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    Saturday, December 26, 2020
DuckStation dev.0.1-2663

DuckStation is an simulator/emulator of the Sony PlayStation(TM) console, focusing on playability, speed, and long-term maintainability. The goal is to be as accurate as possible while maintaining performance suitable for low-end devices. "Hack" options are discouraged, the default configuration should support all playable games with only some of the enhancements having compatibility issues.

Latest changes:

+ Support multiple updater channels
+ Don't save/load input profile rumble for motorless controller types
+ Fully clear controller section before loading profile
+ Support screenshotting 16-bit display formats
+ Atualização Português do Brasil
+ Fix inconsistent forward/backward slashes in Memcard Editor
+ Qt/CheatManager: Fix checking groups not updating child nodes
+ Shaders/Cccalibrator: Fix compile errors
+ Support emulating a depth buffer from PGXP depth values
+ Add game settings/hotkey for PGXP depth
+ Add PGXP Depth Buffer options
+ Fix relative shared paths not opening in Memcard Editor by default
+ Update Simple-Chinese language file to latest
+ Fix default value of PGXP depth buffer
+ Atualização Português do Brasil
+ Update Simple-Chinese language file to latest
+ Fix missing translation files
+ Adding 2 more games that needs CPU PGXP - Alundra 2 and Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge
+ Remove guncon/mouse/negcon controller types
+ Rename beta builds to preview builds, stable to development
+ Remove unused scripts
+ Fixed Slide Code cheat type
+ Second part of beta -> preview

Latest development build
:: Older Dev. builds for Linux and Windows.

    Friday, December 25, 2020
2020-12-25 Recent Releases

Happy Christmas to all our members and readers!

* VPinMAME 3.3 [Pinball] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/pinmame/files/pinmame/3.3/VPinMAME33_Minimal.zip/download

* Cemu 1.22.2 [Wii-U] - http://cemu.info/

* Vice 3.5 [Commodore 64] - https://vice-emu.sourceforge.io/

* Speccy 5.6 [Sinclair] - http://fms.komkon.org/Speccy/

* ZXDS 2.1.1 [Sinclair for 2DS/3DS] - http://zxds.raxoft.cz/

* OpenEmu 2.3 [for Mac] - https://github.com/OpenEmu/OpenEmu/releases

* clrmamepro 4.039a [Rom Manager] - https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/

* Rom Vault 3.2.1 [Rom Manager] - https://www.romvault.com/

    Sunday, December 20, 2020
PCSX2 v1.7.0-dev-767

PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.

Latest changes:

+ GameDB: Add GIF FIFO Hack for Fight Night Round 3. Fixes corrupted textures.
+ GameDB: Porting patch and add Idea Factory games (#4025) GameDB: Add patches for Idea Factory games Ported Neo Contra and Savage Skies patches to NTSC-J
+ GameDB: Add VU0 Kickstart for King Kong. Fixes bad polygons on characters
+ microVU: Flush running VU1 program when toggling MTVU on
+ core: fix speedhacks panel
+ misc: Cleanup remaining pad stuff from merge
+ BIOS/CDVD: Set language defaults instead of making the user do it. Removed message nobody read
+ pad-linux: Update to latest controller database.

Official Site
Development builds
Older builds

    Friday, December 18, 2020
2020-12-18 Recent Releases

* MEmu 7.3.0 [Android] - https://www.memuplay.com/blog/en/category/release-notes

* Yape 1.1.8 [Commodore Plus/4] - http://yape.homeserver.hu/

* fMSX 5.9 [MSX] - http://fms.komkon.org/fMSX/

* Emulicious (2020-12-17) [Multisystem] - http://emulicious.net/news/

* Pantheon 10.086 [Multisystem] - http://bostjan-grandovec.si/Content/Download.htm

* WinArcadia 26.82 [s2650-based] - https://amigan.yatho.com/

* Classic99 v399.033 [T.I. 99/4A] - http://www.harmlesslion.com/cgi-bin/onesoft.cgi?1

* BletchMAME 2.3 [Front End] - https://www.bletchmame.org/

* Clrmamepro 4.039 [Rom Manager] - https://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/

    Wednesday, December 16, 2020
PPSSPP dev.1.10.3-1330

PPSSPP is a PSP emulator written in C++. It translates PSP CPU instructions directly into optimized x86, x64, ARM or ARM64 machine code, using JIT recompilers (dynarecs).

