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    Sunday, March 30, 2008
SSF 0.09 beta Released

Crude machine translation of changes:

SCSP generated sound processing fixed.
SCU end of the DMA interrupt handling fixed.
MEMORIAKUSESUUEITO processing fixed.
Fixed cache.

State saves data changed version.

Track position in the CD index established to enable the option.
Saturn CDDA play in the index can be specified.
When enabled, the following folders CDIndex index information will be saved.
ReadCD index search command is using an optional feature, so
Drive by the error may become.

SSF Official Site

    Friday, March 28, 2008
SMSAdvance 2.2 Released *updated to 2.3*

Wow, just fixed a small bug with the new VRAM copy, download V2.3

• Added copying of first 32kB ROM to VRAM for faster execution.
• Added selection of machine.
• Added correct noise generation for SG-1000 emulation.
• Added correct palette in TMS9918 modes on SMS machines.
• Added different vdp capabilities depending on selected machine.
• Added some very basic Mode5 support when Machine=MegaDrive.
• Added different io maps depending on selected machine.
• Added support for the SMS1 tilemap address masking (Ys(J)).
• Added support for turning on/off internal RAM.
• Added auto save of SRAM (if it's allready present) when entering menu.
• Added auto turn off of Bios when no header found (on machine=Auto).
• Added auto region (Pop Breaker GG (J)).
• Fixed support for Dodgeball King (KR).
• Fixed pushing and poping of AF register (Adventure of Batman GG).
• Fixed sprite bugs in unscaled mode on Codemasters games.
• Fixed initializing of all CPU regs on reset.
• Fixed timing of HALT instruction.
• Fixed palette setting for TMS9918 modes on GG.
• Fixed noscrolling for TMS9918 modes.
• Fixed up Mode1 graphics a bit.
• Fixed correct HCounter and latching.
• Better switching between TMS9918 and SMS video modes.
• More info shown from the game header.
• Optimised tile rendering for mode 0 & 2 (for real this time).
• Optimised all Z80 memory reads, one instruction and cycle shorter.
• Optimised DAA opcode.
• Optimised DEC opcodes.
• Optimised SBC A/HL opcode.
• Optimised one of the SRA opcodes.
• Optimised CPI, CPD, CPIR & CPDR opcodes.

SMSAdvance Official Site

GP2X-2600 1.0.6 Released

- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off useful for games such as space invaders !
On given games, the auto fire can't be stopped, so an option to stop it, is available in the settings menu.
- RTrigger/LTrigger keys can be used in the keyboard settings menu to navigate between Normal, LTrigger and RTrigger compose mapping.
- Add several new hotkeys :
  . settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
  . quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)

GP2X-2600 Official Site

    Wednesday, March 26, 2008
MESS 0.124 Released

New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order):
- Dick Smith Super-80 [Robbbert]
- Epoch Game Pocket Computer [Wilbert Pol]
- Galeb [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Genesis (USA, NTSC, w/SVP) [notaz, R. Belmont]
- Hartung/Watara/Virella/Videojet/... Game Master [PeT]
- Microbee 16k Standard [Robbbert]
- Mikro-80 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Orao [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Philips Videopac G7000/C52 [Wilbert Pol]
- Specialist / Lik / SpecialistMX [Miodrag Milanovic]
- UT-88 and UT-88 mini [Miodrag Milanovic]

