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    Friday, September 30, 2016
MAME v0.178 released!

MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 01890: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (rohga.c) schmeisr: Flip screen DIP
switch doesn't work. (Angelo Salese)
- 01170: [Sound] (taitosj.c) piratpet, junglek, jungleh: First time you
load the game, no attract mode sound. (Angelo Salese)
- 06138: [Crash/Freeze] (zn.c) jdredd: Game doesn't start (smf)
- 00952: [Graphics] (tmnt.c) ssriders and clones: Characters judder when
walking diagonally (possibly priority related). (Angelo Salese)
- 02446: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (lethal.c) lethalenj: Japanese version-
specific known issues. (Angelo Salese)
- 06371: [Save/Restore] (8080bw.c) schasercv: Crashes on reload (-str 8)
in a staggered -str 20 run (Osso)
- 00792: [DIP/Input] (segas24.c) dcclub: Shot power is uncontrollable.
(Angelo Salese)
- 00435: [Gameplay] (hanaawas.c) hanaawas: Dealt cards are not random.
- 00343: [Misc.] (seta.c) pairlove: Service mode black out.
(Angelo Salese)
- 00611: [DIP/Input] (taito_b.c) silentd: DIP switch problems.
(Angelo Salese)
- 00963: [Gameplay] (rollrace.c) rollrace, fightrol: When you insert
your initials, the scrolling bar of initials does not work properly.
(Angelo Salese)
- 00490: [Sound] (homedata.c) hourouki: It is missing voices of "Reach",
"Ron" etc. (Angelo Salese)
- 01044: [Sound] (metro.c) gakusai, gakusai2: All music played has the
drum machine playing VERY loudly. (Angelo Salese)
- 02555: [DIP/Input] (jackal.c) jackal: Coin counters don't work
correctly. (Angelo Salese)
- 06375: [Original Reference] (naomi.c) salmankt: Name is incorrect
- 06368: [DIP/Input] (shangkid.c) shangkid, hiryuken: Buttons 1 and 2
are switched (Angelo Salese)
- 02349: [DIP/Input] (mexico86.c) kikikai: The coinage dip switch
settings is not supported. (Angelo Salese)
- 00399: [Graphics] (combatsc.c) combatsc: In 0.119, there are two rows
of garbage blocks at the top of the screen in the 2nd firing range
stage. (Angelo Salese)
- 06364: [Crash/Freeze] (naomi.c) Assorted sets in naomi.c: Crash before
OK (MetalliC)
- 06366: [Crash/Freeze] (maygay1b.c) All sets in maygay1b.hxx: Fatal
Error when starting (O. Galibert)
- 06372: [Interface] Bitbanger device can no longer accept streams/
sockets/pipes (Nathan Woods)
- 06374: [Crash/Freeze] (aristmk5.c) adonis: Changing System Configuration
to anything but game_prg causes a crash (Reagan Roush)

Source Changes
-Move UI dats to Lua plugin [Carl]
* Changes the selgame UI sidebar get the dat information from a plugin
rather than the hardcoded C++
* Much easier to add other dat files and allow for scripted data
* Example included that uses the hi2txt XML parser files to display
high score info from hiscore file or NVRAM

-Fixed setting m_filetype for images loaded from softlists
[Nathan Woods]

-Changed the "extension as filetype" behavior for software list images to
be opt in behavior [Nathan Woods]

-Modernization/C++-ification: [Nathan Woods]
* Modernized option_guide, touched up imgtool
* Initial imgtool C++-ification
* Added a template wrapper for a contiguous array of objects that
mimics a subset of SequenceContainer behaviour
* Modernized CoCo cartridge infrastructure (use 'enum class', scoping,
* Changed win_get_window_text_utf8() to return std::string
* Consolidated menu code for text input

-Fixed an issue in the i860 disassembler that could cause an undefined
string to be used [Nathan Woods]

-Allow devices to indicate whether image creation should be supported at
the command line [Nathan Woods]

-Fixed a potential buffer overrun in the code that reads headers for the
CoCo JVC disk image format [Nathan Woods]

-CoCo and Dragon FDC code overhaul: [Nathan Woods]
* Split CoCo and Dragon FDC code
* Added save state support
* Fixed regression introduced on the Dragon FDC from 0.154

-Fixed an off by one error when identifying best entries for typeahead
on the file selection and software list dialogs [Nathan Woods]

-Retired imgtool_basename(), in favor of core_filename_extract_base()
[Nathan Woods]

-big10: Various modest input/output improvements [AJR]
* Use gambling inputs and keypad for numbers instead of BUTTON(n)
* Added ticket dispenser for payout
* Added lamp output(?)
* Try to puzzle out some more DIP switches based on what the code does

-More new features for UI graphics viewer [AJR]
* Mouse over GFX tiles to reveal pixel values
* Mouse over tilemap to reveal tile codes and colors
* UI tilemap scrolling controls are now orientation-relative
* Made mouse visible everywhere in UI graphics viewer by treating it
like a menu

-darkmist: Correct manufacturer info [AJR]

-witch: Sort out which inputs and outputs are which [AJR]
* Use standard gambling input types where appropriate
* Identified "Attendant Pay" (keyout?) and payout switches
* Removed fake DIP switches
* Names of real DIP switches no longer all-caps
* Expanded range of NVRAM
* Added two PPIs for I/O
* Partially implemented hopper output

-cps1.cpp, mitchell.cpp: Restrict inputs for some games [AJR]
* ghouls, pang, spang, pang3: Change joysticks to 4-way as flyers and
manuals indicate
* pang, spang: Mark button 2 as optional (for what little that's worth)
* pang3: Remove buttons 2 and 3 (even service mode only shows one "Shot"

-Made Mega System 1 tilemaps into a device [AJR]

-amusco: Start fleshing out the driver [AJR]
* Changed CPU type to 8088
* Hooked up a bunch of devices
* Identifed a few inputs

-ti99 improvements: [Michael Zapf]
* Fixed debugger access in ti_fdc
* State save capability - not yet fully stable, but basically working
* Improve performance by stopping GROM clock in idle state
* Switch to ram_devices for RAM

-Added HxC HFE disk format [Michael Zapf]

