MAME4ALL New Version
Posted by Wraggster @ 07:47 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Kech posted this news/release:
Hello Everybody! This is my second port
this is the mame4all released originally by sazuke2911 for the psp, but with some improvements, like
- More compatibility
- Now, the "home" key works to get out of the game that is running, and to get out of the emulator
- Is based in the last version make by chui of the mamegp32x 2.3
And now (i hope you like this), i'm working in the posibility of load the games throught Wi-Fi! it's working with a ROM, but i need to work more in it so in the future i hope will work perfectly!
Download at Release Thread -->
PSPSIM: A SamCoupé Emulator for PSP v1.0.2
Posted by Wraggster @ 07:42 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
New News/Release by ZX-81
Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPSim the SamCoupé Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.2 :
- Add normal screen, zoom x1.5, x1.75 and x2 modes !
- Major speed optimizations (now full speed at 333Mhz)
- Change default keyboard mapping
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license,
read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.
Enjoy, :D
Download at Release Thread ->
PSPColem: A ColecoVision Emulator for PSP v1.0.3 (final ?)
Posted by Wraggster @ 07:37 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
New News/Release by ZX-81:
Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPColem the Colecovision Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.3 :
- Add Load/Save/Del states menu !
- Add .col as valid extention for rom files
- Bug Fix: emulator configuration is now properly loaded on startup.
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public licence,
read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.
This version should be the last one, only if major bugs are found ;)
Enjoy, :D
Download at release thread -->
pSX emulator 1.5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 12:34 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Playstation
| • Added screenshot feature
• Fixed GTE bug that caused graphical glitches in Legend of Legia
• Fixed minor CDROM emulation bug
• Adjusted GPU DMA timing to fix MDEC hangs in some games (Legend of Legia)
• Check mask bit for lines (fixes DragonWarrior 7 menus)
• Fixed spelling of "Quicksave" (yes, I suppose I am a "d u m b a s s" ;)
• Use exe name for quicksaves (quicksaves are now per game)
• Changed key assignments for quicksave (F1-F5=load, F6-F10=save)
• Reset button for gamma/brightness/contrast in graphics dialog now works
• ESC now quits emulator (in addition to ALT+F4)
• Added DMA breakpoints
• Fixed some miscellaneous debugger bugs
pSX emulator Official Site
pSX emulator 1.5
ZSNES WIP May 27th Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:29 AM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
| • ALL: Finally implemented Anomie's Matrix formula for Mode 7. Fixed Energy Breakers world map, IOG intro and some other stuff without breaking anything to my knowledge (hires mode7 still has issues). [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Cleaned up DSP code again, this time without removing code that was needed ;) [pagefault]
• ALL: DSP1 - fixed up Op02 and Op06, and cleaned out the code from old garbage. Thanks The Dumper for the logs and Andreas Naive for reverse engineering the last very hard opcode. [Nach]
• ALL: Made mouse detection more verbose, and the reason for ManyMouse failing clear. [Nach]
• ALL: Removed a useless cmd line option (-sn). [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Some optimisations. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Removed special timing for EHi roms. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Fixed info for -p. [Deathlike]
• ALL: Prevented 'auto state save/load' & 'auto increment state slot' from interacting. Former takes precedence. [grinvader]
• ALL: Fixed % to execute setting. [Deathlike]
• ALL: Smarter re-rewind doesn't lose any state, without any overhead. [grinvader]
• W_S: Added custom resolutions for S modes (Windows port) & F modes (SDL port) . Made SDL config file more verbose. [Deathlike, Nach]
• SDL: Some overhauling to the configure script, now using non-obsolete autoconf syntax. Updated year-old config.guess and .sub, as well. [grinvader]
• SDL: Made resizing (Variable OGL mode) center ZSNES output with unchanged ratio (ODR) [NBondoux].
• SDL: Added new OGL video mode, which behaves like the old variable mode (ODS). [grinvader]
• WIN: Updated wheel handling. [Nach]
• MOV: Option that causes more harm than help in most movies removed. [grinvader]
• PSR: No longer outputting C or config file comments in lines that are not to be included. [Nach]
• TOL: Updated archopt for Pentium 3 mobile, and new SSE3 Pentium M. [Nach]
• DOC: Updated authors list somewhat. [Nach]
• DOC: Removed Energy Breaker from todo list. [Jonas Quinn]
• SRC: Made Linux mouse error code use smaller buffer. [Nach]
• SRC: Made a switch to disable JMA in builds, fixed a typo in the manpage, dropped pitiful attempts at detecting x86-64. [grinvader]
• SRC: Removed unneeded code. [Nach, Jonas Quinn, grinvader]
• SRC: Fixed MSVC warnings [Jonas Quinn]
ipher's ZSNES WIP Site
ZSNES WIP May 27th
EmuSMS v1.0 and EmuGG v1.0 released! (Game Gear and Master System Emus for PSP)
Posted by Wraggster @ 09:39 PM CET | Comments: 1 | PSP
fredjmh123 has just released his 3rd and 4th emulator of the day for the PSP, heres the info from him:
Here is a port of SMSplus of Charles Mac Donald.
