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    Friday, August 31, 2007
GameEx 8.79 Released

I've been avoiding posting news for this frontend for a while since it makes a lot of small updates regulary, here's some of the changes since the last update.

• Fixes launching games and apps that have been exported to Media Center

• Now supports MAME artwork preview images
• Video player now supports files with .mod extension

• Now supports MAME PCB images
• Video player now supports files with .mp4 extension

• Improved alpha blended transitions
• Should fix .net broadcast error when performing auto update
• Fixes not restoring desktop background after auto update
• Fixes background videos/snaps and 3D transitions being slow with ATI cards

• Stability and performance improvements to snap videos, background videos, and videos in screensaver. (Including MNG)

• Updated MNG libraries
• Fixes screensaver not running after playing some MAME games
• Video backgrounds may be slightly faster

• Setup wizard now supports 250 emulators
• Emulator groups can now be placed under emulator menu

GameEx Official Site
GameEx 8.79

    Thursday, August 30, 2007
EasyMame 5.6.4 Released

- Added new mame option 'speed'.
- Faster quick-search
- Fixed icon glitch when mameinfo.dat isn't available.

EasyMame Official Site
EasyMame 5.6.4

    Tuesday, August 28, 2007
pSX 1.13 Released

• Added Korean, Bosian, Serbian and Icelandic translations
• Added some missing translations to Linux build
• Debugger DMA capture buffer now autoresizes
• Fixed streaming music in Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius
• Fixed bug when setting sound frequency in Windows
• Implemented volume and mute in Linux
• Fixed "missing body parts" bug in Deception 3
• Fixed bug that caused XA audio in Deception 3 to not stop correctly
• Fixed random crash in Road Rash: Jailbreak
• Fixed debugger crash when emulator is reading from CD
• Fixed hang opening CD images in Linux
• Per-user settings for Linux (.ini file is now stored in ~/.pSX)
• Removed SSE instructions used during init (should fix crash on AMD CPUs)
• Fixed GTK warnings when clicking window close button in Linux

pSX Official Site
pSX 1.13

NeonDS 0.1.1 Released

• 3D display engine (incomplete yet)
• Replace D3D with OpenGL for display rendering
• Support 2x display zooming
• Fix some DMA bugs

NeonDS Official Site
NeonDS 0.1.1

    Saturday, August 25, 2007
clrmamepro 3.104a Released

• fixed: systems->auto detect sys default paths crashes
• fixed: full merged fake clones which only differ in a chd (code1db) are falsely shown as missing
• fixed: download name doesn't change when downloading multiple files

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.104a

    Friday, August 24, 2007
fMSX PSP 3.3.25 Released

• This update adds the ability to write changes to (uncompressed) disk images (see section on Disk Writing in the documentation for details and warnings)

fMSX PSP Official Site
fMSX PSP 3.3.25

    Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 x64 BETA #3 (update)

Apparently the Released beta from yesterday wasn't actually the last version. A new version has been added and is ready to download.

Get your updated version now!

Dolphin Website
Dolphin 64bits release thread
Screenshots thread
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 x64 BETA #3

