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    Tuesday, February 28, 2017
RPCS3 Progress Report: February 2017

rpcs3 has posted its progress report for this month, and its been quite a big month for this emulator, here's a snipit:

February 2017 was one of the most eventful months in RPCS3 history. Earlier this month we reached the first Patreon goal of $500, thus ensuring that Nekotekina can continue to work on RPCS3 full time for the time being. A total of 17 authors have pushed 127 commits to the master branch, with 9882 lines of coded added and 6575 lines of code deleted. This represents several hundred, if not thousands hours of work on the project, and it really shows.

In this progress report we will take a look at what each person has been working on for the past month, and highlight some of the more noteworthy changes. This is however far from a complete list of contributions and improvements. Several people in the community have tested hundreds of games, reported several issues, made YouTube videos and supported people on Discord. Nekotekina, kd-11, and the rest of the RPCS3 team would like to thank everyone for their contributions to the project.

The talented graphics developer kd-11 made great changes this month fixing a lot of graphical issues in several games. With fixes to RTT shader access Catherine went from a half screen mess to looking perfect with Vulkan and DirectX 12. Several other games were also fixed with this commit such as Turbo Super Stunt Squad and Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Moreover Eternal Sonata’s main menu isn’t black anymore.

kd-11 also implemented the BRB opcode improving a lot of games such as Yakuza 1 & 2 HD, One Piece: Pirate Warriors, Hellboy: The Science of Evil, Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers and Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Specifically Yakuza 1 & 2 HD went from only a black screen to going ingame and running quite well:

To read the whole report for this month go here.

    Friday, February 24, 2017
cemu 1.7.2

A new version of cemu released today, now at 1.7.2
Heres whats changed:

# Cemu detailed changelog for 1.7.2c
# Patreon release date: 2017-02-16
# Public release date: 2017-02-23

# New in 1.7.2c:

GX2: Fixed a bug in GX2SwapScanBuffers() that could cause the GPU command stream to get corrupted

# New in 1.7.2b:

coreinit: Fixed a crash bug in coreinit initialization code

# New in 1.7.2:

general: Reorganized menu options for better clarity (Some debug option stuff wasn't really for debugging)
general: Added option to choose fullscreen scaling mode (stretch to screen or keep aspect ratio)
general: Default and recommended value for CPU timer option is now 'Host based'

PPC: Thread emulation is now using Fibers. Technically speaking, this change was made to simplify context switching within HLE functions. It allows certain API to behave more similar to the real Cafe OS.

coreinit: Fixed a bug that caused MEMGetAllocatableSizeForExpHeapEx() to return negative values under certain circumstances
coreinit: Fixed a crash bug in MPRunTasksFromTaskQ()
coreinit: Added API MPDequeTask(), MPWaitTaskQWithTimeout(), MPRunTask()
coreinit: Fixed rare deadlock in alarm handler

VPAD: Fixed fullscreen touch input for non-16:9 displays

GX2: Fixed that under certain circumstances GX2WaitTimeStamp() could return immediately due to the low accuracy of the internally used timer (affected only 'Host based timer')
GX2: Added support for texture format R16_G16_B16_A16_SNORM
GX2: Added support for sampler2DRect textures
GX2: Unsupported instructions in a GS Copyshader will no longer cause a crash
GX2: Fixed texelFetch() accessing textures upside-down if ARB_clip_control is used
GX2: Adjusted handling of vsync and flip event to decrease latency
GX2: Optimized texture encoding & decoding
GX2: Optimized frequently used GX2 API
GX2: Optimized various parts of the GPU command processor
GX2: Fixed incorrect mapping of GS->PS attributes if gl_FragCoord is used
GX2: Fixed handling of GS input primitive LINE_STRIP

Get it here

The hundred missing snes games update

As i'm sure a lot of you who follow emulation and general gaming heard about the missing snes games that were worth $10k were lost in post, and did make major news posts on emulation sites and gaming sites alike.
But today the panic is officially over.
Heres what byuu said:

On February 21st, I received an e-mail on the missing mail search I had submitted on January 30th, informing me that my package had been located!
Excited, I contacted my CA rep.
... who then proceeded to tell me that the search had failed, and that the e-mail notification was errant.
However, she promised to request all possible locations the package could have ended up at to do one last search.
Success again?
The CA rep called me late in the day advising that someone in the Atlanta, GA mail recovery center had just now located my package!
Thankfully, the photographs I took of the packages before sending back the first batch of 100 games proved useful with exact appearance, dimensions, weight, etc being available for the search team.
Still, given all the constant ups and downs, I wanted to wait until the package was in hand before giving anyone any false hope.
Success for real!
Finally, today, February 23rd, the ordeal is finally over!

Hopefully now the Snes preservation project can now continue without any more major mishaps.

