PCSX2 - KOSMOS: ZeroGS Evolves
Posted by CKemu @ 04:19 PM CET | Comments: 4 | Playstation 2
Posted on PCSX2.net, the official site of PCSX2 a PlayStation 2 emulator:
| Final Fantasy X: 35-128 FPS
Grandia 3: 37-60 FPS
...Yes you read that correctly, and no it's not April 1st!
WAIT!!..Okay so you knew there would be a catch :P
MTGS (Multi Threaded GS) has recently become much more stable thanks to zerofrog and his recent improvements to zeroGS (a GS plugin for PCSX2). MTGS allows for people with Dual Core CPU's to run PCSX2 at significantly improved speeds by putting the graphics side of PCSX2 onto a seperate core.
zeroGS itself has also gone through a major overhaul, making it significantly faster, even without the use of MTGS, so the Single Core crowd will also see a speed boost via this plugin!
zeroGS offers more features in the up coming release, with improved AA, wireframe mode, video recording, bilinear filtering and pre-defined resolutions to choose from.
So whats the catch? Well zeroGS requires Pixel Shader 2.0, so you need a graphics card capable of this shader model (I recommend the GeForce 6600GT for budget users).
The other catch is somewhat obvious, you will need a Dual Core CPU to support MTGS mode, eg; AMD X2's, Opterons and of course the new Conroe.
So when does this new zeroGS come out? Well for now no ETA, and please don't be nagging us about it!
Enough of the text, lets move onto my favourite section - eyecandy!
The shots where taken on the following spec machine:
• Opteron 165 1.8Ghz @ 2.5Ghz (9x280)
• 1Gb DDR550 Dual Channel @ DDR560
• Gainward BLISS 7900 GTX 512Mb
• SoundBlaster Audigy 4
Note FPS is reduced by ~50% in these shots because they where taken with Bilinear Filtering, and 4xAA enabled:
Tommys PSPVBA v0.1
Posted by Wraggster @ 12:34 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Must be the day of the GBA Emulators for the PSP, Tommy has released his own GBA Emulator for the PSP, heres the details:
It's based on Zx-81 PSPVBA v1.1.0 so it should work on on both 1.5 and 2.0+(untested) firmware.
First of all, it isn't any faster, my main focus for this release was more features. Features that I like and miss in the original PSPVBA (though great great work ZX-81 o/ )
Here are the new features:
-improved rombrowser
--displays romsize
--marks roms red that are incompatible
--ability to delete roms in the rombrowser
-multiple rom settings
-autoload last played rom at startup
Release Thread
PSPVBA: GameBoy Advance Emulator for PSP v1.2.1
Posted by Wraggster @ 10:58 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 has released a new version of PSPVBA the GameBoy Advance Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.2.1 :
- New feature to save and load a distinct setting file for each games
- Add option to enable/disable the cache with the Graphical Unit
- Emulator menus reorganisation (new menu for settings)
- Bug fix: Emulator menu is now launched on startup
- Bug fix: no more freeze when exiting the emulator
(but HOME button still doesn't work !)
- Bug fix: bad refresh of the emulator menu/screen
ZX-81`s Site
PSP VBA Compatability List
PSPVBA: GameBoy Advance Emulator for PSP v1.2.0
Posted by Wraggster @ 12:05 PM CET | Comments: 1 | PSP
ZX-81 has once again updated his GBA Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
- All the sound part has been rewritten to use the media engine (faster)
- Graphical Unit access improvement
(disable cache, may result in graphic artefacts but faster !)
- Add new beautiful icons and background designed by Win-Win (Shadow) !
- Add option to enable/disable GBA battery/flash save
(to avoid annoying disk save every 10 seconds in several games)
ZX81`s Site
SnezziDS v0.24b released
Posted by WhiteX @ 09:40 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
Thanks again, Gladius.
| Hacked together the new sound sync. mechanism tonight and it appears to work great! SMW now has nearly perfect sound (insofar as I still haven't emulated echo effects on the arm7) and a bunch of other games are sounding much, much better.
