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    Monday, October 29, 2007
Hoxs64 Released

1) Fixed memory write access general protection fault caused by using less than full borders with sprites active around raster line zero.

Hoxs64 Official Site

    Sunday, October 28, 2007
PSPTHOM 1.1.0 Released

- IR keyboard support !
- New speed limiter function
- Add option to display fps rate
- Now compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim
- Add a simple intro splash screen
- Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed
- Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions (might be useful to translate menus in german, french ...)
- Bug fix and code cleaning

PSPTHOM Official Site

    Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Ootake 1.27 Released

- At the stage beginning screen of "Rainbow Island" and the start demo of "Asuka120%", the bug that the screen display has fallen into disorder (generated from v1.24) was corrected. As a result, I think a similar problem of other games to have been solved, too.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Ootake Official Site
Ootake 1.27

GlideHQ update 3 Released

- Fixed crash in Zelda OOT
- Fixed an issue with alpha channel of hires textures, which become apparent as a black boarder around texture. Added new option, related to this issue: Use alpha channel fully. When this option is off, 16bit rgba textures will be loaded using RiceVideo style – with 1bit for alpha channel. When it is on, GlideHQ will check, how alpha channel is used by the hires texture, and select most appropriate format for it. This gives texture designers freedom to play with alpha, as they need, regardless of format of original N64 texture. For older and badly designed texture packs it can cause unwanted black boarders. Default value: Off.

GlideHQ Release Thread
GlideHQ update 3

    Tuesday, October 23, 2007
clrmamepro 3.106c Released

• fixed: fullmerged 'create missing nodump' sometimes selected clone folder

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.106c

    Monday, October 22, 2007
Hoxs64 Released

1) The memory requirement of the Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters is reduced without compromising sound quality. There is increased performace of the 50.12Hz mode for machines with relatively small L2 caches.

2) Added choice of two 50.12Hz modes. The large FIR mode performs best on large L2 caches such as 4Mb. The multistage FIR mode performs best on smaller L2 caches.

Hoxs64 Official Site

    Saturday, October 20, 2007
Hoxs64 Released

1) Added C64 video speed option for 50Hz and 50.12Hz.

Hoxs64 Official Site

atari++ 1.53 Released

- Fixed the ADC command, creates now the proper results in decimal mode even for non-BCD input.
- SDL keyboard input is now a bit more careful about the ALT key. Only the left ALT key is now understood as the Atari/InverseVID key.
- Improved building on VS8.0.
- Improved handling of files/disks on network directories.

atari++ Official Site
atari++ 1.53

    Friday, October 19, 2007
clrmamepro 3.106b Released

• fixed: fix-missing-rom for full merged sets didn't work correctly
• fixed: uncompressed clones scan was broken

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.106b

    Wednesday, October 17, 2007
PSPColem 1.1.0 Released

- Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
- New graphics
- Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed
- Option to display frame rate

PSPColem Official Site
PSPColem 1.1.0

clrmamepro 3.106a Released

• misc: several updates to the window rendering system (incl. not stealing focus correct minimizing, warnings window only shows issues, etc.)
• misc: allowing not existent sampleparents (invaders)

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.106a

    Tuesday, October 16, 2007
MAME 0.120 Releases


As of this release, I am officially producing a 64-bit native Windows binary along with the usual 32-bit builds to help encourage more testing of the 64-bit native code. For the most part, games run at least as well as the 32-bit versions, and some run significantly better thanks to the architectural improvements of native 64-bit mode.

Full list of changes here.

MAME Official Site
MAME 0.120

MAME Plus!:

• updated French text [Benjamin Siskoo]
• fixed IPS description display bug [BUT]
• updated joystick detection code [BUT]
• updated template and Japanese text [BUT]
• updated Japanese mameinfo (0.119u4 10/12) [mame e2j]
• updated catver [s_bastian]
• updated Japanese list (jplist0119u4_1013.zip) [mamelist jp]
• updated Japanese command.dat [commandlist jp]
• GUI: optimized controller related code, improved startup time [BUT]

MAME Plus! Official Site
MAME Plus! 0.120


• Updated to MAME 0.120 - MAME32 0.119u3

MAME32FX Official Site
MAME32FX 0.120

    Monday, October 15, 2007
bsnes 0.025 Released

bsnes is exactly three years old today. I've posted a new version which adds DSP-3 and DSP-4 special chip support. The DSP-3 is used by SD Gundam GX, and the DSP-4 is used by Top Gear 3000. Please note that the DSP-3 is not fully emulated, thusly SD Gundam GX is not fully playable. Also, due to lack of timing emulation with the DSP-4, the Top Gear 3000 track sometimes flickers in split screen mode. However, it is believed that Top Gear 3000 is fully playable.

