Wednesday, September 27, 2017 |
RockNES v5.54 released!
Posted by azoreseuropa @ 03:02 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
RockNES is a Nintendo (NES) emulator that supports total PPU emulation, total intelligent emulation (including VRCVI intelligent, used by some Japanese games), battery backed RAM, Famicom DiskSystem, VS Unisystem, and some 70 different mappers. In gain, RockNES includes lots of different video modes, as substantially as the ability to loading and economise your back at any stage. You can flush record movies of gameplay.
RockNES v5.54 Changelog:
- Improved Famicom Disk System PPU IRQ timing (thanks Sour).
- Fixed "Skip Disk System license screen" option, working ok.
- Fixed scanlines in NSF mode (while playing a tune & drawing circles).
- Fixed version number in the file properties.
- Minor fixes and improvements./quote]
For: Windows
MAME v0.190 released!
Posted by azoreseuropa @ 02:57 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.
What's news in MAME:
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00490: [Sound] (homedata.cpp) hourouki: It is missing voices of "Reach", "Ron" etc. (smf)
- 06658: [Plugins] (mappy.cpp) mappy, mappyj: When using cheats driven by parameter, left arrow doesn't change displayed value (Carl)
- 06672: [Sound] (starwars.cpp) starwars: Missing/malfunctioning sound (AJR)
- 06673: [DIP/Input] (subsino.cpp) stbsub: Missing dip-switch info. (Diet Go Go Fan)
- 06680: [Sound] (namcos2.cpp) metlhawk: Missing sound (Angelo Salese)
- 06682: [Sound] (cinemat.cpp) qb3: Missing AY-3-8910 sound (AJR)
New working machines
Altered Beast (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Laser 2001 [cvemu]
Mephisto Modena [yoyo_chessboard, Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Monte Carlo [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Super Mondial II [yoyo_chessboard, Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Super Mondial [yoyo_chessboard, Sandro Ronco]
R-Zone: Batman Forever [hap, Sean Riddle]
R-Zone: Indy 500 [hap, Sean Riddle]
unknown Italian poker game [caius, AJR, Ivan Vangelista, Roberto Fresca]
New working clones
Alligator Hunt (World, protected) [Pablo]
Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2, J3) [Layer @ jammaplus]
Big Buck Hunter - Shooter's Challenge (v1.60.01) [Ted Green]
Chuka Taisen (Japan) (P0-025-A PCB) [Pacman70]
Iron Horse (version K) [Coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Kick Off (bootleg) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Lady Master of Kung Fu (set 2, older) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Land Breaker (World) / Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi (Korea) (pcb ver 1.0) (AT89c52 protected) [Hammy]
Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE)
[Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Charles MacDonald, David Haywood]
Royal Card / Royal Jackpot (with a third draw)(encrypted) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Syvalion (US, PS2 Taito Legends 2) [MetalliC, rtw, Zerochan]
Syvalion (World, PS2 Taito Legends 2) [MetalliC, rtw, Zerochan]
Machines promoted to working
Alligator Hunt (Spain, protected) [David Haywood, Darksoft, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Big Buck Hunter - Shooter's Challenge (v1.60.01) [Ted Green]
Big Buck Hunter Call of the Wild (v3.02.5) [Ted Green]
Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise (v2.02.11) [Ted Green]
Glass (Ver 1.1, Break Edition, Checksum 49D5E66B, Version 1994) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood]
Great Guns [Angelo Salese]
Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum CF2D)
[Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Charles MacDonald, David Haywood]
Mazer Blazer (set 1) [Angelo Salese]
Mephisto Mega IV [Sandro Ronco]
Tecmo World Cup '94 (set 1) [Angelo Salese]
Virtual Pool [Ted Green]
Clones promoted to working
Big Buck Hunter - Shooter's Challenge (v1.50.07) [Ted Green]
Glass (Ver 1.0, Break Edition, Checksum C5513F3C) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood]
Glass (Ver 1.0, Break Edition, Checksum D3864FDB) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood]
Mazer Blazer (set 2) [Angelo Salese]
Mephisto Monte Carlo IV LE [Sandro Ronco]
Slap Fight (A76 set, GX-006-A PCB) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Tecmo World Cup '94 (set 2) [Angelo Salese]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Cisco/Fisco 400 [TTL] [Andrew Welburn]
Convergent Miniframe [rfka01, R. Belmont]
Gaelco Football [Peter Wilhelmsen, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Gran Trak 10/Trak 10/Formula K [TTL] [Mike Salay]
Gran Trak 20/Trak 20/Twin Racer [TTL] [Ed Fries]
Le Mans [TTL] [teeray]
Nintendo DS [Ryan Holtz]
Qwak!/Quack [TTL] [Ed Fries]
Triumph-Adler alphatronic P3 [Dirk Best, rfka01]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
AEG Olympia Olytext 30 [rfka01]
Bingo Wave [Harcsa Bela, caius]
Ericsson PC [Joakim Larsson Edstrom, Joel Tegner]
Ericsson Portable PC [Joakim Larsson Edstrom, Joel Tegner, FakeShemp]
Guns N Roses (2.00) [Gore Daimon, Guilherme Cobra]
Meteor (Stern, set 2) [Gore Daimon, Guilherme Cobra]
PC/AT 386SX (VGA, MF2 Keyboard) [Carl]
Robot Hunting (bootleg of Death Race) [TTL] [f205v, Any]
Schneider EURO PC II [rfka01]
Schneider EURO XT [rfka01]
Shootout Pool Prize (Export) / Shootout Pool The Medal (Japan) Version B -P [Ordyne]
New working software list additions
apple2: Thief [san inc. & TRex]
apple2_cass: Color Demosoft / Little Brickout, Lords of Karma, Startrek / Starwars [Dagarman]
archimedes: SCSI Support Disc [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop: ArcPinball [Nigel Barnes]
c128_cart: VizaWrite 128 [terror]
hp85_rom: Assembler ROM, I/O ROM, Matrix ROM, Service ROM, Service ROM (fixed) [F.Ulivi]
Concurrent PC DOS 3.2, Concurrent PC DOS 4.1, Concurrent DOS XM 6.0, Concurrent DOS XM 6.01, Concurrent DOS XM 6.21 [Justin Kerk]
Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist [ArcadeShadow]
Wing Commander II - Special Operations 1, Wing Commander II - Special Operations 2 [breiztiger]
Concurrent DOS 386 2.0, Concurrent DOS 386 3.01 [Justin Kerk]
kayproii: Digital Keyboards' Synergy Host Control System [shattered]
laser2001_cart: Salora Disk Drive [cvemu]
pce_tourvision: Bomberman 93, Die Hard, Hit The Ice, Knight Rider Special [system11]
spectrum_cass: Currah MicroSpeech Demo, Fuller Box Orator Demonstration, Shadow of the Unicorn, Spectrum Voice Chess [Nigel Barnes]
Translations added or modified
Dutch [Jos van Mourik]
Italian [Tharabas17]
Spanish [A. Viloria]
Turkish [Kadir Eksi]
Source Changes
-Added new AM9513 System Timing Controller device. [AJR]
-Improved 28XX parallel EEPROM emulation: [AJR]
* Emulated direct manipulation of /OE line for read/write mode control.
* Added special handling for data polling before a write has completed.
* Allow optional configuration to lock EEPROM after each write, as often used by Atari.
* Replaced Atari EEPROM interface devices with base device - to use old NVRAM files, rename them from eeprom_eeprom to eeprom.
-dblewing: Modernized soundlatch; improved IRQ arbitration for (hopefully) fewer dropped sound commands. [AJR]
-cninjabl2: Fixed sound banking. [AJR]
-z8 improvements: [AJR]
* Made data space optional.
* Fixed stack pop semantics.
* Mask addresses for external memory accesses based on P0 control bits.