As an added benefit, the cores are really tightly synced, so compatibility should go up as well. Yay Smile.
v0.24b is now up.
Snezzi DS v0.24b - Sound
GameEx 6.49 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:11 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • Quicker startup
• Fixes MAME categories with periods "." not being listed
• Fixes goodmerge support when games are unzipped and are read only
• Improved screen positioning and sizing at High Definition resolutions
• Compatible with latest MAME XML game list output
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 6.49
SMSAdvance 2.0 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:09 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
| • Added "Go Multiboot" menu option.
• Added menu option for disabling background/sprites.
• Fixed a bug in the screen on/off behaviour.
• Fixed a bug in SRAM loading when using a BIOS.
• Fixed default config.
• Fixed Pause & Reset buttons when linking 2players.
• Removed the save management menu when multibooting.
• Optimised tiledecoding.
• Optimised some of the SBC instructions.
• Optimised EI instruction.
• Optimised IO port access.
SMSAdvance Official Site
SMSAdvance 2.0
WinUAE 1.3 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:44 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Amiga
| New and improved features:
- Input event recording and playback (WIP)
- PC floppy drive drive sound emulation :)
- Mousehack-"driver" build-in.
- PC DD and HD floppy image support.
- Added improved audio filter and interpolation code from uade and other sound setting updates.
- Added build-in HRTMon debugger/monitor. (WIP)
- Action Replay for Amiga 1200 ROM image support.
- Arcadia emulation updates.
- Directory filesystem compatibility updates. (illegal characters in directory names work better now, some protection flag tweaks, more compatible disk capacity check if disk is very big, compatibility issues with \servershare-directories fixed)
- Debugger updates. (improved trainer search command, fa-command, like in Action Replay, AGA color register dump etc..)
Bug fixes:
- Fix for random state restore freeze.
- AVIOutput crash, incorrect window size.
- Random Picasso96 screen mode switch crash.
- "Create hard disk imagefile"-option in harddisk settings fixed, previously it usually created corrupt hardfiles..
- Fixed garbage lines when program mixed interlace and non-interlace modes.
- D3D filter fullscreen freeze fixed.
- Priority-panel "pause emulation/disable sound output"-checkboxes were not initialized correctly.
And more smaller (and maybe bigger) changes..
WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.3
ZX-81 Interviewed
Posted by Wraggster @ 05:10 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 is the PSP Homebrew Scenes most active coder with the release of emulators for GBA, MSX, Colecovision, Amstrad, BBC Micro, Atari 130, 800 and 5200, Sam Coupe, Intellivision and even Calulator Emulators.
Today Kaiser has Interviewed ZX-81, check that out here --> http://interviews.dcemu.co.uk/
PSPVBA: GameBoy Advance Emulator for PSP v1.1.0 (smooth)
Posted by Wraggster @ 04:53 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 has once again updated his GBA Emulator for the PSP:
Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPVBA the GameBoy Advance Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.1.0 :
- It works now on 2.5 and 2.6 FW (i've tested it using DevHook)
- All the graphic part has been rewritten to replace SDL by direct GU access (faster)
- Sound is now played at 22Khz instead of 11Khz (i can play it up to 44Khz, it's better but slower :( ).
- The images are now smooth (using the GU)
- Snapshot files are now in PNG format (instead of BMP)
Download at zx-81`s site here --> http://zx81.dcemu.co.uk
Posted by CKemu @ 09:12 PM CET | Comments: 3 | Playstation 2
PCSX2 a PlayStation 2 emulator, is as ever getting constant development, recent WIP has been posted on the official site:
| Work has never stopped since the release of PCSX2 0.9.1, infact it rarely does :)
Refraction has made significant fixes to counters, making games much more stable, for instance Final Fantasy X-2 is now stable enough to be classed as "playable". Disgaea will play story scenes without freezing, and Resident Evil 4 is much more stable during gameplay!