-Added save state support to tms99xx; replaced new/delete by unique_ptr
[Michael Zapf]

-Added layout for California Speed Surprise [Risugami]
* Same output system as the Midway V Unit

-Added layout/LEDs to Hyperdrive [Risugami]

-Added layout for Vapor TRX [Risugami]

-Fixed Midway V Unit wheel output [Risugami]
* Seems the diagnostics test for the wheel is poorly coded for turning
left as it is correct in-game

-Filter for Hp9845 data files added to imgtool [fulivi]
* Translates record-based DATA HP9845 to and from text files

-Imgtool now supports HP9845B tape image [fulivi]
* The "hti" format is used to simulate tape cartridges in hp9845b

-hp_hybrid: added hp_hybrid & hp_5061_3001 to unidasm [fulivi]

-New driver for Esselte 100, has built in BASIC, supports cassette
save/load and capable of 256x256 monochrome semigraphics
[Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-Esselte 100: Added rev2 layout and support for software RTC
[Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-Esselte 100: Serial support [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* It still has some issues as it is a polled PIA based bitbangning
serial support and there are timing issues

-Added interrupt support in DUSCC device, Force CPU30 board driver and
interrupt controller support in the FGA002 device. Improved LOG
messages in the 68230 device [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Now able to boot VMEPROM with interrupt driven serial I/O

-didact: simplified internal layouts removing dependencies on external
artwork Not fancy but it works [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-didact: Cleaned up driver and added serial support (though it has
issues still) [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-Add clickable buttons to goldnpkr [einstein95]

-Add to layout files missing them; fixed minor
grammar in layout README [einstein95]

-Clickable buttons for 3bagflnz and 3bagflvt, more grammar fixes for
layout README [einstein95]

-MPU5: Added 146 layouts [John Parker]
* m5addams, m5all41d, m5arab, m5austin11, m5barkng, m5barmy, m5baxe04,
m5bbro, m5bbrocl, m5beansa, m5bigchs, m5biggam, m5bling, m5blkwht11,
m5bnzclb, m5btlbnk, m5bttf, m5bwaves, m5carou, m5cashat, m5cashrn,
m5cbw, m5centcl, m5circlb33, m5circus0a, m5clifhn, m5clown11,
m5codft, m5cosclb, m5crzkni, m5cshkcb, m5cshstx, m5dblqtsb, m5devil,
m5dick10, m5doshpk05, m5egr, m5elband, m5elim, m5evgrhr, m5ewn,
m5extrm, m5fiddle, m5fire, m5firebl, m5flipcr, m5fortby, m5frnzy,
m5funsun, m5gdrag, m5ggems20, m5gimmie, m5grush, m5grush5,
m5gsstrk07, m5gstrik, m5hellrz, m5hgl14, m5hiclau, m5hifly, m5hilok,
m5hisprt, m5hlsumo, m5holy, m5hopidl, m5hotslt, m5hotstf, m5hypvip,
m5jackbx, m5jackp2, m5jackpt, m5jlyjwl, m5jmpgem01, m5kingqc06,
m5kkebab, m5korma, m5loony, m5loot, m5lotta, m5martns07, m5mega,
m5mmak06, m5monmst, m5mpfc, m5mprio, m5neptun, m5nnww, m5oohaah,
m5oohrio, m5openbx05, m5overld, m5peepsh, m5piefac, m5piefcr,
m5ppussy, m5psyccl01, m5psycho, m5ptyani, m5qdrawb, m5qshot04,
m5ratpka, m5razdz10, m5redbal, m5redrcka, m5resfrg, m5revo13,
m5rfymc, m5rgclb12, m5rhrgt02, m5ritj, m5rollup, m5rollx, m5rthh,
m5rub, m5rwb, m5scharg, m5seven, m5shark, m5sheik, m5skulcl20,
m5sondra, m5speccl, m5spiker, m5spins, m5squids06, m5sstrk,
m5starcl, m5stars26, m5stax, m5supnov, m5supro, m5tbird, m5tempcl,
m5tempp, m5tempt2, m5tictacbwb, m5trail, m5ultimo04, m5upover,
m5vampup, m5vertgo, m5wking05, m5wonga, m5wthing20, m5xchn,

-ACESYS1: Added 6 layouts [John Parker]
* ac1clbmn, ac1gogld, ac1pster, ac1pstrt, ac1primt, ac1taklv

-SYSTEM80: Added 12 layouts [John Parker]
* j80bac, j80bounc, j80frogh, j80golds, j80hotln, j80myspn, j80nudg2,
j80rr j80supst j80supbk j80topsp, j80wsprt2

-Fruit machines: Update layouts with fixes/improvements [John Parker]
* Now correctly uses a coloured rect rather than PNG reference
* More compact terminators for innermost tags
* Removed redundant elements
* Added the new "MFME2MAME Debug" view
* j2: Changed to 16 segment display

-vector06: add software list and TODOs [MetalliC]

-Partially fixed SDL joysticks with same name. Fixes GitHub issue #1334
[Brad Hughes]

-naomi: Updated docs. [f205v, MetalliC]

-pc1512: Fixed keyboard reset behavior. [Curt Coder]

-electron: Added Acorn Plus 3 expansion as slot device (floppy support)
[Nigel Barnes]
* now uses RAM device instead of ROM_REGION
* added CSW cassette format
* pressing BREAK will now hold until released
* reset expansion devices on BREAK
* minor progress on M2501 device

-Added header checks to identify in uef_cas and csw_cas formats
[Nigel Barnes]

-bbc: Added Opus Challenger (floppy and ramdisc) device on 1mhz bus
[Nigel Barnes]
* moved joystick to analogue port slot device
* added Voltmace self-centering joysticks
* updated to use input merger device
* keyboard and joystick use ioport_array
* reset devices on BREAK

-bbcb: Moved FDC to slot device to support various controller boards
[Nigel Barnes]
* Acorn 8271 and 1770, supporting Acorn, Amcom, Watford DFS's
* Cumana QFS (8877a)
* Opus DDOS and EDOS (1770, 2793, 2791)
* Watford DDFS (1770 and 1772)
* Removed fake bbcb1770 machine