No$gba 2.4d Released

- debug/setup: allows to enable/disable user-debugmsg, wifi-log, and 3d-log
- cpu: emulates undef opcode/copro exception (with warning if no bios/vector=0)
- wifi/emu: emulates new bits in rx header, and optional auto sequence control
- cpu/bugfix: arm ldm/stm accidently destroyed mis-alignments (on writeback)
- wifi/help: added info on port 1C4h, and on some of the 1Bxh ports (rxstat's)
- wifi/help: added new chapter on transmit errors and automatic ACK responses
- wifi/help: added info on ports 1A8h,1AAh,1ACh,1AEh (bit0..12 vs. 1B0h..1BFh)
- wifi/help: discovered new bits in RX header, added notes on MAC addresses
- wifi/debug: allows to log all packets (with automatic comments on ieee header)
- wifi/help: added notes on automatic sequence ctrl and auto-modified frame ctrl
- wifi/emu: tx-engine uses new timers, and emulates length/rate/preamble timing
- wifi/emu: emulates the various wifi counters and irqs at correct timing
- debug/setup: memorizes if iomap window was open (if so, re-opens it on boot)
- debug/emustop: break_requests (esc-key) take place only on current machine
- debug/internal: replaced ds:bibos swi_retadr/haltstop/intrwait by vals:bios
- debug/vramviewer: oam viewer supports extended obj palettes (thanks pierre)
- debug/vramviewer: fixed engine-B palette viewer (thanks pierre for bug report)
- dslite/help: added info on new TSC chip by AKM (new IN2, different PD bits)
- dslite/help: added note on near-crt-quality colors and wider viewing angles
- dslite/help: added custom change-channels-flowchart for new wifi-type3-chips
- dslite/help: added settings at firmware[0CEh-and-up] for new wifi-type3-chips
- dslite/xboo: updated nds-pins.gif (added new pin-positions on ds-lite board)
- dslite/xboo: added 8 extra diodes in data lines (to prevent power-on problem)
- dslite/help: added lite-specific wifi (W) mirrors, and unused wifi ram/ports
- dslite/help: added the new backlight level bits in firmware user settings
- dslite/help: added caution on DS-lite destroying wifi ports 064h and 076h
- dslite/help: added new powerman backlight/power register (and lost mute-bit)
- dslite/help: added ID for firmare chip 35PE20P (and supported it in ds-xboo)
- powerman/help: added unknown bit (mutes volume to zero, if amplifier is on)
- wifi/emu: emulates initial wifi-port settings and random register (mod 5FDh)
- wifi/emu: emulates primary wifi irq flag stuck zero while secondary nonzero
- wifi/emu: emulates corrected ports (004h,0ACh,0AEh,0B0h,0B4h)
- wifi/emu: emulates new ports (210h, 05Ch/06Ch, 062h/064h) and new mirrors
- wifi/help: added rx/tx signal/timing charts (rfu pins, aka 19Ch bits)
- wifi/help: added specs/cautions on primary wifi irq flag (2000214h.Bit24)
- wifi/help: added new mirrors (on read from 0ACh,0AEh,20Ch,21Ch,298h,2A8h,2B0h)
- wifi/help: added notes/info on ports 038h,19Ch,214h,21Ch and on W_CONFIG_140h
- wifi/help: new bits 0EAh.1,008h.13/14 004h.14); extra-TX ports 118h,0EEh,090h
- wifi/help: corrected ports 004h,0ACh,0AEh,0B0h,0B4h and txstat.bit12-13
- wifi/help: added info on new ports (110h, 210h, 05Ch/06Ch, 062h/064h)
- wifi/help: fixed tx_hdr: rate 8bit (not 16bit) defaults to 1Mbit/s if invalid
- wifi/help: added new bits: port004h.bit0 tx_master, 008h.bit15 beacon_irq1
- wifi/help: major updates in timers chapter (reloads, IRQ13/14/15, 22MHz, etc)
- nds/help: pinouts for nds LCD sockets, wifi RFU boards, and powerman chips
- gui: mousewheel support (win98 or dos/ctmouse) (thanks jasper/idea, tilo/hw)

No$gba Official Site
No$gba 2.4d

    Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 x64 BETA released!

That's right folks, after a long waiting time, the 64-bits version of Dolphin is finally public!

Quote from Dolphin Website:

Last year the Dolphin Beta testing team (CKemu/Chaoscode/Knuckles) already posted shots of Dolphin 1.03.2 x64 which also has dualcore support.

Well finally you can test this version aswell, however there are a few general notes:
- Remember that this version is a PRIVATE BETA version.
- This means it is less stable than Dolphin 1.02, USE AT OWN RISK.
- This version requires a 64bit operating system (either Windows XP64 or Vista64)
- The graphics/audio plugins haven't been upgraded.
- Due core changes some games might run better, some might run worse or not at all
- Speed is now CPU dependant, dualcore is obviously helps a lot.

Quote from Chaoscode: "SSBM is 100% playable with 100% speed on my crappy computer."

Enjoy this Public beta testing release, and...
don't forget to thank ector & F|RES in this thread!

- Falcon4ever

Dolphin Website
Dolphin 64bits release thread
Screenshots thread
Dolphin Final 1.03.2 x64 BETA

Yabause 0.8.6 Released

- Fixed a bug which caused the emulator to crash if 68k execution jumped to an invalid address.

