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    Friday, February 26, 2016
Xebra 20160224 released!

Xebra is a progressing Japanese Playstation(PS) emulator for Win32.

Xebra (2016/02/24) Changelog:

The delay processing of the drawing routines and Mode2 divided into another case further than the conventional,
Increase the Hashoreru amount.
For example, in the drawing process, and the like texture processing and blending process,
Since heavy comes to put the decision of the presence or absence in the middle of the process
(1) None None (2) No Yes (3) No Yes (4) Yes Yes
It needs to provide the four cases by routine.
Since the drawing process there is also a mask processing and writing processing to other
Routine Yuku growing at doubling game.
3 types of texture processing, since the blending process is four,
If there is also in another case, including further 3x4 = 12 times,
Overall average In becomes (1 + 3 + 4 + 12) / (1 + 1 + 1 + 1) = 5 times.
Honesty, hesitate to number, but he did not Yatteko up there, it was carried out it this time.

The emulator itself is in English. No worries.


    Thursday, February 25, 2016
MAME 0.171 released!

MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06137: [Crash/Freeze] (maygay1bsw.c) Many sets in maygay1bsw.cpp: Several games
are crashing while "initializing.." (Osso)
- 06135: [Interface] ROM-less games cannot be started from internal UI
- 02327: [Graphics] (megasys1.c) chimerab: Priorty PROM is missing. (David Haywood)
- 06134: [Misc.] all games with LED outputs: ledutil no longer works (micko)
- 06139: [Color/Palette] (x68k.c) x68k [akumajo]: Some elements turn blue (crazyc)

Source Changes
-New video chip support : Thomson EF9364 / Sescosem SFF96364 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]

-Pyon Pyon Jump: [Roberto Fresca]
Create derivative machine driver.
Hooked the V9938 Yamaha VDP.
Added the DIP switches bank #1
Hooked the system input ports.
Added support for Yamaha YM2149.
Decoupled the YM2149 data read.
Correct bankswitching.
Added sound latch & output port.
Version added to the game description.
Proper inputs + DIP switches support.
Second CPU IRQ ack. Promoted to working.
OKI M5205 ADPCM samples support.

-pulsarlb: Added extra bios [Robbbert]

-Modernized sound volume setting code in various Atari drivers [AJR]

-Fixed F3 soft-reset on Arkanoid sets with MCU [Lord Nightmare]

-osdmini: Fixes build issues [Stuart Carnie]

-Replaced osd_lock with std::mutex [Miodrag Milanovic]

-Software list entries can now supply slot option defaults [AJR]

-i8271: Unload head after programmed revolutions [Nigel Barnes]

-apple2: Fix parallel card ACK handling, Print Shop almost works with
the lx810l now. [R. Belmont]

-Nibble driver: Rewrote the whole driver. Added video hardware,
preliminary machine driver and memory map. Decoded the graphics.
[Roberto Fresca]

-Made anonymous timer non-anonymous in arkanoid.cpp, fixes savestates
for the sets using the original Taito MCU code [Lord Nightmare]

-Allow load/saved state slots to be bound to joystick buttons [Victor Vasiliev]

-Dumped "Dead or Alive 2 (Rev A)", match existent set, fix game and EPRROM names
[Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-Dumped "King of Fighters XI" EN, match JP one, add notes [Brizzo]

-Substantial improvements to Web Audio sound backend for Emscripten
port. [Grant Galitz]

-disound: Don't crash on state load when the mixer is disabled by lack
of inputs (misconfiguration or missing samples) [O. Galibert]

-Initial import of MEWUI to MAME [Maurizio Petrarota]

-External DATs grouped into a single view. [Maurizio Petrarota]

-New video chip support: Thomson EF9364 / Sescosem SFF96364 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]

-z80.cpp: Added a debug mechanism for /WAIT pin assertion mechanism
(enable with STALLS_ON_WAIT_ASSERT in CPU core), and hooked it up to
Night Gal driver as a quick example. [Angelo Salese]

-Make octal flag part of address_space/address_space_config [AJR]

-Added unknown NAOMI development(?) board BOOT ROM [coolmod]

-Initial support for BGFX [Ryan Holtz, Dario Manesku, Branimir Karadic, Miodrag Milanovic]

-Significant speed improvements to the BGFX renderer. [Ryan Holtz]

-Added basic JSON-based single-pass shader effect support to BGFX renderer. [Ryan Holtz]

-Added hat trick hero 93 PALs [Alex Cmaylo]