-bbcm: Replaced cassette LED with power LED in layout [Nigel Barnes]

-bbcmc: Added joyport slot device to Master Compact, defaulting to
joystick [Nigel Barnes]

-superqix: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare, Elgen]
* Added notes about the sqixb1 MCU code origin, and caveats
* Marked the sqixb1 MCU dump good for that specific set

-superqix: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare, Stefan Lindberg]
* Implemented AY-3-8910 mixing based on PCB tracing.
* Added notes about incorrect "SYSTEM" register bits
* Added notes about superqix versions, and PCB factory hacks/fixes for
coin lockout

-superqix: Documented the purpose of RAM chips on the PCB
[Lord Nightmare, Corrado Tomaselli]

-superqix: Added notes about lack of Taito game ID and PCB label for
pbillian; fixed ROM labels and locations [Lord Nightmare, ShouTime]

-superqix: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare]
* Improved driver notes for all sets
* Added some debugger access fences on read handlers.
* Got rid of various timer hacks for Z80<->MCU communication,
implemented MCU DDR registers, documented the hotsmash MCU code
functionality, made the AY port bits readback consistent, and
unified the machine configuration/memory map for both hotsmash and
* Implemented proper readback of Z80<->MCU semaphores for all sets
* Removed HOLD_LINE hack for NMI by implementing acknowledge register
* Changed sample playback engine sample rate from 5KHz to 3.96KHz (which
can be derived from the 12MHz master clock)
* Renamed sqixr1, sqix, and sqixb1 set long names to include versions.
* Replaced bootleg MCU code on sqix and sqixr1 sets with a dump created
from the sqixu MCU, based on the bootleg MCU code
* Cleaned up MCU semaphore implementation for sqix and clones, shuffled
the superqix machine configurations to make more sense

-atarist: Added correct ROM labels for the TOS 1.02 and 1.04 ROMs for the
MegaST [Lord Nightmare, techfury90]

-hiscore.dat: Various updates [Leezer]

-fmtowns: Switched off layer debug keys by default [Barry Rodewald]

-chessmst: Fixed HALT button. [Sandro Ronco]

-pc1512 Various improvements: [Curt Coder]
* Added joystick port to the keyboard.
* Added mouse port slot interface.
* Added a software list for hard disks, and a preinstalled HD20 image
to it

-nss: Revised and corrected hardware info. [Guru]

-fmtowns: Reduced logerror spam a bit. [Barry Rodewald]

-dirom banking fixes: [O. Galibert]
* Reject out-of-bounds bank numbers.
* Add a mandatory callback on bank change.

-okim6295: Directly use set_rom_bank. [O. Galibert]

-dimemory, dirom: Added some documentation. [O. Galibert]

-gba_lcd: Added missing check for BG2 enable flag in
draw_roz_bitmap_scanline() [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-gba_lcd: Refactored code [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-bagmanf: Improved graphics [Angelo Salese]

-gb: Fixed Mega Duck envelope and LFSR sound registers: [John Rieman]
* Determined that envelope/LFSR register nybbles are reversed relative
to Game Boy by comparing writes made by Mega Duck and Game Boy
versions of Snake Roy and Pile Wonder

-octopus: Various changes: [Barry Rodewald]
* Corrected CPU speeds, added Z80, added basic video output
* Added some more components, pass a few more tests
* Added more components, hooked up DIP switches; all systems
tests now pass
* Fixed floppy use, now attempts to boot from floppy; CP/M 86-80 Plus
and MS-DOS both now load to the command prompt
* Added keyboard
* Added PIT timer and speaker sound
* Made a start at switching between the 8088 and Z80 CPUs
* Fixed mapping of graphics PROM, now detected on boot
* Hooked up RTC to the PPI (hopefully more or less correctly)

-fidel6502: Hooked up EAS speech chip. Game still not playable. [hap]

-sms: Added more accurate FM Sound Unit behavior [Enik Land]

-photon2: Updated documentation based on schematics research. [Mick]

-Fixed GitHub issue #1364 (Straighten tilted crt-geom and
crt-geom-deluxe shaders) [tabbycat12]

-intelfsh: Added 16-bit hookup for the Sharp LH28F016S flash memory
[Luca Elia]

-apple2e: Made write-only soft-switches write-only [Peter Ferrie]

-combatsc: Fixed text tilemap char select enable and opacity in Combat
School [Angelo Salese]

-Added support for binding devices to controller IDs: [Tomer Verona]
* This allows for stable controller ids even if USB devices are plugged
or unplugged, system is rebooted, etc.

-Added id() property to input_device: [Tomer Verona]
* Adds an id() property representing unique device ID
* This allows the OSD layer to supply display name along with unique
* Currently only used to map a physical controller device to controller
ID, but can be used more generally in the future
* For raw input devices, device ID is full raw input name
* For all other devices, we fall back to device name as the device ID
* Device ID uniqueness is not currently enforced programmatically

-chessmst: Added layout with script [Sandro Ronco]

-Various OSD changes: [Brad Hughes]
* Converted OSD monitor info to modules, added DXGI implementation
* Converted the monitor information code from video.cpp in SDL and
Windows to modules

-tecmo: Added preliminary raster effects, improves ending screen in
Gemini Wing [Angelo Salese]

-rollrace: Various changes: [Angelo Salese]
* Converted foreground to tilemap system and fixed flip flags, fixing
service mode in rollace2 set
* Fixed a wrap-around regression

-cmi2x: Various changes: [Ryan Holtz]
* Fixed FDC DMA behavior
* Fixed channel card memory tests
* Fixed inverted data writes to I8214 PICUs
* Fixed 6809 interrupt vectoring

-ay8910: Implemented register readback masking for AY-3-8914 as used on
Intellivision [Lord Nightmare, Joe Zbiciak]

-6840ptm: Load the counter when held in reset [O. Galibert]

-mcd: Added incomplete Mitsumi ISA CDROM emulation [Carl]

-namcos10: Added on-the-fly decryption support for mrdrilr2
[Andreas Naive]

-freekick: Added flipscreen support to Gigas, Free Kick and Counter Run
[Angelo Salese]

