Tuesday, January 31, 2006 |
ScummVM 0.8.1 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 12:46 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| General:
- More descriptive game titles in all engines.
- Fixed crash when trying to apply aspect-ratio correction to games that cannot use it.
- Fixed potential security vulnerability with oversized PATH environment variables.
- Lowered the default gain for the FluidSynth music driver and made it configurable.
- Scrolling fixes in COMI, so it is less CPU-hungry.
- Added support for Maniac Mansion NES German version.
- Fixed mouse button states in COMI.
- Fixed overflow when using control panel for robot in the Dig.
- Added support for sound code, used by songs in HE games.
- Improved shadows in later HE games.
- Fixed subtitles glitches in HE games.
- Improved music/sound for HE games.
- Improved support for international versions of HE games.
- Improved support for Macintosh versions of games.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
- Fix crash when speed/volume sliders are clicked and then dragged out of the scummvm window.
- Fixed disappearing cursor when level password is typed in
- Warn user if he tries to run CD version directly from CD under Windows
- Fix digital music playback under BE systems.
- Implemented more precise MD5-based game detection.
- Added Polish support for Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed fades during ride to goblins camp in Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed palette delay at the end of Simon the Sorcerer 1.
- Fixed sound looping in Windows version of Simon the Sorcerer 2.
- Fixed a bug where looping sounds would keep playing during cutscenes or when displaying any form of control panel dialog.
- The save game dialog would erroneously claim an I/O error occurred if the savegame list had unused slots, and savegames were compressed.
- Fixed a scrolling bug which caused the finale sequence to be displayed incorrectly.
- Fixes and cleanups to the end credits. The German credits work now.
- Fixed missing speech/music in the second half of the game, reported to happen in some versions of the game.
PS2 Port:
- Completely reworked and now really goes official.
PSP Port:
- Fixed a bug that caused Broken Sword 1, and games that use ripped CDDA tracks (most notably the CD version of Monkey Island 1), to stop functioning properly after a while.
WinCE Port:
- Check backends/wince/README-WinCE for the latest news
- Fixed disappearing panel when opening a list widget in GUI
- Knakos patches (QVGA smartphones fix, easier key binding and panel switching)
ScummVM Official Site
ScummVM 0.8.1
pSX emulator released
Posted by Falcon4ever @ 11:47 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation
It seems that a new promising Sony Playstation emulator has arrived:
This is what the readme says:
pSX emulates the Sony Playstation 1, pretty much everything is emulated
(to my knowledge) and most games run perfectly.
One thing that should be noted is that pSX DOES NOT use plugins.
The emulator is completely self contained.
The emulator has been designed to be as easy and unobtrusive to use
as possible - in most cases you will not need to configure anything
to use it (except maybe the controls).
Not sure who the author is but thanks Bobbi (NGEmu) / Lewpy (lewpy.psxemu.com) for submitting the news.
pSX emulator
pSX emulator v1.0
PLynx 0.9 (Atari Lynx Emulator for the PSP)
Posted by Wraggster @ 02:11 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
PLynx has once again updated his Atari Lynx emulator for the PSP which is called PLynx too, heres whats new:
There is the last PLynx version.
- Added homebrew format support (.o)
- Option to rotate the screen (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°)
As usual download at the Official Site hosted by DCEmu/Emulation 64 Network.
GP2X Update Featuring PSX, Snes, Amstrad and Master System Emulators
Posted by Wraggster @ 02:51 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
Its time for another update of emulators for the rather awesome GP2X Handheld console, the list continues to swell like mad and with PSX emulation looking good at such an early stage in the life of the console things are looking good for the long term. Heres a round up of GP2X News you have missed.
Heres the emulators:
GP2PSX v0.33 (Playstation Emulator for the GP2X)
ZodTTD has updated his rather excellent Playstation Emulator for the GP2X, heres the latest news from the coder:
| Another day, another release...
GP2PSX has been updated to v0.33.
Even though the version number only went up slightly, it's still a fairly good release. Performance, sadly, hasn't gone up much. BUT! Compatibility is WAY up now!
I fixed a bug that made some previously working games not work. This bug made a lot of games not respond to key input as well. So now many more new games are able to work. Every game I threw at it, worked! Street Fighter Alpha 3 worked, Tactics Ogre worked, R Types worked...and so on.
Now that I have this codebase being ported to other platforms, such as the Sharp Zaurus (it runs good on my Z C1000 @ 624MHz), I've been able to get even more feedback. So many optimizations and bug fixes to come.
From the readme: UPDATED January 26th, 2006
New in version v0.33:
Fixed a bug that caused GP2PSX to crash when the game menu's current directory had more than about 15 items. The menu system now scrolls.
Fixed a very irritating bug that caused a bunch of games not to work. If you had a game hang at the loading screen with a previous release, try it again now.
Compatibility is way up.
Fixed a bug that stopped input from being processed in the middle of games.
I'm not sure if a compatibility list is needed, since most games run too slow to be playable. A playable games list might be more appropriate. ;P
GP2PSX is getting there!
Windows 95 On GP2X- Bochs Ported to GP2X Console
Madelman has released a port of Bochs for the GP2X.
Heres the info:
This is a port of Bochs, a PC emulator, for the GP2X. It's quite slow, so it's not really usable, but anyway a nice proof of concept. Everybody knows no console can be famous if it doesn't run Win95.
I've tried running FreeDOS, some old XT games and Win95 and everything works correctly. But mouse is not implemented and neither is keyboard, only a few keys have been mapped to GP2X buttons. Win95 boots in about 6:30 minutes, which is not really bad :)
SquidgeSNES v0.34 SR 1 (Snes emulator for GP2X)
Squidge let us know he has released a new version of his SNES emulator for the GP2X. Heres whats new
This fixes the disappearing sprites and also has some other graphical fixes.
SMSPlus 2x v0.5 (Sega Master System Emulator)
efegea has released a new version of the Sega Master System emulator for the GP2X:
- Now it uses SDL accelerated by hardware, no longer is necessary to overclockear the console so that it goes to a good speed. In addition, it uses double buffer
- Added support for roms of GameGear, with extension gg
No homepage but download here.
CapriceGP2X v0.01c (Amstrad CPC Emu for GP2X)
KaosOverride has updated the Amstrad CPC emulator Caprice to the GP2X, heres the translation of whats new:
Eliminated scr_width, scr_heigh, scr_window and scr_style of the CAP32.cfg (so that? 320x200 full screen and goes that it shoots... no? )
Eliminated of I cosay to 32 source all "drivers" of 24 and bpp
Added parametro -- nosound to deshabilitar audio (Priority on parametro of the CFG) Asi we can have the audio one qualified, but deshabilitar when we want from scrip or the selector of Kounch, without reediting the CFG - DIRTY TRICK to raise framerate... I have obtained with frameskip zero that emu shows the same rate of imagenes that without the sound before. 200Mhz we can play 84% of the speed of the original CPC, and 250-266 mhz the 100% in mayoria of the cases. It depends on the intensive use that matches of the AY (audio chip of the CPC) the AY makes us lose a 12% of the speed... Not to use frameskip greater of 2, because this DIRTY TRICK fight a little with I cosay of frame skip...
Eliminated button START for reset of the CPC (So that? mola to see those yellow letters in blue bottom and despues you not key in anything) and used now to mostrar/quitar info of emu. SELECT continues being worth to leave emu.
Volume + and -, they serve now to fit the volume 8)
Well thats everything caught up on the Emulation front for GP2X but if you want to know more then check out GP2X News, GP32Xtreme and GP32 Spain.
Thursday, January 26, 2006 |
Mednafen 0.4.5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 04:21 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| 0.4.5:
drivers/opengl.cpp now includes the GL header files AFTER the header file that eventually loads config.h is included to fix compilation on Mac OS X.
Redefined SFEND from { 0 } to { 0, 0, 0}, and fixed older code to use the SFEND macro, to fix crashing on OSX and possibly other platforms when saving or loading states.
Reduced SDL's buffer size when using the SDL sound driver(used on MacOSX).
Restructured and merged some of the sections in the autoconf script. Note to future self: I noted that it seems if the first instance of PKG_CHECK_MODULES() is in a statement that doesn't evaluate, any other PKG_CHECK_MODULES() statements will fail. I don't know if this is a bug in autoconf, or a misunderstanding on my part.