Saqib, has been bustling away with IPU, more and more games are playing videos, without looping or crashing mid-way through playback, effecting games such as Grand Theft Auto III, Final Fantasy X and WipEout Fusion.
Zerofrog, busy as ever has been fixing vuREC0/1 issues, and making those games that do go 'Ingame' look correct, including Rayman M, Silent Hill 2, and a personal favourite WipEout Fusion.
Saqibs IPU fixes combined with ZeroFrogs work on the graphical issues (I bugged him to death about this game :P ) have made WipEout Fusion playable! So head to the Videos section to watch this game for the first time running brilliantly on PCSX2, also checkout the recent Final Fantasy X-2 Video.
Video Downloads
Screenshots Thread
PSPVBA: GameBoy Advance Emulator for PSP v1.0.7
Posted by Wraggster @ 07:24 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
New release of the GBA Emulator for the PSP:
What's new in version 1.0.7 :
- Sound improvement
- Switch off the sound during screenshot save
- The percent of battery left is now displayed in the emulator window
- Add a watchdog to automatically return to the emulator menu when the battery is very low (< 5%)
- Add nice icons and background designed by Shadow !
- Modify the UI to be able to use custom background images (transparency)
- Sleep mode is now working (but only when you're in the emulator window)
Download at ZX-81s site here --> http://zx81.dcemu.co.uk
PSPCAP32 1.1.2 Released
Posted by Martin @ 09:27 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 has released PSPCAP32 1.1.2:
| Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPCAP32 the CPC Emulator for PSP.
First i would like to thanks Shadow for his beautiful icons and background image :).
What's new in version 1.1.2 :
- Add icons and background designed by Shadow !
- Modify the UI to be able to use custom background images (transparency)
- Sleep mode is now working (but only when you're in the emulator window)
- Bug fix in danzeff keyboard (wrong key mapping)
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file !
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in the zip archive.
This package is under GPL Copyright, read COPYING file for more information about it.
Enjoy, :D
If you want to discuss on this emulator, you can do it here :
zx81's forum on dcemu network
ZX-81's Site
PSPCAP32 1.1.2
PSPUAE 0.51b Released
Posted by Wraggster @ 11:28 PM CET | Comments: 1 | PSP
I knew about this release for days now and can finally reveal that a coder named Ric and with the help of Hungry Horace have updated the Amiga Emulator for the PSP along with a new site for it,
Heres whats new with the Amiga Emulator for PSP:
| Lets get the ball rolling then shall we....
here it is, thanks to Ric's latest efforts in updating the pspuae code, and FOL's determination to tidy-up his homebrew!
It's identical to the 0.51 version, except without the Xploit icon and stuff.
Some of the newer features of pspuae include:
4 channel sound mode
Savestates re-introduced
Kickstart Rom Selector
Firmware 1.5 compatibility
Download at Link Above.
PSPAtari: Atari 800/130/5200 Emulator for PSP v1.0.3
Posted by Wraggster @ 11:03 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 has released a new version of PSPAtari the emulator of Atari 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 series.
What's new in version 1.0.3 :
- Improve the sound, it's now much more better
- The percent of battery left is now displayed in the emulator window
- Add a watchdog to automatically return to the emulator menu when the battery is very low (< 5%)
- Enter directly in the emulator menu on startup (instead of the ATARI screen)
- Bug fix in smooth image algorithm (resulting in wrong color display)
- Add keyboard change skin option (you can add your own virtual keyboard images in the graphics directory).
- Modify the file requester to memorize separately the last locations/directory of rom image and keyboard
Download at his site --> http://zx81.dcemu.co.uk
PSPCAP32: CPC Emulator for PSP v1.1.1
Posted by Wraggster @ 06:42 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 has released a new version of PSPCAP32 the CPC Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.1.1 :
- New keyboard files from Loic Daneels (more than 470 games !)
- Improve the sound, it's now much more better !
