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    Monday, January 07, 2013
YAPE 1.0.4

YAPE is a decent no-nonsense plus/4 emulator. It has been developed for 10 years by now and it is available in Windows as well as multiplatform editions, although some of the latter lag several versions behind the former.

Here're release notes for v. 1.0.4:

+ /LOAD:filename to type text on startup from a text file
+ improved ("increased") oversampling
+ forward looking adaptive sound buffering
+ more accurate interim CPU read cycles
+ joystick setup crash fixed (64 bit build)
+ 192 kHz sound frequency got not saved in previous version
+ clear byte ready inaccuracy for 1551 fixed
+ minor IEC printer clocking fix
+ removed obsolete emulator ID

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

FB Alpha

FB Alpha (formerly FinalBurn Alpha), based on the original FinalBurn source code, is a multi-arcade (Capcom CPS-1, Capcom CPS-2, Capcom CPS-3, Cave, Neo Geo, Sega System 16 (and similar), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board, Toaplan, Taito, etc) emulator. It includes support for cheating, as well as netplay using Kaillera.

Here`s list of changes for latest version:

+ Added Ganbare Marin-kun to the CPS-1 driver [Barry, smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
+ Added Ghost Muncher to the Galaxian driver [Barry, Robbert, Misfitmame]
+ Added Bubble Bobble Lost Cave to the Bubble Bobble driver [Barry, Bisboch, Aladar]
+ Added bootleg of Carrier Air Wing to the CPS-1 driver [Barry, JacKc, Bonky0013]
+ Added various bootlegs of Street Fighter II Champion Edition to the CPS-1 driver [Barry, JacKc, bonky0013]
+ Added clone of The Punisher to the CPS-1 driver [JacKc, Artemio Urbina]
+ Added clone of Marvel vs. Capcom to the CPS-2 driver [Barry, ranger_lennier, Yohji, Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
+ Added clone of X-Men Children of the Atom to the CPS-2 driver [Barry, Bonky0013]
+ Added clone of Bagman to the Galaxian driver [Barry, Robbert, Misfitmame]
+ Added clone of Frogger to the Galaxian driver [Barry, Robbert, Misfitmame]
+ Added clone of Galaxian to the Galaxian driver [Barry, Robbert, Misfitmame]
+ Added clone of Moon Cresta to the Galaxian driver [Barry, Robbert]
+ Added clone of Scramble to the Galaxian driver [Barry, Robbert, Misfitmame]
+ Added clone of Triple Punch to the Galaxian driver [Barry, lucaelia, Siftware]
+ Added clone of Fantasia to the Gals Panic driver [JacKc, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
+ Added clone of Ghosts 'n Goblins to the driver [JacKc, Antonio Gonzalez Jr., tafoid]
+ Added clone of Haunted Castle to the Konami driver [JacKc, Andrew Welburn, Phil Bennett]
+ Added clone of Sunset Riders to the Konami driver [JacKc, hap, Dave F]
+ Added clone of Sunset Riders to the Konami driver [JacKc, Any, The Dumping Union]
+ Added clone of Thunder Zone to the Konami driver [JacKc]
+ Added clone of King of Fighters '97 to the Neo Geo driver [iq_132, smitdogg]
+ Added Time's UP! Demo to the Neo Geo driver [Barry, NGF Dev. Inc, Fred/FRONT]
+ Added clone of Ms Pacman to the Pacman driver [JacKc, hap]
+ Added three clones of Knights of Valour Superheroes to the PGM driver [JacKc, Joerg Hartenberger, iq_132, smitdogg]
+ Added some Ketsui Arrange versions to the PGM driver [JacKc]
+ Added clone of Puzzli 2 to the PGM driver [Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, JackC, iq_132]
+ Added clone of Speed Rumbler to the driver [iq_132, Corrado Tomaselli, JacKc]
+ Added clone of Superman to the Taito-X driver [Barry, JacKc, Brian Troha, Dave France, The Dumping Union]
+ Added clone of Zero Point to the Unico driver [JacKc, Takahiro Nogi, hap]
+ Simulated the protection in Metal Slug X and removed a nasty patch [iq_132]
+ Emulated the protection in Lord of Gun and removed a nasty patch [iq_132]
+ Emulated protection in Street Fighter II Rainbow Edition (set 1 and 2) and removed a nasty patch [iq_132]
+ Emulated protection in Street Fighter II Mega sets and removed a nasty patch [iq_132]
+ Emulated protection in Dinosaur Hunter and removed a nasty patch [iq_132]
+ Emulated protection in some Warriors of Fate bootlegs and removed nasty patches [iq_132]
+ Fix kov command CC (fixes game stage 6) [iq_132]
+ Fixed graphics banking in Port Man [Barry, Robbert]
+ Added support for the digital volume slider in CPS-2 test screens, also added support for single board games with no digital slider [Barry]
+ Added the Turbo mode dip switch to Street Fighter II Alpha Magic F [Barry, MAME]
+ Identified various Streety Fighter II Champion Edition bootlegs and game them more descriptive names and descriptions, eliminating the sf2m* naming convention [Barry]
+ Improved emulation of bootleg hardware in King of Dragons bootleg [Barry]
+ Added variants to the Time Keeper module [Barry]
+ Changed UniBIOS 3.0 to the free version release [JacKc]
+ Big-endian fixes for some Data East drivers [MagicSeb]
+ Updated the ZET and VEZ CPU interfaces [iq_132]
+ Improved CPS-2 rom loading [Barry]
+ Fixed Japanese Romanization of some game titles [JacKc]
+ Improved Visual Studio version reporting and added Windows 8 support to the System Info module [Barry]
+ Updated Visual Studio makefile to support Visual Studio 2012, and fixed some related issues [Barry]
+ Added support for targeting Windows XP using Visual Studio 2012 via a makefile flag [Barry]
+ Updated GCC makefile to 4.7.1 and fixed warnings [Barry]
+ Updated the dat file writer to give each dat file a seperate id to ClrMAME gives each a separate profile [Barry]
+ Applied libretro patch [Twinaphex]
+ Matched the Megadrive sets to MESS 0.147u4 [Barry]
+ Synced sets with MAME 0.147u4 [Barry, JacKc]

