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    Friday, March 31, 2006
DGEN PSP 1.40 Released

A new version of this Genesis emulator for the Sony Playstation Portable has been released, since I don't know japanese I can't say what's new.

DGEN PSP Official Site

    Thursday, March 30, 2006
ZSNES WIP March 29th Released

• ALL: Clock can now be set to 12 hour instead of 24. [pagefault]
• ALL: Fixed FPS display for >99. [grinvader]
• ALL: FPS now aware of slow motion. [grinvader]
• ALL: Devices handling improved. [Nach]
• ALL: Integrated C OBC-1 code. Metal Combat doesn't have any graphical problems anymore (Thanks Nach). [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Set minimum rewind interval to 200ms. [grinvader]
• ALL: Some timing tweaks, should fix some issues with games running too slow. [pagefault]
• W_S: Can now use two mice for different pointers. [pagefault, Nach]
• W_S: Using ManyMouse library [pagefault, Nach]
• WIN: NTSC filter integrated. [grinvader, pagefault]
• WIN: Can now use optimizations on winlink.cpp [Jonas Quinn]
• SDL: Fixed issues with 3 button mice. [Nach]
• SDL: Changing Axis sensitivity. [gard]
• SDL: Buffer refresh fixes. Switching fullscreen with filters on should now work correctly. [grinvader]
• MOV: Wav writing can now do Mono! [Nach]
• GUI: Added tabs, see new input menu and video menu. [grinvader]
• GUI: Cleaned up misc keys. [Nach]
• GUI: Fixed a key repeating bug when changing resolutions. [grinvader]
• GUI: Can now choose screen mode with enter key. [grinvader]
• PSR: Improved hex handling. [Nach]
• SRC: Updated copywrites. [Nach, Jonas Quinn]
• SRC: Cleanup and dead code removal. [Nach, Jonas Quinn, grinvader, pagefault]
• SRC: Fixed more MSVC warnings. [Jonas Quinn]

ipher's ZSNES WIP Site
ZSNES WIP March 29th

    Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Dualis Release 19.1 Released

GPU: Added support for the A3I5 and A5I3 texture formats
GPU: Fixed some errors in color selection for paletted textures
MMU: Upped the FAT limits to max 32768 files/directories with a total size of 256 MB
MMU: Added support for long filenames in the FAT
GUI: GBAMP emulation can be turned off (on memory tab, or in dualis.ini)
GUI: Switched from WM_TIMER to a multimedia timer callback

Note that the max number of directory entries at the root level still is 512, and that the max total number of files/directories will be lower than 32768 if there are files that uses long filenames

Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 19.1

    Monday, March 27, 2006
PSPX48: a HP48 Calculator emulator v1.0.3

ZX-81 has once again updated his HP48 Calculator emulator for the PSP, heres what he said:

Hi all,
Here is a new release of the HP48 emulator for PSP. There is no major change, only a bug fix for FW 2.0, so there is no need to update/download only if it wasn't working before on your PSP. CousinWeb gave me his PSP today with a FW 2.0 and i've fixed the bug that froze PSPX48 at startup (Many thanks to him !)
As always, the package is under GPL Copyright and sources are included. As PSPXTI v1.0.4, for me this is the final release, i won't work any more on this homebrew (only if major bugs are found). The new README file included in the archive should answer most of all your questions.

Download at the release thread --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21340


Rice Video Plugin 6.1.1 Beta 10 Source Released

After a long time without activity, Rice decided to release the sourcecode from the very latest version of his famous video plugin for Nintendo 64 emulators.

Here is what he had to say about this release:

Hi, everyone

I have not touched my RiceVideo project for quite a few months. I really do not have time to actively do anything about it. I understand that it has many major/minor problems with different games, but I don't feel to have the motivation to fix them.

So, I would like to release the source code right here. I don't think it matters too much to the N64emu community anyway. If someone, somehow could do something with it, or borrow some ideas from it, I will be happy.

I will be still around here.


Rice Video Plugin 6.1.1 Beta 10 Source Release Thread
Rice Video Plugin 6.1.1 Beta 10 Source

SNES4ALL Alpha-3 released !

Chui has released a New alpha version of his Super Nintendo emulator for Dreamcast:

Heres whats New:

- Hardware scaled resolution.
- Assembler CPUs core enabled.
- Others little optimizations.
- New logo and menu skin.

More info and download at SNES4ALL site.

Xbox 360 Working NES Emulator Through MCE

Xexter has found a way to get a Nes Emulator working on the Xbox 360 via MCE, heres a few screens:

Heres what he posted:

I've attached a link to a version of NESCafe that works through Media Center on the Xbox 360. This is currently setup to run at 480p (Widescreen). You can edit the nes.htm file if it does not fit correctly on your screen. I haven't found a way to add a menu for the roms list so you will have to edit the nes.htm and change to whatever Nes rom you want to play. I've included a Public Domain rom for testing but have verified Zelda1-2, Excitebike, and TecmoBowl and all worked.