- The percent of battery left is now displayed in the emulator window
- Add a watchdog to automatreturn to the emulator menu when the battery is very low (< 5%)
- Add option to modify the "sound tick average" value (usefull to avoid sound distortion on many games)
- Enter directly in the emulator menu on startup (instead of the CPC screen)
- Bug fix in smooth image algorithm (resulting in wrong color display)
- Other bug fix (sdl semaphore) and code cleaning
Download at his site here --> http://zx-81.dcemu.co.uk
blueMSX 2.5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 12:07 PM CET | Comments: 0 | MSX
| After almost 10 months since the previous release, the new version of blueMSX is a big update, full of very advanced features :
- The implementation of a new controllers and keyboard editor gives still more comfort to the gamers and will allow to support easily other computers or consoles in future versions.
- Requested since a long time by the MSX developers, the hard disk emulation is now a reality and besides the well-known Sunrise IDE hard disk controllers, blueMSX has also implemented the Beer IDE and GIDE supports.
- In the musical domain, blueMSX is the first emulator that is capable to support the Yamaha CX5M, CX5M-128 and CX7M-128 computers by emulation of the YM2151 sound chip and the YK-01, YK-10 and YK-20 music keyboards. The MIDI part of the Yamaha SFG cartridges is not yet available.
Which are the other changes ?
In the emulator :
- Added support for the MHT Ingenieros Gunstick and the ASCII Plus-X Terminator Laser
- Added support for two 80 columns graphics cards on MSX1 : Microsol VMX-80 and SVI-737
- Added support for Video In, Sony HBI-V1 digitizer and the digitization part of the Philips NMS-8280 computer
- Added superimpose and external video source support in V9938 emulation
- Added support for PNG screenshots
- Added support for creating new disk images of various size on MSX and SVI-328
- Added support for undocumented screen mode (screen 0 with screen 2 style name table addressing)
- Added a new display synchronization method
- Added a video option to blend consecutive frames and get smoother picture
- Added support for the YM2149 PSG
- Fixed the MIDI-IN support in the Turbo-R machines
- Added new rom mappers for SFG-01 and SFG-05 (used in the Yamaha music computers), the F&M Direct Assembler System and the SG-1000 version of The Castle
- Improved SRAM enable/disable handling in FM-PAC
- Restructured Keyboard and Joystick input
- Optimized the video rendering
- Added support for running blueMSX from read only media
- Added support for running blueMSX without storing any data on local machine
- Fixed addressing in Konami mappers
- Fixed bug in 1kB ram mapper used in ColecoVision and SG-1000
- Border rendering is now cycle accurate
- Fixed HREFRESH timing in VDP
- Fixed bug in XVRAM emulation
- Fixed sprite status bug
- Fixed VDP timing in Turbo-R and MSX2+ machines
In the debugger :
- Added find dialog to search for strings or values in the memory
- Improved editing in memory window
- Added debugging support of OPL sound chips
In the trainer :
- Extended the cheat database to 396 MSX games
blueMSX Official Site
blueMSX 2.5
Snezziboy and SnezziDS v0.24 Released
Posted by WhiteX @ 01:47 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
Updated by the Gladius and bubble2k duo.
| Dear all, did a quick fix release:
v0.24 (Quick Fix Release)
Fixes and Features:
- Quick fixed a minor problem in the header detection algorithm in the
Snezziboy builder. (This may require a more proper fix later...)
- Fixed a bug with the XCE code that was emulated wrongly.
- Fixed the VRAM allocation so that Illusion of Gaia works correctly again.
- Remove the wraparound bug that causes clones of Samus' ship during the
Super Metroid demo.
- Also fixed the code issues as pointed out by Gladius. (Thanks!)
Snezziboy v0.24
SnezziDS v0.24
SnezziDS v0.24a - Sound
PSPVBA 1.0.6 Released
Posted by Wraggster @ 11:46 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 has released a new version of his GBA Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:
What's new in version 1.0.6 :
- Add screen resize option (Ymin/Ymax) to reduce the size of the screen and then speed up the emulation.
