Monday, February 25, 2008 |
Hoxs64 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:53 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Commodore 64
| 1) Added options to create and save either 35 or 40 tracks to a D64 file.
2) Added track align option for creating and loading D64 files.
3) Added command line options. example:
hoxs64.exe -quickload -alignd64tracks -autoload "c:gamesgames.d64" 5
This will auto quick load program 6 from the file games.d64. Aligned tracks will be used.
4) VIC fixes. Numerous demos fixed.
5) 1541 disk VIA fixes.
Hoxs64 Official Site
Sunday, February 24, 2008 |
PSPZX81 1.2.0 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 12:06 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
| - New eboot icons based on Raven's stuff
- Add several new hotkeys :
  . settings such as fps, render mode can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
  . quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Add vsync option
- Can now be compiled for linux (useful for debug)
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
PSPZX81 Official Site
Ootake 1.39 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 12:04 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Turbografx 16
| - The resolution of the PSG sound (wave memory sound) has been improved. As a result, the tone has approached a real machine. On the other hand, processing is a little heavy. If a personal computer environment not fast is used, select "Volume"->"Light PSG" menu.
- Processing of drawing on the screen was sped up. Additionally, if "Volume"->"Light PSG" menu is used, the processing lightens. And, In the window mode of "Windows Vista", V-Sync comes to work, and compatibility with gadgets has improved.
- In "F1 Circus", the bug not to be able to start car (Generated from v1.29. Controller processing relation) was corrected.
- The processing speed and timing were elaborately brought close to a real machine. At the title screen of "Macross 2036", the problem that had fallen into disorder by one frame occasionally was solved.
- When "Private eye dol" is started, the message to recommend [CD Install ("CD-ROM"->"Install" menu)] is displayed. The screen display of the demo is steady by the "CD Install".
- It corresponded to the initial shipment version of "Linda Cube".
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
Ootake Official Site
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 |
clrmamepro 3.111 Released *updated to 3.111a*
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:38 AM CET | Comments: 2 | Arcade
| 3.111a:
• misc: sysinformation and system picker windows now got a cmpro icon
• misc: 'checking unknown sets' dialog shows processed filename before working on it
• misc: toggling a check box for scan tree update, autoscroll is disabled during update
• misc: speed optimized "deeper check for fixable missing files"
• fixed: wrong zipclass exception handling may cause crashes when working on corrupt zips
• fixed: xml datfile check didn't use the engine.cfg replacement settings (mess import issue)
• misc: several internal 64bit updates
• misc: 64bit clrmamepro exe available as separate download
• misc: updated updateprogram to pick correct 32/64bit package
• misc: updated to latest fully licensed ziparchive non-mfc version & new 64bit unrar dll
• misc: remove-rebuilt-source files now works for all parts of a split-rar too
• misc: more detailed parse error messages showing the last successfully parsed set
• misc: some small internal preparations for upcoming new xml datheaders
• fixed: negative windows positions lead to not visible windows
• fixed: wrong parser error message when no setformat.xml is available
• fixed: new rebuilder destination folder isn't removed when stopping at rebuilder warning prompts
clrmamepro Official Site
Monday, February 18, 2008 |
iDeaS for Windows Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:06 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
| • Fixed a bug in Texture Coordinates Transformation.
• Fixed a bug in Import Saves.
• Fixed a bug in cycles S and N.
• Fixed a bug in MSR and MCR opcodes.
• Fixed a bug in Plugins management.
• Fixed a bug in ELF files management.
• Add support for DLDI Plugins.
• Add support for AceKard DLDI.
• A lot of speed up, added Optimize CPUs PipeLine and Optimize Loops.
iDeaS Official Site
Saturday, February 16, 2008 |
Ootake 1.38 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 05:50 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Turbografx 16
| - The access processing to the ADPCM memory was modeled on a real machine. "Tengai Makyou - ZIRIA" came to operate. In "Kagami no Kuni no Legend", Nori-P came to talk when the name was input.
