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    Wednesday, March 30, 2011
HalfNES v0.030

News via AEP

The NES emulator HalfNES has been updated. HalfNES download

0.030 (3/27/2011)

Rewrote the audio system to eliminate more unnecessary method calls

Added Mapper 24 and 26 (Japanese Castlevania III) including the expansion sound chips!

Added a full screen mode (still a bit buggy; fast forward doesn´t work when in fullscreen for some reason.)

added ability to drag and drop ROM files into the window to load them

rearranged a couple of the keyboard shortcuts

added a frame advance key.

Also, I´m running the JAR file through an optimizer now - let me know if this causes problems.


CPCInAJar 2011-03-16

News via AEP

CPCInAJar is an Amstrad CPC Emulator for Java.

CPCInAJar by Markus Hohmann
Contact: [email protected]

F1 - This info
F2 - Load medium*
F3 - Enable/disable DSK storing (Off by default)
F4 - Store temporary Snapshot
F5 - Load temporary Snapshot
F7 - Toggle Scanlines (When large)
F8 - Toggle CRTC type (0/1)
F9 - Toggle Turbo
F11 - Autotype console
F12 - Reset CPC

Joystick is mapped to:
- Fire 0
- Fire 1
- Up
- Right
- Down
- Left

*Supported media:

- CRTC 0 / 1 emulation
- Accurate AY emulation
- Digiblaster and Amdrum emulation
- Autotype
- CDT/CSW Tape image supported (Read only!)
- DSK Disk image supported (Read only!)
- Can load SNA snapshots
- 2 Display-sizes (Doubleclick into Display to change size)


jDosbox v0.74.16

News via AEP

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Mouse capture now works, use dbl right click to exit
* Windows 3.11 now works
* Source will now compile with Java 1.4
* CD audio now works, include mp3 support for bin/cue
* About a 10% performance improvement over build 15


DSP Emulator 0.11b2 WIP 27/03

News via AEP

A new version of DSP Emulator has been released. DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.

What´s New!!! DSP Emulator

DSP 0.11b2 WIP 03/27/11
+ M680X CPU: Fixed a bug when initialized [leniad]
+ MCS51 CPU [leniad]
+ Fixed many bugs
+ Added many opcodes
+ Added timers
+ HD6309 [leniad]
+ Added some specific addressing modes
+ Added specific opcodes
+ Chip Pandora: Added external definition. [leniad]
+ Konami K007121: Added external definition. Fixed some bugs. [leniad]
-Contra [leniad]
+ ENHANCE: Changed CPU to HD6309
+ ENHANCE: Fixed CPU clocks
+ ENHANCE: Added IRQ control
-Snow Bros [leniad]
+ ENHANCE: Fixed communication with the chip ´Pandora´
+ ENHANCE: Simplified, more speed.
-Combat School [leniad]
+ NEW: Added driver with partial sound, uPD7759 missing.
-Heavy Unit [leniad]
+ NEW: Added driver with sound


SharpBoy v0.1

News via AEP

SharpBoy is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for windows by xdaniel written in C# using SlimDX. Download SharpBoy.

Nintendo Game Boy Emulator in C# using SlimDX, written in 2011 by xdaniel

Downloads: SharpBoy v0.1 (32-bit binary)

Default controls:
B: A
A: S
Start: Return
Select: Space
D-Pad: Cursor keys

Notes and bugs:
Emulation is still incomplete and has bugs, especially with GBC games
No sound, serial link, SGB, etc. for now
No documentation yet either; controls cannot be changed from within the program (edit config.xml manually after first run)
GUI has some quirks (ex. window resizing), FPS limit and counter aren´t accurate
Debugger slows down emulation speed considerably, needs some serious optimization
Probably more...
...and despite this, there´s a bunch of playable games:


My Nes v2.3

News via AEP

The NES emulator My Nes has been updated.

Version :
* Added mapper # 40, 42, 44, 67, 68 and 72.
* Added disassembly for debugging cpu and important registers.
* Fixed mapper # 41, 64, 65 and 90.
* Fixed apu´s length counter timing in mode 0 and 1.
* Fixed APU irq timing.
* Fixed save state which hang sometimes due to cpu timing.
* Fixed: browser doesn´t run at startup after you check that option.


JPCSP Rev2050 - PSP Emulator for Windows

The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:

Heres whats new:

Improved gamepad support: now the analog stick and the arrows can also be freely configured.
Gamepad polling is now done in VBLANK interrupt.

Dolphin-r7422- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7422
Eliminated a memcpy in DX11's vertex shader disk cache loading. Maybe games will boot faster now, who knows?
Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

XBOX 360 Controller Emulator

News via Emurussia

XBOX 360 Controller Emulator has been updated. Changes:
- Fix: Now properly saves HookMode under [InputHook] section.


Emu 1.01 (27-03-2011)

News via Emurussia

Emulator of BK-0010 and other Russian computers has been updated. No changes info available.


WinArcadia 15.42

News via Emurussia

Emerson Arcadia 2001 emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- Improved real-time monitor.
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.


SNES4ALL Beta-1 - Snes Emulator for Dreamcast

News via DCEmu Forums

Chui the coder posted this:

I just finish the new beta release of my SuperNintendo emulator for Dreamcast:

It has a very important speed increased and VMU/SD-Card support for Savestates and SRAM.


    Friday, March 25, 2011
Snes9x GX 4.2.7 - Snes Emulator for Wii/GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of his Snes Emulator for Wii/GameCube,

A Super Nintendo emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Based on Snes9x 1.52
•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
•Cheat support
•Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Autodetect PAL/NTSC
•16:9 widescreen support
•Open Source!

[4.2.7 - March 23, 2011]

* Fixed browser regressions with stability and speed
* Reverted zones' changes to IRQ and SA-1 - these caused a performance hit


Visual Boy Advance GX 2.2.4 - Game Boy/Game Boy Advance Emulator for Wii/GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of his Game Boy/Game Boy Advance Emulator for Wii/GameCube, based on VBA-M.

A Game Boy/Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance emulator based on VBA-M, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and emu_kidid's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•SRAM and State saving
•IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Compatibility based on VBA-M r927
•MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
•Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
•Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options

[2.2.4 - March 23, 2011]

* Fixed browser regressions with stability and speed

FCE Ultra GX 3.2.5 - NES Emulator - Port of FCEUX to Wii and GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of FCE Ultra GX a NES Emulator - Port of FCEUX to Wii and GameCube:

FCE Ultra GX is an NES emulator based on FCEUX. With it you can play NES games on your Wii/GameCube. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
•1-4 Player support
•Zapper support
•RAM / State saving support
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Cheat support (.CHT files)
•IPS/UPS/PPF automatic patching support
•NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.4

[3.2.5 - March 23, 2011]

* Fixed browser regressions with stability and speed

XBOX 360 Controller Emulator

News via Emurussia

XBOX 360 Controller Emulator has been updated. Changes:
- New: 'Console' setting support added.
- Update: Microsoft XNA Framework classes updated to 4.0.
- New: Preset for "Philips Wireless PC Controller".


Dolphin-r7411- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7411

Have DX9 plugin also dump frames on every VI as opposed to every new frame (follow-up to r7131 and issue #4064).
Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html


JPCSP Rev2041 - PSP Emulator for Windows

The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:

Heres whats new:

Improved sceFont handling when option "Use non-native fonts from flash0 folder" is enabled. Now real fonts start to be displayed instead of the internal debugger font.


MisfitMAME 0.128.B

News via AEP
Robert has released a new version of MisfitMAME. MisfitMAME includes support for hacks and other games not supported by the official MAME.


Released on March 20, 2011

Andromeda - Fixed dipswitches

Invader´s Revenge - Replaced overlay with colour prom

Monaco - added artwork as suggested by Pat_v2.1. He designed
and coded the changes, which worked first go.

Shuttle Invader - Replaced overlay with colour prom
Shuttle InVader - Adjusted visible area

Corrected author name of pmad and newpuck2.

Games Added
Balloon Bomber (with music)
Galaxian New Invasion
Galaga Enduring Freedom
Invaders Revenge (Game World version)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Juggernauts Hack v1.0)


WinUAE v2.3.2 Beta 2

News via AEP

Agat Emulator an Apple ][ and Agat 7/9 (soviet clones of apple) emulator for Windows has been updated. Thanks to Emu-France for the news.

Changes in the version 1.19

Version 1.19 contains implementation of CMS SCSI card.
This SCSI card was compatible with all models of Apple II.
SCSI emulation module allows to connect up to 3 virtual hard drives with specified SCSI bus ids.
Each drive with size larger than 32MB (maximum ProDOS size) will be divided to several logical partitions.
Only two of logical devices will be available to use from ProDOS.
To specify which partitions will be available to ProDOS, press left Alt key during system startup as it was with original CMS card.
This release contains example of 64MB SCSI disk with all ProDOS, Basic and hardware utilities for CMS card.
Second logical partition of this disk was formatted as empty ProDOS volume /PART2.

To create your own SCSI disk image, just specify non-existing file name in controller configuration interface, format you new device by CMS.SYSTEM utility (low-level format) and create new ProDOS volume by FILER utility.

Good luck!


Agat Emulator v1.19

News via AEP

Agat Emulator an Apple ][ and Agat 7/9 (soviet clones of apple) emulator for Windows has been updated. Thanks to Emu-France for the news.

Changes in the version 1.19

Version 1.19 contains implementation of CMS SCSI card.
This SCSI card was compatible with all models of Apple II.
SCSI emulation module allows to connect up to 3 virtual hard drives with specified SCSI bus ids.
Each drive with size larger than 32MB (maximum ProDOS size) will be divided to several logical partitions.
Only two of logical devices will be available to use from ProDOS.
To specify which partitions will be available to ProDOS, press left Alt key during system startup as it was with original CMS card.
This release contains example of 64MB SCSI disk with all ProDOS, Basic and hardware utilities for CMS card.
Second logical partition of this disk was formatted as empty ProDOS volume /PART2.

To create your own SCSI disk image, just specify non-existing file name in controller configuration interface, format you new device by CMS.SYSTEM utility (low-level format) and create new ProDOS volume by FILER utility.

Good luck!


SSF Test 22.03.2011

News via AEP

A new test-version of the Sega Saturn emulator SSF has been released.


Classic99 v3.4.9

News via AEP

Classic99 is an open-source Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Home Computer emulator for Windows.


Fix AMS registers to map throughout the DSR space
Set AMS to map mode by default


jDosbox v0.74.15a

News via AEP

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Compile jdosbox.jar for java 1.5 instead of 1.6


    Thursday, March 24, 2011
jDosbox v0.74.15

News via AEP

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Improved performance
* Fixed CWDE instruction. Now Duke3D, Tomb Raider, and MOO2 work
* Fixed video bug affecting Empire
* Mouse now works in applets
* Fixed Smacker videos


    Monday, March 21, 2011
Super Mario Kart - Mario Kart 64 Retexture (BFrancois)

Mario Kart on the Snes is one of the all time great games despite getting around 82% in reviews at the time of release, the 2 player battle mode in my opinion has never been done has good as the first release of Mario kart on the Snes.

Today BFrancois has posted many videos and screenshots of his work on remoddiling the N64 version of Super Mario Kart to look more like the Snes Version.

The results so far are outstanding and worth a good look and makes my mouth water for the finished article.

Me personally i always wanted to hack the original Snes game and bring out a new version with different races and other features (anyone know of any decent modded versions of Snes Mario Kart?)

Anyway check out BFrancois`s work here --> on Emutalk


    Sunday, March 20, 2011
SSF Test 16.03.2011

News via AEP

A new test-version of the Sega Saturn emulator SSF has been released.


