a new mapping you think would be useful then email me (my address is in the readme.txt) and I'll post it up here and add it to a later release.
I think R8 is going to continue to focus on improving the framerate. I still have a lot of optimisations I want to get in, and I think these will help improve the framerate even further. I also want to spend a little time improving the front end, as it's getting harder for me to add new settings and options in there. I also want to add an option for changing some of the settings while a rom is running (i.e. I think it's time we had an in-game menu.) Another thing I'll look at for R8 is saving settings between runs of the emulator - this way Daedalus will remember which controller setup you prefer for each rom. Finally I want to add an option to quit back to the main menu without having to restart Daedalus.
Phew! That's quite a big list. I can't guarantee I'll be able to add all that for the next release, but that's what I'm currently aiming for. I think it's more important to try and release regularly (i.e. every 3-4 weeks) rather than try and cram everything into one go, so some of these features might move back to R9 if I slip behind.
My first job though is to move my development environment over from my old PC to the new 'beast'. I've had to put this release together through a Remote Desktop Connection to the old PC and I can't bear to do that any longer. It'll probably take a few days to get everything set up on the new PC, but it should be a lot less painful in the long run :)
GameEx 6.54 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 05:26 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • Should now support merged rom sets
• Enhanced image quality of icons/snaps/previews and backgrounds
• Several memory usage optimisations related to images
• Thanks to Headkaze's help, theme editor themes can be displayed in windowed mode and at different resolutions
• Theme editor themes can be rotated dynamically
• Theme editor themes now work via remote desktop
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 6.54
pSX emulator 1.8 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:25 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation
| • Various GTE fixes (fixes Wipeout, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, amongst others)
• Fixed bug where self-modifying code was incorrectly detected
• Save/restore debugger window layout
• Debugger font can now be configured
• Fixed crash when memory card file did not exist but was referred to by ini
• Implemented CCD parsing
• Improved CUE file handling (pre/post gaps and indexes now supported)
• Fixed CD play command and report mode (fixes BIOS cd player)
• Ignore non mode1 sub-q sectors (required when playing audio CDs)
• Corrected sub-q faking when subcode reading is not enabled
• Fixed bug where CDDA playing would stop when fast forwarding
• Fixed crash when ejecting CD while game is reading it
• Fixed crash when frame buffer is bigger than display mode (VibRibbon PAL)
• All combo boxes in config menu are now read-only
• Improved emulation of SPU CD and reverb buffer (VibRibbon)
• Support SPU IRQs in CD buffer (VibRibbon)
• Fixed crash after recovering from Ctrl-Alt-Del
• Fixed bug where gamma settings did not update until pressing adjust key
pSX emulator Official Site
pSX emulator 1.8
Saturday, August 12, 2006 |
SNEeSe 0.85 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:08 AM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
| • 5A22: Improved self-generated IRQ behavior, thanks to byuu for information
• PPU: Added some missing precision limitations to mode 7, thanks to anomie and byuu for research
• 5A22: Fixed a bug where HDMA was being terminated one scanline too early
• Source: fixed a few minor source issues that could lead to compiler warnings or errors
• PPU: Translated much of the graphics rendering code to C
• PPU: Fixed bugs in rendering of offset-change BGs when mosaic was enabled
• PPU: Added window clipping to OBJ and to EXTBG mode 7
• PPU: Implemented direct color mode for 8-bit pixels on BG1
• PPU: Implemented color window emulation, including fixed color and sub screen arithmetic modes and most, if not all, of the various edge cases, thanks to Blargg for fast 15-bit blending algorithms
• ROM loader: Fixed a bug where IPS auto-patching would only work on the first ROM loaded
• PPU: Fixed mosaic support
• ROM loader: Fixed a bug in ROM allocation resizing which could cause crashes
• ROM loader: Fixed a bug where IPS auto-patching could cause incorrect memory mapping on LoROM
• ROM loader: Fixed a bug where IPS auto-patching could potentially cause bad patches or crashes when extending the ROM size
• 5A22: Improved H-DMA behavior accuracy in a couple ways, thanks to byuu for information
• Config: Added default ROM directory support (must be set manually in cfg file, read the config file section of the readme for info)
• Config: Added full-screen/window configuration option (controllable via GUI and config file but not commandline, at this time), and a few new resolution options
• GUI: Slight improvement to load ROM dialog
SNEeSe Official Site
SNEeSe 0.85
Thursday, August 10, 2006 |
Snezziboy v0.25 Released
Posted by WhiteX @ 03:30 AM CET | Comments: 1 | GameBoy Advance
This is what seems to be the last update on this wonderfull Snes emulator for the GBA hardware, Thank you Bubble2k!