I splitted the emulation for the SMS and the Game Gear.
Don't think that I am a fast programmer!
It was indeed eqsy to re-compile the code for the PSP but all the honnor should go to the original programmers of those great emulators!
By default scaling is disabled but by editing the options.cfg file you can change the frame skip, disable vsync and change the scaling factor.
Scaling=1 scales normally.
Scaling=2 will create scanlines
Scaling is quite poor but ok...
Still same crappy UI for the roms selection...
I hope you will enjoy!
Download at the release thread -->
PSPCAP32: Amstrad CPC Emulator for PSP v1.0.9
Posted by Wraggster @ 05:11 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
News from ZX-81
Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPCAP32 the CPC Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.9 :
- New keyboard files from Loic Daneels (more than 270 games !)
- In the key mapping editor, PSP keys can now be left unassigned
- Add Analog pad mapping (in .kbd file format and in the key mapping editor)
- Modify the exit key sequence, it's now Start+L+R to avoid conflict with IR-shell.
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file !
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in the zip archive.
This package is under GPL Copyright, read COPYING file for more information about it.
Release Thread -->
PSPSIM: A SamCoupé Emulator for PSP v1.0.1
Posted by Wraggster @ 05:10 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
News from ZX-81
Hi All,
SimCoupe emulates a SAM Coupe - an 8-bit, Z80-based home computer released in 1989 by Miles Gordon Technology. For more information on the machine itself, including history and technical specification you can go on the SimCoupe web site
Originally developed for UNIX and DOS systems by Allan Skillman, it has been then improved and ported to SDL by Simon Owen, Dave Laundon.
I've sucessfully modified, and port the source code of the CVS version 0.90 beta 4 of SamCoupe.
It's now working fine on PSP !
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
It's a first beta release and work still remain (speed, save state etc ...)
Release Thread -->
PSPColem: A ColecoVision Emulator for PSP v1.0.1
Posted by Wraggster @ 05:09 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
New Colecovision emulator for the PSP by ZX-81
Heres the info:
Hi All,
ColEm is one of the best emulator of the ColecoVision videogame system written by Marat Fayzullin. It's running on FreeBSD, HP-UX, SunOS, Solaris, Linux, and other Unix systems.
There are also ports to MacOS, MSDOS, Windows, OS/2, PocketPC and other
systems. See for further informations.
I've sucessfully modified, and port the source code of the Unix version 1.0 of ColEm.
It's now working fine on PSP !
It's a first beta release and work still remain (sound support, save state etc ...)
Release Thread -->
GameEx 6.17 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:49 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • GameEx now features 7-ZIP GoodMerge support!
• Fixes issues with Most Played
• Fixes Emulator game information page sometimes not showing information from database when setting to remove brackets not used.
• Added additional 3 emulators slots in the configuration application
• Should hopefully fix auto update loop because of caching
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 6.17
clrmamepro 3.88 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:45 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • misc: switched officially to a VS2005 compile, compressed with upx2
• fixed: unneeded chds get skipped when romset is ok and chd is stored in a folder with a higher rompath index
• fixed: fix missing rom can pickup a chd rompath subfolder instead of an existing rom zipfile
• fixed: Linux/WINE UpdateTipText() functions cause window update issues
• fixed: Linux/WINE AfxMessageBox don't appear
• fixed: Linux/WINE removed some LockWindowUpdate() to prevent some warnings
clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.88
Gens 2.14 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 02:23 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Genesis
| No, you're not dreaming, a new version of Gens is out.
But to be honest don't expect many changes from the last (and old) version. See it as a bugfix version.
Gens 2.12b accidently added "fake" support of sega CD save state. I just forgot to desactivate support (which was very partially implemented) before releasing the version.
With Gens 2.14 (you can get it in the download section), we now have much better support of Sega CD save state (thanks to Upthorn, he did the job here), but it's still not really safe to use it as i doesn't work every time.
SGG ENV support was desactived from the YM2612 since it brings severals bugs in the core unfortunatly.
Some others minors stuff were modified, consult the history file to know more about them.
This version is provided by DarkDancer (Thanks ;))
To be honest i don't work myself anymore on the old sources of Gens.
I started a complete rewrite of Gens sometime ago, i don't have many free time but i won't give up on that piece ;) Just be patient :)
Gens Official Site
Gens 2.14
PSPBEEB: BBC Micro Emulator for PSP v1.0.3
Posted by Wraggster @ 07:31 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 has updated his BBC Micro Emulator for the PSP, heres his newspost:
Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPBEEB the BBC Micro Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.3 :
- New Speed optimization
- Add screen resize menu (x1.25, x1.5, x2)
- Add .img disk file support
- Add a file (run.txt) to specify association between the disk name and
the name of the program to run (file yyy.img -> CHAIN"xxx")
- Add Analog pad mapping (in .kbd file format and in the key mapping editor)
- Add shortcut to *CAT and CHAIN"xxx" command
- Option to swap between cursor and analog pad is now working
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file !