System Driver Changes:
- [ABC80x] Updated to use the new MAME MC6845 code. [Curt Coder]
- [APFM1000] Added special APF video mode [PeT]
- [APPLE2] Removed usage of tilemaps. [Nate Woods]
- [APPLE3] Fixed buffer overrun in 80 column text mode. [Nate Woods]
- [ASTROCDE] Added controls for player 3 and 4 and improved analog controls. [ranger_lennier]
- [ASTROCDE] Removed the MESS specific implementation of the video hardware in favor of the more accurate MAME version. Also fixed the I/O ports defintion which improves the sound a lot. [Dirk Best]
- [COCO] Fixed bug that could cause joystick button presses to not be registered. (bug #1532) [Nate Woods]
- [COCO] Added a quickload for .BIN files. [Nate Woods]
- [COUPE] Added many new BIOS revisions. [Oliver Stöneberg]
- [EP128] Fixed 0.119 regression in graphics display. (bug #1478) [Wilbert Pol]
- [GALAXY] Fixed regressions. [Miodrag Milanovic]
- [GAMEBOY] Added support for Korean MBC1 mapper variant. [Wilbert Pol]
- [LYNX] Always recompute timer settings when a timer register is being written. Fixes 0.118 regression in Gates of Zendocon (bug #1435). [Wilbert Pol]
- [MBEE] Fixed colours, sound, Inverse and Underline modes. Enabled alternate characters. [Robbbert]
- [ODYSSEY2] Rewrote video code to use scanline-based rendering (fixes Killer Bees intro). Made sound pitch depend on system clock instead of -samplerate (bug #1519). Added support for The Voice! add-on. Added support for larger ROM format used by Kill The Attacking Aliens. Added PAL support for Videopac and C52. [Wilbert Pol]
- [PC] Converted MDA, Hercules, CGA, and Tandy 1000 video code to use the MAME MC6845 code. EURO PC and PC200 drivers are temporarily broken as a result. Split off PC (Hercules) from the PC (MDA) driver. Replaced MDA and CGA character ROMs with a proper dump from an original IBM card. [Wilbert Pol]
- [PDP1] Fixed text display regression. (bug #883) [Robbbert]
- [QL] System boots up again. (bug #1495) [Curt Coder]
- [SVI318] Cleaned up driver. [Tomas Karlsson]
- [SVISION] Watara TV-Link PAL activated [PeT]
- [TRS80] Fixed an issue with I/O ports. Fixed 32 character display. Decoded LNW-80 characters. [Robbbert]
- [VC4000] Cleaned up, added quickload and fixed colors. (bug #1404) [Manfred Schneider]
- [Z88] Fixed regression introduced in 0.123. (bug #1553) [Nate Woods]

User Interface Changes:
- [Windows UI] Fixed a bug in the per-driver software view. (bug #1512) [Nate Woods]

Imgtool Changes:

Source Changes:
- The core is based on MAME 0.124a. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]
- Updated the Motorola MC68901 Multi Function Peripheral to use the new device system. [Curt Coder]

MESS Official Site

clrmamepro 3.112c Released

• fixed: xml export shows a crc=0 for nodumps
• fixed: www profile xml creator doesn't include xml dats
• fixed: about window frame was wrong
• misc: added dtd reference to xml header

clrmamepro Official Site

    Tuesday, March 25, 2008
PSPDragon 1.0.2 Released

- Speed improvements
- Add vsync option
- Add artifact mode
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
- New command menu to run disk program
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog

PSPDragon Official Site

MAME 0.124a Releases


Take two of MAME 0.124 is now available on the Latest Release page. This update supplants the previous release. If you downloaded a binary previously, you’ll need to grab a new one. If you downloaded the sources, you can either grab a fresh copy or apply this patch to the ones you downloaded. You can identify the fixed one in that it reports version 0.124a if you run it with -help, or in the version.c file.

Apologies for the excitement today!

MAME Official Site


• Updated to MAME 0.124a - MAMEUI 0.124a


MAME Plus!:

• sync with 0.124a [xvi]
• updated Game Boy Advance WIP driver (gba24MAR2008) [R. Belmont]
• catlist v0.124 [s_bastian]
• updated Simplified Chinese list [kof2112]
• sync with 0.124 [Emuman]
• updated Japanese list (jplist0123u6_0320.zip) [mamelist jp]
• updated Simplified Chinese list [kof2112]

MAME Plus! Official Site

    Monday, March 24, 2008
bsnes 0.030 Released

I didn't want to release a new version so soon, however there is a rather serious bug in bsnes v029 where the path information for the save RAM files is discarded when one has not selected a default save RAM / cheat path from the path settings tab in the configuration settings window. Because of this, it gets stored to the base directory. For Windows users, this is c:, and for Linux users, this is /