This can be usefull in car games such as V-rally 3, when we don't care to see the sky or not .
It's simple but we can hope to win up to 5% on CPU speed.
- Press Start+Select to return to the emulator menu (whatever the key mapping you have set).
This feature is to overcome the issue some of you encountered, when they couldn't go back in the emulator
menu because the key they had assigned to the menu didn't respond .
- (re) Add the save battery feature (already available in the original VBA source code), but i haven't tested it so far .
Download at his site which is now hosted on the Emulation 64 Family of servers here --> http://zx81.dcemu.co.uk
PSPVBA 1.0.5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:50 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
| - New turbo modes (more speed and less graphic artefacts)
- Add SFX enable/disable option (can be used to increase speed)
- Fix in BMP screenshots (no more need to flip the image)
- Improve a bit the sound quality (the "ARM tick" can be changed to prevent sound distorsion)
- The SELECT key is now available for user keyboard mapping (but don't forget to map a psp key to enter in the emulator MENU !)
- File requester use now two directories for keyboard and rom files
- Fix the bug that made games like Pokemon Fire to crash
This should be the last release for 2.x FW (only if major bugs are found) :
- In my option this version is usable for many games, with acceptable performances
- I will downgrade to 1.5FW soon and may be try to use kernel mode to improve the speed a bit more.
PSPVBA Official Site
PSPVBA 1.0.5
UPDATED: SnezziDS 0.23 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:53 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
| Fixes and Features:
- Fixed a critical bug with the register reads and writes (might be slower)
- Improved cycle counting (again) for block move and DMA operations.
- Added feature to handle mid-frame change of background offsets. (Able to see water in Super Mario World, Able to see scrolling clouds in Super Mario All Stars: Super Mario Bros, Able to see fixed status panel in Super Mario All Stars: Super Mario Bros 3, Able to see scrolling name entry in Zelda: A Link to the Past)
- Fixed reading register $4212 to indicate auto-joypad read status.
- Fixed writing register $4016 to reset only when the correct bit is set.
- Fixed joypad registers to send joypad input only from the first controller.
- Fixed HiROM mapping.
- Added Mode 20/21 ROM Access Speed.
- Fixed a bug with the INC/DEC opcode that was previously returning the wrong flags. (This fixes Super Mario Bros 2's glitch where the character suddenly warps to the top of the screen)
- Fixed messed up colors when in 256-color palettes.
- Fixed fading to use always the brightest fade color per frame
- Slightly improved VRAM allocation for background graphics
- Implemented Mode 7 Graphics
- Added more configuration options:
SMART - Don't allocate for disabled BGs may see less garbled graphics, slow refresh on every enabling/disabling/flicker of BGs
FAST - Allocate for disabled BGs may see more garbled graphics fast flickering of BGs (needed by games like Megaman 7)
SHARED - Shared with BGs (may result in less space for BG graphics)
EXCLUSIVE - Not shared with BGs (allows more space for BG graphics)
- Added Quick Configuration Feature:
o L+R+SELECT+UP: Cycle through the following BG Priority Sets
set 1 = (P1, P2, P3, P3)
set 2 = (P2, P1, P3, P3)
set 3 = (P0, P1, P2, P3)
set 4 = (P1, P0, P2, P3)
o L+R+SELECT+DOWN: Cycle through the FORCED BG MODEs
opt 0 = as required by game
opt 1-7 = the respective modes
UPDATE: I just updated the files page with the 0.23a sound release.
SnezziDS Official Site
SnezziDS 0.23
Snezziboy v0.23 Released
Posted by WhiteX @ 11:31 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
A great update by Bubble 2k
| These are some of the changes this round, if anyone is at all interested.
- Fixed a critical bug with the register reads and writes (might be slower)
- Improved cycle counting (again) for block move and DMA operations.
- Added feature to handle mid-frame change of background offsets.
