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    Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Some news that slipped past me this week, HDNes was updated this week 26.12.14 with a few changes:

From git

Disabled mouse events, improved screen shot naming
Change screen naming to use base 10

You can download from this topic

Remember to check out our high resolution texture forum to show off your work, and to see any other packs created for this emulator, and many more.

Raine 0.64.00 released

A new release of raine is available today now to version 0.64.00

Not a lot of changes, mainly the blending files (.bld) are now supported, and included in the archive for this time (maybe not later). Also a workaround for some priorities problems in xmcota (it's been there for very very long), and which is not fully tested. But there were tons of changes in the sources, the patch from last version is 1Mb, cz80 was merged to be able to test a C-only version of raine, all the missing functions were added to the C video core, so it's enough changes to call this one 64. Maybe more interesting changes this time, this one is like a Christmas present for mer-curious, since the idea of the bld files was from him !
Also it's the last version of 2014 ! ;D


And a happy new year from us all at http://www.emulation64.com.

    Thursday, December 25, 2014
Merry Christmas from all at Emulation64

Happy holidays to all the regulars here at http://www.emulation64.com/.
I hope you all are enjoying a bit of time off and be able to chill.
Not sure what to do emulation wise this holiday?
Well this week has been active with a few emulators preparing for some big updates and even bigger progress:

ppsspp is planning its 1.0 release in the new year. For those who havn't followed the git releases, it now has an option of a directx9 backend, which opens up so many options (including texture replacement using apps such as texmod).

The playstation 3 emulator rpcs3 has made amazing progress and even getting ingame on some games, and currently shows off the language screen for watchdogs

And in plugin news, edgbla, has posted an interesting answer to how development of the gpuBladeSoft plugin is coming along, and hints about a release to push himself into continuing to work on the plugin.

    Tuesday, December 02, 2014
GLideN64 Widescreen

Many people ask me: is it possible to implement the "widescreen hack". They mean the "Adjust game aspect ratio to match yours" feature of Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6 plugin which enables widescreen mode for games, which don't intended to run in widescreen. Since this feature is a hack, it does not work with any game. You may check a compatibility list. I was unsure how it works, so I didn't promise that it will be implemented in GLideN64. Recently I got an idea how to make that feature and did a quick test. Check the result:

normal 4:3 screen

16:9 aspect with the hack enabled

The hack is applied only to 3D objects, don't pay attention on stretched sprites.
As I can see, proportions of 3D object remained correct. To be sure, I open wide screen shot in Paint and lay normal screen shot over it:

It fits pretty well.

Now back to the question: is it possible to implement the "widescreen hack"? It depends. The screen you see is not from beta, it's even not a work in progress. It is an experiment, pretty successful as I can see. I need time to complete it. Time is money. The project collected 8K funds and I'm overloaded with works planned to implement for these money. "Widescreen hack" is among tasks, which will be done with 10+K funds. BTW, another 10+ task, "port to Apple Mac OS X" is almost ready. You still can support the project - the more time I can work on this project, the more complete the result will be.

Originally Posted by gonetz at 2:37 PM


GLideN64 Texture support, LLE.

Gonetz has recently added texture support to his latest plugin.
Here's a Video featuring Mollymutt's famous Super Mario 64.

LLE support has also been added and is being tested.
Read more at the GlideN64 blog

There is still time to donate to the project using PayPal!

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