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    Wednesday, January 30, 2008
clrmamepro 3.110a Released

• fixed: crash when fixing size of a not compressed rom
• misc: some minor internal changes on the window-fits-on-screen test

clrmamepro Official Site

    Monday, January 28, 2008
PSPSIM 1.2.1 Released

- Many optimizations to speed up the emulation in z80, video and sound emulation part. Many games are now fullspeed (50 fps) even at 222Mhz !!
- Many new render modes and screen size options (normal, fit, max etc ...)
- The emulator window can now be moved to fit the screen properly
- Add new hotkeys to setup render mode etc ...
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Code cleaning

PSPSIM Official Site

clrmamepro 3.110 Released

• misc: updated unrar.dll which fixes crashes with incomplete split rars
• misc: updated have/miss list to handle fake clones, nodump-only sets correctly
• misc: update dat dialog is now resizeable

clrmamepro Official Site

    Sunday, January 27, 2008
PSP2600 1.1.2 Released

- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off useful for games such as space invaders ! On given games, the auto fire can't be stopped, so an option to stop it, is available in the settings menu.
- It uses now only PSP GU for rendering
- Speed improvements while using GU render modes
- IR keyboard support !
- Add .a26 as valid rom extention
- Add several new hotkeys :
  . settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
  . quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- New speed limiter options in settings menu
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.
- Analog pad can be used in the rom file requester
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
- Increase memory heap size in 3.x

PSP2600 Official Site

    Saturday, January 26, 2008
RockNES 5.00 beta 4b Released

version beta 4b released, fixes 22050Hz setting and removes debug stuff left.

RockNES Official Site

NeoRaine 1.0.5 Released

• fullheight scanlines + double width are back from the allegro version, it's a new choice of scanlines in video options
• Took back the "pixel double" scaler from the allegro version too. You can now choose the kind of scaling you want if you force normal blits in video options.
• Added hq2x and hq3x scalers in MMX versions only.
• Fix pcm handling in ssrpg (random battles)
• fix speed hacks handling when raster frame is used (like in the demo of street hoop which was really too fast !!!)
• add experimental support for mode2/2352 isos (normally neocd isos are all supposed to be mode1/2048, so usually mode2/2352 are bad rips, but sometimes they work anyway !!!).

NeoRaine Official Site

Raine 0.50.7 Released

• fullheight scanlines + double width are back from the allegro version, it's a new choice of scanlines in video options
• Took back the "pixel double" scaler from the allegro version too. You can now choose the kind of scaling you want if you force normal blits in video options.
• Added hq2x and hq3x scalers in MMX versions only.

Raine Official Site

iDeaS beta for Linux Released

A lot of fixed and changes. Now the Plugins work.

iDeaS Official Site

    Friday, January 25, 2008
RockNES 5.00 beta 4 Released

- Fixed joystick support and modified the config window.
- Fixed an obscure bug, "file doesn't exist" error.
- Fixed backed battery save/load, it was broken.
- Fixed PPU state loading, somewhat.
- Fixed sprite overflow flag, somewhat.
- Usual optmizations and tweaks.
- Added a new saveblock tagged as PTB1, extended PPU savestate.
- Added a new saveblock tagged as CPU1, extended CPU savestate, fixes loading errors.
- ROM patching dialog improved.
- Config file slightly changed for accuracy.
- The program can run in background now, sweet.
- Fixed video refresh rate to be 60Hz.
- Fixed sound output and changed from 44100Hz to 22050Hz as default.
- Other fixes I don't remember.

RockNES Official Site

    Thursday, January 24, 2008
SSF 0.09 alpha R3 Released

Crude machine translation of the changes:

CD drive block state transition process fixed.
SCSP timers processing fixed.
SCSP RISANPURINGU the process fixed.
SCU end of the DMA interrupt handling fixed.
VDP2 rotation of the plane of the drawing process fixed.

State saves data changed version.