- Fixed a bug where the slot buffer pointers weren't set correctly.
- Added a function for debugging SCSP registers

- MODR returns the correct version number now.
- Fixed a bug that caused Local Coordinates, etc. commands to not get executed correctly.

software video core:
- Added vdp2 horizontal flip for cell mode.

linux port:
- Improved vdp1 window a bit.
- Updated website url.
- Some cleanups

macos port:
- Added browse buttons for some settings.
- Added universal build support.
- Emulation loop was optimized.
- Fixed bug when "Run" is selected from the menu.
- Audio is now muted when emulator is paused.
- Fixed Backup RAM saving.
- Fixed a bug that was causing filenames to be parsed wrong.
- Other bug fixes and cleanups.

windows port:
- msys compiling is now fixed.
- Windows position is now saved when program exits.
- Fixed sound volume adjustment. Should be more accurate now.
- Fixed centering bug on joysticks.
- Fixed POV hat diagonals.
- Sound is now muted in the about dialog.
- Other bug fixes.

- Added COFF file support.

Yabause Official Site
Yabause 0.8.6

clrmamepro 3.104 Released

• fixed: clone chds in full merged mode weren't found in 3.103b
• misc: changed default value for "deeper check for fixable missing files"

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.104

    Monday, August 20, 2007
clrmamepro 3.103b Released

• misc: some scanning speed increase (no yoshi, not related to your post but related to another analysing step which minimizes disk access)

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.103b

    Sunday, August 19, 2007
Atari800-PSP Released

• Initial release
• Atari800 PSP has no ZIP support currently. This may change if enough people express interest in the feature

Atari800-PSP Official Site

    Thursday, August 16, 2007
EasyMame 5.6.2 Released

- Added support for the new History.dat format. (submissions URL's)
- Split screen with snapshot and game info is now by default enabled.

EasyMame Official Site
EasyMame 5.6.2

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007
MAME GP2X 4.7 Released

- Improved again the System 16 driver (MAME 0.36b4): Several new games are playable (Out Run, Space Harrier, Super Hang-On, Bay Route, etc). All games have now full sound (Moon Walker, Shadow Dancer, E-Swat, etc). Several fixes in some games (e.g. Hang-On has no graphic errors now).
- The SEGAPCM, RF5C68 and YM2612 sound cores have been added (required by several System 16 games).
- Modified romsets: MAME 0.36b4: alexkidd, aliensyn, altbeas2, altbeast, astormbl, atomicp, aurail, bodyslam, dduxbl, eswatbl, fantzone, fpointbl, goldnaxa, goldnaxe, hangon, hwchamp, mjleague, moonwlkb, passshtb, quartet, quartet2, riotcity, sdi, shdancer, shdancrj, shinobi, shinobl, tetrisbl, timscanr, tturf, tturfbl, wb3, wb3bl, wrestwar.
- New romsets: MAME 0.36b4: alexkida, aliensya, aliensyb, astorm, auraila, bayrouta, bayroute, bayrtbl1, bayrtbl2, endurob2, endurobl, enduror, eswat, fpoint, goldnabl, goldnaxb, goldnaxc, moonwalk, outrun, outruna, outrunb, passsht, shangon, shangonb, sharrier, shdancbl, shinobia, tetris, wb3a.
- Updated Cyclone M68k core by Notaz. The trace mode and the address error emulation have been added.
- 1202 romsets are now supported!. The ClrMAME DAT has been also updated with the latest romsets.

MAME GP2X Official Site

clrmamepro 3.103a Released

• added: rebuild download folder after download option (popup menu www open)
• fixed: baddump biosrom export is broken
• fixed: some nodump biosroms weren't marked as biosrom

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.103a

    Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Ootake 1.23 Released

- "The processing that takes timing when CD sound source is played (mounted from v1.19)" was sped up. And, the stability has been improved. In a personal computer environment not fast, I think that it was almost lost that the game stops when CD-ROM is accessed.
- The operation of "PC Engine Mouse" was modeled on a real machine. And, the processing was sped up, too. In addition, the amount of the movement were elaborately adjusted, and the cursor was made easy to operate.
- In "Doukyuusei", the problem that the screen fell into disorder occasionally was solved. *The screen falls into disorder uncommonly with a real machine when playing with the mouse.
- In the auto-play demo of "Toilet Kids", the problem that had been freezed was solved.
- Operation speed & timing of CPU has been elaborately adjusted.

