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    Friday, August 31, 2018
2018-08-31 Recent Releases

MAME 0.201 was released

* Official - http://mamedev.org/release.html
* MAMEUI64 - http://www.mameui.info/
* MESS, MAMEUI32 - http://arcade.mameworld.info/messui
* ARCADE32/64 - http://arcade.mameworld.info/
* HBMAME - http://arcade.mameworld.info/hbmame
* SDLMAME64 for Intel Mac OS/X - http://sdlmame.lngn.net/


* Exodus 2.1 [Multi] - http://www.exodusemulator.com/
* Pantheon 7.444 [Multi] - http://bostjan-grandovec.si/Content/Download.htm
* ANESE 0.9.1 [NES] - https://github.com/daniel5151/ANESE/releases
* Nintaco (2018-08-26) [NES] - http://nintaco.com/index.html
* Dosbox 0.74-2 - http://www.dosbox.com/download.php?main=1
* JRomManager 1.8 - https://github.com/optyfr/JRomManager/releases
* RomProperties 1.3.3 - https://github.com/GerbilSoft/rom-properties/releases

    Saturday, August 25, 2018
ANESE v0.0.58 released!

ANESE (Another NES Emulator) is a Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator being written for fun and learning. While accuracy is a long-term goal, ANESE’s primary goal is to play some of the more popular titles. As of now, most basic Mappers have been implemented, so popular titles should be working! :smile: ANESE is built with cross-platform in mind, and is regularly built on all major platforms (macOS, Windows, and Linux). ANESE doesn’t use any vendor-specific language extensions, and is compiled with strict compiler flags. It is also linted (fairly) regularly. ANESE strives for clean and interesting C++11 code, with an emphasis on readability and maintainability. With that said, performance is important, but it’s not ANESE’s primary focus.

ANESE changelog:

* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Update _config.yml


    Friday, August 24, 2018
2018-08-24 Recent Releases

* MEMU 5.5.7 [Android] - http://www.memuplay.com/blog/2018/08/21/memu-5-5-7-released/

* ClrMamePro 4.035 [Rom Manager] - https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/

* WinArcadia 24.81 [s2650-related] - http://amigan.1emu.net/releases/

    Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Avocado Git released!

Avocado is a Modern Playstation 1 emulator. Despite this emulator being in early development, some 3D games can run. There is currently no SPU (no sound except simple in-game Audio CDs) or MDEC (black screen instead of movies). The timer implementation does not function properly (games fail to boot or run at wrong speed).

Avocado Git Changelog:

* controller: refactored DigitalController to separate class
* gpu: fixed transparency for non-textured polygons
* spu: created Gauss interpolation table (not used right now)
* spu: reverb implementation using float
* spu: clear buffer on bootstrap
* spu: fixed exponential decrease
* spu: reading back Voice status, games use all channels now
* spu: adsr envelope refactor
* sound: attached SPU output to SDL Sound sink
* system: .psflib implementation (not fully working)
* system: single file .psf loader
* spu: naïve ADSR implementation
* spu: refactored registers to separate headers
* project: removed warnings
* spu: added missing registers, refactored debug window
* spu: added more read/write registers
* spu: fixed ADPCM decoding, sound channels mixing, audio output to STDERR
* adpcm: fixed decoding

Scroll down and you can download to test them. Enjoy!


    Sunday, August 19, 2018
NESbox v4 released!

NESbox is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator, built on Adobe Flash technology and it can only be run directly in your browser's window (beta version).

NES/SNES/SEGA/Gameboy emulator

NESbox v4 Changelog:

added OneDrive save states;
removed local storage;
gamepad stick support;
some minor fixes;


    Saturday, August 18, 2018
LemonLime Git news!

LemonLime is a Nintendo 3DS LLE emulator written in C#, don't expect anything to work for quite awhile. The BootROM (Boot9) has started showing signs of life, it tries to access CONFIG9 IO, PXI IO, TIMER IO, IRQ IO and HID IO.

LemonLime Git changelog:

* Fixes, etc...
* Merge pull request #8 from Cyuubi/wip
* Better IO, now I need to work on memory mapping :P
* Move some things.
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Project has been renamed.


2018-08-18 Recent Releases

* Altirra 3.10 [Atari] - http://virtualdub.org/altirra.html

* EightyOne v1.12 [Sinclair] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/eightyone-sinclair-emulator/rss?path=/

* Classic99 v399.2 [Ti99/4a] - http://www.harmlesslion.com/cgi-bin/onesoft.cgi?1

* Attract Mode 2.4.1 [Frontend] - http://attractmode.org/

* Qemu 3.0.0 [Frontend] - https://download.qemu.org/

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Hhugboy v1.2.6 released!

HhugBoy is a Game Boy (Color) emulator for Windows, based on GEST v1.1.1 by TM, with added support for unlicensed mappers, Unicode filenames, screenshots and some other stuff. Released under GPL v2.