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in the zip archive.
Sources are included, and this package is under "Beebem" license, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.
Download atthe release thread here -->
Mednafen 0.6.1 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:49 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| PCE: The HuC6280 disassembler now gives @ZP hints for BBR and BBS instructions.
NES: Increased the effectiveness of frame-skipping.
Removed unnecessary sound buffer copying if the source format == device format in SexyAL, which is true most of the time.
Fixed a bug that was causing a crash in the cheat interface when trying to list cheats, under Win32.
Fixed a bug in the settings loading code that forced the user to resort to manual creation of ~/.mednafen/mednafen.cfg on some operating systems(*BSD, OS/X). It was being caused by 'errno' being modified between the attempt to open the settings file, and the test 'if(errno == ENOENT)'.
Silent sound will now be outputted when in step mode in the debugger. Windows users' ears rejoice!
Added a strtod() replacement that recognizes both "." and "," as valid radix characters, regardless of the current locale, and modified settings.cpp to use it.
Lynx: Removed some unused code.
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.6.1
ScummVM DS 0.61 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 07:03 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| • Added MP3 compressed speech support (although it can cause the games to slow down)
• Fixed save path bug
• Improved touchscreen accuracy
• Fixed GBA flashcart reading bug
• Fixed some graphical glitches
• Fixed Loom save bug
• Fixed another Loom audio bug
Please note, if you use an SD card, you risk data corruption, as the drivers are not fully stable. Please back up the contents of your SD card before you play.
ScummVM DS Official Site
ScummVM DS 0.61
Mednafen 0.6.0 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:33 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
| Mednafen 0.6.0 is out. It may be a little buggy, so please report any bugs or problems on the forum, especially if they weren't in previous versions.
Notable changes include:
- Reduced input latency for GBA and PCE emulation.
- Implemented blargg's NTSC blitter, an an option.
- Added support for MusePack playback with PC Engine CD emulation.
- PC Engine CD-DA playback from Ogg Vorbis files should be much faster now.
- Added a debugger, currently only implemented for NES and PC Engine. It is still a work-in-progress, however.
- Added a cheat searching and manaagement interface, as well as a new shiny(and ugly) cheat file format, with one cheat file per system. An "official" cheats file for PC Engine games will be released in the future.
- NES emulation should run faster now on cache-starved systems.
- Attempted to add PC-FX emulation, but it is in a state of...nonworkingness. At least the PC-FX BIOS' intro sound plays(provided your BIOS dump is good).
Full changelog:
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.6.0
SnesPSP_TYL 0.4.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 01:26 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
| • [FIX] key combo are now allowed in game when not assigned to a specific feature (L+R, ...).
• [FIX] annoying ingame popups ("3", ...) should be gone.
• [FIX] sound issues after loading a savestate should be gone.
• [FIX] noise issue when starting a game fixed.
• [FIX] now should exit without crashing on psp 2.xx.
• [FIX] uncompressed rom now have loading progress bar too.
• [FIX] improved ips patch handling, still not perfect. Try to IPS patch your game before putting them on PSP.
• [FIX] credits screen fixed.
• [NEW] me version : started to implement a "pseudo sleep mode". psp clock is reduced, screen is turned off and buttons won't respond. however, the backlight cannot be switched off automatically, neither the psp put to real sleep mode. hold the display button for 2s to completely turn off the LCD.
• [NEW] GUI reworked a bit.
• [NEW] beep sounds when selecting stuff in menu & file browser can now be turned off in menu / misc / pad beep.
• [NEW] sound output volume doubled.
• [NEW] added a 300Mhz setting for eLoader 0.97 (333Mhz won't work on this eLoader version, because of wifi : thx fanjita ;-) )
• [NEW] savestate export to snes9x (using snes9x slot 1). Copy the SAVES/.000 to your PC and load in snes9x.
• [NEW] little intro :-) Press a button to skip it if you don't like it :p
SnesPSP_TYL Official Site
SnesPSP_TYL 0.4.2
ZSNES WIP May 14th Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 01:23 PM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
| • ALL: Rejoice for much more complete DSP-3 code. [Nach]
• ALL: Fixed two hacks to work properly. Deae Tonosama Appare Ichiban and Lamborghini - American Challenge are working again. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Fixed SRAM Mapping. Dezaemon, Tokimeki Memorial, Fire Emblem - Thracia 776, Dragon Knight 4 and some others are fixed, now. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Fixed missing game info on load if you used the battery feature. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Fixed OBC-1 code. [Jonas Quinn]
• ALL: Trim top two lines from top of screen when using NTSC filter because it seems to want to draw green crap there [pagefault]
• W_S: Finally fixed the most annoying bug ever. ZSNES will no longer jump back into the GUI randomly if you press F2 / F4 or some other buttons repeatedly. Special thanks to Dan for the clues on how to recreate it. [Jonas Quinn]
• WIN: Win 1600x1200 modes are now really x1200 [grinvader]
• WIN: Disable vsync when fast forwarding, inspired by pSXAuthor [pagefault]
• WIN: NTSC filter now usable in all windowed modes that are DR [pagefault]
• GUI: Tell the user that dual mice are not detected when enabled and they really aren't there [pagefault]
• SRC: Removed Super Final Match Tennis hack because it does nothing [Jonas Quinn]
• SRC: Removed hacks for Human Grand Prix 1 & 2, since the hack is only for HGP3 [Jonas Quinn]
• SRC: Removed useless code, and fixed typo in uic.c [Jonas Quinn]
• SRC: Improved CPU detection for 64 bit CPUs. [Nach]
• WIP: Now using the SVN repository, SVN revision number is now included in the changelog. [ipher]
• WIP: Now using mingw32 to compile ZSNESW. [ipher]
ipher's ZSNES WIP Site
ZSNES WIP May 14th
MAMEPSP Beta 0.01!