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

NeoRaine 1.3.5-2

NeoRaine is a NeoGeo CD emulator based on the source of the arcade emulator Raine. Emulator is fast, has great compatibility, many NeoCD specific features, and support for extras like savegames.

Here`s changelog for latest version:

I just had a report of some unstability in windows when running raine for a long time (a whole run in truxton2 or cawing), so I took the opportunity to release some unreleased changes, it only fixes scanlines (again !) and restores the -bpp command line switch. And it disables some optimizations which might be the cause of the unstability, tests needed to be sure.

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

blueMSX v 2.8.2

blueMSX is a Windows based application that can emulate an MSX computer. The blueMSX application simulates behavior of the hardware components in the MSX computer with software. The result is an application that behaves like a real MSX in and enables you to run a great amount of software written for the MSX computer.

Here is list of latest changes:

--- v 2.8.2 -------
- Added support for MSX1 VDP timing checks in the debugger
- Added support for .der copy protected disk files
- Fixed multiple bugs in DRAM management that fixes many known Turbo R issues
- Fixed memory write bug in debugger that made memory writes occasionally fail
- Fixed default directory for hard disk insert
- Fixed memory leaks
- Fixed Moonsound FM bug
- Speed up save states and pause/resume

--- v 2.8.1 -------
- Added support for 16kB, 32kB, 48kB and 64kB external ram cartridges
- Added support for Joyrex PSG module
- Added support for PSG pin 6/7 quirk
- Added support for VR bit in VDP register 8
- Added 35 new machine configurations
- Added 23 new cheats
- Updated support for NoWind USB Diskroms
- Fixed SVI M1 Wait state
- Fixed ColecoVision Keyboard read error
- Fixed ColceoVision PSG noise bug
- Fixed DirectX initialization bug
- Fixed V9958 Scroll masking bug in Screen 4 (introduced in 2.8)
- Fixed Screen 2 scroll bug
- Fixed R15 PSG register read
- Fixed bug in VDP line engine
- Fixed bug in obsonet write method
- Fixed bug in Harryfox rom mapper
- Fixed bug in Crossblaim rom mapper
- Fixed bug in Korean bootleg rom mapper
- Made bluemsxlite compile on OSX
- Fixed bug in Arkanoid Pad emulation
- Fixed addressing bug in R-Type mapper
- Fixed x/y flags on scf/ccf
- Fixed instructions ld a,i or ld a,r to handle interrupts correclty

Check out official website for further information andgithub repository for latest files.

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