PPSSPP can thus run on quite low-spec hardware, including stronger ARM-based phones and tablets, as long as there's OpenGL ES 2.0 support.

Latest changes:

+ GL: Detect Apple GPUs as a category
+ VK: Restore the ARM Mali Z hack that got lost in the refactor somehow.
+ ARM64 buildfix
+ Minor cleanups

Official Site
Automated builds

    Monday, December 14, 2020
XEBRA 201209

XEBRA is a closed-source Japanese PlayStation emulator which focuses on accuracy.

There is no info/changelog for latest build released Dec 9, 2020

:: Grab file from HERE
:: Visit official Site

Jpcsp rev.96e11db3

Jpcsp is the advanced PlayStation Portable emulator, allowing you to play your PSP games on a PC. Even though Jpcsp is written in Java, it can already reach 100% PSP speed on a lot of commercial games... and the emulator performance is constantly increasing.

Jpcsp takes full advantage of dual-core processors, matching the PSP dual-core
architecture. Even a quad-core can give a small performance improvement by leaving free CPU cores for the Java JIT Compiler and the graphics cache.

Here's changelog for latest dev-build, released 24 Nov 2020:

+ Trying to avoid DOS end of line for the linux scripts.
+ Added an option to specify the XLink Kai server address
+ Small code clean-up
+ sceWlan: fixed scanning when called from utility.prx
+ Improved the HLE implementation of sceUtilityLoadXXX
+ Wlan networking: code clean-up with better asynchronous network
+ Debugger memory: fixed memmove
+ LLE for Wlan hardware: added support for XLink Kai
+ Bug fixes in libkirk

Official Site

    Saturday, December 12, 2020
2020-12-11 Recent Releases

* Nestopia UE 1.50 [NES] - http://sourceforge.net/projects/nestopiaue/files/1.50/nestopia_1.50-win32.zip/download

* Xebra/Arbex (2020-12-09) [PSX] - http://drhell.web.fc2.com/ps1/index.html

* Cemu 1.22.1 [Wii-U] - http://cemu.info/

* qemu 5.2.0 [PC] - https://download.qemu.org/

* dgVoodoo 2.72 [Plugin] - http://dege.freeweb.hu/index.html

* Romulus 0.049 [Rom Manager] - https://romulus.cc/

    Friday, December 11, 2020
Play! rev.ff172d6b

Play! is a portable PlayStation2 emulator. The focus of the project is on making PlayStation2 emulation easy and accessible.

Here's changelog for latest dev-build, released 11 Dec 2020:

+ Rename scripts.
+ Actions: Cache Qt on macOS.
+ Remove Linux x86-64 build from TravisCI.
+ Build Linux x86-64 on GitHub Actions.

Grab files from emulator website
Official Site

    Thursday, December 03, 2020
2020-12-03 Recent Releases

* Agatemulator 1.29.2 [Agat] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/agatemulator/files/agatemulator/1.29.2/agatemulator-1.29.2.exe/download

* Hatari 2.3.0 [Atari ST] - http://download.tuxfamily.org/hatari/2.3.0/

* Emulicious (2020-11-30) [Multisystem] - http://emulicious.net/news/

* PCem v17 [PC] - http://pcem-emulator.co.uk/

* EightyOne 1.19 [Sinclair] - https://sourceforge.net/projects/eightyone-sinclair-emulator/rss?path=/

    Tuesday, December 01, 2020
melonDS 0.9 beta for macOS x86_64 released!

MelonDS: now supports macOS!!!


Thanks to WalugiWare64, MelonDS now has macOS support.

Download melonDS 0.9 beta for macOS x86_64 here:


File Releases

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

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