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    Monday, December 17, 2012
PCSX2 SVN r5480

PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux. Project attempts to allow PS2 code to be executed on your computer, thus meaning you can put a PS2 DVD or CD into your computers drive, and boot it up!

Here's the changelog from 5 latest SVN builds:

+ SPR VU Access: Changed VU0 back to using physical memory map addresses, Doesn't seem to work the other way. Fixes CSI 3 - Dimensions of Murder SPS
+ SPU2-X: Just adding a log to devel builds. This is a curious case we want to be notified about.
+ Vif: Modified VIF FIFO reverse while VIF is active hack. Now just makes sure VIF is stopped before it swaps direction either way. Fixes Sled Storm.
+ gsdx ogl: don't check dual source support on SW mode to avoid a crash on SW mode. (note HW is still crashing but better than nothing)
+ GSNull: Change the register set definitions to structs instead of unions so it ACTUALLY writes the data to the registers, rather than just writing to 2 predefined variables then being overwritten the next time a write is done to something else :P

Visit official homepage for further information and grab the latest build from automated SVN repository.

HalfNES 0.052

HalfNES is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System, written in Java. Currently, it only runs as a standalone Java SE application and supports: joystick through DirectInput and xInput, SRAM save, accurate sound core, full screen display and cross-platform portability.

Chere's changelog for latest build:

-Changed the APU timer code to run more efficiently
(filtering now has very little performance penalty)
-Fixed GI Joe, Burai Fighter
-Fixed title screen of Brush Roller
-Fixed intro of Lagrange Point

Visit project homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

Ootake v2.67

Ootake [pronounced oh - ta - ke] is great PC Engine/TurboGrafx16 emulator, with high compatibility, nice GUI and a lot of settings.

- The movement of "6-Button Pad" has been improved. In "Emerald Dragon", the problem that the III-VI button of 6-Button Pad did not occasionally work was solved.
- With a fast CD-ROM access PC environment, in the last stage of "Tengai Makyou II", the problem that the voice occasionally became interrupted was solved.
- With a fast CD-ROM access PC environment, in "Ranma 1/2", the problem that the display of the visual scene occasionally fell into disorder was solved.
- With a fast CD-ROM access PC environment, in "Mugen Senshi Valis", the problem that had occasionally stopped was solved.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Check out official website [yeah, it's jap. :] for further information and latest files.

    Monday, December 10, 2012
Jpcsp SVN r2911

Jpcsp is the most advanced PlayStation Portable emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. Even though Jpcsp is written in Java, it can already reach 100% PSP speed on a lot of commercial games... and the emulator performance is constantly increasing.

Here's the changelog from 3 latest SVN builds:

*** r2911:
Removed the error "Unhandled alpha blend src used 11": this is interpreted as an ALPHA_FIX (value 10) by the PSP. Tested using 3DStudio. Reported by Itaru for "Heroes Phantasia".

*** r2910:
Added test of unknown blend src/dst values in 3D Studio.

*** r2909:
Reverted part of r2908: was sometimes causing voice to repeat forever.

Visit official homepage for further information and grab the latest build from automated SVN repository.


Hoxs64 is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows XP / 7. The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail. Emulator features: a cycle based CPU, VIC, CIA and SID; suport for 1541 Disk drive and Tape deck; proper emulation of all screen effects; support for .TAP, .PRG, P00, D64 files... and bulid-in disassembler.

Here's changelog for latest version:

+ Added point and click raster position breakpoints. Breakpoints can be disabled with out being deleted.
+ Added command window with assemble, disassemble and C64 memory map selection.
+ Added disassemble window address finder.
+ Added disassemble window mouse wheel scrolling (WinXP+).
+ Randomisation of drive weak bits. Minor drive timing improvement.

Check out official homepage for further information and latest files.

openMSX 0.9.1

openMSX is an emulator for the MSX home computer system. openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM, MIPS and Sparc CPU's. Its goal is to emulate all aspects of the MSX with 100% accuracy: perfection in emulation. openMSX has also a built-in command interface called the console, which allows you to control almost all aspects of openMSX while it is running.

Here's release notes for 0.9.1 version:

This release mostly fixes a bug in dir-as-disk that was introduced in openMSX
0.9.0, when adding support for the DMK format and low level disk emulation. We
not only fixed that bug, we rewrote dir-as-disk almost completely, making it a
lot more robust.

Here's the list with all highlights:

MSX device support:
- Accuracy improvements:
- improved some details on the laserdisc emulation
- improved timing of the VDP LINE command (thanks to NYYRIKKI for the ideas)
- added Toshiba HX-21, Toshiba HX-22 and Toshiba HX-22I. The latter two have a
switchable RS-232C interface (use the new toshiba_rs232c_switch setting)

New or improved emulator features:
- fixed crash with fast resampler and 8192 samples
- dir-As-Disk:
- dir-as-disk works properly again and is now a lot more robust
- improve error reporting when something goes wrong
- console support/scripts:
- added script to save current screen to file in MSX loadable format, thanks
- performance improvements:
- improved console rendering speed (uses less CPU)
- improved Tcl integration
- speed up low level disk emulation
- optimized rendering of superimposed modes (Video9000, laserdisc)
- several other performance improvements

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Added build support for DragonFly BSD, thanks to John Marino

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

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