INSTALL: You will need to extract the rar into C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAccessoriesMedia CenterMedia Center Programs on your media center box. It took a bit for the icon to show up under More Programs but it finally will.

NOTES: Sound is not functioning, Media Center 2005 is required. If it locks up you will need to run something that warns you that it is a web page and check the box that says "Don't show this again". Once you do that it should run fine. I created an MCL that just went to Google and then checked that box. I've also attached an image with the mapping of the Xbox Controller to the corresponding keyboard keys.

Video Link - Your Tube

(Im Unsure where the original story came from but its uploaded Here

    Sunday, March 26, 2006
MAME GP2X 2.0 Released

- Some more optimizations.
- Support for extra 32 Mb of upper RAM memory. New playable games: Pulstar, Waku Waku 7, etc.
- Added 9 new romsets from MAME 0.35b9-0.35rc1 (total supported games now is 1124!):
MAME 0.35b9: Gaplus (set 1) (gaplus), Gaplus (set 2) (gaplusa), Galaga 3 (set 1) (galaga3), Galaga 3 (set 2) (galaga3a)
MAME 0.35b12: Salamander (salamand), Lifeforce (US) (lifefrce), Lifeforce (Japan) (lifefrcj), Mega Zone (megazone)
MAME 0.35rc1: Pang! 3 (Japan) (pang3)

MAME GP2X Official Site

    Saturday, March 25, 2006
PSPFceUltra Release 2! (Nes Emulator for the PSP)

Hamsterbert has released a new version of his Nes Emulator for the PSP, heres whats new:

psp-fceultra is a port of the NES/Famicom emulator fceultra to
the psp.

Whats new:
After reading a few comments I have decided to release an update.

- Basic sound support (Needs a bit more work)
- Video renderer improvements:
Selectable filter mode, point filter or bilinear filter
new selectable video modes: no stretch, 4:3 full stretch, and fullscreen stretch
- More work on the gui
- stavestates (needs support for more than on save per game)
- frameskip for games that take a while to render
- general cleanup of code
- other little things that I can't remember

- Support for loads of nes roms (Best compatability of any nes emu on the psp??)
- zip support
- hardware accelerated blitting
- 60fps on most games
- built in game select screen

- Cheat codes
- mappable controls
- Zapper support
- FDS support
- Source code (will be released with next version)

Download and Give Feedback at Hamsterberts Site here --> http://hbert.dcemu.co.uk/

Dualis Release 19 Released

CPU: Added the LZ77UnCompVram SWI (callbacks are ignored)
APU: Added support for PSG noise
MMU: Fixed a problem with the IRQ flags sometimes being set when they shouldn't be
MMU: Added some support for ATAPI and FAT16 (GBAMP)
GUI: Screenshots are saved in the same directory as the ROM file
GUI: Various small changes to allow the FAT emulation to work

Some current limitations of the FAT emulation: Only read operations are supported, max number of files/directories: 256, max combined file size: 32 MB, only 8.3 format filenames.

Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 19

    Friday, March 24, 2006
clrmamepro 3.85c Released

• added: systems->Move sets option which automaticall cleans up your sysdefpath sets
• misc: drawing resize grip
• misc: rebuilderadv memory option doesn't react weird for illegal inputs anymore
• misc: SetInfo, AutoScroll, StayOnTop, ShowLeading0x, ExpandAllItems settings are now global, not per profile settings
• misc: default value of ShowLeading0x changed to 'disabled'
• misc: ExpandAllItems doesn't toggle the tree anymore but acts as an on/off setting
• misc: better progress-cancel check on detecting unneeded sets
• removed: scan-results lower infobox (use "view->for listed issued.." options instead)

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.85c

    Tuesday, March 21, 2006
SSF 0.07 beta R3 Released

Another beta of this Sega Saturn emulator has been released. Changes? Well of course there are changes, and they're all written in your favourite japanese language. Which I don't understand.

SSF Official Site
SSF 0.07 beta R3

Dualis Release 18.2 Released

CPU: Added the LZ77UnCompWram SWI
CPU: Fixed a typo in the SWI 3 emulation that caused single cycle waits
GPU: Added the option to display only one of the DS' screens (useful in fullscreen mode if only one of the screens are used)
GPU: Added support for texture alpha bits (for 16-bit textures)
APU: Optimized the resampling filter a bit, and applied filter to PCM16 samples as well
APU: Added PSG emulation (rectangle waves only)
GUI: Added fullscreen support (toggle with Alt+Return)
GUI: Added a couple more registers to the I/O register viewers

The preferred fullscreen resolution can be specified in dualis.ini.
Some new keyboards shortcuts have been added: Ctrl+Shift+1..Ctrl+Shift+3 to select which of the screens are displayed, and Ctrl+Shift+F to toggle on-screen fps display while in fullscreen mode.

Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 18.2

clrmamepro 3.85b Released

• fixed: profiler doesn't list new dats

• added: rebuilder advance option for a remove-only run. Although you have to specify a destination folder. Disabling the 'normal' remove-rebuilt-source option will disable that advanced option, too
• added: scanner view popup menu set...(showfolder/size/manufacturer/sampleparent/parent)
• added: scanner view popup menu rom...(show size/crc32/complemented/md5/sha1)
• added: scanner view popup menu chd...(show md5/sha1)
• removed: old profile-based 'show manufacturer' option
• removed: old profile-based 'show complemented crc' option
• misc: improved the profiler refresh speed (for all optimizations the profiles have to be rescanned though) but even without you should see a speed gain.
• misc: improved scanner speed for biosroms
• misc: changed some samplepath warnings
• misc: changed the order of the popupmenu a bit
• misc: no tree refresh when nothing important was changed in 'checksums'
• misc: optimized loading speed of scanresults a little bit
• misc: speed optimization on profiler-refresh
• misc: removed leading 0x from exported dats

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.85b

    Monday, March 20, 2006
ZSNES WIP March 19th Released

• ALL: DSP-3 support (thanks Jonas Quinn for fixing a bug in processing code). [Overload, Feather, Nach]
• ALL: Workaround to fix crashing of certain games (Sim City Pal and Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss) on resolution change. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Fixed bug where loading game changes frame skip settings. [Nach]
• ALL: Fixed game title in SPC files for EHi Roms. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Fixed strange sprite priority bugs after switch to window/fullscreen. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Removed Mario Kart rear view mirror hack. [Nach]
• WIN: Fixed safe_popen() for MSVC. [Jonas Quinn]
• WIN: Fixed some colour problems that came up occasionally. [Jonas Quinn]
• GUI: Fixed shadow in F1 Menu. [Jonas Quinn]
• GUI: Fixed special case horizon (Thanks Dan, Motley). [Nach]
• MOV: Made audio options disappear when they wouldn't do anything. [Nach]
• MOV: Optimized WAV writing. [Nach]
• MOV: Defaults now produce smaller AVIs. [Nach]
• SRC: Ported setnoise to C. [Jonas Quinn]
• SRC: Fixed some warnings. [Jonas Quinn]
• SRC: Added a check to custom popen() (Thanks Bisqwit.) [Nach]
• SRC: Cleanup. [Nach, Jonas Quinn]
• SRC: Source is GPL v2 only. [Nach]
• DOC: Updated source docs a bit. [pagefault, Nach]

ipher's ZSNES WIP Site
ZSNES WIP March 19th

GameEx 5.83 Released

• There's now the facility to view Favourites (we spell it like that in England) by System/Emulator.
• After exiting from a random game you will be left on the game information page for the game, so you can see what it is, and add it to favourites.
• DVD's module now caches the list of DVD's the first time it's loaded during a session.
• Fixes audio level output not showing for the track when it's showing in the list.
• There's a new additional WAV sound file GameEx uses - launch.wav. This is played whenever a game is launched.
• This release should fix being able to not exit attract mode if you press coin in or press a joystick button. If it's still not working for you please report on the forums.

GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.83

    Sunday, March 19, 2006
PSPXTI: A TI-92 Calculator emulator v1.0.2

Zx-81 has updated his Texas Instruments 92 Calculator Emulator, heres what he posted:

Hi All, I've just released a new version of the PSP TI-92 calculator. We can now load basic and asm programs (.92x files) directly in this emulator.
I've modified the key mapping, and function keys are now usable with the keyboard cursor, using analog pad.

A simple game (basic arkanoid ancestor) is given as an example in this archive. You have to press select + L1 + R1 to enter in the file selector, choose the file you want to load in your TI-92 emulator. Then enter the name of the program you want to run (ex: arkanoid() ), or use the VLINK menu of the TI-92 (2nd + minus key).
I've tested this version only with 2.5FW. Nevertheless a 1.5FW version (generated using upspear 0.15) is also available in this archive.


Downloads and more info at release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20751

    Saturday, March 18, 2006
Snes4All Alpha 2 Released

Chui has released a new version of his Snes Emulator for the Dreamcast Console, heres whats new:

Second alpha release of SNES4ALL (SuperNintendo emulator for Dreamcast):

- SPEED UP !!!
- Operative Menu: Throttle/Frameskip/Transperency/Sound...
- Fixed controls, 4 joysticks emulated.