This bug forced my hand, so I'm releasing v030 to correct this issue. I also cleaned up the S-DSP emulation code to be more consistent with my programming style -- it gets bit-perfect matches to v029's wave output, so I don't foresee there being any problems.

bsnes Official Site

Ootake 1.41 Released

- The image quality (color tone) has been elaborately adjusted. If a fast personal computer environment is used, it is possible to set it to a sharp image quality by "Screen->Screen" menu, too.
- "Briteness" menu was added to "Screen" menu. Use it to adjust brightness slightly.
- The operation timing of the raster interrupt processing was brought close to running on of a real machine.
- In "Zan - kagerou no toki", the problem that the window shakes up and down was solved.
- The transfer part between V-RAM has been improved. In "Nazo no Masquerade", the problem that the character takes the shape (generated from ver1.02) was solved.
- "Joypad Background Ok" and "Keyboard Background Ok" were added to "Input" menu. The permission of "the operation when no focus of Ootake's window" can be set.
- When using Ootake with "Windows 98/Me", the problem that CD-ROM drive might not be able to be recognized was corrected. * Operation with "Windows 98/Me" is not tested.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Ootake Official Site

MAME 0.124 Releases


Full list of changes can be found here.

MAME Official Site


• Updated to MAME 0.124 - MAMEUI 0.124

MAMEUIFX Official Site


    Sunday, March 23, 2008
YAPE 0.80 Released

• new joystick setup dialog
• SID emulation improvements
• gamma correction fixes
• minor bugfixes

YAPE Official Site

    Wednesday, March 19, 2008
MAME4ALL for GP2X 1.2 Released

- The random games launching problem has been corrected.
- Random problems with USB joypads should be gone.
- The four players can be controlled with the GP2X joypad.
- The coinage and start buttons of the four players can be controlled with the GP2X joypad (see readme.txt).
- Problem with Namco System 1 games has been solved.
- The vector games visualization is improved using antialias and translucency.
- Fixed screen orientation in Dodonpachi and Dangun Feveron.

MAME4ALL for GP2X Official Site

iDeaS for Linux Released

• Fixed a bug in bind textures.
• Added visual debugger.

iDeaS Official Site

    Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Yabause 0.9.4 Released

- Fixed a timer bug.
- Fixed a bug with mcire word writes.
- Added wave file output core to available sound cores.
- Fixed a bug in total level attenuation.
- Fixed a bug in EG.

gtk port:
- Redesigned memory dump window.
- Redesigned SH2 debug window.
- Other bug fixes.

qt port:
- Added initial support. It should be pretty much on par with the gtk port.

wii port:
- Added initial support.

windows port:
- Fixed a bug where emulation wasn't paused when save/load state as was selected from the menu.
- Changed disassembler so it can scroll up and down.
- Tweaked error messages so it doesn't report invalid opcode errors when running the fast interpreter.
- Added SCSP common control register debug info to SCSP debug dialog
- Other bug fixes.

- Added a few internal tweaks that should yield some performance gains.
- Added support for saving and loading cheats.