* Fixed C flag polarity for CP/SBC/SUB, and actually subtract with carry in SBC (lets amerihok pass initial checksum).
* Fixed interrupts.
-megaplay: Routed start buttons through BIOS, still not working properly. [AJR]
-quizpun2: Emulate COP402 MCU. [AJR]
-COP400 overhaul: [AJR]
* Rewrote execution control logic to fetch each byte of an instruction separately in one pass of the main loop.
- Provides EEPROM-compatible timing for the SIO shift register, allowing the 93C46 on quizpun2 to be read and written properly.
* Added M pseudo-register (internal RAM referenced by B) to debugger state.
* Added T register to debugger state on devices where it only affects SKT.
* Display SIO state in binary when it is defined as a shift register.
* Allowed skipped instructions and the SKIP flag to be debugged using a compile-time switch (disabled by default).
-weststry: Prevent mistimed interrupts that were killing sound. [AJR]
-rs232: Added 9615 Baud rate actually used by a number of systems. [AJR]
-Fixed Lunar Lander Language ROM - now passes self-test (built from source). [Andrew Welburn]
-gstriker.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Added MCU simulation to clone romset twrldc94a.
* Added buffered spriteram (sprites being ahead 2 frames).
* Fixed tournament logic for Tecmo World Cup '94.
* Improved mb60553 zooming alignment (mostly noticeable in Tecmo World Cup '94).
* Added rotation to mb60553 core (used by V Goal Soccer during football field display).
-ninjaw.cpp: Changed to saner interleave CPU timings, attempted to fix missing enemies bug in Ninja Warriors. [Angelo Salese]
-rockrage.cpp: Fixed priorities and text tile banking for Rock N Rage. [Angelo Salese]
* Fixes stage 1 boss eyes flashing and Shena display inside the bubble at stage 5 boss.
-mb_vcu.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Added multi-layer drawing.
* Improved layer clearing for Mazer Blazer, fixed layer clearing for Great Guns.
* Added collision detection feature, specific to Mazer Blazer.
-mazerbla.cpp: Added backup RAM, fixed lightgun inputs for Great Guns. [Angelo Salese]
-itech8.cpp: Ninja Clowns improvements: [Angelo Salese]
* Fixed palette read accesses, fixes many color bugs.
* Fixed 0x40000-0x7ffff constant area, program ROM now checksums correctly.
* Moved vblank IRQ generation - fixes frames per second jerkiness.
-model2.cpp: Fixed luma overflow (Virtua Striker flag colors). [Angelo Salese]
-ymf271.cpp: Added slot end status bits (fixes at least missing shots samples for Desert War). [Angelo Salese]
-saturn.cpp: Fire a VDP1 IRQ when an illegal sprite opcode is encountered (fixes Sexy Parodius booting). [Angelo Salese]
-pce_cd.cpp: Fixed few bogus CD-ROM state bugs (fixes booting for Snatcher). [Angelo Salese]
-ladyfrog.cpp: Added missing DAC sound chip (fixes death scream in Touche Me). [Angelo Salese]
-flstory.cpp: Merged memory maps and fixed gfx bank default (fixes Onna Sanshirou POST messages). [Angelo Salese]
-bigevglf.cpp: Added DAC (cup in, crowd applauses samples). [Angelo Salese]
-buggychl.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Fixed sound timer IRQ frequency (fixes enter initials BGM tempo).
* Fixed background pen and clipping enable (fixes title screen and stage 3 graphics).
* Fixed inputs, namely accelerator being analog now.
-vicdual.cpp: Added sound samples to Borderline. [Angelo Salese, Corrado Tomaselli]
-ioport.cpp: Fixed a longstanding INP playback desync bug caused by a rand() call in the MAME core. [Angelo Salese, hap]
-leland: Fixed missing DAC sounds in later Ataxx-era audio. [Barry Rodewald]
-vamphalf.cpp: Added idle skipping speedup hack for coolminii. [Brian Troha]
-luaengine: Added translation support. [Carl]
-altos8600: Added serial board. [Carl]
-c64_cart.xml: Added accompanying disk to 4040+Fast Hack'em cartridge. [Curt Coder]
-Demoted Megaplay to not working. [David Haywood]
-Demoted Panic Road to not working - playtesting shows that the collisions aren't right. [David Haywood]
-floppy: Added drive LED callback. [Dirk Best]
-Added Data East IRQ Controller device used by games in the cninja and deco32 drivers. [Dirk Best]
-pktgaldx: Added vblank interrupt acknowledge. [Dirk Best]
-deco32 improvements and cleanups: [Dirk Best]
* Emulated LC7535-based volume control for Dragon Gun board based games.
* Added DSW3 and DIP switch locations to Captain Avenger.
-deco156: Cleaned up palette. [Dirk Best]
-Fixed ROM size for Tank (atarittl.cpp) based on recent verification dump. [Ed Fries]
-Miscellaneous Master System/Game Gear fixes: [Enik Land]
* Corrected author of the SMS multipad device hardware.
* Map upper addresses of the SMS2/GG memory map unused by devices to RAM (fixes 'shero' GG game).
* Added PCB info for 'termntr' and fixed mapper of 'jangpun2' entries of the SMS software list.
* Fixed a soft reset bug in the mapper code for the '4pak' entry of the SMS software list.
* Remove two obsolete comments from the period when MESS didn't support BIOS selection.
* Changed two comments to document that player inputs on GG aren't disabled even in SMS mode.
-hp85: Added support for optional ROM cartridges and started a software list. [F.Ulivi]
-a2arcadebd: Added port mirrors so all programs on the test disk work. [Golden Child]
-apple2: Added preliminary support for the Synetix SuperSprite card. [Golden Child, R. Belmont]
-segasp.cpp: Dumped original CF card for "Dinosaur King - Operation: Dinosaur Rescue". [Hellfromabove]
-dbox: Added 29F800B flash boot device, hooked up RS232/modem ports. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-mc68681: Added the DUART-compatible 68340 serial module. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-68340tmu: Fixed MCR register enum error, silenced some logerror spam by turning them into LOGx statements. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-68340 improvements: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Deskeletonized the serial module as a device derived from the DUART device (defined in mc68681.cpp).
* Fixed SIM module read register bug and added informative chip select logic LOG messages.
* Simplified code by making the timer module implementation a device with two independent instances.
-Implemented Candela PAL-driven address map (fixes several BASIC commands). [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-upd7725: Ignore DPL field if destination is DP, and ignore RPDCR bit if destination is RP. [Jonas Quinn]
-Added support for viewing PLS100/82S100/PLS101/82S101 equations to jedutil. [Kevin Eshbach]
-Adding PAL dumps from Guzzler (Swimmer Conversion). [Kevin Eshbach]
-dccons.cpp: Virginized DC Flash ROM dumps to fresh factory state and documented Dreamcast Flash ROM structure. [MetalliC]
-Return a reference from corestr.cpp calls to avoid unnecessary string copies. [Nathan Woods]
-Added validation checks for PORT_CHAR character values. [Nathan Woods]
-Made -validate verb report an error if no drivers match pattern. [Nathan Woods]
-Attempted to sanitize/rationalize UTF-8 command line arguments are accessed. [Nathan Woods]
* Also fixes a bug in imgtool where non-7 bit ASCII was not being handled correctly under Windows.
-spectrum: Added expansion slot and devices, removed Kempston Joystick Interface from driver. [Nigel Barnes]
* Working devices: Currah MicroSlot, Currah MicroSource, Currah MicroSpeech, Didaktik Melodik, Fuller Box,
Kempston Joystick Interface, Mikro-Plus (Shadow of the Unicorn), Protek Joystick Interface, ZX Interface 2.
* Non-working devices: ZX Interface 1.
* Thanks to Thomas Busse for preliminary work on Currah MicroSpeech.