Download at Chuis Site --> http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/

    Friday, March 17, 2006
Dualis Release 18.1 Released

CPU: Modified the code for SWI 3-6 a bit
APU: Reduced sound latency. If this causes problems on slower computers you can enable a larger buffer in dualis.ini
APU: Corrected sound looping in most cases
APU: Improved resampling quality a bit (PCM8 only)
APU: Added a sampling rate option in the .ini file
MMU: Added support for the timer registers on the ARM7 side
MMU: Corrected mirroring at 0x3800000-0x3FFFFFF on the ARM9 when WRAM is split
GUI: Added a viewer for the ARM7 I/O registers
GUI: Added support for .ds.gba files (the 512-byte loader is skipped so they are effectively treated as .nds files)
GUI: Fixed problems with reading from the upper 32kB of ARM7 RAM in the disassembler

Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 18.1

    Thursday, March 16, 2006
MAME GP2X 1.9 Released

- Really faster (compiler settings, optimized memcpy in asm, etc).
- Support for extra 16 Mb of upper RAM memory. Enough to play Metal Slug with sound for example. Thx, Rlyeh and Unai.
- Some fixes in the sound (sound is not modified when a new game is selected and also during rotated scaled mode).
- Some fixes in the video (video buffer is bigger and there is no problem now with any game in all video modes).
- Street Fighter 2 Turbo fixed. Thx, Virucho28.
- Internal changes: All code is compiled now with GCC 4.0.2 (Z80 C core fixed) and with maximum optimization (Minimal lib fixed).

MAME GP2X Official Site

    Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Dualis Release 18 Released

APU: Added rudimentary sound emulation
MMU: Added handling of sound registers
GUI: Added a sound master enable option on the audio tab
GUI: Fixed a bug where multiple instances of the same dialog window could be opened at once

Only the PCM8 and PCM16 audio formats are handled right now.Sound mixing is currently fixed at 32kHz mono, so panning doesn't work. If it becomes too painful to listen to you can disable sound altogether through the gui or in the .ini file ;)

Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 18

PSPXTI: A TI-92 Calculator emulator v1.0.0

Another day and a new emulator for the PSP has been released.

zx-81 has released a TI-92 emulator for the PSP, heres what he wrote:

Hi all,
XTiger is an unix emulator (under X Window) of a TI-92 calculator (Texas instruments).It was originally written by Jonas Minnberg and was closed source.
Jonas Minnberg has not worked on XTiger for quite a while and he gave Misha Nasledov the code and permission to GPL it. I've sucessfully modified and port the source code of the 0.8 version using PSPSDK environment. It's now working fine on PSP !
The package is under GPL Copyright and sources are included. I've tested it only on PSP with FW 2.5 using Fanjita GTA loader, but it seems to work also on 2.x, and a 1.5 FW version is also include (generated using upspear 0.1).

Many TI92 stuff can be found on the following urls :

http://www.ticalc.org, and on the texas instruments web site http://education.ti.com

You need the rom of your TI-92 or TI-92 plus, but it is NOT part of the PSPXTI package because it is the property of Texas Instruments !


Check out the release thread here --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=20531

    Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Dualis Release 17.2 Released

CPU: Added a few missing LDM/STM instructions
CPU: SWI 3 emulation is more accurate
MMU: Fixed some timer bugs
MMU: Fixed some VRAM mapping bugs
MMU: Fixed handling of out-of-bounds ROM accesses
GUI: Fixed some bugs in the disassembler and memory viewer
GUI: Added an auto update mode to the I/O register viewer
GUI: DMA transfers can be logged to the debug console

The CPU plugins is this release are not compatible with earlier versions of the MMU and GUI.

Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 17.2

Another X360 review added!

Two in a week - I'm finally speeding up!

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

It's a superb game, I hope you enjoy the review.

RockNES 5.00 beta 1 Released

- Major CPU core rebuilding, now using cycle precision timing.
- Opcode 3Ch emulated (NOP6) for our playing needs.
- Major APU timing, output and core fixes, much more accurate and clean.
- Major PPU timing fix, pass OK through test ROMs.
- Optional sound quirk emulation.
- Sprites 0 and 1 behaviour fixed (Tatakai no Banka works).
- Better 2004h sprite reading emulation (no flickering in Micro Machines).
- Fixed screen rendering when disabled (Micro Machines).
- Fixed DMC clocking, making FireHawk game to work properly.
- Fixed VRC6 sound output, now using fully signed waves (much better).
- Several fixes in order to improve emulation performance.
- Disabled save or loading states during movie playback.
- Disabled joypad keypresses like up+down or left+right (Zelda 2).
- Fixed a bug reading the config file, no more blanks at end of strings.
- Changed joypad buttons assignment in the config file, fixing stupid errors.
- Fixed many GUI problems, including dumping and file saving.
- New savestate block added: PTB0 (PPU timing block).
- Fixed a bug in the savestate [MPR block], plus added an extra block for APU.
- Updated RSx revision id, now only revision 2 are loadable/supported.
- Illegal opcodes are simply skipped, instead of quitting to OS.
- Added mouse gameplay support!
- Added command line support.
- Added 'stretched to 640x480 non-scanlined' blitter.
- Added new 'Options' GUI item, so you can configure inputs, sound, blitter and directories!
- Config file reworked, fixing a few minor bugs.
- Frames per second (FPS) display added.
- A couple of hidden annoyances has been fixed.
- Mapper 4 (MMC3) disabled due to bad IRQ counter working (to be fixed).
- Broken trainer support (to be fixed).
- Other minor fixes and improvements that I don't remember...