Yabause Official Site

Hatari 1.0.0 Released

- The user's configuration files are now located in the directory ~/.hatari/ instead of the $HOME directory itself.
- Improved VDI resolution mode (resolution can now be change in small steps).
- The 'Frame Skip 8' option can now be correctly selected, too.
- Fixed some bugs/problems in the GEMDOS HD emulation (with Fopen & Fcreate).
- Keyboard shortcuts for saving and restoring memory snapshots.
- Hatari can now be compiled with CeGCC, too.
- Fixed some problems with the FPU emulation. NeoN Grafix renders now right.
- Writing to floppy disk images works now also with TOS 4.0x.
- A lot of source code clean-up and beautification.
- Monochrome mode now runs in 71 Hz, and 60 Hz color mode now also really runs with 60 Hz refresh rate.
- Fixed memory snapshot files (some important data has not been saved before).
- It is now possible to automatically load/save memory snapshots at start/exit.
- Fixed some bugs in the file selection dialog.
- Some minor improvements in the GUI: Improved text edit fields, "Cancel" buttons can now be activated by pressing the ESC key, and Hatari asks the user before resetting and quitting the emulator.
- The Hatari executable is now relocatable (so the RPM can be relocated, too).
- It's now possible to enable special trace output with the "--trace" option.
- The size of the borders can now be specified in the hatari.cfg file.
- Fixed Spec512 screen plotting on big endian machines.
- Native screen conversion functions for 32 bpp host display mode.
- Reworked the command line options.
- Added missing read for "clr" in 68000 CPU mode.
- Cycle correct MULU/MULS/DIVU/DIVS in 68000 CPU mode.
- Support for 68000 instructions pairing
- Better emulation of exception stack frame (bus/address error), used in some protections.
- Don't change illegal 68000 opcodes $8, $a and $c if no cartridge is inserted.
- Ensure ACIA has consistent values when reset.
- More precise interrupt handling, allowing to mix CPU cycles and MFP cycles with greater precision.
- Various improvements in MFP emulation (stop/start timer without writing to data register, reading data register, handle pending cycles when timer "wraps" (i.e. data register reaches 0), ...). Supports programs using some very "fast" timers (Overscan Demos, ULM Demos) and requiring nearly cycle exact synchronisation with the 68000.
- Mostly correct wait states when accessing sound registers (add wait state for $ff8801/ff8803 when needed).
- Correct values of cycle counters read & write accesses for the most common cases used for fullscreen/hardscroll.
- Correct values for Video_CalculateAddress, taking into account frequency and left/right borders' state, needed for correct synchronisation between video and cpu.
- Improve top/bottom border removal, including 60 Hz bottom border, as well as "short" 50 Hz screen (171 lines)
- Support for all left/right border removal, including 0 byte lines.
- Support for hardscroll on STF, including the most recent ones using 4/5 lines.
- Support for 4 pixels horizontal hardscroll on STF (ST Connexion in Punish Your Machine)
- Small adjustements in cycle precise color handling (spec512.c)

Hatari Official Site

PSPTI99 1.0.3 Released

- Speed improvements
- Add vsync and autofire options
- Add several new hotkeys :
  . settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
  . quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog

PSPTI99 Official Site

clrmamepro 3.112b Released

• misc: added another seeking step to find fixable missing roms
• fixed: game tags manufacturer/year didn't follow the dtd rules when exporting
• fixed: xml datfile detection randomly doesn't work in profiler

clrmamepro Official Site

    Monday, March 17, 2008
bsnes 0.029 Released

A new version of bsnes has been released. It contains a few minor emulation fixes, as well as user interface improvements. Behind the scenes, the source has been cleaned up more in preparation for running the CPU and PPU (video processor) separately from each other (eg with no enslavement.) This is required for implementing a clock cycle based PPU renderer.

• Greatly improved invalid DMA transfer behavior, should be nearly perfect now
• Major code cleanup -- most importantly, almost all PPU timing-related settings moved back to PPU, from CPU
• Added option to auto-detect file type by inspecting file headers rather than file extensions
• Rewrote video filter system to move it out of the emulation core -- HQ2x and Scale2x will work even in hires and interlace modes now, 50% scanline filter added
• Re-added bsnes window icon
• Added new controller graphic when assigning joypad keys [FitzRoy]
• Redundant "Advanced" panel settings which can be configured via the GUI are no longer displayed
• Improved speed regulation settings
• XP and Vista themes will now apply to bsnes controls
• Added "Path Settings" window to allow easy selection of default file directories
• Tab key now mostly works throughout most of the GUI (needs improvement)
• Main window will no longer disappear when setting a video multipler which results in a window size larger than the current desktop resolution
• Added two new advanced options: one to control GUI window opacity, and one to adjust the statusbar text