Ootake Official Site
Ootake 1.23

    Monday, August 13, 2007
VICE 1.22 Released

C128 changes:
- Added 2 MHz mode support (experimental).
- The cursor keys are mapped differently in C64-mode now.
- Fixed C64-mode autostart support.

VIC20 changes:
- Improved the sound emulation where the 'volume change click' is concerned, and normalized the audio output level.

- The VIC-II border mode can be selected now (normal, full, debug).
- Some sprite fixes needed for Krestage 3 demo.

Drive changes:
- Improved drive LED emulation.

Unix changes:
- Fixed the "black screen" bug caused by some X11 library security update.
- Fixed the usb support for bsd based platforms.
- Changed the preferred libdir and docdir for netbsd and freebsd.
- Xaw/XRandR fullscreen mode is supposed to work.

MS-Windows changes:
- Positional keyboard mapping is used as default again.
- New volume slider control.
- The win32 port can now be compiled with openwatcom.

OS/2 changes:
- The os/2 port can now be compiled with openwatcom.

RiscOS changes:
- Added a build script for the RiscOS port and all needed binary files are now part of the source distribution.

AmigaOS changes:
- Added netplay support for AmigaOS3 port.
- Added netplay support for AROS port.
- New VICE Volume control for all ports.

C1541 changes:
- Fixed some unlynx bugs.

VICE Official Site
VICE 1.22

    Sunday, August 12, 2007
DeSmuMe 0.7.3 Released

- Full localization using intltool/gettext. [evilynux]
- Added a README.TRANSLATION documenting the localization process. [evilynux]
MacOS X:
- Initial version of the Mac interface added. [Jeff B]

DeSmuMe Official Site
DeSmuMe 0.7.3

MAME32FX 0.118 Released

- Updated to MAME 0.118 - MAME32 0.118

MAME32FX Official Site
MAME32FX 0.118

MESS 0.118 Released

New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order):
- Amiga 1000 PAL-OCS [Ernesto Corvi]
- Atari ST (not working) [Curt Coder]
- Atari Mega ST (not working) [Curt Coder]
- Sega Dreamcast (not working) [R. Belmont]

System Driver Changes:
- [A2600] Fixed behavior of missile positioning outside active scanline. (bug #1204) [Wilbert Pol]
- [A2600] Added support for hardware oddity with certain NUSIZx player size updates. (bug #1231) [Wilbert Pol]
- [A2600] Fixed player-missile reset behavior. (bug #1310) [Wilbert Pol]
- [A2600] Improved SuperCharger support. (bugs #1232 & #1313) [Wilbert Pol]
- [A2600] Added support for 32in1 mapper. [Wilbert Pol]
- [AIM65] Added natural keyboard support. [Dirk Best]
- [AIM65] Started to rewrite the driver. For now, the display emulation has been completely rewritten and artwork has been added. Also, configurable RAM sizes have been added and the system was converted to a screenless system. [Dirk Best]
- [AIM65] Rewrote keyboard emulation, it now behaves like the real hardware and the code is much cleaner. [Dirk Best]
- [AIM65] Updated the driver to use cartridges instead of hard-coded ROMs. This means you can now use the Forth and PL/65 ROMs. [Dirk Best]
- [AMIGA] RTC support, added buffered keyboard support, properly implemented a fix for the slow-memory detection bug in Kickstart 1.2. [Ernesto Corvi]
- [CDTV] Added NVRAM support. [Ernesto Corvi]
- [COCO] Fixed PIA regression that prevented OS-9 level 1 from working. (bug #1314) [Nate Woods]
- [COCO] Fixed writing when extending the lengths of a VHD file. (bug #1320) [Nate Woods]
- [COCO3] Fixed bug in how the Coco 3 GIME performed a soft reset. [Nate Woods]
- [GAMEBOY] Fixed hard reset from crashing the driver. (bug #1138) [Wilbert Pol]
- [SMS/GG] Updated sms drivers to use the SMSIII sound core. Updated gamegear drivers to use the GAMEGEAR sound core. (bug #1272)
- [SMS/GG] Made sure an interrupt is triggered when the 'trigger vint' bit of VDP register gets set and the VINT bit of the status register is set. (bug #1162) [Wilbert Pol]
- [SMS/GG] Fixed video code to prevent the video code from crashing during a hard reset. (bug #1304) [Wilbert Pol]
- [SMS] Added support for Sega Rapid Fire Unit. (bug #1317) [Wilbert Pol]
- [SMS] Added support for Sega Paddle Controller. (part of bug #1318) [Wilbert Pol]
- [SMS] Added support for Sega Sports Pad. (bug #1316) [Wilbert Pol]
- [THOMSON] Fixed regressions introduced with 6821 changes. [Antoine Mine]
- [THOMSON] Fixed TO8/TO9+ ram bank handler (fixes BASIC 1.0 bug). [Antoine Mine]
- [THOMSON] Added support for MC6843-based CD 90-015 floppy controller (5" 1/4 single density) [Antoine Mine]
- [THOMSON] Added support for TO8/TO9/TO9+ external floppy controllers. [Antoine Mine]
- [THOMSON] Reworked memory handling and added support for RAM size configuration (w, w/o RAM extension). [Antoine Mine]
- [X68K] Added support for the Ricoh RP5C15 RTC, a few more memory size options, and the .2HD file extension for disk images. [Barry Rodewald]