RockNES Official Site
RockNES 5.00 beta 1

    Monday, March 13, 2006
Xbox 360 Review Added

Just finished my latest review.

EA Sports Fight Night Round 3


    Sunday, March 12, 2006
Chui`s Dreamcast Releases

Chui seems to be bringing the Dreamcast Scene along on his own, today he has posted the release of 6 new releases of emulators for the Dreamcast Scene.

Heres the info from the release thread --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=20383

New Versions of

- NEO4ALL/CD rc1. (NeoGeo CD Emulator)
- NEO4ALL/AES beta1. NeoGeo AES Emulator)
- DCaSTaway rc4. (Atari ST Emulator)
- UAE4ALL rc1. (Amiga Emulator)
- SNES4ALL alpha. (Snes Emulator)
- ZX4ALL alpha. (Spectrum Emulator)

Who says the Dreamcast is Dead :P, download all of them at Chui`s Site here --> http://chui.dcemu.co.uk/index.html

Cologne 0.4 Released

* Fixed the NMI bug.
* Added 16bit sound mixing.
* Optimised some of the shift instructions.
* Optimised DD/FD instructions.

Cologne Official Site
Cologne 0.4

    Saturday, March 11, 2006
iDeaS Released

Okay people, the time has come to release a new version of iDeaS, or better, an upgrade to the 0.8 version.
Why the branching? Easily explained: a few more improvements were planned and now being implemented but, surprise surprise!, they haven't been included.
Thank a few people, like the one who constantly scans the site folders for betas and downloaded the same file you can grab now (leaking an already to-be-released version, what's the point of it? It's not like I put any betas on the site XD), or those who bug Evrain in MSN for Mariokart DS and Nintendogs, or a few warez forum drooling over each new version of the program.
So, sorry folks, you'll have to just cope with what is here (a good chunk of the work, if you ask me, just a few bugs to be ironed out, in addition to other improvements you won't see for now, as I said) and try to play Castlevania with a few messed layers.

Here's the changelog:
- Fixed a bug in palette settings
- Fixed a bug in texture management
- Fixed a bug in Z-Buffer management
- Fixed a bug in sprite 's tiles selection
- Fixed palette errors in Mode 3
- Fixed a bug in IRQ DMAs for ARM9 CPU
- Fixed a few bugs in firmware language selection (Polarium in Italian, yay!)
- Added an ini configuration file
- Added preliminary key customisation functions

iDeaS Official Site

Dualis Release 17.1 Released

GPU: Fixed some errors in the OpenGL and Direct3D renderers when alpha blending was used
MMU: Added the 64 kB of GBA cart save RAM
MMU: Fixed mirrored 8-bit writes to WRAM
GUI: Added an auto update mode to the disassembler
GUI: Fixed some minor bugs in the disassembler and palette viewer

Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 17.1

UberNES 3 revision 1 Released

Added comprehensive movie support
• A polished interface makes recording and playing movies easy - no matching of movie filenames to ROM filenames is required.
• Movie files are highly compressed - 20 minutes of gameplay typically compresses down to about 5 KB.
• "Checkpoints" can be added to movies, allowing the user to instantly jump to key points in movies such as boss battles.
• You can view NES controller overlays as movies play, showing exactly which buttons are pressed.
• A local movie gallery feature makes it easy to browse, playback and manage your gameplay movies.

Added online movie gallery
• Using the online movie gallery feature, you can browse, download, and play the best movies from UberNES users around the world.
• Currently, the movie gallery has many nice movies ranging from UberNES high score runs to start-to-finish completion movies of difficult games.
• UberNES performs gameplay validation checks to ensure that all movies are legitimate gameplay sessions and not cheat/emulator enhanced.
• You can submit your own NES movies using the built-in local movie gallery.

Added high score support for 5 new games (50 total); users can compete for worldwide high scores in the following games:
• Marble Madness
• Donkey Kong 3
• 3D World Runner
• Ms. Pac-Man
• Elevator Action

Added more box descriptions to NES database

UberNES Official Site
UberNES 3 revision 1

EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.8 Released

[-] Last fixes in version 2.7 before starting developing version 2.8 (some bugs in the Debugger, Assembler window).

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.8

    Friday, March 10, 2006
Monkey 64 v1.0 - First Release (Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP)

PSMonkey has released the first version of his Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP, this release has support somewhat for the Commercial game Mortal Kombat Trillogy and whilst it wont play most of the Nintendo 64 Library it is a big step in the right direction, heres the news from his site:

Well sorry I am late but here is the much promissed first release of monkey64. I was hopping for better at the last min but it still passed my exspectations for a first build.

Few things to note.