- The timing of the CD-DA sound processing was elaborately brought close to a real machine. Moreover, the error margin by the PC environment was shortened.
- The processing speed and timing were elaborately brought close to a real machine. In "Cosmic Fantasy 2", the problem that the screen had shaken by one frame was solved.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
Ootake Official Site
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 |
NeoRaine 1.0.6 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:02 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Neo Geo
| • Fixed a stupid bug with the cache, never use xor to see if a memory area was changed. The + I now use is still not perfect, but it's much better, and it should be enough for what it's used.
• Fixed a possible crash when loading a savegame because I had forgoten to turn the cd music off before restoring a savegame...
• Add a "turbo" key : the default is del, you can change it in the gui, it just toggles the limit speed setting. If you are not limited by vsync, you can reach 700 fps in neoraine with yuv overlays when disabling the speed limitation with this key!
NeoRaine Official Site
PSPColem 1.1.1 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:01 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
| - Speed improvements, z80 part rewritten using jump tables. Antartic Adventure is now fullspeed (60 fps) even at 133Mhz !
- IR keyboard support (mainly for menu)
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
- Add several new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
- Add vsync option
- Add ntsc/pal option and fix issue with default speed (emulator was too slow in ntsc mode)
Monday, February 11, 2008 |
SSF 0.09 alpha R4 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:13 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
Crude machine translation of changes:
| Not much has changed, but up.
SCU end of the DMA interrupt handling fixed.
VDP1 reset process fixed.
VDP2 back screen processing fixed.
State saves data changed version.
After ERADAIAROGU but not to end.
However, the execution is continuing.
SCU end of the DMA and interrupt generation timing is off as production,
Delay ON / OFF established option.
Most software is slowing down is not necessary,
BAKU Animal BAKU, including some software is required.
SSF Official Site
RockNES 5.00 beta 6 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:11 AM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
| - Major CPU fixes (timing and opcodes).
- Some PPU fixes, corrected VBlank flag behaviour.
- Some APU fixes, corrected frame IRQ timing.
- Fixed a bug in the sprite I/O register.
- Tweaked joypads polling/control and setup.
- Updated config file with the new blitter option 5.
- Binaries are no more compiled under Dev-C++ due to some annoyances.
- Usual tweaks, cleanups and debug code left removed.
RockNES Official Site
Sunday, February 10, 2008 |
iDeaS Final for Linux Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:24 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
| Changelog:
• Fixed a bug in creation Accellerators Table.
• Fixed a bug in Texture Coordinates Transformation.
• Fixed a bug in Import Saves.
• Fixed a bug in cycles S and N (Jump Super Star Demo).
• Fixed a bug in Plugins management.
• Add support for DLDI Plugins.
• A lot of speed up, added Optimize CPUs PipeLine and Optimize Loops.
Direct Sound PlugIn:
• Fixed a bug in Sycronize Routines.
• Fixed a bug in GetCurrentPosition Routines.
iDeaS Official Site
Saturday, February 09, 2008 |
Ootake 1.37 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:46 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Turbografx 16
| - The volume balance of ADPCM voice was elaborately brought close to a real machine.
- The interrupt processing of the CD-ROM access was modeled on a real machine.
- In "Neo Nectaris" and "Macross - Eien no Love Song", the saving to backup-RAM became possible. * In "Neo Nectaris", when the state saving before v1.36 is loaded, the backup-RAM-saving might not be able to be done normally. At that time, please advance to the next stage, and it is possible to save normally.
- When using Ootake with "Windows 98/Me", the bug that the error goes out when becoming full-screen (generated by v1.36) was corrected.
* Operation with "Windows 98/Me" is not tested.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
Ootake Official Site
Thursday, February 07, 2008 |
PSPAtari 1.1.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:06 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
| - Speed improvements
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off useful for games such as space Xevious ! On given games, the auto fire can't be stopped easily (so you might have to disable it several times)
- Bug fix: settings weren't properly loaded when using original 5200 menu
- Add several new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
- Add vsync option
PSPAtari Official Site
Wednesday, February 06, 2008 |
bsnes v0.028.01 source Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:25 PM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
| While v0.028's release went a lot better than expected, there was one significant problem: it appears that the Linux OpenGL renderer did not work correctly on any of the four ATI graphics card drivers. It seems to be related to partial implementations of GLX v1.3 (you know, the ten year old Xlib interface for OpenGL?)