I should also note that I have started on SuperFX emulation, as some will inevitably see said code in my source releases. What I have now is nothing more than a skeleton implementation, and absolutely nothing using it is playable yet. I am making absolutely no promises that I will ever be able to emulate this chip. It will take at least several months of work, and even then, the speed will probably be too slow to reach 60fps on any system, but ... I'm working on it. While I have no way to run tests on the actual SuperFX hardware, I will do the best I can to emulate the chip accurately. I will be emulating the caching and cycle delays as best I can, but the information I have on this chip is extremely limited, so don't expect miracles.

Lastly, as promised, I have released the special chips I have personally emulated to the public domain. See license.txt for more information if interested. I cannot release the special chips whose code I did not write to the public domain, but all of that is already available under the GPLv2 (from ZSNES) or the SNES9x license.

• Added DSP-3 support, thanks to John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Lancer, z80 gaiden
• Added DSP-4 support, thanks to Dreamer Nom, John Weidman, Kris Bleakley, Nach, z80 gaiden
• Started on support for SuperFX, no games playable as chip emulation is less than 1% complete
• Unsupported special chips will now display an alert
• Missing stbios.bin file when loading Sufami Turbo cartridges will now display an alert
• Video settings now saved separately for windowed and fullscreen mode
• Advanced option video<.mode>.synchronize can be enabled for vsync, but will cause sound crackling
• Added menu option to toggle FPS counter
• Minor source code cleanup

bsnes Official Site
bsnes 0.025

Hoxs64 Released

1) Improved screen saver disablement by responding to WM_SYSCOMMAND instead of changing the system screen saver timeout.

Hoxs64 Official Site

    Sunday, October 14, 2007
GlideHQ 0.4 Released

This project dedicated to bring you, Glide64 users, various advanced texture enhancements. The author of GlideHQ is famous Hiroshi ‘KoolSmoky’ Morii, well known as an author of 3dfx drivers and tools. I also must thank Rice for his indirect help – most of texture enhancement algorithms were taken from RiceVideo sources.

GlideHQ is a separate optional module. That is, Glide64 can work without it, if you don’t need texture enhancements. GlideHQ can apply various filters (smooth, sharp), enhancements (X2SAI, HQ4X etc) and compressions to input texture. Resulted texture is used instead of the original one.

To install and test GlideHQ, download GideHQ distributive and unpack it into Plugin folder. In Glide64 configuration dialog, open “Texture enhancement” tab and select options you like.

Current version is a prototype, based on Glide64 “WonderPlus”. That is, for end-users this is Glide64 “WonderPlus” with texture enhancements. Since it is a prototype, it can be buggy, slow, inconvenient and so on. Thus, we need your feedback to make it better.

GlideHQ 0.4:
I've restricted memory cache to 128Mbytes. It will grow till it reaches 128mb and swap out old texture cache. The memory cache will be dumped to disk when you stop emulation and loaded when started. A "*.dat" file will be created for each game under .Plugincache. For now they will be saved uncompressed.

GlideHQ 0.3:
I've added memory cache to cache filtered textures. Once a texture is filtered it will stay in the cache and be used until you exit emulation. For now only memory cache. In the Glide64 configuration dialog, open “Texture enhancement” and tick "Cache texture to system memory".

Glide64 Official Site
GlideHQ Release Thread
GlideHQ 0.4

Thanks to ggab for the heads up.

iDeaS Released

• Added support for Input Plugin.
• Added DirectInput Plugin.
• Added MultiSample 4x and 2x support.
• Fixed bug in Cheats Support.
• Fixed bug in SaveState Support.
• Fixed bug in Backup files Support.

iDeaS Official Site

Hoxs64 Released

1) Added border size options, "Full, "TV" and "Small".

2) Added show/hide floppy LEDs.

4) Improved handling of video mode changes.