.) While Rsp & Rdp emulation is started it is far from complete. As well there are still numerious issues in the main cpu core. I plan to fix things as soon as I can get to them.
.) This wont run mario64 or 99% of the n64 library. Some roms are starting to do things with Mortal Kombat Trillogy actualy being playable (to some extent).
.) I know there are odd looking color squares when running some comercial roms (like mortal kombat). The reason is because I have not completed texture suport in rdp. I am hoping to get a revision out asap once this is fixed.
.) The emulator is slow. Some PD roms do a pretty nice framerate but games like mortal kombat do about 5fps. This is due to the emulator still being on a pure interpreter core. In good time I will build a dynamic recompiler so we can get some more playable framerates.
.) The app is in user mode. So it is quite posible this works on 2.0+ psp units. I just sadly dont have the time to check.

Well that is it. Do enjoy. The zip contains a few favorite PD roms. Pong by Oman is a must play imo. Also if you're all currious what mortal kombat trillogy looks like in game. Please see attached screenshot on forums.

PS. Mortal Kombat Trillogy [!] dump wont work. [b1] dump runs just fine. When you see the second screen, press start as it's just warning you that there is only 1 controller plugged in.

-- EDIT --
Hey guys. Sorry I forgot to mention. The screen flickering is because its not doing double buffering on the psp. It's just directly rendering to the display screen. I was trying to fix this at lunch but ran into problems so I gave up since I wanted to push the build out asap. I'll have it fixed for the v1.1 build.

Download it for yourself at PSMonkeys Site

    Wednesday, March 08, 2006
PSPX48: a HP48 Calculator emulator v1.0

ZX-81 has released a HP48 Calculator emulator for the PSP, heres the info

X48 is an unix emulator (under X Window) of the famous HP48 GX calculator. It has been written many years ago by Eddie C. Dost in C langage. I've sucessfully modified and port the source code of the 0.4.0 version using PSPSDK environment. It's now working fine on PSP !

More info at the Release Thread

ZSNES WIP March 7th Released

• ALL: Gamma message is now correct. (yes you can use gamma in any port in any video mode now) [Nach]
• ALL: Fixed crash after SuperFX savestates are loaded. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Made anti aliasing comment more clear (thanks Jipcy for pointing it out). [Nach]
• ALL: zmovie.cfg is now created when ZSNES loads, and is only read then. [Nach]
• W_S: Added a safe popen() which doesn't return until it knows the application is there or not, and doesn't carry around extra data. And there was much rejoicing across the land. [Nach]
• SDL: Improved spc_fork to remove all bugs (take that cookbook!). Split out code from sdllink to a seperate file. [Nach]
• SDL: Fixed problem with GUI not being updated sometimes [pagefault]
• SDL: Added freedesktop.org file [pagefault]
• PSR: Parsegen now has better handling of blank comments. [Nach]
• MOV: Added compressed audio support, uses LAME by default. [Nach, ipher]
• MOV: XviD now functional [Nach, ipher]
• MOV: Changed defaults [Nach]
• MOV: Fixed MinGW video. [Nach]
• MOV: Movie related actions now set frame skip to 0, and restores original settings when done. [Nach]
• SRC: Code Cleanup. [grinvader, Nach]
• SRC: Updated todo. [pagefault]
• SRC: Made guifuncs.c depend on md.o to fix some problems. [Jonas Quinn]
• SRC: Added a file in psrhead/ so people who blindly use -P stop failing. [grinvader]
• SRC: Added NTSC filter from blargg. [pagefault, ipher, Nach]

ipher's ZSNES WIP Site
ZSNES WIP March 7th

PCSX2 - Misc News

Various miscellaneous pieces of new posted by myself on PCSX2.net, here is a direct quote:

PCSX2 Beta v0.9 is going to be on display at FAST-NU Lahore, Pakistan by Saqib Akhtar (One of the main developers) on the 24th and 25th of March, 2006.

PSEmu.pl run by the respected and fine admin winter_mute, will be providing the official Polish language forums for the PCSX2 project!

Some of you may of been expecting a release the end of last month, this was the original intention of the team, but recent changes caused compat issues and needed further indepth testing. The aim is to get a release out soon, but how soon depends on various major changes!

Some of these changes if fixed and tested to be 'stable' will provide a good deal of ....well dare I say it... speed!

As a bonus check out some shots from Final Fantasy X (the ever popular game!) over here, showing the game running at 20-51 FPS!!!

» Visit the official site here

    Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Monkey 64 News - First Signs of Commercial Games Support (Nintendo 64 Emu for PSP/DC)

PSMonkey has posted some great news about his Nintendo 64 Emulator for PSP (which is also coming to Dreamcast thanks to GPF), heres what he has posted:

Yep, I've got a secret and I have lied a bit to downplay it. The reason was I did not want to get people overly excited to early but I am slowly feeling confident at the current time. While the secret is not mario64 running it is something that is pushing me close to that. So what is it?