Removed the largely unused ESD sound driver from compilation, as it is mostly unsuitable for use in Mednafen. Also removed the jack driver, as it was unfinished, and couldn't be used anyway.
PCE: Fixed CD-DA playback from "WAV" audio files on big-endian platforms.
Fixed a compilation problem on big-endian CPUs by adding appropriate type-casts in psf.cpp.
Modified the GBA code to not use many INLINEd functions in arm.cpp. This greatly reduces RAM and CPU usage during compilation, and should have only a negligible impact on performance(and might even improve performance on cache-starved systems).
Fixed a compilation problem on non-x86 and non-PPC platforms in the NES emulation code.
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.4.5
(only source released, which means no Windows or Mac OS X builds)
GameEx 5.45 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 04:18 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • When viewing game artwork full screen you can now navigate through the other artwork without going back, and can also view the snap even if your using video previews. A feature request asked for several times.
• More intuitive display initialisation:
• If GameEx can't set a full screen resolution it will run at the current windows resolution and not error.
• When 32 bit colour not available will automatically switch to 16 bit colour.
• Much better compatibility with Remote Desktop/Terminal Services. Because of the above should run full screen without changing settings.
• In most cases GameEx will not crash when connecting to it through remote desktop.
• Fixes issue where any advanced emulator config game device mapping was mapping all buttons above 6 to 6.
• Fixes slowdown issue navigating emulator lists when GameExtender enabled and you have no snap for a game.
• Fixes toolbar not working when media controls disabled.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.45
GCEmu 20051211 Released
Posted by PsyMan @ 02:11 PM CET | Comments: 19 | GameCube
GCEmu is GameCube emulator for Windows. It has been in development for about one year and it's capable of running commercial games.
Here is what one of the authors has to say about this release:
| GCEmu is a very incomplete emulator for the Nintendo Gamecube.
It uses recompilation techniques and some other tricks to achieve a reasonable speed.
Although emulation is very incomplete, this emulation shows that 'it can be done' and can be done at a decent speed.
Where Dolphin Emu shows that the emulation can be done, GCEmu shows that it can be done at speed.
This is because the different focus. Where the Dolphin guys hate to do cpu emulation (especially recompilers)
this is exactly what I (Tratax) have been playing with since PSEmu.
It was made using Visual Studio C++ using pure C code and a few bits of assembler.
You can visit the SourceForge page of this project for more info.
GCEmu Project Page (SourceForge)
GCEmu 20051211
Tuesday, January 24, 2006 |
PLynx 0.82 - Fanjita Loader version
Posted by Wraggster @ 10:28 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
PLynx the coder behind PLynx the Atari Lynx Emulator for the PSP has released a new version of the Atari Lynx emulator, heres the info:
| Hello,
Here is the last PLynx version.
The firmware 1.5 package was tested with the Fanjita Loader and approuved
- New sound system for Fanjita Loader compatibility for firmware 2.0.
- New GUI.
New Screenshots of the emulator and the new release posted at the Official Site.
Yabause Progress Report
Posted by PsyMan @ 11:49 PM CET | Comments: 6 | Saturn
The Yabause website has been updated with some new screenshots showing King Of Fighters '95 running on the latest CVS version. This makes Yabause the first Saturn emulator running games that use Saturn ROM cartridges!
Here are some shots of King Of Fighters '95 in action:
If you want to compile the latest source you can visit the Yabause Project Page on SourceForge. For more information you can always visit the Yabause Official Site.
Yabause Project Page
Yabause Official Site
MAME GP2X 1.4 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:19 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
| - Added 24 new romsets from MAME 0.35b1-b5 (total supported games now is 1061 !):
MAME 0.35b1: Rolling Thunder (rthunder), Pocket Gal (pcktgal), Pocket Gal (bootleg) (pcktgalb)
MAME 0.35b2: Ikari Warriors (US) (ikari), Ikari Warriors (Japan) (ikarijp), Ikari Warriors (Japan bootleg) (ikarijpb), Victory Road (Victory Road), Dogo Soken (dogosoke)
MAME 0.35b3: Gals Panic (galpanic), Street Fighter (World) (sf1), Street Fighter (US) (sf1us), Street Fighter (Japan) (sf1jp)
MAME 0.35b4: Aero Fighters (aerofgt), Turbo Force (turbofrc), Pang (World) (pang), Pang (bootleg) (pangb), Buster Bros (US) (bbros), Super Pang (World) (spang), Block Block (World) (block), Power Spikes (Korea) (pspikes)
MAME 0.35b5: Hellfire (hellfire), Zero Wing (zerowing), Vimana (set 1) (vimana), Vimana (set 2) (vimana2)
- Problem with relative paths in some consoles solved (Thx wotan_999, bleim).
- Problem with not showed games at the end of the list solved (Thx virucho28).
- New clrmame.dat created by [MaD] updated up to MAME GP2X 1.3. It adds the new supported games in previous versions and it solves the "NO ROM DUMP" in Neo·Geo games.
- Thanks to all paypal donators: gp32x.de, Federico Mazza, Nandove, Videogame Stuff, Denis Evans, Ricardo Cabello, Elías Ballesteros, J.Antonio Serralvo Martín, bagmouse7, Suj, funkyferdy, Gieese, Vincent Cleaver, William Burnett, Bleeg, Martin Dolphin, Ilarri, Glen Stones, Dr.Konami, Augusto Carlos Pérez Arriaza, Charles Box, Borochi, Kayday, George Tavoulareas, Timofonic, Fabrice Canava, Redox, Javitotrader, remowilliams, Scott Contrera, Jinhyun Seo, Hardcore Gamer (Chapas H-G), Craigx (gp2x.co.uk), Shane Monroe, Simon Beattie, Stefan Braunstein, DaveC, Colin Bradshaw, Dana Rodolico, Revod, Michael Evers, Riccardo Pizzi.
MAME GP2X Official Site
Hoxs64 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:13 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Commodore 64
| 22 January 2005 v1.0.4.7
1) Sound bug fix to "resampling" mode.
22 January 2005 v1.0.4.6
1) Added SID "resampling" and "down sampling" options to the emulation settings page.
Previous versions implemented down sampling only. Resampling introduces less noise but
requires significantly more CPU power than down sampling. Resampling is off by default.
Hoxs64 Official Site
GameEx 5.44 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:12 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • Much more intuitive for new users setting up MAME for the first time. If the games list has never been created it will prompt to update.
• For GameExtender, all artwork is now also cycled when a game is launched even when the Game information page has been skipped.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.44
Saturday, January 21, 2006 |
PLynx v0.8
Posted by Wraggster @ 11:44 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
PLynx has once again updated his Atari Lynx emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
| I'm glad to announce you the last PLynx version .... with better sound support !!!
!! ATTENTION : Due to the support of the analog stick, the configuration files (/cfgs/*.cfg) are not compatible anymore.
!! Please delete all the .cfg files in /cfgs/ .
- Better sound support !!
- Fake lynx bios detection error
- Analog stick support during game, option to change the sensibility of the analog stick
- Corrected : emulator crashes when trying to move the cursor up past the rom at the top of the list.
Download at the Official PLynx Homepage
Massive GP2X Emulator Round UP
Posted by Wraggster @ 01:54 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
The GP2X Console is the Homebrew and Emulation Console of the moment and the tidal wave of releases keeps on coming, heres the latest releases ive already posted at my GP2X News Site:
Outcast v006 Experimental (AtariST Emulator for GP2X)
Skeezix has updated the Atari ST Emulator for the GP2X:
Heres whats new:
From 005 to 006 here, I've done some crazier things and not had time to test it much, so I need you guys to beet it up before I continue working on things..
ex: I've rewound my FDC (floppy controller) code to an older version that should be more stable .. handles writes and formats better, for instance. (You still can't save the disk image back to SD, I'll add that.. but games that need the drive to work right should work.. so this should get you some great RPGs and such.) I've rewound some of the timer code a bit, which has removed flicker from The Pawn's loader artowkr for instance, so some games should look better too.
I've done some work on the sample-playback problem and I think I know where the issue is (similar to on prior variatoins like on the GP32) .. the ST is giving really low rate sample data, and at 44KHz we blow through it too quick. For this build I've added some lame 'stretching' code to make the sample data last longer before being consumed, and samples do sound much better (but still shite
But mostly I'm wondering.. is this verson as stable as, and more stable, than 005?