-spec128: Added expansion slot and devices, removed Kempston Joystick Interface from driver. [Nigel Barnes]
* Working devices: Kempston Joystick Interface, Mikro-Plus (Shadow of the Unicorn), Protek Joystick Interface,
Spectrum +2 Test Software, ZX Interface 2.
* Non-working devices: ZX Interface 1.
-tube_casper: Corrected CPU clock to 4MHz. [Nigel Barnes]
-m68k: Fixed abcd/sbcd/nbcd to pass 68k-bcd-verifier. [notaz]
-upd765: Added support for i82072 including sense interrupt status logic and motor on/off logic. [Patrick Mackinlay]
-i82586: Fixed 82586 initialisation. [Patrick Mackinlay]
-clipper interrupt handling fixes: [Patrick Mackinlay]
* Improved interrupt vector handling.
* Fixed C300 interrupt entry and stack frame.
* Fixed pushw where source register is same as stack register.
-apple2e: Don't update 80-column screen immediately on page switch. [Peter Ferrie]
-psi98: Added basic stub layout with drive LEDs. [rfka01]
-unkitpkr improvements: [Roberto Fresca]
* Improved the input system and mapped remaining inputs, hooked the AY8912 port and rerouted the DIP switches there.
* Added technical notes about the hacked code.
* Added proper palette resnet.
* Confirmed the bipolar PROM dump, it matches the Wall Crash one.
-Royal Jackpot improvements: [Roberto Fresca]
* Added proper inputs/DIP switches and default NVRAM, changed game description and promoted to working.
* Added the three missing PLDs as NO_DUMP.
* Added a DIP switches table from manual and implemented default positions from factory.
* Added some notes about the third draw feature.
-arm7: Added ARM946ES variant, fixed up CPU ID values. [Ryan Holtz]
-cgc7900: Attached keyboard and serial port, and force cold boot. [shattered]
-Corrected regions/titles for Namco System 22 and System 23 games. [sjy96525]
-Implemented program counter break point to PlayStation CPU, and re-added PlayStation EXE, CPE and PSF loading. [smf]
-Added named constants for INS8250 registers/bits (LSR/MCR/LSR). [Sven Schnelle]
-HP HIL: Pass through commands between devices. [Sven Schnelle]
-HP9000/300 improvements: [Sven Schnelle]
* Added HIL keyboard support.
* Fixed detection of DIO cards.
* Disabled DMA controller workaround (caused ROM to use unimplemented DMA functionality, now falls back to PIO).
* Added SN76494 sound device.
-hp9k_3xx: Hooked up keyboard/sound to HP9000/332, added 98603 ROM card. [Sven Schnelle]
-hp16500: Connected HIL MLC. [Sven Schnelle]
-tourvis: Added new BIOS dump, clarified BIOS names, and updated several games with newly discovered ID codes. [system11, Tafoid]
-iteagle: Set medium resolution as default for virtpool and remove MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS. [Ted Green]
-Cleaned up and optimised common code: [Vas Crabb]
* Made natural keyboard prefer lower shift states and eliminated O(n) character lookup.
* Turned most ROM entry accessor macros into templates and made them work on tiny_rom_entry/rom_entry pointers/references.
* Started adding iterable class wrappers for specific types of ROM entries.
* Added support for C++ output streams to logmacro.h using LOG_OUTPUT_STREAM macro.
* Improved -listxml performance by another 10% or so.
-Made ROM BIOS reported in -listxml output match what ROM loading does. [Vas Crabb]
-buggychl: Removed NMI trampolines and added mirrors to memory map. [Lord Nightmare]
-grchamp.cpp: Improved sound CPU commuication. [Lord Nightmare]
-taitosj: Improved sound CPU communication and added mirrors to sound CPU memory map. [Lord Nightmare]
-upd7725: Fixed OV1 and S1 flag calculation. [AWJ, Lord Nightmare]
-superqix.cpp updates: [Lord Nightmare]
* Implemented 8751 port2 latch and fixed semaphores.
* Replaced pending communication hacks with scheduler synchronization barriers.
* Split up state class, consolidated port2 handling, and removed unnecessary trampolines.
* Traced out correct clock divider for CPU and MCU from PCB.
* Added emulation of the 8031 bootleg MCU port 3 output latch.
-Fixed corrupt bytes in two MC68705 dumps after re-analyzing raw dump data. [Lord Nightmare, ShouTime]
-retofinvb3: Fixed colors. [Lord Nightmare]
-hexion.cpp: Fixed INT_TIME callback from K053252 CCU (fixes music speed), fixed music pitch for hexionb. [Lord Nightmare]
-notetaker.cpp: Updated notes, and added PROMs typed from source listings. [Lord Nightmare]
-Updated hiscore.dat. [Leezer]
-tnzs.cpp: Corrected ROM PCB locations and added Guru-Readme for the P0-25-A PCB. [Guru]
For: Windows, Linux, and macOS
Tuesday, September 19, 2017 |
Mednafen v0.9.48 released!
Posted by azoreseuropa @ 01:20 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
Mednafen is a multi-game-system emulator, for various platforms, including emulation of the following systems:Atari Lynx,Famicom,GameBoy (Color),GameBoy Advance,Neo Geo Pocket (Color), NES(both NTSC and PAL),PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD) and SuperGrafx,PC-FX,WonderSwan (Color).
Mednafen v0.9.48 Changelog:
| * SS: Fixed graphics corruption in the intro of "Batman Forever".
* SS: Fixed hang in "Jung Rhythm" when trying to retry a failed stage.
* SS: Fixed crash in "Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Gokuraku" when it tries to play an opening movie.
* SS: Fixed messed-up colors in "Discworld 2".
* SS: Fixed hang when trying to resume a suspended game in "Tactics Ogre".
* SS: Fixed the periodic loud popping noise during FMV playback in "Grandia"(an emulation bugfix; sound may still pop/click if you have a slower CPU of course).
* SS: Added a hack/kludge to allow bypassing of data cache on reads(such that the timing benefits of partial cache emulation are preserved, without cache coherency problems that partial cache emulation sometimes leads to with poorly programmed games), and added an internal database to enable it on select games; fixes graphical glitches and/or hangs in "Area 51 (USA and Europe)", "Clockwork Knight 2 (USA)", "DeJig - Lassen Art Collection", "Father Christmas", "Golden Axe The Duel", "Sega Saturn Choice Cuts", "Spot Goes to Hollywood (USA and Japan)", "Street Fighter Zero", "Street Fighter Zero 3", "Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo", and "Virtual Volleyball".
* SS: Full cache emulation is now enabled for "Whizz"(by using an internal database), to resolve(or at least reduce) quasi-random hanging issues during startup.
For: Windows and Linux
Thursday, September 14, 2017 |
Ootake v2.84 released!
Posted by azoreseuropa @ 02:59 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
Ootake is a PC Engine emulator for Windows. Ootake is the most frequently updated PC Engine emulator available for windows, and Ootake is also one of the more complete. Also, Ootake is FREE unlike Magic Engine.
Ootake v2.84 changelog:
- When "CD-ROM disc is switched" while playing CD games with CD-ROM drive,
the game you switched automatically will be activated. Also, if you take
out the CD-ROM during the game, the game will be paused automatically for
- "CD access status (seek & read)" is displayed when playing a CD-ROM game.
Currently it is only in window mode, it is displayed on the right side of
"Ootake" at the upper left of the window. If you are using a PC with low
power, or unnecessary, uncheck "View CD Read Access" menu on "CD-ROM"
menu (the third row from the top).
- The play process of ADPCM sound approached the real machine. In
"Cobra II", at the desert town motorcycle ride scene, the stopped problem
(occurred from v2.83) was solved.