WinArcadia v15.41

News via AEP

The multi system emulator WinArcadia for Windows and AmiArcadia for AmigaOS has been updated.

Changes between v15.4 and v15.41

added PORT CLI startup argument.

fixed: IP address strings were malformed.

wa: fixed: palette editor was broken.

wa: sprite editor: now dragging the mouse while it is pressed is supported.

wa: elektor: support for saving WAVes.

aa: made stefan´s suggested morphos source code changes.

aa: removed QUIT line from screenshots.rexx at Samir´s suggestion.

debugger CLI now uses fuzzy (ie. inexact) string matching for labels.

elektor: improved mirroring for LINEIN/LINEOUT addresses.

elektor: label support for LINEIN/LINEOUT addresses.

aa for os4: zaccaria: reenabled scanlines as the submitted bug report was incorrect.

astro wars: enabled sprite collision detection (so that bosses are killable).


Wine v1.3.16

News via AEP

A new development version of Wine, an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix, has been released.

The Wine development release 1.3.16 is now available.

What´s new in this release:

New version of the Gecko engine, based on Firefox 4.
Better support for Dwarf debugging information.
Improved handling of animated cursors.
GnuTLS no longer required on Mac OS X.
Improvements to the GDI driver infrastructure.
A number of MSI fixes for the .NET installers.
Several GdiPlus improvements.
Various bug fixes.


Agat Emulator v1.18.1

News via AEP

Agat Emulator an Apple ][ and Agat 7/9 (soviet clones of apple) emulator for Windows has been updated. Thanks to Emu-France for the news.

Changes in the version 1.18

This release of the emulator contains a lot of changes dealing with emulation of new systems:
1. Implemented full support of the famous computer Apple I (including ACI);
2. Apple II and Apple II Plus systems are now implemented as two different configurations with different initial settings;
3. Implemented basic support of Apple IIe-class systems. At present emulator supports Apple IIe and Enhanced Apple IIe systems.
Also this release contains several fixes of 65C02, floppy and memory emulation bugs.
Added ability of the keyboard input redirection from a file (this feature is especially important for Apple I system).
Distributive contains some programs for Apple I and tape recording of Integer Basic.
Added several new configurations for demonstration of emulation of Apple 2e.
All Apple-based systems are now includes new much more realistic color palette.

Subversion 1.18.1
Some minor bugs has been fixed.

Good luck!


Classic99 v347

News via AEP

Classic99 is an open-source Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Home Computer emulator for Windows.


Change free sectors on FIAD disks to make sector based programs willing to try to write
open DSK images as binary to prevent read translation errors
Add read/write breakpoints for VDP and GROM addresses
Save file open information into the right buffer
Check a file is open before reading or writing it (or restore or scratch)
Fix bitmap mode masking
Rework X instruction - more efficent and works correctly with jumps now
Fixed case where X instruction may be skipped, depending on race
Fixed case where cycles may be lost due to race condition
Moved debug GUI buttons into drop-down menu
Made fast-forward from debug GUI reset timers correctly
Closing debug dialog should now clear all debug modes and restore normal operation
Changed disk Open() methods to return the new FileInfo object used, fixes certain cases of lost state
Added CHARA1 as a resource for the save RAM dialog
added cycle counting to run result report
Fixed LOAD opcode in FIAD disk not to load more than program says is valid (used to read whole of last sector or more if file was invalid)
Made debugger memory change require a prefix for CPU and display a warning otherwise
Implemented code to create Cartridge Images (GROM and 379) and E/A#5 program files from the Debug panel from loaded memory
Cartridge image code supports injecting lower-case characters and Editor/Assembler utilities, as well as patching C99 programs
Fixed uninitialized memory tracking for 32k expansion RAM
Added 3.BIN extension for autoloading 379 style carts
Clear all cartridge checks when using User->Open
Fixed the Disk Class to run the DSR powerup only once
Allow ´0´ for CALL FILES() (emulates CS1 mode)
Make CALL FILES actually use up VDP RAM to closer resemble real disk system. You can override with CALL FILES(0)
Added disk configuration dialog
Added menu option to open a disk folder in Explorer (or disk image if you have something like TI99Dir configured)
Added ability to make GROM writable (GRAM?) - not really tested as I have no software to test with
Adde Help->Open Manual to open the PDF file
Disable SID Blaster by default
Don´t check for a 6-byte header on 379 type files
Fix reset race by disabling interrupts on reset (fixes 99/4 startup?)
More accurate CPU instruction counting
OPEN opcode shows the requested filetype in debug
Included Line-by-Line assembler and Lines demo for Mini-Memory on DSK1


JPCSP Rev2038 - PSP Emulator for Windows

The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:

Heres whats new:

Improved PGD decryption to allow handling of very small and very large files.
Reverted recent changes in AES128.java and SHA1.java to avoid loss of compatibility with CryptoEngine.
Corrected PatchELFTag in CryptoEngine.
Removed libsuppreacc from banned modules' list in ModuleMgrForUser.
Improved EBOOT.BIN data padding in PSP.java.
Added newly discovered MIPS relocation code in Loader.



Dolphin-r7381- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7381

Simplify the SCons build:

With wxWidgets 2.9.2 now in Externals, SCons was the only
external dependency other than Xcode and building just SCons
from Macports caused a fair mount of extra stuff to be built
unnecessarily, so just include a copy of scons-local.

Always build wxWidgets from Externals which allows us to get
rid of the home-grown autoconf machinery in SconsTests.

The main use case for args.cache was the wxconfig option,
which is no longer relevant after the above changes and
caching options has a lot of potential for confusion,
especially since other build systems don't tend to do this,
so we no longer do it now.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html


DS2x86 0.06 released!

Pate has today released a new version of his Dos emulator for the Nintendo DS which is a version of DSx86 for the SuperCard DSTwo flash cart:

This version does not have any major new features, mostly just minor enhancements and improvements. A few new protected mode opcodes are supported, and a few more software interrupts are handled. I have not had time to work on DS2x86 (nor DSx86) much during the last week, as I have been busy with other things. Sorry about that, I hope to be able to work on both DSx86 and DS2x86 more during the next two weeks.

Next I plan to continue working on the DSx86 286-specific protected mode features, in an attempt to get Windows 3.0 running in Standard Mode.


UberNES 2011

News via Emurussia

NES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- Added new cycle-accurate emulation core, allowing more timing-sensitive games like Battletoads to be played without any issues;
- Added support for 15 more iNES mappers;
- Added support for N106 and Sunsoft FME7 sound chips;
- Improved support for 8 mappers including MMC3 and Konami VRCx;
- Added light gun support;
- Added Direct2D-based renderer which may perform better on Windows 7 machines then GDI and DirectDraw-based renderers;
- Added bilinear interpolating graphics upcaler;
- Improved quality of sound emulation.


FCE Ultra GX 3.2.4 - NES Emulator - Port of FCEUX to Wii and GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of FCE Ultra GX a NES Emulator - Port of FCEUX to Wii and GameCube:

FCE Ultra GX is an NES emulator based on FCEUX. With it you can play NES games on your Wii/GameCube. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•iNES, FDS, VS, UNIF, and NSF ROM support
•1-4 Player support
•Zapper support
•RAM / State saving support
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Cheat support (.CHT files)
•IPS/UPS/PPF automatic patching support
•NES Compatibility Based on FCEUX 2.1.4

[3.2.4 - March 19, 2011]

* Updated to core to latest FCEUX
* Support for Famicom 3D System games (thanks Carl Kenner!)
* Improved USB and controller compatibility (recompiled with latest libogc)
* Enabled SMB on GameCube (thanks Extrems!)
* Added Catalan translation
* Translation updates

nesDS 0.44a

news via gba temp

nesDS, the open source NES emulator by huiminghao and minitroopa has received an update, and is now at version 0.44a.

QUOTE(Change Log 03/18/11)
•A bug of cartflags was fixed, which would definitely make the game unable to save.

•Something about 'fetch_c' was changed, which may cause some problems. the bug logged in 0.43 was related to this.

•Set the nes ram reset value to 0x0, not 0xFFFFFFFF, which will cause Super Mario to start from world 0-1.

•Surprised that Karateka(j) works now...


Snes9x GX 4.2.6 - Snes Emulator for Wii/GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of his Snes Emulator for Wii/GameCube,

A Super Nintendo emulator based on Snes9x, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Based on Snes9x 1.52
•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•SNES Superscope, Mouse, Justifier support
•Cheat support
•Auto Load/Save Game Snapshots and SRAM
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Autodetect PAL/NTSC
•16:9 widescreen support
•Open Source!

[4.2.6 - March 19, 2011]

* Improved game compatibility (updated core to latest Snes9x)
* Fixed issue with cheats not persisting
* Improved USB and controller compatibility (recompiled with latest libogc)
* Enabled SMB on GameCube (thanks Extrems!)
* Added Catalan translation
* Translation updates

Visual Boy Advance GX 2.2.3 - Game Boy/Game Boy Advance Emulator for Wii/GameCube

Tantric has released a new version of his Game Boy/Game Boy Advance Emulator for Wii/GameCube, based on VBA-M.

A Game Boy/Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance emulator based on VBA-M, ported to the Wii and GameCube. The code is a continuation of Softdev and emu_kidid's efforts, and uses libogc and devkitppc. The GUI is powered by libwiigui.

If you would like to support this project, you may donate to our development fund via Paypal. Any funds donated will be used to help further development on this project, by purchasing equipment (eg: USB gecko), registering a domain name, etc.

We are always looking for more volunteers to help with coding, write documentation, translations, or anything. Contact us if you wish to help.

Features¶•Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
•SRAM and State saving
•IPS/UPS/PPF patch support
•Custom controller configurations
•SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
•Compatibility based on VBA-M r927
•MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
•Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
•Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options

[2.2.3 - March 19, 2011]

* Improved USB and controller compatibility (recompiled with latest libogc)
* Enabled SMB on GameCube (thanks Extrems!)
* Added Catalan translation
* Translation updates


    Thursday, March 17, 2011
bsnes v077

News via AEP

byuu has released a new version of his highly accurate SNES emulator bsnes.


bsnes v077 released

* video filters and shaders now populate inside main menu; no longer have to select them as files
* fixed 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI and Super Eagle on 32-bit platforms; still buggy on 64-bit Windows
* fixed linear mirroring issues (fixes Mega Man X dash bug)
* fixed RAM memory mapping bug in Sufami Turbo games
* home folder is now %APPDATA%/bsnes or ~/.config/bsnes
* added paths.cfg file, which will allow you to specify custom paths for any file types
* save states and cheat files for multi-slot games are based on slot names instead of BIOS names
* fixed compilation warning on OS X with nall::decimal
* fixed calculation bug in nall::fp
* Makefile now has options variable, example: make options=debugger
* configuration files and cheat database can now reside in the same folder as the binary itself
* updated to 2011-03-11 release of mightymo´s cheat database


    Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Dolphin-r7354- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7354
Build fix for linux, and fix a deadlock when the core is initiated.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html


JPCSP Rev2021 - PSP Emulator for Windows

The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:

Heres whats new:

Fixed sceKernelUnloadModule: invalidate the compile code from the unloaded module



    Tuesday, March 15, 2011
NesDS 0.42b

News via Emurussia

NES emulator for Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:
- no sound updates.
- short-cuts added..
- extlink supported.
- some unused files of sound are removed. It is much clear now...
no more...