bsnes Official Site

MAME4ALL for GP2X 1.1 Released

- Improved the DrZ80 compatibility. A lot of new games are compatible (Neo·Geo games, Bubble Bobble, Tokio, etc).
- High Scores support. Thanks to PalMAME for the hiscore.dat file.
- Fixed the video output in the vector games.
- Fixed the video orientation in the Bubble Bobble bootleg version (Bobble Bobble).
- Bubble Bobble can be played fullspeed now thanks to the DrZ80 core. I recommend to use the bootleg versions (Bobble Bobble and Super Bubble Bobble) because the emulation is faster.
- New great skins for the menu by Pedator.

MAME4ALL for GP2X Official Site

    Saturday, March 15, 2008
Raine 0.50.11 & NeoRaine 1.1.3 Released


• Fixed an irq problem in the cave driver which was freezing esprade at the 1st boss. The cause is the new version of starscream which is more precise with interrupts, I even wonder how the cave driver could work the way it was before that... anyway it's fixed, but it could happen in some other raine games (luckily very few drivers have a complicated interrupt system like the cave driver).
• The recent gui changes could make some part of the gui to remain visible after a game had been started... lack of tests here, sorry !

Raine Official Site


• Fixed the loading animations "flashes", during, after or before the animations (thanks to Juveno41 for the animation he found on youtube, it helped a lot !). It also finally explains why the animations of overtop were bad from level 2 : they were not supposed to be shown at all !
• Fix a stupid mistake which could cause a bad restoration of savegames in some situations
• Some part of the gui could remain visible after the game was started...
• The depencies for raine and neoraine are now in different files to avoid to reproduce the mistake of version 1.1.2 with the bad windows binary !

NeoRaine Official Site

PSPMO5 1.0.2 Released

- Disk and Tape support !
- Load and save state !
- Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
- Add new render mode (Fit height)
- New command/run menu
- Add optional disk mode
- Speed improvements
- Add new hotkeys for quick save / quick load current state

PSPMO5 Official Site

    Friday, March 14, 2008
Raine 0.50.10 & NeoRaine 1.1.2 Released


• Controls and gui changes, see changelog of neoraine 1.1.2.

Raine Official Site


• Fix the mess between default and custom controls created by the autofire saving ability
• Prevent a crash when messing with the autofire before a game is actually loaded
• Fix bad palette in kof96ng (it's a general fix, the palette actually uses a mirror).
• The turbo control works as expected with a joystick too (release the control to stop the turbo effect).
• Help the user from turning animations off in the middle of a loading animation and prevent last blade 2 from geting lost if we use a low speed of loading. Also make the loading progression bar slightly more precise, and survive if the user changes the cdrom speed in the middle of a loading animation.
• small improvements to the gui, and added the ability to change most of the colors (gui options / Colors).
• fixed speed too fast in some places for janshin (Quest of Jong Master)

NeoRaine Official Site

clrmamepro 3.112 Released

• added: support for upcoming new xml datfile headers
• added: support for 4 new datfile header fields (date, email, url, homepage)
• added: support for new game/gamelist tags and cmpro's rebuildto/date tags
• misc: all datexports now use the xml format
• misc: engine.cfg's cachefile tag is obsolete. Every profile is cached now.
• misc: setinfo also shows romof and rebuildto information
• misc: rebuilder memory for no recompress is limited to 1/2 physical ram or 1GB max
• misc: some WINE related updates for non modal progress window
• fixed: /xml commandline parameter crashed when reading xml dats
• fixed: removing parent/clone relationship didn't set romof tag correctly
• fixed: red/green profile indicator is not reset when updating an exe based dat
• fixed: rebuilder remove source can accidently remove an empty backup folder
• fixed: scanner's automatic move to correct set failed in some cases

clrmamepro Official Site

    Wednesday, March 12, 2008
MAME4ALL beta1 released.