- The play operation of ADPCM sound approached the real machine. In
"Seisenshi Denshou", the problem that voice audio was interrupted was
- In "Ys book I&II (U)", when entering the Tower of Darm, with environment
where CD-ROM access is fast, the problem that Gorban's voice sound was
interrupted was solved.
- When "Tokimeki Memorial" is started, the decision button of the mouse is
automatically set to left click. If you do not need this, uncheck the
"Setting-> Improve-> Auto Set Left Click (Tokimeki Memorial)" menu.
- When "1552 Tenka Tairan" is started, mouse mode is set automatically.
(omitting the SELECT button press on the start screen) If you do not
need this, uncheck the "Setting-> Improve-> Auto Use Mouse (1552 Tenka
Tairan)" menu.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
For: Windows
Saturday, September 09, 2017 |
Mesen v0.9.3 released!
Posted by azoreseuropa @ 02:41 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
Mesen is a NES/Famicom emulator and NSF player. It is still a work in progress - some features are currently incomplete or may change in future versions.
Mesen Features:
* High Accuracy - A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible
* Stand-alone - Put the Mesen application into any folder and run it from there
* Supports: Save States, Movie/Audio Recording, Screenshots, Cheat Codes
* Supported Mapper List (130+): 0 to 13, 15 to 19, 21 to 27, 32 to 34, 37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57, 58, 60 to 62, 64 to 80, 82, 85 to 89, 91 to 95, 97, 99, 101, 107, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 137 to 141, 143 to 157, 159, 163, 164, 176, 180, 184, 185, 189, 191 to 195, 200 to 203, 205 to 207, 210, 218, 225 to 228, 230 to 232, 240 to 243, 246
* NES and Famicom (including Famicom Disk System) support. Also supports: NSF, NSFe, VS System
* Net Play - Play online with friends
* Automatic updates - Mesen is able to check for updates and automatically install new versions of itself.
* Built-in Debugger
* Other Features: 7z/zip archive support, numerous video filters (xBRZ, Scale2x, NTSC, etc.), sound recorder, sound effects, etc.
Mesen v0.9.3 Changelog:
New Features
UI: All UI shortcuts are now customizable in the Preferences (multi-key shortcuts are now supported).
UI: Added a link to the new online documentation site in the Help menu.
Bug Fixes
Cheats: Fixed crash when cheats window was opened
HD Packs: Fixed sprite recording in HD Pack Builder and crashes when loading HD packs in some conditions.
Debugger: Fixed some minor bugs.
Linux: Fixed some crashes and layout fixes.
Dendy: Fixed regression bug with intensify color and grayscale bits emulation.
For: Windows
Wednesday, September 06, 2017 |
Cemu v1.9.1 released!
Posted by azoreseuropa @ 01:16 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
Cemu is a Nintendo Wii U emulator that runs commercial games. Highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on PC.
Cemu v1.9.1 Changelog:
| general: Added a separate window to display the GamePad screen
general: Added more game profiles
CPU/JIT: Slightly decreased RAM usage of recompiler by optimizing away unused lookup tables
CPU/JIT: Improved detection of float denormal usage
CPU/JIT: Added support for PSQ_L type 6
input: Fixed XInput controller not refreshing
input: Fixed DirectInput controller selection for adapters with multiple controllers
input: Fixed DirectInput axis directions being mirrored or offset for certain controllers
coreinit: Added API MCP_TitleListByAppType, MCP_TitleList, FSAddClientEx()
coreinit: More accurate implementation of OSMessageQueue
coreinit: More accurate implementation of FSOpenFile/FSOpenFileAsync
nsysnet: Added API inet_ntoa(), recvfrom()
nn_act: Added API GetPersistentIdEx()
GX2: Added API GX2RSetStreamOutBuffer(), GX2WaitForFlip(), DMAEGetRetiredTimeStamp()
GX2: GX2CopySurface() can now detect access to GPU-residing textures and automatically trigger texture readback
GX2: Fixed invalid optimization of seemingly unused inputs in pixel shader when indexed GPR access is used
GX2: Optimized texture decoder (up to 5 times faster)
While generally not a bottleneck, the texture decoder previously could cause
additional micro-stutter in situations where many textures are loaded at once.
VPAD: Improved emulation of sampling callbacks
VPAD: Fixed crash in VPADControlMotor() when length parameter was out of bounds
AX: Correctly update ADPCM parameters after loop for non-streaming voices
AX: Fixed a bug in voice synchronization where changes to the current playback offset where sometimes not visible to the API
For: Windows
Mesen v0.9.2 released!
Posted by azoreseuropa @ 01:15 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
Mesen is a NES/Famicom emulator and NSF player. It is still a work in progress - some features are currently incomplete or may change in future versions.
Mesen Features:
* High Accuracy - A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible
* Stand-alone - Put the Mesen application into any folder and run it from there
* Supports: Save States, Movie/Audio Recording, Screenshots, Cheat Codes
* Supported Mapper List (130+): 0 to 13, 15 to 19, 21 to 27, 32 to 34, 37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57, 58, 60 to 62, 64 to 80, 82, 85 to 89, 91 to 95, 97, 99, 101, 107, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 137 to 141, 143 to 157, 159, 163, 164, 176, 180, 184, 185, 189, 191 to 195, 200 to 203, 205 to 207, 210, 218, 225 to 228, 230 to 232, 240 to 243, 246
* NES and Famicom (including Famicom Disk System) support. Also supports: NSF, NSFe, VS System
* Net Play - Play online with friends
* Automatic updates - Mesen is able to check for updates and automatically install new versions of itself.
* Built-in Debugger
* Other Features: 7z/zip archive support, numerous video filters (xBRZ, Scale2x, NTSC, etc.), sound recorder, sound effects, etc.
Mesen v0.9.2 Changelog:
New Features
* UI: Added an initial setup dialog for new users.
* UI: Ability to configure paths and portable mode in preferences.
* HD Packs: New features, bug fixes and audio replacement support.
* Input: Added support for the Famicom's second controller's microphone.
* Savestates: Added ability to save/load the state to/from any file.
* Debugger: Added Lua scripting.
* Debugger: Assembler now has syntax highlighting.
* Debugger: Integration with ASM6 via freem's fork (ASM6f) to import labels and code comments.
* Debugger: Added iNES header editor
* Debugger: PPU viewer enhancements
* Debugger: Added "Developer mode" option for quicker access to debugging tools
* NSF: Added repeat and shuffle options
* General: Improved emulator startup performance
Bug Fixes
* UI: Fixed window size not being remembered correctly in some cases
* FDS: Bug fixes related to cheats and save data
* Debugger: Fixed watch window usability issues and assembler bugs
For: Windows
MAME v0.189 released!
Posted by azoreseuropa @ 01:14 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.
What's news in MAME:
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00470: [DIP/Input] (seattle.cpp) hyprdriv: Despite successful calibration the brake button doesn't function. (Ted Green)
- 00975: [DIP/Input] (seattle.cpp) calspeed: Even if you choose manual gear your car has automatic gear. (Ted Green)
- 01005: [Sound] (shangkid.cpp) shangkid: In the later levels, sound starts to get really screwy. (AJR)
- 01991: [Crash/Freeze] (vegas.cpp) gauntleg: Game randomly freezes. (Ted Green)
- 04024: [Graphics] (toaplan2.cpp) ghox: Missing background for hi-score screen. (Caps0f)
- 04872: [Graphics] (labyrunr.cpp) tricktrp: Graphic priority issue. (Angelo Salese)
- 05277: [Documentation] (cps1.cpp) sf2accp2: Installation instructions and DIP settings for SF2CE (Accelerator Pt.II) hack.