AFAIK I've hooked everything back up.
GP2XMess v0.7 (Multi System Emu for GP2X)
Telengard has updated the MESS port to GP2X, heres whats new:
I just added Tandy Color Computer support to gp2xmess.
So this release supports:
Atari 7800
TI 99/4A
Tandy Color Computer
GNGNeo2x v0.6.7b (NeoGeo emulator for GP2X)
Pepone has updated the released of the NeoGeo MVS (cartridge version) emulator for the GP2X, heres whats new:
This Version Includes GUI created by our friend Kounch and ademas has been developed a system of Dummys to save space in the SD.
Download at GP2X News
Thanks to GP32Spain for the news.
Vice 2X Alpha 4 (Multi System Emulator for the GP2X)
Snaff has updated the release of Vice2X the emulator which supports Commodore computers including the c64, c128, Plus 4, PET, CBM-11 and the VIC20 .
Not sure whats new but enjoy the new release ;)
CapriceGP2X v0.01 (Amstrad CPC Emu for GP2X)
KaosOverride has updated the Amstrad CPC emulator Caprice to the GP2X, this release has sound and is much more playable.
Gp2xhandy Released (Atari Lynx Emu for GP2X)
Tuskenraider2k has ported his Atari Lynx emulator to the GP2X, heres the info:
I've ported my complete source code to the gp2x
a little benchmark with chip's challenge:
GP32 (156mhz, frameskip 2, no sound):
GP2X (frameskip 2, no sound):
A lot more games are now playable with sound :-) But not all run in full speed yet.
FCE Ultra GP2X 0.3 (NES emulator for GP2X)
NoName has updated his Nes Emulator for the GP2X, heres whats new:
Changed codebase to FCEU 0.75 (Since it's about 3 times faster internally)
Sound works (although it's quite choppy atm.)
Rewrote the input so that diagonal controls work on the gp2x
Removed the happy hack screen blitting
Phamicom GP2X v0.3 (NES emulator for GP2X)
Madelman has updated the release of a Nes Emulator for the GP2X called Phamicom GP2X heres the info:
Implemented savestates
Switched to PAL mode by default
Deleted some unused code
SquidgeSnes v0.33 (Snes Emulator for GP2X)
Squidge let us know he has released a new version of his SNES emulator for the GP2X. Heres whats new
Made the non-scaled mode a little prettier - it's now centered and you can use a background image
You can now using the L/R buttons to scroll the file selector faster
Filenames are now sorted
Background image for non-scaled mode is in the file 'skin/gamebackground.bmp'. Thanks to HydraLancer for providing the one in the archive.
Damn thats a lotta releases :p
PSP Emus Round Up
Posted by Wraggster @ 01:36 AM CET | Comments: 2 | PSP
2 of the latest emulators from the PSP Scene
PSP Scene
NeoCD PSP 0.5 Alpha Version (NeoCD Emu for PSP)
The Coder who is behind the NeoGeo CD Emulator for Windows called NEOGEO CDZ Emulator has released his own version of the continuation from the last official release by Yoyofr. The translation from google is poor as usual but here it is:
| How it made without. It is private correction edition of NEOCDPSP 0.5. (The after of the 0.5, being kind of to be advanced to the direction which just a little is different)
All sources are rewritten around video and excluding the dependence processing part of the PSP.
Temporarily because it just tried to move, whether it is heavy from the first, (the PSP procuring, because it is third day, permitting, the く put out the ぇ).
Being to become heavy you do not attach the luster processing and load picture.
Because it raises the source cord/code in the next few days, the lawn tide waiting.
DGen v1.30 (Megadrive/Genesis emulator for PSP)
Syn-Z has updated what is now the best Genesis Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new via translation:
Ver 1.30 * Turbo mode mounting (in キーコンフィグ addition)
* Deletion functional addition of state (SELECT + □)
* State saving / load verification message option addition
* State date indication
of saving
Not emulation related but this week was the revealing of the 2nd 30 Day Coding Competition for the PSP and there were some amazing releases, full details on the Competition Page.
PLynx V0.4
Posted by Wraggster @ 05:37 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
PLynx has again updated his Atari Lynx Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new in this version:
- Screen size selection : Original, x2, Full screen
- Filtering method selection : Nearest, Linear
- Possibility to overwrite last saved context file
- Save configuration for each game
Download at the official homepage hosted by the DCEmu/Emulation 64 Network here --> http://plynx.dcemu.co.uk
PCSX2 - Tekken 4 Ingame and Playable!
Posted by CKemu @ 03:31 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation 2
PCSX2 progresses further with Tekken 4 'playable', here is what General Plot hed to say on the official site:
Nachbrenner made this video from ingame on Tekken 4. Game looks very good, with only slight graphics issues which rarely occur.
Video is WMV using Windows Media codec, so you will need a media player capable of playing back this format. This file is being shared using Bit Torrent, so you will need a torrent client, such as uTorrent to download this video.
Tekken 4 Ingame
2 Minutes 0 Seconds | 5.60 MB | Real Ingame Speed - 1.5-6 FPS.
:: Visit the official PCSX2 site.
Thursday, January 19, 2006 |
GameEx 5.43 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:09 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| 5.43
• Fixes big unnecessary slow downs when GameExtender enabled in certain circumstances.
• Sorry about that.
•Fixes GameEx crashing when launching MAME games when not using controls.ini
• Lots of improvements to GameExtender
• More stable.
• GameExtender now rotates artwork when available
• Displays Control Panel when available.
• When GameExtender is disabled takes next to no additional resources.
• GameExtender Viewer should definitely work on Second display now.
• Refresh rate option for viewer.
• Also in this release:
• Should fix Screensaver for some users.
• Screensaver now allows playing videos only
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.43
Wednesday, January 18, 2006 |
clrmamepro 3.83b Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:56 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • misc: removed scanner checkbox-bindings (missing + name check / unneeded check + name check) so you can toggle each checkbox now independly. For unsafe scans you'll see a warning.
• fixed: several 64bit rom-filesize issues (including scanner, rebuilder, setinfo, dir2dat)
• fixed: datfile forcezip tags didn't apply to the rebuilder when called through the scanner
clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.83b
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 |
Hoxs64 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:53 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Commodore 64
| 16 January 2005 v1.0.4.5
1) The length of time taken to reset the noise waveform via the "test bit" has been set to 7 seconds. Version and lower never reset the noise waveform. Version accommodated the SounDemons emulation detector test by introducing a reset delay that took a tiny fraction of a second. As a result some noise bases sid files will play correctly as they did in version
16 January 2005 v1.0.4.4
1) Version may suffer poor performance on a host CPU with L2 cache 256Kb or less. The interpolation filter kernel size has now been slightly reduced to restore performance.
2) The sprite collision timing has been delayed by two pixels. As a result, Emu-Fuxx0r V1 compatibility has been added in addition to existing Emu-Fuxx0r V2 compatibility.
Hoxs64 Official Site
GameEx 5.40 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:52 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| 5.40
• Fixes other applications and html applications not available if no emulators defined in recent versions. This was due to undocumented (I forgot to mention) in recent versions where if mame and emulators not used at all then GameEx would show a flat start page, with all game related items not visible on the start page, such as random game, and most played.
• Fixes Games list and menu issues when return from attract mode in 5.37 and 5.38
• Fixes GameExtender Viewer not reading any settings and only using default values, IE you could not change Display On Sencondary, and IP.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.40
DSemu 0.4.10 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:48 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
| - Sprite support fixed. Homebrew demos with sprites should now start to work.
- Support for some 8 bit graphics modes with palletes.
- Fixed crash that occurred occasionally in mode 5 rendering.
- Workaround for a thumb emulation bug that occurs with devkitpro r17 compiled programs (to be fixed properly in 0.4.11).
DSemu Official Site
DSemu 0.4.10
WinVICE 1.19 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:06 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Commodore 64
| ** General
- Fixed "RESTORE key works only once" bug.
- Fixed compilation with GCC4.
** C64 changes
- Fixed an opcode execute problem with the +60k expansion.
- New c64 256k expansion support.
- Fixed switch from idle state to display state.
- Added missing DEN bit scrolling feature.
** Unix changes
- The experimental netplay feature has been extended to the Unix platforms for testing.
- Added IPV6 support to netplay.
- Fixed crash if settings are saved.
