Friday, September 30, 2005 |
Philips CD-i Emulator released
Posted by [vEX] @ 06:04 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Philips CD-i
The Philips CD-i system has pretty much been unemulated this far, but now things is changing. A new emulator has been released, simply named 'CD-i Emulator', unfortunally the emulator isn't free, but there's a time-limited demo to try.
| The CD-i emulator program (cdiemu) provides a fairly complete emulation of the hardware of an actual physical CD-i player.
The time-limited edition emulates for at most three minutes between CD-i player resets and does not support permanent saving of NVRAM data such as game highscores and other CD-i title settings. The unlimited edition does not have these restrictions.
In order to actually run CD-i software, the emulator needs copies of the CD-i system ROMs. These ROMs are copyrighted and cannot be freely redistributed, but you can easily obtain them via the serial port of a physical CD-i player using the provided CD-i Link program.
Head over to the official site for more information and the download.
CD-i Emulator Official Site
clrmamepro 3.80b Released
Posted by Keith @ 12:17 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of clrmamepro has been released. Here is the changes for version 3.80b.
| misc: replaced some copy/delete- with movefile (only some backup options are effected)
misc: backup filename randomizer preserves fileextension
fixed: some unzipped sets merger issue
fixed: rare crash when toggling www mode
Head on over to the official site for more information.
clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.80b
Thursday, September 29, 2005 |
MAME GP32 1.9 Released
Posted by Keith @ 11:42 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GP32
Franxis has released a new version of his MAME port for the GP32 handheld. Here is the changes for version 1.9.
| • Added DrZ80 Z80 ASM ARM core v0.001. Thanks to Reesy for letting me to release this preview version of his core, and also thanks a lot for the help during the integration and also for adding specific code needed by MAME.
• Updated Cyclone M68000 ASM ARM core v0.0082. Thanks to Dave, Reesy and Notaz.
• New centering screen code by new colaborator Pepe_Faruk.
• Thanks to all paypal donators:, Federico Mazza, Nandove, Videogame Stuff and Denis Evans.
• Compatibility of DrZ80 core is still limited. I recommend to use this core only for games running slowly with old C core.
• Black Tiger with DrZ80: To play Black Tiger, use bootleg version of the game.
• 1943 with DrZ80: To play 1943, use japanese version of the game instead of US version.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
MAME GP32 Official Site
MAME GP32 1.9
EasyMame 5.2.2 Released
Posted by Keith @ 07:52 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of the MAME frontend EasyMame has been released. Here is the list of changes for version 5.2.2.
| EasyMame 5.2.2 release info:
• New : Added two new status descriptions 'Missing Bios' and 'Missing CHD'.
• Fixed : Small issue in the Mame Options. Sometimes the resolution dropdown menu was left empty.
• Fixed : Raised a exception when the listview was empty in fullscreen mode.
• Fixed : Improved detection of corrupted rom zip files.
• Improved : Now also checks CHD diskimages.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
EasyMame Official Site
EasyMame 5.2.2
SNESGT 0.205 Released
Posted by Keith @ 05:06 PM CET | Comments: 1 | SNES
A new version of SNESGT (SNES emulator for Windows) has been released. Here is a google translation of the changes. If someone wants to provide a proper translation that would be great. :)
| • Correcting the bug where SRAM is not saved at the time "of release" selection of the menu
• The support of pov and z, rx, ry and rz axis of joystick
• Adding the fast forward 2 key
• VirtuaNES2 filter plug in correspondence
• Correcting 24bpp color conversion routine
• Accelerating each resize filter
• The option which uses Flip, taking same period, it integrates to the option which it renews
• Correcting the calculation method of CPU-Sleep time in same period
• Way the execution of CPU-Sleep in same period can be appointed explicitly, modification
• With arrangement method of picture, aspect ratio 4:Adding the option which is maintained at 3
• Way the window is moved at the time of the client territory drug, modification
• Calculation precision improvement of sound formation
• Improving the noise generator of sound
• Sound interpolation method of default modification to gauss interpolation
• The increment of saving slot/mounting decrement
• Wording of setting dialogue and correction of detailed behavior
• Addition of the command line option which is started with the full screen
• Correcting the behavior of Alt+PrintScreen input
• 7-zip correspondence (7-zip32.Dll is needed)
• Correcting the fact that behavior of the mouse is strange
• Multiple tap correspondence
• Correcting the behavior whose internal IO emulation is detailed
• The correction of NMI and IRQ timing
• Variety corrections the relation of BS
• Adding the option which is started directly from BS-ROM
• Correcting the fact that time setting has become invalid.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
SNESGT Official Site
SNESGT 0.205
64th Note 1.0 beta 16 Released
Posted by Keith @ 05:00 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Nintendo 64
A new beta build of 64th Note (USF plugin for Winamp) has been released. Here is what was posted for the beta 16 build.
| round frequency is now stored in in_usf.ini, as I might have to add new dacrate settings to the list and there's no sense in rereleasing the plugin every time that happens. plus the easy user-editability.
It now includes a setting for Mortal Kombat 4, so that should now work with out_asio.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
64th Note Official Site
64th Note 1.0 beta 16
Wednesday, September 28, 2005 |
ScummVM DS 0.4 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:58 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
A new version of the ScummVM port for the Nintendo DS has been released.
| - The top screen now shows a zoomed in view of the action, scrolled to the character who's speaking
- Large speed increase for Adlib music emulation
- Large speed increase for GBAMP CF card loading
- Closing the lid now puts the DS in sleep mode
- Screens are now the right way round on the latest firmware for the M3 player
- Savegames now save in the selected folder rather than the root
- Dialog no longer skips when you scroll the screen down as it's playing
- The console no longer appears during gameplay by default, toggle it using the Y button.
- Implemented screen shake function
ScummVM DS Official Site
ScummVM DS 0.4
NESCafe 0.613 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 09:13 AM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
This NES emulator coded in Java has been updated.
| - Added a configurable Time Shift Buffer to allow players to jump back in time (press ESC)
- Added settings menu screen to allow players to configure the Time Shift Buffer.
- Added Thumbnail images to the SaveRAM files (picture taken at Save time).
- Only load Thumbnail images in Load and Save state screens after 1 second delay.
- Added Graphics menu option to allow hiding or showing of the Background layer.
- Changed showthumb.php so that it also works with the SaveRAM thumbnails.
- Increased the Movie Recording time to 100,000 key-presses (over 24 hours of recording)
- Added HIGHRESTHUMBNAILS options to Settings file to improve quality of Thumbnails.
- Added No-Stretch option to the Graphics Menu (to prevent scaling)
- Added ability to save Movies into any available save slot
- Increased the number of available Save Slots to 20.
- GUI improvments to Save State, Load State, and Download ROM screens.
- Fixed bug where Applet screen would glitch when it loses focus on the Web Page
- Added option to stop playback of long Movies by pressing the F8 key.
NESCafe Official Site
NESCafe 0.613
DSemu 0.4.8 Released
Posted by Keith @ 01:12 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
A new version of Chris Double's Nintendo DS emulator has been released. Here is the quick fix change for DSemu version 0.4.8.
| • Fixed some bugs in DMA and SWI divide handling allowing a few more games to run (Ruby video demo, Tickle Girl, etc).
Head on over to the official site for more information.
DSemu Official Site
DSemu 0.4.8
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 |
Yabause 0.5.0 Released
Posted by Keith @ 11:56 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
Our buddies over at the Yabause development team have released a new version of their open source Saturn emulator Yabause. Here is a rundown on the changes for version 0.5.0.
| cd block:
• bug fixes
• improved timing
• added Action Replay emulation
• added 8/32 Mbit dram emulation
• added 4/8/32 Mbit backup ram emulation
• added 16 Mbit rom emulation
• added very early Netlink emulation
• added Stephane Dallongeville's SCSP's core. Thanks again Stef!
• fixed a couple of bugs that were causing movies to lock up.
• added Stephane Dallongeville's 68k's core. Thanks again Stef!
• fixed a few endian related bugs
• added debugger(still need disassembler though)
• added dsp emulation
• added dsp debugger
• added indirect dma emulation
• added timer0 emulation
• bug fixes
• added very basic SH2 direct peripheral mode
• added clock change commands
• added slave sh2 off/on commands
• fixed intback command timing
• bug fixes
• added FRT, WDT, and partial UBC emulation
• fixed a couple of opcode bugs
• re-added debugger
• added some early dynarec code
• added sprite priorities
• added color offset
• bug fixes
• added basic rbg0 emulation(no rotation, etc.)
• added backscreen emulation
• added caching
• added color offset
• added video mode changing
• added screen scrolling
• fix caching bug
• other bug fixes
• added early software video rendering. It's still pretty much unuseable at this point
• added binary execution
• rewrote entire code in C for portability and speed
• fixed a number of configure bugs, added a few more command-line options
• fixed code so it's 64-bit friendly
• added iso and bin/cue files support
• changed several parts of yabause to allow for multiple implementations of video, sound, and peripheral code.
• added save states(currently broken unfortunately)
Head on over to the official site for more information. Nice release guys keep up the great work. :)
Yabause Official Site
Yabause 0.5.0
MPH Downgrader Released (PSP firmware 2.0 to 1.50)
Posted by Keith @ 11:42 PM CET | Comments: 5 | PSP
Some exciting news has happened today. MPH has successfully created a way to downgrade the PSP firmware from version 2.0 to 1.50 using the recent toc2rta exploit (buffer overflow). The 1.50 firmware allows the use of homebrew apps and emulation to be run on your PSP handheld. This also allows all the newer Euro PSP handhelds to be downgraded as well. This has been confirmed to be working but please use at your own risk. Thanks to Kojote for the news on IRC.
Please read the included readme for full instructions!
MPH Downgrader
64th Note 1.0 beta 15 Released
Posted by Keith @ 10:33 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo 64
A new beta build of 64th Note (USF plugin for Winamp) has been released. Here is what was posted for the beta 15 build.
| • removed a warning and interrupt in GenerateSectionLinkages (needed for Mario Tennis)
• added Auto Audio HLE (included file is incomplete but should be correct for those games it supports)
The Auto Audio HLE function depends on the in_usf.ini, which isn't nearly complete. I'll test some more as I go along. If you want to play with it yourself it is documented in the included 64thv100b15.txt. It's pretty basic, and I just use a checksum because I didn't know CRC32 off the top of my head.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
64th Note Official Site
64th Note 1.0 beta 15
Mednafen 0.3.4 Released
Posted by Keith @ 08:17 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
A new source and Win32 build of the multiple system emulator Mednafen has been released. Here is the list of changes for version 0.3.4.
| • Added command-line option "-autofirefreq" for setting the frequency of the configured auto-fire buttons when playing NES and PC Engine games.
• PCE: Fixed Street Fighter 2 HuCard emulation.
• PCE: Modified PSG waveform writing/DDA emulation, fixes "Fire Pro Wrestling - Combination Tag".
• PCE: Modified TRB and TSB emulation. Fixes "Toy Shop Boys".
• PCE: Implemented VRAM-VRAM DMA direction control bits.
• PCE: Altered VDC timing, fixing a few games, making a few games more bouncy. ;)
• PCE: Fixed sprite clipping on the left side of the screen.
• PCE: The emulated RCR register is now masked with 0x3FF when being set. Fixes Niko Niko Pun.
• PCE: Several CPU cycles are now emulated between setting the in-vblank flag and the vblank IRQ occurring. This works around an issue that would otherwise require timing granularity as small as one cpu cycle. Interestingly, this same type of problem occurs with NES emulation.
• PCE: Altered the display rectangle calculation code to take into effect screen areas that may be hidden on many television sets(and some games were designed with the assumption that these areas WOULD be hidden).
• PCE: Modified noise emulation...again. :b
• PCE: Modified LFO emulation, fixes major sound problems in "Bull Fight".
• PCE: The sprite DMA completion IRQ now occurs earlier(probably a few cycles too early now, but oh well). Fixes some graphical issues in "Bull Fight".
• PCE: Sprite bit plane selection is now emulated to a degree. Fixes "Fighting Run".
• PCE: Very high-frequency(and probably inaudible) sounds are no longer played, because Blip_Synth can't handle them well. Fixes "Bouken Danshaku Don" and others.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.3.4
64th Note 1.0 beta 14 Released
Posted by Keith @ 05:19 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo 64
A new beta build of 64th Note (USF plugin for Winamp) has been released. Here is what was posted for the beta 14 build.
| Fixed tab order (at least it's logical now). Focus is set in info window now so tabbing will get your right into the fields rather than having to click first.
minor change, but I figure I should get it out there anyway...