Leading SH2 iteration of the master clock system from the center of the center changed.
In accordance with the optional SH2 Instruction Numbers 1 Block Clock change.
May be slightly heavier.
Also, the abolition HSynch Real Clock option.

Ver0.09 alpha compiled from the option to change, but
It is due to the failure occurred.…
Alpha back to its original option because the software came from the failure直っI may.

SSF Official Site

no$gba 2.6a Released

No$gba Newest-Gaming-Version Downloads
Donate $2.50 (via paypal) and Download newest no$gba version (support the no$gba project)
[hint] I am currently having technical problems to create a new donation button for v2.6a, so, if you've bookmarked the v2.6 download address, then you can re-use it for v2.6a, too. Anyways, would be even better if you would threw in a new donation :-) Also because the address is unchanged, some browsers may have memorized the old v2.6 files, and may keep giving you that old files - in case of problems: bookmark the download address, and try again later. To avoid another problem: Be sure that you don't forget to click the "Return to Merchant" button at the paypal page when you've sent the money.

Why that donation stuff...?
I've had some money saved up when starting to make no$gba in summer 2001, during last some years the money became less and less, so, without some new money, I won't be able to continue to work on no$gba much longer. Now, if less than one of a hundred people would click the donations button - that would probably solve no$gba's monetary problems.

(faster 3d rendering, backup detect, rtc-irq, better texture interpolation,)
(perfectly accurate edge-marking, translucent-poly-id, shadow-poly support,)
(capture in vram display mode, debug gui/warnings, cpu/ipc/div/sqrt details)
- free-download: old no$gba v2.6 gaming version now free for everybody - enjoy
- debug/symbols: resize function for Alt+L symbol list window (saved in .ini)
- debug/internal: changed computer_id handling for compatibility with win vista
- nds/debug: allows nintendo to mis-use clipmtx_result for detecting their emu
- nds/debug: allows to override mis-declared-thumb-functions by crude $t labels
- nds/rtc: triggers IRQ when SI changes HI-to-LO (only when SI-IRQ is enabled)
- hll-version: demangles strange new "_ZN3txt3txtEii" and "_Z3txtii" type labels
- nds/gba/rcnt: allows to generate SI interrupts manually by toggling RCNT bits
- nds/gba/rcnt: internally memorizes rcnt-output bits (additionally to inputs)
- nds/rtc: passes rtc 1Hz/2Hz/4Hz/8Hz/16Hz or per-minute IRQ to rcnt SI input
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: uses clean 80286 shift opcodes (instead slow 80386 shrd)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: new scaled side_clip_x allowed to re-remove pre_add_mask
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: scaled side_clip_x coords from 0..len to 0..7FFFFFFFh
- nds/3d: soft-accuracy: texture/color interpolation with variable pre_add_mask
- nds/details: emulates all newly discovered ipcfifo/div/sqrt technical details
- nds/help: added tech specs on div/sqrt (readonly results, start/stop timings)
- nds/help: added tech specs on ipcfifo (edge triggered, underrun, fifo-disable)
- nds/help: added user settings 076h (language mask) and header 01Dh (ique flag)
- nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: recurses surrounding depth values (less only)
- nds/3d/help: added more technical notes on edge marking (depth and polygon_id)
- nds/a22i: auto generates chinese crc upon .fix directive (only if version=2)
- nds/help: added info on chinese title in icon/title region (addr/version/crc)
- cpu/internal: reduced 32bit test/and to 8bit (al/bl/cl/dl instead eax/ebx/etc)
- cpu/detail: emulates mis-aligned thumb bx/blx and arm bx/blx (with warning)
- cpu/detail: emulates mis-aligned rd=r15 in arm alu opcodes (thanks jonathan)
- nds/3d/help: added double-blended-edge-glitch (edge-marking plus anti-alias)
- nds/3d/help: added translucent-edge-glitch (edge-marking plus anti-aliasing)
- nds/backup: supports re-detection (games with faulty initial initialization)
- nds/backup: added bus-width auto detection (redirecting to new general types)
- nds/backup: added new types (3x general types) (and 1x sanyo, thanks flubba)
- nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: handles edges at screen border (via clear_id)
- nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: applies edges in respect to surrounding pixels
- nds/3d: soft-detail: edge-mark: internally stores edge_flag for possible edges
- nds/debug: allows some games to initialize not-existing port 4001004h to zero
- nds/debug: allows nintendo to use faulty ldmib with base-inclusion-writeback
- nds/debug: allows nintendo to use invalid stmib/ldmib user bank writeback
- nds/debug: allows nintendo to write more serious nonsense to (R) baseband regs
- nds/timings: re-fixed arm7/arm9 sync (new arm9-66MHz timings vs arm7-33MHz)
- nds/video: supports capture from 2d/3d engine in vram display mode (nanostray)
- nds/help: added note on undoc nds7 port 4001080h (used by ds-lite firmware)
- nds/help: added optical mouse sensor (slider controller) (thanx daniel palmer)
- nds/help: added firmware wifi internet access point settings info (thanks cue)
- nds/help: added user settings 066h (year) and 075h (ext language) (thanks cue)
- screenshot: converts 32bpp images to 24bpp (smaller and more standard files)
- nds/3d: soft-detail: prevents rendering of translucent polys with same poly_id
- nds/3d: soft-detail: supports shadow polygons (mask/render, step 1 and step 2)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: scaled perspective correct clp.x from 0..len to 0..7FFFh
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: faster texcoord_clipping (no_repeat,repeat,flipped)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-calc tex_clip proc, collapsed 32:32 tex_xy to 16:16
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-explodes edge_color_table, optimized alpha blend
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: processes two rgba-pairs and tex_xy-pairs at once
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: nonlinear color_rgb and texcoord_xy interpolation
- nds/3d: soft-detail: stores fog bit in framebuffer (opaque/trans=replace/and)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: linear color_rgb and texcoord_xy interpolation
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: merged texture addressing and blending into single proc
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: mmx: faster texture blending (modulate/toon/highlight)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: pre-calculates soft3d_tex_blend_proc for blendtype/mmx
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: uses mmx (if present) (otherwise stays 80386 compatible)
- nds/3d: soft-speedup: collapsed scanline_rgba from 32:32:32:32 to 8:8:8:8 bits
- detect: added no$gmb-386/486/cpuid detection, internal: rdtsc (3d/re selftest)