    Monday, March 14, 2011
msxDS 0.89

News via Emurussia

MSX/MSX2/MSX2+ emulator for Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:
- Fixed the colors table for sprites of Screen 8 mode.
- Fixed bug in the Z80 of the 0.88 version. (Ikari Warrior)
- Fixed values cycles of z80 instructions. (Retaliot, Seleniak and Sweet Acorn work fine now)
- Fixed vblank interrupts register.
- Added a frame limiter (the games that ran too fast, works with good speed now.)
- Automatic disabling of disk controller for Nausicaa in order to avoid having to press Shift at boot. (ROM version only)


NesDS 0.41b

News via Emurussia

NES emulator for Nintendo DS has been updated. Changes:
- mapper 9, 10, 118, 228 updated/fixed. Punch-Out, Action 52 IN 1, and some others games play well now.
- The 'Flicker' function was slightly fixed. Our eyes will not be that hurt now ;p
- A new bg render method was added, but not actived in this version, there are still alot work to do.


Dolphin-r7338- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7338

AudioCommon: Improve pad silence when ppc does not keep up with realtime

Uses the last sample from the ppc buffer to fill the samples the ppc
didn't deliver data for, avoids clicking on underruns.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html


JPCSP Rev2017 - PSP Emulator for Windows

The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:

Heres whats new:

Fix to avoid AMD/ATI driver error "No matching overloaded function found texture2DProj": use at least shading language version 1.40 when available.



openMSX v0.8.1

News via aep

A new version of the MXS emulator openMSX has been released.

Release Notes for openMSX 0.8.1 (2011-02-xx)

This release builds on the previous one, in the sense that we worked out the
features a little more. We added a lot of scripts to help you with Tool
Assisted Speedruns (TAS), one of the reasons openMSX got officially approved as
a TAS capable emulator on TASvideos.org. The reverse feature also got some
updates while doing this.
For the rest, this release does a lot of smaller fixes and additions, see the
list below.

Here´s the list with all highlights:

New or improved emulator features:
- Quite complete support for TAS (see http://www.tasvideos.org/)
- TAS mode with many TAS widgets activated automatically
- extended tools: keyboard view per frame, frame reverse/advance, robust
frame counter, save slot mechanism, RAM watch, etc.
- Updates on reverse (and related features):
- enabled by default now (except on Dingoo)
- changed (default) extensions of replays and savestates to OMR and OMS
- added a view only mode to the reverse feature (watch replays without
interrupting them)
- replays now usually contain multiple snapshots, so you can quickly jump
around in a just loaded replay (e.g. to the end!)
- huge performance improvements when loading replays/savestates
- added filepools to put your software files in; when loading a replay with a
file which is not available, openMSX will scan the filepools: default
location is share/software
- added hover with time indicator on reverse bar
- fixed bug when using DirAsDisk in combination with reverse
- added step_back function: while debugging step back one instruction
- Added info topic to query VDP timing information
- Fixed saving of replays, screenshots, etc., when the directory wasn´t
available yet
- Fixed bug in per-soundchip-channel audio recording
- Fixed auto stereo recording for mbstereo-like configurations (was done in
- OSD:
- Show warning/error messages that were previously only shown on
standard-output in an OSD text box
- Added gradients for rectangles to make the OSD look more polished
- Added border property to OSD rectangle
- Added script to find cases of too fast VDP access (of which the consequences
are not emulated)
- Added setting to disable sprites and option to make screenshot without
sprites (especially useful for map makers!)
- Added script to record movies in multiple files, especially useful for
YouTube (record_chunks)
- Replaced automatic printing of ROM info (from the software database) with a
command to get the info on demand (rom_info)
- Automatically plug in real joysticks into the MSX
- Several performance improvements to several toys scripts

MSX device support:
- Fixed accuracy of mouse emulation
- Fixed bug in sprite collision detection (sprites can´t collide in the border)
- Better support for keyboard of Brazilian MSX machines
- Don´t emulate Yes/No keys on machines that don´t have them
- Accuracy improvements:
- (minor) fixes in MSX-AUDIO, YM2413 (Okazaki) and R800 emulation
- Added emulation of the Mega Flash ROM SCC+ and ASCII Japanese MSX-DOS2
- Added emulation of seek delay, head-load and rotational delay on TC8566AF
based disk drives
- Added Sony HB-F5 and CIEL Expert Turbo machine

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Updates of libraries used in the static builds
- Windows binary built with Visual Studio 2010
- Basic (experimental) support for cross compilation of Windows 32 bit binaries
from Linux (using MinGW)
- Updated C-BIOS to 0.25, with support for various localized machines

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

In "doc/manual/index.html" you can find a set of HTML manuals for openMSX.
Make sure you read this if you haven´t used openMSX before, but also to learn
more about the new and changed features.

Known issues / caveats:
- Emulation is not perfect yet.
See the bug tracker on sourceforge.net for known bugs.
- Until we reach version 1.0.0, file formats can change in an incompatible way
without backwards compatibility. This happened between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0, for
example. Keep this in mind if you create machine descriptions, ROM database
entries etc. We do try to be backwards compatible for at least one release,
though. Keep in mind that openMSX is still evolving at a considerable speed.
- openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux,
Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM,
MIPS and Sparc CPU´s. Running on other operating systems (wherever SDL runs)
or CPU´s should be possible, but may require some modifications to the build
system. If you are compiling on a new platform, please share your experiences
(see below for contact info), so we can make openMSX more portable.
- CPU and graphics performance varies a lot, depending on the openMSX settings
and the MSX hardware and software you´re emulating. Some things run fine on a
200 MHz machine, others are slow on a 2 GHz machine. For performance tuning
tips, see the Setup Guide.

openMSX Home Page:
Project page on SourceForge:
Contact options:
- Send a message to the openmsx-user mailing list.
Go to the SourceForge project page and look under "Lists".
- Post on our forum: http://forum.openmsx.org/
- Talk to us on #openmsx on irc.freenode.net.

Thanks to all contributors for their feedback, support, bug reports, testing,
coding and other help!

Have fun with your emulated MSX!
the openMSX developers


jDosbox v0.74.14

News via aep

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Fixed SB16 sound, now music sounds right
* Experimental support for full screen, enable by passing in -fullscreen with the command line
* Fixed some key mappings, now [ ] ` and ~ will work
* Added a download parameter to applets so that if they are signed they can download and upzip files.
* Searching for weird paths won´t crash, like Mech Warrior 2 and @:
* Fixed dos temp file function. Now Descent works
* Fixed video frame buffer support


WinArcadia v15.4

News via aep

The multi system emulator WinArcadia for Windows and AmiArcadia for AmigaOS has been updated.

Changes between v15.37 for OS4/MorphOS and v15.4

aa: omitted screennotify.library code from os4 and morphos versions.

aa: fixed resetconfig.rexx script.

aa: changed screenshots.rexx script to use Screenshots/ instead of RAM:.

aa: now rastlines are disabled for Zaccaria games.

galaxia: fixed: 3rd pvi display in monitor was broken.

monitor now allows editing of most values.


aa: fixed: on a slow amiga, it was allowing the user to open eg. two monitors (one of which would be broken).

Changes between v15.36 and v15.37

aa: removed debug output when launching ARexx scripts.

aa: ship.os3 now searches for "to do" markers (@@).

aa: now the OS4 version doesn´t expect RX to be in SYS:RexxC/.

aa: added support for screennotify.library.

elektor: now unexpanded elektor games use memmap "E", not "F".

elektor: knows that certain old dumps are bad, and knows about new dumps.

instructor, dolphin: no longer supports scanlines effect, because these are not raster machines.

pipbug: no longer supports scanlines effect in LED area.

aa: disabled vertical scanlines when compiled under os4 (to work around an os4 bug).

elektor: overlay support for "2 Pushbuttons" program.

wa: added optional CHECKBLOCKS #define.


    Sunday, March 13, 2011
Wave_Roar 2011.3.

News via nmax

New version available for " Wave Roar ", involving many utility PC emulators and tools, including 3 for the Nintendo DS, 1 for Game Boy Avdance and a GameCube / Wii.
This utility includes 14 of the best emulators (Kega Fusion, No $ gba , DeSmuME , iDeaS , Project64, fceux, snes9x, VBA-M , Dolphin , CPSP Pcsx, Pcsx2, NullDC, CxBx).


    Friday, March 11, 2011
1964mod v1.4.2(beta)

The 1964 derivate 1964mod has been updated.

- Core Changes & Fixes
1. allow advance users to custom select rom ini name (enh)
read blog post
2. update outdated language files
English(Pokemaniacs), German(MasterPhW) & French(Siskoo)
read blog post
3. increase "Alternate Title" length from 50 to 80 (enh)
4. cleanup when clicking window close button while rom is running (enh/bugfix)
fix wrong window placement
fix improper rom close
5. random crash from codes instability (bugfix)
enhance stability fix for CloseROM (enh)
6. fix incorrect maximized window placement size for emu 1st startup (bugfix)
7. remove "maximized" window dependency on "normal" window placement size (enh/bugfix)
add new 1964Core.ini entries for "maximized" window
8. disable window resize button when game is running (enh)
9. experimental AI Interrupt codes (bugfix)
fix In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 in-game audio exception
fix “SP DMA READ, SP_DRAM_ADDR_REG not in RDRam space” for Zilmar Audio
10. obsolete & duplicate codes cleanup & refactor codes (enh/bugfix)
improve BitMaps codes
remove duplicate codes from hToolBar & hStatusBar
improve move window codes
remove duplicate & redundant codes from aWinMain
improve aWinMain codes

Plugin Changes & Fixes
1. emu does not remember 1964Audio “Sync Audio” status
register “Sync Audio” status change so it remembers last changed status
2. replace use of expansion pak size in 1964Audio with real rdram size (bugfix)
3. apply new fix for "failure to cache texture after 1st game run" on MyGlide64
4. launch 1st game on emu startup directly into fullscreen with Glide64 cause wrong window placement & resolution (bugfix)
enhance ChangeWindow function for MyGlide64


    Thursday, March 10, 2011
Surreal 64 CE development news

weinerschnitzel posted an update about Surreal 64 CE at EmuTalk. Surreal 64 CE is a Nintendo 64 Emulator for the original Xbox.

Hey guys, with all of the PM's asking about various projects, I think its necessary we properly introduce ourselves.

The Xbox lamers have not given up with n64 emulation on the Xbox! Surreal 64 has been a landmark emulator (set of 3 actually) that has undergone many changes and has been in many different hands since its release in January 2004. The CE tag represents the "Community Edition" to recognize everyone that contributed.

The phenomenal work that oDD and Lantus did would be nothing without the work from the developers that call EmuTalk their home.

Over at xbox-scene.com, freakdave, Ez0n3, and myself have been working to improve the n64 experience on the xbox by porting more plugins, 1964 1.1, and improving the launcher that GogoAckman introduced in the XXX releases.

Thanks Azimer, Schibo, Retroralph, Zilmar & the PJ64 crew for responding to our annoying messages and being kind to strangers.

Big Thanks also to the Emu and Plugin developers: Schibo & Rice, Jabo & Zilmar, Epsilon & Realityman, Hacktarux, Azimer, JttL, richard42, death--droid & microdev, and anyone else I forgot.

You can track our progress at: surreal64ce.wikispaces.com

We are also in #surreal64ce on EFNET.

Surreal 64 CE website

HalfNES v0.029

News via AEP

The NES emulator HalfNES has been updated. HalfNES download

0.029 (3/8/2011)
-Rewrote the CPU timing system, so the NES´s timing is a lot more accurate
(and faster as well; eliminated about 2 million unnecessary method calls per
frame, which means that I get about 40 extra FPS.)
-Added support for Mapper 11 (Color Dreams)
-Mapper fixes to Mappers 1 and 4 (Fixed Dragon Warrior 3 + 4, Kickle Cubicle)
-Added a proper error message for trying to load a UNIF file.