-catnmous: graphical improvements [Vernimark, Vas Crabb]
* Redumped Cat and Mouse colour sprite ROM as the correct size
* Implement sprite ROM banking
* Improve colour palette using resistor values from board photographs

-laserbat: fix inadvertently swapped TMS organ chip clocks (fixes music) [Vas Crabb]

-Make Zaccaria 1B11107 and 1B11142 boards devices and share common parts [Vas Crabb]

-apple1: Completely rewrote the driver in modern idioms. All
functionality should be the same. [R. Belmont]

-Descrambled the ROM on the Xerox NoteTaker, and mapped it in the
correct areas to make it start to boot. [Lord Nightmare]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Corrected CPU Clock speed, and map at least some of RAM
[Lord Nightmare]

-electron: Added cassette softlist and implemented BREAK key [Nigel Barnes]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Corrected RAM amount. Attached the pic8259 interrupt
controller, though no interrupts are attached to that yet. Added
documentation of i/o writes during the boot process. [Lord Nightmare]

-vigilant.cpp: Added video timing PROM. [Pasky, caius]

-Videosnaps patch (additional file to write: gamename.inp.timecode) [Michele Fochi]
Added new options:
* [no]exit_after_playback (default=no)
* [no]record_input (default=no) Added new UI shortcut to save current
timecode (default F12) Translated variable names and comments to
english language

-Sord m5 driver update [Ales Dlabac]
added support for RAM expansions EM-5,64KBI,64KBF,64KRX
added m5p_brno mod Sord m5+1024kB
ramdisk+cp/m 2 cart slots

-Moon Light (Set 2): Fix the program ROM addressing. This fix the
corrupt graphics in the double-Up feature. [Roberto Fresca]

-Moved JANGOU_BLITTER into a device [Angelo Salese]

-NCS8105 ADCX opcode is actually an ADDX, fixes gfx garbage in
nightgal.cpp [Angelo Salese]

-Corrected ROM labels and removed endian-swap during descramble for
notetaker in favor of loading ROMs the other way round. Add ROM
locations. [Lord Nightmare]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Implement ROM/RAM overlay as per schematics.
Documented Address map and part of I/O map. [Lord Nightmare]

-Note that one of the buccaneers proms matches the vigilante video sync
prom [caius, David Haywood]

-Moon Light: Rearranged and split by program. This generated new sets
due to the hidden extra programs in the program ROMs. [Roberto Fresca]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Added the IO Processor firmware v1.50 as an alt bios
after typing it from the assembly source listing on bitsavers. Added
two PROMs as NO_DUMP. Updated comments and history a bit, but needs
further improvement. [Lord Nightmare]

-Updated Xerox NoteTaker documentation and history section, with cited
sources. [Lord Nightmare]

-Cherry Master v1.10: Fixed inputs / DIP switches. [Roberto Fresca]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Finished documenting the I/O CPU's I/O ports, updated
history documentation a bit more [Lord Nightmare]

-Figured out algorithm and replaced SnowBoard Championship lookup
table with proper emulation of device [Samuel Neves & Peter

-chihiro.c: Redumped "Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 2 (Rev G)" [ANY]
Re-parented set

-mitchell.cpp: Dumped a blockjoy board and noted a rom label difference
[Andrea Palazzetti]

-snotec.xml: Added 3 new cart dumps. [TeamEurope]

-Extended LUA API [Jeffrey Clark]

-Support for the AMPAL18P8 to the jedutil tool. [Kevin Eshbach]

-Improved cross compile support [Jeffrey Clark]

-Hp9845: Added tape driver [F. Ulivi]

-r9751: Add more DMA registers for serial and floppy [Brandon Munger]

-slapstic: One small step toward slapstic modernization [AJR]
* Make chip number part of device configuration, not init param
* Correct mainpcb slapstic number in racedrivpan
* Remove many unused slapstics

-c64_cart.xml, c128_cart.xml: Added some diagnostic carts.
[World of Jani]

-COM5016/COM8116 Baud Generator: Added a bunch more divisor tables and
notes [Lord Nightmare]

-Apollo changes: [Hans Ostermeyer]
* Unified logging format in associated devices
* Use correct raw video modes

-Xerox NoteTaker: Finished IOCPU memory map documentation. Hooked up the two
UARTS. Begin hookup of the screen/CRTC. Fixed an issue with writes to
ROM-mapped areas shadowing to RAM. Added 960KHz xtal for the keyboard UART.
[Lord Nightmare]