Head on over to the official site for more information.
64th Note Offcial Site
64th Note 1.0 beta 14
Stella DS WIP Report
Posted by Keith @ 02:26 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
A new work in progress report was posted for the Stella port (Atari 2600 emulator) for the Nintendo DS handheld. Here is what was posted over at the official site.
| Wrote DS sound code. Seems to output sound but there's no ring buffer, it's slow (due to a loop with a double), and there's no detectable Atari 2600 bleeps in there. I got some bugs fixed, but of course, it's no where near release.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Stella DS Official Site
SMSAdvance 0.9 Released
Posted by Keith @ 02:24 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
A new version of FluBBa's Sega Master System emulator for the Gameboy Advance handheld has been released. Here is the changes for version 0.9.
| V0.9 - 2005-09-26 (FluBBa)
• Added support for the GG BIOS.
• Added config for using Select as Reset button.
• Fixed Shanghai 2.
• Fixed Ryu Kyu.
• Fixed Space Gun.
• Fixed a bug in joypad reading (Street Fighter II).
• Optimised mapper detection.
• Optimised sound mixer.
• Optimised CPU abit
Head on over to the official site for more information.
FluBBa's Site
SMSAdvance 0.9
clrmamepro 3.80a Released
Posted by Keith @ 02:20 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new bug fixed version of clrmamepro has been released. Here is the rundown of the changes for version 3.80a.
| • misc: you can't download local datfiles anymore
• fixed: windows 2000 tree control refresh issue
• fixed: horiz. scrollbar hides last scanresults tree item in some cases
Head on over to the official site for more information.
clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.80a
Monday, September 26, 2005 |
DCaSTaway RC 2 Released
Posted by Keith @ 07:09 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Dreamcast
Chui has released RC (release candidate) 2 of his Atari ST emulator for the Dreamcast console. Here is the changes for DCaSTaway RC 2.
| • Overscan bottom border render.
• Stored queues improvements.
• Medium resolution fixed.
• Some input fixes.
• Atari ST video 50/60 switch support.
• No CRC calculation when cache not present.
• Multidisk support.
• General improvements.
Head on over to the official site for more information. Thanks to wrags for the heads up on IRC.
DCaSTaway Official Site
DCaSTaway RC 2
Sunday, September 25, 2005 |
Gens32 Surreal 1.28 LDU+ Released
Posted by Keith @ 11:18 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Genesis
A new version of the Genesis emulator for windows known as Gens32 has been released. Here is the changes for version Surreal 1.28 LDU+.
| What is LDU technology? It is Gens32's mother.And now,she has came back.She can read the text and pictures on the
screen,and then, do a lot of crazy stuffs for you.Such as Force Feedback or translate roms into your language in a few hours.
Besides,I have designed a new Feedback equipment to instead the pad.
I will give more details later.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Gens32 Official Site
Gens32 Surreal 1.28 LDU+
64th Note 1.0 Beta 13 Released
Posted by Clements @ 01:40 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo 64
A new beta build of 64th Note the USF plugin for Winamp has been released. Here is the changes for 1.0 Beta 13.
| * added alternate fade types (linear, log, cos)
* cleaned out unused options
* added "Track" field to USF Info window
* changed "Tagger" to "Tagged by"
* generally rearranged USF Info window
I don't like the empty space in the info window next to the track field, but I can't figure out a way to eliminate it. Track should be the first field in the window, so I can't just shove it in a corner.
Also, the three fade types discussed are now implemented and selectable in a combo box (which I just learned how to implement). cosine is the default at the moment, as it has won me over, but I'm still not sure it should be the default in the final version.
Something else I should mention: before release I intend to add a setting in the INI that specifies which version the settings are for, and if the version is different from the current version (or not set) the default settings will instead be written and used. This is to start everyone off with a clean slate after this beta test period has ended.
Bah, looking at the info window the spacing between fields is a bit uneven and this is irritating me. I don't consider myself much of a UI designer but I do like consitancy in my dialogs. So here's the fastest new version yet.
64th Note official Site
64th Note 1.0 Beta 13
RuMSX 0.32 Released
Posted by Jakob @ 01:55 AM CET | Comments: 0 | MSX
A new version of RuMSX has been released for your MSX emulation pleasure.
Here's what's new:
| # RUMSXEMU.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and must be downloaded.
# RUMSXLNG.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and need to be downloaded for localization-support.
# RUMSXLNX.ZIP (*updated*) contains partially localized versions of RuMSX (french+russian). In contrast to RUMSXLNG.ZIP the translation is not completed. So these resources are partially english. This file is NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
# RUMSXHLP.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and must be downloaded (it contains RuMSX HTML-help files).
# RUMSXUNI.ZIP (*updated*) contains a trial-version of the RuMSX V0.32 unicode build (MSXW.EXE), which supports world-wide character sets in the single file. This file is NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
# Since V0.29 RuMSX supports a "My MSX" folder. This feature is disabled by default and has to be enabled by separate tools!
# Creation of new configurations created invalid paths to standard ROM images. This bug was new since V0.31.
# New introduced V9948 video processor was mistakenly assigned to MSX2+ and TurboR configurations.
# The VDP version number of the V9958 was incorrect (=1) since the beginning of RuMSX. This is now fixed (=2).
# VDP supports the native modes only (TMS9918A does no longer support SCREEN 4 and higher modes, V9938 does no longer support SCREEN 10 and higher modes). Prior versions reported only the correct VDP version number, but enabled all valid modes and command for every Video-Processor.
# When creating a new disk-image it's now possible to select between MSX-DOS1 and MSX-DOS2 boot-sectors.
# Using TrueColor RuMSX-logo from Marc Donkers in the AboutBox.
# Fixing repaint problems. If RuMSX was running or halted in background not all parts of the MSX display have been properly repainted.
# Extended advanced options to prevent entering of monitor power low/off modes (not recommended for laptops).
# Initial number of 5th/9th sprite is 0 (rather than 31 used until RuMSX V0.31), indicating that there are no hidden sprite lines.
# Minor fix of the Z80 RETI command (should not affect normal MSX programs)
# Pending VDP interrupts (signaled while interrupts disabled) were mistakenly discarded. This is now fixed and corrects
(a) the slowdown of games such as "Track & Field" and "Hyper Sports",
(b) flickering display in games using scanline interrupts such as "Zanac Ex" and "Aleste 2"
# Added support for Z80B CPU.
# Added CYRILLIC (russian) and ARABIC font to the "Locale" dialog.
# Updated MSX-locale and initial VDP-frequency of the CBIOS configurations according to the design- specifications. (RuMSX V0.31 did not contain the specified changes, even if listed).
# ROM cartridges with MSX-Basic programs were not detected properly.
RuMSX 0.32
Saturday, September 24, 2005 |
Dualis Release 12 Released
Posted by Keith @ 06:03 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
A new version of the Nintendo DS emulator for Windows has been released. Here is the changes for Dualis Release 12.
| CPU: Fixed the Div SWI number (6 -> 9)
CPU: Added BLX (both variants)
GPU: Fixed Y-clipping for rotoscaled OBJs
GPU: Fixed a bug introduced in the last release where the wrong palette would be used for OBJs when uding the GDI renderer
GUI: Fixed a disassembler bug where shift amounts would be missing
GUI: Fixed a disassembler bug where the wrong condition code would be shown
GUI: Added the ability to alter the CPU registers through the disassembler (click on a register in the register list)
GUI: Alt+F4 commands to the video output window are now promoted to the main window
GUI: The short lag between pressing Esc and the emulator actually shutting down should now be gone
GUI: Added AVI recording through VFW
GUI: Added the ability to take screenshots (24-bit BMP only)
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 12
Stella DS 0.5 Released
Posted by Keith @ 07:12 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
A new version of the Atari 2600 emulator for the Nintendo DS handheld has been released. Here is what was posted for Stella DS version 0.5.
| I got a lot of work done today. I painfully coded in embedded GBFS support. Then, I threw together a menu system. Because of the nature of WMB, you have to compile in the ROMs still, but at least you can choose which one you want to play.
Nothing like spending your Friday night programming.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Stella DS Official Site
Stella DS 0.5
Another SaturnTV WIP Report
Posted by Keith @ 07:04 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
Another day and another work in progress report from subleaf about his Saturn emulator SaturnTV. Here is what he posted over at the official site for SaturnTV.
| VDP2:
-Line Screen
.Implemented back screen(single color & each line color)
.Implemented line color screen(single color & each line color)
.Fixed a bug in coordinates calcultion of rotation
Head on over to the official site for more information and to check out the screenshot showing off the latest developments.
SaturnTV Official Site
Friday, September 23, 2005 |
Have a Review or an Article You Want To Share?
Posted by Keith @ 10:56 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
Hey guys just wanted to let you know that we are currently looking to expand our site content and would love to have your help. So if you have a review or an article you would like to share then feel free to pass it our way. On a related note Trotterwatch has added his very nice article on emulation which you can read here.
Emulation - the wonder of discovery
We have a submit review forum you can use for submitting reviews. Reviews can be for games, hardware, or anything PC related. If we find it to be good enough we will add it to our site.
If you have an article you would like to share then feel free to send me a private message on the forums and I will hook you up.
Thanks for all the support and I look forward to reading all the new content. :)
SaturnTV WIP Report
Posted by Keith @ 10:01 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
A new work in progress report was posted by subleaf for his Saturn emulator SaturnTV. Along with the report comes a new screenshot showing off the latest developments. Here is what was posted for this progress report.
| VDP2:
.implemented rotation of RBG0
.implemented zoom for NBG0, NBG1
now the blue nebula can rotate
Head on over to the official site for more information and to check out the screenshot.
SaturnTV Official Site
clrmamepro 3.80 Released
Posted by Keith @ 12:56 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of clrmamepro has been released. Here is the changes for version 3.80.
| Sick of searching new datfiles? Not knowing which are up2date? Tired of visiting dozens of www sites to get new dats? Don't know how many new dats which don't have yet are out there....well....that's over....
Happily introduce to you: The WWW PROFILER
For more information read the wwwprofiler.txt file.
Some further stuff:
added: save set-list options added as copy to clipboard options too
added: delete options added as move (to a selectable folder) options too
added: rebuilder adv. lets you set the cache size for no-recompress rebuilds (8-128MB)
misc: optimized rebuilder's additional sha1/md5 checks
misc: profiler window and progresswindow shows correct icon ;)
misc: better remebering of last used profile
misc: readded some custom treecontrol functions (speeding up tree)
misc: rebuilder log gives some more detailed information for 'skip' events
misc: don't show number of received bytes anymore when importing data (reporting the size fluently could be the cause for some broken imports)
fixed: some rare exception in the 3rd party zipclass library
fixed: nodump handling controls can get enabled for some non-nodump dats
fixed: pressing progress window cancel in batchrun mode doesn't let you stop the batchrun optionally as well in all cases
fixed: since the zipscanner detects zips by structures and not by fileextension .zip it may run into trouble with file which are renamed zips.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
clrmamepro Official Site
clrmamepro 3.80
Thursday, September 22, 2005 |
Thanks suanyuan :)
Posted by Keith @ 08:59 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Hosted Sites
As a present for helping out suanyuan (VBA smooth) he has given us a cute little animated agent. If you want to download the little guy then head on over to the VBA smooth site. Here is a screenshot of him in action. He is the little red guy in the screen capture.
VBA smooth
Nintencer 0.1.2 Released
Posted by Keith @ 10:26 AM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
Along with the new Mednafen release also comes a new release for the Nintendo emulator Nintencer which is based off of FCE Ultra. Here is the changes for version 0.1.2.
| • Removed the unused internal 8x13 font.
• Removed stupid debugging code left over in the OpenGL code that could cause massive unnecessary frameskipping under common situations.
• Fixed a nasty bug in the iNES loading code that could cause segmentation faults on startup in some situations.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Nintencer Official Site
Nintencer 0.1.2
Mednafen 0.3.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:23 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
A new version of the multiple system emulator Mednafen has been released.
| GB: CGB-specific emulated RAM is no longer saved in save-states.
GB: Fixed a bug in sound sweep emulation.