Posted by Wraggster @ 01:48 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
MikeDX has released the first Beta of his port of MAME to the PSP, heres the details from the coder himself:
It's been a hard slog and I've lost a lot of sleep over it, but here it is. I hope you all enjoy it and give me LOTS of feedback!
The readme:
This is BETA software. I make or offer no warranties with this software
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! It has been thoroughly tested and has known problems.
If you feel like donating via paypal please send to:
[email protected]
Alternatively (and maybe also ;) ) please visit and use the search engine to find yerself some ebay bargains. Each person who bids using my site will put a few pence my way and that will help me out (and will not cost you anything!
The following games are known to run near perfecty on MAMEPSP:
(hint, try romnation ;) )
Ping Pong - pingpong
Kung-Fu Master - kungfum
Vulgus (Set 1) - vulgus
Pirate Ship Higemaru - higemaru
Son Son - sonson
Tetris (set 1) - atetris
Commando (world) - commando
Ghosts'n Goblins (World? set 1) - gng
1942 (set 1) - 1942
Jr. Pac-Man - jrpacman
Pengo (aset 1 rev c) - pengo
Crazy Climber (US) - cclimber
Jail Break - jailbrek
Green Beret - gberet
Mat Mania - matmania
Ms. Pac-Man - mspacman
Scramble - scramble
Amidar - amidar
PuckMan (Japan set 1) - puckman
Galaxian (Namco set 1) - galaxian
Track & Field - trackfld
Flicky (128k Ver.) - flicky
Wonderboy (set 1) - wboy
Arkanoid (World) - arkanoid
Frogger - frogger
Mario Bros (US) - mario
Bagman - bagman
Space Invaders - invaders
Bomb Jack (set 1) - bombjack
Lady Bug - ladybug
Mr Do! - mrdo
Mikie - mikie
Kicker - kicker
Defender (Red label) - defender
Robotron (Solid Blue label) - robotron
Joust (White/Green label) - joust
PUT ROMS (zipped preferably) to
X:PSPGAMEMAMEPSP (where X is your PSP)
select - credit
start - 1p start
X,O etc - player buttons
L - in game menu (and menu in frontend)
R - pause/unause
D-PAD - joystick controls
L+R (ingame) - QUIT to menu
This version of mame has issues where the ram may not be freed correctly but
this will be fixed in future versions.
Source code avaiable on request and will be uploaded as a seperate archive
to the forums at
Happy gaming!
Thanks to:
Wraggster, Martin64 for hosting
Eggman for testing
Suze, my beautiful girlfriend for putting up with my nerdiness for hours on end :)
And you, for downloading and using this program!
Download and Give Feedback at the official site here -->
Excellent work :)
PSPBEEB A BBC Micro Emulator for PSP v1.0.2 !
Posted by Wraggster @ 01:11 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 again updated his BBC Micro emulator for the PSP, heres his newspost:
Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPBEEB the BBC Micro Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.2 :
- Add missing keys in the virtual keyboard
- Add Zip archive support for disk files (.ssd ...), keyboard (.kbd) and state files (.uef).
- Add Load/Save/Del emulator states menu
- Add menu to change the BBC hardware Model
- Add a frameskip option
- Speed optimization (frame display)
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file !
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in the zip archive.
Sources are included, and this package is under "Beebem" licence, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.
Enjoy, :D
Download at the release thread here -->
PSPVice The C64 emulator for the PSP v0.4 Beta2
Posted by Wraggster @ 01:04 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Christophe has released a new beta version of his Commodore64 emulator Vice for the PSP.
Heres whats new:
Bug fixed :
- Sound is now better
- Sound is not disabled when loading a quick snapshot
- True Drive emulation is now "off" after reset (drive-ressource.c)
What is still not working :
- True drive emulation is not working (Same problem on PC when Drive8Type=0 in config.ini instead of Drive8Type=1541).
GameEx 6.10 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:08 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • Automatic updates has a new option to just prompt when a new version is available and ask if it should be downloaded. This is now the default setting
• For when GameEx is running on a cab or TV for days, GameEx will check for updates once a day. So you can do an automatic update without having to restart
• Fixes issue where Jukebox in windows media mode would not scan and list FLAC files
• A few other things under the hood to make my life easier
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 6.10
SMSAdvance 1.5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:06 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
| * Fixed volume attenuation.