Chui has today released a new version of his MAME Arcade Emulator for the Dreamcast:

- All games supported from mamegp2x 5.1, except NeoGeo games.
- Fixed black screen bug.
- Full FAZE Z80 integration.
- Samples support.
- Fixed sound bugs.
- Uncompressed ROMs and samples support.

Official Release Thread

ZX4ALL beta1 released.

Chui has today released a new version of his Spectrum Emulator for the Dreamcast:

- ZX-Spectrum 48K, Plus/64K, 128K, Plus2 and Plus3 models.
- Assembler RACE/FACE Z80 core.
- Joystick emulated: Kempston, Sinclair1, Sinclair2 and Cursor joystick.
- Filemanager with subdirectories access.
- SNA and Z80 snapshots support.
- TZX and TAP tape images support.
- Fast loading tape time.
- Virtual keyboard and virtual tape
- Under PAL dreamcasts ask 60-50Hz selection.
- GNU/Linux and Windows video scaled and TV filter using hardware.

Official Release Thread

NeoRaine 1.1.1 Released

• The autofire options are fixed and they are now saved with your game options (as custom controls).
• Fixed a stupid graphical glitch which can happen after a loading sequence (like on the title screen of last blade 2).
• Fixed again scanlines (asm problem) + double pixel scaler (same problem)
• Fixed a possible crash when using normal blits and loading a new game
• Remapped custom keys : the multimedia keys were recognised before, bad very badly mapped since they could cause a serious buffer overflow. So they have been remapped and if you used some non standard keys in your mappings you'll have to remap them using the gui.
• The loading is now progressive when animations are enabled, this produces a smoother animation and allows to better see some effects (notice that at speed > 2, it can still be not totally smooth because at these speeds the number of sectors loaded by frame can vary from frame to frame).
• the turbo key (default: del) becomes like the game keys : keep it pressed to enable turbo, release it to go back to normal.
• When changing a control, you now have the option to delete it.
• Fix again some corruption in the savegames. This correction might fix some savegames saved before this version, but you might be obliged to create new savegames to be sure to get rid of the problem (tested with samsho4).
• When loading a game with animations enabled and the game uses a resolution of 304x224, there could be some glitches left on the borders of the screen after the initial animation, it's fixed now.
• Fix problems with starting some loading animations (breakers).
• Add handling of direct writes to fix area for over top, the only game I know which needs this ! And fix the animations of overtop which were bad begining at level 2
• Fix a remarquable bug with the memory pool : if you played in windowed mode with normal blits and resized the window while playing a game by draging a border of the window, the memory pool had an overflow after about 1s of resizing, which was ending in a violent crash ! The memory allocation is now more resistant to this kind of fun ! Notice the bug could happen only if your window manager resizes the window in real time, that is if it sends redraw messages every time the size changes. MS Windows doesn't do that normaly, it happened in kde for me.
• Until now if you pressed the windows key by mistake, windows throws you to the desktop, but if you were in the middle of a game, you had a ugly message when you came back, and raine/neoraine exited after you validate the message. Well it's windows specific behaviour... anyway now when you press this damned key, you are still thrown to the desktop (I don't think I can do anything to prevent this !), but you can continue your game when you come back with alt-tab. Notice that the game is not paused in this case !
• Recompile the windows version of sdl_sound with smpeg support to be able to play some weird kind of mp3s called "free format" which couldn't be played in 1.1.0. Now if you find another unplayable format, the error message will appear on the game screen instead of the console since usually there is no console in windows ! ;-)
• If starting a game which had a title bitmap (which appears after you have done "load game") in normal blits at a resolution such that width > 640 and height < 480, then you had a crash. It's fixed too !