GBC: The palette is now saved in save states. This fixes a major problem with save states with most GBC games...
Fixed the SF*N() save state macros to not put quotes around names in save state files, and added a workaround for compatibility with old save states. This is an embarrassing bug. :b
PCE: Made major optimizations to the VDC emulation code.
PCE: Rewrote the PSG emulation to use Blip_Synth and Blip_Buffer.
PCE: Altered the noise channel emulation frequency calculation and LFSR emulation. I'm still not sure if it's correct.
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.3.2
VBA smooth Win98 6.4 Released
Posted by Keith @ 08:15 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
suanyuan has released a new build of the Gameboy Advance emulator VBA smooth that fixes issues with Windows 98 users. Not sure if he meant to overwrite the existing version of 6.4 so I renamed our local file and we now have both the older and newer version online. Here is what was changed with this build.
| For win98 users failed to open file dialog,
Head on over to the official site for more information.
VBA smooth Official Site
VBA smooth Win98 6.4
CaSTaway/PSP 005 Released
Posted by Keith @ 07:50 AM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Skeezix has released a new version of his Atari ST emulator for the PSP handheld known as CaSTaway/PSP. Here is the list of changes for version 005.
| Release 005
FIX: Handle more than 250 disk images/savestates (up to about a thousand now ;)
NEW: Added goofy ST-like unpack effect at load time -
'unpack demo' for a few secs, wait a sec, 'black' and menu as normal
NEW: Can set throttle to 60Hz, 50Hz, or even 30Hz, or unthrottle
NEW: Added scaling menu, so you can specify..
o Scale 1:1 with centering
o Scale fullscreen with smoothing
o Scale fullscreen without smoothing
Head on over to the official site for more information.
CaSTaway Official Site
CaSTaway/PSP 005
Stella DS WIP News
Posted by Keith @ 03:32 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
Just a little bit of work in progress news for the Stella (Atari 2600 emulator) port for the Nintendo DS handheld.
| Finally, got my wireless card. Now I can continue working, provided school does not get in my way.
I plan on rewriting the entire CPU core emulator to use ARM assembly. Then, I am going to add sound and a ROM menu so you do not have to painfully recompile the emulator every time you want to play something else.
Finally, when sgstair is done hacking wireless, expect to be able to play multiplayer Atari 2600 games with the person beside you or on the other side of the world.
Thanks buZz` from #dsdev for the new shot of H.E.R.O. on the About page.
Multiplayer Atari 2600 with a friend sounds sweet. Head on over to the official site for more information.
Stella DS Official Site
xmame/xmess 0.100 Released
Posted by Keith @ 01:51 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
The Linux (UNIX) ports of MAME and MESS have been released. Here is the changes for version 0.100.
| • Everything from MAME 0.100 (changes-mame.html) and MESS 0.100 (changes-mess.html).
• Using "make install" no longer strips debug symbols from the executables.
• Improved support for OpenBSD, including fixing audio on 8-bit sound cards. (Claudio Castiglia)
• Improved the SDL joystick driver so that it will work better with components identified as hat switches or trackballs. (Dave Ahlswede)
• Increased the maximum number of joystick axes from 8 to 16 to support the Gravis Xterminator joypad. (Dave Ahlswede)
Head on over to the newly designed xmame/xmess site for more information.
xmame/xmess Official Site
xmame/xmess 0.100
UnrealSpeccy 0.32b2 Released
Posted by Keith @ 01:24 AM CET | Comments: 0 | ZX-Spectrum
A new build of UnrealSpeccy (ZX-Spectrum emulator for the Windows Operating System) has been released. Here is the changes for version 0.32b2.
| ! fixed bug (only drive A: can be used) [fb Strunov]
! fixed bug in FDD delays [fb Kubas]
* some changes in multicolor renderer [sb AlCo]
* Pentagon-1024: #7FFD.5 is a 48k mode lock when #EFF7.2=1 [sb AlCo]
* color console output
* AdvMAME scale 2x,4x optimized for SSE2
Head on over to the sourceforge site for UnrealSpeccy to grab the docs and to get more information.
UnrealSpeccy Official Site
UnrealSpeccy 0.32b2
64th Note 1.0 Beta 11 Released
Posted by Keith @ 01:12 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo 64
A new beta build of 64th Note the USF plugin for Winamp has been released. Here is the changes for 1.0 Beta 11.
| • removed unused debug, COM, GUI, profiling, FPS, pause/stepping stuff (saved 84 kb)
• reduced CPU Thread termination timeout on close to .2 seconds (rather than 2 seconds)
Head on over to the official site for more information and some sound files. Thanks to Dalthon for the heads up on the forums.
64th Note official Site
64th Note 1.0 Beta 11
Sad News From The PCSX2 Dev Team
Posted by Keith @ 01:02 AM CET | Comments: 1 | Playstation 2
Looks like my good buddy Linuzappz has officialy quit the PCSX2 Development team. I personally want to thank him for all his great work and all the fun betas he passed my way for PCSX and PCSX2. I wish you the best Linuzappz and be sure to keep in touch.
Here is the official message from the PCSX2 Site.
| Linuzappz the lead coder for the PCSX2 project has 'officially' quit. This is due to several reasons, from slowly loosing interest in the project, to simply not having enough time to work on it.
I won't pull punches here, this is a major blow to this project as he is responsible for so much code, plugins and has an extensive knowledge of the PlayStation 2. Whilst he will pop in 'rarely' to lend a hand, or some advice he won't be working on it further
All of the betatesting team, his fellow developers and the general people who lend help in #PCSX2 will greatly miss him. We send him all our best, wish him luck with his hectic life and lets hope he gets atleast one date with Carolina Ardohรกin (Pampita)
PCSX2 is far from dead and both shadow, Saqib will maintain the project with the heap of coders we do have (Refraction, auMatt, GoldFinger etc..) Given this project has come so far just recently we won't be letting it go the way of the dodo.
PCSX2 Official Site
Wednesday, September 21, 2005 |
Happy Anniversary Sandie ;)
Posted by Keith @ 11:02 PM CET | Comments: 9 | Site
Sorry for the non emulation interuption. Just wanted to wish my wife a happy 7th year wedding anniversary. Love you baby .. only 43 more years to go until we hit the big 50. :)
GameEx 5.11 Released
Posted by Keith @ 09:21 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of the gaming frontend GameEx has been released. Here is the changes for version 5.10.
| • New most played/frequently played list/module
• Update German translation by Cupid
• Removed Play DVD from start page. Only under Multimedia now.
• Added setting to not wait for blitting. This might stop flickering on ancient video cards. Although causes slow down.
• Fixed exception when returning to News list after attract mode runs.
• Attract mode will no longer fire up when waiting for the news list to populate
• Now checks that an emulator ROM exists before launching.
• Fixed cant not exit attract mode and play the game.
Head on over to the official site for more information. Updated to 5.11 but no changes yet.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.11
FpseCE 0.09.5 Released
Posted by Keith @ 08:26 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation
A new version of the Playstation emulator for the PocketPC known as FpseCE has been released. Here is part of the changes for version 0.09.5.
| • Fixed lot of "bugs" that caused memory allocation errors on WM2003 SE.
• Fixed compatibility with UNICODE devices.
• Fixed some display bugs into the virtual gamepad.
• Fixed a bug in movies decoding when B/W output is selected.
• Fixed a bug with sound cache buffers.
• Now FPSE is compiled only with Microsoft Libraries except few speed critical functions.
• There is just one executable for all CPU and all WinCE platforms (I hope).
Select your ARM version into the main menu:
Options->Cpu type->ARM V4 (or ARM V5)
FPSE has been tested with WM2003 and WM2003SE. I don't know what it will happen with WM2002 and older: try it, perhaps it will work.
• Started support for LFB feature on VGA models (not working yet).
• Removed the old file selector. The new rountine is faster, it virtually
doesn't use memory (the previous one used more than 1MB or ram!!!) and
- it's much more colorful ^_^.
- It's also coded for being resolution-independent, so it should run fine
in VGA mode too in the future.
• The libraries LibZ and LIBBZip2 are now compiled as DLL.
This will be an advantage because:
- It uses less memory.
- We can change them easily without recompiling the emulator, if one day
a newer version of those libraries will come out.
• A new automatic frameskip function has been implemented.
• Some small speed improvements with compiled memory functions.
• Sound playback is much smoother now.
Head on over to the official site to check out more information regarding the frameskip options and to download the newly released version of PocketISO. Great work LDChen and schtruck.
FpseCE Official Site
FpseCE 0.09.5
Tuesday, September 20, 2005 |
FrodoDS WIP News
Posted by Keith @ 09:51 PM CET | Comments: 2 | Nintendo DS
GPF has just informed us on IRC that he has updated his site with some work in progress news and a screenshot for his Frodo (Commodore 64) port for the Nintendo DS. Here's what GPF posted about the recent developments.
| I've partially implemented headspin's C64 keyboard bmp for Uppercase and shifted. Here is a screenshot of it running Bruce Lee. I still need a little work on the keyboard cant figure out why im getting the corruption at the bottom of the screen.
Also if anyone has a ndslib opengl example using a 512X512 texture so i can use a smaller view window minus the borders or give me some better ideas on scaling a 384X360 screen to 256X192
Head on over to the official site for more information and the screenshot. Also if anyone can help him out with his question that would be great. :)
GPF's Dreamcast and Nintendo Dev Site
Lots Of Site News
Posted by Keith @ 07:34 PM CET | Comments: 2 | Site
I have been wanting to post about all the recent changes we have done to the site but also wanted to wait until we had a bunch done. So I have just finished up the latest addition to Emulation64 and figured now would be a good time to go over all the recent changes.
- News and File Search - I have added search features for both the news database and the file database.
- File Database Reorganization - I have reorganized the file database and now we have them separated into consoles, handhelds, computer, arcade and misc sections (Thanks to PsyMan for the suggestion). Along with the search engine it should be a bit easier to find what you are looking for.
- News Archive - I have added a news archive and also made a new category list so you can easily view news by either month or by category.
- Redid The Guides Navigation - When the sites merged I was short on time so I had to write the guides script in about a day so I didn't have time to come up with something nicer at the time. So I have redone the guides navigation when viewing a guide and also added Previous and Next links (uses page titles). Looks much better now and the guides can now use the wasted space.
- Added a Main Menu - I added a main menu to the top right area of the menus. We are really starting to expand a lot and there is no room for more links at the top left of the site so I needed to make a menu. The menu lists all our major areas as well as a few useful things such as the news archive and RSS feed.
- News Credit System - I have also created a new feature for Emulation64. I wanted to way to give thanks and link back to sites that credit us for news. So I figured it would be cool to make an area where we could list the latest sites who have credited us for news. It basically shows the site name which is linkable to the site and the poster, post and date. It will list the last 50 credits and eventually when have more added we will add some cool stats such as top credit posters and top credit sites as well as an archive.
Whoo .. ok thats enough for now. I have also done some admin stuff that won't be very interesting to you guys and currently PsyMan and Gent are working on adding missing files to the database as well as updating outdated stuff. Jakob is working on adding his gallery script to the site which is very nice. Dark Watcher has added in a few of his guides from EmuFanatics and will be adding more soon. So as you can see we have been pretty busy and things are going great and its nice to see the merge working out so nice for everyone. Thanks for all the hard work guys lets keep it up. :)
Raine 0.43.2 Released
Posted by Keith @ 03:54 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of the arcade emulator Raine has been released. Here is the changes for version 0.43.2.
| • Haze added diverboy, mugsmash, cross pang.
• I added Jumping pop, and Tetris 2+ (or fixed it since there was a preliminary driver in raine since 0.28, but it was really the begining). I also added the esd16 driver from mame, with multi champ, multi champ deluxe, and head panic. All of these are using lots of colors !
• A few fixes for extreme video modes situations (linux console). WARNING: if you want to play with the frame buffer in linux, use allegro 4.2.0, frame buffer support has been broken for a very long time in allegro-4.1.x.
• Also some fixes to really prevent raine from changing the current video mode if the user forbids it or if the current video driver can't give the list of supported video modes by the monitor (which is the case of frame buffer driver for linux).
• Bezel fixes : when the video mode is not automatically changed, the bezel now adapts to the current mode (instead of not displaying anything). Also if you load a 2nd game which also uses a bezel, the 2nd bezel is now correctly handled.