no$gba Official Site

    Tuesday, January 22, 2008
clrmamepro 3.109c Released

• fixed: dat export exports 'flags baddump' in a wrong way which get reloaded as crc 0xf
• misc: main window can be put to 0/0
• misc: profiler's create doesn't care anymore about exe sharing access issues
• misc: minimum OS requirement is now W2k and higher

clrmamepro Official Site

    Sunday, January 20, 2008
Yabause 0.9.3 Released

- Fixed a couple of bugs with Netlink emulation.

cd block:
- Tweaked error handling for cue files so it's more helpful to the user.

- Fixed a bug in DSP MVI instruction.
- Fixed a bug with DSP Program Ram Address.
- Fixed ALU behaviour on NOP.
- Other bug fixes.

- Fixed a bug where coefficient reading wasn't making sure reads weren't going out of bounds.
- Tweaked frame-skipping so it only skips if frame time is faster/slower than a 1/2 a frame. The results are much better now.
- Added general VDP2 debug info functionality.
- Added partial end code support to VDP1 texture debugging.

opengl video core:
- Fixed a bug in 16 BPP sprites where pixels 0x0001-0x7FFF weren't transparent when transparency was enabled.

gtk port:
- Redesigned the window so each part can now be resized.
- Added a toolbar and removed the buttons.
- The sprite list now displays texture thumbnails.
- Added tooltips to "run" and "pause" buttons.
- Redesigned VDP2 debug window.

windows port:
- Fixed a bug that was causing Yabause to crash when run for the first time.
- Added screen capture.
- Reworked Input dialog so it'll allow for more than one peripheral (in the future).
- Added a bunch of tools tips for basic and input settings.
- Fixed a bug that was causing wrong VDP1 command information to sometimes be displayed.
- Other bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the wrong breakpoint to be removed from the breakpoint list.
- Text length is now limited correctly in breakpoint edit text controls.