Rather than continue fighting these drivers, I instead opted to backport the driver to use GLX v1.2 instead. This seems to work on the fglrx, ati and radeon drivers. I don't know much of the radeonhd drivers, but I believe they lack 3D acceleration anyway.
sinamas also came up with an ingenius trick to work around the X Visual problem: that is to say, a GLX rendering context requires a window with the same X Visual as itself. But it's not possible to change the Visual of the existing window that is passed to the GLX driver. sinamas suggested creating this new window as a child window, and embedding that within the rendering window. This worked wonderfully, and eliminates the need for enumerating all available GLX contexts, which is why I needed the GLX 1.3 API in the first place. bsnes now uses the GLX-recommended Visual, which also eliminates a color problem that existed on the fglrx driver when using the default X11 visual.
I also removed the glClear command inside refresh(), as it was redundant and caused flickering on non-buffered visuals. It might even give a slight speed increase on some cards.
Lastly, [vEX] pointed out that I should use the -D flag for the install command in the Makefile. This has been fixed.
I'm not updating the Windows binary to v0.028.01, as absolutely nothing has changed in the Windows port yet. I'll update again when the Debian repository is synced with the new version.
bsnes Official Site
MAME 0.123 Releases
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:55 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| Most of the glitches in 0.122u8 should be taken care of, so it’s time to salute MAME’s 11th birthday with a nice new release.
(Apologies in advance for the cut-off text in the whatsnew; it should read “Fixed incorrect default screen size in midyunit games.” It wasn’t a big enough error to prompt a recall!)
Full list of changes can be found here.
MAME Official Site
MAME Plus!:
| • updated Japanese command.dat [commandlist jp]
• updated Japanese history.dat & story.dat [399@2ch]
• updated Simplified Chinese list (080205) [kof2112]
• catlist v0.122u8 [s_bastian]
• updated Japanese mameinfo (0.123 2/5) [mame e2j]
• sync with 0.123 [Emuman]
• [NeoGeo] fixed game name readings [xvi]
MAME Plus! Official Site
| • Updated to MAME 0.123 - MAMEUI 0.123
- More accurate code for sound emulation in IREM M52, M57, M58, M62 games.
MAMEUIFX Official Site
Monday, February 04, 2008 |
bsnes v0.028 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:00 AM CET | Comments: 1 | SNES
| bsnes v0.028 has been released. The major focus of this release was cleaning up the code even more, and greatly enhancing the Linux port to be an equal with the Windows port.
For Linux users, please note that the safest drivers were chosen by default, rather than the most full-featured drivers. The active driver can be changed by editing settings->configuration->advanced->system.(video, audio, input), and then restarting bsnes. You can also edit the drivers by hand, by editing ~/.bsnes/bsnes.cfg
Available Linux drivers are: video ("opengl", "xv", "sdl" (default)), audio ("openal", "oss", "ao" (default)), input ("sdl" (default), "x"). In particular, the SDL video driver and libao audio driver are very poor performers. The SDL video driver lacks hardware accelerated scaling, and runs tremendously slow. The libao audio driver has horrendous, ~150ms+ latency.
OpenGL is the best video driver, but it requires OpenGL graphics libraries to be installed to use. These do not typically come with open-source video drivers. The Xv driver will at least allow hardware accelerated scaling, offering a tremendous speedup, but some ATI drivers have poor (or even missing) X-Video implementations.
OpenAL is the best audio driver, but ALSA works very poorly with it. OSS4 works far better with the OpenAL driver. The OSS driver has the lowest latency (~15-20ms), but requires the most CPU power. It too has problems when using the ALSA emulation layer.