* Fixed soundclicks in rom selection menu.
* Fixed a bug with the new sprite collision.
* Fixed some bugs with the sprites in Mode 0 & 2.
* Fixed a rare background bug in Mode 0, 1 & 2.
* Fixed cpu timing for both PAL & NTSC (confirmed on real HW).
* Better update timing in PAL mode.
* More colorful SG-1000 palette.
* Optimised BIT7 instructions.
* Optimised some of the shift instructions.
* Optimised DD/FD instructions.
SMSAdvance Official Site
SMSAdvance 1.5
PSPBEEB A BCC Micro Emulator for PSP v1.0.1 !
Posted by Wraggster @ 08:03 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81 has released a new BBC Micro emulator for the PSP, heres his newspost:
Hi All,
BeebEm is a famous emulator of the BCC Micro computer series running on both windows and unix. (see beebem )
Originally developed for UNIX systems in 1994 by David Alan Gilbert, it was then ported to windows by Richard Gellman and Mike Wyatt in 1997. At the start of October 2005, David Eggleston started porting the current Windows version of BeebEm (version 2.3) to FreeBSD.
I've sucessfully modified, and port the source code of the 0.0.4 version from Dave Eggleston using PSPSDK environment. It's now working fine on PSP !
It has been developped on linux for Firmware 2.5 using the great GTA eloader (0.97), but it should work properly on other firmwares.I've integrated a 1.5FW binary version (kxploit).
How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.
It's a first beta release and work still remain ...
Sources are included, and this package is under "Beebem" licence, read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.
PS: Special thanks to Danzel and Jeff Chen for their virtual keyboard, and to all PSPSDK developpers.
Enjoy, :)
Download at the release thread here -->
DGEN for PSP v1.50 Released
Posted by Wraggster @ 07:54 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Syn-z has updated his DGEN for PSP to v.1.50. DGEN is an excellent Sega Genesis/Megadrive emulator for PSP and probably the best for the PSP. Previously, Syn-z added ad-hoc WiFi multiplayer support to replace the earlier IRDA multiplayer-ness.
Heres whats New:
- Shadow/Highlight mode support
- Added 6-button mode ON/OFF in Key Config
- Added "Palette Mode" in [CONFIG]
- Added "Fix Checksum" in [CONFIG]
- Press Analog Up + X to reset the current game
- Fixed some issues in some games
MAME4ALL Alpha 1
Posted by Wraggster @ 02:31 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Dreamcast
MAME Emulator for the Dreamcast By Chui, heres his newspost:
Main changes:
- Hardware video scaled.
- Previous menu for choosing a MAME4ALL.
- New skin by DarkSlain.
- VSync Option.
- Filechache for speed up loading time.
- A lot of minnor fixes.
Also MAMEGP2X 2.3 changes incluided:
- Bugs solved:
Bug in the sound with some games (Bomb Jack, Pinball Action, etc).
Bug with games with I8085 processor (Phoenix runs with sound again).
Screen centering in the not scaled + rotated video mode.
- Some changes by Slaanesh:
New playable games: Robocop, Hippodrome.
Sound improvements: Sly Spy, Midnight Resistance, Dark Seal, Juno First.
Control Improvements: Midnight Resistance, Heavy Barrel, Ikari Warriors, Victory Road, Defender.
Optimizations: Galaga.
Other improvements: Time Pilot, Pooyan, Tutankham, Gyruss.
- Modified romset (MAME 0.35b5): Sly Spy (revision 3) (slyspy)
- Support for 3 new romsets (MAME 0.35b5):
Boulderdash / Boulderdash Part 2 (bouldash), Sly Spy (revision 2) (slyspy2), Gate Of Doom (revision 4) (gatedoma)
Downloads and more info at MAME4ALL Site.
Monkey64 V2.0
Posted by Wraggster @ 12:28 AM CET | Comments: 2 | PSP
PSMonkey has released the newest version of his excellent Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP which plays a lot of Commercial roms now, heres a few screens:
| Yeah Yeah, The next build of monkey64 is here. Here is the readme file.
Well go enjoy, you spam monkeys!!
-- Readme --
// Monkey 64 v2.0
// Monkey 64 by PSMonkey
// -- --
// Icon by pochi
This emulator is not in an advance state yet. It runs commercial roms but with glitches & speed issues.
Please give me time to be able to advance the emulator far enough to play more games at a reasonable speed.
Please also do not bother me regarding the speed. It is running off a pure interpreter core which
is slow. I will get a dynamic recompiler core in as soon as I can get things much further.
Please note that before running a rom you must set the proper microcode. If you do not set the proper microcode
the game could crash your psp or show up incorrectly. Please see compatibility.html for a list of proper microcodes
for each game.