- 05608: [DIP/Input] (royalmah.cpp) mjifb, mjifb2, mjifb3: DIP Settings. (kamilz)
- 05788: [DIP/Input] (dbz.cpp) dbz: English language is not displayed. (ryuhabayusa)
- 05945: [DIP/Input] (pacman.cpp) pengojpm, pengopac: Info about dip switches. (Fortuna)
- 06259: [Graphics] (combatsc.cpp) combatsc, combascj, combasct, bootcamp, bootcampa: Wrong priority in the drill instructor screen.
(Angelo Salese)
- 06636: [Graphics] (seattle.cpp) calspeed: Triangles flicker in calspeed. (Ted Green)
- 06639: [Crash/Freeze] (coco3.cpp) coco3, coco3h: Crash of emulated system accessing multiple floppy drives. (Dirk Best)
- 06640: [Core] (coco3.cpp) coco3, coco3h: TRS-80 Color Computer FDC data corruption issue. (Dirk Best)
- 06641: [Color/Palette] (pce.cpp) pce [sonson2]: Black & White mode doesn't work properly. (Angelo Salese)
- 06644: [Gameplay] (segae.cpp) tetrisse: Unable to play 2 Player mode. (David Haywood)
- 06645: [Sound] (ninjakd2.cpp) ninjakd2, ninjakd2c, jt104, rdaction: Missing sound. (AJR)
- 06649: [Interface] ng_cthd_prot: Wrong name (Neo Goe instead of Neo Geo). (Robbbert)
- 06657: [Interface] (c64.cpp) c64: Selecting a slot to fill for "EXP" causes Fatal Error. (Nathan Woods)
- 06659: [Documentation] (model3.cpp) swtrilgy, swtrilgya: " Arcade " is necessary in the title of this game. (J.J.Boy)
New working machines
China Education Computer I [R. Belmont, Jorma Honkanen]
Double Dribble (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Garfield (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Kick Ball [Darksoft, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, David Haywood, AJR]
Kontron PSI98 [Dirk Best, rfka01]
NFL Football (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Poosho Poosho [caius, Brian Troha, Smitdogg, Ryan Holtz, rtw, The Dumping Union]
Tekken Battle Scratch [ShouTime, Jan Stuhler, pablopelos, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
The Adventures of Bayou Billy (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game [Roberto Fresca, Arzeno Fabrice, David Haywood]
New working clones
1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, no protection hack) [Bryan McPhail]
Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 2) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
B.Rap Boys Special (World) [Phill @NES4Life]
Carrier Air Wing (USA 901130) [mastercello]
Crash Road (bootleg of Space Chaser) [Ed Cross]
Crazy Climber (US set 2) [John at johnsarcade]
Crime Fighters 2 (Japan, 4 Players, ver. N) [Guy B]
Cool Minigame Collection (Italy) [Hammy]
Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M82) [Hammy, Jon H, The Dumping Union]
DoDonPachi III (World, 2002.05.15 Master Ver) [neohyphengeo productions]
Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2) [The Dumping Union / Team Recreativas, AJR]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 12 [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Mega Zone (program code L) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Mephisto Nigel Short [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Polgar 10MHz [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Portorose 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Portorose 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Ordyne (World) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Popeye (Japan, Sky Skipper hardware, Older) [Justin Rudebaugh]
Port Man (Japan) [ShouTime]
Street Fighter (World) (protected) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken, bootleg) [Moffitt]
Super Athena (bootleg) [Hammy]
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/01/18 18:29:18 CHASE 3 VER 1.30, prototype) [Trol]
Vamf x1/2 (Europe, version 1.0.0903) [Rod_Wod, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
WWF Superstars (US revision 6) [Bryan McPhail]
Machines promoted to working
Football Power [MetalliC]
Mephisto Academy [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Almeria 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Almeria 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Berlin Pro 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Genius 68030 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Polgar [Sandro Ronco]
Night Gal Summer [BET] (Japan 850702 NGS 0-01) [Angelo Salese]
TH Strikes Back [David Haywood, Kevin Eshbach]
Clones promoted to working
Forty-Love (Japan) [ShouTime, Angelo Salese]
BBC Master Turbo [Nigel Barnes]
International Toote II (v1.24, P387.V01) [Gerald (COY)]
Mephisto Berlin Pro London Upgrade [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Genius 68030 London Upgrade [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto London 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Lyon 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Lyon 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Vancouver 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Vancouver 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Virtua Bowling (Hong Kong, V101HJS) [Abelardator2, Luca Elia]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
AT&T Teletype 4425 [shattered]
Access Virus A [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus B (Ver. T) [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus C [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Classic [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Rack XL [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Rack [R. Belmont, absence]
Altos 8600 [Carl, Al Kossow]
ControlID X628 fingerprint reader [Felipe Sanches]
GameCube (Japan) [Dirk Best]
Honey Pot (03J00241, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Konnano Hajimete! (Japan) [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Kurzweil K2000 [R. Belmont]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 3) [Kevin Horton]
Machinedrum MK2 [R. Belmont, absence]
Magic Reels [TeamEurope]
Mannesmann Kienzle System 9002 Terminal [Miodrag Milanovic]
Mephisto RISC 1MB [Sandro Ronco]
Monomachine SFX6 MK2 [R. Belmont, absence]
Nurete Mitaino... - Net Idol Hen [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Sengoku Mahjong Kurenai Otome-tai [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Sexy Gal Tropical [BET] (Japan 850805 SXG T-02) [ShouTime, Angelo Salese]
Super Game (Sega Master System Multi-game bootleg) (alt games) [TeamEurope]
Venice (02J02056, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Derby Owners Club World Edition (Rev B) [f205v, ShouTime]
Dirt Devils (Japan, Revision A) [ShouTime]
Econet X25 Gateway [Nigel Barnes]
GameCube (Brazil) [Dirk Best]
GameCube (EUR) [Dirk Best]
GameCube (USA) [Dirk Best]
Goldeneye (4.02) [Gore Daimon, Sergio Munemori]
Henson CFA 3000 [Nigel Barnes]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (French) [Kevin Horton]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 1) [Kevin Horton]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 2) [Kevin Horton]
Mephisto RISC II [Sandro Ronco]
Print Club (World) [David Haywood]
Trigger Heart Exelica (Japan) (GDL-0036) [rtw, ShouTime]
Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Version B) (GDS-0024C) [rtw, ShouTime, f205v, Darksoft]
Spiel Master (German) [TeamEurope, Kevin Horton]
Star Wars (1.06, Display S1.05) [Jubex77, JMan, Gore Daimon]
New working software list additions
apple2: Nightmare Gallery [Ian B.]