Source Changes:
- The core is based on MAME 0.118. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]
- Removed use of helper macros to declare input ports. [Nate Woods]
- Generic emulation of the DL1416 "4-Digit 16-Segment Alphanumeric Intelligent Display" device has been added. Currently supported is the DL1416T and partially the DL1416B. This kind of display is used by the Rockwell AIM 65. [Dirk Best]

MESS Official Site
MESS 0.118

    Friday, August 10, 2007
Ootake 1.22 Released

- Operation speed & timing of CPU has been elaborately adjusted. In the visual scene of "Private Eyedol", the problem that the display in the upper part of the screen blinked uncommonly occasionally was solved. In a lot of other games, I think that it approached a real machine by timing, too.
- The start demo of "Efera & Jiliora - The Emblem From Darkness" came to operate normally.
- It came to be able to recognize CD-ROM of "Juuouki".

Ootake Official Site
Ootake 1.22

    Wednesday, August 08, 2007
EasyMame 5.6.1 Released

- Fixed minor bugs in the rom scanning code
- Better support for the new mame option joystick_map.

EasyMame Official Site
EasyMame 5.6.1

    Tuesday, August 07, 2007
MAME 0.118 Releases

Quote from MAMEDev:

The latest official release of MAME is now available on the Latest Release page. This release is the first official version with the updated input system support. Hopefully most of the issues were dealt with during the development cycle, but if you find something not working correctly, please report it (and any other bugs) over at MAME Testers.

The full list of changes for MAME 0.118 can be found here.

MAME Official Site
MAME 0.118

MAME Plus! Official Site
MAME Plus! 0.118

    Saturday, August 04, 2007
bsnes 0.022 Released

Today marks a milestone for bsnes, and possibly for SNES emulation as a whole. With this new release, bsnes' compatibility has now reached 100.0%, with zero game-specific hacks. With every last commercially released game tested by both FitzRoy and tetsuo55 for at least five minutes each, all known bugs have been resolved.

Now, needless to say, I am referring to the emulation of the base SNES unit. As many SNES cartridges contain additional coprocessors on their PCBs, there are still unplayable titles. So how can I claim compatibility of 100%? Because I don't consider special chips inside game cartridges as part of the base SNES hardware. I realize that many people enjoy these games, and I do actively attempt to emulate as many coprocessors as possible (six are supported thus far). However, coprocessors such as the SuperFX and SA-1 continue to pose very significant challenges.

So, after nearly three years of development, I've finally achieved my primary goal. But it wasn't a complete victory ... I've learned a lot over the years. Emulation accuracy is not black and white -- there are heavy costs to pay and forced tradeoffs to achieve it. I no longer believe there is only one absolute path for emulation, as I did in 2004.

So does this mean bsnes is now perfect? Of course not. There are many technical details that are not emulated correctly. This also does mean that there are no bugs, merely that there are no bugs that we are aware of. While absolute verification of 100% compatibility is obvioulsy impossible, even by actually beating every single game from start to finish, this very well should be the first time any SNES emulator could claim zero known bugs with all known games tested. I very much expect this announcement to entice many new users to begin actively searching for bugs, in an effort to discredit my above claim. My response? Go for it! I would very much appreciate any and all discovered bugs to be posted here, so that they can be verified and addressed.