C64 Forever 2011.1.0.0

News via AEP

C64 Forever is another commercial product released by Cloanto (the makers of Amiga Forever). C64 Forever is based on a modified VICE including many games and demos.

C64 Forever 2011.1 Released
09 Mar 2011 05:00:00 UT
C64 Forever 2011.1.0.0 released. Features improvements to the insert/eject functionality (accessible from the media menu in the playback window), new joystick feedback indicators, easier content rescan after RetroPlatform Library update, and new advanced options for setting DirectX mode and enabling other tests. C64 Forever 2011.1 is a free update to all customers of previous versions.


Amiga Forever 2011.1.0.0

News via AEP

The commercial Amiga emulator Amiga Forever is now available in a new version.

2011-03-09: Amiga Forever 2011.1 released. This update includes improvements and fixes, including optimized interaction with WinUAE, which is now also available via the check for updates functionality. Other changes include saved state portability improvements, better handling of Amiga screen resolution changes (also fixed loss of input focus), easier content rescan after RetroPlatform Library update, and new advanced options for setting DirectX mode and enabling other tests. Amiga Forever 2011.1 is a free update to all 2011 customers. The internal version is 2011.1.0.0. Additional updates to Amiga Forever 2009.2.2.0 and 2010.1.6.0 are being released for users of the 2009 and 2010 versions.


openMSX v0.8.1 RC3

News via AEP

A release candidate of the MXS emulator openMSX v0.8.1 has been released.

Release Notes for openMSX 0.8.1 (2011-02-xx)

This release builds on the previous one, in the sense that we worked out the
features a little more. We added a lot of scripts to help you with Tool
Assisted Speedruns (TAS), one of the reasons openMSX got officially approved as
a TAS capable emulator on TASvideos.org. The reverse feature also got some
updates while doing this.
For the rest, this release does a lot of smaller fixes and additions, see the
list below.

Here´s the list with all highlights:

New or improved emulator features:
- Quite complete support for TAS (see http://www.tasvideos.org/)
- TAS mode with many TAS widgets activated automatically
- extended tools: keyboard view per frame, frame reverse/advance, robust
frame counter, save slot mechanism, RAM watch, etc.
- Updates on reverse (and related features):
- enabled by default now (except on Dingoo)
- changed (default) extensions of replays and savestates to OMR and OMS
- added a view only mode to the reverse feature (watch replays without
interrupting them)
- replays now usually contain multiple snapshots, so you can quickly jump
around in a just loaded replay (e.g. to the end!)
- huge performance improvements when loading replays/savestates
- added filepools to put your software files in; when loading a replay with a
file which is not available, openMSX will scan the filepools: default
location is share/software
- added hover with time indicator on reverse bar
- fixed bug when using DirAsDisk in combination with reverse
- added step_back function: while debugging step back one instruction
- Added info topic to query VDP timing information
- Fixed saving of replays, screenshots, etc., when the directory wasn´t
available yet
- Fixed bug in per-soundchip-channel audio recording
- Fixed auto stereo recording for mbstereo-like configurations (was done in
- OSD:
- Show warning/error messages that were previously only shown on
standard-output in an OSD text box
- Added gradients for rectangles to make the OSD look more polished
- Added border property to OSD rectangle
- Added script to find cases of too fast VDP access (of which the consequences
are not emulated)
- Added setting to disable sprites and option to make screenshot without
sprites (especially useful for map makers!)
- Added script to record movies in multiple files, especially useful for
YouTube (record_chunks)
- Replaced automatic printing of ROM info (from the software database) with a
command to get the info on demand (rom_info)
- Automatically plug in real joysticks into the MSX
- Several performance improvements to several toys scripts

MSX device support:
- Fixed accuracy of mouse emulation
- Fixed bug in sprite collision detection (sprites can´t collide in the border)
- Better support for keyboard of Brazilian MSX machines
- Don´t emulate Yes/No keys on machines that don´t have them
- Accuracy improvements:
- (minor) fixes in MSX-AUDIO, YM2413 (Okazaki) and R800 emulation
- Added emulation of the Mega Flash ROM SCC+ and ASCII Japanese MSX-DOS2
- Added emulation of seek delay, head-load and rotational delay on TC8566AF
based disk drives
- Added Sony HB-F5 and CIEL Expert Turbo machine

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Updates of libraries used in the static builds
- Windows binary built with Visual Studio 2010
- Basic (experimental) support for cross compilation of Windows 32 bit binaries
from Linux (using MinGW)
- Updated C-BIOS to 0.25, with support for various localized machines

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

In "doc/manual/index.html" you can find a set of HTML manuals for openMSX.
Make sure you read this if you haven´t used openMSX before, but also to learn
more about the new and changed features.

Known issues / caveats:
- Emulation is not perfect yet.
See the bug tracker on sourceforge.net for known bugs.
- Until we reach version 1.0.0, file formats can change in an incompatible way
without backwards compatibility. This happened between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0, for
example. Keep this in mind if you create machine descriptions, ROM database
entries etc. We do try to be backwards compatible for at least one release,
though. Keep in mind that openMSX is still evolving at a considerable speed.
- openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux,
Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM,
MIPS and Sparc CPU´s. Running on other operating systems (wherever SDL runs)
or CPU´s should be possible, but may require some modifications to the build
system. If you are compiling on a new platform, please share your experiences
(see below for contact info), so we can make openMSX more portable.
- CPU and graphics performance varies a lot, depending on the openMSX settings
and the MSX hardware and software you´re emulating. Some things run fine on a
200 MHz machine, others are slow on a 2 GHz machine. For performance tuning
tips, see the Setup Guide.

openMSX Home Page:
Project page on SourceForge:
Contact options:
- Send a message to the openmsx-user mailing list.
Go to the SourceForge project page and look under "Lists".
- Post on our forum: http://forum.openmsx.org/
- Talk to us on #openmsx on irc.freenode.net.

Thanks to all contributors for their feedback, support, bug reports, testing,
coding and other help!

Have fun with your emulated MSX!
the openMSX developers


JPCSP Rev2012 - PSP Emulator for Windows

The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:

Heres whats new:

Quick hack to fix loader problems with Firmware >= 6.30 introduced by r2006..


Dolphin-r7323- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7323

add an option to not eject/reinsert memcards on save/load state
when off certain games like ZTP ZWW maybe other cannot save to a different memory card after loading from a savestate, but for TAS the game will no longer think that the card was ejected
to use add
ReloadMemcardOnState = false
to dolphin.ini

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

Nintendulator WIP 09-03-2011

News via Emurussia

NES emulator has been updated. Changes:
- A very small bug has been fixed in the PPU savestate code - instead of simply jumping from NTSC to PAL or from PAL to Hybrid each time a state is loaded, it'll now actually load it from the savestate like it's supposed to.
- Another very small bug has also been fixed in the movie savestate code - if the movie had a non-empty description, loading a savestate for it would corrupt the description and the input data itself.


Emu 1.01 (03-08-2011)

News via Emurussia

Emulator of BK-0010 and other Russian computers has been updated. No changes info available.


    Tuesday, March 08, 2011
DSP Emulator 0.11b1 WIP 07/03

News via AEP

A new version of DSP Emulator has been released. DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.

What´s New!!! DSP Emulator

DSP 0.11b1 WIP 03/07/11
+ Lazarus [leniad]
- Added Coleco console. For now you can not save snapshots.
- Added GameBoy console.
+ M6809 CPU [leniad]
- Core Optimized, more speed.
- Fixed DAA opcode
+ M680X CPU [leniad]
- HD63701: Added OCI timer and especific opcodes
- Added more opcodes
- Fixed many bugs
+ HD6309 CPU: Core Optimized, more speed [leniad]
+ Namco Sound: Added CUS30 chip, digital audio missing. [leniad]
+ MCS51: New CPU, includes i8751 [leniad]
+ Controls: Reviewed the engine, improved joystick control [leniad]
+ GFX: Some fix in scroll [leniad]
-Spectrum [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed mouse use
-Black Tiger [leniad]
+ENHANCE: Added i8751 MCU, removed protection patches
-Breakthru Hardware [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed ROMs loading
-Legend of Kage [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed graphical errors
-CPS1 [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed sprites priorities over the layer of tiles of 32x32 (most obvious in "Captain Commando")
-Sky Kid [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-Namco System 86 [leniad]
-Rolling Thunder: Added driver with sound
-Hopping Mappy: Added driver with sound
-Sky Kid Deluxe: Added driver with sound
-Roc´n Rope [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-Repulse [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-The NewZealand Story Hardware [leniad]
+The NewZealand Story: Added driver with sound
+Insector X: Added driver with sound
-Pacland [leniad]
+Added driver with sound


Mednafen v0.9.17-WIP

News via AEP

Mednafen a multi-system emulator has been updated. Mednafen emulates the following systems: Atari Lynx, Game Boy/Game Boy Color, GameBoy Advance, NES/Famicom, PC Engine (PC Engine CD), TurboGrafx 16 (TurboGrafx 16 CD), SuperGrafx, NeoGeo Pocket/NeoGeo Pocket Color, PC-FX, WonderSwan/WonderSwan Color, Sega Game Gear, Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), Sega Genesis / Mega Drive, Sega Master System and Nintendo Virtual Boy

The planned 0.9.17-WIP release was taking longer than expected, so this is a branch of sorts off 0.9.16, with bugfixes backported from what will eventually be released as 0.9.18-WIP.

-- 0.9.17-WIP: --

February 12, 2011:
PCE: Adjusted ADPCM emulation slightly, fixes massive A/V sync problems with "Sherlock Holmes".

January 29, 2011:
NGP: Masked NGP BIOS syscall code properly, thanks to SANiK for pointing it out.

MD: Changed line timings so vertical refresh rates are the same in both 256 and 320-wide modes.

PCE: Fixed a Seiya Monogatari ADPCM-related lockup, thanks to Rakashazi for pointing the problem out.


WinUAE v2.3.2 Beta 1

News via AEP

The next beta series has just started and the first beta version of the Amiga emulator WinUAE 2.3.2 is available for testing.

Beta 1:

- added built-in AROS KS ROM (alpha development build), used by default if no ROM files available, not very useful at this point but more compatible than very basic UAE KS replacement
- serial port telnet server (win32.serial_port=tcp://host/port, add /wait to delay startup until client connects)
- DSKLEN=0x8000 emulation timing improved (Codertrash / Mexx crash after fractal part)
- improved disk wordsync bit timing (El Egg Tronic Quarts / Quadlite)
- improved CIA emulation accuracy in cycle-exact modes (Risky Woods sound glitches)
- fixed random sample ripper crash (ancient bug)
- CDA sound volume configuration entry (sound_volume_cd), default = same as sound_volume value, no GUI yet
- on screen led bar position configuration. config file only, "osd_position=x:y" 0:0 = default, negative value = offset from top of screen, add % to make it percentage of display height (osd_position=0:95.0%), x-coordinate positioning not fully supported yet)
- restoring statefile with memwatch point didn´t automatically enable debugger memwatch subsystem


CPCE v1.94 06.03.2011

News via AEP

A new version of the Amstrad CPC emulator CPCE has been released.

06/03/2011 (v1.94) : Another small patch, this time for "Sub
Hunt" to show its ripple effect (past versions emulated it but the code
had been dummied out somehow) and for "Terres et Conquerants" to work
without breaking compatibility with Speedlock-protected disc games.


    Sunday, March 06, 2011
nesDS v0.40b

News via nmax

huiminghao & minitroopa proposed the 0.40b version of " nesDS-EX emu Nes for Nintendo DS.