Full article here

    Sunday, February 12, 2017
no$gba 2.8e released!

Time to uninstall your wanna-be virus scanners: ; )

Major news is heavily extended documentation - including for some first specs on the TeakLiteII processor. The built-in assembler does now support both Xtensa (Wifi) and Teak (DSP) assembler source code, so it's now actually possible to run hardware tests on that processors (not that I would expect anybody to do such things, so just forget about it). Other weird stuff includes the DSi memory dumper - most recent version is released here: http://gbatemp.net/threads/dswifi-as.../#post-7009852 - to my knowledge, that's the first tool ever that could dump the DSi/3DS camera device ID's, the newer Wifi-ROMs and such stuff (again, just forget about it, the program must be in run in DSi mode, and there are currently only 2-3 people who could do such things). Anyways, the good news is that there are now wide parts of the DSi hardware documented, and that we could theoretically start to reverse-englneer the remaining unknown details at some day in future.

11 Feb 2017 - version 2.8e

- gba/bugfix: forces WAITCNT.15=readonly (for DKong:KingOfSwing, thanks endrift)
- dsi/teak/a22i: added TeakLite II assembler (supports most TL+TL2 opcodes)
- dsi/teak/help: specs for teak cpu flags (which opcodes affect which flags)
- dsi/teak/help: specs for memory mapped I/O ports on teak/dsp side
- dsi/teak/help: specs for teak CPU registers, details for operand encoding
- dsi/teak/help: specs for teak st0-2,icr plus undoc stt0-2,mod0-3
- dsi/emmc: detects/supports debug-version eMMC images (tweaks port 4004024h)
- dsi/help: cleaned up some RSA descriptions, notes on debug-version RSA keys
- dsi/help: first attempts on describing SCFG_xxx registers for ARM7 side
- nds/wifi/help: added details on ds-download-play's openpgp-rsa-sha1 signature
- dsi/boot: mimmicked support for booting with AR6013 (when WifiFlash[1FDh]=2)
- dsi/dsdump: released dumping tool for dsi memory areas and chip IDs
- nds/wifi: released dswifi ASM port (and bugfixes for original dswifi-library)
- dsi/wifi/a22i: added assembler support for atheros/xtensa instruction set
- dsi/wifi/disass: fixed bugs for ANY/ALL/4/8 and EXTUI-based SHR pseudo-opcode
- bugfix: handles 16bit (not 32bit) return value of GetKeyState/GetAsyncKeyState
- nds/wifi/help: added note on W_IF acknowledging for counter half-overflows
- dsi/tmd/help: added age ratings and public/private .sav entries in .tmd specs
- dsi/devicelist/help: added DSi SD/MMC Device List chapter (for carthdr[1D4h])
- dsi/startdirect: initializes device list, aes keys, etc. (still imperfect)
- fontfile/help: more info on dsi font file (compression, nitrofont, characters)
- lz/help: added pseudo code for lzss, lz11, and lzrev decompression
- bootinfo/help: SHA1 WifiFlash[00h..27h] and eMMCBootInfo[00h..FFh,180h..1FFh]
- whitelist/help: info on RSA-SHA1's, SHA1-HMAC's and missing RSA check in v1.4E
- flipnote/help: info on various flipnote files, rsa, md5, xor-encryption
- rsa/help: added info on rsa basics, rsa pseudo code, rsa big-endian format
- rsa/help: added note on SWI 23h using OpenPGP Message Format (RFC 4880)
- rsa/bios: 80x86 dsi bios clone supports RSA bios functions (SWI 20h..23h)
- nds/bugfix: disables dsi I/O ports in DS mode (avoids misdetecting DS as DSi)


    Friday, February 03, 2017
Progress reports

As we are now pretty much into 2017 (January was just a trial period!) two emulators have now posted their progress reports, so if you havn't got around to checking them out, this is a good time.

First up Dolphin the NGC and Wii emulator has updated its progress report for january:

Sometimes, it's easy to forget how much work there is left to do on a refined emulator. While the rush of getting a new game to boot or discovering a crazy feature hidden within an obscure gem never gets old, those moments do tend to get further and further apart as accuracy increases. As if to defy fate itself, excitement reigned over the month of January as a plethora of ancient bugs were fixed and many unbootable titles finally saw their day of reckoning come to be!

Among the new recruits are the final Virtual Console game, a massive Wii MMO that installs itself to USB, two games where we're almost certain the developers purposefully put code in to defeat Dolphin, and two channels developed by the remnants of Factor 5.

And also the PlayStation 2 emulator pcsx2 has posted its Q4 2016 progress report with the notable addition of the start of adding PSX emulation, and with many enhancements and bug fixes, a massive update to the start of the year.

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