// Info
Monkey64 is an n64 emulator started from scratch that takes the psp limitations into consideration. The
ultimate goal is solid n64 emulation at 30-60fps on the psp. This will not come instantly but maybe 6 months
now it will be a reality.
At the current time Monkey64 supports a large array of n64 homebrew / PD roms that draw to the framebuffer & commercial roms.
While not all commercial roms run & the ones that do are a bit glitchy, things are improving on a daily basis.
// Change List
- 2.0 -
.) Way too much to list, Commercial roms work.
.) Fast 3D/SW 2.0, Fast 3D Ext, F3DEX1.0 & F3DEX2.0 Microcodes supported
.) Many gfx & Hle issues still exist. Missing a surface clipper & n64 combiner support.
.) 4Kb Eeprom supported
- (if you wish to use your eeproms from pc emu's, rename them the same as the rom and change the extension to .epr)
- 1.0 -
.) First Release, Runs a majority of homebrew roms that render directly to the CFB.
// To Use
1) Create a folder labeled "n64" on the root of your memory stick.
2) Copy your roms into the "n64" folder (roms MUST NOT be zipped).
..) Example "G:n64" (replace G: with your psp drive letter)
3) Copy the files from the folder containing your psp version number
..) Example, 1.0 users will go into "1.0 or 2.0" folder and copy the psp directory to the root of the memory stick.
4) Run the software :)
// Controls
// Menu
Up & Down - Change Selection
Left & Right - Change Option
X / Cross - Select
// In Game
Left Trigger & Select - Capture Screenshot (stored in location of eboot.pbp)
Select - Exit Emulation
// N64 Controls
DPad - DPad
Analog - Analog
Start - Start
R Trig - Z Trig
If L Trig Held
Triangle - C Up
Circle - C Right
Cross - C Down
Square - C Left
Square - L Trig
Triangle - R Trig
Cross - B Button
Circle - A Button
// Thanks & Greetings
Zilmar & PJ64 Team, Lac, Strmnnrmn, GPF, $n!pR, Wally, Evab3va, Psyco, wraggster,
Pochi, Zeenbor, Clessy & all at dcemu!
-- NOTICE --
No rom request or your account will be banned. I'm not joking on this either.
Download and Give Feedback at the OFFICIAL PSMONKEY SITE HERE -->
GameEx 6.03 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:21 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • By popular request: Two new themes included in install: RedEx MCE, and RedEx Arcade
• Thanks to Headkaze for providing updated images, and thanks to Rob for the original versions
• Fixes slide show transition when not using alpha blend
• Create MAME videos now works if using a V2 theme
• Create MAME Videos will now create videos for clones when the parent rom is not in the games list. In other words, it should create videos for every single game you have listed in GameEx.
• New Bezel feature will now detect and use existing artwork if found.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 6.03
MAME GP2X 2.3 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 08:22 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
| - Bugs in previous MAME GP2X 2.2 solved:
Bug in the sound with some games (Bomb Jack, Pinball Action, etc).
Bug with games with I8085 processor (Phoenix runs with sound again).
Screen centering in the not scaled + rotated video mode.
- Some changes from MAME GP32 2.0 and 2.1 by Slaanesh:
New playable games: Robocop, Hippodrome.
Sound improvements: Sly Spy, Midnight Resistance, Dark Seal, Juno First.
Control Improvements: Midnight Resistance, Heavy Barrel, Ikari Warriors, Victory Road, Defender.
Optimizations: Galaga.
Other improvements: Time Pilot, Pooyan, Tutankham, Gyruss.
- Modified romset (MAME 0.35b5): Sly Spy (revision 3) (slyspy)
- Support for 3 new romsets (MAME 0.35b5):
Boulderdash / Boulderdash Part 2 (bouldash), Sly Spy (revision 2) (slyspy2), Gate Of Doom (revision 4) (gatedoma)
- NOTE: The sound quality is worse in some games (CPS1, Neo·Geo, etc) due to the optimizations done in sound cores.
To disable those hacks and get the same sound quality than in previous MAME GP2X versions, select "ACCURATE" sound option.
MAME GP2X Official Site
B-EM 1.1 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 08:19 PM CET | Comments: 0 | BBC Micro
| • Can now emulate a Model B with 1770 FDC
• Better mode 7 emulation - many programs improved, eg Granny's Garden
• Added cursor to modes 0-6
• Altered video timing a little
• Added more commands to 1770 FDC - Watford DDFS now works (single density only)
• Some optimisations to video code
• Update VGM logging to latest spec
B-EM Official Site
B-EM 1.1
SnesTYL v0.4
Posted by Wraggster @ 02:05 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Yoyofr has posted the new release of the Best Snes emulator for the PSP:
main new features :
- adhoc 2 players mode. both player need to launch the same rom
- full sound emulation on media engine for ME version
- new GUI
- small fixes for lots of stuff
- SPC player
- seems however slower when launched in no sound (not emulated) mode, perhaps related to the latest pspsdk... have to analyze this.
Since v0.3, there's 2 versions :
- standard, running in user mode, allowing firmware 2.0+ psp.