-AY-3-1015 UART: Fixed two swapped pin functions. [Lord Nightmare]

-Added multi-language support for MAME [Miodrag Milanovic]

-sq1: Much-improved LCD and front panel button support.
[Parduz, R. Belmont]

-weddingr: better input port descriptions [Vas Crabb]

-Added Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional translation [YuiFAN]

-Added German translation [Raf Tacker]

-Added Japanese translation [Fujix]

-Added Italian translation [Angelo Salese,Antonio Paradossi,Fabio Priuli]

-Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation [Ashura-X]

-pacman.cpp, meadwttl.cpp: small fix of game years for Novomatic's Cannon
Ball and Meadows' Meadows 4 in 1, respectively, to synchronize with
history.dat [Antonio Paradossi]

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Pyon Pyon Jump (V1.40, Japan) [Roberto Fresca]
Carnival King [Ted Green]
Fidelity Chess Challenger 10 [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 12-B [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Voice Chess Challenger [hap]
Fidelity Voice Sensory Chess Challenger [hap]
Fidelity Champion Sensory Chess Challenger [hap]
Fidelity Chess Challenger 7 [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Excellence [hap, plgDavid]
Fidelity Voice Excellence [hap, plgDavid]
SMT Goupil G1 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Michigan Super Draw (2131-16, U5-2)
[Charles MacDonald, Brian Troha, David Haywood, The Dumping Union]
'96 Flag Rally [Nosunosu, ShouTime, David Haywood]
Apple IIe (Spanish) [robcfg, R. Belmont]
Super Cherry Master (v1.0) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6114) [hap, Micha]
Coleco Electronic Quarterback [hap, Sean Riddle]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-7) [hap, Micha]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (V10/V11) [hap, Micha]
Parker Brothers Lost Treasure [hap, Sean Riddle]
Coleco Zodiac [hap, Sean Riddle]
Conic Electronic Football II [hap, Sean Riddle]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Touche Me (set 2, harder) [system11]
Speak & Math (1980 version) [Sean Riddle, plgDavid]
La Dictee Magique (French Speak & Spell) [Sean Riddle, plgDavid]
Grillo Parlante (Italian Speak & Spell) [Sean Riddle, plgDavid]
1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/10) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Multi Champ (World, older) [f205v]
1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/26) [caius]
NBA Jam (rev 1.00 02/1/93 [Alex Meijer, Bernard Tack]
Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Italy) [Corrado Tomaselli]
64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan, set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli]
World Rally (Version 1.0, Checksum 8AA2) [Artemio Urbina]
Fighting Golf (US, Ver 2)
[Ryan Holtz, Shoutime, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
World Cup Volley '95 Extra Version (Asia v2.0B) [Kevin Eshbach]
Moon Light (bootleg of Golden Star, set 2) [f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Frogger (Sega set 3) [Team Europe]
Moon Light (v.0629, high program) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Moon Light (v.02L0A, low program) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Moon Light (v.02L0A, high program, alt gfx) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Cherry Gold I (set 2, encrypted bootleg) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Cherry Master I (ver.1.01, set 8, V4-B-) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Cherry Master I (ver.1.10) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 4) [Jose Jorge Fuentes]
1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg) [Andrea Palazzetti]
Space Rocks (Spanish clone of Asteroids) [pako ikarihardmods]
Block Block (World 911219 Joystick) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Royal Poker '96 (set 4, C3 board) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
New Cherry '96 (bootleg of New Fruit Bonus?) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Argox Rabbit Printer (model OS-214) [Felipe Sanches]
Xerox NoteTaker [Lord Nightmare, bitsavers]
Unknown Nibble game
[Team Europe, Marcus Jendroska, Y~K, Smitdogg, Roberto Fresca, The Dumping Union]
Name Club Ver.2 (J 960315 V1.000) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Cross Puzzle [Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Print Club LoveLove (J 970421 V1.000) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club Yoshimoto V2 (J 970422 V1.100) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Vol. 7 Spring (J 970313 V1.100) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Puffy (Japan) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Pepsiman (J 970618 V1.100) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Vol. 6 Winter (J 961210 V1.000) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Warner Bros (J 970228 V1.000) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 '97 Winter Ver (J 971017 V1.100, set 2) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 '98 Summer Ver (J 980603 V1.100) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club LoveLove Ver 2 (J 970825 V1.000) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Name Club (J 960315 V1.000) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Dragon Treasure 2 (Rev A) (GDS-0037A)
[Jorge Valero, rtw, The Dumping Union]
Tiger K28/Coleco Talking Teacher
[hap, Jonathan Gevaryahu, Sean Riddle, plgDavid, Kevin Horton]
Mattel Computer Gin [hap, Kevin Horton]
Tiger K28 (model 7-230) [hap, Kevin Horton]
Coleco Head to Head Basketball (COP420L) [Sean Riddle]
Wangan Midnight R (WMR1 Ver. A) [Darksoft, Guru, R. Belmont]
IGT Multistar 7 2c [Miodrag Milanovic]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Jurassic Park 3 (ver UA) [ShouTime]
Police 24/7 (ver EAA, alt) [Guru]
Thrill Drive 2 (ver EAA, 2 alt versions) [Guru]
Tsurugi (ver EAB, alt) [Guru]
World Combat (ver AAD, alt) [Guru]
The Rumble Fish (prototype) [Brizzo, MetalliC, Arzeno Fabrice]
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (World) [Brizzo, MetalliC, Arzeno Fabrice]