• The buffer for the history.dat is doubled (for dkong for example), I should probably use a dynamic buffer for that... maybe later.
• Now raine supports multiple layouts / gfx layers, and is automatically calling make_solid_mask for a region when a layout is defined for it. gfx[n] always contains the nth layer in the layouts list, and gfx_solid[n] is the result of the call of make_solid_mask on this region, and max_sprites[n] contains the number of sprites for this area. Also the driver's loading function is now called BEFORE the layouts are applied, which allows to decrypt/convert the sprites and still use automatically the layers. This should have been added a long time ago, it became obvious just recently with all these drivers which needed manual graphics decoding.
• raine does its own tests for svgalib in linux now. If it does not detect vga.h at the standard places when compiling, then svgalib support is disabled.
• Fixed the fg layer of the 2nd tc100scn not updated in thundfox (thundfox seems to be the only game which uses a 2nd fg layer, so it escaped me !)
• while testing stuff with the eeproms, fixed pang3j which never worked (!), and added service mode controls for the pirates driver.
• fine tune the music of the hammer in donkey kong so that the other sounds can be heared while it's playing.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Raine Official Site
Raine 0.43.2
Mednafen 0.3.1 Released
Posted by Keith @ 06:47 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
A new source and Win32 build of the multiple system emulator Mednafen have been released. Here is the changes for version 0.3.1.
| Fixed a bug that existed since 0.2.0 that was causing a null-pointer deference in stat().Interesting, glibc silently ignored the error, but the error caused crashing under Windows.
PCE: The HuC6280 timer latch is now loaded with an appropriate value on reset. Fixes "Double Dungeons".
PCE: Added generic PC Engine save RAM emulation.
After realizing the PC Engine sound emulation code is much slower than I thought it was, I've rewritten it to be much faster, at about the same sound quality. Expect a release incorporating this new sound code later this week, after I do bug testing.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.3.1
MEKA WIP 2005-09-19 Released
Posted by Keith @ 06:41 AM CET | Comments: 10 | SMS|GG
A new work in progress build of MEKA has been released over at the official forums. Here is a rundown on the latest changes for the September 18th and 19th releases.
| MEKA 0.72 WIP 20050919
• Added black & white border in tilemap viewer.
• Added fadeout when quitting (only 32-bits mode supported).
• Fixed source package (yesterday's one was broken).
MEKA 0.72 WIP 20050918
• Miscellaenous:
- (WIP) Fixed screenshots being fully transparent. [Omar]
- Updated various tidbits in the configuration file. [Omar]
• Development:
- Added tilemap viewer. [Omar]
- Shows tilemap, hovering or clicking a tile shows specific info about it, allows filtering BG/FG, disabling tile flipping, tile flipping, display of scrolling box, with or without raster effects.
- Cleaned Technical Information Viewer content, renamed a few fields to their official names, removed redundant information. It's not yet all clean. [Omar]
MEKA 0.72 WIP 20050910
• Development:
- Debugger:
- Added line history. Navigate history by pressing Up/Down. List or search in history using HISTORY (HI) command. [Omar]
• Fixed various bugs: scrollbar display during theme switch, memory editor scrollbar crashing, etc.
• Sources/Project
- (Win32) Now linking to zlib.lib instead of zlibs.lib (name for standard static build of ZLIB).
Head on over to the WIP release thread for more information. Thanks to Emulation9 for the news. :)
MEKA WIP Release Thread
MEKA WIP 2005-09-19
Monday, September 19, 2005 |
LusSpace FE 1.14 Released
Posted by Keith @ 05:05 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
A new version of the multiple system frontend that works with a wide variaty of emulators has been released. Here is the changes for version 1.14.
| • intuitive search [with F6]
• slide show available for favourites and search
• new skins support and some new skins available
• you can change all colors of skins listbox, edit : skins/listbox.ini
Head on over to the official site for more information. Thanks to AEP for the news. :)
LusSpace FE Official Site
LusSpace FE 1.14
Mednafen 0.3.0 Released
Posted by Keith @ 04:51 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
A new source version of the multiple system emulator Mednafen has been released. This new release also brings in a new system which is PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 emulation. Here is the changes for version 0.3.0.
| 0.3.0
• Added PC Engine and SuperGrafx emulation.
• Save states are now compressed and encapsulated in gzip-format files.
• NES: Fixed display rectangle setting code that was causing screenshots from PAL games to be cut off at the top and bottom.
• NES: Added an iNES header correction entry for "Gauntlet 2", to clear the four-screen bit.
• NES: Added support for configuring NES gamepads 3 and 4 from within the emulator(during emulation), mapped to key combinations "F4" and "Shift + F4", respectively.
• Fixed virtual input device configuration from the command-line(it was segfaulting before becausethe code was dereferencing a null pointer).
Keep an eye out for the Windows binary coming soon. Head on over to the official site for more information.
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.3.0
Sunday, September 18, 2005 |
VBA smooth 6.4 Released *Updated*
Posted by PsyMan @ 07:55 PM CET | Comments: 3 | GameBoy Advance
suanyuan has released another version of his unofficial Visualboy Advance build known as VBA smooth. Here are the changes for version 6.4:
| * feature added:
- add an entry forceRenderMethod=1 in vba.ini to force using DirectDraw driver (thanks awi's suggestion)
- force to stop emulation before switching sound emulation on/off
- add an entry saveMoreCPU=1 in vba.ini for slow computer to save more CPU power
* bug fix:
[mikoxc] when sound is disable, vba load a game then crashed
- fix a bug in PCM interpolation module
[mikoxc] VBA run a game with sound disable, after load a real-time save file, VBA crashed
- fix another bug in PCM interpolation module
[bohdy] 6.3 still runs at half framerate in automatic mode, just like if frameskip 1 was selected.
- fix a bug in automatic frame rate control
[Squaresoft74] On the top and left sides of the screen i get blue lines that weren't there with previous builds.
- not crop a pixel around the border of output image
Thanks to Dalthon for the heads up. :)
*Update* The previous VBA smooth 6.4 release was a test release. If you got the file from our database earlier it's recommended to download it again in order to get the final 6.4 release.
VBA smooth 6.4 Release Thread (NGEmu Forums)
VBA smooth Official Site
VBA smooth 6.4
Dualis Release 11 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 01:03 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
A new version of this Nintendo DS emulator has been released.
| CPU: Fixed a bug in Thumb STRH with register offset
MMU: Fixed accesses to DTCM when it has been mapped within main RAM
GPU: Fixed a bug that closed the emulator when a BG was enabled before the VRAM banks were set up
GPU: Fixed a bug where the wrong screen base block would be used in some cases
GPU: Fixed some OBJ priority issues
GPU: Fixed some luma increase/decrease issues
GPU: Added support for extended palettes on text BGs
GUI: Memory viewer and disassembler now accept arbitrary addresses
GUI: Added an edit function to the memory viewer (click on a memory cell, enter a new value and hit "Set")
GUI: Fixed a few bugs in the palette and tile viewer dialogs
And for the curious types, the full source code of Dualis is now available in the download section.
Dualis Official Site
Dualis Release 11
Saturday, September 17, 2005 |
blueMSX 2.4 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 02:28 PM CET | Comments: 0 | MSX
A new version of this MSX emulator has been released.
| Main changes in this version extend the features of the emulator in different domains :
- blueMSX had already support for all MSX machines and for some pre-MSX1 machines like the SVI-318/328 computers and the ColecoVision console, it has now support for the first Sega console, the SG-1000.
This addition comes from Ricardo Bittencourt, a well-known and very talented Brazilian programmer, who has rejoined the blueMSX developer's team.
- A new synchronisation mode has been added, it is linked to the PC Vertical Blank and does a linear interpolation of the MSX frames to match the PC monitor frequency.
It allows to get a video result that is almost as smooth as on a real MSX, but requires a very powerful PC and a videocard that supports this mode.
- The audio mixer is now, like the keyboard editor, a theme-written plugin and appears in an apart draggable window.
This evolution of the emulator is a first step to prepare a future Linux version. To reach this goal, more code must indeed become free from the Windows OS.
Which are the other changes ?
In the emulator :
- Added support for MSX-MIDI OUT in generic Turbo-R machines and in Panasonic FS-A1GT, with checkbox to map the MT-32 instruments to General MIDI
- Added support for the mapper and the soundchip (VLM5030) of the Konami Keyboard Master, an unreleased and rare cartridge
- Improved SCC emulation to support the NYYRIKKI's sample players
- Rewrote completely the interrupt support
- Added support for renewed CAS and DSK databases in XML format with SHA1 values
- Extended the CAS database with new entries and with data for the corresponding WAV files
- Added support for Chinese language (Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional)
- Added 5 new generic MSX machines : MSX1 Arabic, MSX1 French, MSX1 Russian, MSX1 Spanish, MSX2 Swedish
- Added the RS232 rom in all generic MSX machines
- Improved the SVI memory management
- Added support for the SVI-603 Coleco game adapter
- Added 2 SVI-328 machines with second video card (80 columns)
- Fixed different bugs
In the debugger :
- Added support for Chinese and Korean languages
- Added a window with list of values in the I/O ports
- Added a window to read and edit values of peripheral registers (VDP and PSG)
- Added saving of a disassembly in a text file
- Added saving of the memory in a binary file
In the tracer :
- Added support for Chinese and Korean languages
blueMSX Official Site
blueMSX 2.4
fluBBa updates (Goomba, Murdoc, GreenBoy)
Posted by [vEX] @ 02:08 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
fluBBa has updated his GameBoy emulator (Goomba), his Green Beret emulator (GreenBoy) and Mr. Do! emulator (Murdoc), all for the Game Boy Advance.
Goomba changes:
| - Fixed MultiBoot transfer.
- Fixed a bug in the sound init.
- Fixed the RTC a bit.
- Changed some small things in the cpu core (DK and Kirby faster).
GreenBoy changes:
| - Optimised sound mixer.
- Fixed a CPU bug (RETI/RETN).
Murdoc changes:
| - Optimised sound mixer.
- Fixed a CPU bug (RETI/RETN).
fluBBa Official Site
Goomba 2.3
GreenBoy 0.3
Murdoc 0.2
Friday, September 16, 2005 |
New PCSX2 WIP Video
Posted by Keith @ 06:04 PM CET | Comments: 3 | Playstation 2
A new video has been posted over at the official PCSX2 site showing off the latest developments to the IPU (Image Processing Unit) by Saqib. Here is what was posted over at the PCSX2 site.
| Saqib fixed a large portion of IPU (Image Processing Unit) support in PCSX2, whilst this work is highly WIP and only just happened, it is giving impressive results.
Videos (FMV's, cutscenes etc) had previously required patches to skip past them, otherwise the emulator would hang, now many games are playing videos (all be it very broken looking in many cases!), examples of games now showing FMV playback would include: Onimusha 2, Onimusha 3, R: Racing, Project Zero, Soul Calibur II, Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 etc.
Video support will greatly increase the compatibility of PCSX2 and open up even more games for testing and viewing pleasure.
To show you this good news our tester Rudy_X produced a video from Final Fantasy X DEMO to show you video playback and how it allows you to progress further into the game!
Head on over to the official site to grab the video file.
PCSX2 Official Site
SNES4ALL Coming Soon
Posted by Keith @ 12:00 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Dreamcast
I just read over at about a new SNES emulator in the works for the Dreamcast Console. Here is what Chui posted about this new project.
| Today, i will compile first prototype of SNES4ALL under Dreamcast!!!!
A new project of SuperNintendo emulator for Dreamcast and GPX2 by Fox68k, Franxis and me. It's a remix of last snes9x and snes9x Zaurus port (SDL video). Also, i convert Unix ioctl audio to SDL audio. Now, it's compile under Windows and GNU/Linux.
Pretty sweet news for you Dreamcast users out there. Head on over to the announcement post for more information and to leave some comments.
Chui's Announcement Post
Thursday, September 15, 2005 |
ngPsp 1.3.1 Released
Posted by Keith @ 05:10 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
PSMonkey has released a new version of his NeoGeo Pocket emulator for the PSP handheld. Here's the information for version 1.3.1.
| v1.3.1
Sorry this build took so long. I actualy forgot to finish it off when I had issues with getting irda to work. I desided to just go ahead
and release this build as there are a few who wish to have it. Yet there is a few issues with this build. First Samurai Shodown 2 & Last blade have some serious issues with the emulator. I have no idea what broke still but both games will lock up for a few mins durring a battle then resume but yet keep repeating this every so often. Someone told me Sonic was not working in the last build but seem to be fine in this build (I played till the 2nd world just fine). The game is actualy decent to play at 333 and a frameskip of 4. Well thats about it. Enjoy.