-cps2: Use keys that can be programmed onto a CPS2 motherboard
[smf, Eduardo Cruz, Andreas Naive]

-Fixed compile for DirectWrite font provider and made it compile with
normal Windows build [Brad Hughes]

-ssriders: Fixed protection chip to use the work RAM buffer for
horizontal scrolling in collision detection routine (fixes collision
detection for players/enemies on slopes) [Angelo Salese]

-xbox: Added ability to select BIOSes 4134, 3944, 4034, and 4817
[Samuele Zannoli]

-chihiro: Added debugger command "chihiro threadlist" to list ready
threads except current one [Samuele Zannoli]

-taitosj: Added semaphore and command handshake flags to audio section,
and added proper handling of sound CPU NMI on sound command register/
semaphore writes and clears [Angelo Salese, Lord Nightmare]

-taitosj: Added note about an unemulated ay output filter effect
[Angelo Salese, Lord Nightmare]

-taitosj: Added "sound stop" bit emulation, which improves but does not
completely fix the spurious startup sound in Time Tunnel
[Angelo Salese, Lord Nightmare]

-taitosj: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare]
* Added XTALs for various clocks based on schematics, documented and
implemented AY-3-8910 output mixing
* Fixed some save state and initialization issues
* Fixed watchdog timing per schematics and re-enabled watchdog
* Cleaned up ROM labels/locations for the Elevator Action sets

-zn: Renamed ZN1/ZN2 BIOS ROMs based on the label (where known), renamed
the bios sets after the board, moved cat702 to files [smf, Guru]

-dec_lk201: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare]
* Additional key matrix documentation
* Documented the switch IDs for each key
* Fixed Setup(F3)->F3 and PF1->NumLock mapping
* Added 8051 version ROM, not used yet
* Added note about D13 contact being omitted from original schematic

-debugcmd: Various changes: [smf]
* Fixed trace command accessing a parameter beyond the list supplied
* Added an error message if an invalid boolean is provided
* Added functionality to allow boolean to be case-insensitive
* Added code to skip empty strings when parsing booleans

-saturn: Initial work towards debug command hookups [Angelo Salese]

-asterix: Added coin counter and lockout [Angelo Salese]

-sauro: Various changes: [Tafoid]
* Fixed up recent saurob submission
* Added documentation readme with locations from original dump
* Removed SP0256 entry as it did not exist on the bootleg
* Added unknown PROM unique to the bootleg

-Allow STRIP_SYMBOLS=1 and DEBUG=1 to be applied simultaneously [Tafoid]

-vt100: Added VT100-AC ROM set with intelligent STP board (not working,
needs one ROM redumped and 8085 STP CPU hooked up) [Lord Nightmare]

-wc90b: Fixed sprite priority bug with the ball being above the net in
Euro League / Tecmo World Cup '90 bootlegs [Angelo Salese]

-wc90b: Added IRQ acknowledge and second YM2203 sound chip to Euro
League, which adds piano keys to sound. [Angelo Salese]

-jangou: Fixed more Mahjong dips as per manuals [system11]

-vis: Added sound [Carl]

-mac: Replaced bad dump in macplus v2 ROM set with redump, and use split
ROMs for macplus, mac512ke, mac128k and mac512k, macclasc, macclas2
sets, with proper labels [Lord Nightmare]

-igs009: Redumped graphics ROM for Grand Prix '98 (V100K) [Guru]

-stv: Removed optional joystick control inputs from Virtual Mahjong
since this game only supports Mahjong panel but was defaulting to
Joystick [system11]

-Partial fix for MT06383: exporting is now also possible for the favorites
list, except if it has software in it [dankan1890]

-forte2: Updated comments on Forte 2 Pesadelo/Knightmare bootleg
[Felipe Sanches]

-galaxian: Fixed ROMs in Moon Alien Part 2 (older version) [MASH]

-galaga: Fixed palette in Battles (set 1) [MASH]

-Changed use of IPT_START to IPT_START1 in bartop52, guab, midyunit,
namcos22, sshot and turrett [MASH]

-apollo: eliminate logerror spam on unmapped ISA access
[Hans Ostermeyer]

-psx.xml: removed duplicates, fixed shortname consistency [Aeternal]
* Some images were identical but dumped with different offset

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Esselte 100 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
TSI Speech+ [hap, Sean Riddle, Lord Nightmare]
Star Audition [Guru, Luca Elia]
Chess-Master Diamond [Sandro Ronco]
Tiger Ditto [hap, Sean Riddle]
A-One LSI Match Number/LJN Electronic Concentration [hap, Sean Riddle]
Coleco Head to Head Boxing [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tandy Championship Football (2 sets) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Poker (Electro-Sport) [MASH, Siftware]
Slap Shooter [ShouTime, Sean Sutton, Tourniquet, ranger_lennier, Jan Stuhler,
gamez fan, Paul Vining, Soren Skou Nielsen, Erick Dillon, Jason Wible,
Mr. Goodwraith, Renato Mucciarelli, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Chesster Challenger [hap, yovan]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Apple //e Enhanced (France) [robcfg, R. Belmont]
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev PA2 10/18/91) [Bicycle Repairman]
NBA Jam Extreme (ver. 1.10I) [farzeno]
Chicken Draw (2131-04, U5-0) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Gemini Wing (bootleg) [Asayuki]
Pinguinos (Spanish bootleg of Pengo) [Asociacion A.R.C.A.D.E.]
Street Fighter (Japan, pneumatic buttons)
[ShouTime, Smitdogg, Jan Stuhler, Paul Thacker, Sean Sutton, The Dumping
Condor (S C Novar bootleg of Phoenix) [f205v]
Raiden Fighters (Great Britain) [Bytestorm]
Stratovox (set 2) [MASH]
Nibbler (rev ?) [MASH]
Phoenix (Amstar, set 2) [MASH]
Sauro (bootleg) [Guru, MASH]
Crush Roller (set 5) [MASH]
Jumping Cross (set 2) [MASH]
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, set 2) [Siftware, MASH]
Battles (set 2) [Siftware, MASH]
Rolling Crush (version 1.03.E - 1999/01/29) [system11]
Popeye (Japan, Sky Skipper hardware) [ShouTime]
Elevator Action (4 pcb version, 1.1) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Le Grandchamps [MASH]
Road Riot 4WD (04 Dec 1991) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Super Qix (World/Japan, V1.0) [Lord Nightmare]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Alesis QS7 musical keyboard [Felipe Sanches]
Pop'n Stage (ver JB-A) [smf]
Regnecentralen Piccolo RC702 [Robbbert]
Siemens Simatic PG685 OUA11 [rfka01]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Air Trix (original) [Andy Geezer]
Arbiter Discmate A-02 [Nigel Barnes]
Electronic Battleship (1977 version, model 4750A) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Chess-Master (set 2) [uncredited]
NASCAR Racing (original) [Dion]
Tecmo World Soccer '98 (JUET 980410 V1.000) [Hammy]
Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision D) [ShouTime]
VT100 w/VT1xx-AC STP [Lord Nightmare]