Hhugboy v1.2.6 Changelog:

Fix MBC5 RAM banking bug observed to affect unlicensed games
e.g. Fengkuang Dafuweng (V.Fame), Digimon Pocket (Makon)


    Friday, August 10, 2018
2018-08-10 Recent Releases

* Cemu 1.13.0f [Wii-U] - http://cemu.info/

* Fuse 1.5.6 [Sinclair] - http://fuse-emulator.sourceforge.net/

* EightyOne v1.11 [Sinclair] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/eightyone-sinclair-emulator/files/EightyOne%20V1.11.zip/download

* Neko Project II np2fmgen (2018-08-10) [PC88] - http://nenecchi.html.xdomain.jp/

* Mesen 0.9.6 [NES] - https://www.mesen.ca/

* Emu Loader 8.6.5 [Frontend] - http://emuloader.mameworld.info/downloads.htm

* Negatron 0.99.3 [Frontend] - http://babelsoft.net/products/negatron.htm

* dgVoodoo 2.55.3 [Plugin] - http://dege.freeweb.hu/index.html

* jRomManager 1.7 [Rom Manager] - https://github.com/optyfr/JRomManager/releases

    Monday, August 06, 2018
Cemu Emulator version 1.13.0e publicly released!

The renowned Nintendo Wii U emulator, Cemu, has received an update. Version 1.13.0e is now available to the public, and can be downloaded from their official website. New features in this build of the emulator include letting users boot homebrew .elf files, along with improving how graphic and texture packs are handled by the emulator. Outside of that, multiple bugs have been fixed in regards to audio, Wiimote support, and softlocks. Version 1.14.0, the upcoming update, which is currently only distributed to a small few, makes more major changes, such as allowing for The Wonderful 101 to be playable, and getting more titles to reach an in-game state.

Public release date: 2018-08-05

# New in 1.13.0e:

general: Fixed multiple smaller issues with the new graphic pack window (like description and name size)
general: Graphic packs improvements
- load/unload packs, which only contain shaders and no texture rules, while a game is active
- added int/double type support for preset variables $var:type, which is used in shader replacement

# New in 1.13.0d:

general: Fixed language selection in general settings
general: Added support for arithmetic expressions in presets and texture rules
Fixed multiple graphic pack errors with the new version

# New in 1.13.0c:

general: Fixed recompiler bug that could cause random softlocks

# New in 1.13.0b:

general: Fixed hex constants in new graphic packs

padscore: Fixed trigger and release values for emulated wiimote controllers

# New in 1.13.0:

general: Added support for launching .elf executables (homebrew)
general: Overhauled graphic packs system and interface
- Added the ability to store multiple presets in one graphic pack (e.g. multiple resolutions in a single resolution graphic pack)
The used preset can be selected in the interface. Only one preset can be active at a time per graphic pack
- Replaced the graphic pack list with a tree view to allow hierachical structuring
- Added description and path field
- Added a button to reload custom shaders while a game is running (mainly intended for graphic pack development)
- Existing graphic packs for Cemu 1.12.2 and earlier remain compatible

general: Added a new general settings window and moved most options there
general: Added discord rich presence support

input: Cemu should no longer detect some keyboard special keys as permanently pressed

audio: The audio output device can now be selected and changed in the audio settings

padscore: Fixed a bug where some controllers where read as wiimote input instead of their proper format (Applies only to Pro or classic controller)
padscore: Fixed default values for WPADGetDataFormat to match the configured controller


Nintaco 20180804 released!

Nintaco is a work in progress. It is a NES-Famicom-Dendy emulator written in Java 8, ostensibly making it cross-platform. The full source will be made available per LGPLv2.1.

Getting Started
If double-clicking the jar does not automatically launch the emulator, try: java -jar Nintaco.jar
Configure input: Options | Button Mapping...
If you are using an 8 button controller, such as a USB NES gamepad, try mapping Rewind Time to Start + B.
If you want to resume at arbitrary points in the past: Tools | Watch History... and Resume Here

Nintaco (2018/08/04) Beta changelog:

Added support for the RacerMate CompuTrainer exercise bike.
Adjusted the Button Mapping dialog to default to the currently selected player 1 controller.
Changed the default palette to Smooth (FBX).
Updated the FAQ.


MasterGear v4.4 released!

MasterGear is a program that emulates 8bit SEGA videogames on your computer. It runs games made for SEGA MasterSystem (Mark3 in Japan) and GameGear, as well as their predecessors: SG1000, SC3000, SF7000, and Mark2. MasterGear will also help hobbyists who still write software for these systems to debug their works without using rare and costly development hardware.

MasterGear v4.4 for Windows Changelog:

Made replay save states approximately every 170ms.
Added ability to browse through paused replay.
During replay, the [UP] button to pause.
Press [LEFT] and [RIGHT] to browse through paused replay.
Press [UP] to resume replay, any other key to continue.
Made WaitJoystick() exit when window closed.