NesDS v0.40b Changelog:
named as 'nesDS 0.40', not 'nesDS EX 0.40', because the two versions had been merged into one.
some bugs fixed ...


z26 v2.14

News via AEP

The Atari 2600 emulator z26 has been updated after a long hiatus.

What´s new in version 2.14?

Windows 7 compatibility, including the 64-bit version of the operating system.
SDL.dll upgraded to version 1.2.14.
Sound fixed on Ubuntu 10.04 and Debian 5.
Some larger video modes.
Desktop video modes for systems without full-screen hardware accelerated video.
Phosphor mode now updates the screen at 30 Hz.
More accurate and efficient timing routines.
Switching pixel depth is no longer supported.
Eight bit video modes are still available with an eight bit desktop.
A simple built-in GUI.
Thanks to B. Watson for the GUI framework.
Thanks to Eckhard Stolberg for help with this version.


PSXjin v2.0.1

News via AEP

PSXjin is a Sony Playstation emulator for Windows based on PCSX. Quote: "PSXjin is the rerecording version of PCSX with many customized features designed to aid in recording movie input files and a new SPU core."

Changes from PCSX-rr v0.1.3
-New SPU core integrated, designed by zeromus
-Overhaul of GUI design including the fact the menu is no longer separate from the game window
**This means menus can be accessed without leaving the game!**
-GPU Plugin is integrated
-More stable movie recording!
-Audio capturing!
-Window is resizeable, creating separate AVI files for encoders.
-Multi-track recording is built-in
-Recent Rom, Movie, and Lua script menus
-Quick switching Zoom features (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x)
-MultiTap Controllers are available in movie recording
-Analog Control Window
-Text or Binary Format movies
-Numerous bug fixes & small changes


DS2x86 0.05 released!

Pate has today released a new version of his Dos emulator for the Nintendo DS which is a version of DSx86 for the SuperCard DSTwo flash cart:

Changes in DS2x86 0.05
The major improvements and fixes in this version are the following:

Preliminary support for high resolution EGA/VGA modes 640x200, 640x350 and 640x480 added. NOTE! Scaling does not work properly in these modes yet.
Implemented preliminary support for Mode-X mode 360x240 (for the Settlers game).
Implemented a lot of missing opcode variations, now a majority of the most common opcodes have been implemented, but many rare opcodes are still missing.
Increased the EMS memory size to 4MB, which allows Elder Scrolls: Arena to start up.
You can now switch between the configuration sections in the INI file on-the-fly, by clicking on the current configuration name.
Fixed a stack alignment problem in overlay loading, which caused an "Exception 5" error in some programs.
Fixed a bug in SETZ opcode, which caused Warcraft to hang when giving a command to dig gold. NOTE! It is recommended that you play Warcraft with "no sound", as the SoundBlaster emulation in DS2x86 seems to cause intermittent freezes and crashes.
Fixed a bug in division-by-zero interrupt handling, which caused Formula One: Grand Prix to fail.
Please send me the debug logs from this version again, they are very helpful when I improve DS2x86!

DSx86 progress
During the past week I also started working on the 286 protected mode features for the original DSx86, specifically when running in DSi mode. Since Windows 3.0 needs HIMEM.SYS to be installed when running in Standard Mode (meaning the 286 protected mode), I started by implementing the HIMEM.SYS features. The next (rather big) step is to change the memory access methods to support accessing memory beyond the first megabyte of RAM. This will sadly make the code slightly slower, as I can not keep all the needed variables in registers any more. This difference should not be anything major, though. I plan to release the next DSx86 version only after I have made this change, so no new DSx86 version today, sorry.

I had partly forgotten how easy and fast it is to work with devkitARM and libnds, after working for over half a year with the DSTwo SDK. You can build the software straight from the Programmer's Notepad, and after that you can test the build using No$GBA. The whole thing takes a few seconds. With DS2x86 it takes nowadays a bit over 8 minutes to FTP-transfer a new build to the DSTwo cart, which is the only place where the new build can be tested. So, I'm very much looking forward to moving my main development focus back to DSx86. I still need to work on improving DS2x86 also for quite a while, though.


FBANext-PS3 R424

News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2655

Squarepusher proposes a new version of FBANext, after FB Alpha (Final Burn Alpha). As a reminder, this is a multi arcade emulator based on the source code for Final Burn.

Changelog focusing on changes for developers, we provide it untranslated. The amendments mainly improve the overall operating speed.

- (PS3) Added waterpaint-normalcontrast.cg, waterpaint-normalcontrast-scanline.cg, waterpaint-highcontrast.cg,
waterpaint-highcontrast-scanline.cg shaders
- (PS3) Optimized crt.cg shader - now runs at 60fps (fullspeed) at 1080p (1920x1080). Also added crt-highgamma.cg.
- (PS3) Texture references used - far faster graphics code as a result. Also adapted refreshwithalpha so that it
looks the same as it did before without texture references.
- (PS3) Added all the shaders added inbetween r423 and the custom versions
- (PS3) Replaced inlineASM in burnint.h with intrinsic so that it can be compiled with SNC. Also commented out
little endian functions in blargg_endian.h to get SNC to work
- (PS3) Commented out all exceptions and try - catch blocks in files such as ticpp.cpp and others - SNC by default
works with exception support disabled - also exceptions have performance overhead - commenting out the exceptions
and the try-catch blocks for both GCC and SNC increased performance.
- (PS3) Got rid of virtual function call overhead in classes that inherited from a base class with virtual function
definitions - such as the Cellframework Audio driver, and FBA's aud_audio.h itself. Led to measurable performance
increases and lag reduction.
- (PS3) Better button responsiveness - in PS3/run.cpp, for some reason button input was only being registered one
out of every three frames - commented that out. There were tons of other branches in the interface code that are
unnecessary - checking for bDrivOkay for instance in video_interface and vid_psgl - that were commented out for
PS3. This could similary be applied to FBA 360 for some performance gains - same with the elimination of virtual
function call overhead.
- (PS3) Menu scrolling with the D-pad/analog stick in the ROM browser/settings menu/ingame menu by pressing and
holding directional keys.
- (PS3) Shaders now receive three additional input params for the main vertex program (main_vertex). This
allows us to offload some more calculations from the fragment shader which leads to increased performance.
- (PS3) Added back ability to go to Service menu by pressing R3 button.
- (Core) - Rygar driver colors are restored again to normal colors - during the update to FBA beta, a swapword
statement was left out.
- (PS3) Makefile works now for either SNC or GCC. Change CELL_BUILD_TOOLS to set either of the two. The best
speed I currently get with GCC for some odd reason.
- (PS3) Makefile and preprocessor statements in the code now let you compile the source and have it detect
your SDK version automatically.
- (PS3) There is a special debug mode you can activate (CELL_DEBUG_CONSOLE = 1) where a Telnet server will
be running in the background which you can telnet into - in this mode, you can track variables and/or dump
screenshots on the HDD.
- (PS3) Better speed, far less lag as a result of all of the above.
PS. Every change above only affects the PS3 version.

Site officiel: https: / / code.google.com/p/fba360 /

PokeMini Emulator 0.4.4

News via AEP

PokeMini Emulator is a Nintendo Pokémon Mini Handheld emulator for Windows, Linux, Nintendo DS, PSP, GP2X Wiz and Dreamcast..

-: 0.4.4 Changes :-
Fixed POPA/POPAX timings (thanks asterick).
Added support to read/write configurations @ ´pokemini.cfg´.
Load/save state are now working!
Added support for unshared EEPROM files (Each ROM can have his own EEPROM).
SDL Only: Zoom can now be changed on the fly under "Platform..."
Added more options.


Visual Pinball v9.1.2

News via AEP

A new version of the pinball simulator Visual Pinball has been released: VPForums Visual Pinball v9.1.2.

Full installer for Visual Pinball v9.1.2 * This will associate all vpt files with vpinball912.exe
VP 9.1.2 Changelog
Fixed bugs:
- Set as Defaults is ensured safe - loading a table will ignore the stored defaults to ensure the table is loaded how it was saved
- Deadzone slider is modified to reflect how deadzone worked in previous revisions
- SSE was going to be utilized, but magnets reacted sluggish, so reverted to ´fast´ code without SSE again.


Wine v1.3.15

News via AEP

A new development version of Wine, an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix, has been released.

Wine Ankündigung

The Wine development release 1.3.15 is now available.

What´s new in this release (see below for details):

Support for changing network passwords.

Reflection support in shader compiler.

Tests no longer attempt to cope with Win9x behavior.

A number of MSHTML and MSXML improvements.

Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:


Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:


You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/documentation

You can also get the current source directly from the git repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/git for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.

Bugs fixed in 1.3.15:

11965 gethostbyname requires a successful WSAStartup invocation before performing an operation
12583 clipboard monitor is not working in PSPad
14412 staruml can´t load examples
16551 install fails - msi_cabextract FDICopy fails
18153 Wizard101 will not load
18598 Source Insight: Window Title Bar does not get updated with the new file when jumping to the definition from the current file.
19654 The "Mudokon Status Indicator" in Abe´s Oddysee doesn´t work correctly
21210 Clicking on URL hyperlinks in PowerPoint 2007 results in a crash
23734 Office 2007 installer: cannot add or remove programs after initial install
24250 Sam and Max 304 aborts on unimplemented function msvcr80.dll.getenv_s
24268 mono´s gluezilla uses unimplemented function msvcr80._stat32
24290 GetOpenFileName() triggers read of uninitialized variable
24440 Second Life crashes with unimplemented function(s) from msvcr80.dll
24553 unimplemented msvcrt.dll._wfindfirst64
25033 Solo on Keyboard setup fails
25098 BrainSplode! crashes with Unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXCreateTextA
25273 msvcrt/misc.ok I10_OUTPUT long double crash with winetest.exe, not make test
25443 Unimplemented function msvcr90.dll._ftime64_s
25618 Super Meat Boy fails to output audible sound
25866 Mafia: City of Lost Heaven - Crash when starting Freeride Supreme Mode
26114 gdi32/mapping tests shows a couple memory leaks in valgrind
26133 d3dx9_36: surface and texture tests shows an invalid read under valgrind
26174 Theme internals crash with Unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.EnableTraceEx
26177 Compilation of dlls/msxml3 fails on CentOS 3
26178 MS Word 2003 save document with embedded fonts needs t2embed.dll._TTEmbedFont@44 implemented
26201 wineboot fails to install gecko automatically
26228 msxml3 fails to build when libxml2 is built with +icu useflag
26233 Dragon Age 2 demo - sound sometimes missing in EA logo movie
26248 Pokerstars client, windows pops up just to die


Dolphin-r7307- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7307

Fix preprocessor prob.(recursive mutexes were being used where not necessary) Hopefully fix Common::Event to handle spurious wakeups since it uses condition variables now.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

N64 Magazine issue 3 digitally preserved

News via http://retroactionmagazine.com/retronews/n64-magazine-issue-3-digitally-preserved/

Coincidentaly tying in with Retro Gamer’s current coverage of Nintendo’s 64-bit console, N64 Magazine, which was Future Publishing’s spiritual successor to the popular Super Play, has had its third issue from June 1997 digitally preserved at Out-of-Print Archive. The N64 Magazine #3 page at Out-of-Print Archive has the issue’s editorial details, full contents list, links to online articles taken from the issue and, of course, a link to the full issue download itself. The online preview articles chosen for this issue include reviews of Killer Instinct Gold (which was covered in Retroaction #3 in a Killer App article), Star Fox 64, Doom 64 and a feature on Japan’s game industry in Land of the Rising Fun.
Weblink: N64 Magazine issue 3 at Out-of-Print Archive

Retro Gamer issue 87

News via http://retroactionmagazine.com/retronews/retro-gamer-issue-87/

Issue 87 of Retro Gamer should be hitting those store shelves right about now. It’s a Nintendo 64 special issue, with the 64-bit console gracing the front cover and featuring in The Collector’s Guide to the N64 article. Other highlights in the issue include Hail to the Duke (article on the Duke series past and present with Scott Miller and Randy Pitchford), The Making of Jet Set Willy II, The History of Shadow of the Beast (with creator Martin Edmondson), In the Chair with Al Lowe, The Making of the Lotus trilogy, all the usual regulars and lots more. There’s also a video preview of the issue at Darran Jones’ YouTube page. Retro Gamer is a UK dedicated retrogaming magazine, but with all the available ways to purchase the magazine (newsagents, online at the Imagine eShop or digital versions from iTunes), there’s no excuse to pick it up from anywhere around the world.
Weblink: Retro Gamer at Imagine eShop

    Saturday, March 05, 2011
N64oid brings Nintendo 64 emulation to Android devices

There's not exactly a shortage of video game emulators for Android devices, but there has been one notable, 64-bit exception. That's finally been rectified with the just-released N64oid application, however, which finally brings emulation of Nintendo 64 games to the platform -- and, like the other emulators from developer Yongzh, it's conveniently available right in the Android Market (for $5.99). As you might expect, there are a few glitches and hiccups to be found even on high-end phones like the Nexus S, but it does seem to run remarkably well for an initial release and, as Download Squad points out, you can also use a separate, freely-available app to add some Wiimote controls to the proceedings. Also, it means you can play Goldeneye on your phone.