- Fixed some Gnome1 annoyances (popup menus in status bar)
- Rework of gnome save media (screenshot) dialog
- Xaw Statusbar fixes and improvements (new buttons for recording).
- An experimental patch for Gnome2/Gtk2 support is available (See website). Vice-1.19 will be the last Gnome1/Gtk1 version officially supported.
The Gnome2/Gtk2 version is known to work on state-of-the-art Linux distributions (e.g. Fedora Core 4). See also src/arch/unix/x11/gnome/TODO
** MS-Windows changes
- Added "always on top" option.
** MS-DOS changes
- The experimental netplay feature has been extended to MS-DOS for testing.
** Miscellaneous changes
- Added various new screenshot formats.
- Improved the image content lister to display at least the first part of a circular directory listing.
- Made the tape routines able to cope with non-standard header sizes.
WinVICE Official Site
WinVICE 1.19
(Only windows port mirrored, get the other ports from the official site)
Mednafen 0.4.3 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:03 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| 0.4.3: (Note: PCE CD save states created in previous versions will not work very well with this release)
Fixed a compilation problem in cdromif.cpp regarding NULL on *BSD platforms by including .
Lynx: Fixed the constructor and destructor declarations of the C65C02 class, which should fix a reported compilation error with gcc 4.1.
GBA: Added a few missing variables to save states.
GB: Lines during which time the screen is turned off are now cleared(fixes flickering problems at the start of games, and during transitory blank screens).
Fixed the SDL_net.h include statement in drivers/netplay.cpp.
PCE: Fixed a bug with CUE+BIN sector size handling with regards to pregaps. CUE+BIN is still officially unsupported. :B
PCE: Noise is now rendered at blip_med_quality.
PCE: Removed the code that checks to make sure the audio sector to play is non-zero. Fixes "Crazy Hospital".
Changed the maximum supported playback rate from 96KHz to 48KHz, to be able to safely extend the temporal precision of Blip_Buffer further. Note that this shouldn't be considered a regression, as there are virtuall no benefits to using a sample rate above 48KHz in Mednafen(though there may be benefits in other applications).
***BIG NOTE:***
If you previously set the playback rate above 48KHz, you will have to manually edit the text configuration file(~/.mednafen/mednafen.cfg) to bring the value in range. This is necessary because of a limitation in the setting validation code.
Updated to Blip_Buffer 0.4.0, which offers improved sound quality over previous versions:
- Improved sound quality by rewriting library to use 32-bit internal sample buffer, higher phase resolution, and a properly windowed filter kernel. Current user code should work without changes.
PCE: When sprites and background are both disabled, and the VDC is not in burst mode, the scanline is now filled with color 0x000 from the palette rather than 0x100. This fixes the "Hurry Up" water effect in the CD game "Rainbow Islands".
PCE: Fixed the CD-DA amplitude calculating(used the BIOS' CD-DA player interface).
PCE: Altered VDC line timing slightly.
PCE: ADPCM frequency is no longer reset on ADPCM reset, fixes Gulliver Boy's dialogue voices during gameplay.
PCE: Fixed reading from nonexistant audio sectors(by memset()'ing the audio buffer to zero).
PCE: Implemented sector reading delays, games that use FMV like Gulliver Boy work much better now. It's not implemented 100% correctly, and requires a small CPU hack to disable IRQs during a timing-sensitive period of emulation. I don't like hacks, but...it's still better than the giant hack of reading all the sectors at once, which was how it used to be.
PCE: Implemented ADPCM read and write delay. "Record of Lodoss War" no longer locks up at the title screen.
PCE: Opcode and operand data reads from VDC register 0x1 will now return 0x40, which fixes Dragon Slayer 2. I doubt this is correct, but it shouldn't break any other game.
PCE: CUE+BIN audio playback no longer locks up the emulator, but CUE+BIN is still officially unsupported.
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.4.3
GameEx 5.37 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:58 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • The initial production release of GameExtender is here.
• As far as I know it's a world first for front ends.
• When enabled GameEx runs a tiny web server when running, this outputs sort of like an LCD Display on steroids, on either the same pc, or any networked or internet worked PC.
• You can see exactly what's going on with GameEx from a web browser, or via the included viewer, which gives a full screen output.
• You have to check it out.
• In addition, I believe another world first for an integrated front end is the ability to view the control panel while MAME is playing, by pressing a defined key (default is L). Thanks to HeadKaze for the idea, help and inspiration.
• If that's not enough, in advanced emulator config ini's you can now specify up to 10 buttons.
• NOTE: GameExtender only works with registered versions of GameEx.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.37
SMSAdvance 1.3 Released
Posted by PsyMan @ 06:54 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
A new version of SMSAdvance has been released. Here is the list of changes for this version:
| * Added support for running the GG bios in SMS mode.
* Added support for all SMS Bioses.
* Added option in builder for "empty" slot at the end of ROMlist. (Loopy).
* Added option to lock the 2 toprows in unscaled mode.
* Added "Perfect Sprite" option for games like:
o Global Gladiators.
o GP Rider (GG).
o Speedball 2.
o Xenon 2.
* Added emulation of locking the right side of the screen, games:
o Gauntlet.
o Golvellius.
o Griffin (GG).
o Line of Fire.
o Megumi Rescue.
o Rygar.
* Fixed IO port 2, Laser Ghost.
* Fixed Monaco GP, SG-1000.
* Fixed the support for Jang Pung II (KR).
* Fixed priority on zoomed sprites in mode 0 & 2 (Bank Panic, SG-100).
For more info you can visit the SMSAdvance Official Site.
SMSAdvance Official Site
SMSAdvance 1.3
PLynx v0.3b (Also a new member of the Emu64 family)
Posted by Wraggster @ 01:09 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
PLynx has joined the Emulation 64 Network of sites, for those that dont know PLynx is an Atari Lynx emulator for the PSP.
Anyway heres the info of the new release of PLynx, now at v0.3B:
| Hello !
New PLynx release for PSP 1.0, 1.5.
In this v0.3b release :
- Speed improvement, now, most of the games run at normal speed, without "overclocking" the PSP.
- Support zip compression format for cartbridge images.
- Option to change the control keys.
- Some add to to GUI.
Check out the release at the Official PLynx Website.
Be sure to leave some feedback ;)
Saturday, January 14, 2006 |
GP2X Emulators Aplenty
Posted by Wraggster @ 04:00 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
The GP2X Console is the Homebrew and Emulation Console of the moment and the tidal wave of releases keeps on coming, heres the latest releases ive already posted at my GP2X News Site:
GP2X Engine v1.3 (PC Engine Emulator for GP2X)
Hermes has released a new version of the PC Engine emulator for the GP2X he is working on, heres whats new:
- Hu-cards (.pce) compressed in BZIP2 format (.bz2)
- compressor to BZIP2 included (from selector rom screen)
- WAV support for 22050Hz, 44100Hz, 8 and 16 bits and MONO or Stereo files
- Some bugs corrected and others minor changes.
- Display Clock fixed to avoid problems with external software
- New Mode Horizontal-Inverted screen (to use A,B,X and Y as directional keys and Volume selector as buttons I and II)
- Sound speed syncroniced with screen refresh
- You can select a syscard rom from roms/pcengine directory (to avoid syscards clones in ISOS directories) using the symbol # in .toc files. Example: syscard: #syscard3.pce.bz2 (note you can use BZIP2 files too)
- You can use the 'Pregap' command to add relative time in a .toc file.
Example: Pregap: 00:03:00 (and in the next line track2.iso for example, to displace 3 seconds the iso begin)
- Added 250Mhz clock for some gpx2 don't working from 266Mhz
No official Homepage but you can download Here
Vice 2X Alpha 3 (Multi System Emulator for the GP2X)
Snaff has updated the release of Vice2X the emulator which supports Commodore computers including the c64, c128, Plus 4, PET, CBM-11 and the VIC20 .
D64 browsing, loading and attaching options, basic cartridge support. Truedrive emulation works now, though watch out for that option switching itself off still. Make sure you copy all the data files over as there are extra ones since the last release.
SquidgeSnes v0.03
Source - Emuholic
Squidge let us know he has released a new version of his SNES emulator for the GP2X.
I've changed the graphics routines on this one, and it seems to be a fair amount quicker. The main problem was trying to sync with the LCD refresh - why oh why can't we just use a vsync interrupt?