- me, running in kernel mode and using the Media Engine for sound mixing, only working on firmware 1.0 & 1.5 psp.
Download at official site -->
PSPCAP32 the CPC Emulator for PSP v1.0.8
Posted by Wraggster @ 01:56 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
ZX-81again updated his Amstrad Emulator for the PSP, heres the news from him:
| Hi All, Here is a new version of PSPCAP32 the CPC Emulator for PSP.
What's new in version 1.0.8 :
- New Speed optimization (Up to 30% faster on many games)
- Add Screenshot save feature (Save up to 10 screenshots in the pspcap32/scr directory)
- Add Configuration file load/save option (if a file pspcap32.cfg is present, it is then loaded on startup)
- Add Background image
- New Keyboard pack files (from Loic Daneels)
Download at the release thread here -->
CPCast Updated Release
Posted by Wraggster @ 11:26 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Dreamcast
LTK has posted a new version of CPCast the Amstrad CPC Emulator for the Dreamcast, heres whats new via translation:
| New version of CPCast. Still one is a quite primitive version of which it is expected is the final version. There are enough quite significant changes and, Here a list
- A little more speed.
- Partial support of virtual keyboard
- Feasible Selecionable from images DSK
- Car writing of run " exec_file in the modoemulador
- Fosforito Ways/Color
- Intensity of selectionable Monitor
- Directional Pad mapping with the keys Or, P, Q, To, SPACE,
- (Perhaps) with no need of keyboard
GameEx 6.01 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:46 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • Jukebox will now look in the song folder for folder.png/jpg and album.png/jpg album art before attempting to download. Not entirely sure whether it was WMP that downloaded these but on my system I already have folder.jpg images and there hidden
• The Forum news feed is now included when selecting News from the application. Great for keeping up with whats going on without reaching for a keyboard!
• For registered users theres now an option under Basic MAME settings, to have GameEx dynamically create and use Bezel artwork for vertical games running on a horizontal display. Click the help link in the config app for more info
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 6.01
ScummVM DS 0.6 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:33 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
| • New games supported: Beneath a Steel Sky, Flight of the Amazon Queen, Gobliiins, and Simon the Sorcerer 1/2
• Added support for Supercard SD and M3 SD.
• Added new DS Options menu (hit select to use it).
• Added touchscreen offset options.
• Added new touchscreen reading code from libnds.
• Fixed screen size issues in FM-TOWNS games.
• Moved to the latest ScummVM codebase from their SVN repository.
• Made on-screen keyboard work anywhere in the game.
• Fixed build issues to use the ScummVM makefiles.
• Fixed Sam & Max memory issues.
• Fixed Loom CD audio problems.
ScummVM DS Official Site
ScummVM DS 0.6
Daedalus PSP Release 4
Posted by Wraggster @ 12:14 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
StrmnNrmn has updated his fantastic Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP, heres what he posted:
I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I thought I'd release this now and have a bit of a lie in tomorrow morning
[!] Disable PSP FPU exceptions, enabling many more roms to run.
[!] Fixed ambient lighting bug.
[!] Fixed scissoring.
[~] Only create temp rom file if compressed (not swapped).
[~] Fixed decaling offset.
[~] Lots of combiner additions/fixes.
It's quite a short list, but hopefully people will find some significant improvements in compatibility. I haven't looked at improving performance yet - that's probably the next area I'll focus on.
Download here -->
Check out the Compat List Here -->
PSPCAP32: Amstrad CPC Emulator v1.0.7
Posted by Wraggster @ 05:11 PM CET | Comments: 1 | PSP
News from ZX-81
Hi All,
Here is a new version of PSPCAP32 the CPC Emulator for PSP.
I cross finger, it should be my last release. I won't work anymore on this emulator, only for bug fix.
What's new in version 1.0.7 :
- CPC/PSP Keyboard mapping Editor using the virtual keyboard.
(You can now load, edit and save your .kbd file inside the emulator).
- The name of the current game is now displayed in the emulator menu
(this name is used as filename for all saved data such as keyboard file or quick save snapshots).
- Bug fix in z80 emulator visible in batman game (couldn't enter in some rooms)
- Bug fix in virtual keyboard, several keys such as Copy or Capslock weren't taken into account.
How to use it ?
Have a look to the README.txt file !
Two binary versions (for 2.x and 1.5 FW) and sources are included in the zip archive.
This package is under GPL Copyright, read COPYING file for more information about it.
Enjoy, :D
Download at release thread ->
clrmamepro 3.87b Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 01:53 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| • misc: speed increase for several fix-missing hashchecks
• misc: if "select sets" editbox is not empty, the commands in there will be reapplied on updated datfiles
• misc: setinfo window shows resizegrip
• misc: added 2 scanner drag&drop warnings for possible rebuilder destination prestring and ignore rebuiltto tags. Normally prestrings and rebuildto entries are not wanted for a scanner rebuild.
