puNES 0.63
Posted by winter_mute @ 10:13 AM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
puNES (ex Fnes) is an emulator under development that works on Linux32/64 and Windows32. It needs of SDL library to run.
Here's changelog for latest versions:
| *** 0.63 (bugfix relase)
+ Correct a pitch and envelope problem reported from Dwedit (thanks for your help and for your patience).
+ Fixed a bug that could create sound skip and noise in the audio buffer.
+ Correct a bug introduced in version 0.62 of win64 that did not allow the emulator to start correctly.
+ Other small bugfixes.
*** 0.62
+ Rewritten from scratch the OpenGL stack. Added new rendering mode "OpenGL GLSL" that use shaders for all filters (except for NTSC and HQ3x), of course if video card and its driver support it. In GLSL mode, add more filters. Many other bugfixes.
*** 0.61
+ Added mappers 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 74, 116, 165, 191, 192, 194, 195, 199, 242, 245, 246.
*** 0.60
+ Added Game Genie emulation. You need that the Game Genie rom (that should have the name "gamegenie.rom") is located in "$HOME/.puNES/bios" on linux or "$Documents$/puNES/bios" on Windows.
+ Correct a bug in the frameskip code.
Check out official thread at nesdev for further information and latest version of emulator.
BGB 1.4
Posted by winter_mute @ 08:20 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Gameboy
BGB is a GameBoy, GameBoy Color, and Super Gameboy emulator/debugger which runs on Windows. Program features accurate emulation of the hardware, powerful debugger, SGB multiplayer with up to 4 gamepads and TCP/IP game link support, graphics with GDI, DirectDraw, Direct3D, OpenGL output, and HQ2X, Scale2x, scanlines, blocky filter, accurate/high quality sound emulation, bandlimited synthesis, GameGenie and GameShark cheat, and more.
| + greatly improved game link accuracy, most games should now work perfectly.
+ added optional HQ2X and Scale2x graphics filters
+ various accuracy improvements including sound registers, joypad timing, and lcd/interrupt timing
+ Performance/efficiency improvements including waitloop detection and more efficient high quality sound rendering and others
+ Major debugger improvements: Supports SYM files containing debug symbols. "on jump" access breakpoints. immideate entry of data into assembler, data, and stack viewer. improved assembler flexibility. Multiline code/data entry window. Keyboard shortcut for navigation to previous/next breakpoint, label etc. Live update memory mode. edit IO map registers. Fixed causes of accidental running while debugging.
+ Sound quality improvements: CH3 and CH4 are now bandlimited in high quality mode. Improved DC offset accuracy. fixed sound timing inaccuracies.
+ Improved WAV writer + screenshot recording. Fixed audio/video desync problems. Exported files are now better named.
+ fixed windows 98 compatibility problem. eliminated requirement for DX9. improved wine support.
+ New truecolor/hi-res icon.
+ Many small bug fixes and improvements.
Check out official website for further information and latest version of emulator.
PCSX2 SVN r5321
Posted by winter_mute @ 09:36 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation 2
PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux. Project attempts to allow PS2 code to be executed on your computer, thus meaning you can put a PS2 DVD or CD into your computers drive, and boot it up!
Here's the changelog from 5 latest SVN builds:
| +GSdx: Disable CRC hacks: Yet cleaner, better and more generic. Thx to sudonim.
+ GSdx: Disable CRC hacks - cleanups.
+ linux compilation fix (introduce in r5306).
+ GSdx: Better CRC disable value, using -2.
+ SPU2-X: Tweak the quick fix in the previous rev a little: also select the default device if a GUID is specified but not present in the enumeration.
Visit official homepage for further information and grab the latest build from automated SVN repository.
micro64 build 691
Posted by winter_mute @ 10:13 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Commodore 64
micro64 is highly advanced successor of brotkaestchen (fr-051) from BeRo / farbrausch, that aims to become the most accurate C64 Emulator.
Currently micro64 has two different VIC II emulation modes (both are half-cycle exact): single pixel dot clock exact (very accurate, slow) and dynamic pixel block-wise (quite fast, even on slower machines).
Here's list of changes for latest builds:
| + b691 - Updated PSID driver
+ b690 - Avoiding the new fast loading way if a cartridge is attached
+ b689 - Added fast cold reset at switching between SID sub songs
Check out official website for further information and latest version of emulator.
HalfNES 0.048
Posted by winter_mute @ 10:27 AM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
HalfNES is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System, written in Java. Currently, it only runs as a standalone Java SE application and supports: joystick through DirectInput and xInput, SRAM save, accurate sound core, full screen display and cross-platform portability.
Chere's changelog for latest builds:
| *** 0.048 (6/5/2012) ***
You can now change all options without having to restart the emulator. Also changed the set of values used for the VRC7 registers and did some code cleanups in various places. Significant rewrite is needed to improve basic timing accuracy some time soon.
*** 0.047 (5/12/2012) ***
VRC7 channel volumes and modulation are correct now. Still not quite like the real thing because envelopes are based off info from the data sheet and not the actual implementation. (Plus, no one has ever read the presets for the built in instruments from the VRC7; I've tested several sets of approximations.)
Visit project homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.
News feedback
Posted by winter_mute @ 08:13 AM CET | Comments: 0 | General
It's been 6 months, and 50 news about 25+ projects, for me, here at Emulation64.com... so I thought, it's a good time to gather some feedback from you, dear visitors.