New WORKING software list additions
gamegear.xml: Cave Dude, (USA, prototype) [uncredited]
sms.xml: Sky Fighter (Samsung Gam*Boy) [uncredited]
sms.xml: Action Fighter (prototype), Captain Silver (prototype)
[SMS Power]
kim1_cass.xml: mchess [Dagarman]
ibm5150.xml: Karateka (Beta 1986-03-03) [Jason Scott, Jordan Mechner]
ibm5150.xml, ibm5170.xml: additions from various sources [Justin Kerk]
electron_flop.xml: added floppies [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop: various software items [Nigel Barnes]
apple2.xml: Dungeon Master's Assistant, Genesis, Pigpen, Renegade
pce_tourvision.xml: Barunba, Power Tennis [system11]
x68k_flop.xml: additional clones [nekoziman]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
Mario Party-e card collection (U) [Shideravan]
Animal Crossing e-cards [Shideravan]
Domo-Kun Card-e collection [Shideravan]
NES e-card collection [Shideravan]


    Wednesday, September 28, 2016
RxNES v1.57 released!

RxNES is basically 80 lines of code added to an Open Source NES Emulator within the Unity3D Engine. Unity3D is not required, you can upgrade games with the Standalone Build.

RxNES v1.57 Changelog:

- Fixed : Tiles uploaded to the Database are now added to a .zip on the server :) Now the current DB for each game will be 1 tiny zip file.
- Fixed : Crash when dumping a tile that already had been dumped.
- RxNES now uploads dumped tiles to a central database. These files are 1/10th of a KB each. See next - point for more info.
- Fixed : RxNES now dumps tiles at their original resolution. (8x8 or 8x16 pixels.)
Previously for your convienence 8x8 tiles were upscaled to 4x at 32x32. This ment you could open them in an image editor and add sub-pixels
easily. It also made them easier to see in Windows Explorer and Image Preview. However.. This lost the ability to interpolate or upscale
the tiles with a batch image scaler, such as ReShade. Now not only are the exported tiles smaller (1/4 file size I guess), they can
for example be added to Recording files and you won't need to have played the game with tile dumping on, to the game point in the Recording
to be able to watch it. This will be added soon in a coming update. I am not sure if I should package the tiles with the recording,
upload/download them from the server, or both. I will probably go with both just to be sure the Recordings are playable everywhere, and a
known tile database is availiable for those who want to work on tiles they haven't reached yet in-game. Exported tiles are now only 128 bytes
each! (@ 8x8). Or, 8 or 9 tiles per KB! So I will be uploading whichever are missing from the server to a central database collection of all
the tiles everyone has dumped after logging in. The "Box Boy" collection is a total of 46 KB at this point on my computer.
This .txt document is around 10 KB (or 76 tiles). An ancient 8 inch floppy disk from the 1980's holds 800 KB. So you will also be able to
store your dumped .png collections on 8 inch Floppy :) and upload/download bandwidth should not be any issue.
- Fixed : No Keyboard Control without any Wiimotes. ( Problem was a misplaced } ).
- Added : New Example 3D Model in the Enhancements folder!
Created a perfect 1 tile example 3D model. Spent hours re-programming it's alignment to be sub-pixel perfect.
Please use this as THE template for making 3D models! "DEMOModel" included in .max, .blend, and .obj.
If you use 3DS Max use the .max file, not the .obj. The .max has non-default scene scale and is setup to scale properly.
Also, If using 3DS Max, Export to .obj with Scale = 0.1, Flip Y/Z Axis (Poser like) turned ON (Defaults to OFF!).
- Still Broken? : Playback of Recordings. (Code hasn't been altered yet to handle NEW Standard / Default 2D Tile.)
- Added : 2-Player Wiimote Controls! ( Autodetects 2 Wiimotes [Player 1 & 2] Bluetooth) If you have only 1 Wiimote, Player 2 uses Keyboard.
Hold 1 & 2 on wiimote and pair in windows bluetooth pairing, it will be autodetected.
- Fixed Z,X to be B,A instead of A,B.


    Monday, September 26, 2016
RxNES 1.567

http://www.rxnes.com/ has had a nice big update today, with updates progressing daily
Here's whats new from the readme