• fixed: www profiler doesn't download all files containing spaces (WINE-only issue)
• fixed: scanresults title set count doesn't match others
clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.87b
Emu Loader 4.8.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 05:28 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| - changed: Entries "mame_version", "zinc_version", "daphne_version", "pinmame_version", "agemame_version" in section "[info]" replaced by "version" ("mame.el", "zinc.el", "daphne.el", "pinmame.el", "agemame.el")
- added: Option "Games List Versions" (main menu "View") Information on emulator versions used to create games lists (all systems)
- fixed: Vector games was not being shown in any filter other than "Vectors"
- changed: A few icons in "resourcesimagestoolbar" folder
- fixed: Favorite games were not being loaded
Emu Loader Official Site
Emu Loader 4.8.2
Dualis Release 20.3 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 02:47 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
| CPU: Fixed a bug in the division SWI
GPU: Fixed some tile flipping bugs
GPU: Optimized rendering of extended palette BGs a bit
GPU: Disabled rendering of OBJ windows
MMU: The FAT is now writeable
INP: The keyboard layout can now be configured in dualis.ini
GUI: Improved the texture viewer
FAT write operations are fairly restricted at this point, see the README section on GBAMP emulation for more details.
Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 20.3
Daedalus PSP r3 (Nintendo 64 Emulator for the PSP)
Posted by Wraggster @ 12:23 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
StrmnNrmn has just posted this news:
| Hi folks,
Here's the update list:
[+] Added support for streaming in large roms on demand.
[+] Various combiner (graphics) fixes.
[!] Fixed 120K wasted memory.
[~] Minor cosmetic (debug output) tweaks.
[~] Stopped debug output obscuring screenshots.
The first change is a huge deal Basically it means that Daedalus PSP can now boot large roms (i.e. those larger than 8MB). That doesn't mean to say that it will be able to run them, but there are certainly now significantly more roms which the emulator can boot.
Sadly neither of these get much further for me
Thanks to everyone who's been dropping me emails - I've been kind of deluged so it's been difficult for me to get through them (especially when I've been trying to fix bugs at the same time ) Apologies if you've emailed me and I've not got back to you.
Download at the release thread here -->
MAME GP2X 2.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 07:08 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
| New MAME GP2X 2.2 (A.K.A MAME4ALL Alpha 1):
- MAME GP2X join forces with the great work done by Chui in MAME4ALL ( Now it is compatible with GP2X, Dreamcast, Windows y Linux, compiled in C or C++. There are several internal changes in this release, and probably some bugs, please report them!.
- Chui: Optimizations in graphic cores: TMNT, System 16, CPS-1, Contra, Toki, Aero Fighters, Last Duel and Atari System 1.
- Chui: Optimizations in sound cores: Generic, Streams, FM, ADPCM, UDP7759, K007232 and YM2151.
- Chui: Emulator boots faster because the initial check to find available games in the SD has been optimized.
- Franxis: Compiled with GCC 4.1.0.
- Franxis: Optimizations in rotated screen video mode.
- NOTE: The sound quality is worse in some games (CPS1, Neo·Geo, etc) due to the optimizations done in sound cores. To disable those hacks and get the same sound quality than in previous MAME GP2X versions, select "ACCURATE" sound option.
MAME GP2X Official Site
EasyMame 5.3.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:58 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
| - New : Added Next and Previous buttons to Game Details window. For easy browsing.
- Changed : Mame option "-full_screen_brightness" to "-full_screen_gamma". According Mame 105u3
- Changed : Mame option "-d3dfilter" is now boolean. According Mame 105u3
- Changed : Arcadia bios is now by default set to Oneplay 3.0
EasyMame Official Site
EasyMame 5.3.2
Daedalus PSP r1
Posted by Wraggster @ 05:15 PM CET | Comments: 1 | PSP
StrmnNrmn posted in our submit news forum.
| To cut a long story short, I managed to port the emulator over fairly quickly, but after starting a new job development ground to a halt. A few months later I saw the buzz surrounding PSMonkey's N64 emu, and thought I'd have to finally bite the bullet and let people see what I had been working on.
This is quite important: The emulator is far from perfect - many (most) roms don't currently boot, and there are all sorts of crashes, graphical glitches and performance issues. There's no sound or savegame support either This should really be treated as a teaser of what's possible in the future. Hopefully if I have enough time and motivation I'll be able to make a lot of headway with these problems.
Despite all that, the emulator is showing some great signs of progress. Super Mario 64 is looking pretty good as you can see from the screenshots here:
The next big tasks for me to tackle are to fix various crashes (i.e. many roms boot but then bug out after a few seconds) and improve performance (i.e. Mario currently only runs at around 20-25% of full speed.
UPDATE: r2 is out, and it contains small fixes.
Posted by Wraggster @ 03:53 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Eggman has released a video that shows the PSP port of the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator in action. The video shows Frogger and Pac-Man. MikeDX has added more games to the list of playable games including Green Beret, Matmania, and Jail Break - bringing the total list of compatible games up to 24.
This WIP Mame Port to PSP is working on v2.01 Consoles, check out the video here -->
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