The proper way to exit is to hold down SELECT for at least 2 seconds, as I've said previously, but some people may not have read the entire thread. This version also has a frame rate limiter built in, so games shouldn't run too fast. It uses rlyeh's timer routines for this however, so I've no idea if they handle overclocking.
Next version will have command line support, and possibly a menu :)
No Official Homepage so download from Emuholic or GP2X News
SMSPlus 2x v0.3
efegea has released a new version of the Sega Master System emulator for the GP2X:
Official homepage down but it can be downloaded here.
Outcast v003 (AtariST Emulator for GP2X)
Skeezix has updated the Atari ST Emulator for the GP2X:
Heres whats new:
NEW: Virtual keyboard -- needed for entering text or function keys etc of course, but also to get into a lot of games; the crack groups often put loader demos, or multiple games on a disk, and so you sometimes need to hit spacebar, or a number, of function key. Of course, some games require keyboard controls, too.
NEW: Input modes a little more defined
FIX: YM chipmusic is pretty good now, though sample playback is still asshat; I'll work on that more. Always running out of time ;)
NOTE: Most of the START runtime menu should work fine now; CPU Mhz setting isn't yet available, but throttle and frameskip and disk management and savestates and control modes should all be working!
CHG: Welcome screen text
Phamicom GP2X v0.2 (NES emulator for GP2X)
Madelman has updated the releas of a Nes Emulator for the GP2X called Phamicom GP2X heres the info:
Using rlyeh’s minilib instead of SDL.
Improved speed. Now all games I tested are playable.
GP2XMess v0.6 (Multi System Emu for GP2X)
Telengard has updated the MESS port to GP2X, heres whats new:
I just added ti99/4a support to gp2xmess. I'm happy to say it runs at full speed w/ the default fs and also has sound.
So this release supports:
Atari 7800
TI 99/4A
EFCS2x v0.1 (Chip 8 Emulator)
Tharos has updated his Chip8 Emulator for the GP2X:
Version 0.1 allows to map the controlls different for each Chip8 game (as Chip8 has often a very strang keymapping). Have a look at the readme.txt and the keymappings files which explain how to do own keymappings.
FCE-Ultra gp2x v0.1
Noname has released a very early port of the Nes emulator for the GP2X, heres the info:
A port of FCE-Ultra, a NES emulator. Very early version, not really usable yet, but it's WIP.
GNGNeo2x v0.6.6a released
Pepone has updated his NeoGeo MVS (cartridge version) emulator for the GP2X, heres what he posted:
It's only a bugfix release, but it fixes Samurai Showdown and maybe some other games as well.
All those releases were in a matter of a few days, keep your eyes peeled to GP2X News
Thursday, January 12, 2006 |
Goomba Color alpha 3 Released
Posted by PsyMan @ 07:20 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
Another alpha version of Goomba Color, the Gameboy Color emulator for Gameboy Advance has been released. Here are the changes for this version:
| No longer shows colored solid tiles when the screen should be off
Fixed off-by-one scanline problems introduced in alpha 1.
Now you can specify whether you want to emulate a GB, GBC, or GBA
Added double speed mode, either timers only or complete
Fixed splash screen corrupting graphics
Go Multiboot feature for smaller GB roms (and a couple tiny GBC games too)
Major changes to SRAM save system
Added 32k saves, Enter the menu with L+R to save the game's sram
Stack writes to SRAM are now saved
Save files smaller in pogoshell
Some changes merged from Kuwanger's version
Palette changes apply immediatly
You can also visit the release thread for more info or if you wish to report bugs and problems of this version.
Goomba Color alpha 3 Release Thread
Goomba Color alpha 3
Nintendulator 0.960 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:54 AM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
| 0.960
- Overall:
Added proper Unicode support to Nintendulator - as such, there are now separate ANSI and Unicode builds.
- APU:
Various optimizations to the pulse channels
Removed the sound logging feature from the code, since AVI output allows sound logging easily.
Re-enabled frame IRQs on reset - the only games that had problems with these were demos.
- Controllers:
Added a global option to enable Left+Right and Up+Down in normal gameplay, rather than only allowing it during movie recording.
Cleaned up device handling somewhat.
Fixed several bugs with device enabling.
Moved movie-related code into its own file.
Fixed various controller 'Frame' procedures to use the MovieMode parameter rather than the global setting.
Improved cursor positioning for the Oeka Kids Tablet controller.
Updated Zapper support to behave more closely to the real thing
- Debugger:
Enabling debugger with 1X size no longer sets the size multiplier to 2x - when closing the debugger, it will now revert to 1X properly.
Various minor fixes.
- Game Genie:
Cleaned up initialization code.
Updated Genie Enable code to use the 'optimized' code handlers.
On savestate load, any active game genie codes will be reported in the Status window.
- Graphics:
Graphics resources are now unloaded when an invalid bit depth is detected - this should prevent the emulator from crashing.
Enumerated all available palettes to reduce the possibility of introducing bugs when newer VS palettes are added.
Added dark grays to the 14th column of the Playchoice-10 palette.
Added the palette for the VS unisystem PPU "RP2C04-0001".
Cleaned up NTSC palette generation code slightly.
Improved Colour Emphasis coefficients to more closely match the real hardware.
- Mapper Interface:
Added the ability to select which DLL to use when multiple DLLs support the current game's mapper.
Removed the "Full Reset" reset type.
Added Unicode support, denoted by setting the high order bit of the CurrentMapperInterface variable.
Moved mapper 'Load' call from NES "File Open" code into LoadMapper.
- NES:
Fixed a bug where changing between NTSC and PAL emulation would load the "Custom Palette" for the wrong mode.
Fixed a multithreading bug in the main emulation routine.
Fixed a bug in the Load Settings code to perform special mapping for the Four-Score instead of the Power Pad.
- Main Program:
Fixed command-line parameter handling to behave correctly when the program and/or ROM filenames are enclosed in quotes.
- PPU:
Added a variable to keep track of fractional cycles in PAL emulation.
For compatibility, this variable is stored in the upper bits of the "ClockTicks" state variable.
Added preliminary code (currently disabled) to accurately emulate the sprite evaluation process.
Adjusted the initial VRAM addres load to occur at cycle 304 on scanline -1.
Delayed VRAM address horizontal component reload until cycle 257.
Fixed a bug in Sprite 0 Hit handling during frameskip.
- Savestates:
Moved controller savestate code into the Controllers module.
Moved movie savestate code into the new Movie module.
- Mappers:
Added a new mapper DLL for VS Unisystem games.
Increased MMC3/MMC6 IRQ counter threshold for PPU address changes.
Removed noise emulation from FME-7 sound code.
Updated MMC5 configuration dialog to list unconfirmed Famicom game titles in Japanese.
Improved mapper 32 slightly.
Updated mapper 45 (and BMC-Super1Min1 UNIF board) to support RAM at $6000-$7FFF.
Updated mapper 95 to use Namco 118 instead of MMC3.
Made vast improvements to mapper 100 (debugging mapper).
Upgraded MMC5 mappers to full compatibility.
Added iNES mappers 74, 88, 116, 125, and 188.
Added UNIF boards NES-SFROM, NES-TL1ROM. and UNL_A9712.
Fixed UNL-H2288 board (Earthworm Jim 2 pirate) to work correctly.
Nintendulator Official Site
Nintendulator 0.960
Hoxs64 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:50 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Commodore 64
| 11 January 2005 v1.0.4.1
1) Fixed GPF in Insert New Blank Disk.
2) Disk write protection bug fix.
11 January 2005 v1.0.4.0
1) Disk file support is expanded to include Vincent Joguin's FDI (Flexible Disk Image)
and G64 (Raw GCR Binary). G64 files can be loaded but not saved. FDI files can be both
loaded and saved. FDI support is limited to the Raw Pulse Stream Tracks format.
2) Non standard track layout D64 files are loaded more correctly but will save only as
FDI. Standard track layout D64 files will save as normal.
3) The 1541 emulation is enhanced to support bitwise resolution of disk tracks. Magnetic
disk pulses are specified to a resolution of 16Mhz. No more than one pulse can be
specified with in the same 1Mhz band arc of any track. G64 files effectively specify a
bit resolution between 0.3Mhz and 0.25Mhz depending on the speed zone setting.
4) The 1541 floppy disk controller emulation includes all relevant internal counters
and shift registers.
5) 1541 VIA port latching and handshaking is now emulated.
6) Improved handling of disk protect sensor while swapping disks.