Well since about thursday last week (after the absolute crap demo started working) i've been working my ass off like crazy on rsp emulation. Just yesterday I finaly had my first rdp opcode executed and today have been working my ass off to implement dummy opcodes so I can progress it enough to render out untextured quads.

Are games running? Well no they aren't. Currently I am experimenting with two roms. The first is Mortal Kombat trillogy & the second is the PD rom VNes (nes emu by JL-Picard). Both are calling on the rdp to render and have been a great source to help advance emulation. So what about mario? Well actualy mario is also using the rsp yet is waiting on me to implement vector opcodes. Once I can get mortal kombat playable then I will start up on vector ops in hopes of getting mario up and running soon.

So the big question is, will the 9th release run games? The answer is maybe. If it does it will only be mortal kombat trillogy. Tho once I do get mario64 running a new build will be released.

So that is my big suprise secret. I hope you all enjoy it & pray to the monkey gods I can get mkt running by the 9th.

PS, once I get a fully rendered out screen, I will post pictures.

PS, the RSP/RDP is being done LLE style atm with a pure interpreter (minus the drawing which is piped to the psp gpu, not gonna software render triangles. pfff). This is important as it will let me experiment on the instructions to find a faster method on different parts of the hardware.

Check out the screenshots in this Forum Topic

Things are looking very interesting for both PSP and Dreamcast users (although the Dreamcast has less memory), keep your eyes peeled to both PSMonkey`s and GPF`s) websites for more news on this emulator.

    Monday, March 06, 2006
GameEx 5.78 Released

• Support for .OGM video files.
• Support for .KAR Karaoke files.
• New option in attract mode/screensaver to only launch your stored favourites.
• Registered users get the new DVD's (AKA DVD's on Disk module), which allows playing and access of any DVD's on your hard disk or Network, with automatic DVD artwork download and the ability to use FFDSHOW.
(A little similar I suppose to My Movies in MCE)
(DVD Codec required)
• Karaoke Playlist and Playlist Shuffle
• Configuration now showing all help text again.
• DirectDraw bounds checking for audio level display.
• Enhanced Karaoke module, based on the fact Karaoke files generally have no tag information.
• Album artwork, and video snaps showing at wrong aspect.

GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.78

MAME GP2X 1.8 Released

- Auto-fire support.
- Volume control really fixed. Also press VolUp+VolDown simultaneously to go back to default volume level.
- New YM3812 sound core with better quality (MAME 0.35b6): Snow Bros, Hellfire, Gemini Wing, Bubble Bobble, etc.
- Improvements in DrZ80 core: Now is compatible with Neo·Geo games. Thanks to Flubba.
- Graphic improvements: Tokio.
- Sound improvements: P.O.W, The Main Event, TMNT.
- Performance improvements: Bubble Bobble, Contra, Ninja Kid 2, Psychic 5, Tehkan World Cup, The New Zealand Story, Tokio, Tumble Pop, Xybots.
- New clrmame.dat created by [MaD] updated up to MAME GP2X 1.8.

- Added 32 new romsets from MAME 0.35b2-b13 (total supported games now is 1115!):
MAME 0.35b2: The Main Event (version F) (mainevt2)
MAME 0.35b8: TNK3 (tnk3), ASO (Armored Scrum Object) (aso), Athena (athena), Fighting Golf (fitegolf), Guerrilla War (gwar), Bermuda Triangle (bermudat), Psycho Soldier (set 1) (psychos), Psycho Soldier (set 2) (psychosa), Chopper I (chopper), The Legend of Air Cavalry (legofair), TouchDown Fever (tdfever), TouchDown Fever (Japanese) (tdfeverj)
MAME 0.35b10: Legend of Makaj (lomakaj), P-47 (World) (p47), P-47 (Japan) (p47j), 64th Street (64street), Earth Defense Force (edf), RodLand (Japan) (rodlandj), Avenging Spirit (avspirit)
MAME 0.35b11: Cabal (US set 1) (cabal), Cabal (US set 2) (cabal2), Cabal (bootleg) (cabalbl), Goindol (goindol), Homo (homo)
MAME 0.35b12: Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World) (prehisle), Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (US) (prehislu), Genshi-Tou 1930's (gensitou)
MAME 0.35b13: Sichuan II (hack?) (sichuan2), Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen (Japan) (shisen), Truxton / Tatsujin (truxton), Out Zone (outzone)

- Modified romsets:
MAME 0.35b2: The Main Event (version Y) (mainevt)
MAME 0.35b8: Ikari Warriors (US) (ikari), Ikari Warriors (Japan) (ikarijp), Ikari Warriors (Japan bootleg) (ikarijpb), Victory Road (victroad), Dogou Souken (dogosoke)