- Fixed : RxNES now dumps tiles at their original resolution. (8x8 or 8x16 pixels.)
Previously for your convienence 8x8 tiles were upscaled to 4x at 32x32. This ment you could open them in an image editor and add sub-pixels
easily. It also made them easier to see in Windows Explorer and Image Preview. However.. This lost the ability to interpolate or upscale
the tiles with a batch image scaler, such as ReShade. Now not only are the exported tiles smaller (1/4 file size I guess), they can
for example be added to Recording files and you won't need to have played the game with tile dumping on, to the game point in the Recording
to be able to watch it. This will be added soon in a coming update. I am not sure if I should package the tiles with the recording,
upload/download them from the server, or both. I will probably go with both just to be sure the Recordings are playable everywhere, and a
known tile database is availiable for those who want to work on tiles they haven't reached yet in-game. Exported tiles are now only 128 bytes
each! (@ 8x8). Or, 8 or 9 tiles per KB! So I will be uploading whichever are missing from the server to a central database collection of all
the tiles everyone has dumped after logging in. The "Box Boy" collection is a total of 46 KB at this point on my computer.
This .txt document is around 10 KB (or 76 tiles). An ancient 8 inch floppy disk from the 1980's holds 800 KB. So you will also be able to
store your dumped .png collections on 8 inch Floppy :) and upload/download bandwidth should not be any issue.
- Fixed : No Keyboard Control without any Wiimotes. ( Problem was a misplaced } ).
- Added : New Example 3D Model in the Enhancements folder!
Created a perfect 1 tile example 3D model. Spent hours re-programming it's alignment to be sub-pixel perfect.
Please use this as THE template for making 3D models! "DEMOModel" included in .max, .blend, and .obj.
If you use 3DS Max use the .max file, not the .obj. The .max has non-default scene scale and is setup to scale properly.
Also, If using 3DS Max, Export to .obj with Scale = 0.1, Flip Y/Z Axis (Poser like) turned ON (Defaults to OFF!).
- Still Broken? : Playback of Recordings. (Code hasn't been altered yet to handle NEW Standard / Default 2D Tile.)
- Added : 2-Player Wiimote Controls! ( Autodetects 2 Wiimotes [Player 1 & 2] Bluetooth) If you have only 1 Wiimote, Player 2 uses Keyboard.
Hold 1 & 2 on wiimote and pair in windows bluetooth pairing, it will be autodetected.
- Fixed Z,X to be B,A instead of A,B.

source: http://www.rxnes.com/

    Saturday, September 24, 2016
RxNES 1.555

http://www.rxnes.com/[/url] has had a notable interesting change in its current release, heres what the readme says:

- Added : Wiimote Controls! ( Autodetects 1 Wiimote [Player 1] Bluetooth) Up to 4 Players coming soon, I only have 1 wiimote ATM.
Hold 1 & 2 on wiimote and pair in windows bluetooth pairing, it will be autodetected. (On next start.)
- Fixed Z,X to be B,A instead of A,B.

Nice to have that support built in for wiimotes, and continues to expand on its features.

You can download at http://www.rxnes.com/[/url]

    Friday, September 23, 2016
Cemu v1.6.0 released!

Cemu - Wii U emulator
Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC

New texture cache/manager
Huge compatibility improvements
Graphic improvements
Audio improvements
Many all-around changes and bugfixes


    Wednesday, September 21, 2016
rxnes 1.53 released

http://www.rxnes.com/ has posted an update on its customisable emulator with a fix now at version 1.53

- Fixed # Key not running Box Art Downloader. Changed it to the 3 Key for now.
- Uncommented code for 3D Models in Recording Playback. The bug was elsewhere. (I think.)

- Rom Browser with Box Art! Toggles with "Page Up" & "Page Down". Arrow Keys to select your Rom.
- Box Art Batch Downloader. Hold "Shift" and press #. (Can take 10 Seconds to 20 Minutes depending on how many Roms / what art is missing.)
Currently the Server has Art for 600+ Games! (Games are mostly Auto-detected, regardless of file name.)
- No 3D models in Replay Recordings (Needs further testing and tweaking...)

full readme here

source: http://www.rxnes.com/

Mednafen v0.9.39.2 released!

Mednafen is a multi-game-system emulator, for various platforms, including emulation of the following systems:Atari Lynx,Famicom,GameBoy (Color),GameBoy Advance,Neo Geo Pocket (Color), NES(both NTSC and PAL),PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD) and SuperGrafx,PC-FX,WonderSwan (Color).

Mednafen v0.9.39.2 Changelog:

September 19, 2016:
SMS: Sanitize some previously-missed variables in the save state loading code.

September 18, 2016:
MD: Fixed a bug that caused some YM2612 state to not be restored properly on save state load.

MD, SMS, NGP: Fixed an old Z80 emulation bug with interrupt handling.

Make an index of save state sections on save state load, to detect sections in a save state that are unused by the state loading code(for debugging).

MD, PCE, PCE_FAST: Sanitize some previously-missed variables in the save state loading code.

September 16, 2016:
SS: Added PAL support.

SS: Fixed vertical positioning brokenness with custom "ss.slstart" setting values with interlaced video.

September 15, 2016:
PC-FX, WonderSwan, NES, VB, PSX: Sanitize some previously-missed variables in the save state loading code.

Fixed a use-after-free bug in the SDL sound output driver.

NGP: Fixed several off-by-1 bugs in the address to ROM data translation function.

September 11, 2016:
Removed nonsensical unused frame advance loop in drivers/main.cpp leftover from 0.5.x.

PCE_FAST: Fixed a bug that could cause a crash with large "pce_fast.ocmultiplier" setting values when running CD games.

September 10, 2016:
PCE_FAST: Skip 512-byte copier header if detected when loading a ROM image.

PCE_FAST: Made some minor optimizations.

PCE, PSX, PCE_FAST: Avoid UB by biasing uintptr_t values instead of pointers directly in the CPU core.

September 1, 2016:
GB: Corrected the layer names used with the layer toggling feature.

August 26, 2016:
SS: Fixed a potential problem with SH-2 DMA event rescheduling when bus lock is held, that probably wouldn't ever happen in practice.

NES: Fixed several instances of missing initialization of on-cart WRAM.

August 24, 2016:
SS: Marked more functions with MDFN_COLD hint, and marked a few functions to be forcibly-inlined where it makes sense.

August 23, 2016:
SNES: Fixed an issue causing a compilation error on Mac OS X.


RxNES v1.495 released!

RxNES is basically 80 lines of code added to an Open Source NES Emulator within the Unity3D Engine. Unity3D is not required, you can upgrade games with the Standalone Build.

RxNES v1.495 Changelog:

- Added : GUI Recording Toggle/Button, near Top-Right Screen Corner.
- The Below have been improved upon in this version.
- Added Game-Play Recording & Playback, with Fast-Forward and Rewind!
(Uses "Tile Collection" so you can record yourself playing now, and watch again with new custom tiles later!!
[Doesn't record while paused! :) ].
Recodings now record / play forever unlimited minutes. 50 MB / Min.
No Sound in recordings, will be added soon. (This will increase the file size obviously.)


mGBA v0.5.0 released!

mGBA is a new emulator for running Game Boy Advance games. It aims to be faster and more accurate than many existing Game Boy Advance emulators, as well as adding features that other emulators lack.