Hoxs64 Official Site
Wednesday, January 11, 2006 |
Another GP2X Round Up
Posted by Wraggster @ 02:45 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
A couple more GP2X releases, here they are:
Outcast v001 (AtariST Emulator for GP2X)
Skeezix has released the first Atari ST Emulator for the GP2X, heres what he says:
| This is the first alpha, but folks seem interested so I hope you enjoy! The emulator core should be quite playable, but the system lacks a lot of interfacing so your mileage may vary.
o Savestates aren't stable (they don't save in the right places)
o Menus blink while being used (but mostly work fine)
o Sound is screwy (emu runs too fast
o No throttling (may run too fast
o No virtual keyboard (so hard to fire up most games..)
That said..
o The emu runs _fast_! At 200Mz (default, no options to change it yet but you can use the clock setter tool until I add it) it runs full speed or too fast most of the time, at frameskip 0; math heavy games will run slower.
o ST Games Database lookups aren't cached, but work fine and individual lookups are fast
o For games where the UI gets you into it, they should run great
o The disk picker works; it'll show the disk images in /roms/atari-st and let you pick whiches ones are in which drives
Remember.. you need a TOS.ROM file, in /roms/atari-st!
To get you into a few games, I've hacked up some keys..
Y is both 'spacebar' and '1'
X is fire button on joystick
A is left mouse click
B is right mouse click
Joystick is both mouse push and joystick
You will note that you can fire up Xenon 2 no problem with these keys; you can probably fire up a bunch of other stuff, too
So, enjoy portable Xenon 2, imperfect as it is.
Vice 2X Alpha 2 (Multi System Emulator for the GP2X)
Snaff has updated the release of Vice2X the emulator which supports Commodore computers including the c64, c128, Plus 4, PET, CBM-11 and the VIC20 .
The main updates in this release are the virtual keyboards and screen scaling option.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 |
PLynx v0.2B (Atari Lynx Emu For PSP)
Posted by Wraggster @ 10:28 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
PLynx has ported the Atari Lynx Emulator Handy to the PSP, heres a screenshot:
heres the information from the readme:
- Atari Lynx emulation
- Bad sound support :)
- Save/Load emulator state
- Change the PSP CPU/Bus clocks
No Official homepage as of yet (emailed in release) but you can download at This Page
Nestopia 1.24 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 04:36 PM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
| Windows Port:
- Unicode support. Win98/Me users need to obtain the Unicode Layer DLL (unicows.dll) from Microsoft's site and place it in the same directory as Nestopia.
- Palette editor (video options dialog).
- NSV movie to AVI converter.
- Several new NSP file commands.
- Clipboard text can now be pasted into the screen through the menu or F12 when the Family Basic or Subor keyboard is in use.
- Original kailleraclient.dll replaced with Anti3D's version.
- Localized keyboard layout names.
- Better DirectInput to Family Basic keyboard mapping.
- Default save file path is now .save instead of .cartridge for consistency as some of the new save file types aren't technically part of a cartridge.
- Various aestetic fixes.
- Menu->File->Sound Recorder->Rewind command is now disabled during recording.
- Workaround for the notorious VC8 iostream memory leak bug.
Emulation Core:
- VRC7 sound chip (Lagrange Point).
- Mappers 137,138,139,141,143,145,146,147,148 and 149. Info from CaH4e3.
- UNIF boards 8157 and CC-21. Info from CaH4e3.
- Family Trainer, Subor Keyboard, Doremikko Keyboard (partial) and Party Tap expansion port devices.
- Turbo File using *.tf as file extension (some games by ASCII).
- Data Recorder using *.tp as file extension (Family Basic, Mach Rider, Excitebike, others).
- Datach Joint ROM System and Barcode Battler.
- 24C01+24C02 serial EEPROM for mapper 16 and 157.
- Secondary controller pad microphone via button press.
- Sound samples for Moero!! Pro Yakyuu.
- Option for allowing up/down and left/right button presses simultaneously.
- Some game database entries.
- FME-07 sound pitch.
- Mappers 76 and 83.
- Longer delay for FDS block-start reads. Fixes Time Twist.
- Some game database entries.
- NSF player bug with some FDS songs.
- Frame IRQ disabled by default (hack) for King of Fighters 97/98 and Sonic 3D Blast 6.
- Coefficients for the color emphasis modes. Info from Quietust.
Thanks to StefaN for the headsup on IRC.
Nestopia Official Site
Nestopia 1.24
More Final Fantasy!
Posted by CKemu @ 09:46 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Playstation 2
The PCSX2 team are busy at the moment, not just on Final Fantasy games I assure you, but hey when it's this sexy!
ZeroFrog has once again been working on PCSX2, and has managed to fix the once present 'holes' in the terrain models of Final Fantasy X, making the game look excellent. This fix also has a wide range of effects on other games, so don't worry folks there will be news soon which doesn't involve a Final Fantasy! :D :P
Whilst the game certainly now looks beautiful, it's still not playable from start to finish, due to various 'looping' issues and video playback, speed is of course an issue with such a complex emulation task, but will be improved upon in the future, keep watching this space!
To celebrate this bit of progress, we have a large selection of screenshots, and one of the sexiest videos I've recorded from PCSX2 in awhile ;) :blush:
This video is a AVI (Xvid) and should be playable under any decent media player and is being shared using Bit Torrent, thus you will need a Bit Torrent client such as uTorrent to get this video!
Walk Through Kilika, menus and a battle!
1 Minute 31 Seconds | 58.8MB | Real Ingame Speed - 6-14 FPS.
Check out the official forums for 59+ screenshots here
Visit the Official PCSX2 Site
SSF 0.07 beta R2` Released
Posted by PsyMan @ 07:05 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
A new version of the well known Sega Saturn emulator SSF has been released.
Even though the changes are in Japanese this version seems to have a crash of the emulator (that occured for a large amount of users after the version 0.07 alpha R13) fixed.
If you can read Japanese you can visit the SSF Official Site for more info.
SSF Official Site
SSF 0.07 beta R2`
GP2X Emulators Round Up
Posted by Wraggster @ 01:51 AM CET | Comments: 4 | GP2X
The GP2X has to be the future king of homebrew, in the 2 months or so it has been released theres been an onslaught of both Homebrew and Emulation releases and the fact that all you need is a cheap cable for TV Output makes it even more killer, heres all the latest emulators for the GP2X that were originally posted at GP2X News
SquidgeSnes v0.0.2 (Snes Emulator for GP2X)
Squidge has released a new version of his impressive Snes emulator for the GP2X, heres whats new:
Now uses Rlyeh's SDK instead of my own
Only one file now instead of two
Double buffered instead of single buffered
Colors corrected
Controls implemented (game are now playable, yey )
More info
A SNES emulator for your gp2x put together by various SNES emulators. File needs to be named snes.smc and put together with the emulator into SD Root. Fast, playable, but no rom selector yet.
Download at GP2X News or GP2X File Archive
Franxis the author of GP32MAME has updated the port of the MAME Arcade Emulator to the GP2X, heres whats new:
MAME GP2X 1.3 (January 08, 2006) http://www.talfi.net/gp32_franxis/
- Improvements in Cyclone compatibility. All Neo·Geo games are running perfectly now. But no Metal Slug with activated sound yet due to lack of RAM :-(.
- Some bugs corrected in CPS-1 games (taken from MAME 0.35b2). Knights of the Round is running ok now, King of Dragons does not get locked after first level, you can insert credits to continue the game, etc... Also there are new supported games (MAME 0.35b2 ROMs): Final Fight (US) (ffightu), Street Fighter II (US rev A) (sf2a), Street Fighter II (US rev B ) (sf2b), Street Fighter II (US rev E) (sf2e), Three Wonders (US) (3wonders), Wonder 3 (Japan) (3wonderj), King of Dragons (Japan) (kodj), Captain Commando (US) (captcomu), Captain Commando (Japan) (captcomj), Knights of the Round (Japan) (knightsj), Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World) (sf2ce), Street Fighter II - Champion Edition (Japan) (sf2cej), Varth (Japan) (varthj), Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting (US) (sf2t), Street Fighter II Turbo (Japan) (sf2tj)
- Configurable controls, analog controls sensitivity and inverted X and Y axis.
- You can fire now with volume controls in rotated screen mode.
- Relative paths used now in the emulator, you can put the emulator in the folder you want in the SD card.