Oh one last thing. Thanks to everybody who donated for me to get a second PSP. I have been working on the wifi library, dubed Nemo, and I am very very close to getting adhoc suport done for p2p. So hopefuly I can get a adhoc demo out in the near future once i can finish off the rewrite of the librarys. Exspect a huge thank you personaly to every donator in the wifi demo.
Ps. I officialy changed my name from nexis2600 to PSmonkey now.
-- *NOTE* - This build defaults to 333Mhz as it was a development build. You can still downclock the emu to 222 via the menu.
.) Removed VSync from rendering. Games get a small boost and framerate is now around 40-50 fps in most games. A improvement over being a pretty solid 30.
.) Sound code is there but ungodly bad. I left it in this build in the hope someone can help me out with correcting it and getting it accurate.
.) Suport for using a real bios added but disabled in this build.
Head on over to the ngPsp release thread to leave some feedback. Also if you like the emulator and want to give back to the PSMonkey for his great work then feel free to drop him a donation at his paypal account. :)
ngPsp Release Thread
ngPsp Official Site
ngPsp 1.3.1
Gens32 Surreal 1.20 XForm Released
Posted by Keith @ 04:42 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Genesis
A new build of Gens32 has been released. Here is the changes for Surreal 1.20 XForm.
| 1)Redesigned Menus.
2)Enjoy BGM mode added.
3)Fetch Game system added.
4)Indicator light for signal Game Playing/Mouse Enable.
5)Load GG Code/Save As GG code option added.
6)More filters added.
7)Restored Render Plugin system.
8)Check Rom Info option restored.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Gens32 Official Site
Gens32 Surreal 1.20 XForm
KlipFolio Feed Added To The Site :)
Posted by Keith @ 09:33 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
I have added a KlipFolio feed for The Emulation64 Network since we are a premier site for emulation news and we want to provide a variaty of ways to access our news. This is something I have used in the past with EmuFanatics which worked out great for our visitors who already used KlipFolio.
I have made a little guide on how to get started with KlipFolio and how to add our feed. I have also created 3 different klip files which offer different checking times. The 3 options are to check every 60, 30 or 15 minutes. You can of course edit this on your own by downloading our klip file and editing it in a text editor.
Well while I am posting site news I figured I would let you guys know that we are currently working on our download database. We are adding missing files, updating file information and doing some reorganization. We will post again once we are done. :)
KlipFolio Information
DSemu 0.4.7 Released
Posted by Keith @ 06:39 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
Chris Double has released a new version of the Nintendo DS emulator DSemu. Here is the changes for version 0.4.7.
| • Support for the X and Y keys have been added. This can be configured using the Options/Configuration menu option. The code for this was contributed by Normmatt.
• Many fixes to key handling. Anything but A and B keys were very buggy in previous builds. My 'keys' demo from my tutorials now works correctly and Space Invaders is now playable.
• Support for GBA games was re-added. It was removed when I first took up support of DSEmu until I understood the code better. It is now back in and will be maintained.
• The FIFO registers have been implemented. This is an important feature for DSLinux and a step towards support for the commercial downloadable demos.
• Various bug fixes in graphics code.
The compuational accelerator registers have been implemented. Again, a steps towards support for the commerical downloadable demos. Contributed by Julien Hamaide.
• Workaround for 'console scramble'. There has been an issue since DevkitPro R14 which causes text output using the console output routines to be scrambled. I implemented a workaround in 0.4.6 but it didn't work for homebrew programs built with previous versions. I've been unable to fix the problem so far, so I added a 'Unscramble console text' option in the Options/Configuration menu option. If you run a game and the text appears scrambled, check or uncheck this, and it should correct the problem when you press 'Ok'. I hope to fix this in 0.4.8.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
DSemu Official Site
DSemu 0.4.7
MESS 0.100 Released
Posted by Keith @ 06:34 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
A new version of the multiple system emulator MESS has been released. Here is the list of changes for version 0.100.
| New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order):
• Macintosh SE [Nate Woods]
System Driver Changes:
• [C128] Fixed regression introduced in 0.99. [Nate Woods]
• [CONCEPT] Added HD support. [Brett Wyer, Raphael Nabet]
• [MAC] Added SCSI HD and extended PRAM support. [R. Belmont]
User Interface Changes:
Imgtool Changes:
• Removed no-longer used 'test' command. [Nate Woods]
• Added a MacBinary filter. [Nate Woods]
• [PRODOS] Added data fork support for ProDOS 6 forked files (storage class $5). [Nate Woods]
• [MAC/TI99/TI990HD] Fixed a variety of crashes. [Raphael Nabet]
• [RSDOS] Fixed an unexpected error message if the directory track fills up. [Nate Woods]
• [Windows] Added a feature to use filters when inserting and extracting files. (bug #631) [Nate Woods]
Source Changes:
• The core is based on MAME 0.100. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]
• Removed fringe statetext feature used by a handful of the CBM drivers. [Nate Woods]
• Fixed cassette audio sound regression introduced in MESS 0.93. [Nate Woods]
• [Windows] Added a -skip_warnings option. [Nate Woods]
• [Windows GUI] Fixed copyright year. (bug #740) [Nate Woods]
• Fixed PULUW mnemonic in the 6309 disassembler. [tim lindner]
• [Messtest] Refactored to use src/xmlfile.c code. [Nate Woods]
Head on over to the official site for more information.
MESS Official Site
MESS 0.100
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 |
CaSTaway/PSP 004b alpha Released
Posted by Keith @ 04:45 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
A new update for the CaSTaway port for the PSP handheld has been released. Here is the changes for version 004b.
| NEW: Caching of the database lookups; having it re-scan the disk database every time got on my nerves quick, so now it caches the lookups to memstick; as such you only get the 'big hit' once, or whenever you copy over a pile of new disk images. Subsequent loads will only check new disks, so the lookup will be much faster each run.
o Side effect -- if you _rename_ files around, you might eventually need to delete the STCACHE.TXT file as it would become inaccurate. But no biggy, I doubt anyone will do that..
Head on over to the official site for more information.
CaSTaway/PSP Official Site
CaSTaway/PSP 004b alpha
Dark Watcher's Console History Updated :)
Posted by Keith @ 12:07 AM CET | Comments: 1 | Hosted Sites
My good buddy Dark Watcher has updated his wonderful console history site and opened his new site for Handheld History. Here's what he posted for the Console History site.
| • Added Nintendo Revolution, Playstation 3, and Xbox 360
• Added new SPECS sheet for PCFX and new emulator link
• Added updated FAQ for Vectrex
• Added FAQ and great site link for NUON
• Added FAQs for Atari 7800, Amstrad, and N64
• Added XavixPort (Thanks to Strizzuth for the reminder!)
• Changed Indrema page
• Many cosmetic changes (sorry for the crappy tables Mozilla users!)
• Added custom icons
Great additions Dark Watcher. Keep up the good work. :)
Also be sure to check out the start to his new Handheld History Site.
Dark Watcher's Console History Site
Dark Watcher's Handheld History Site
Tuesday, September 13, 2005 |'s Kaillera Server
Posted by Keith @ 11:57 PM CET | Comments: 2 | Multi System
I was checking my news checker and noticed the Snes9k site was updated with some news regarding the change in kaillera client dll file from the to the one for
I figured this would be interesting to those who are still looking for a master list of servers since the one seems to be down. So if you are looking for some kaillera servers or want to add your own to the list then head on over to
VBA smooth 6.3 Released
Posted by Keith @ 07:58 PM CET | Comments: 1 | GameBoy Advance
suanyuan has released a new version of his Visualboy Advance build known as VBA smooth. Here is the changes for version 6.3.
| new features:
- auto select driver, select Direct3d firt, if failed to initialize then select DirectDraw.
- add window size 1.5x (thanks mikoxc's suggestion)
- add Simple Chinese language DLL
(簡體中文語言包 thanks mikoxc to provide this dll)
bug fix:
[mikoxc] when select menu File => Import => Battery file => Flash save, then VBA crash
- fix GBA import battery dialog bug
[mixoxc] when using HQ3X and HQ4X filter with window size x2, VBA only show black screen with sound
- fix bug in D3D driver
[suanyuan] if using filter and change window size from 4x or 3x or 2x to 1x, VBA crashed
- force to disable filter when window size is 1x or 320x240
[suanyuan] pokemonhacker release his code to CVS
- apply most crash bugs fix from latest VBA version on CVS
[many people] Itโs very annoyed every time VBA smooth switches to 16 bit color depth, the screen blinked.
- now VBA smooth select the best rendering driver for you
Head on over to the official site for more information.
VBA smooth Official Site
VBA smooth 6.3
Mednafen Teaser
Posted by Keith @ 04:46 PM CET | Comments: 4 | Multi System
Some new work in progress screens have been posted for the multiple system emulator Mednafen. From what I can see they look like games from the TurboGrafx 16/PC Engine .. so it seems they are adding TurboGrafx 16/PC Engine to their list of systems emulated, which is very cool. :)
Head on over to the official site to check out the screenshot of Yo, Bro and Neutopia II.
Mednafen Official Site
MAME GP32 1.8 Released
Posted by Keith @ 02:06 AM CET | Comments: 0 | GP32
A new version of the MAME port for the GP32 has been released. Here is a list of changes for version 1.8.
| Release dedicated to TheGrimReaper. Mark and Maria, i wish you the best with your journey around the world!.
• TheGrimReaper: Frontend improvements. Access to new options screen pressing START+SELECT simultaneously: Delete ROMs, reset configuration and high scores files, re-assign controls, adjust analog controls sensitivity, update available game list, etc.
• TheGrimReaper: Improvements in the game options screen. All options are changed with the joypad.
• TheGrimReaper: New options are available to change underclock/overclocking for emulated processors and audio CPUs. Depending on the game, decreasing more CPU clocks gives a nice speed improvement. Play with these options :-).
• TheGrimReaper: Control improvements in Battle Zone.
• TheGrimReaper: Sprites corrected in Nibbler and Fantasy.
• Franxis: Accurate sound option added. Sound is better but emulation is slowed. It disables some speed hacks in the sound library.
• Franxis: Minor optimizations and source code cleaned up.
• Please delete old configuration files, because the format has changed again!. I won't touch it again, sorry ;-). Emulator won't work ok if it is not done!.
• Joystick configuration settings are saved in GPMMMAMEGP32KEY (new directory).
Head on over to the official site for more information.
MAME GP32 Official Site
MAME GP32 1.8
Monday, September 12, 2005 |
Gens32 Surreal 1.20 Blue Rain Released
Posted by Derek @ 08:40 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Genesis
Gens32, a genesis emulator for windows, has been updated with a new release. Here's what's new:
| 1)Some work on SEGA CD save states .Not finshed yet.
2)Some changes on SEGA CD brm option.
3)Fixed sound stuff,maybe faster now.
4)Finaly,Mouse was supported! Just With the mouse driver,you can paly your games with your mouse! I have released 4 drivers with this version,they are Dune2's , Lethal Enforcers II's,Lethal Enforcers's and Cannon Fodder's.I will release more later.
Gens32 Official Site
Gens32 Surreal 1.20 Blue Rain
Thanks to AEP Emulation for the heads up.
EasyMame 5.2.1 Released
Posted by Keith @ 05:22 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of the MAME frontend EasyMame has been released. Here is the changes for version 5.2.1.
| Version 5.2.1 release info:
• New : Added 'Cancel' button to the Setup window.
• New : Toolbar is now customizable.
• New : Added new filter menu options 'Vertical Games' and 'Horizontal Games'.
• Fixed : Small bug when using .jpg screenshots.
• Fixed : A nameless .ini file was created when no valid mame binary was found.