(Able to see water in Super Mario World,
Able to see scrolling clouds in Super Mario All Stars: Super Mario Bros,
Able to see fixed status panel in Super Mario All Stars: Super Mario Bros 3,
Able to see scrolling name entry in Zelda: A Link to the Past)
- Fixed reading register $4212 to indicate auto-joypad read status.
- Fixed writing register $4016 to reset only when the correct bit is set.
- Fixed joypad registers to send joypad input only from the first controller.
- Fixed HiROM mapping.
- Added Mode 20/21 ROM Access Speed.
- Fixed a bug with the INC/DEC opcode that was previously returning the wrong
(This fixes Super Mario Bros 2's glitch where the character suddenly warps to the
top of the screen)
- Fixed messed up colors when in 256-color palettes.
- Fixed fading to use always the brightest fade color per frame
- Slightly improved VRAM allocation for background graphics
- Implemented Mode 7 Graphics
- Added more configuration options:
SMART - Don't allocate for disabled BGs
may see less garbled graphics,
slow refresh on every enabling/disabling/flicker of BGs
FAST - Allocate for disabled BGs
may see more garbled graphics
fast flickering of BGs (needed by games like Megaman 7)
- Added Quick Configuration Feature:
o L+R+SELECT+UP: Cycle through the following BG Priority Sets
set 1 = (P1, P2, P0, P3)
set 2 = (P2, P1, P0, P3)
set 3 = (P0, P1, P2, P3)
set 4 = (P1, P0, P2, P3)
o L+R+SELECT+DOWN: Cycle through the FORCED BG MODEs
opt 0 = as required by game
opt 1-7 = the respective modes
And expect the follow up on SnezziDS by Gladius
| Awesome work as usual bubble2k :D. Yes, I will be porting this, but not until tonight - work calls.
snezziboy v 0.23
PSPVBA 1.0.4 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:38 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
| - Emulator menu is now directly available on startup
- Add turbo modes, but it can result in graphic artefacts but you can win up to 20% ! (turbo modes don't work for all games)
- Add ARM tick average change option (can be used to increase speed)
- The file default.kbd (keyboard mapping) is now loaded on startup
- Screenshots are now save in BMP format instead of PNG (less memory consumming, so it should not freeze your PSP).
- Many bug fix
PSPVBA Official Site
PSPVBA 1.0.4
PCSX2 0.9.1 Released
Posted by CKemu @ 06:35 PM CET | Comments: 6 | Playstation 2
PCSX2 a popular PlayStation 2 emulator has just been updated to version 0.9.1, this release of PCSX2 offers a significant speed increase over the previous version and further adds to it's compatibility.
| This release brings a significant speed increase to the majority of games, this is due to a complete rewrite of the EE and VU recompilers. Various other improvements have increased compatibility with games, you will be able to check your game against the included compatibility list, which lists nearly 1000 titles (Please note at time of release list is not guaranteed 100% accurate).
Whilst the new recompilers are a major improvement, the recompilers are not 100% accurate at present, this may result in a number of broken games.
A further release will be created in the future enhancing upon the overall compatibility of the new recompilers. This is part of a new release schedule, where we plan to be releasing more frequently; however, do not make requests for releases or ask when such a release will be produced.
As ever we have opened a 'screenshots' thread for you to post in, and the forums are there for you to discuss the project and ask questions.
You will also be aware that the Hot Shots Contest started earlier this month. Given the lack of entries sofar, we are extending the contest deadline until the 15th July 2006, you may enter shots from PCSX2 0.9.1 (recommended) or 0.9, those of you who have already entered are allowed to update your posts with new submissions if you wish.