Thanks to all paypal donators: gp32x.de, Federico Mazza, Nandove, Videogame Stuff, Denis Evans, Ricardo Cabello, Elías Ballesteros, J.Antonio Serralvo Martín, bagmouse7, Suj, funkyferdy, Gieese, Vincent Cleaver, William Burnett, Bleeg, Martin Dolphin, Ilarri, Glen Stones, Dr.Konami, Augusto Carlos Pérez Arriaza, Charles Box, Borochi, Kayday, George Tavoulareas, Timofonic, Fabrice Canava, Rdox, Javitotrader, remowilliams, Scott Contrera, Jinhyun Seo, Hardcore Gamer (Chapas H-G), Craigx (gp2x.co.uk), Shane Monroe.
Phamicom GP2X v0.1 (NES emulator for GP2X)
Madelman has also released a Nes Emulator for the GP2X called Phamicom GP2X heres the info:
The speed is not perfect yet, but this is only the inital port, so i’m pretty confident full speed can be achieved easily in future versions.
Download Here --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/phamicom2x.shtml
Cygne GP2X v0.1 (Wonderswan Emulator for GP2X)
Madelman has released a port of Cygne the Wonderswan emulator for the GP2X, heres the info about this port:
Really slow
Sound doesn't work
Second stick not implemented yet
GP2XMess v0.4 pre alpha
Telengard has released the first public version of MESS for the GP2X, heres what the coder says:
| I've put a page up as suggested by vic20-ian although it's not pretty. It'd be cool to have a logo and splash screen for the emulator but I have no artistic ability. Any takers? You'll get a big thanks in the THANKS file.
The file chooser code is also pretty modular so other's can use it if they'd like. It's not 100% finished nor pretty but it does work. Unfortunately scrolling doesn't work due to what seems to be an SDL timer limitation on the gp2x. I need to find a different way to do it. The font handling code doesn't depend on SDL_ttf and I got the code from it from a nice guy name Ray Kelm.
I spent a while on a README which has some useful info and I'd appreciate feedback on that. It describes basic usage, etc. I do not provide any BIOS or roms so you'll have to hunt those down.
The only driver this release tackles is the Atari 7800. Some games run at what seems to be full speed w/ slightly laggy sound. I have not done *any* optimizing yet. The binary size is also quite large at the moment. That will change too. Everything is statically linked in also, so you can just drop it on your SD and run it.
Unpack the zip file and place your a7800.zip BIOS rom in the bios dir and run a7800.gpe. Select a cart (usually *.a78) and you are good to go. Everything that I could think of that does/doesn't work etc are in the README and TODO files.
I also have the source up there but only the new files. I will generate a patchset tomorrow and put that up there. The xmess src is 19M and I can't host it. Speaking of which, how do I get releases placed up on gp32x.de? I don't have a lot of space (10M) so keeping releases there will be difficult going forward.
Enjoy and please let me know how you like it/feedback etc!
Get it here...
Legacy IBM PC Emulator
Jonathan Thomas has released a new emulator for the GP2X, heres the info:
Legacy is an open source emulator of the 8086-based IBM PC architecture, developed in C++. It is designed to recreate the experience of playing early 80's IBM PC "bootable" games. This is a preview version of Legacy and subject to the following constraints:
* No sound
* Inaccurate running speed
* Graphical glitches, game freezes and other emulation problems
This edition of Legacy supports the following bootable games:
* Attack on Altair
* Digger
* Moon Bugs
* Rollo & the Brush Bros.
* Styx
* The Exterminator
Gp2xengine 1.2 Beta (PCEngine Emulator for GP2X)
Hermes has released a new version of the PC Engine emulator for the GP2X he is working on:
The PC-Engine - also known as the TurboGrafx-16 in the USA, was a nice little machine made by NEC. The first model came out in 1987 followed one year later by a CD extension that made the PC-Engine the first console to have CD games. This was quite an impressive machine, with great graphic capacities (16-bit video processor, 512 colors, 64 sprites) and a fast and powerful 8-bit CPU. It also had a very good game collection, with unique and high quality games. And even today some PC-Engine games are still without an equivalent on modern consoles. Of course if you only enjoy 3-D games, well, the PC-Engine may disappoint you a bit, but if you love good old 2-D games, especially shoot'em up, give it a try, it really has some excellent games!
What's new (rough translation by babelfish - source PD Roms)
-Support of roms, isos and tocs (descriptive text file, with tracks of audio and iso)
-Support of format WAV for audio to 8 or 16 bits, 44100 or 22050 Hertz and sound STEREO
-automatico Copy of defense of WRAM in case that some game makes use of her
-Support to save the state (sav) complete of a game, including ISOS. It uses compression BZIP2 for reduccion of data.
-Possibility of loading a game from his save state
-Possibility of forming the bellboys To, b, x, and, l, r like I or II with or without Autofire. Also a button can be assigned to make photos.
-Way photo that allows to make captures at any moment of the game in format BMP of 8 bits - Scaled by hardware and posiblilidad to invest the screen (the directional control is reversed automaticamente)
-Added Screen of configuration that allows to above do some of the mentioned adjustments, as well as to select frequency of the processor (from 150 to 266) or to fit levels of ' it shone (pocketing a ball the trowel of colors) - If one leaves to the selection screen roms, it is possible to be returned to the game pressing button B
Download at GP2X News or GP2x File Archive
Gngeo2x 0.6.6 (NeoGeo MVS Emulator for GP2X)
Pepone has released the first NeoGeo MVS (cartridge version) emulator for the GP2X, heres what he posted:
There still some compatibility problem, and sound slowdown a lot the emulation. Follow the information of README.GP2X and it should work
Thanks to Hando for the news ;)
Thats all in one week :P
PSP Emulator Round Up
Posted by Wraggster @ 01:32 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Its that time of week when i give you an update from the PSP Scene, heres the emulators released for the PSP since last i posted:
NeoCD PSP v0.6.1 (NeogeoCD Emulator for PSP)
Zelurker has released 2 very quick updates to the continuation of Yoyofrs original Neogeo CD Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new in both new versions:
| Version 0.6.1 : fixes for Fakk2 (!)
Ok Fakk2 found very quickly a bad bug with transparent sprites handling which made lots of sprites to disappear in Art of Fighting 2, and some others, so here is the update.
Also, I made sure the audio is really muted before loading game files (it was creating an annoying noise when loading "Art of Fighting 2" game files, at the begining of the game).
And Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer should work now, it was just an error message which was messing the game screen.
Version 0.6
- fixed the crash in Karnov's revenge when pressing X on the title
- Fixed the freeze of magician lord when you enter your name for a
- Fixed the freeze of 2020 super baseball at start
- The fps counter is now readable (does not blink all the time as before),
and it really displays 60 when it should, and not 61.
- Autoframeskip : in the menu you can choose frameskip: auto. In this mode,
the game skips frames when it has to only. If you display the fps counter
in this mode, it shows the number of frames actually skipped between []
if it has skipped some.
- Finally fixed the disappearing graphics in "Art of fighting"
- Fixed sounds for games with very big samples (art of fighting for example)
- Reverted to the loading picture from neocdsdl, quite better than the
the previous one... !
- Fixed bad music un bust a move and probably some other bad sounds in
some other games by adapting the code for the ym2610 from raine !
- Worked around the crash of Cross Swords 2 : it's caused by an error in
decoding the 3rd track (mp3). But it doesn't make any sense, and even
if the file is re-encoded, I still get the error. I worked around it
by making it a non fatal error, now the track is just ignored. I'll have
to investigate this later...
- When a game tries to load a mp3 and you didn't create a mp3 directory for
it (neocd.mp3) don't display anymore a stupid error message behind the
game screen
- Speedup : use solid masks to avoid transparent sprites
- Removed the 68k & z80 frequencies options from the gui, they would
be ignored because of the new timers. I should add speed hacks one day...
- LOTS of code cleanup
Known problems :
- After launching 3 or 4 games in a row, you loose sound effects !!!
PCSX2 - Final Fantasy 12 Ingame!
Posted by CKemu @ 03:37 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation 2
Here's what I posted on PCSX2.net:
Final Fantasy XII Demo that was released with Dragon Quest VIII in North America goes ingame! :O
Thanks to some recent work by Refraction and a new contributor ZeroFrog, we can now walk around the first demo area of this game. Given this is VERY early work in progress (W.I.P), there are some major bugs to be ironned out, like various graphical issues!