• Improved : Minor tweaks and speed enhancements.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
EsayMame Official Site
EasyMame 5.2.1
MAME diff 0.99u10 Released
Posted by Keith @ 04:46 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
Another new MAME diff source file has been released. Here is a rundown on the changes for version 0.99u10.
| 0.99u10
Source Changes
• Fixed bug in INP recording that crashed MAME. [Aaron Giles]
• Added some small optimizations to the Namco System 22 3D renderer. [Aaron Giles]
• Fixed interrupt problem in the M37710 core that caused problems with the recent Namco update. [Aaron Giles]
• Fixes to the recent Namco sound update: [R. Belmont]
* Fixed incorrect voices in System 11/12 games
* Fixed swapped stereo in System 11/12 games
* Fixed missing sound in Namco Classics games
• Added conditional DIP switches to 10 Yard Fight driver. [Curt Coder]
• Added and wired up color PROM for Truco Clemente, but still missing a transform. [Roberto Fresca]
New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
• Monsters World [David Haywood]
New clones added
• Surprise Attack (World Ver. K) [Corrado Tomaselli]
• Power Instinct 2 (Japan) [EGCG]
• Chuugokuryuu II (ver. 100J, Japan) [EGCG]
Head on over to the MAMEDev site for more information.
MAME diff 0.99u10
Sunday, September 11, 2005 |
ScummVM-PSP Beta 5 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 07:17 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
A new version of the PSP port of ScummVM has been released.
| - Added virtual keyboard (use the 'select' button to bring it up)
- Enabled SAGA engine (support for the game 'Inherit the Earth')
- Support for Humongous Entertainment SCUMM games
- Several crash- and bug-fixes (mostly Full Throttle, Broken Sword 1)
- Lots of code cleanup
Lastly, we've also provided 1.50/kxploit EBOOT.PBPs for your convenience.
The EBOOT background is by Chris Eskildsen, thanks Chris!
Thanks wraggster for notifying me on IRC.
ScummVM-PSP Beta 5
GameEx 5.07 & 5.08 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 07:11 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
I bet you saw this one coming, another release of this emulator frontend.
(Updated with 5.08 release. Thanks Hawq for notifying me.)
| 5.08
- Fixes issue with startup error loading a bmp when it should be loading a png and graphics transparency in 5.07
- Play Video/MNG DLL's upgraded to Visual Studio .net 2003.
- Themes now support PNG's
- All themes included in install converted to PNG's. No more Bitmaps.
- This means the GameEx install now takes a third of the hard disk space, and the Install file itself is 1.5MB smaller.
- Note: This does not mean transparency/alpha is now supported.
- New shortcut in Start Menu program group to create MAME snap videos for every game!
- You can also use this to create missing MNG videos from Crashtests set. It wont overwrite existing. Have a video for 'every' single game ;)
- I'd like feedback on the above.
- Uninstall no longer deletes custom input file and included advanced emulator configs.
- I highly recommend doing an uninstall before installing this version to free up about 200MB of hard disk space by deleting all the old theme bitmaps.
- Your own themes using bitmaps should still work, if you've modified the included themes, as usual back them up before uninstalling or installing.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.08
SNEeSe 0.842 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 04:35 PM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
A new version of the SNES emulator SNEeSe has been released.
| SPC700: Added support for BCD fixup opcodes DAA and DAS, thanks to anomie and Overload for information and resources for research and testing [TRAC]
SPC700: Added support for opcodes BRK and RETI, thanks to anomie for information [TRAC]
SPC700: Corrected DIV behavior, thanks to anomie for research [TRAC]
PPU: Added support for separate internal H-offset and V-offset registers for matrix rendering [TRAC]
SPC700: Fixed a flaw in DIV algorithm, thanks to Heretic for pointing this out [TRAC]
ROM loader: Added IPS auto-patching support (must be in same path as ROM image, in ROM image ZIP file, or in save path) [Nach]
ROM loader: Continuing clean-up of ROM loading code [Nach,TRAC]
SPC700: Improved opcode trace logging code [TRAC]
5A22: Added opcode trace logging code [TRAC]
Sound: Added noise source emulation, thanks to Shay Green's Game_Music_Emu for information [TRAC]
5A22: Improved DMA timing accuracy slightly [TRAC]
Sound: Changed DSP register reads to ignore address bit 7; thanks to byuu for relaying research from anomie [TRAC]
Source: Fixed a typo in the code which could appear and prevent compilation in a currently unused conditional case, thanks to byuu for pointing it out [TRAC]
PPU: Added support for returning open bus values from the PPUs [TRAC]
SNEeSe Official Site
SNEeSe 0.842
Yabause WIP Screens
Posted by Keith @ 01:08 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
A few more work in progress screens have been posted for the Saturn emulator Yabause. The new screens are from the game Shining Wisdom using the newest build. Looks like some saving and loading is working so its great to see more and more progress being reported lately. Can't wait for the next release. Keep up the great work guys.
Head on over to the screenshot section for Yabause to check out the latest work in progress screenshots. :)
Yabause Screenshot Section
Various WIP Reports
Posted by Keith @ 12:59 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A couple new work in progress reports have been posted for both Raine and CottAGE.
Haze has posted up a couple new work in progress reports regarding the new drivers he is converting over for use with Raine. Head on over to his WIP site for more information.
Haze's WIP Site
Some new work in progress reports have been posted for the java arcade emulator CottAGE. Head on over to the official site for more information.
CottAGE Official Site
Saturday, September 10, 2005 |
PsPectrum 0.1 Released
Posted by Derek @ 10:51 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
The first release of a Spectrum emulator for the PSP, PsPectrum, has been released. Here's a note from the author.
| After 4 months of hard work today is the big day, PsPectrum v.01 is being released. Greetings go to HexDump because of his hard work.
This version of the emulator is far from perfect. Because of that, it would be really helpfull if you post any bug you find on the forums.
More features are being implemented at this time, they couldnยดt be pushed in this version because of the lack of time, for example, image streching, 128k sound, etc...
Lot a of people has helped to this project, here some:
Oscar (nice programming tips), Rober (Some images), Unai (nice 565 rendering code), rlyeh (tips on emulation), Z80User (info about speccy hardware), baktery (tips on audio emulation) and all the others, you know who you are (canยดt remember everyone :P).
Thanks to Retroguru for the news.
PsPectrum Official Site
PSPectrum 0.1
Nebula 2.25 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 10:26 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of the multiple aracde (NeoGeo, CPS-2, PGM and Konami) emulator Nebula has been released.
- Updated drivers. Thanks to Wesker, MR-J and the rest of people in boards
- Unlocked games up to New Power Instinct Matrimelee
- Fixed garou raster effect missing in pre-battle talk
- Added proper neopcm2 decryption.
- Some code has been rewritten to improve compatibility. Now more games should work (although there are still some problems).
- Added an option in the Emulation menu for direct load of neocd ISO or CD.
- Added Knights of Valour 2 and Knights of Valour 2: Nine Dragons. Thanks to HappyASR for the help getting the dump of the internal cartridge cpu program. Due to the extra processor required to emulate, the game will require a more powerful PC to run. Also savestates won't work. (Internet ranking mode for kof2nd has been intentionally disabled).
- Music speed in kov2/kov2nd is a bit off.
- Fixed wrong sprite zoom and shrinking (required for kov2nd)
- Fixed sprite priorities handling (required for kov2 & kof2nd)
- Added protection for PhotoY2k.
- Updated drivers. Thanks to Wesker, MR-J and the rest of people in boards.
Nebula Official Site
Nebula 2.25
Friday, September 09, 2005 |
PSMonkey Joins The Network :)
Posted by Keith @ 11:04 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Wraggster has just informed me that PSMonkey (Nexis2600) the developer of the Neo Geo Pocket emulator for the PSP known as NGPSP has joined the Emulation64 Network of sites. Wraggster is now hosting PSMonkey's project site under his domain which is hosted on the Emulation64 servers.
PSMonkey also posted that there will be a new release of NGPSP coming sometime this weekend or maybe on monday. So keep an eye out for that release.
Thanks for picking the Emulation64 Network for your hosting PSMonkey and I hope you enjoy your stay. :)
PSMonkey's Developer Site
GameEx 5.06 Released
Posted by Keith @ 10:29 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of the gaming frontend GameEx has been released. Here is the changes for version 5.06.
| • New Easy configuration utility
• Improved music fade when launching MAME
• Music and sounds now stop immediately when exiting GameEx
Head on over to the official site for more information.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.06
Emu Loader 4.7 Released
Posted by Keith @ 09:56 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
The arcade emulator frontend Emu Loader has been updated. Here is the changes for version 4.7.
| 01. Support for multiple emulators: MAME, ZiNc, Daphne, AGEMAME, PinMAME
02. New view modes (tiles, thumbnails)
03. View games sorted by groups, using any of the available columns in the list (Group List By...)
04. Auto-detection of new emulator binaries at startup
05. Dynamic loading of MAMu_ icons. Icons are loaded as you scroll the list
06. New image types. You can also change the description of all image types
07. New column: "Hi-Score" (requires hiscore.dat)
08. Fixed aspect ratio. For preview images, it mimics the hardware stretch from MAME
09. Sub-folders auto scanning when searching for ROMs (except Daphne). Set one (1) main folder and let Emu Loader do the rest
10. No games list reloads when changing between games filters
11. Fully compatible with MAME .99u8
12. Customizable main tool bar buttons and images tool bar buttons
13. Games filters updated
14. Many, many, many bugs fixed
Also remember to do a clean fresh install to avoid problems. Head on over to the official site for more information and the full post regarding this release.
Emu Loader official Site
Emu Loader 4.7
Yabause WIP
Posted by PsyMan @ 07:07 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
The Official Yabause Site has been updated with 2 new screenshots a while ago.
There are also some new additions in the compatibility section.
As you can see both of the games in the screenshots run (quite slow) with sound and some obvious GFX errors.
You can visit the Yabause Official Site for more info and the Yabause Project page on SourceForge for the sourcecode.
Yabause Official Site
Yabause Project page on SourceForge
SaturnTV Status Update
Posted by Derek @ 04:48 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
subleaf has posted a status update of the currently unreleased Sega Saturn emulator SaturnTV, along with a screenshot for your viewing pleasure.
| VDP2:
.emulated RBG0, added color calcultions and color offset for it.
(but currently can't rotate, can't zoom, no mosaic processing for it, just cellmap, bitmap was not emulated.)
SaturnTV Official Site
Thanks to Keith for the news :P
SNESGT 0.205 Beta 2 Released
Posted by Jakob @ 02:38 AM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
A new beta version of SNESGT has been released.
Here's what's new in this beta:
| * Correct the bug by which SRAM is not saved at the time of release.
* The bug which had crashed at the time of 24bpp is corrected.
* Add fast forward 2 key.
It enabled it to live together by the toggle and the non-toggle.
* Support Z, RX, RY, and RZ axis.
Since the pad with these axes is not owned, it has not tested.
* 7zip correspondence 7-zip32.dll use.
* Arrangement of Filter Processing, Improvement
I think that the speed of each filter is increasing delicately.
* VirtuaNES2 Filter Plug-in Correspondence
Please put a dll file on a plugin directory.
* Improvement in Calculation Accuracy at the Time of Sound Generation
* Noise Generator Improvement of Sound
* Correct Fine Action of Internal IO Emulation.
* Change so that it May Move in Window at the Time of Client Domain Drug.
* Addition of Command Line Option Started by Full Screen
* Carry out full-screen starting as the f option.
SNESGT 0.205 Beta 2
:: Thanks to Dalthon for the news
Thursday, September 08, 2005 |
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 1.7 Beta Released
Posted by Keith @ 03:51 PM CET | Comments: 0 | ZX-Spectrum
A new Beta build for the ZX-Spectrum emulator EmuZWin has been released. Here is the changes for 2.7 Release 1.7 Beta.
| 1.7
• Loading Pokes fixed.
• Scorpion ZS model supported mainly (service monitor works now, there are no yet SMUC+HDD, CMOS, programmatic turbo etc.).
• Magic Button for TR-DOS fixed. NMI to service ROM added (only for Scorpion model yet).
• Debugger fixed a bit (setting breakpoints at the same address in another bank, now execution breakpoints are determined only by the address, data address view in decimal fixed) and improved a bit (search in decimal bytes/words, show address of byte under mouse cursor, the same in load block dialog, color of found bytes changed a bit, registers are updated on each step when F7 or space is pressed instantly, other small changes there).
• Both hex and decimal view of the address in the Sprite Finder.
• ZX Assembler++: Many fixes (mainly with new extensions, proclaimed as C-- - like) and some improvements (local labels added, with configurable prefixes, GOTO [cond,]label pseudo-operator added). Compiling speed reduced and is about 5 times faster now. Therefore button Cancel added to stop compiling if necessary.