- Tweaked memory breakpoints so that regardless of whether you're using cached or cache-through addresses variations of an address, it'll still detect and break when the memory is accessed.
- Other bug fixes.

Yabause Official Site

GP2X-Dragon 1.0.1 Released

Xroar is the best emulator of Dragon32/64 and Tandy Coco home computer running on many systems such as Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, GP32 and Windows32. See http://www.6809.org.uk/dragon/xroar.shtml for further informations.

GP2X-Dragon is a port on GP2X of the PSP version of Xroar.

GPX2-Dragon Official Site

GP2X-CAP32 1.3.3 Released

- Many optimizations to speed up the emulation, frame rate is now 50 fps at
220Mhz in many games. Main modifications :
  . Z-80 part as been rewritten using several hints such as explicit jump tables for instructions decode
  . CRT and sound part has been a bit optimized
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
(useful for games such as defend or die !)
- Add new hotkeys to setup auto fire speed
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.
- New "Command" feature in the emulator menu:
. You have now to choose the command you want to run using arrows.
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Remove dead code (such as printer, breakpoint, trace support etc ...)

GP2X-CAP32 Official Site

PSPCAP32 1.3.4 Released

- Many optimizations to speed up the emulation, frame rate is now 49 fps at 222Mhz in ultra mode, on CPC startup window. Main modifications :
  . Z-80 part as been rewritten using several hints such as explicit jump tables for instructions decode
  . CRT and sound part has been optimized
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off (useful for games such as defend or die !)
- Add new hotkeys to setup auto fire speed
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.
- New "Command" feature in the emulator menu:
. You have now to choose the command you want to run using arrows.
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Remove dead code (such as printer, breakpoint, trace support etc ...)
- Bug fix such as : while saving state using hotkey in ultra-mode, thumb image wasn't properly saved

PSPCAP32 Official Site

    Saturday, January 19, 2008
PSPMSX 1.2.4 Released

- Add missing keys such as HOME, GRAPH, STOP (Thanks to symBioT for the bug report)
- Auto joystick fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off (useful for games such as 1942)
- Add several new hotkeys :
  . settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
  . quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
- Analog pad can be used in the rom file requester
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.

PSPMSX Official Site

    Friday, January 18, 2008
YAPE 0.79 Released

Just a quick release before my life's greatest emulator project kicks in. This version adds preliminary support for some effects that double the vertical resolution of the plus/4 by scanline interleaving. While the effect itself has been considered possible since around 1993, it has not been explored further until recently. Here's the - very short - list of changes:

• support for true interlace
• more new icons from Chronos
• couple of bugfixes

Obviously, true interlace will only work properly on the 'Very high accuracy' emulation level and in double sized window modes.

YAPE Official Site

clrmamepro 3.109b Released

• misc: first compile in new VS2008 environment with some minor code cleanup
• misc: 0-byte rom files are not handled as nodumps anymore
• misc: fix dat header includes xmlheader statements (if available in the original dat)
• fixed: dat export failed for roms with a not specified crc32

clrmamepro Official Site

    Thursday, January 17, 2008
iDeaS for Windows Released

iDeaS for Windows:
• Fixed a bug in CPU Speed Mode.
• Fixed a bug in Bind Textures.
• Fixed a bug in Use Temp File for compressed file.
• Fixed a bug in Fog Effect.
...and other small fixup.

Audio PlugIn
• Fixed a bug in Load State capabilities.