bbc_flop_80186: Master 512 Technical Guide Programs [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_z80: Double Density CP/M [Nigel Barnes]
The Acornsoft Hits Vol.1, The Acornsoft Hits Vol.2, Centre Ville, Chick Chase, The Christmas Adventures of 4-T and his Friends,
The Fantastic Adventures of 4-T, First Filer, The Great British Fun Run, Integra Windows 1.00, Look After Yourself!,
Knitwear Designer, Modem Master, Note Invaders, Numbers and Pictures, NumbersCope, Pirate, The Quill (A00), The Quill (A03),
Rhythm Maker, Science - Start Here!, Shape Up, Snapple Hopper, Spell!, Starspell Plus, TimeShare,
Trivial Pursuit - Baby Boomer Edition, Trivial Pursuit - Genus Edition, Trivial Pursuit - Young Players Edition, Word Skill
[Nigel Barnes]
BeebSID 1-17, Beeb SID Quiz [PitfallJones]
Morley Hard Disc Utilities v3.00 [Nigel Barnes]
SID Music 1, Sid Music 2 [Tom Walker]
c64_cass: Shado BBC Emulator Software [Curt Coder]
Electron User Group #00-#74 (5.25"), Starspell Dictionary Disk (3.5"), Starspell Dictionary Disk (5.25") [Nigel Barnes]
DOR Special Edition '93 (alt), Gokko Vol. 03 - Etcetera [r09,]
Europa Sensen, Inindou - Datou Nobunaga, Nobunaga no Yabou - Bushou Fuunroku [r09, Reuental]
Nihon Mukashibanashi, The Queen of Duellist Gaiden Alpha Light [r09, yukin/Tokugawa Corporate Forums]
fmtowns_flop: Illusion City - Gen'ei Toshi, Ving Soft Collection [r09, yukin/Tokugawa Corporate Forums]
B.A.T. [ArcadeShadow]
Superbase 5 Demo [breiztiger]
B.A.T. II, Wing Commander, Wing Commander: The Secret Missions, Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2,
Wing Commander II - Vengeance of the Kilrathi [ArcadeShadow]
RobotC2 Demo [breiztiger]
Diagnostics Diskette for IBM Personal System/2 model 70/80 (v1.06, Finnish). [Curt Coder]
Ami [Justin Kerk]
lynx: Crystal Mines II - Buried Treasure (Euro, USA) [anonymous]
pico: Anpanman Pico Wakuwaku Pan Koujou (Jpn), Ett Ar med Nalle Puh (Swe) [TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
sms: Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2 (World, hack) [Shideravan]
Software list items promoted to working
6502 Development Package, Bitstik Graphics System, Bitstik 2, Econet Level 2 Fileserver Software, Hi-InterSheet, Hi-View,
Hi-Wordwise Plus [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_65c102: 65C102 Co-Processor Support Disc [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_68000: Casper Support Discs [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_80186: BBC Master 512 System Discs, Dabs Shareware Vol.1, Dabs Shareware Vol.2 [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_z80: Acorn CP/M System Discs, Acorn CP/M Program Discs, Colossal Cave [Nigel Barnes]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions
pico: Lejonkungen Aventyr (Swe) [TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
princ: Hobby Club, Kodomo no Omacha [TeamEurope]
Translations added or modified
Chinese (simplified) [YuiFAN]
Chinese (traditional) [YuiFAN]
German [RafTacker]
Greek [BraiNKilleRGR]
Italian [theheroGAC]
Japanese [Vas Crabb]
Portuguese (Brazil) [Ashura-X, Felipe Sanches]
Russian [MetalliC]
Serbian [Vas Crab, Midrag Milanovic]
Serbian (Cyrillic) [Vas Crab, Midrag Milanovic]
Spanish [A. Viloria]
Swedish [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Turkish [kadireksi]
Source Changes
-pengadvb: Added start/continue button (partially fixes MT04528). [Angelo Salese]
-Added very preliminary PC9801 AMD98 sound board emulation [Angelo Salese]
-namcos1.cpp: Fixed joystick dropping inputs bug for crouching/running actions in Beraboh Man. [Angelo Salese]
-labyrunr.cpp: Fixed tile-sprite priorities, mostly visible when exiting an area in most stages. [Angelo Salese]
-deco32.cpp: Rewrote interrupt handling; improved lightgun support for Locked Loaded. [Angelo Salese]
-chanbara.cpp: Identified sprite flip X bit (player sword thrusts). [Angelo Salese]
-Wrote a new device for Taito yoke-based inputs (found in Midnight Landing and Top Landing). [Angelo Salese]
-taitoair.cpp: Added screen raw parameters, fixes pilot acknowledge sound sample timing. [Angelo Salese]
-ioport.cpp: Log explicit error if inp file isn't found on playback, added error code number for other errors. [Angelo Salese]
-jangou_blitter.cpp: Rewrote blitter setters. [Angelo Salese]
-nightgal.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
* Fixed Night Gal Summer GFX ROM out-of-bounds accesses.
* Added preliminary protection emulation for Night Gal Summer.
-luaengine: Added debugger_manager support. [Carl]
-plugins/cheat: Catch errors in cheat scripts, added preliminary breakpoint/watchpoint support. [Carl]
-plugins/gdbstub: Added WIP gdbstub plugins. [Carl]
-plugins/data: Added MARP scores. [Carl]
-a590: Corrected filenames and added undumped 4.6 and 5.92 versions. [Dirk Best]
-jvc_dsk: Autodetect double-sided floppy images without header (github issue #2405), improved support for headerless OS-9 images.
[Dirk Best]
-Added Kontron PSI98 driver: [Dirk Best]
* System is fully working with minor issues, you can boot KOS and CP/M 2.2 (images are in the software list).
* Still missing is SASI and the ECB slot system with cards.
* Added keyboard slot interface, created skeleton for keyboard, added HLE ASCII keyboard as default.
* Added software list.
-upd765 improvements: [Dirk Best]
* Don't instantly finish the RECALIBRATE command (fixes accessing second drive on psi98).
* Made SEEK also take some time (fixes KOS FORMAT command on psi98).
-Added Nintendo GameCube skeleton driver. [Dirk Best]
* Decrypts the IPL and the CPU executes the first few instructions.
-gyruss - various small updates: [Dirk Best, Tele-Viper]
* Added missing DIP location for DSW3.
* Fixed dip switches and added correct ROM labels/locations for gyrussce.
* Fixed labels for gyrussb.
* Updated diagnostic ROM info.
* Adjusted some memory region sizes.
* Removed unused DRIVER_INIT.
-igs011.cpp update: [Luca Elia]
* Decrypted vbowlhk and added its own bitswaps for IGS003 and IGS011.
* Found DIP switches to perform a protection test in vbowl, changed IGS012 mode toggling to pass the test.
* Changed IGS003 command 48 in lhb2 and vbowl to potentially work in more cases (based on lhb2 tables).
-jockeyc: Added layout with keyboards. [Luca Elia]
* Cleaned up inputs, added own DIP switches.
* Corrected RTC, emulated hoppers.
* Hooked up outputs, NVRAM, and trackball (for hidden editor).
-Overhauled internal UI: [Vas Crabb]
* Use proper font metrics and handle space glyphs with null bounding box on OS X.
* Patched GNU xgettext to support C++14 parsing so localisations can be updated.
* Restored ability to localise info box headings.
* Fixed info box navigation when system selection menu doesn't have focus.
* Fixed keyboard navigation of software filter box, added support for home/end to jump to beginning/end of filter list.
* Removed hacks in selector menu tying it to implementation details of other menus.
* Improved encapsulation and reduced code duplication in system/software selection menus.
* Fixed text alignment/gutters in filter list, info box and DAT view.
* Eliminated use of hairline spaces for alignment in the info box.
* Added indication for presence of analog controls and keyboard inputs in info box.
* Added support for mouse wheel scroll in info box.
* Allowed some character input events to be coalesced (reduces lag in live search with long lists).
* Fixed software art/info display when keyboard focus leaves software selection list.
* Save/restore images/info selection in right panel.
* Fixed bugs and improved performance of code for detecting systems without ROMs.
* Made audit menu request confirmation, show progress, and save result in INI format.
* Consolidated code for drawing "extra" boxes above/below menus.
* Fixed minimum/maximum for UI font rows per screen setting.
* Fixed spacing on directory configuration menu.
* Made slot options menu show full name of selected slot device below menu.
-Reimplemented system/software filters: [Vas Crabb]
* Uniform interface/polymorphic implementation - eliminates almost all special-casing in menus.
* Made filter names localisable.
* Allowed more filter types and prevent contradictory filters from being added in custom filters.
* Made category filter work like other filters (allowed in custom filter displays its own UI, better error messages).
* Made multiple year/manufacturer/category/etc. filters in custom filter an inclusive union operator.
* Removed implicit "Not BIOS" system filter, it can be added explicitly if desired.
-Moved unimplemented/imperfect flags from machines into devices: [Vas Crabb]
* Allows dynamic warning flags depending on slot configuration.
* Unclutters GAME/CONS/COMP/etc. definitions where a family of machines or a device have the same flags.