| The release notes spells out all changes in detail. But in summary, this is what I've done:
1. Fixed some DMA bugs - Final Fantasy Mystic Quest seems playable
2. Fixed the subtraction bug - so that Zombies ate my Neighbors now work
3. Partially fixed and restored the SNES additive transparencies capability
4. Fixed Mode 7 wraparound. - Super Metroid intro: Samus' ship does not repeat; Secret of Mana: world map during cannon jump wraps around at the edges.
5. Fixed bug in the emulation of some other instructions and PPU registers.
6. Implemented partial HDMA (currently only updates BG scrolling position) - DKC3 works, FF3 backgrounds scroll correctly but text still invisible.
7. Made slight/major optimizations to the code based on Gladius suggestion. Most games should see some slight, but notable speed increase.
As usual, I hope I do not break any existing working games...
EDIT: This version's mainly some bug fixes and the partial implementation of HDMA. I wouldn't consider it a major success in implementation, but rather a proof of concept. There aren't too many fixes to the garbled graphics for this version unfortunately. But I would like to move on to the DS for v0.26 to fix that issue up. Many things are much easier on the DS.
SnezziBoy v0.25
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 |
Mednafen 0.6.3 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:08 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| SexyAL: Fixed buffer write memcpy() optimization to also check to make sure the input and output byte orders are the same.
PCE: Added setting "pce.forcemono" to force monophonic sound output.
Added setting "analogthreshold", which is the threshold for detecting a "button" press on analog axis, in percent. The default value is 75(%).
Worked around a very odd "bug" in gcc that involved muddling of local-scope structure definitions among different object files(the structure previously named "BPOINT" in both NES and PCE emulation code), which led to breakpoints with NES emulation being totally fubared.
Added graphics memory dumping capabilities to the debugger.
PCE, NES: Save states and powers/resets in debugger step mode SHOULD work properly now.
Fixed a potential deadlock when exiting.
Various debugger fixes. I lost the ChangeLog, sorry. -_-
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.6.3
Gekko GameCube Emu - Status Update
Posted by ShizZy @ 05:45 AM CET | Comments: 44 | GameCube
Let's play guess the framerate :-)
Please don't bombard us too much yet with questions, the emu is still in early stages. Creds go to myself (of course), Aprentice, Lightning, and Thakis. Feel free to check out #Gekko on Efnet IRC.
WinUAE 1.3.1 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:16 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Amiga
| Bugs fixed:
- Uaescsi.device freeze problem fixed.
- Boot freeze if A4000 ROM was used without AGA.
- Original extended ADF read bug.
- Larger than 1280 wide fullscreen modes work.
- Sound "led" filter configuration data was read incorrectly.
- AVIOutput does not split the AVI anymore when focus was lost.
- D3D filter fullscreen/windowed switching should not freeze anymore.
- Integrated mousehack access fault fixed.
New and improved features:
- AVIOutput codec settings stored in registry and other small tweaks.
- HRTMon updated to 2.30, WHDLoad-commands supported.
- Some custom chipset timing tweaks.
WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.3.1
MAME GP32 2.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:10 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GP32
| • Added initial .SAM sample support. Works best with FS = 0. May implement using "streams" in the next version for smoother playback when FS != 0. Samples archive download below. SAMPLES go in GPMM:/GPMM/MAMEGP32/SAMPLES
• Added Sega System 16: New fully working games: Alien Syndrome (aliensyn), Altered Beast (altbeast), SDI (sdi), Shinobi (shinobi), Wonderboy III - Monster Lair (wb3bl). Currently using 'C' Z80 core for sound, though it also works with DrZ80 core however always seems to crash on exit. This is consistent with the GP2X version which freezes on exit when using the "fast" version. Use "Old Core" to get graphics displaying correctly.
• Added Atari game Liberator. It's a largish resolution game that requires "Old Core" and screen scaling to display correctly.
• Added Atari game Canyon Bomber. Great Nostalgia!
• Added initial version of Punch Out. Severe graphic glitches, and not really playable (yet).
• Major update to 'C' Z80 core. Should be faster with some smart idle-loop detection and more accurate. 1942 and Jungle King now work! Possibly other Z80 games now working.
• Compiled with DevkitARM r18 using GCC 4.10.
• Latest 0.68 Cyclone/68K. Better compatibility.
• Optimized, faster video functions. Thanks to Franxis and Chui.
• Fixed sync problem with SonSon. Music should be played now.
• Increased volume when sound is in accurate mode.
• Changes/optimizations to sound code. New Option for 22050hz and 11025hz modes. Other minor increases optimizations when sound is not emulated. Most games gain from 2-4FPS in the 11025hz modes.
• Updated Bubble Bobble/Tokio driver.
• Updated driver for Berzerk and Frenzy from MAME 0.35b5.
• Updated vector game Quantum. Orientation now portrait, not landscape.
• Updated sound driver for Battlezone. Full sound with no samples required.
• Updated Phoenix sound to use samples.
• Updated Stargate to used improved controls (like Defender).
• Rearrange taito.c sound effects driver to take priority over music channels. Means sound effects play now (Jungle King, Alpine Ski, etc ).
• This is the last time the "fast" versions of the modules will be built. The DrZ80 Z80 core just isn't compatible enough to make it worth the while. Next release will have a single module that will incorporate all the functional DrZ80 games.
MAME GP32 Official Site
MAME GP32 2.2
Saturday, August 05, 2006 |
ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.95 - Released!
Posted by CKemu @ 11:53 PM CET | Comments: 4 | Playstation 2
ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.95 is a Graphics plugin for the PlayStation 2 emulator PCSX2:
| ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.95 written by ZeroFrog is out! This is the plugin of choice for people using graphics cards supporting Pixel Shader 2.0 or 3.0.
ZeroGS KOSMOS has greatly improved over it's previous release, it is significantly faster, an example would be 'Final Fantasy XII', which is now 3x faster!
Less graphical flaws are present with many games looking absolutely stunning, and even the least capable PS2.0 supporting cards, such as the nVidia 5xxx series will show little to no loss in quality.
ZeroGS KOSMOS also supports the MTGS (Multi Threaded GS) feature of PCSX2, this allows users with Dual Core or Multi CPU machines to get even more speed out of PCSX2, however until the next release of PCSX2, the current MTGS issues will persist.
ZeroGS KOSMOS supports various features, including video recording, Bilinear Filtering, 2 and 4xAA, wireframe mode and more!
Note that the newest DirectX Runtime is required to run ZeroGS KOSMOS.
:: Visit the Official PCSX2 site here
:: Download ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.95 here
:: Feel free to post shots from ZeroGS KOSMOS here
Thursday, August 03, 2006 |
PSPVBA 1.2.4 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:08 PM CET | Comments: 2 | PSP
| - Improve the code of the graphic stuff (up to 3% faster)
- Improve the code of the ARM emulator (faster)
- Add BIOS file support (see the README)
- Add option to adjust the sound quality
- Add option to delete files (in the file selector)
- Bug fix in the save settings code
- Merge the code for 1.5FW and 2.xFW
PSPVBA Official Site
PSPVBA 1.2.4
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 |
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