Hoxs64 Official Site

    Friday, October 12, 2007
clrmamepro 3.106 Released

• misc: Linux WINE: changed systime convertion to work flawlessly (www profiler)
• misc: Linux WINE: launch button bar isn't hidden anymore (but minimized). This increases compatibility and even fixes some MS Windows issues.
• misc: Linux WINE: changed warnings window. It will now automatically appear if something appears in it. You can still minimize it then.
• misc: several windows correctly appear at the front now.
• misc: treectrl and listctrl bitmaps are now 24bit and different
• misc: F2 (edit label) functionality to several list and tree controls
• misc: listing corrupt containes (corrupt chds, zips...) in the stats
• misc: disabled "Possible missing alternative samples folder" in the database checker MAME doesn't load samples from a parentset when no sampleof tag is given. In consequence you may need some more samplesets for MAME now.

clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.106

    Thursday, October 11, 2007
MAME GP2X 4.8 Released

- Some GP2X F-100 MK1 consoles do not like the 120hz LCD refresh rate (the screen gets bright). The 120hz mode is only activated now if the VSync option is activated. Thx, damned, for the report.
- Other minor optimizations and bug-fixes.
- Added a new game: Donkey Kong Factory (US) (dkongex). Thanks to Budbud.
- Integrated the source code of the PSP port done by TTYman.

MAME GP2X Official Site

Hoxs64 Released
1) Fixed 1541 Auto Attention function broken since v1.0.4.20. The demo "Natural wonders" by Oxyron works again.
1) Fixed slow performance with VBL sync by changing the presentation interval from D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT to D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE
1) Fixed window resizing minor bug when going from fullscreen to windowed mode.

Hoxs64 Official Site

    Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Hoxs64 Released

1) Upgraded to DirectX 9 October 2006 libraries or higher.

2) Added video mode and multi-monitor adapter selection.

3) Added full screen stretch-to-fit.

4) Added blit stretch filter selection.

5) VBL Sync works in both windowed and full screen.

6) Added floppy LEDs.

7) Temporarily disabled screen saver.

8) VIC fixes. TRC-TBI intro demo displays. Fixed the VIC LP IRQ response to the keyboard.

Hoxs64 Official Site

    Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Atari800-PSP Released

• This release adds the ability to switch or eject disks without resetting the system

Atari800-PSP Official Site

    Monday, October 08, 2007
PSPX48 1.1.0 Released

- Now compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim
- Bug fix and code cleaning
- New help menu

PSPX48 Official Site
PSPX48 1.1.0

PSPXTI 1.2.1 Released

- Now compatible with custom firmwares 3.x and PSP-slim
- Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed
- It has been linked with latest IR keyboard library so it should work better with Palm Keyboard
- The power '^' character is now properly mapped on IR keyboard
- Add a simple intro splash screen
- Support iso8859-1 fonts in print text functions (might be useful to translate menus in german, french ...)
- Bug fix and code cleaning

PSPXTI Official Site
PSPXTI 1.2.1

    Sunday, October 07, 2007
Ootake 1.26 Released

- In "Mizubaku Daibouken (Liquid Kids)" that is the hidden masterpiece, when the thunder item was taken, the width of the shake of the screen was brought close to a real machine. I think that it approached a real machine by other software, too.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