    Thursday, March 03, 2011
jDosbox v0.74.12

News via AEP

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Added Sound Blaster 16 support. The music in games is a bit off.
* Fixed MOVSX instruction. Now back and strafe left work in Doom.
* Fixed XMS_MoveMemory.
* Added reboot command to help diagnose Applet page reload issues
* Hacked together the PageFaultHandler. Not sure if this is good enough. Djgpp "Hello World" now works, but Noctropolis still can´t get pass its page fault.
* Status: Colonization now works. Duke 3D is a lot closer. Can now start the game and play, but there are glitches.


1964mod v1.4.1(beta)

News via AEP

The 1964 derivate 1964mod has been updated.

For 1964mod release details, please read the posts below
Subscribe to posts
1964mod v1.4.1(beta) Release
posted Mar 1, 2011 5:16 AM by Pokefan 999 [ updated an hour ago ]

Core Changes & Fixes

1. emulator UI display status cleanup (enh/bugfix)

* fix menu option status
* improve statusbar display status
* fix icon button display status
* fix thin horizontal line on romlist window when 1st entry is visible
* remove useless statusbar display codes

2. obsolete & duplicate codes cleanup & refactor codes (enh)

* improve 1964Core.ini codes
* improve TimerProc codes
* improve CloseROM codes
* remove useless emu title bar status display codes

3. capture CIC ChipID when rom is loaded (enh)

* map Alt+I to RomInfo

4. update texture caching (bugfix)

* fix failure to cache/readback hires texture after 1st game run in the same emu session

5. frame limiter speedup (experimental) (enh/bugfix)

* reduce delay between frames change & improve game speed
* fix Banjo-Kazooie jerky display during speedup

6. random flashram / sram missing saved game (bugfix)

7. cleanup “runaway” audio thread (bugfix)

* fix “high pitch” sound during emu pause, screenshot, toggle between window/fullscreen mode
* fix "high pitch" sound when rom is closed

Plugin Changes & Fixes

1. upgrade lpng to v1.5.1 & zlib to v1.2.5 for MyGlide64 (enh)

2. MyGlide64 improvement over official Glide64 r215 (enh/bugfix/hack)

* fix NewTetris, Bomberman Hero & Tetrisphere horizontal lines
* improve "Mega Man 64" & "Army Men - Air Combat" horizontal lines
* fix missing background for "Read every frame" in Ogre Battle 64
* fix corrupted fade-out game menu in Gauntlet Legends
* fix corrupted alpha in ISS2000 intro cutscene
* fix extra blue square layer over ExtremeG logo in intro cutscene
* fix border corruption in Top Gear Overdrive
* fix spillover texture in MIA
* fix "broken stadium roof" portrait in Pokemon Stadium intro
* fix pokemon transparent eyeball in Pokemon Stadium 2
* fix sound distortion due to speed slowdown in Shadows of the Empire, Star Wars Episode 1 – Racer & Road Rash 64(U)
* fix screenshot image truncation for mis-match resolution ratio
* bypass Command&Conquer sprite truncation when screen resolution mis-match aspect ratio
* remove duplicate “Full Screen” resolution entries from dropdown combo box

* revamp Change_Size function codes (enh)

* obsolete pal230 & adjust_aspect ini option
* fix games with 1st screen corruption e.g. Virtual Chess
* fix over-sized texture image e.g. New Tetris, XG2(E), DK(E), TWINE
* fix shrunk texture image e.g. Bottom of the 9th, Centre Court Tennis etc
* fix jumping frame in TGO & MIA transition effect
* fix screen transition effect garbage e.g. TGO, MegaMan
* fix New Tetris missing image tile on the bottom line
* partial fix of Pokemon Stadium 2 corrupted pokemon portrait in Stadium battle
* remove RE2 video hack & PPL hack
* new custom effect for MIA e.g. goal replay

3. minor gameplay improvement for Mario Tennis (enh)

4. implement quick hotkey for "Read every frame" & “LOD” (enh)

5. update texture caching (enh)

* remove non-hires texture caching/readback dependency on "Rice" format being checked

1964mod v1.4.0(beta) Release
posted Mar 1, 2011 5:14 AM by Pokefan 999 [ updated an hour ago ]

Core Changes & Fixes

1. compiler warnings (bugfix)

2. obsolete & duplicate codes cleanup & refactor codes (enh/ bugfix)

* improve message handling & remove unnecessary sleep time
* improve emulator window re-sizing & maximizing function
* improve state saving & loading
* remove Kaillera / Netplay codes & menu option
* remove 1964 v0.8.5 save format codes & menu option
* remove XPTheme codes
* remove most of the trace & debug codes

3. update romlist window layout (enh)

* re-size default romlist column width
* set “GAMESAVE” as default column display

4. wrong mapping of F1 hotkey to “Online Help” (bugfix)

5. re-map the savestate & loadstate slots hotkey (enh)

6. wrong savestate slot is selected for savestate/loadstate if emu is paused (bugfix)

7. update screenshot capture codes (bugfix)

* fix missing screenshot when taken during emu pause
* fix invalid screenshot path for certain 1st screen screenshot e.g. DK64

8. update crc calculation e.g. DK64, Body Harvest (bugfix)

9. incomplete "bananaport" fade-out & game menu freeze e.g. DK64 (bugfix)

10. losing voice audio if same rom is started again after closing e.g. TWINE (bugfix)

11. upgrade zlib from v1.1.4 to v1.2.5 (enh)

12. convert registry ini to 1964Core.ini (enh)

13. replace use of expansion pak size as memory address mask with real rdram size (bugfix)

Plugin Changes & Fixes
1. change 1964Audio default to "nosync"


Come get some... texture packages!

We've just restructured, updated and cleaned the whole high resolution texture board.
It's now 13 pages with 251 posts in the WIP section instead of formally 50+ pages.
A lot thread were moved to our new Complete packs and tutorial sections, some deleted and others cleaned, merged and fixed!
We will continue to update all the stickies, repost packs and clean/rearrange threads, but the hardest part is finally done.

Check it out here:

N64 High Resolution Textures sub-board

Now EmuTalk is finally prepared for all your new and ass kicking texture packs. We're waiting for you! :)

    Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Dolphin-r7272- Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows

The Dolphin Team have released a new version
of the Gamecube and Wii Emulator for Windows, heres whats new

Changelog for 7272

Fix the wiimote speaker problem in the core and remove the HLE patch for it.
Real wiimote tested on windows, untested but should work on linux, dunno about osx.

Download Here --> http://www.dolphin-emulator.com/download.html

JPCSP Rev2002 - PSP Emulator for Windows

The PSP Emulator for Windows thats written in java gets yet another update:

Heres whats new:

Removed language independent properties from the language dependent files, in order to avoid translation. E.g. the language names have not to be translated, they are always displayed in their respective language.


HalfNES v0.028

News via AEP

The NES emulator HalfNES has been updated. HalfNES download

0.028 (3/2/2011)
Rewrote/refactored a bunch of code to make things more object oriented. Also
changed the display code to use Java´s double buffering scheme instead of my own
hackish method, which MAY have made things a bit faster but definitely fixed that
occasional flicker that was there before. (Simplified the code, too!)
Also made some changes to the sound engine, so Contra and a few other things
sound closer to how they should.
Next update will hopefully bring more visible improvements.


puNES v0.18

News via AEP

The NES emulator puNES has been updated.

added AxROM (mapper 7) emulation.


WinVICE v2.3 palette fixed

News via AEP

A new version of the Commodore emulator VICE available for many operating systems has been released. The current version emulates the C64, the C64DTV, the C64SC, the C128, the VIC20, almost all PET models, the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610).

- win gui palette fix


DSP Emulator 0.11b1 WIP 01/03

News via AEP

A new version of DSP Emulator has been released. DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.

+ Lazarus [leniad]
- Added Coleco console. For now you can not save snapshots.
- Added GameBoy console.
+ M6809 CPU [leniad]
- Core Optimized, more speed.
- Fixed DAA opcode
+ M680X CPU [leniad]
- HD63701: Added OCI timer and especific opcodes
- Added more opcodes
- Fixed many bugs
+ HD6309 CPU: Core Optimized, more speed [leniad]
+ Namco Sound: Added CUS30 chip, digital audio missing. [leniad]
+ MCS51: New CPU, includes i8751 [leniad]
+ Controls: Reviewed the engine, improved joystick control [leniad]
-Spectrum [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed mouse use
-Black Tiger [leniad]
+ENHANCE: Added i8751 MCU, removed protection patches
-Breakthru Hardware [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed ROMs loading
-Legend of Kage [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed graphical errors
-Sky Kid [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-Namco System 86 [leniad]
-Rolling Thunder: Added driver with sound
-Hopping Mappy: Added driver with sound
-Sky Kid Deluxe: Added driver with sound
-Roc´n Rope [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-Repulse [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-The NewZealand Story Hardware [leniad]
+The NewZealand Story: Added driver with sound
+Insector X: Added driver with sound


puNES v0.17

News via AEP

The NES emulator puNES has been updated.

fixed another bug and now Incredible Crash Dummies run without problems.
correct a couple of bugs in the mmc3 emulation.
added MMC3 emulation.
Correct a a bug in the controller routine (thanks Dwedit).
Correct a little bug and now all cpu_interrupts_v2 test roms passed.
Implemented reading of $2004 during the rendering.
(thx to Quietust for the info and for the read2004.nes test rom).
I worked hard on the CPU and PPU emulation and now many
of test roms worked perfectly (thanks blargg).
Added OpenGL support.
Implemented APU Frame Interrupt (only this for now).
Many bugs are gone.


zBoy v0.12

News via AEP

A new version of the Game Boy emulator zBoy has been released.

zBoy v0.12 [28 Feb 2011]
- Added the "--EPXSCALE" command-line parameter, to scale the video screen using the EPX algorithm (instead of the default nearest-neighbour scaling),
- Added the "--EPXSCALE3" command-line parameter, to scale the video screen using a modified version of the EPX algorithm (triple scaling),
- Added the "--EAGLESCALE" command-line parameter, to scale the video screen using the EAGLE algorithm,
- Fixed a bug in the hiscore saving module, that could lead sometimes the emulator to crash,
- Added support for saving hiscores in following games: Ms. Pac-Man, Tetris, Asteroids, Tetris Attack, Galaga & Galaxian, BattleCity and Dig Dug,
- The LY (LCD) counter is incremented even when the LCD is disabled (otherwise Baseball don´t start).


iDeaS v1.0.3.9 (Win)

News via Nmax

Actarus offers version Final for windows of " iDeaS 'excellent Nintendo DS Emulator for PC
Here's the final version. Many small fixed Especially for The Support of multicore in 3D.