• Progress in status while loading and saving big snapshots.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 1.7 Beta
StellaPSP 0.2 Released
Posted by Jakob @ 05:18 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Atari
A new version of the PSP port of the Atari 2600 emulator called Stella, has been released.
Here's the news:
| It has been a while, but here it is, a new version of Stella for the PSP. A lot has changed since the initial release.
- added paddle support
- added better d-pad support
- use the GU instead of SDL for rendering
- title screen (if someone can make a better one, contact me!)
- menus are now overlays so the font seems smaller (acually, it's the same size, but it now uses the full resolution of the PSP)
- I found the blend function
- and many small bugs have been removed
- holding down the d-pad in the menus will make it scroll faster
- analog in menus is very fast scrolling
- support for 10 state files per rom, use left/right on the Load/Save menu item to change the current state number
If you find any bugs, don't hesitate to email me at [email protected]. If you do though, make sure you can reproduce the bug easily and tell me how that is done, only then can I find the bug. Eg. telling me it just crashes isn't helping...
Maybe there will be another bug-fix release anytime soon, but most of my time will be spent to help the official Stella team to create version 2.0 of the emulator with, off-course, some of my changes for the PSP...
Well, have fun!
Aenea (aka Alysa Habraken)
StellaPSP 0.2
:: Thanks go out again to wraggster for the news.
Atari800 PSP 0.1
Posted by Jakob @ 05:15 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Atari
Atari 800 on the PSP, YES PLEASE!
Here's what the author had to say:
| This is just a quick and dirty port to the PSP of the very nice Atari 400/800/XL/XE/5200 emulator. It's a work in progress. This port was done by Alysa Habraken (aka Aenea). Thanks to the original authors for creating this.
- default, it's configured for the 5200, place the 5200 rom in /Atari800/Roms
- no rom selector, get a rom, name it rom.a52 and put it in /Atari800/Cartridges
- Start = well, Start
- Select = Select
- Square = Option
- no d-pad support
- analog support
- no sound support
- Cross is fire
- no real menus
In the next version sound and a fully working menu system will be added.
Have fun!
Aenea (Alysa Habraken)
Atari800 PSP 0.1
:: Thanks to wraggster for the news:)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005 |
WinUAE WIP Report
Posted by Keith @ 08:32 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Amiga
A new work in progress report has been posted for the Amiga emulator WinUAE.
| WinUAE 1.1 WIP #1 (07.09.2005)
Estimated release date: end of september (?)
Major bugs introduced in 1.0 fixed:
- Picasso96 graphics corruption after ALT-TAB
- Zipped Amiga Forever Kickstart ROM image decryption problem
- JIT FPU ACOS bug (incorrect result if argument was < 0)
Other bugs fixed:
- More stable on the fly configuration loading
- In windowed mode Amiga window height was sometimes slightly larger than requested size
- AHI recording mode memory leak
- Monitor drivers work now properly (for example Euro36)
- Incorrect paths if WinUAE was run from networked drive
- Copper emulation bug (Obliterator intro)
New features:
- Configurable Catweasel joystick support, MK4 mouse support added
- MMKeyboard support added
- Transparent "drive led status bar"
- SPTI (Windows 2K/XP) SCSI emulation includes non-CDROM SCSI devices
- Improved uaescsi.device SCSI interface selection
- Custom emulation updates (Death Trap, Loons Docs, Spanish Rose by Creed, Filled Perspective by Zero Defects, Himalaya by Avalanche..)
- Improved default path setting, Amiga Forever 2005 paths supported
- More missing keycodes added to input-panel
and more..
Head on over to the official site for more information and look for the next release soon.
WinUAE Official Site
fMSX 1.09 Released
Posted by Keith @ 05:21 PM CET | Comments: 0 | MSX
A new fixed build of the "c" variant version of fMSX has been released for Nokia series 60 cellphones. Here is the change for version 1.09 that only effects the "c" variant.
| • Fixed "c" variant to work on Nokia N90 phone
Head on over to the official site for more information and the download.
fMSX Official Site
GameEx 5.04 Released
Posted by Keith @ 03:42 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
Another day and another two more releases for the gaming frontend GameEx. Here is a rundown on the changes for version 5.02 and 5.03.
Updated: Another new release .. 5.04.
| 5.04
• Fixes audio fade when launching MAME
• Should fix GameEx is closed when exiting attract mode.
• Better, more accurate MAME process checking (works with u7)
• Tweaks to automatic MAME snap video creation.
• Fix: Bypass Disclaimer/Warnings was hanging. Should be working sweet now. Please report if not.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.04
NeoCD/PS2 0.6c Released
Posted by PsyMan @ 10:04 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Playstation 2
A new version of NeoCD for the PS2 has been released. This brings it up to version 0.6c! Here's whats new:
| - More CDDA fixes
- Fixed/added auto-loop feature (CDDA)
- (re)Fixed missing sfx in aerofighters 2 (and maybe others)
- Fixed most Buzzing noise cases
- drive now stop spinning when CDDA is set to OFF
For more info visit the official NeoCD/PS2 site.
Special thanks to Quvack and Keith for the heads up.
NeoCD/PS2 Official Site
NeoCD/PS2 0.6c
GameEx 5.01 Released
Posted by Keith @ 08:41 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
Two new versions of the gaming frontend GameEx has been released. Here is the changes for both version 5.00 and 5.01.
| 5.01
• Fix: When leaving attract mode GameEx would sometimes close and end.
• Video/DVD on screen display now displaying again, and now always showing when it needs to.
• Fixes/tweaks to MAME bypass warning and disclaimer settings.
• Should fix functions2.isplaying start up error that some users where experiencing.
• The biggest change is you can now specify an advanced configuration file for any emulator.
• Featuring joytokey style Joystick to keyboard mapping.
- Play visual pinball with a gamepad!
• Ability to check for additional processes before exiting a game.
• Monitor X-Arcade/SlikStik/Back button for exiting game, and/or Escape key.
• The ability to send a key to the emulator to exit cleanly instead of ending the process. Example: Alt-F4 for Project 64, Q for ZSNES
• Specify a joystick combination to exit emulator.
• Also in this release:
- Enhanced SendKeys functions for emulators and applications. Now uses API calls, allowing SendKeys to work with all apps.
- Use Gamepad to key mapping for daphne, including credit and start button.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 5.01
ZSNES 1.42n Released
Posted by Clements @ 03:45 AM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
ZSNES 1.42n has been released, a build of ZSNES based on an earlier WIP designed specifically for improved netplay.
| I am pleased to announce the release of a new ZSNES build for more stable netplay.
Most of the thanks for this goes out to pagefault who fixed stack corruption issues in our SPC emulation so randomness isn't introduced there anymore as well as fixing other SPC oddities.
This special edition of ZSNES is based on CVS/WIP from April 4 2005.
Thanks also goes to the valgrind team for making a great tool to spot stack corruption, which was used to find our problem.
Also special thanks to myself and grinvader for back porting to last netplay enabled WIP, testing to make sure it worked nicely for games without transitions, and packaging this release.
You can download for Windows, or source which compiles on *nix too.
The build is available from Nach's site:
NSRT Homepage
Tuesday, September 06, 2005 |
uosnes 20050906 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 04:37 PM CET | Comments: 0 | SNES
A new version of the Snes9X-based emulator uosnes has been released.
| Please delete the uosnesw.ini file of an old version.
Unoficial Snes9x's ScreenImage code revived.
2P controller connected was default setting, it changed.
Because two controllers were appended when the Super Famicom is bought.
Some bugs Fix were done.
uosnes 20050906
uosnes Official Site
fMSX 1.08 Released
Posted by Jakob @ 01:33 PM CET | Comments: 0 | MSX
A new version of the MSX emulator for Series 60 cell phones, called fMSX has been released.
Here's what's new:
| • New "c" variant introduced, support for "a" variant dropped
• Z80 emulation improvements
• HBI-V1 emulation improvements (image size and location parameters are now supported)
fMSX for S60
YOU'VE SAVED MY NETWORK! err.. EmuHelp formally joins The Network
Posted by Jakob @ 12:25 AM CET | Comments: 35 | Site
Some of the loyal EmuHelp visitors may have noticed that I've been posting here(when possible, vex and keith apparently don't have lives;) and not at EmuHelp, well, this is why, EmuHelp is officially joining The Network, which, I think, gives it an air of completion, as the original conspiracy plans envisioned some time ago.
So, I would like to welcome all of EmuHelp's patrons to the new site, where you will find copious amounts of everything emulation, and a great community too!
Monday, September 05, 2005 |
VBA smooth 6.2 Released
Posted by Keith @ 11:51 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
suanyuan has released a new version of his custom VisualBoy Advance build known VBA smooth. Here is a rundown on the changes for version 6.2.
| new features:
- add Kode54's PCM interpolation module
(still can't contact with Kode54. If he against, this feature will remove in future release)
bug fix:
* Suggests me to reference Gens when playing music synchronized based on audio playback speed to avoid sound crackling. DarkDancer
* Suggests me to reference Aaron Giles's new timer system design to handle audio synchronization problem.neoragex2002
- remove multi-thread audio synchronization mechanism
(new mechanism not implement yet ;-) )
* Can't open Rom Select window since v6.0 sjyune
* When try to change a "all gameboy advance" to "gameboy advance" in filetypes emu crashes. Drain
- fix bug in open gba file dialog that make VBA crashed.
* Once you do delete the file and create a new one, VBA Smooth only runs in 16 bit color mode now (which means refreshing the desktop and whatnots). Kirby
- adjust settings for VBA.ini of other version of VBA
- use Direct3D, filter plugin, scale2x as default settings
- remove VBA.ini from replease zip file
* when run VBA smooth v6.1, OS report lack of mfc71.dll, msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll many people
- use static link with MFC intead of dynamic link
* can't run VBA smooth v6 in non-intel CPU computers. many people
- change the optimization option of ICC 9.0 for non-intel CPUs
Head on over to the official site for more information.
VBA smooth Official Site
VBA smooth 6.2
Raine 0.43.1 Released
Posted by Keith @ 11:45 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Arcade
A new version of the multiple arcade emulator Raine has been released. Here is the changes for version 0.43.1.
| Haze added these new games :
hyperpac driver : twinkle, Xess - The New Revolution (Semicom 3-in-1),
more more, final tetris.
cookbib driver : Cookie and Bibi, Hatch Catch, Choky Choky.
I fixed the dipswitches, and for final tetris the sound and the inputs.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Raine Official Site
Raine 0.43.1
ScummVM DS 0.3 Released
Posted by Keith @ 04:11 AM CET | Comments: 0 | Nintendo DS
A new version of the ScummVM port for the Nintendo DS handheld has been released. Here is the changes for version 0.3.
| Thanks to Zhevon for contributing the Sam & Max cursor code. Changes in this version:
• Full GBA Movie Player support, including save/load. This means full talkie games are playable!
• Rewritten blit operations in assembler, causing a speed increase.
• Fixed crashes in Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
• Added Indiana Jones fight mode. Use the options menu to enable it.
• Fixes SRAM clear keypress sometimes not being detected
• Prevented temporary saves from being saved to SRAM on flash cart version.
• Added alternative controls for Sam and Max. Cursor is displayed on the top screen, and D-pad right switches modes.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
ScummVM DS Official Site
ScummVM DS 0.3
ZSNES WIP September 4th Released
Posted by Keith @ 01:45 AM CET | Comments: 3 | SNES
A new work in progress build of ZSNES has been released for September 4th. Here is the list of changes.
| • ALL: Frame-by-frame prev-prev rewind loading made more convenient to use. [grinvader]
• ALL: Panic key now resets emuspeed throttle. [grinvader]
• ALL: Fixed up SA-1 mapping. (Fixes Bug #114) [Nach, Jonas Quinn]
• GUI: Fixed vars in bss section that had no space reserved. (Fixes Bug #18) [Jonas Quinn]
• SDL: Fixed possible problem in the secure browser launcher. [Nach]
Head on over to ipher's site for more information.
ipher's ZSNES WIP Site
ZSNES WIP September 4th
Sunday, September 04, 2005 |
UAE4ALL Beta One Released
Posted by Keith @ 10:33 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Dreamcast
Chui has released a new version of his Open Source Amiga500 emulator for Dreamcast console. Here is what was posted for the Beta One release.
| - FAME Motorola 68000 CPU core.