Ootake Official Site
Ootake 1.26

    Thursday, October 04, 2007
No$gba 2.5 Released

- help: updated gbatek standalone version 2.5 (about one hundred news since 2.3)
- vram viewer: supports extended palettes in bg map windows (eg. magnetica demo)
- nds/help: added ds 3d overview chapter (basics on geometry/rendering engines)
- nds/help: added ds technical data chapter (containing some basic overview)
- nds/help: replaced ds various chapter by new ds memory control/timing chapter
- nds/sound: fixed major unreported bug in 80x86 code sound_bias SWI function
- nds/3d/help: corrected shininess formula (ie. fixed that max cos 2 angle mess)
- nds/3d/help: added caution: specular reflection WON'T WORK on camera rotation
- nds/3d/help: maths basics of vector-by-vector multiply (and purposes thereof)
- nds/3d/softlight: allows light+color nonsense double def (eg castlevania clip)
- nds/3d/softlight: much better light-accuracy, and now supports shininess_table
- nds/3d/softlight: lighting fully calculated by software (without opengl light)
- nds/timing: split timings for nds7 (fast access) and trashy nds9 (slow access)
- nds/timing: split addr_clks_table to CODE/DATA addr_clkc_table/addr_clkd_table
- nds/timing: emulates "half" cycles on 66MHz/nds9 (tcm/cache and n32/2 thumb)
- nds/timing: emulates nds7 exmemstat gba-slot timing bits (like nds9 exmemcnt)
- nds/timing/help: added detailed/tested nds7/nds9 code/data memory-timing chart
- nds/timing/cache: allows more CPU load on bios/mainram when cache is enabled
- nds/timing: emulates shared N32 access time for two NDS9 thumb 16bit opcodes
- cpu/speedup: precalculates opcode-timings on interseg-jumps (usually faster)
- cpu/speedup: faster conditional opcode handling (maybe yet another 3% faster)
- cpu/speedup: thumb: uses 16bit reads (3% faster on non-32bit-aligned addr's)
- cpu/speedup: replaced dumb jmp exec_opcode by exec_opcode_mac (ca. 10% faster)
- cpu/speedup: added more code alignments in cpu-core (not significantly faster)
- nds/help: added note that 66MHz-nds9 actually runs MUCH SLOWER than 33MHz-nds7
- nds/cpu: emulates superslow nds9 memory access time (bios,wram,vram,oam,etc)
- nds/cpu: emulates operand-independend ARM9 multiply time (eg. slow thumb time)
- nds/wram: emulates wramcnt mapping (no idea if it's used by any games though)
- nds/3d: adjusted z-rounding (avoid opengl-clip-plane in club house games demo)
- cpu: emulates cp15-trace-id, debug: disass auto-comments on trace-id and bist
- nds/help: fixed key1 [scratch] writeback lsw/msw are exchanged (thanks simon)
- nds/help: cp15 info on trace-id, bist, cache debug/test, supported cache cmds
- cheat: fixed occassional crash on delete cheat (push/pop) (thanks Hiei Youkai)
- thanks: rockmanrotties for submarine (timing) and clubhouse (clip) bugreports

No$gba Official Site
No$gba 2.5

    Wednesday, October 03, 2007
PSP2600 1.1.0 Released

- Display and save thumbnail images for each save state
- New graphics
- Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed

PSP2600 Official Site
PSP2600 1.1.0

    Tuesday, October 02, 2007
GP2X-MSX 1.0.5 Released

- New render fast mode (original msx size but faster)
- Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed
- Remove .png file when removing state file

GP2X-MSX Official Site
GP2X-MSX 1.0.5

    Monday, October 01, 2007
bsnes 0.024 Released

This is an interim release between some major changes to the video mode support, which may take a long time to complete. It also fixes a bug with CGRAM access timing, re-adds the Sufami Turbo load menu, and adds support for the ST-010 coprocessor, used by F1 Race of Champions.

To load Sufami Turbo cartridges, stbios.bin must be placed inside a folder named bios in the bsnes folder. There is not currently a warning if this file is missing.

• Improved CGRAM access timing restrictions, fixes a bug in WWF Super WrestleMania
• Re-added Sufami Turbo menu to load ST and ST dual cartridges
• Added support for the ST-010 coprocessor, used by F1 Race of Champions II
• Improved libui to automatically adjust control sizes based on platform, vastly improves Windows UI
• Fixed relative paths in config file for Windows port
• bsnes no longer consumes 100% CPU time when idle on Linux port, thanks [vEX]
• Fixed config file object to not rely on undefined C++ language behavior, thanks Nach

bsnes Official Site
bsnes 0.024

NeoPop PSP 0.71.15 Released

• Fixed a serious crash caused by having many long filenames in the same directory

NeoPop PSP Official Site
NeoPop PSP 0.71.15

fMSX PSP 3.4.1 Released

• fMSX upgraded to version 3.4
• Changes include fixes to the Z80 CPU emulation

fMSX PSP Official Site
fMSX PSP 3.4.1

PSPMSX 1.2.1 Released

- New render fast mode (original msx size but faster)
- Option to prevent the blue led to be displayed when L or R are pressed
- Remove .png file when removing state file
- Bug fix: random pixels colors on screen borders
- IR keyboard works now also with in the keyboard settings/mapping menu

PSPMSX Official Site
PSPMSX 1.2.1

File Releases

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

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