- Near full Game Boy Advance hardware support[1].
- Fast emulation. Known to run at full speed even on low end hardware, such as netbooks.
- Qt and SDL ports for a heavy-weight and a light-weight frontend.
- Save type detection, even for flash memory size[2].
- Real-time clock support, even without configuration.
- A built-in BIOS implementation, and ability to load external BIOS files.
- Turbo/fast-forward support by holding Tab.
- Frameskip, configurable up to 9.
- Screenshot support.
- 9 savestate slots. Savestates are also viewable as screenshots.
- Video and GIF recording.
- Remappable controls for both keyboards and gamepads.
- Loading from ZIP files.
- IPS and UPS patch support.
- Game debugging via a command-line interface (not available with Qt port) and GDB remote support.

mGBA v0.4.1 Changelog:

* Game Boy support
* Support for encrypted CodeBreaker GBA cheats
* Emulation of Vast Fame protected GBA carts (taizou)
* Tile viewer
* Threaded rendering mode
* Libretro: Memory map and achievement support (leiradel)
* GUI: Add UI control remapping
* GUI: Add fast-forward
* Wii: 240p support
* 3DS: Adjustable screen darkening
* Ability to temporarily load a savegame
* Load specific files out of archives
* Automatic BIOS detection
* ARM7: Fix decoding of Thumb ADD (variants 5 and 6)
* Debugger: Fix GDB breakpoints
* GBA: Fix losing IRQs when CPSR I bit isn’t cleared
* GBA: Fix filehandle leak with savegames
* GBA: Timer 0 cannot be count up
* GBA: Count up timers should not count themselves
* GBA Memory: Fix mirror on non-overdumped Classic NES games
* GBA Memory: Fix ldm {pc}
* GBA Savedata: Fix savedata sync timer
* GBA Savedata: Only unmap savedata if present
* GBA Serialize: Savestates now properly store prefetch
* GBA Video: WIN0/1 take priority over OBJWIN
* GBA Video: Fix out-of-order OBJWIN
* PSP2: Fix GPU crash while exiting
* PSP2: Fix VSync
* PSP2: Fix accelerometer range
* PSP2: Actually load screen mode setting
* PSP2: Fix gyroscope direction
* PSP2: Delete threads after they return
* PSP2: Fix mapping/unmapping from not at 0
* Qt: Fix bug in software renderer scaling
* Qt: Fix hanging key press after disabling autofire
* Qt: Fix being unable to pause manually when using auto-pausing
* SDL: Fix axes being mapped wrong
* Util: Fix realloc semantics in utf16to8
* Util: Fix inserting too many items into a hash table
* VFS: Fix uninitialized varaible reading from 7z
* VFS: Fix reading multiple files from a 7z archive
* Wii: Fix framelimiting after a slowdown
* Wii: Fix garbage flash at startup
* 3DS: Use blip_add_delta_fast for a small speed improvement
* 3DS: Allow UTF-16 filenames
* 3DS: Port to using citro3D
* 3DS: Use system font for menus
* 3DS: Attempt to use Core 2 for threads
* 3DS: Adjustable filering
* 3DS: 3D banner
* All: Add QUIET parameter to silence CMake
* All: Faster memory read/write
* ARM7: Support forcing Thumb mode via MSR
* ARM7: Flush prefetch cache when loading CPSR via MSR
* ARM7: Clean up instruction decoding for future expandability
* Debugger: Support register and memory writes via GDB stub
* Debugger: Add software breakpoint support to gdb
* FFmpeg: Full support for libavcodec 56+
* GBA: Better debug logging if event processing breaks
* GBA Audio: Force audio DMAs to not increment destination
* GBA BIOS: Use custom ArcTan, not relying on OS
* GBA Hardware: Clean up dead code in GBP
* GBA Memory: Optimize stalling behavior
* GBA Memory: Optimize Load-/StoreMultiple
* GBA Savedata: Add realistic timing for EEPROM
* GBA Serialize: Savestates now store if CPU was halted
* GBA Video: Remove old slow path fallback
* GBA Video: Optimize sprite drawing
* GBA Video: Optimize mode 0 rendering
* GBA Video: Optimize compositing cases slightly
* GUI: Screenshot dimensions are now passed through
* GUI: Add back logging
* GUI: Only reload config if manually saved
* GUI: Increase scrolling speed
* OpenGL: Log shader compilation failure
* OpenGL: Add texSize uniform
* Qt: Make -g flag work in Qt build
* Qt: Simplify OpenGL context creation
* Qt: Thread startup improvements
* Qt: Make audio channel/video layer options shortcut mappable
* Qt: Remove some C99isms from C++ code
* Qt: Remove default autofire mappings
* Qt: Make reseting when pasued frame-accurate
* Qt: Rearchitect game closing codepath
* PSP2: Use system font for menus
* PSP2: Add rumble for PS TV
* PSP2: Add fit-to-height screen mode
* PSP2: Sync files per descriptor
* PSP2: Allow UTF-8 filenames
* PSP2: Screenshots are now saved into the Photo Gallery
* PSP2: Stop underclocking when menuing
* SDL: Increase default audio buffer size to 1024 samples
* SDL: More responsive rumble
* Util: Add Vector GetConstPointer
* Util: Add rtrim
* Util: Add endswith
* VFS: Improve zip file detection
* Wii: Add pixelated resample filter
* Windows: Add native VDir support
* Util: Add PRIz macro for libc versions that don’t support %z


    Saturday, September 17, 2016
ppsspp 1.3 released

PPSSPP 1.3 has finally released, a much anticipated release, as this marks the first time a playstation (plus) emulator allows for full hd texture replacement!

Heres the low down

Fix JIT problems on Galaxy S7 and iOS 9+ devices
Fix Android TV support (x86-64) and use latest FFmpeg, fix Raspberry memory use
Texture replacement support - for custom textures and upscaling
Workaround rendering issues on Tegra K1/X1
Initial Vulkan support on Windows - not full featured yet
Experimental new CPU backend and CPU fixes
Fix type D cheat codes, allow for homebrew
Fix some problems when switching away from and back to the app
Initial game video recording / TAS features (frame stepping)

For more info go to http://www.ppsspp.org/index.html
Local download ppsspp 1.3

And remember to check out our Hi resolution texture forum for ideas a projects for this and many other emulators that can be retextured.