- A lot of code improvements.
- Throttle modes for speed up.
- Autoframeskip.
- Multi-disk support.
- Around 75% compatibility.
Head on over to the official site for more information. Thanks to wraggster for the heads up on IRC.
UAE4ALL Official Site
UAE4ALL Beta One
PSP Emulator Announced for the PC and Xbox
Posted by Keith @ 09:46 PM CET | Comments: 2 | PSP
My buddy wraggster has just informed me on IRC about a PSP emulator that was announced for both the PC and Xbox. Matt Farrow is the one developing the project and plans on an October release. Here is the list of features so far.
| Public Beta Release - Features:
+Stable PSP Firmware Emulation
+Laptop/Tablet PC Battery Support
+2.0 Web Browser Emulation
+Runs PBP Files(Homebrew)
+ISO Support(Not At Full Speed)
+WiFi Support
+Theme Setup
+Wallpaper Customisation
+MP3 and MPEG Support
+Full Screen Mode
+Reset,State Save and Power Off.
+Home Button Support(Includes Home Confirmation Screen)
+UMD Emulation(.umd files - new file type)*
+XBOX Version - (Limitations - No WiFi or ISO Support)
+Linux Version
+Windows And Mac Versions
+PSP Drive Emulation(PSP/GAME/ etc.)
+Extended 3D Rom Support
+New Project Name:PSPemu (Xbox: PSPemuX)
Head on over to Matt Farrow's site for more information.
Thanks again wraggster for the news. :)
PSP Emulator Site
FCEUXD SP 1.05 Released
Posted by Keith @ 01:26 PM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
A new version of the NES emulator FCEUXD SP has been released. Here is the changes for version 1.05.
| • New: Added range options for freezing / unfreezing addresses
• New: Added dump RAM to file option
• New: Added dump PPU memory to file option
• New: Readme file fceuxd.txt from FCE Ultra Extended Debugger is now included (read this if you want to learn about the debugger)
• Change: Increased the maximum number of frozen addresses
• Bugfix: NL files for banks at 0x8000 work again
• Bugfix: Empty comments work properly again
• Bugfix: Fixed a breakpoint persistence problem
Head on over to the official site for more information.
FCEUXD SP Official Site
Saturday, September 03, 2005 |
FPSE Port For The GP2X In The Works
Posted by Keith @ 08:08 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GP2X
My good buddy LDChen has posted over at the official FPSEce forums about the possibility of porting over his great Playstation emulator FPSE to the new and upcoming GP2X handheld. In the post he also mentions his desire to port FPSE for the PSP and the work he has done to make that possible but with the restriction of using homebrew and not being able to test it, the outlook is not so good.
I know from talking to him before that he has had a GP32 version in the works for sometime as well as the PSP one and now with the new GP2X coming we might finally see Playstation emulation on a handheld gaming system. Keep up the great work LDChen.
Many thanks to my buddy wraggster from the best PSP homebrew site for the heads up on IRC about this great news.
Read LDChen's Full Post Here
SaturnTV WIP Report
Posted by Keith @ 06:17 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Saturn
A new work in progress report was posted for the new Saturn emulator SaturnTV. Here is what was posted by subleaf.
| SCU:
• rewritten the DMAC(just lever0, direct mode, read add byte 4, write add byte 4)
• the logo animation displayed(but the speed is not fast), here to view the screenshot.
Thanks to Guillaume for his help.
Head on over to the official site to read the report and check out the screenshot. Thanks to Dalthon for the update.
SaturnTV Official Site
DGEN PSP 0.93 Released
Posted by Keith @ 06:12 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
A new version of DGEN PSP (Genesis emulator) has been released. Here is a crappy google translation of the changes for version 0.93. Feel free to provide us with a proper translation.
| • Menu picture correction () such as skin correspondence and color
• Battery information, clock indication
• The single unit allotment functional addition of L and R key
• Speed adjustment functional improvement
Head on over to the official site for more information.
DGEN PSP Official Site
PocketGBA 0.3 Alpha Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 05:01 PM CET | Comments: 0 | GameBoy Advance
A new version of PocketGBA, a GBA emulator for PocketPCs has been released.
| -support 16MB cartridge files
-fixed save/load config file function
-fixed button-process function
-> now L&R-shoulder buttons are operated.
-added sound setting option
-> only Sound On/Off
-added 'Show FPS(Speed)' option (in Video option)
-added checking memory state of current device
-added direct entrance assem. codes to ARM loop from THUMB loop
-added direct entrance assem. codes to THUMB loop from ARM loop
-fixed cascaded-timer function
-> speed improved with 'Hajime no Ippo The Fighting', 'Oni-Musha tatics', 'Samurai deeper Kyo', and so on..
-added reset-button in control setup
PocketGBA 0.3 Alpha
PocketGBA Official Site
EasyMame 5.2 Released
Posted by [vEX] @ 04:56 PM CET | Comments: 2 | Arcade
A new version of EasyMame has been released.
| - Fixed : Backgroundcolor of movie tab is now correct.
- Fixed : Small issue 'Scan line index out of range' when selecting the controller tabs (x-arcade, slikstik and Hotrod)
- Changed : Removed all obsolete Mame commands. (removed in Mame .99u3)
- Changed : New and updated setup window.
- Changed : Some new graphics. (credits go to Adam W. Brown)
- Improved : Now again backwards compatible with older Mame builds. (prior .99u3)
EasyMame 5.2
EasyMame Official Site
Friday, September 02, 2005 |
P.E.Op.S SPU2 1.3 Released
Posted by Keith @ 11:18 PM CET | Comments: 1 | Playstation 2
Pete has released a new version of P.E.Op.S SPU (sound) plugin for Playstation 2 emulation. Here is the changes for both the Win32 and Linux builds.
| • Educated ears (like the ones from R.Belmont :)) noticed that the plugin's sound output was somewhat slower compared to the real PS2.
Well, I've finally found some time, and I've fixed it.
On the downside the plugin now needs a soundcard which can do 48Khz output (but prolly all nowaday cards can do that, at least my test systems had no problems).
Please also be aware that some of the many pcsx2 patches are turning off the sound (for example I was wondering why my FF10 PAL version didn't play any sounds at all, until I've noticed that there was a pcsx2 patch which disabled the menu sounds... for unknown reasons, since after deleting the patch the music played fine in the plugin).
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Pete's Site
P.E.Op.S SPU2 1.3
CaSTaway/PSP 002 alpha Released
Posted by Keith @ 05:02 PM CET | Comments: 0 | PSP
Skeezix has released a new version of his CaSTaway port for the PSP handheld. Here is the changes for version 002 alpha.
| Alpha 002
NEW: Basic disk picker (it works, but not fancy yet)
o Lists .ST and .MSA files in the /PSP/GAME/ATARI_ST directory
o Don't use MSA's yet.. they're screwy
o Press 'X' to run the emulation
o Press '()' (circle) to select a disk; you should always select a disk at this point, since if it runs without any disks it gets confused for now
o Only put in 5 or less disks for now; lame, but I ran out of time and wanted you to have something to play with for the weekend :) (Spent days tracking down an obscure bug :/)
CHG: Mouse speed increased a bit; double-click and such should work
REM: TOS has to be called TOS.ROM (TOS.IMG seems not to work.. not sure why :/)
o You need a TOS.ROM file; don't ask me where to get it.. ask Google or suck it from your Atari ST machine.
NEW: Full screen scaling with smoothing by default
NEW: Onscreen virtual ST keyboard
o Use [SELECT] to toggle keyboard on or off
o While present, left d-pad controls keyboard selection point and right d-pad X will push the selected key
o Adjusted key hold duration and repeat duration to avoid million-presses
Head on over to the official site for more information.
CaSTaway/PSP Official Site
CaSTaway/PSP 002 alpha
GameEx 4.98 Released *Update
Posted by Keith @ 12:03 AM CET | Comments: 2 | Arcade
A new version of the gaming frontend GameEx has been released. Here is the changes for version 4.97.
Update: Version 4.98 has been released. Below is the changes for both 4.97 and 4.98
| 4.97
• New Advanced MAME setting to bypass disclaimer and warning screens.
• Updated MNG/Snap Video player.
• Should hopefully fix issues with GameEx closing when launched from Media Center.
• Now uses -verifyroms instead of -verifysets (removed in latest MAME builds)
• Huge thanks to DJROBX for help with this release.
• GameEx will no longer install if .net framework 2.0 (Beta) is installed.
• This will hopefully involve less support queries, and needless bug reports.
• Experimental command line option, to create .mng videos for all MAME parent games. -createvideos
• The created videos can of course be previewed in GameEx, but at the time of writing be aware MNG support in MAME still has a few issues.
• I'm really hoping come MAME 1.0 this will be an awesome feature for a front end.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
GameEx Official Site
GameEx 4.97
Thursday, September 01, 2005 |
Mednafen 0.2.1 Released
Posted by Keith @ 09:26 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Multi System
A new source release of the multi system emulator Mednafen has been released. Here is the changes for version 0.2.1.
| • GBA: Converted the DMA registers into arrays, rather than having them as a gazillion different variables.
• GBA: Replaced the if() alpha-blending clamping mechanism with a simple LUT.
• GBA: Removed some apparently unnecessary if() statements in the graphics rendering code.
• GBA: Made a few experimental optimizations to the graphics rendering code( >> 24 changed to & 0xFF000000 in some of the priority comparison code).
• GBA: Played around with some optimizations in the "gfxDrawTextScreen" function.
• GBA: Restructured the CPU emulation code, so I don't have to recompile one giant file when I make a small change(and so it doesn't use totally obscene amounts of RAM during compilation).
• GBA: The sound flushing routine was returning and setting the wrong values, totally breaking the speed-throttling code. Fixed.
• GB: Slightly increased the video contrast and brightness of the original GameBoy's emulation.
• GBA: Extended the BLIP buffer size, fixing a startup emulator crash with "Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits", and possibly other games.
• Updated the documentation with better explanations in a few areas, and fixed a few errors.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
Mednafen Official Site
Mednafen 0.2.1
Our New Hosted Project VBA smooth :)
Posted by Keith @ 08:30 PM CET | Comments: 3 | Hosted Sites
I am proud to announce that we are now hosting the very nice project by suanyuan known as VBA smooth. VBA smooth is an unofficial VisualBoy Advance build that features the Kega Fusion plugin system for better filtering, and other changes to make VBA run smooth.
You can check out the Official VBA smooth site here
If anyone else out there needs hosting for their emulation projects then feel free to get in contact with either Martin or myself and will be more then happy to set you up. Feel free to head over to our network hosting information if you have any questions regarding our hosting and requirements.
I am also offering the use of my custom content management system for existing and future hosted sites to make managing your site content a breeze. Currently Emulation64 and the newly hosted site VBA smooth are using this content management system. If your site needs a design and I have the time I could also help you in this area as well. I designed an effective yet simple design for VBA smooth and I willing to help out any of our hosted sites to make us the best network for emulation.
FCEUXD SP 1.04 Released
Posted by Keith @ 03:13 AM CET | Comments: 0 | NES
A new version of FCEUXD SP an NES emulator has been released. Here is a rundown on the changes for version 1.04.
| • New: Better error handling
• New: Invalid lines in NL files are now shown to the user instead of being silently ignored. This gives the user the opportunity to fix erroneous lines.
• New: Good news for other developers, all C files added by me are now fully documented.
• Change: Array indices in disassembly windows are now hexadecimal values.
• Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occured when loading the bookmark description of hex bookmarks from disk
• Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occured when using arrays and long comments in symbolic debugging
• Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occured when reading NL files
Now my comment about this release:
This release was mainly a release that's supposed to be the basis for future bugfixing releases. Most of the new stuff I added is of no concern to actual users of the emu. In this release the code was cleaned up and error handling was significantly improved. That means I should be able to find bugs way quicker from now on. At least in theory. Let's hope I'm right here.
I also have a real build script now! Well, OK, it's just a BAT file but that means I probably won't forget to include the readme.txt file in future releases.
Anyway, I'd also appreciate if people would send me their NL files. I only have my own ones from Faxanadu and they might not be sufficient for testing. My mail address is webmaster@รค[email protected]. Thanks.
Head on over to the official site for more information.
FCEUXD SP Official Site
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