DirectInput PlugIn
• Fixed a bug in choosing buttons.

iDeaS Official Site

    Wednesday, January 16, 2008
ScummVM 0.11.0 Released

New Games:
- Added support for Elvira: Mistress of the Dark.
- Added support for Elvira 2: The Jaws of Cerberus.
- Added support for I Have no Mouth, and I Must Scream (demo and full game).
- Added support for preAGI game Mickey's Space Adventure.
- Added support for preAGI game Troll's Tale.
- Added support for preAGI game Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood.
- Added support for Amiga version of Waxworks.
- Added support for Lure of the Temptress.

New Ports:
- Added iPhone port.
- Added Maemo port for Nokia Internet tablets.

- Added ARM assembly routines for code in the sound mixer and SCUMM video playback, resulting in some nice speedups on several ports.
- Improved the way keyboard input is handled internally, resolving some odd quirks in some game / port combinations.
- Added optional 'confirm exit' dialog to the SDL backend.
- Added support for TiMidity++ MIDI server.
- Added DMedia MIDI driver for IRIX.
- Improved detection of new game variants and localized versions.
- Completely reworked internal access to files. (GSoC Task)
- Added option to delete games from the list with Del key.
- Added support for "~/" prefix being substituted by $HOME in paths on POSIX systems (Linux, Mac OS X etc.).

- Added support for AGI256 and AGI256-2 hacks (GSoC Task)
- Added support for Amiga menus and palettes (GSoC Task)
- Better support for early Sierra AGI titles

- Fixed crashes related to OmniTV playback in The Feeble Files.
- Improved work on 64-bit systems.

Broken Sword 1:
- Added support for FLAC encoded music.

- Added support for Macintosh version.

- Added support for Amiga version of Nippon Safes, Inc.
- Many bugfixes

- Added support for Adlib music.
- Added missing music patterns playback in Amiga version.

- Added subtitle skipping (via '.' key) in older games which didn't have this feature so far (e.g. Zak, MM, Indy3, Loom).
- Added support for Chinese COMI.
- Better support for eastern versions of games.
- Various fixes for COMI and other games.
- Added support for original save menus (browse only). Use Alt-F5 to activate.
- Added support for Spanish version of NES Maniac Mansion.
- Better support for German version of C64 Maniac Mansion.
- Fixed bug with cursors in Windows versions of Humongous Entertainment games.

- Added support for compressed sound effects, voices and music.

- Added workarounds for some glitches/issues present in the original game.

WinCE Port:
- Switched compilers again. Now using cegcc (http://cegcc.sourceforge.net/).
- Plugins now supported for WinCE (but not used in this release).
- Redesigned 'Free Look' action, mainly for the lure engine's requirements.
- Smaller optimization setting to counteract the growth of the executable.
- Various bug fixes.

GP2X Port:
- Support F200 Touchscreen
- Various fixes to input code

ScummVM Official Site
ScummVM 0.11.0

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008
clrmamepro 3.109a Released

• misc: main button bar remembers focus
• misc: set information -> 'unload' (set list) button added
• misc: set information -> you can use '%h=1' in 'select sets' to select sets with chds
• misc: set information -> you can use '%p=1' in 'select sets' to select sets with samples
• misc: set information -> split 'mark parent/clones' to two separated checkboxes
• misc: set information -> mark parent/clones checkboxes also affect loading of set lists
• misc: don't show warning for clones where all not-parent roms are nodumps
• misc: introducing datfile header switch "forcenodump" which can be 'obsolete', 'ignore' and 'required': obsolete = default (nodumps are marked as unneeded, missing ones are not shown); ignore = existing nodumps are not marked as unneeded, missing ones are ignored; required = existing nodumps are not marked as unneeded, missing ones are shown
• misc: dir2dat->nodump header options available
• misc: allowing empty set definitions (theoretically this allows using of pseudo parents)

clrmamepro Official Site

    Monday, January 14, 2008
PSPVICE 1.2 Released

- Support huge ZIP archives.
- Support GameBase64 format (V05).
- Tool for recompressing GameBase and save lot of memory of PSP stick.
- Speed up zip parsing.