MAME GP2X Official Site

    Sunday, March 05, 2006
pSX emulator 1.3 Released

• Fixed several GTE bugs (Crash Bandicoot 3 + others)
• More accurate SPU noise and FM (FF7 and ChronoCross sound correct)
• Set mask bit for lines (MGS frequency display now works)
• Fixed bug where primitive coordinates were not sign extended (ChronoCross)
• Swapped analog sticks
• Fixed pad force feedback crash (now properly enumerates actuators)
• Disabled vsync in windowed mode to fix speed problems
• Fixed SPU looping bug: -S option is no longer required (now ignored)
• Fixed bug where starting in fullscreen would incorrectly resize window
• Fixed debugger GPU capture
• Added preliminary version of TheCloudOfSmoke's icon

pSX emulator Official Site
pSX emulator 1.3

EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.7 Released

[-] Core emulation fixed for all undocumented instructions (including BIT n,(HL)). Now ZEXALL test and other tests are executed exact as on real Spectrum machine. A selection of Z80 chip clone added into configuration. Thanks to Boo-boo, Wlodek, CHRV, Smt.
[-] Scorpion model multicolor fixed

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.7

    Friday, March 03, 2006
Dualis Release 17 Released

CPU: Added SWI 3 and 6
CPU: Fixed some problems with SWI 5
CPU: Modfied MSR a bit
GPU: Added support for the VTX_DIFF command
GPU: Fixed some bugs with rotation parameters on the sub core
GPU: Fixed the GL_INVALID_OPERATION error that could occur when switching back and forth between different renderers
MMU: Fixed accesses by the ARM7 in the 0x02100000-0x023FFFFF memory range
MMU: Changed initial value of WRAMCNT to 3
MMU: Fixed a typo that lead to bad 16/32-bit WRAM writes from the ARM7
GUI: Added a few more Thumb opcodes to the disassembler
GUI: Added a "Turbo SWI" option on the CPU tab for ARM7 binaries that mainly sit and wait for vblanks

Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 17

clrmamepro 3.85 Released

• added: profiler option to allow/forbid merging between different systems (e.g CVS with Standard in the hunchback sets) default value is: ALLOW

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.85

GameEx 5.77 Released

• Fixes: Picture viewer showing last selected item.
• Config app now shows emulator name on main page for each emulator.
• Enhanced Karaoke module, based on the fact Karaoke files generally have no tag information.

GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.77

clrmamepro 3.84b Released

• misc: merge tag validate test is only performed when 'parse merge tag' option is used and when the dat actually has merge tags
• misc: merge tag validate test works on parents (with possible merge tag pointing to biosfiles) and clones (with possible merge tag pointint to biosfiles and parent romfiles)
• fixed: merge tag validate test doesn't work correctly
• fixed: 'No to all' does not work on 'wrong named resource roms'

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.84b

    Thursday, March 02, 2006
New GameCube Emulator Announced - Gekko

Gekko (Not to be confused with the Gamecube's Cpu) is a "proof-of-concept" Gamecube Emulator that we have been working on for the past few months. What this means, is at this time it doesn't offer anything the other emulators don't, it is relatively slow and no commercial games boot. On a different note, currently Gekko is probably the most actively worked on Gamecube Emulator, and considering the great leaps and bounds we've made in the past few weeks, new updates are expected in the very near future. Gekko is currently being developed by myself (ShizZy), aprentice, and thakis, with some assistance from ZeZu. Stay tuned..


    Wednesday, March 01, 2006
GameEx 5.76 Released

• Lots of little fixes and tweaks to things that I wont mention, but its always a good idea to get the latest version of GameEx.
• Enhancements in this version:
• New Karaoke Jukebox for registered users!
• Configuration application now loads and runs much much quicker.
• New functionality in Configuration application to import and export emulator configurations to a file, or import included emulator configurations. I hope people like this feature, it should help newbies and people sharing configurations.

GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.76

Dualis Release 16 Released

Two are better than one.

This release features the addition of the second CPU (ARM7TDMI). Touchscreen access is still faked in the same manner as in earlier versions, and not all parts of ARM7 memory are handled correctly yet.
Note that earlier versions of the plugins are more or less incompatible with this version.

CPU: Added emulation of the ARM7TDMI
GPU: Modified the hblank/vblank code to handle both processors
MMU: Added the ARM7TDMI memory space (incomplete)
MMU: Added some support for the WRAM control register
GUI: The disassembler can now be used for both processors
GUI: The disassembler now shows the CPSR mode bits
GUI: Fixed overwriting of program code for programs loaded at 0x02000000

Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 16

clrmamepro 3.84a Released

• misc: fake-clones handling: changed chd storing behaviour again, keep them in a pure rompath or in a clone-subfolder
• misc: additional parsing checks if the 'merge tags' are valid
• misc: replaced parsing msgboxes with 'yes/yes2all/...' boxes
• misc: replaced parsing msgboxes with 'ok/ok2all/...' boxes
• misc: no prompt of "set default backuppath" in batchmode
• fixed: not all fake clones were detected
• fixed: systems window gets resized to old size on button usage

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.84a

File Releases

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