    Tuesday, March 01, 2011
wxMupen64Plus 0.1 Released

Auria let us know that wxMupen64Plus 0.1 has been released.

wxMupen64Plus is a Mupen64Plus 2.0 GUI frontend written using wxWidgets 2.9.x.
It is tested on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.
OSX and Windows binaries are available.

Testing and feedback welcome!

-- Auria

wxMupen64Plus 0.1

1964mod v1.4.1(beta) quickfix v7 is released

Pokemaniacs let us know that 1964mod v1.4.1(beta) quickfix v7 is released.

1964mod v1.4.1(beta) quickfix v7 is released

* consolidate quickfix 1-5 changes
* cleanup runaway audio thread
* change "Announcements" section layout & include "MyGlide64" changelog
* users are advised to download the latest quickfix v7 & MyGlide64(ini) rarfile

1964mod v1.4.1(beta) quickfix v7

openMSX v0.8.1 RC 2

News via AEP

A release candidate of the MXS emulator openMSX v0.8.1 has been released.

Release Notes for openMSX 0.8.1 (2011-02-xx)

This release builds on the previous one, in the sense that we worked out the
features a little more. We added a lot of scripts to help you with Tool
Assisted Speedruns (TAS), one of the reasons openMSX got officially approved as
a TAS capable emulator on TASvideos.org. The reverse feature also got some
updates while doing this.
For the rest, this release does a lot of smaller fixes and additions, see the
list below.

Here´s the list with all highlights:

New or improved emulator features:
- Quite complete support for TAS (see http://www.tasvideos.org/)
- TAS mode with many TAS widgets activated automatically
- extended tools: keyboard view per frame, frame reverse/advance, robust
frame counter, save slot mechanism, RAM watch, etc.
- Updates on reverse (and related features):
- enabled by default now (except on Dingoo)
- changed (default) extensions of replays and savestates to OMR and OMS
- added a view only mode to the reverse feature (watch replays without
interrupting them)
- replays now usually contain multiple snapshots, so you can quickly jump
around in a just loaded replay (e.g. to the end!)
- huge performance improvements when loading replays/savestates
- added filepools to put your software files in; when loading a replay with a
file which is not available, openMSX will scan the filepools: default
location is share/software
- added hover with time indicator on reverse bar
- fixed bug when using DirAsDisk in combination with reverse
- Added info topic to query VDP timing information
- Fixed saving of replays, screenshots, etc., when the directory wasn´t
available yet
- Fixed bug in per-soundchip-channel audio recording
- Fixed auto stereo recording for mbstereo-like configurations (was done in
- OSD:
- Show warning/error messages that were previously only shown on
standard-output in an OSD text box
- Added gradients for rectangles to make the OSD look more polished
- Added border property to OSD rectangle
- Added script to find cases of too fast VDP access (of which the consequences
are not emulated)
- Added setting to disable sprites and option to make screenshot without
sprites (especially useful for map makers!)
- Added script to record movies in multiple files, especially useful for
YouTube (record_chunks)
- Replaced automatic printing of ROM info (from the software database) with a
command to get the info on demand (rom_info)
- Automatically plug in real joysticks into the MSX
- Several performance improvements to several toys scripts

MSX device support:
- Fixed accuracy of mouse emulation
- Fixed bug in sprite collision detection (sprites can´t collide in the border)
- Better support for keyboard of Brazilian MSX machines
- Don´t emulate Yes/No keys on machines that don´t have them
- Accuracy improvements:
- (minor) fixes in MSX-AUDIO, YM2413 (Okazaki) and R800 emulation
- Added emulation of the Mega Flash ROM SCC+ and ASCII Japanese MSX-DOS2
- Added emulation of seek delay, head-load and rotational delay on TC8566AF
based disk drives
- Added Sony HB-F5 and CIEL Expert Turbo machine

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Updates of libraries used in the static builds
- Windows binary built with Visual Studio 2010
- Basic (experimental) support for cross compilation of Windows 32 bit binaries
from Linux (using MinGW)
- Updated C-BIOS to 0.25, with support for various localized machines

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

In "doc/manual/index.html" you can find a set of HTML manuals for openMSX.
Make sure you read this if you haven´t used openMSX before, but also to learn
more about the new and changed features.

Known issues / caveats:
- Emulation is not perfect yet.
See the bug tracker on sourceforge.net for known bugs.
- Until we reach version 1.0.0, file formats can change in an incompatible way
without backwards compatibility. This happened between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0, for
example. Keep this in mind if you create machine descriptions, ROM database
entries etc. We do try to be backwards compatible for at least one release,
though. Keep in mind that openMSX is still evolving at a considerable speed.
- openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux,
Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM,
MIPS and Sparc CPU´s. Running on other operating systems (wherever SDL runs)
or CPU´s should be possible, but may require some modifications to the build
system. If you are compiling on a new platform, please share your experiences
(see below for contact info), so we can make openMSX more portable.
- CPU and graphics performance varies a lot, depending on the openMSX settings
and the MSX hardware and software you´re emulating. Some things run fine on a
200 MHz machine, others are slow on a 2 GHz machine. For performance tuning
tips, see the Setup Guide.

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Have fun with your emulated MSX!
the openMSX developers


MAME 0.141u3

News via AEP

A new intermediate update for MAME was released. You can download the source update at MAMEDev.


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

03660: [Graphics] pengo and clones: Player 2 cocktail graphics are offset. (hap)

03907: [Graphics] All sets in xain.c: Cocktail (2P) view offset (hap)

04224: [Graphics] All sets in snk6502.c: Cocktail screen offset (hap)

04260: [Graphics] nyny and clones: Starfield is missing (hap)

02856: [Color/Palette] comotion, hustle: Overlay color looks wrong compared to game flyers. (hap)

04114: [Documentation] thepit and clones: The parent/clone relationship needs fixing (hap)

04257: [Documentation] ewf: Misdescription of the game.

03789: [Graphics] ambush, ambusht, ambushv: Incorrect colors (hap)

03945: [Color/Palette] cosmica and clones: Sprite colors for alien formations are incorrect (hap)

02997: [Sound] hotsmash: Inconsistant audio during demonstration play (hap)

03785: [Sound] pbillian: Samples played incorrectly (hap)

00939: [Graphics] rjammer: Various graphic errors (hap)

04243: [Crash/Freeze] ddrsbm: Crash just before NVRAM format (Olivier Galibert)

03766: [Crash/Freeze] cartfury, roadburn, sf2049 + clones: Crash before OK (Atari Ace)

03428: [Sound] sfx: Sound missing. (hap)

03194: [Documentation] tsamuraih: Samurai nihon-ichi (set 3 harder) comes from a bootleg board (f205v)

03686: [Sound] superbug: Extended play sound hangs (hap)

03617: [Sound] barricad: Collision sound is missing (hap)

03486: [Sound] hitme and clones: Sound tones never stop playing (hap)

01122: [Graphics] circus: [possible] When you first time run a game your jumper float to the upper edge of screen. (hap)

00391: [Misc.] circus: During the game and demo, there seem to be invisible walls lined up with the edges of the platforms where the guy (hap)

04241: [Crash/Freeze] egghunt: Crash: "Called save_item on a pointer with no count!" before OK screen. (hap)

04240: [Crash/Freeze] All sets using TLCS90 CPU; all sets using MultiPCM: Crash: "Called save_item on a non-fundamental type!" before OK screen.

03279: [Sound] psyvaria, psyvarrv: sound effect loops infinitely (R. Belmont)

03107: [Sound] Drivers using emu/sound/psx.c: Sound effects are cut abruptly/clipped (R. Belmont)

00313: [Graphics] speedatk: When you activate the flip screen the graphics are moved over to one side. (Angelo Salese)

04227: [Misc.] Multiple Typos with Receive spelled Recieve

04226: [Documentation] sfiii2: Typing errors for SFIII2_970204 used instead of the right SFIII2_970930 (David Haywood)

Source Changes

Rewrote IOX key matrix device implementation, used by Super Real Mahjong Part 2/3 [Angelo Salese]

Removed ROM patches and added working player 2 inputs in Super Real Mahjong Part 3 [Angelo Salese]

Fix compiling on GCC 4.6 prerelease [Belegdol]

Added information screen output for any game known to have bad or missing data in order to better inform the user as to the reason their emulation may not work as expected. [Alex Jackson]

Removed ROM patch in Super Real Mahjong Part 2 [Angelo Salese]

Cleaned up iox implementation in Speed Attack [Angelo Salese]

Rewritten Speed Attack video routines from scratch, also fixed screen flipping in it [Angelo Salese]

Define new macro ALLOW_SAVE_TYPE which can be used to declare enums as valid save types on a case-by-case basis. Updated the cosmac CPU core to do this for its mode and state enums, which were previously failing. [Aaron Giles]

Added a new sound device: Oki MSM9810: [Andrew Gardner]

Added and hooked up volume table.

Added preliminary ADPCM2 support.

Added sub-table lookups.

Added OPT command.

Implemented on-chip interpolation & status read.

Implemented PAN command and stereo mixing.

destroyr.c driver minor improvements [hap]:

proper addressmap masks

added 30132-01.k4 rom, duplicate of 30132-01.f4

added version O1 romset, dumped by Siftware

Added shortname to devices in order to make ROM loading per device possible. [Miodrag Milanovic]

ksys573, naomi: Device-ify the security flashes and the dallas id chip. [O. Galibert]

Fix the interpolation coefficient shifts for the tms5xxx chips based on results of simulating the circuit from the patent. [Lord Nightmare]

mame_file is now emu_file and is a class. It is required to pass a core_options object to the constructor, along with a search path. This required pushing either a running_machine or a core_options through some code that wasn´t previously ready to handle it. emu_files can be reused over multiple open/close sessions, and a lot of core code cleaned up nicely as things were converted to them. [Aaron Giles]

Created a file_enumerator class for iterating over files in a searchpath. This replaces the old mame_openpath functions. [Aaron Giles]

Changed machine->options() to return a reference. [Aaron Giles]

Removed public nvram_open() and fixed jchan/kaneko16 to stop directly saving NVRAM. [Aaron Giles]

Removed mame_options() calls; options can only be queried from the running_machine, or by passing them along. [Aaron Giles]

Added core_options to device_validity_check() so they can be used to validate things. [Aaron Giles]

chdman: experimental incomplete .nrg disc image import [R. Belmont]

First (small) step towards driver class for megadrive-based drivers [Fabio Priuli]

Fixed LLDT [reg], LTR and LMSW instructions, and added preliminary implementations of VERR, VERW and LAR in the i386 CPU core. [Barry Rodewald]

megadriv.c: Rewritten SegaCD/MegaCD emulation [David Haywood]

cdrom.h: Added alt lba_to_msf conversion needed by SegaCD/MegaCD [David Haywood]

Replaced PSX SPU with a much more complete implementation. [pSXAuthor, R. Belmont]

Eliminated global/static variables in a number of Konami/Sega drivers by introducing/using driver_device classes. [Atari Ace]

Eliminated global/static variables in a aristocr/atlus/bfm/bmc/capcom/cinemat/dataeast drivers by introducing/using driver_device classes. [Atari Ace]