New WORKING software list additions
Fidelity Chess CB16 [anonymous]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions


    Monday, February 22, 2016
Cemu 1.3.2 released!

Cemu - Wii U emulator - Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC

Added multi-core support for CPU emulation (Disabled by default, not recommended at this stage)
Added support for polygon offset (fixes some shadows and surface flicker)
Optimized GPU cpu thread by offloading work to GPU (Improves performance in graphic intensive games)
Added support for GX2 Occlusion Query API
Improved support for texture samplers and fixed other texture issues
Added debug option to view active PPC threads
Fixed a crash that could occur when loading .rpx


    Saturday, February 20, 2016
Massive's gamecube adapter

Massive's gamecube adapter
Wii U GCN USB Driver

The latest version is 3.2.1 and is being hosted here:

Older versions are available here.
This project is open source, and can be forked/viewed/cloned/whatevered with git:
Supported Versions of Windows: 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
This driver supports the official Nintendo Wii U Gamecube USB adapter,
as well any third party adapters emulating the device WUP-028.

    Wednesday, February 17, 2016
PPSSPP 1.2.1 released!

February 14, 2016: PPSSPP 1.2.1 has been released!

A bunch of stability fixes when switching apps on Android
Updated the fonts for Chinese and Korean to cover some previously unsupported chars

February 14, 2016: PPSSPP 1.2 is out!

As usual, a ton of fixes and improvements:

A major rework of sceAtrac audio decoding, fixing various music hangs and similar issues
Many fixes and workarounds to depth and stencil buffer usage, and also FBO management
Audio reverb support
Combo keys - custom touch buttons that press multiple PSP buttons
5xBR upscaling on GPU (postprocessing effect)
Fix problems with playback of video with mono audio
Performance improvements like multithreaded audio mixing
ARM64 JIT crash bug fixes
GLSL shader cache to reduce stuttering ingame
Support render-to-CLUT functionality that some games use to change colors of various monsters
x86-64 support on Android
Auto-hide on-screen controls after a while of no usage
Fixes to prescale UV speedhack, now seems reliable
Faster ISO RAM cache
New UI for moving around the PSP display on larger screens
Minor UI fixes like better slider controls
Assorted stability fixes (ffmpeg crash, etc)
Volume setting is back
Preparations for supporting more graphics APIs
AdHoc port offset
Support another HD remaster (Sora no Kiseki Kai HD)


ePSXe 2.0 for window

ePSXe has finally updated to 2.0 after the teases on twitter
The (long) list of changes are:

- First of all, ePSXe 2.0 now requires Windows Vista or superior. While it could work on Windows XP SP2, it has not been tested.
- Multi-language support. Currently there is support for English, Spanish, Japanese (thanks to Nekokabu) and Italian (thanks to Domus). If you want to help us translate the emulator to other language let us know at [email protected].
- Added a gamelist window. Now you can open a gamelist window by selecting File->Open Gamelist or clicking on the letters "PSX" from the ePSXe logo.
- Improved CPU/overall timing accuracy.
- Improved GTE accuracy. and added support for widescreen and subpixel precision (GTE Accuracy hack thank to Edbla).
- Ported the Soft GPU from the Android version. The new GPU Core requires a videocard supporting OpenGL2 + GLSL shader. Supporting increased internal resolution at x2/x4, brightness profiles, stretching modes, 2D filters (Thanks to Zenju), Shaders (Thanks to Lottes & Hyllian), Scanlines and Sub-pixel precision. (Special thanks to Pete Bernert :)
- Included the Pete Opengl2 GPU core with support for sub-pixel precission (gte accuracy hack) and memory detection. Millions of thanks to Pete Bernert, Tapcio and Edbla.
- Teamviewer incompatibility is resolved with the internal GPU plugins.
- Added a configuration window to select options for the internal SPU Plugin.
- Fixed support for CDDA music in external SPU plugins.
- Improved the internal input plugin. Improved multitap andd added autofire support.
- Added support for Konami Justifier gun using the mouse.
- External Input plugins support.
- Added game profile by game.
- Improved auto-PPF support. (PPv3 and several files by game)
- Improved cheat support. Fixed cheatcodes gameshark conditional, added increment/decrement types (0x10-11, 0x20-21) and copy type (0xc2).
- Improved HLE bios emulation. Starting with version 1.9.25, the HLE bios has been improved to support more games: Wild Arms, Jet Moto, Toca World Touring, Simcity 2000. Memcards support was improved for a lot of games such as Dinocrisis 2, Metal Gear Solid, V-Rally2, Diablo, Ridge Racer Type 4, Driver, Echo Night and Azure Dreamns.
- Fixes to the CD-ROM decoder and the core which made around to 40 more games playable or better working: Agile Warrior F-111X, Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 2, Blasto (PAL), C-12 - Final Resistance, Captain Commando, Cinema Eikaiwa - Ai No Hate Ni, Cinema Eikaiwa - ArasshigaokaA, Cinema Eikaiwa - Interceptor, Cinema Eikaiwa - Tengoru Ni Ikenai Papa,, Cinema Eikaiwa - This boys life, Cinema Eikaiwa - Zombiew, Duke Nukem - Land of Babes (PAL), Fantastic Night Dreams - Cotton Original, Formula One 2000, Glocal Hexcite, Jumping Flash 2, Legend of Legaia, London Racer 2, Mary-Kate and Ashley - Crush Course (PAL), Mary Kate & Ashley - Magical Mystery Mall (PAL), Medievil, Medievil 2, Metal Slug - Super Vehicle 001, Maboroshi Tsukiyo, Millennium Soldier Expendable, Nightmare Creatures II, Nishijin Packinko Tengoku Vol 2, Perfect Weapon, Psybadek, Rock'n Roll Racing 2 - Red Asphalt (PAL), Rugrats Studio Tour (PAL), SD Gundam G Generation Zero, Sidewinder II, Slots, Soul Blade, Star Wars - Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire, Super Pang Collection, The Hive, USA Racer - A2 Racer goes USA, Virtua Pachi-Slot Olympia Special
(New logo thanks to Robert Typek)

So what you waiting for go here now!

    Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Yape v1.0.9 released

Yape is the best emulator of Commodore microcomputer family running on Windows and Unix. The emulator faithfully imitates the C-264 (alias Commodore Plus/4) model.

Yape v1.0.9 changelog:

* updated project to be used with Visual Studio 2015 and MinGW-w64
* optional XAudio2 driver added (DirectSound's successor)
* D81 image support in 1551/IEC mode (no partitions though)
* PSID replay support via the autostart menu
* refactored audio mixing
* disk attachment regression bug
* various other bugfixes (monitor settings, TED sound, snapshot)


    Thursday, February 04, 2016
mGBA v0.4.0 released!

mGBA is a new emulator for running Game Boy Advance games. It aims to be faster and more accurate than many existing Game Boy Advance emulators, as well as adding features that other emulators lack.

- Near full Game Boy Advance hardware support[1].
- Fast emulation. Known to run at full speed even on low end hardware, such as netbooks.
- Qt and SDL ports for a heavy-weight and a light-weight frontend.
- Save type detection, even for flash memory size[2].
- Real-time clock support, even without configuration.
- A built-in BIOS implementation, and ability to load external BIOS files.
- Turbo/fast-forward support by holding Tab.
- Frameskip, configurable up to 9.
- Screenshot support.
- 9 savestate slots. Savestates are also viewable as screenshots.
- Video and GIF recording.
- Remappable controls for both keyboards and gamepads.
- Loading from ZIP files.
- IPS and UPS patch support.
- Game debugging via a command-line interface (not available with Qt port) and GDB remote support.

mGBA v0.4.0 Changelog:

* Officially supported ports for the Nintendo 3DS, Wii, and PlayStation Vita
* I/O viewer
* Booting of multiboot images
* Customization of GIF recording
* Libretro: Cheat code support
* Support for GLSL shaders
* ROM information view
* Support for VBA-style cheat codes
* Savestates now store creation timestamps
* Key autofire
* Libretro: Allow blocking opposing directional input
* OpenEmu core for OS X
* Libretro: Settings for using BIOS and skipping intro
* Libretro: Customizable idle loop removal
* Implemented cycle counting for sprite rendering
* Cleaner, unified settings window
* Added a setting for pausing when the emulator is not in focus
* Customizable paths for save games, save states, screenshots and patches
* Controller hotplugging
* Ability to store save games and active cheats within savestates

* ARM7: Fix sign of unaligned LDRSH
* ARM7: Fix decoding of some ARM ALU instructions with shifters
* Debugger: Fix watchpoints in gdb
* GBA: Fix warnings when creating and loading savestates
* GBA: Fix Iridion II savetype
* GBA BIOS: Fix misaligned CpuSet
* GBA Cheats: Fix cheats setting the Action Replay version
* GBA Hardware: Fix GPIO on big endian
* GBA Memory: Fix DMA register writing behavior
* GBA Memory: Fix DMAs triggering two cycles early
* Libretro: Fix aspect ratio
* Qt: Fix some potential crashes with the gamepad mapping
* Qt: Fix keys being mapped incorrectly when loading configuration file
* Util: Fix PowerPC PNG read/write pixel order
* Util: Fix excessive memory allocation when decoding a PNG
* VFS: Fix VFileReadline and remove _vfdReadline

* All: Improved PowerPC support
* All: Fix some undefined behavior warnings
* ARM7: Combine shifter-immediate and shifter-register functions to reduce binary size
* Debugger: Convert breakpoints and watchpoints from linked-lists to vectors
* GBA: Implement bad I/O register loading
* GBA: Allow jumping to OAM and palette RAM
* GBA BIOS: Finish implementing RegisterRamReset
* GBA Config: Add “override” layer for better one-time configuration
* GBA Input: Consolidate GBA_KEY_NONE and GBA_NO_MAPPING
* GBA Memory: Use a dynamically sized mask for ROM memory
* GBA Memory: Implement several unimplemented memory access types


    Wednesday, February 03, 2016
Cemu 1.3.1 released!

v1.3.1 | 2016-02-03

Added fullscreen support
Added support for running extracted applications (.rpx with external files)
Added support for launching games via command line parameter
Vastly improved graphics
Improved accuracy and stability of filesystem code
Many smaller changes to various parts of the emulator

Super Mario 3D World in game:

Go to GBAMP for more information:


Download emulator here:


    Tuesday, February 02, 2016
nGlide v1.05 released!

nGlide is a 3Dfx Voodoo Glide wrapper which means it 'emulates' 3Dfx Glide Library, so you don't need to have a 3Dfx Voodoo card to play games written for Glide API. Both versions of Glide API are supported, Glide2 (glide2x.dll) and Glide3 (glide3x.dll). nGlide translates all Glide callings to Direct3D, which is supported by almost all today's graphics cards.

nGlide v1.05 Changelog:
-added support for F-16: Fighting Falcon
-added support for Space Haste
-fixed Actua Golf 2 ui issues with older Radeons
-fixed Actua Soccer 2 seams glitch
-fixed Driver missing lens flare effect and wrong drawing distance
-fixed Killer Loop buggy time indicator background
-fixed Powerslide blinking car shadows
-fixed Time Warriors glitches with 320x200/640x400 viewports
-fixed Total Soccer 2k disappearing goal nets
-fixed Ultimate Race Pro incorrect fog and low texture detail with v1.50
-fixed Warzone 2100 invisible map after building command center
-fixed lack of gamma correction control with games utilizing SST_GAMMA

-added support for Les Visiteurs: La Relique De Sainte Rolande
-fixed NFL Blitz 2000 missing ui text with 3x renderer
-fixed Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 2000 long loading time
-fixed Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 2001 wrong target arrow distance and long loading time
-fixed Xtreme Air Racing resolution issue

-added support for windowed mode (press Alt+Enter while in game to switch)
-added support for extended resolutions
-added support for edge anti-aliasing
-"4:3" aspect ratio option in nGlide configurator renamed to "Preserve original"
-framerate is now capped at 1000fps with VSync=off or windowed mode to reduce power consumption / coil whine
-fixed Alt+Tab switching in multithreaded games
-fixed regressions


File Releases

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NDS: Elite Beat Agents
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PSX Plugins: P.E.Op.S S ...
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