PSPVICE Official Site

Hoxs64 Released

1) Adjusted IRQ timing for branch instructions.

Hoxs64 Official Site

GP2X-CAP32 1.3.2 Released

- Big speed improvements (~20%) thanks to Noldor & Notaz. All games can now be run close to fullspeed
- Bug fix in green/monochrome default settings
- Add new hotkeys :
  . settings such as fps or render mode can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
  . quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)

GP2X-CAP32 Official Site

    Sunday, January 13, 2008
Ootake 1.34 Released

- "Window TopMost" menu was added to "Screen" menu.
- The access processing of CD-ROM was brought close to the movement of a real machine. The problem that "L-Dis" did not operate (generated from v1.32) was solved.
- In "Momotarou Katsugeki", when falling in water, the problem that overlapping the character display might be not correct was solved.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Ootake Official Site

PSPCAP32 1.3.3 Released

- improve speed (+3 fps at 222Mhz)
- add new hotkeys :
  . settings such as fps, delta_y or render mode can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
  . quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- bug fix in green/monochrome default settings

PSPCAP32 Official Site

    Saturday, January 12, 2008
GP2X-2600 1.0.5 Released

- Bug fix, now working with F200 (Thanks to Slaanesh)

GP2X-2600 Official Site

    Friday, January 11, 2008
iDeaS Beta for Windows Released

• Fixed a bug in LDRs ARM opcodes.
• Fixed a bug SMLAXY opcode.
• Fixed a bug in cycle N,S for ARM9.
• Fixed a bug in 3D pipeline for invalid coordinates.
• Fixed a bug in Auto Sort for Traslucent Polygons.
• Fixed a bug in Windows Mode Drawing.
• Added support for Hinge.
• Added None Save Type.

iDeaS Official Site

PSPDragon 1.0.1 Released

Xroar is the best emulator of Dragon32/64 and Tandy Coco home computer running on many systems such as Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, GP32 and Windows32.
See http://www.6809.org.uk/dragon/xroar.shtml for further informations.

PSPDragon is a port on PSP of the version 0.19 of Xroar.

PSPDragon Official Site

    Monday, January 07, 2008
NeoRaine 1.0.4 Released

• cue files now support filenames up to 256 characters, and improved error messages for the cue files.

NeoRaine Official Site
NeoRaine 1.0.4

clrmamepro 3.109 Released

• fixed: a chd can get wrongly parent/clone assigned when parent set got > 1 chds
• fixed: rare wrong "Can't remove files from..." message
• misc: added warning when a MoveFile operation fails
• misc: warnings window's clear option also re-hides the window
• removed: nodump handling controls

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.109

    Sunday, January 06, 2008
Mednafen 0.8.7 Released

GBA: DMA registers were being saved as 32-bit arrays instead of 16-bit arrays in save states, potentially causing memory corruption, and broken save states on big endian platforms. Fixed.

NES: Removed the AltiVec resampling code, as it causes problems on the PS3, and possibly other PPC chips, and I don't have a PowerPC machine to test it on. The NES sound filtering code will be rewritten in 0.9.0, anyway.

GBA: Fixed a startup crashing bug on big-endian platforms.

Changed instances of fprintf() in mempatcher.cpp to trio_fprintf() to work around major issues with pre-C99 standard C libraries.

GBA: The Load() function was returning a largeish integer, instead of 1, after successfully loading a ROM image. Fixed.

Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.8.7

SSF 0.09 alpha R2 Released

Crude translation of changes:

SH2 treatment of FRT fixed.
SCU's DMA processing fixed.
SCU end of the DMA interrupt handling fixed.
SCSP playback location update process fixed.

State saves data changed version.

