It Might be NES
Posted by NES_player4LIFE @ 11:38 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation
It Might be NES (imbNES) is a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) emulator for the Sony PlayStation. It allows NES games to be played on a Sony PlayStation console.
It Might be NES was originally written by Allan Blomquist sometime around 2000, and updated for several years thereafter. The last version released by Blomquist was 1.3.3-WIP1.
Due to a series of circumstances, the project was discontinued.
It was, at that point, a dead-end, since the source code for the project was not public. In 2008, the original author released source code for version 1.3.2, under the GPL license on his website, as he was no longer planning to work on it due to having moved on, so that an interested person could start to make improvements to the emulator.
Unfortunately nobody started to work again on the emulator and the emulator sat unmaintained until 2015, until being picked up again.
A note: source code for 1.3.3-WIP1 was never released, as it was probably lost.
The emulator supports mappers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 33, 34, 38, 66, 70, 71, 79, 87, 140, 180 and 185. Not all games are guaranteed to work correctly, and some games may have graphical glitches.
Windows binary archive
If you run Windows on a personal computer, you are not interested about contributing to development and you just want to run NES games on your PlayStation, download:
It Might be NES (imbNES) version 1.3.4 Windows binary archive
Source code archive (and for everyone not running Windows)
You need to have PSXSDK installed in order to compile the emulator and create an ISO image with the games.
Instructions are provided inside the archive.
It Might be NES (imbNES) version 1.3.4 source code
PCSX2 progress report
Posted by LyonHrt @ 05:48 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation 2
pcsx2 has done its monthly report on its progress the past month of june. In this report it goes indepth on how they overcome the problems or running games using the snowblind engine in hardware mode, and also covers the other GSdx improvements.
Read the full report here.
Citra progress update video
Posted by LyonHrt @ 10:17 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Nintendo 3DS
citra has posted a new video of all the progress that has happened recently.
| Thanks to the hard work of many developers, Citra has gotten a lot faster and a lot more accurate. We check out several games with the new and improved Vertex Shader JIT and try some new games that just recently started working.
The Vertex Shader JIT is a way to emulate the 3DS Shaders more efficiently than an interpreter, but in a more accurate way than the GLSL shaders, which were unable to emulate some instructions. The Vertex Shader JIT should not affect compatibility in anyway, making it a mostly free speedup.
In general, there have been a ton of GPU fixes developed since the last update. Fire Emblem Awakening requires a lot of them to get in-game, and more to make it look presentable (though, there are still many bugs to work out.) Majora's Mask 3D is close to playable, but hangs upon creating a new game. Ocarina of Time 3D no longer has the lighting glitches in the Vertex Shader JIT; we're working on figuring out why that fixed it. Super Monkey Ball 3D has some menu objects fixed as well.
While A Link Between Worlds shows the intro, it currently crashes. By the time the Vertex Shader JIT is finalized, this crash will likely be fixed.
There should be more exciting updates coming, so stay tuned!
Some of the small screen footage desynced during editing. It shouldn't matter too much, but just noting that we're aware of it!
NOTE: Source footage was recorded on two different computers. As speed varies between computer, it's important to note as a baseline that most of the footage was recorded on a Core i5 3570K processor. Fire Emblem Awakening was recorded on an i5 4670K. Faster processors will run these titles faster, slower ones will run it slower. The footage also takes advantage of unmerged features that are still being reviewed.
Source: youtube
video in comments
Yanese Version 0.79 released
Posted by LyonHrt @ 08:45 PM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
Yanese yet another nes emulator has been updated to 0.79
| Mappers: Added mapper #65: Daiku no Gen San 2, Kaiketsu Yanchamaru and Spartan X 2 among others.
Mappers: Added mapper #11: Crystal Mines, Metal Fighter, etc. Beware that this mapper has bus conflicts, so some games may behave bad or don't load at all.
Mappers: Added mapper #64: Klax, Skull and Crossbones, Shinobi, etc.
Mappers: Added mapper #71: The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, Bee 52. It doesn't work perfect by now, but at least works.
Rom Library Gui: Small change taht it shows the mapper number for the unsupported mapper instead of "------".
Fixed serious bugs in save states when saved to disk.
Demul v0.7 alpha 080715
Posted by LyonHrt @ 12:33 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Dreamcast
The dcemul team have been busy, and are now releasing alpha wip builds to see what progress they've made, these arn't full releases so take them as is:
| by many requests we decide to make public build of emulator to show and share current stage of its development.
its an alpha/preview quality product so take it AS IS.
it includes new features and new systems mentioned in this topic, many bugs fixed, as well as several unfinished parts, like new DX11NG render.
- somewhat fixed save/load state for DX11NG
- adjusted sound volume, was too loud, notable in Atomiswave games
source: dcemul Russian forum
offical english forum
Dolphin emulator progress report
Posted by LyonHrt @ 06:32 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Nintendo Wii
Dolphin has updated with this months progress report on its gamecube/wii emulator:
| As the twilight of the Dolphin 4.0 era approaches, code cleanup and regression hunting have become a high priority, fixing the serious and minor issues that have cropped up over the past year and a half that remain unaddressed. From remedial problems such as INI issues to Real Wiimotes issues on OS X, a lot of those important minor issues have been tackled. As if that wasn't enough, there are still exciting developments within several core features to keep users satiated in this month's Progress Report.
For the full report go
Steam SSE 3.7.2 released
Posted by LyonHrt @ 06:18 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Atari
Steem SSE the atari st emulator has been updated to 3.7.2
| - HFE images support
This is the file format of HxC floppy emulator.
Copy file HFE_boot.bin to your Steem directory for new disk image
creation (though you may use already existing images converted with
HxC software).
- Improvements in SCP images support
Ghost disks
ID around index pulse (I Ludicrus)
Simpler system for weak bit protections
- Support for 7Z, BZ2, GZ, TAR, ARJ compression formats
The feature uses ArchiveAccess.dll, which you need to copy to your Steem
or system directory.
The included DLL has been fixed by you know who so that it also works
with BZ2 files.
You still need unzipd32.dll and unrar.dll for ZIP and RAR archives.
- New option for crisp Direct3D fullscreen rendering
- Links updated in general info; don't forget to copy
(feel free to delete the silly brags and mean-spirited Chuck Norris
v3.7.2 Bugfixes
- Bugfix MFP spurious interrupt on STOP after CLR int. mask (Return STE -HMD)
- Bugfix fail to properly remove previous disk image on some insertions:
could explain some strange bugs, when two disks are in the same drive it
can't be good...
- Bugfix WD1772 writing data bytes with missing clock bit on Format
File Releases
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