While the SDL input driver is superior to the X driver (and is the default), if your joypad fails to work correctly and prevents you from mapping any keys (highly unlikely), you can always revert to the keyboard-only X driver. The SDL input driver also appears to cause a ~5-8% performance penalty, so if you don't have any joypads, the X driver may be a better choice.
At any rate, I strongly encourage you to try out each driver and choose the ones that work best for you.
• OpenGL (with hardware filter mode support) and SDL video drivers added to Linux port
• OpenAL (with speed regulation disable support) and OSS audio drivers added to Linux port [Nach]
• SDL input driver (with joypad support) added to Linux port
• Emulator pause option added
• Added option to select behavior of bsnes when idle: allow input, ignore input or pause emulator
• Added support to remap common GUI actions to key/joypad presses on the "Input Configuration" screen
• bsnes will now clamp the video output size when it is larger than the screen resolution
• GUI library has been enhanced, and renamed to hiro
• Fullscreen mode now always centers video, rather than approximates
• Fullscreen mode now works correctly on Linux/Openbox
• Extra layer of abstraction in src/ui has been removed, as GUI lib unifies all ports anyway
• Video, audio and input drivers unified into standard library, named ruby
• All custom headers have been merged into a new template library, named nall
• Makefile rewritten, vastly improved. Allows quick toggling of compiled-in drivers
• Makefile: all object files now placed in /src/obj, binary placed in /
• libco greatly enhanced, no longer requires an assembler to build [byuu, blargg, Nach]
• libco SJLJ driver added; bsnes should now build on any Unix-derivative now (Solaris, OS X, PS3, etc) [Nach]
• Fixed register $213e.d4 PPU1 open bus behavior [zones]
• Windows port will not activate screensaver while bsnes is running [Nightcrawler]
• Visual C++ target no longer requires stdint.h
• And lots more -- mostly code refactoring related
bsnes Official Site
RockNES 5.00 beta 5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:58 AM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
| - Fixed an odd compiling bug that prevents proper work.
- Sprite core rewritten to match the hardware procedure.
- Fixed 2004h reads, somewhat better.
- Fixed wave recording to avoid sound skipping.
- Fixed program running in background.
- Added a new blitter, double-sized scanlined.
- Removed confirmation window when exitting program (quit to OS).
- Program window title changed into "RockNES/Win32".
- The close (X) button is enabled during the emulation.
- Keys Alt+ENTER switches between windowed/fullscreen modes during the emulation.
- Mapper 4 (MMC3) is enabled again, but since IRQs are disabled, most of the games are unplayable.
- Updated to Allegro 4.3.10 library.
- More debug stuff removed, plus internal changes and minor fixes.
RockNES Official Site
Ootake 1.36 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:58 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Turbografx 16
| - In the battle scene of "Tengai Makyou II", etc. when it passed time, the bug that the CDDA music was played (repeat play bug. generated from v1.32) was corrected.
- When using Ootake with "Windows 98/Me", after it had returned from full-screen, the problem that the resolution doesn't return (generation from v1.35) was corrected. * Operation with "Windows 98/Me" is not tested.
Ootake Official Site
GP2X-7800 1.0.3 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:56 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
| - Many optimizations to speed up the emulation, frame rate is now 50 fps at 220Mhz in many games.
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off (useful for games such as xevious !)
- Add new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps or render mode can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
. setup auto fire speed
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
GP2X-7800 Official Site
Sunday, February 03, 2008 |
WinUAE 1.4.6 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:38 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Amiga
| 1.4.6 will be the last version that runs on Windows 98/ME. Following
versions will require Windows 2000 or newer.
1.4.5 problems fixed:
- Mouse never capturing. (Windows 98/ME, rarely on W2K/XP)
- Some games crashing.
- Broken sprite outside playfields-feature and SWIV score information.
- Fullscreen mode with non-default refresh rate fallback problem.
Other bugs fixed:
- A600/A1200/A4000 IDE emulation freeze if >2G drive/HDF.
- CDTV E.S.S. Mega "semi-hidden" track now loads properly on W2K/XP.