NeoRaine Official Site

MAME4ALL for GP2X 1.0 Released

This is my new MAME port for the GP2X...
- Based on MAME 0.37b5.
- Support for 2240 romsets.
- Compatible with GP2X F100 and F200.
- Support for up to 4 USB joypads.
- Full 64 MB RAM support.
- GP2X clock: 66 to 300 MHz.
- Video depth: auto, 8 bit and 16 bit.
- Video modes: standard, scaled, 4:3, rotated, border and TATE.
- Sound options: 11 to 44 KHz (mono and stereo).
- Underclock and overclock supported.
- Selectable Cyclone and DRZ80 ASM cores.
- Compatible with TV-Out (PAL and NTSC).
- RAM tweaks integrated.
- Only one executable (console based) with a separate frontend to select the games.
- Access to the original MAME GUI.
- Better performance than the previous port in a lot of games.

This port has been first shown in the RetroMadrid 2008 fair on 8th of march in Madrid (Spain).

The following things have been changed to the version shown on the RetroMadrid 2008 fair:
- No more lock-ups.
- Configuration files per game.
- The sound volume can be changed in rotated modes (VolUp or VolDown + START).
- The sound volume is not reset after a pause.
- Documentation added.

MAME4ALL for GP2X Official Site

    Monday, March 10, 2008

Fox68k has today released the first version of Gens4All a new Genesis emulator for the Dreamcast:

this alpha version features the following:

- Two SH4 assembly engines especially design for the DC.
* FAME: Very fast M68000 emulation core written 100% in SH-4 assembly code.
* FAZE: Z80 emulation core written 100% in SH-4 assembly code.

- Accurate Genesis VDP emulation:
* DMA transfers with accurates timings
* Window plane
* Sprite plane
* Vertical Interrupt
* Horizontal Interrupt
* All rasters effects
* Highlight/Shadow effects
* Interlaced mode

- Raw binary (.bin) and interleaved (.smd) ROM format support.
- GZip, Zip and 7-Zip compressed file format support.
- YM2612 emulation core by Stef.
- PSG emulation.
- SDL Dreamcast implementation by Chui.
- The sound is being emulated but not output yet, though.
- On-screen menu.

Official Release Thread

    Sunday, March 09, 2008
PSPTHOM 1.2.0 Released

- Speed improvements
- Load and save state
- Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
- Add vsync option
- Add new render modes (such as fit height)
- Analog pad can now be used in the file requester
- Auto-fire mode, press RTrigger+X to switch it on/off
- Add several new hotkeys :
  . settings such as fps, render mode, auto fire speed can now be directly modified inside the emulator (no need to enter in the settings menu)
  . quick save / quick load current state (no need to enter in the main menu)
- Default Hotkeys can now be set in the keyboard mapping menu (useful to add hotkeys on existing/previous keyboard files)
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
- Can now be compiled under linux for linux (usefull for dev/debug)

PSPTHOM Official Site

    Friday, March 07, 2008
NeoRaine 1.1.0 Released

• Switched from SDL_Mixer to SDL_Sound to decode audio tracks : no more weird crashes with electric fence, adds flac audio support for the audio tracks, and allows to save the position of the audio track in the savegames.
• Fixed a problem with semi transparent sprites which showed only in puzzle bubble !
• Setting the speed to 85% in aof2 didn't work, fixed
• Fixed kof96 neocd collector demo, which was messing with interrupt vectors.
• Added error messages in game when an audio track can't be loaded (either file unreadable, or track not found)
• Added pseudo video layers keys to the neocd driver : you can now disable the 8 first sprites blocks + the fix layer using the F5..F12 keys. Notice that the sprites layers are logical layers, the hardware doesn't handle them directly.
• Fixed the opening b demo in last blade 2 (option->demo viewer->opening b)
• Inputs are now reseted when returning to the game, which avoids the problems when calling the gui while keeping a game key pressed.
• fullheight scanlines + double width were kaput (old broken asm code)
• Fix the blinking effect of scanlines in windows fullscreen with double buffer enabled
• Add loading animations support - by default they play as they would with an 8x cdrom drive, it seems the best choice between too slow and too fast. You can change their speed in the neocd options in the gui (or set it to off to disable completely the animations).
• Fix some possible corruption in the savegames, but old ones can still create corruption, try to use only savegames created with this version.
• savegames are compatible again between linux & windows
• handles the urls in history.dat without crashing.
• You can finally change the keys for the video layers, go to the inputs section / Video layers...
• Fixed loading directly an iso passed on the command line, it was broken since 1.0.5.