    Friday, September 16, 2016

Some days i like to check out whats new in the emulation world, and i just happen to come across this little gem, called RxNES, which is a NES emulator, but this time with a little twist, it has customization.

Here's a snipit from the offical site

When the NES draws the original graphics,
check if there are modern graphics which can be put in their place!
RxNES is basically 80 lines of code added to an Open Source NES Emulator within the Unity3D Engine. Unity3D is not required, you can upgrade games with the Standalone Build.
The added code "hashes" the content of the on-screen "Tiles" and comes up with a name for each tile, it then checks a special "Enhancemennts" folder to see if a new 3D Model (.OBJ) and or Texture are availiable to render on top of the old one.

For more info and support their forums are here.

Source: http://www.rxnes.com/

    Monday, September 12, 2016
Virtual GameBoy v5.0 released!

Virtual GameBoy is a program that emulates the Nintendo GameBoy handheld on your computer. It runs GameBoy, Super GameBoy, and GameBoy Color games on PCs, Macs, PocketPCs, Unix boxes, etc. VGB also helps debugging GameBoy software without using a costly development system.

Virtual GameBoy v5.0 for Android Changelog:

– Added Scale2X scaling algorithm.
– Added Monochrome, Green, Amber, and Sepia CRT emulation.
– Added -scale2x and -raster command line options.
– Added -mono, -sepia, -green, and -amber command line options.
– EMULib-specific command line options now processed inside EMULib.
– Added « Scale2x Algorithm » and « LCD Raster » options on Windows.
– Renamed « Color Raster » menu to « Color Filter » on Windows.
– Deprecated -notv and -nolcd command line options.


    Saturday, September 10, 2016
Mesen v0.5.1 released!

Mesen is a NES/Famicom emulator and NSF player. It is still a work in progress - some features are currently incomplete or may change in future versions.

Mesen Features:
* High Accuracy - A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible
* Stand-alone - Put the Mesen application into any folder and run it from there
* Supports: Save States, Movie/Audio Recording, Screenshots, Cheat Codes
* Supported Mapper List (130+): 0 to 13, 15 to 19, 21 to 27, 32 to 34, 37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57, 58, 60 to 62, 64 to 80, 82, 85 to 89, 91 to 95, 97, 99, 101, 107, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 137 to 141, 143 to 157, 159, 163, 164, 176, 180, 184, 185, 189, 191 to 195, 200 to 203, 205 to 207, 210, 218, 225 to 228, 230 to 232, 240 to 243, 246
* NES and Famicom (including Famicom Disk System) support. Also supports: NSF, NSFe, VS System
* Net Play - Play online with friends
* Automatic updates - Mesen is able to check for updates and automatically install new versions of itself.
* Built-in Debugger
* Other Features: 7z/zip archive support, numerous video filters (xBRZ, Scale2x, NTSC, etc.), sound recorder, sound effects, etc.

Mesen v0.5.1 Changelog:

This release is a beta - save states, movies, etc. created with this version may not be compatible with future versions of Mesen.
Bug Fixes
* Google Drive: Fixed a crash that could occur when enabling Google Drive integration.
* Debugger: Fixed a crash introduced in 0.5.0 that could occur when opening the debugger.


    Thursday, September 08, 2016
Mesen v0.5.0 released!

Mesen is a NES/Famicom emulator and NSF player. It is still a work in progress - some features are currently incomplete or may change in future versions.

Mesen Features:
* High Accuracy - A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible
* Stand-alone - Put the Mesen application into any folder and run it from there
* Supports: Save States, Movie/Audio Recording, Screenshots, Cheat Codes
* Supported Mapper List (130+): 0 to 13, 15 to 19, 21 to 27, 32 to 34, 37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57, 58, 60 to 62, 64 to 80, 82, 85 to 89, 91 to 95, 97, 99, 101, 107, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 137 to 141, 143 to 157, 159, 163, 164, 176, 180, 184, 185, 189, 191 to 195, 200 to 203, 205 to 207, 210, 218, 225 to 228, 230 to 232, 240 to 243, 246
* NES and Famicom (including Famicom Disk System) support. Also supports: NSF, NSFe, VS System
* Net Play - Play online with friends
* Automatic updates - Mesen is able to check for updates and automatically install new versions of itself.
* Built-in Debugger
* Other Features: 7z/zip archive support, numerous video filters (xBRZ, Scale2x, NTSC, etc.), sound recorder, sound effects, etc.

Mesen v0.5.0 Changelog:

New Features
* Input: Added key presets for typical keyboard layouts and controllers (Xbox, PS4, etc.)
* Input: Several emulator functions can now be mapped to controller buttons (e.g: fast forward, save state, etc.)
* Save states: Added automatic save state option.
* UI: Mesen is now available in Ukrainian. (translation by Arcus87)
* Debugger: Added cpu/ppu mapping display and improved several features (Memory Viewer, Trace Logger, CHR Viewer).
* Compatibility: Added support for 3 new mappers (123, 134, 216)
Bug Fixes
* Crash: Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting Mesen.


    Saturday, September 03, 2016
Virtual GameBoy Advance v5.3 released!

Virtual GameBoy Advance (VGBA) is a program that emulates Nintendo's GameBoy Advance on your computer. It runs GameBoy Advance games on PCs, PDAs, or just about any other sufficiently fast computer. It also helps debugging GameBoy Advance software without using a costly development system.

Virtual GameBoy Advance v5.3 Changelog:

* Added 14bit EEPROM setting for Aladdin (all versions).
* Disabled FlashROM for all NES Classics games.
* Fixed FlashROM/EEPROM size selection menu in VGBA-Windows.
* Added « Play Sound When Inactive » option to VGBA-Windows.
* Added « Clear File Associations » option to VGBA-Windows.
* Made color raster effects stronger.


File Releases

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

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