- Crash when switching between <=2MB Chip + Fast and >2MB Chip setting.
- Sound emulation tweak. (Dungeon Master II, perhaps some others)
- Unstable NMI (IRQ7) option in cycle-exact and more-compatible modes.
- "Full-window" mode didn't always allow Windows desktop RTG resolution.
New features:
- Inverted mouse and analog joystick input sources.
- Input device (USB joystick, mouse etc..) on the fly insertions and removals supported. Device names saved to configuration file.
- Automatic joystick switching, firebutton 'inserts' any non-selected joystick to Amiga joystick port, mouse port selected if second button pressed or there is already other joystick in joystick port with firebutton pressed.
- Dynamic JIT direct memory allocation. Increased Z3 and RTG maximum sizes to 1G and 512M. (If at least 2G physical RAM)
- A3000 confirmed 2.04 ROM added to ROM scanner.
- CD32 FMV cartridge ROM added to ROM scanner. ROM and autoconfig emulated. Overlay and video/audio decoder chips not emulated.
- Directory filesystem ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL implementation is now more compatible with buggy programs.
- CIA/Gayle overlay emulation setting added to advanced chipset.
- Original early A1000 non-EHB Denise added to advanced chipset.
- Original A1000 (and early A2000) Agnus blitter busy bug added.
- Keyboard reset warning emulated and added to advanced chipset.
- Debugger improvements, hex/dec/bin converter, all commands that accept numeric parameters also accept register names (RAx,RDx,PC,USP,VBR,..), number prefixes supported, hex = 0x or $, bin = %, dec = !.
- 1M (both 0xe0/0xf8 and 0xf0/0xf8) and 2M (0xa8/0xb0/0xe0/0xf8) ROM image support.
- Implemented "stretch to fullscreen" filtering option.
WinUAE Official Site
PSP7800 1.1.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:37 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
| - Major speed improvements (> 60 fps at 222Mhz) but limited at 50fps by default
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off useful for games such as space Xevious ! On given games, the auto fire can't be stopped easily (so you might have to disable it several times)
- It uses now only PSP GU for rendering
- IR keyboard support (pretty useless, but don't forget, i'm a shadok)
- Add several new hotkeys :
. settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
. quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.
- Analog pad can be used in the rom file requester
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
PSP7800 Official Site
Saturday, February 02, 2008 |
Ootake 1.35 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:57 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Turbografx 16
| - The function to convert a "bad 3Mbit Rom-image file (over dumped with specific dump machine)" was added.
* Operating a "bad Rom-image file" troubles other PCE/TG16 emulators. The converted "just proper" image file can be used with [a lot of other Free PCE/TG16 emulators], too. This is a "fair" method for the "PC Engine & TurboGrafx16" emulator and the PCE/TG16's fan.
- When setting it to "BigAudioBuffer Mode", the amount of the buffer was increased. As a result, tone quality has improved.
- "FullScreen Customize" menu was added to "Screen" menu. It is possible to use it by an arbitrary display resolution at full-screen. And, when the check is put on "FullScreen Resolution Auto Change" of "FullScreen Customize" menu, "display resolution" can be automatically switched by "resolution of the game (width 256,336,512)". * It is a function to use it on the display such as 15kHz cathode-ray tubes.
- In the SuperGrafx's game with black belt display right and left, the bug to which garbage had been ultra uncommonly displayed was corrected.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
Ootake Official Site
Friday, February 01, 2008 |
lxdream 0.8.3 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:16 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Dreamcast
| What’s New:
• MMU Implementation - As previously noted, linux-dc now runs quite well, albeit slowly.
• Dreamcast mouse and keyboard controllers (also rather essential for running linux-dc)
• Support for real joysticks and gamepads (linux host only)
• Various bug fixes
Other Changes:
• Change timer (TMU) interrupts to be precise (within the bounds of a code block anyway)
• Implement SLEEP op properly in translator
• Clamp run speed in the GUI if it’s running too fast
• Run event loop more frequently to avoid missing keyboard events
lxdream Official Site
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