Converted atarirle to a device. [Atari Ace]

Correct SPU IRQ notification in all drivers. Fixes streaming audio in Simpsons Bowling. [R. Belmont]

Implemented address readback position registers in rf5c68 sound core [Angelo Salese]

Added HD6301 subtype to the M6800 CPU core. [Curt Coder]

Delete symbols file if defined when invoking clean target. [Curt Coder]

Used the common MC68901 device in micro3d.c. [Curt Coder]

salarymc: CD redumped [Roberto Malone, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

sigmab98: added preliminary sound to the Sammy medal games [Andrew Gardner]

tms9928a.c: Fixed colors in multicolor mode [Michael Zapf]

i386: Changed READ/WRITEPORT macros to inline functions to properly support aligned vs. unaligned writes. Fixes regressions in MESS for all drivers using the PCI bus and possibly others. [Dirk Best]

Input ports can now be added to device, names are formed as sub tags from parent device tag. [Miodrag Milanovic]

OKI MSM9810 : Added preliminary ADPCM2 support. [Andrew Gardner, Lord Nightmare]

PSX: add DMA mode used for CD transfers on home system, fix DMA bug that caused home system to freeze. [pSXAuthor, Harmony, R. Belmont]

Hash generation and general cleanup. New class hash_collection holds and manages a collection of hashes, and can be built from an internal format string which is stored with each ROM. Also compacted the form of the hash strings used for ROMs, and fixed verification/hashing of non-ZIPped files. [Aaron Giles]

snes_snd.c: fixed save state error [Fabio Priuli]

circus.c: Improved interrupt handling: circus generates them the same way as ripcord (based on sprite-bg collision), robotbwl doesn´t generate interrupts at all. [hap]

Updated DIPS and Dip Locations based on documents posted by Laschek at KLOV. [Tafoid]

SDL: GLSL now works for all pixel formats; fixed memory leak on textures [cgwg]

Eliminate statics/globals in drivers jpm/kaneko/maygay/meadows/merit/metro/midcoin/midw8080/midway/msx/namco. [Atari Ace]

Convert dooyong/edevices/eolith/exidy/gaelco/gottlieb/igs/itech/jaleco drivers to driver_device. [Atari Ace]

Decoupled some entagled drivers: [Atari Ace]

Removed unneeded #include lines (gal3.c galaxold.c asic65.c)

Split part of the driver include into a separate multi-driver include file (audio/exidy.h audio/exidy440.h audio/wiping.h machine/segag80.h)

Moved code to a new file/include to be referenced in multiple drivers (ms32crpt.[ch] opwolf.c rainbow.c)

Duplicated some code (palette related) between drivers (mainsnk rollrace sslam)

Moved a driver specific routine to a generic device file (atarimo)

Cleaned up a few include files (cubocd32 cidelsa metalmx seicross thoop2).

Fixed sound issues in Pollux, Gulf Storm and The Last Day [Tomasz Slanina]

Updated LH5801 CPU core [Sandro Ronco]

Added IO_SPACE and updated all access in ME1 memory for use it.

Implemented interrupts.

Fixed the flags in the ROL/ROR/SHL/SHR opcodes.

Fixed decimal add/sub opcodes.

i386 - Fix for exceptions that require the return address to point to the instruction at fault. [Barry Rodewald]

Fix disassembler override hook [Aaron Giles]

Fix reads for 32-bit handlers on 64-bit CPUs too. [R. Belmont]

Amiga fixes: [Roberto Zandona]

removed additional 2 cycles, in move operation, for non-Agnus registers

set to #0 the start cycle in the copper operation

PSX updates: [smf]

Fixed DICR handling.

Removed non existant root counter 3 IRQ.

Ignore root counter stop when reset is also set.

Removed custom root counters in Konami 573 driver.

DS2401: Fixed timer intervals. [smf]

Correct background color in Rougien [Angelo Salese]

M680x0 updates [Hans Ostermeyer]

Instruction cache emulated on ´020 and later

Fixed interaction between MMU and bfextu/bfexts/bfins

Added fsgldiv, fsglmul, and fscc FPU instructions

Fixed fault address in stack frame

Fixed supervisor violation bit in MMU status register

Add fmovem modes 1 and 3

Various other MMU fixes

Fixed ROM name and driver description for blkdrgon [Team Japump]

Make DEVICE_SELF work in ports. [O. Galibert]

Add specific support for the fact that setting frequency to 0 does not behave as if frequency was set to 0x400 on the Sega-manufactured PSG clone chips, whereas it does on the original TI-made ones. Fixes Sega Master System ´Vigilante´ music [Lord Nightmare, Enik]

Modified video update system: [Miodrag Milanovic]

Screen update function is now per screen device (it was before but was attached to machine driver)


EOF is now executed for all screens, so for all existing it is defined just for one screen. This part will be updated in future.

Refactored the CD32 code base to eliminate duplicate code between MAME and MESS [David Haywood]

Added overloaded input_port_read() for reading device owned input ports. [Curt Coder]

fix global flipscreen. [hap]

Naomi: implemented live M2/M3 decryption and decompression & removed trojaned data from more games. [Andreas Naive, Olivier Galibert, Deunan Knute, Cah4e3, R. Belmont]

Naomi: DMA on-the-fly decompression+XOR support [Deunan Knute, R. Belmont]

softlist wip code to add more info nodes [Fabio Priuli]

seta2.c update: [Luca Elia]

Horizontal clipping of "tilemap" sprites

Shadows emulation

sigmab98: added sammymdl BIOS and hardware info [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

Updated pangofun.c and pcat_dyn.c to use common PC emulation [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

AICA: Correct slotmon readback. Streaming sounds now advance in e.g. capsnk. [R. Belmont]

Converted nichibut/nintendo/nix drivers to use a driver_device. [Atari Ace]

Fixed attotime max() function to not be a copy of min(). Fixes several regressions in the scheduler after the recent attotime object conversion. [Aaron Giles]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status

Hae Hae Ka Ka Ka [Luca Elia, Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Pye-nage Taikai [Luca Elia, Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Taihou de Doboon [Luca Elia, Gnoppi, john666, Gerald (COY), Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix - Link Ver (GE885 VER. JAB) [smf]
Guilty Gear X 1.5 [gamerfan, TrevEB, Falcone, M. Viste, john666, Cah4e3, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Tetris Fighters (not working) [Kevin Eshbach, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Brasil 86 [Roberto Fresca, Rob Ragon]
Brasil 87 [Roberto Fresca, Rob Ragon]
Brasil 89 (set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Rob Ragon]
Brasil 93 [Roberto Fresca, Rob Ragon]
Reel´N Quake [Luca Elia, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

New clones added

Whirlwind (LG-3) [desturk]
Real Mahjong Gold Yumehai (BET version of Super Real Mahjong Part 3) [Chackn] (not working)
Real Mahjong Gold Yumehai / Super Real Mahjong GOLD part.2 (BET version of Super Real Mahjong Part 3) [Chackn, Angelo Salese]
Video Hustler (Dynamo Games) [TrevEB]
Hot Memory (V1.1, Germany) [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Pigskin 621AD (rev 2.0 7/06/90) [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver UA, set 1) [Irongiant]
Bubble Pong Pong (clone of Miss Bubble 2) [David Haywood, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Knights of Valour 2 / Sangoku Senki 2 (ver. 101, 101, 100HK) [tafoid]
Monopoly (3.01) [Miodrag Milanovic]
Monopoly (2.51) [destruk]
Monopoly (2.33) [destruk]
Austin Powers (3.01) [destruk]
Austin Powers (3.00) [Miodrag Milanovic]
Austin Powers (2.01) [Miodrag Milanovic]
Maverick (Display Rev. 4.00) [destruk]
Cut The Cheese (Redemption)[destruk]
Cut The Cheese Deluxe (Redemption)[destruk]
Night Rider (rev. 21) [destruk]
Eight Ball Deluxe (rev. 14) [destruk]
Lord Of The Rings, The (9,8,7,401)(En,Sp,Ger,Fr,It) [destruk, Miodrag Milanovic]
Elvis (4.00,3.03,3.02) (En,Sp,It,Fr,Ger) [destruk, Miodrag Milanovic]
Ripley´s Believe It or Not! (3.10,3.02,3.00) (En,Sp,It,Fr,Ger) [destruk, Miodrag Milanovic]
Sharkey´s Shootout (2.07) (En,Ger,Fr,It) [Miodrag Milanovic]
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2.05) (En,Sp,Fr,It) [Miodrag Milanovic]
Playboy (3.03,3.00) (En,Sp,Fr,It,Ger) [Miodrag Milanovic]
Roller Coaster Tycoon (7.01,4.00) (En,Sp,Fr,It,Ger) [Miodrag Milanovic]
Magic Train (Clear NVRAM ROM?) (not working) [Grull Osgo, Roberto Fresca]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING

GunMania (GL906 VER. JAA) [smf]
Fighting Mania (QG918 VER. EAA) [smf]
Fighting Mania (QG918 VER. AAA) [smf]
Punch Mania: Hokuto No Ken (GQ918 VER. JAB) [smf]
Punch Mania: Hokuto No Ken (GQ918 VER. JAB, ALT CD) [smf]
Fighting Mania (QG918 VER. KAA) [smf]
Fighting Mania (QG918 VER. UAA) [smf]
Punch Mania 2: Hokuto No Ken (GQA09 JAA) [smf]
DrumMania 4th Mix (G*A25 VER. JAA) [smf]
DrumMania 5th Mix (G*B05 VER. JAA) [smf]
Guitar Freaks 7th Mix (G*B17 VER. JAA) [smf]
Martial Beat (Martial Beat (G*B47 VER. JBA) [smf]
DrumMania 7th Mix power-up ver. (G*C07 VER. JBA) [smf]
DrumMania 7th Mix (G*C07 VER. JAA) [smf]
Guitar Freaks 8th Mix power-up ver. (G*C08 VER. JBA) [smf]
Guitar Freaks 8th Mix (G*C08 VER. JAA) [smf]
DrumMania 8th Mix (G*C38 VER. JAA) [smf]
Guitar Freaks 9th Mix (G*C39 VER. JAA) [smf]
DrumMania 9th Mix (G*D09 VER. JAA) [smf]
Guitar Freaks 10th Mix (G*D10 VER. JAB) [smf]
Guitar Freaks 10th Mix (G*D10 VER. JAA) [smf]
Guitar Freaks 10th Mix eAmusement (G*D10 VER. JBA) [smf]
DrumMania 10th Mix (G*D40 VER. JAA) [smf]
Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 2 (Japan) (Rev. B) (GDS-0026B) [The Dumping Union]
Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 2 (Export) (GDS-0027) [Gerald, The Dumping Union]
Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 3 (Japan) (Rev. C) (GDS-0032C) [f205v, The Dumping Union]
The Rumble Fish 2 [Guru, R. Belmont]
Point Blank 3 (GNN2 Ver. A) [Kevin Eshbach, hap, D. Edwardson, Paratech, ranger_lennier, M. Ponweiser, T. Petersen, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Uchuu Daisakusen: Chocovader Contactee (CVC1 Ver. A) [R. Mucciarelli, W. Belk, Yohji, Roberto Malone, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]


gbpablog v0.8

News via AEP

gbpablog is a new, cross-platform Nintendo Game Boy emulator available for Windows, Linux and Mac Os.

gbpablog 0.8 (2011-02-26)

Added the possibility to change the keys on the keyboard
Added support for drag & drop roms
Added load of roms from command line
Added a menu list of recent roms
Added support for the roms with battery to save the state to a file and restore it in a later execution
Fixed bug with interruptions that prevented to start some games or produced graphic errors in others
Other minor changes


File Releases

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