Hopefully people are more imaginative, and post less Final Fantasy shots ;)
:: Visit the official PCSX2 homesite here
:: Download PCSX2 0.9.1 here
:: Browse the official PCSX2 forums here
pSX emulator 1.6 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:51 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation
| • Fixed missing characters in WildArms battles (GTE flags inaccuracy)
• Fixed GTE bugs that caused missing graphics in Tombraider Chronicles
• Fixed recompiler bug that cause Tomraider Chronicles to crash
• Add missing CDROM functionality that caused DW7 to hang during FMVs
• Emulator can now be full screened on any monitor (autodetect or force)
• Fixed bug that caused XA audio to cut out (often during fastforward)
• Added support for CloneCD and ISO CD images
• Made BIN images work even if CUE file is missing (not recommended)
• Added support for new CD image types to CDZ
• Corrected aspect ratio in PAL modes
• Fixed bug where quick saves didn't work with certain games
• Fixed bug where F10 entered the menu instead of loading quick save
• More accurate SPU ADSR envelopes (including exponential modes)
• Initialise ADSR registers after SPU reset (fixes sound in Tombraider)
pSX emulator Official Site
pSX emulator 1.6
Snes9x 1.5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:33 AM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
| NOTICE: There were a ton of internal core changes to make SNES9x work MUCH better and on many more platforms than before. Unfortunately the Windows port is so radically differant from the rest of the ports, there is no Windows version for 1.50, as it was not maintained. Feel free to make your own Windows port from the source, but if you do PLEASE send the changes back to the SNES9x team.
• Pseudo-hires rendering flush, Old 2xsai endian fix (anomie)
• Added 'oops' auto-snapshot support (anomie)
• Fixed usage messages (Unix) (anomie)
• Old split-ROM-in-zip bugfix (anomie)
• ./configure fix for detecting libpng (anomie)
• Fix "no PNG support" error message (anomie)
• Anomie's control remapping patch (anomie)
• Support for IPS patches in the zip file (anomie)
• OBC1 savestate fix (Overload)
• Fix turbo frameskip, X11 keyboard auto-repeat, VRAM reads (anomie)
• Add some missing ifdefs (UNZIP_SUPPORT and ZLIB), from AaronOneal (anomie)
• Config file for Unix/X11 and Unix/SVGA (anomie)
• CPU instruction fixes (mostly emulation mode & timing) (anomie)
• Mode 7 fixes (anomie)
• Rewrote the renderer. Enjoy! (anomie)
• Correct-ish memmap boundary testing. (anomie)
• Add support for saner directory structures under Unix (anomie)
• Unix: Fixed detection of newer libpng (spotted by vapier) (PBortas)
• Added 4-point gaussian interpolation and proper envelopes many thanks to Brad Martin and TRAC. (zones)
• Fixed several sound problems. (zones)
• Fixed the memory access problem in C++ Super FX core. (zones)
• Speed adjustment of C++ Super FX emulation. (zones)
• Various timing fixes: NMI, IRQ, WRAM refresh, cycles per line, HBlank start, etc. Many thanks to byuu for much information. (zones)
• Removed some game specific hacks. (zones)
• Added partial Satellaview (BS) emulation. (Dreamer Nom, zones)
• Added the Katakana font for onscreen messages. (107)
• Updated JMA to v1 (Nach)
• Unix: Fixed JMA options in config (Nach)
• Unix: Removed --with(out)-asmcpu option in config because the i386 assembler CPU core is out of date. (zones)
• Unix: Changed the default settings in config. (zones)
• Updated porting.html (porting.txt) in sync with 1.5. (zones)
• Fixed buffer over/under flow due to incorrect logical operator in S-RTC code (byuu)
• Fixed HDMA flags bug. (byuu, anomie)
• Fixed bugs causing crashing in Unix. (Nach)
• Ported Snes9x to AMD64. (John Weidman, Nach, zones)
• Completed DSP-1 code. (Andreas Naive, Overload, Nach)
• Updated DSP-3 code. (Nach, z80 gaiden)
• Updated DSP-4 code. (Dreamer Nom, Nach, z80 gaiden)
• Overhauled BS detection. (Nach)
• Improved Unix portability. (Nach, zones)
• Fixed infiniti loop and invalid read bug in C++ C4 core. (Nach)
Snes9x Release Thread
ipher's Snes9x Site
Snes9x 1.5
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