However to celebrate this breakthrough, there is a video and several screens, and be sure to check out the official forums for some up-and-comming new shots, progress and general discussion!
This video is a AVI (Xvid) and should be playable under any decent media player and is being shared using Bit Torrent, thus you will need a Bit Torrent client such as uTorrent to get this video!
Final Fantasy XII Demo - Ingame
53 Seconds | 38.2MB | Real Ingame Speed - 6 FPS.
This video is being shared through Bit Torrent, we ask if you could seed (share) this file for aslong as possible!
Visit the PCSX2 site for additional high resolution screenshots!
PCSX2 Official Site
Saturday, January 07, 2006 |
Goomba Color alpha 2 Released
Posted by PsyMan @ 03:40 PM CET | Comments: 1 | GameBoy Advance
Dwedit released another alpha version of Goomba Color. It has some fixes and better support for more Gameboy Color games (ie: Zelda series, Shadowgate Classic, etc.).
Here is the change log for this version:
| Fixed VRAM reading (stupid bug)
Fixed sprite palette selection
GBC games can no longer change monochrome palette
Fixed scanline 0 interrupts
(fixes Ninja Gaiden, Shantae, etc)
Added fake HDMA
Changed memory system to support bankswitching to 4k resolution
Identifies to game as a Gameboy Color
Added VRAM bankswitching
Added RAM bankswitching
Added partial HDMA
Added extended attributes per tile and sprite
Added background colors
Added sprite colors
Rearranged tilemaps in vram
Removed support for borders
Added Raster effects for Window layer
Moved to 4-layer drawing system
Draws solid background tiles below the layers to allow color 0 to be visible
Replaces one layer with the GUI when necessary
Added Double Speed mode, but it's disabled now
Goomba Color alpha 2 Release Thread
Goomba Color alpha 2
EFx2Blogs - Shameless Plug :)
Posted by Keith @ 01:11 PM CET | Comments: 2 | Affiliate
Hey guys I am posting this Shameless plug for EFx2Blogs mainly because I would like to see some more emulation/gaming related blogs. So if you like blogging and looking for an easy going community then head on over to EFx2Blogs (hosted right here by Emulation64) and sign up to get started. :)
EFx2Blogs - Free and Easy Blog Hosting :)
Also if you have an EFx2Blog or just created one then please reply to this news post with a link so people can give you a visit. :)
Kega Fusion 3.51 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:14 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| Quick Update:
* Fixed Netplay Connection issue.
* Fixed Netplay Dialogs in Fullscreen mode.
* Config of Player 1 (the Host) is now copied to other players in Netplay.
* Re-added another deleted line, the sound effects in Ecco work again.
* Fixed a Timing issue, Street Racer works again.
* Fixed DMA issue with Powermonger.
* Fixed SMS NMI issue.
Kega Fusion Official Site
Kega Fusion 3.51
ZSNES WIP January 5th Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:12 AM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
| • WIN: Fixed video mode selecting via command line for Windows (whoever updated it last didn't change everything he was supposed to). [Nach]
• SRC: Updated copyrights. [Nach]
• SRC: Fixed pushes and pops for x86-64. [Nach]
• SRC: Can now compile objects internally if desired. MSVC and GCC handling cleaned up a bit. (parsegen) [Nach]
• SRC: Made cfgparse.o depend on PSR compiler. [Nach]
• SRC: Fixed a variable which was being used improperly. [Nach]
ipher's ZSNES WIP Site
ZSNES WIP January 5th
Thursday, January 05, 2006 |
Goomba Color alpha 1 Released
Posted by PsyMan @ 05:20 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
Dwedit released a modified Goomba version that can run Gameboy Color games.
Here is the list of changes since the last version of the Official Goomba:
| Changed memory system to support bankswitching to 4k resolution
Identifies to game as a Gameboy Color
Added VRAM bankswitching
Added RAM bankswitching
Added partial HDMA
Added extended attributes per tile and sprite
Added background colors
Added sprite colors
Rearranged tilemaps in vram
Removed support for borders
Added Raster effects for Window layer
Moved to 4-layer drawing system
Draws solid background tiles below the layers to allow color 0 to be visible
Replaces one layer with the GUI when necessary
Added Double Speed mode, but it's disabled now
You can visit the Goomba Color release thread for more info.
Goomba Color Release Thread
Goomba Color alpha 1
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 |
Kega Fusion 3.5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:45 AM CET | Comments: 3 | Multi System
| Lots of stuff that I did months ago, and now have completely forgotten...
However here is the stuff that I remember doing.
* Rewrites to lots of Genesis and 32X side stuff. Should fix things I broke in 3.4, and is very slightly faster. Hopefully nothing is broken.
* Re-added one line of ASM to the 32X emulation which must have gotten deleted a long time ago. Now disolveable objects in Chaotix work again.
* Fixed the SegaCD Fader.
* Fusion now supports more MP3 formats than Winamp does - i.e. all of them. 44100Hz Stereo is still recommended, but not neccessary.
* Seeking within MP3s works now. Not sure about VBR files though.
* Blackthorne 32X sound glitch fixed - it now performs exactly as on real hardware.
* Controller config rewrite. You can now define directions for controllers as well as buttons.
* VGM Log now logs VGM1.10 format files, which should be much smaller. You can change back to VGM1.01 if you need to by editing the VGM_Version setting in the INI file. (16,1 for VGM1.10, 1,1 for VGM1.01)
* Added 'ForceSWBuffer' sound compatibility option. This is set to 1 by default because this is the preferred option. However if you are getting no sound (due to buggy drivers), or your framerate fluctuates for no reason, you can try setting this to 0.
* Drag and drop support added.
* Brighten option for those that prefer a slightly brighter palette.
* Preliminary Netplay support. You MUST read the README.TXT to learn how to use this feature.
LOTS more stuff - if you find something, please tell me ;)
Happy new year!
Kega Fusion Official Site
Kega Fusion 3.5
MameGP2X v1.2 and a Stella Port for GP2X
Posted by Wraggster @ 03:48 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
The GP2X is cranking out the releases (the homebrew releases include a port of Duke Nukem 3D), heres the latest 2 offerings:
Franxis the author of GP32MAME has updated the port of the MAME Arcade Emulator to the GP2X, heres whats new:
MAME GP2X 1.2 (January 02, 2006)
- Support for complete MAME 0.34 romset (1024 games). New available games i.e. Liquid Kids, Shadow Warriors, TMNT, etc.
- Video scaling / stretching corrected in some games i.e. Pang.
- Whatsnew.txt is now available in spanish (novedades.txt), thanks to kolakola.
- List of supported games corrected (gamelist.txt).
- Thanks to all paypal donators: gp32x.de, Federico Mazza, Nandove, Videogame Stuff, Denis Evans, Ricardo Cabello, Elías Ballesteros, J.Antonio Serralvo Martín, bagmouse7, Suj, funkyferdy, Gieese, Vincent Cleaver, William Burnett, Bleeg, Martin Dolphin, Ilarri, Glen Stones, Dr.Konami, Augusto Carlos Pérez Arriaza, Charles Box.
Stella 2.0.1 (Atari 2600 Emulator for GP2X)
Alex Zaballa has ported the Atari 2600 emulator Stella to the GP2X, heres the info:
This is my first port. This is not optimized and a few things could be implemented differently. This port is still in it's early beta phase and needs further work to insure reliability and full functionality. In order to load roms successfully, I am using Selector V0.1 by Kounch (c) 2005. Both Selector and Stella are covered under the GPL Version 2, June 1991, as is this port. As with all things licensed under the GPL, this software is offered AS-IS with no warranties stated or implied. Use at your own risk. For more information, see gpl.txt included in this package.
No official homepage but you can download at GP2X News or GP2X File Archive.
Gens32 Surreal 1.49 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 11:42 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Genesis
| 1) Supported the rom more then 48M (less then 96M), some hacked roms, such as MK3 Hack8 (hacked by Kabal, 64M) worked now.
2) Fixed the DAC sound in Final Fantasy (Russian translation of Barver Battle Saga)
3) Fixed some problems in Wu Kong Wai Zhuan.
4) More...
PS: I leaved a memory map in tools folder for the guys want to hack the rom more then 64M.
Gens32 Official Site
Gens32 Surreal 1.49
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