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    Friday, November 22, 2013
XboxOne Released in USA and Europe/UK

Microsoft have finally released the XboxOne to fans in the USA, Europe and the UK.

Xbox One delivers an entertainment experience like nothing before. Its innovative technology is rivaled only by its iconic design. Sharp corners and clean lines make for a sleek, modern console that complements any decor. Xbox One was designed from the ground up to be the centerpiece of every living room.
Play with peak performance.

Xbox One is the perfect balance of power and performance. In addition to Xbox One’s revolutionary architecture, the combination of its CPU, GPU, and ESRAM is like having a supercomputer in your living room. But raw power is nothing without speed. So the Xbox One uses its power more effectively, creating lightning fast experiences unlike anything you’ve had before.

Over in the USA the XboxOne is retailing at $427 on Amazon and in the UK its selling for £429 on Amazon UK

Games released are as follows:

Full list of launch day titles:

Are you lucky enough to get one today on Launchday ?

Tons more XboxOne News at DCEmus XboxOne News Site

    Monday, November 18, 2013
PS4 Released in USA

The PlayStation 4 has arrived in the US, drawing crowds to midnight sales events that saw fans camping for days to make sure they were one of the first to receive Sony's next generation console.

With the Xbox One launch coming on November 22nd, this will easily go down as one of the biggest months in industry history.

It's been six years since the PlayStation 3 hit store shelves and sold out almost immediately, prompting a wave of mainstream media coverage – especially when fans began coming to blows over the last remaining units.

Hopefully Sony will have better supplies this launch so the press can focus on the changes the PS4 and its rival console promise to the millions of households worldwide with a gaming console.

Speaking to fans gathered outside a few opening events, it became obvious that core gaming is still quite healthy - and driven by a good deal of brand loyalty.

When asked why they were going with the PS4 as opposed the the Xbox One, the crowd replied simply, "Because it's better."

Doubtless those in line to buy Xbox One will say the same next week.

Like all newly released consoles, it can be hard to get a hold of them, Several of the Amazon PS4 Release Date Console Bundles are In Stock and Available!
This includes (as of this post):

These will not last, so grab one if still available!

Sony's official message right now is that 15 games will be available as physical Blu-ray releases at the PS4's launch:


    Monday, November 04, 2013
WinUAE 2.7.0 WIP

WinUAE is a desinged for Windows program, which emulates the hardware of the Commodore Amiga range of computers. It emulates most of its functions: Original Chip Set (OCS), Enhanced Chip Set (ECS) and Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA), Motorola 68000/010/020/040 CPU, optionally a 68881 FPU, 2 MB Chip RAM and 8 MB Fast RAM, or 8 MB Chip RAM without Fast RAM. 64 MB Zorro III Fast RAM, independent of Chip RAM setting (68020+ only). 1 MB Slow RAM, for compatibility, Picasso 96 graphics with 8 MB of memory, Serial port, and Simple parallel port is only sufficient for printing. Networking via bsdsocket.library. WinUAE has reasonable compatibility for most software but, just like a "real" Amiga, for some old games it requires careful configuration in order to match the originally-supported hardware.

Here's list of upcoming features:

- Cirrus Logic SVGA based hardware graphics board emulation.
- Use graphics board in emulated Amix, Linux, NetBSD and others.
- Use CyberGraphX and Picasso96 RTG in emulation using native drivers.
- Emulates most Cirrus Logic based Zorro II/III RTG boards.
- SCSI tape drive emulation.
- Both reading and writing supported.
- Can install Amix without hacks.
- Works with most backup software that supports tape drives.
- SLIRP user mode NAT emulation.
- A2065 and uaenet.device emulation without need for host side extra drivers.
- Lua scripting.
- Modify memory, registers and configuration and more from scripts.
- Script can register callback functions that gets executed when specificed event happens (config changes, memory changes etc..)

Check out Projects website for further information.


Hoxs64 is a Commodore 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows XP / 7. The emulator substantially reproduces this legacy machine in minute detail. Emulator features: a cycle based CPU, VIC, CIA and SID; suport for 1541 Disk drive and Tape deck; proper emulation of all screen effects; support for .TAP, .PRG, P00, D64 files... and bulid-in disassembler.

Here's changelog for - releases:

+ Added emulation state file save, load and restore facility.
+ Added Epyx Fastload cartridge.
+ Added screen border hide options.
+ Fixed Retro Reply cartridge banking fault.
+ Reworked the CPU code to accommodate XAA/ANE for a MOS8500 as reported by Visual6502.org
+ Fixed an EasyFlash cartridge fault when loading a 4KB banked CRT file or state file.

Check out official homepage for further information and latest files.

Dolphin 4.0.1

Dolphin is an emulator for two recent Nintendo video game consoles: the GameCube and the Wii. It allows PC gamers to enjoy games for these two consoles in full HD (1080p) with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more!

What's new for latest version:

+ Fixed single core mode crashes in 64 bit Windows builds
+ Fixed missing music in Super Monkey Ball 2
+ Added missing DirectX runtime installer files
+ Fixed some graphics issues for Metroid: Other M, Skies of Arcadia and Call of Duty: Black Ops
+ Fixed various other minor issues

Visit project homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Saturday, November 02, 2013
Some site updates

We've just upgraded to the latest version of vBulletin at the forums, please let us know if you find any bugs.

Also, a CEN64 forum has been setup where the author MarathonMan is moderator.

Finally, _Zach_ has been brought on as our new Administrator and we're looking forward to sparking some new life into the forums with his ideas. :)

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