One major thing that needs to be said, is that there consists of one major hack in all SNES emulators, including bsnes: the use of scanline-based PPU renderers. This necessitates global hacks in all emulators to minimize their inaccuracies. I was going to write up a very long post here, going into specifics, but I've decided an article would be a better place for that. I will hopefully be writing up this article in a few days to post here.

In the meantime, one very important issue does need to be addressed. This version fixes a bug in Uniracers 2-player mode, where the game writes to OAM during active display. Like other PPU global hacks, Uniracers required a special consession. But because this hack only affects one game, it can very fairly be seen as cheating. Suffice to say, bsnes does not contain a game-specific hack, and the change made to fix Uniracers affects all games, but I do still very much consider it to be a hack. The fix I have added is quite literally and honestly more accurate than the behavior of bsnes v0.021. Before, writes to OAM and CGRAM during active display went where a programmer would expect, which would cause bugs when ran on real hardware. Uniracers is the only game known to do this, and it is very dangerous to do so. The writes do go through, but not where one would expect. The access address basically changes as the screen is rendered. With a scanline-based PPU, it is not possible to emulate the individual steppings of the PPU, as there is not enough precision. Further, the entire SNES emulation community has virtually no information on how active display OAM and CGRAM writes work. Now, as Uniracers is the only game known to do this, I had the choice of either intentionally remapping the writes to an arbitrary location, or change it to the address Uniracers expects. Neither would be more accurate than the other, as both are completely wrong from a haradware standpoint. So the decision was to either fix Uniracers and deal with some calling it a game-specific hack, or to leave it broken with absolutely no gain to accuracy. Rather than decide for myself, I asked those who have supported me over the past three years for their opinions. The decision was unanimous to fix Uniracers. You can read the discussion, along with a more technical explanation of the issue, here. I will be addressing this topic in much greater detail in the article I will be writing up shortly.

• Fixed buffer overflow that was manifesting as corrupted tiles in Lemmings 2
• OAM and CGRAM addresses are now invalidated during active display, however the algorithms for how this address invalidation occurs is currently still unknown, so reads/writes are mapped to static addresses for now
• Re-added cheat code editor.
• Windows only: keypresses when main emulation window is not active are ignored once again

bsnes Official Site
bsnes 0.022

    Friday, August 03, 2007
Ootake 1.21 Released

- The operation timing of CD-DA (CD sound source) play processing was elaborately brought close to a real machine. I think that the timing of the voice and the image became it in a lot of games as well as a real machine.
- Processing related to the memory access and drawing, etc. was sped up. I think that processing lightened in some measure of a personal computer environment so not fast.
- When "Gradius II" is started, it become the mode to which the laser and spread-bomb do not blink. As a result, it is possible to play comfortably. In case of unnecessary, remove the check on "Auto Improve Graphics (Gradius II)" of "Setting->CPU" menu.
- In "Rainbow Island", when the display of "Hurry!!" appears, the going under water scene was made reproduction near real machine (The character display remains in the line top of water).
- In "Top wo Nerae vol.1", the load to the personal computer has been decreased.
- In some games ("BURAI" etc.), when the CD sound source is played, the bug that had stopped in the first part once occasionally (generated from v1.19) was corrected.
- "PC Performance Test" was added to "Info" menu. Whether Ootake operates comfortably without the processing delay is checked. If "((( Bad Condition [x]! )))" is displayed, the processing delay has occurred. In that case, the trouble (in the game) might occur because the disk access timing is late when playing "CD-Game".
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Ootake Official Site
Ootake 1.21

    Thursday, August 02, 2007
EasyMame 5.6 Released

- Adapted the rom scanning to the new mame.117u1 build. Because of this changes Easymame isn't compatible anymore with older mame versions.
- Added all new mame options.
- Updated some things to Vista conformity (both visual and under the hood)

EasyMame Official Site
EasyMame 5.6

    Wednesday, August 01, 2007
YAPE 0.76 Released

• SID ADSR delay bug implemented (sounds way better!)
• implemented subcycle serial drive accuracy (in VHA mode)
• many bugfixes

YAPE Official Site
YAPE 0.76

File Releases

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No Description in database.

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No Description in database.

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