SSF Official Site
SSF 0.09 alpha R2

NeoRaine 1.0.3 Released

• Fonts were badly rendered when forcing normal blits (instead of yuv overlays)
• From the raine engine : fix a crash when choosing to change the video mode to the game resolution with scale 2x enabled.
• Added a new speed hack for last resort.
• now supports wav in cue files, and neocheats.cfg is the right version, not the test version as before !

NeoRaine Official Site
NeoRaine 1.0.3

    Saturday, January 05, 2008
Hoxs64 Released

1) Fixed auto disk swap bug introduced in v1.0.5.11. Disk head does not remain high while a disk swap is in progress.

Hoxs64 Official Site

    Friday, January 04, 2008
NeoRaine 1.0.2 Released

• Fixed corrupted line in the about dialog when displaying it for the 2nd time
• Allow the sfx volume and music volume to be set to more than 100% (until 200%) for games with too quiet samples.
• fixed crash in last resort (at start)
• games which upload to the pcm area can also use savegames now (previously trying to save such a game exited neoraine)
• startup.bin becomes obsolete and is removed
• last blade 2 had lost its title screen because it was trying to use dma for its uploads, it's now supported.
• Pulstar gains a speed hack too.
• Fixed the huge bug with the sfx sound only on the left side, it's now stereo, sorry !!!

• Samurai spirits rpg fix : there was a specific video priority problem which was hiding text boxes for some characters

NeoRaine Official Site
NeoRaine 1.0.2

Model 2 Emulator 0.6 Released

So many changes that I can't remember...Lighting fixes, control fixes, sound fixes... ManxTT is working, but sound is broken. Merged some features from the cps3 emu (vsync, custom fullscreen res,...)

NOTE: To get past of ManxTT Active Motion Slider screen, enter test mode (F2) and then exit. You'll have to do this every time yo boot the game. To avoid that, enter test mode and set the cabinet type to Twin. That will disable the drive board check

Model 2 Emulator Official Site
Model 2 Emulator 0.6

Hoxs64 Released

1) Fixed overlapping IRQ and NMI timing. The Flexible demo part 3 flicker is fixed.
2) Fixed sound noise bug caused by an incorrectly truncated floating-point number.

Hoxs64 Official Site

    Thursday, January 03, 2008
Ootake 1.33 Released

- The play processing of ADPCM sound source has been improved. In the visual scene of "Lodoss Tou Senki", the problem that the voice became interrupted on the way occasionally was solved.
- The access processing of CD-ROM was brought close to the movement of a real machine. In "Kabuki Ittou Ryoudan", the problem that had been occasionally freezed was solved.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Ootake Official Site
Ootake 1.33

iDeaS alpha Released

Great day today, version alpha of iDeaS for Linux, it is still incomplete but it works well.
Changes? Nothing

iDeaS Official Site
iDeaS alpha

    Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Hoxs64 Released

1) Fixed memory bug in FDI disk decompression.

2) Fixed bug in RTI opcode. Flexible demo part 3 now works.

3) The disk head data line is held high when the motor is off. Startrek game now loads.

4) Fixed CIA PB6-7 bug introduced in v1.0.5.0

5) Reduced sound volumes to avoid wave cropping.

Hoxs64 Official Site

    Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Kawaks 1.59 Released

• New drivers:
  o Final Fight (US)
  o Eco Fighters (US 940215)
  o Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS2, USA 951006)
  o Rockman: The Power Battle (CPS2, Japan 950922)
  o Dimahoo (Euro 000121)
  o Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904)
  o 19XX: The War Against Destiny (Brazil 951218)
  o Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge (Euro 950316)
  o X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 941222)
  o Real Bout Fatal Fury (set 2)
  o The King of Fighters 2003 (set 2)
  o Metal Slug 5 (set 2)
  o Soccer Brawl (alternate set)
• Fixed currupted graphics in progeara.
• Changed NeoGeo M ROM sizes in to match MAME (.122).
• Changed NeoGeo ROM names to match MAME (.122).

Kawaks Official Site
Kawaks 1.59

File Releases

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