* Allows more combinations of flags.
-PNG/rendering/artwork/output improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Added support for layout item groups that can be reused in other groups or views.
* Reduced weight of render.h by moving component specialisation declarations into rendlay.cpp.
* Replaced simple_list with more appropriate containers, remove misleading const qualifiers, reduced repeated XML walking.
* Added N-dimensional output finder to avoid runtime string hashes - more than doubles performance of intlc440.
* Unified code for copying PNG data into MAME bitmap in MAME and pngcmp, made it less likely to leak memory.
* Added support for Adam7 interleave in PNG files, fixed some corner cases in unfiltering code.
* Fixed upsampling of greyscale PNGs, added support for monochrome with alpha.
* Added support for 16-bit samples in PNG files.
* Added support for PNG greyscale/RGB with transparent pen.
* Detect more invalid PNG files rather than just behaving badly.
-Added "minimaws" scripts, a reference -listxml consumer (implemented with Python/WSGI and JavaScript): [Vas Crabb]
* Provides verbs for loading data, some basic batch queries, and an interactive web server mode.
* Serves linked HTML pages for machines, devices, and source files.
* Demonstrates how to dynamically discover slot/BIOS options from static -listxml output.
* Allows user to build a slot configuration and shows necessary command-line arguments or INI lines to produce it in MAME.
* As a side effect, this provides additional validation of -listxml output, several issues and limitations were addressed.
-Fixed -sleep and -refreshspeed options, fixed a stupid forced unnecessary sleep. [Vas Crabb]
-Fixed -slot card,bios=rev (selected BIOS was being applied to slot itself, not card). [Vas Crabb]
-Fixed up input merger: added more variants, synchronisation and save state support, removed dubious reset behaviour. [Vas Crabb]
-Removed a whole lot of I64 from format strings (use logerror/string_format/stream_format to avoid it). [Vas Crabb]
-Added validation of BIOS names/descriptions/defaults and fixed errors exposed. [Vas Crabb]
-Moved additional content for release archive from build repository to main repository. [Vas Crabb]
-bublbobl.cpp, missb2.cpp: Reimplemented sound CPU semaphores and sound NMI according to schematics. [Lord Nightmare, Vas Crabb]
* Implemented sound semaphores into tokio as well, fixing SOUND ERROR in test mode.
* Added notes about sound CPU addressing.
* Reimplemented /SRESET as a separate function called on sound CPU reset according to schematics.
* Added correct watchdog to Bubble Bobble and Tokio, and disabled it on the Bubble Bobble prototype.
* Added proper 'wired-or' sound CPU IRQs to Bubble Bobble.
* Renamed 'slave' cpu to 'subcpu' to match schematics.
-dectalk.cpp: Use correct DSP ROM for firmware 1.8, some driver cleanup. [Lord Nightmare]
-ceci: Added driver for China Education Computer I (Apple II clone). [R. Belmont]
* Added QUIT and TEST keys (hold down TEST while resetting for diagnostic), completed keyboard.
* Fixed banking - Chinese mode works.
* Added HGR color killer softswitch.
-k2000: Added sample ROMs. [R. Belmont]
-alphatro_flop: Replaced bad dumps for CP/M and BASIC with good ones. [R. Belmont]
-alphatro: Added cart slot, support for 8K carts from the command line, and cart software list. [R. Belmont]
-alphatro: Added BIOS set for machine with Bicom graphics. [TeamEurope, rfka01, R. Belmont]
-multipcm: Confirmed to be Yamaha YMW-258-F. [any, R. Belmont]
-Added new 74LS259/9334/CD4099 devices. [AJR]
* Added wcoin counters and/or lockouts to Atari System 1 games, Basketball, Gauntlet, Gyruss, Hana Yayoi, Hole Land, Jr. Pac-Man,
Mahjong Sisters, Pooyan, Roc'n Rope, Squash, Thunder Hoop, Time Limit, Time Pilot '84 and many others.
* Cleaned up coin counter behavior in Sauro and Rally Bike.
-ym2151: Added reset line emulation. [AJR]
-spcforce: Added coin counters, start lamps and addressable latch device [AJR]
-tankbatt: Improved handling of sample triggers - fire sound is no longer doubled. [AJR]
-decocass.cpp: Major improvements to colors and graphics layer priorities [AJR]
* Implement the PRI2 pen modification effect. This makes the tunnels and headlight in Highway Chase look much more accurate, and
makes some color changes work in Astro Fantasia.
* Shadow color in Skater is now properly black (not a pen modification effect).
* Correct background fill color, making high score screen in Super Doubles Tennis properly blue.
-mario: Added coin counters and 74LS259. [AJR]
-isbc8630: Added 74LS259 "status register" (only partly implemented). [AJR]
-blazeon, wingforc: Shadowing RAM with ROM in sound CPU map can't be right. [AJR]
-v25: Made IDB register state visible to debugger. [AJR]
-jp.cpp: Added 74LS259 latches and ADPCM sound system used by some games. [AJR]
-janptr96: Changed CPU type to TMPZ84C015, drive interrupts through internal CTC. [AJR]
-changela: Changed default DIP setting to keep coin counters separate. [AJR]
-mjelctrn, mjembase, majxtal7, neruton: Changed CPU type to TMPZ84C015 and improved interrupt handling. [AJR]
-dynax.cpp: Use address map bank device for most games in this driver plus htengoku. [AJR]
* Many games now successfully retrieve local time at start through an RTC device previously treated as read-only.
-fixeight: EEPROM fixes. [AJR]
* Corrected decryption of some V25 opcodes used in the EEPROM service routine.
* Removed the ugly routine that hardcoded a region for each set.
* Added and documented a secret input that rewrites the EEPROM for any region.
-Delay data capture timing for MSM5205 and MSM6585 (should help with synchronization later). [AJR]
-flstory: Fixed CPU communication issue that sometimes caused sound to disappear entirely. [AJR]
-decomult: Replaced gross hack for banking "dongle" with something more likely. [AJR]
-chinhero: Added coin counters. [AJR]
-salamand: Improved VLM5030 control. [AJR]
-combatscb: Improved interrupt handling. [AJR]
-mb8421: Created 16-bit expanded variant and added it to thndzone/dassault. [AJR]
-mastninj: Implemented dual OPN plus dual MSM5205 ADPCM sound system as in Automat. [AJR]
-Rewrote mmodular.cpp to use the new mmboard device - many sets promoted to working. [Sandro Ronco]
-fmtowns improvements: [Barry Rodewald]
* Added support vertical zoom greater than x2 (fixes Evolution).
* Improved graphic layer placement - games with different-sized layers now display better.
* Added preliminary RS232C port support.
-gt64xxx: Buffer multiple writes for PCI stall (fixes MT06636). [Ted Green]
-seattle: Set proper blitz99 DIP switch settings and added gearshift to calspeed (fixes MT00975). [Ted Green]
-floppy: Added FLOPPY_HFE_FORMAT to default_floppy_formats. [Nigel Barnes]
-acorn_dsk updates: [Nigel Barnes]
* Improved find_size/identify for SSD/DSD formats.
* Fixed geometry for ACORN_DOS_FORMAT 800K.
-wd177x_dsk: Apply sector_count and gaps to track description. [Nigel Barnes]
-bbc updates: [Nigel Barnes]:
* Added new TUBE device - Acorn Tube ULA for use with Acorn second processors.
* Added various second processors as Tube slot devices: Acorn 6502, Acorn 65C102, Acorn Z80, Acorn 80186, Casper 68000.
* Added BeebSID slot device for the 1MHz bus.
* Minor video improvements: fixed cursor size, double clock in MODE7 to counteract non-implemented interlace.
* bbc_acorn8271: Added Amcom DFS A7874.