Mesen v0.9.6 released!

Mesen is a NES/Famicom emulator and NSF player. It is still a work in progress - some features are currently incomplete or may change in future versions.

Mesen Features:

* High Accuracy - A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible
* Stand-alone - Put the Mesen application into any folder and run it from there
* Supports: Save States, Movie/Audio Recording, Screenshots, Cheat Codes
* Supported Mapper List (130+): 0 to 13, 15 to 19, 21 to 27, 32 to 34, 37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57, 58, 60 to 62, 64 to 80, 82, 85 to 89, 91 to 95, 97, 99, 101, 107, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 137 to 141, 143 to 157, 159, 163, 164, 176, 180, 184, 185, 189, 191 to 195, 200 to 203, 205 to 207, 210, 218, 225 to 228, 230 to 232, 240 to 243, 246
* NES and Famicom (including Famicom Disk System) support. Also supports: NSF, NSFe, VS System
* Net Play - Play online with friends
* Automatic updates - Mesen is able to check for updates and automatically install new versions of itself.
* Built-in Debugger
* Other Features: 7z/zip archive support, numerous video filters (xBRZ, Scale2x, NTSC, etc.), sound recorder, sound effects, etc.

Mesen v0.9.6 Changelog:

New Features
Compatibility: Added support for 29 new mappers.
VS System: VS DualSystem games are now supported.
Audio: Improved audio/video synchronization with dynamic resampling.
Debugger: New features and tools (text hooker), UI improvements, performance improvements and bug fixes.
Tools: Added history viewer tool.
UI: Added some new options (per-game overscan, audio reduction during rewind, etc.)

Bug Fixes
PPU: Improved PPU memory bus emulation (fixes Touhou Rououmu homebrew)
Fixed emulation issues with a number of boards (FK23C, JY Company, MMC1, etc.)


Cemu Emulator version 1.13.0 publicly released

The renowned Nintendo Wii U emulator, Cemu, has received an update. Version 1.13.0d is now available to the public, and can be downloaded from their official website. New features in this build of the emulator include letting users boot homebrew .elf files, along with improving how graphic and texture packs are handled by the emulator. Outside of that, multiple bugs have been fixed in regards to audio, Wiimote support, and softlocks. Version 1.14.0, the upcoming update, which is currently only distributed to a small few, makes more major changes, such as allowing for The Wonderful 101 to be playable, and getting more titles to reach an in-game state.

Public release date: 2018-08-05

# New in 1.13.0d:

general: Fixed language selection in general settings
general: Added support for arithmetic expressions in presets and texture rules
Fixed multiple graphic pack errors with the new version

# New in 1.13.0c:

general: Fixed recompiler bug that could cause random softlocks

# New in 1.13.0b:

general: Fixed hex constants in new graphic packs

padscore: Fixed trigger and release values for emulated wiimote controllers

# New in 1.13.0:

general: Added support for launching .elf executables (homebrew)
general: Overhauled graphic packs system and interface
- Added the ability to store multiple presets in one graphic pack (e.g. multiple resolutions in a single resolution graphic pack)
The used preset can be selected in the interface. Only one preset can be active at a time per graphic pack
- Replaced the graphic pack list with a tree view to allow hierachical structuring
- Added description and path field
- Added a button to reload custom shaders while a game is running (mainly intended for graphic pack development)
- Existing graphic packs for Cemu 1.12.2 and earlier remain compatible

general: Added a new general settings window and moved most options there
general: Added discord rich presence support

input: Cemu should no longer detect some keyboard special keys as permanently pressed

audio: The audio output device can now be selected and changed in the audio settings

padscore: Fixed a bug where some controllers where read as wiimote input instead of their proper format (Applies only to Pro or classic controller)
padscore: Fixed default values for WPADGetDataFormat to match the configured controller


    Friday, August 03, 2018
2018-08-03 Recent Releases

* MasterGear 4.4 [SMS, GG] - http://fms.komkon.org/MG/

* iNES 5.4 [NES] - http://fms.komkon.org/iNES/

* XRoar 0.35 [CoCo, Dragon] - http://www.6809.org.uk/xroar/

* Ootake 2.91 [TG16, PCE] - http://www.ouma.jp/ootake/

* WinArcadia 24.8 [s2650-based systems] - http://amigan.1emu.net/releases/

* MAMEUI64 0.200 - http://www.mameui.info/

* VPinMAME 3.1 - https://sourceforge.net/projects/pinmame/files/pinmame/3.1/VPinMAME31_Minimal.zip/download

* Emu Loader 8.6.4 [Frontend] - http://emuloader.mameworld.info/downloads.htm

* Qemu 2.12.1 [Frontend] - https://download.qemu.org/

File Releases

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

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