If you visit e64 regularly and/or enjoy my modest contribution in site, drop a line, it would be nice to see some positive feedback. On the other hand, if you don't like my half-year presence here, you think something should be done different, something should be changed or improved (except my Engrish ofc, it always sucks) do not hesitate to leave a comment, constructive remarks are always welcome.
That's it - for all your posts, I thank you in advance :]
Stella 3.7.2
Posted by winter_mute @ 07:54 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Atari
Stella is a freely distributed multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator; originally developed for Linux by Bradford W. Mott, it is now maintained by Stephen Anthony. Stella allows you to enjoy all of your favorite 2600 games once again by emulating the 2600's hardware with software. Stella is written in C++, which allows it to be ported to other operating systems and architectures. Since its original release Stella has been ported to AcornOS, AmigaOS, DOS, FreeBSD, Linux, MacOS, OpenStep, OS/2, Unix, and Windows, as well as consoles such as Sega Dreamcast, GP2X, Nintendo DS and Playstation Portable (among others).
Here are changes presented in 3.7.1-2
| + Fixed bug in handling filenames with the '~' character, as is used extensively by RomHunter rom-sets.
+ Note: because of TIA changes, the state file format has changed again, and old state files will not work with this release.
+ Improved TIA emulation with ROMs that have too few or too many scanlines; the output is now more accurate compared to a real TV. Special thanks to Omegamatrix of AtariAge for test ROMs in this area.
+ Modified hotkey for "Change console palette" (Control-f) to also change the display properties of the TIA. This allows you to switch between NTSC/PAL/SECAM (and variant) modes dynamically. Related to this, added Shift-Control-f key to step backwards through the available modes.
+ Added '64in1' and '128in1' multicart bankswitching schemes, which work the same as the 2in1/4in1/etc ones (Control-r switches to each consecutive game in the ROM).
+ Fixed several bugs in DPC+ bankswitching scheme, including ability to load and save state files. As well, ROMs now work correctly after console format autodetection.
+ Fixed bugs in handling relative filenames on the commandline, introduced in the last release. The new functionality should be much more robust.
Check out official website for further information and latest version of emulator.
EMU7800 v1.3
Posted by winter_mute @ 01:10 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Atari
EMU7800 is an Atari 7800 emulator implemented using Microsoft's .NET platform. Most VCS (2600) and ProSystem (7800) titles work well, with 2600 support featuring authentic HMOVE emulation. EMU7800 runs on Windows XP SP3 and higher systems. Performance is excellent on current hardware.
Changelog for v1.3:
| + 7800 Emulation Fixes:
- Discovered that Asteroids, Pole Position, and Xevious use a scheme to detect the joystick type (2600 vs. 7800) and alters the controller mapping accordingly. Brakes now work in Pole Position and missles and bombs are on separate joystick buttons in Xevious (thanks to Tom Hafner for the hardware report)
- Moved VBLANK OFF up by four scanlines, making the track selection screen in Pole Position II work with the joystick (thanks to Tom Hafner for the hardware report)
+ Added support for the 2600-daptor II device, enabling use of real 7800 joysticks and 2600 keypad controllers
+ Changed default keyboard bindings such that Z=Left 7800 Fire Button and X=Right 7800 Fire Button (previously transposed)
+ Serialization fixed for the 78S4 cart type, affecting Karateka, RealSports: Baseball, Tank Command, and Water Ski
+ Fixed: Integration of .zip format for ROM files prevented use of 7800 BIOS startup screen
+ Windows Phone: By popular demand, added D-Pad input control
Visit Official Homepage for more details,
and SourceForge download to grab latest EMU7800 release.
Posted by winter_mute @ 12:49 PM CET | Comments: 0 | 3DO
4DO is an open-source, low-level emulator based on the FreeDO source code. 4DO was able to inherit many great features from FreeDO: high-definition rendering, clock speed adjustments, and the impressive emulation accuracy!
The development of 4DO has introduced several unique features as well: intuitive controller setup, native joystick support, and support for up to 6 players; game identification system; easy-to-use quick save/load system; game compatibility fixes, and multilanguage support.
Here's changelog for 1.3.x releases :
| + "hqx" Filters Added - Users can select hq2x, hq3x, or hq4x from the Display menu, or in the options screen.
+ Emulation "Health" Indicator added - This is to help users identify when they have settings that are too intensive for their PCs. See more details below
+ Olympic Summer Games fixed: Olympic Summer Games now boots and is playable.
+ Crash 'n Burn fixes isolated. Several games in were crashing as a result of the game-specific changes. Viktor has modified the Crash 'n Burn changes so that they are game-specific rather than system wide.
+ Crash 'n Burn support - See additional notes below.
+ The Advanced Settings's ARM CPU Overclock option now allows users to increase it further, to clock speed up to 50Mhz (400%).
+ Auto-cropping previously was ignoring the blue channel when detecting black pixels. This has been fixed.
+ Russian translation improvements, also from Viktor.
+ Translation fix on settings screen for autocrop setting.
Visit official homepage and sourceforge repository for latest files and further information.
rockNES 5.08
Posted by winter_mute @ 12:44 PM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
RockNES is a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) videogame emulator. It's fully coded in C and uses the Allegro library for audio, video and input devices, plus the zLib library for compressed files ZIP or GZ.
What's new for version 5.08
| - A quick code cleanup. I reupload it.
- Fixed application path string, the config file is loading/saving ok.
- Fixed IRQs for MMC3 (mapper 4), MMC5 (5) and RAMBO-1 (64).
- Fixed 2002h clearing time (sprite #0 and sprite overflow flags).
- The emulator now displays PAUSED when inactive.
Visit project homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.
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