* bbc_opus8272: Added new Opus 8272 FDC device with DDOS 3.00, not yet working.
-didact: Updated LOG support to latest cut. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-m68340: Added implementations for VCO clock synthesizer and Timer module Counters, IRQs and one operational mode.
[Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-namcos2.cpp: Ordyne uses older IO MCU ROM, cleaned ROM labels as per PCB photos. [MetalliC]
-gaelco3d.cpp updates: [MetalliC]
* Increased TMS ROM region, makes Football Power players models visible.
* Fixed serial EEPROM access.
* Implemented Football Power mechanical ball simulation.
-Added Atomiswave security notes. [brizzo, MetalliC]
-apple2: Update screen on mode-switch only if really switching. [Peter Ferrie]
-hp9845: Refactored handling of HTI images into a dedicated format module, refactored hp9845_tape imgtool module to use HTI format.
-hp85: Implemented tape drive, fixed a bug in tape gap detection. [F.Ulivi]
-imgtool: Fixed null pointer dereference and logic errors in "GET" command. [F.Ulivi]
-ms0515: Add sound and corrected clock rate. [shattered]
-dvk_ksm: Implemented Baud rate generator and cleaned up source. [shattered]
-Refactored server_{ws,http}.hpp into separate interface and implementation. [Christian Brunschen]
* Use std::weak_ptr from websocket_connection_impl to webpp::Connection to avoid reference cycles.
* When shutting down the HTTP server, also explicitly stop the asio::io_context; this allows the built binary to exit cleanly.
-mos6526.cpp: Show state of registers that can be read without side effects in debugger. [David Viens]
-om6502.lst: Corrected cycle counts for undocumented $BF instruction. [David Viens]
* Now passes Lorenz testsuite-2.15's cputiming.prg (and does not break laxay.prg).
-Improved Android build support. [Miso Kim]
* Updated for NDK r14b, build-tools 21.1.2, gradle 2.2.1, and jdk1.8.0_144.
-Renamed 'grtesoro' sets to 'play2000', gave it it's own machine structure and memory map. [David Haywood]
* Added some workarounds so that it actually boots, fixed GFX ROM loading.
-Added basic Saturn CD Block device to load the ROMs. [David Haywood]
-imgtool modernisation and miscellaneous fixes: [Nathan Woods]
* Fixed a std::string(nullptr) bug.
* Proper cleanup of floppy object after create/open failure.
* Merged normalize_filename() into cannonicalize_path().
* Eliminated Imgtool-specific rand() function.
* Modernised mgtool_forkent structure.
* Fixed features.supports_geticoninfo.
-Partially fixed MT06621 (save state path not honoured). [Nathan Woods]
* Still doesn't honour software name for multipart software loaded from internal UI.
-imgtool: Made Mac ICN# drawing logic never draw pixels outside mask. [Nathan Woods]
-SAM6883: Fixed VDG addressing incorrectly honoring page bit. [Nathan Woods, Ciaran Anscomb]
-gb.cpp: Optimized channel update methods - greatly reduces time to load state. [057a3dd61f99517a3afea0051a49cb27994f94d]
-Added better documentation and part numbers for midvunit wheel board. [Risugami]
-Rainbow-100: Use Z80SIO instead of Z80DART, make UCSD Pascal boot again. [Bavarese]
-Added Control ID X628 fingerprint reader skeleton driver and NT7534 bitmap LCD controller device. [Felipe Sanches]
-Added HD647180X MCU dumps to Whoopee and Ghox. [Caps0ff]
* Allows sound emulation in both of games, and fixes the high score table background in Ghox.
-Road Runner (Midway): Replaced bad ROM with good one, added notes. [rogerxy, blinddog]
-segae.cpp: Corrected rom names for Transformers System E. [Arzeno Fabrice]
-triforce.cpp: Redumped Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (GDT-0020D). [rtw]
-dccons.cpp: Added better dump of PAL Dreamcast Flash ROM. [rtw]
-aristmk5 updates: Fixed some sets, added honeypot and venicea5. [Heihachi_73]
-snes.xml documentation updates: [Inigo Martinez]
* Fixed ROM name and added extra information for Dragon Ball Z - Super Gokuu Den - Kakusei Hen.
* Added information about an earlier Euro Ranma 1/2 revision.
* Added information about an earlier Spanish release of Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest.
* Added information about the Spanish release of Pilotwings to the Euro dump.
-nes.xml documentation updates: [Inigo Martinez]
* Added information about Super Mario Bros. PCB.
* Fixed serial values and added PCB information for Pinball, Super Mario Bros. 2, and Trog!.
-thoop2.cpp: Added PCB layout for TH Strikes Back. [Brian Troha]
-fmtowns_cd.xml: Update undumped list, merged the Towns and Marty list. [r09]
-irem_cpu.cpp: Added some info about the Superior Soldiers sound CPU. [caius]
-mitchell.cpp: Added PALs and EEPROM dumps to pkladiesla, and corrected ROM labels. [f205v]
-mario.cpp: Identified marioj as Revision C. [Corrado Tomaselli]
-hiscore.dat: Updated for recent changes. [Leezer]
For: Windows, Linux, and macOS
Ootake v2.83 released!
Posted by azoreseuropa @ 01:13 PM CET | Comments: 0 | Site
Ootake is a PC Engine emulator for Windows. Ootake is the most frequently updated PC Engine emulator available for windows, and Ootake is also one of the more complete. Also, Ootake is FREE unlike Magic Engine.
Ootake v2.83 changelog:
- The interrupt operation of ADPCM sound has been brought closer to the real
machine. "Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy" can be worked! And, "Yuna
HuVideo-CD (Resale version extra CD)" can be worked. Please use [CDROM->
CD FullInstall] menu to make movies move smoothly. + Hiro, Thank you for
helpful information.
- The interrupt operation of CD-DA sound has been brought closer to the real
machine. In "the Manhole", at the room with CD-DA sound BGM, the problem
freezing was solved. And, "Crazy Hospital" can be worked.
+ Changed "the Manhole" recognition title name from "The Manhole (J)" to
"the Manhole (J)".
- The wait operation at the time of CD-ROM access is brought close to actual
machine. Some games that uses "GAMES EXPRESS CD CARD" now works.
"CD Mahjoung Bishoujo Chuushinha", "Hi-Leg Fantasy", "AV Tanjou",
"Bishoujo Jyanshi Idol Pai" and "CD Hanafuda Bishoujo Fan Club" can be
worked (Startup confirmed). I think that "CD Bishoujo Pachinko" and
"CD Pachisuro Bishoujo Gambler" can probably be worked. And, in "Ys IV",
when the "Old System Card" is used, the freeze problem solved. + Hiro,
Thank you for helpful information.
- The play operation of CD-DA sound approached the real machine. In "Steam
Heart's", the problem that BGM did not sound was solved. + Hiro, Thank you
for helpful information.
- The play operation of ADPCM sound approached the real machine. In
"Seisenshi Denshou", the problem that voice audio was interrupted was
solved. In "Pastel Lime", I think that the problem of disorder of images
and sounds was solved.
- In "Seisenshi Denshou", The speech display speed has been brought close to
the real machine.
- In "Ys I & II", when Ys1 was cleared, the production of "A quiet time" (
CD-ROM access time) was reproduced.
- In "Tengai Makyou II", at the Demo of the opening stage, the production of
"A quiet time" (CD-ROM access time) was reproduced.
- In "Shin Onryou Senki", the problem that the message was skipped (caused
by v2.80) has been resolved.
- "Play with Other System Card 2" in the "CD-ROM" menu as "Play with Games
Express CD Card" has been renamed.
- "Play with Other System Card 1" in the "CD-ROM" menu as "Play with Old
System Card" has been renamed.
- "Setting->Tool->TG16 ROM-image Bit Convert" menu was fixed and improved.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
For: Windows
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