NeoRaine Official Site

Raine 0.50.8 Released

• There was an endianess detection problem in mingw32 since the new savegame format was added in 0.43.4b. The consequence : savegames were incompatible between linux and windows. I have fixed this, and added some code to detect this bug to allow to load the broken savegames in linux...
• history.dat : now handles correctly the long url at start of each entry (avoid a crash)
• The screenshots directory isn't hardcoded anymore in the sources for the game selection dialog (uses the the screen_dir setting of the config file)
• You can finally change the keys for the video layers, just load a game which uses video layers and then go to the inputs section / Video layers... (notice that some games must be started before you can configure the layers, like the cave games).
• Inputs are now reseted when returning to the game, which avoids the problems when calling the gui while keeping a game key pressed.

Raine Official Site

    Thursday, March 06, 2008
ColEm PSP 2.4.1 Released

• PSP version brought up to date with the official release (changes are mostly internal)
• Replaced the rendering engine with a more stable one
• When switching games, latest save state will be automatically highlighted

ColEm PSP Official Site

    Tuesday, March 04, 2008
PSPXTI 1.2.2 Released

- Major speed improvements !
- New eboot icons from Raven's web site !
- Add view fps and frameskip options
- Bug fix in the low battery watchdog
- Analog pad can be used in the program file requester

PSPXTI Official Site

    Sunday, March 02, 2008
Ootake 1.40 Released

- The noise of the sampling voice of the wave memory sound reduced. As a result, the tone quality has been improved.
- The ADPCM sound processing was brought close to a real machine.
- The processing speed and timing were elaborately brought close to a real machine. In the third stage of "Soldier Blade", the problem that one frame screen fell into disorder occasionally was solved. In "Racing Damashii", the problem that race screen shook occasionally etc. were solved.
- While playing CD-DA, when a game is reset with "SELECT+RUN" button, the bug that had been occasionally freezed was corrected.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Ootake Official Site

    Saturday, March 01, 2008
fMSX PSP 3.5.1 Released

• PSP version brought up to par with Marat's official version
• Sound should now function correctly following a state load (in previous versions, sound would often stop)
• MSX MUSIC bug fixed - FMPAC should now be loaded correctly (earlier versions attempted loading from an incorrect location, and thus failed)
• When switching games, latest save state will be automatically highlighted

fMSX PSP Official Site

EasyNane 5.7 Released

- Updated ZIP lib (now Zip64 format and PKZIP 4.5 compatible)
- Added 'Update In Pause' Mame option.
- Fixed a small bug when using 'No the Prefix'.

EasyMame Official Site

ScummVM 0.11.1 Released

- Revived the PS2 port.
- Revived the BeOS port.

- Improvements for Digital iMUSE subsystem. This fixes several glitches in The Curse of Monkey Island.
- Fixes for cursors in HE games.

- Fix for zombies in King's Quest 4.
- Fix for changing palettes in fanmade games using AGIPAL.

- Fixed some conversation crashes in the German version.
- Fixed operation of the optional copy protection dialog in the German version.
- Added saving of conversation flags as to whether a particular conversation option had been previously selected or not.
- Fixed glitch that could cause transformation sparkle to happen a second time.
- Fixed behavior of Goewin when you rejoin her after meeting the dragon.

- Fix for rat maze bug in Inherit the Earth which made game not completable.
- Fixes for Inherit the Earth and I Have no Mouth game startup on a number of platforms.
- Reduced the number of simultaneous open files in I Have no Mouth, to allow it to run on platforms that can keep a limited amount of files open (e.g. on the PSP).
- Fixed graphics glitch in Inherit the Earth with simultaneous speech.
- Fixed palette glitch in Inherit the Earth when looking at the map while at the docks.

ScummVM Official Site
ScummVM 0.11.1

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