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    Tuesday, January 10, 2017
FS-UAE 2.9.3dev Released

A new release development version for the amiga emulator fs-uae/

Updated FS-UAE icon.
Allow specifying sub_title = 0 to disable the sub title.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.9.3dev:

Fix for published/unpublished status of variants.
Extract WHDLoad arguments from .info file when loading a WHDLoad archive.
Set floppy drive volume (empty) to 0 when starting with a WHDLoad archive.
Show error message when version started is too old (cannot read databases).
New option whdload_quit_key to set global quit key, added to settings UI.
Renamed “Joystick” to “Controller” in settings dialog.
Improved look on Windows 10.
Updated look for the settings dialog.
Updated button links to option docs.
Updated FS-UAE Launcher icon.
CDTV games (from database) did not set CDTV model.
Changes in FS-UAE Arcade 2.9.3dev:

Add application icon to the Arcade window.
Added new icon for FS-UAE Arcade (instead of the Launcher icon).

Source: https://fs-uae.net

    Wednesday, August 05, 2015
FS-UAE 2.5.34dev Released

fs-uae has released a new development version of its amiga emulator fs-uae

New option floppy_drive_volume_empty.
Switched default key mapping for host backslash and insert keys.
Use GLEW instead of GLee for OpenGL extensions.
When not using FS-UAE Launcher, model A1200 defaulted to kickstart 3.0.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.5.34dev:

Changed tab panel appearance on OS X to match other platforms.
Renamed language prefs to appearance prefs, added launcher theme option.
Close login dialog before opening database refresh dialog.
Settings UI for specifying empty floppy drive volume (or disabling it).
Added keyboard settings to configure equals/insert/backslash/less mapping.
Added support for WHDLoad 18.1, set as default version.
Replaced some icons, added new rom/ram icon.
Fixed an issue with the new CPU selection.

source http://fs-uae.net/blog

    Sunday, June 14, 2015
FS-UAE Amiga Emulator Updates

FS-UAE the amiga emulator has been updated this weekend to version FS-UAE 2.5.32dev.

Heres news from their blog

A new development version has been released. Changes in FS-UAE 2.5.32dev:

Choose which monitor FS-UAE appears on in full-screen mode.
Added mime type application/x-adf for Linux desktops.
Updated emulation core from WinUAE 3100.
Changes in FS-UAE Launcher 2.5.32dev:

Added settings GUI control to select full-screen monitor.
Changes in FS-UAE Arcade 2.5.32dev:

Choose which monitor FS-UAE-Arcade appears on in full-screen mode.

They've also updated with Fedora 22 and Debian 8.0 Support today. So if the amiga is your computer of choice, head to their site here!

    Wednesday, May 07, 2014
WinUAE 2.8.0

WinUAE is a desinged for Windows program, which emulates the hardware of the Commodore Amiga range of computers. It emulates most of its functions: Original Chip Set (OCS), Enhanced Chip Set (ECS) and Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA), Motorola 68000/010/020/040 CPU, optionally a 68881 FPU, 2 MB Chip RAM and 8 MB Fast RAM, or 8 MB Chip RAM without Fast RAM. 64 MB Zorro III Fast RAM, independent of Chip RAM setting (68020+ only). 1 MB Slow RAM, for compatibility, Picasso 96 graphics with 8 MB of memory, Serial port, and Simple parallel port is only sufficient for printing. Networking via bsdsocket.library. WinUAE has reasonable compatibility for most software but, just like a "real" Amiga, for some old games it requires careful configuration in order to match the originally-supported hardware.

Here's changelog for latest version:

New features:
- Full A4000T and A4091 NCR53C710 SCSI emulation.
- A590/A2091 and A4091 boot ROM GUI selection.
- Separate graphics filter settings for native and RTG modes.
- 256k ROM image inserted in floppy drive emulates A1000 KICK disk.
- Super Card Pro image file support (.scp).
- SLIRP network inbound port support (default: 21, 22, 23 and 80, others
can be added by editing configuration file)
- Input panel previously toggle-only events can be optionally set to on
and off state, audio/video recording input event added.
- Joystick/joypad can be used to control light pen cursor.

- Remaining 68000 cycle-exact mode timing fixes.
- 68000 reading from write-only or non-existing custom register
compatibility improved.
- Big chipset edge case compatibility update, for example demos with
vertical "copper" bars work perfectly, real hardware glitches in
horizontal scaling are now accurately emulated and much more.
- 68040/68060 without emulating unimplemented FPU instructions is now
fully compatible with Motorola FPU emulation library, FSAVE special
FPU exception stack frames implemented.
- Programmed modes (Super72 etc) now automatically select best fit horizontal
resolution and is more compatible with different filter modes, also display
positioning is improved.
- Recently dumped Arcadia arcade system ROM images supported.
- Debugger full FPU and 68020+ bitfield, and other previously missing
68020+ only instructions supported in disassembler.
- Magic mouse + mousehack mode now always stops keyboard input when mouse
is outside of emulation window, even if window still has focus.

Bug fixes:
- Keyboard led indicator state syncronization problems fixed.
- Fixed very rare JIT FPU bug introduced in 1.2.
- Vertical centering works again, improved horizontal centering.
- Full tablet emulation boot guru fixed.
- Graphics glitches in some borderblank and border sprite modes.
- Master floppy write protection setting was not loaded from config file.
- Some narrow AGA modes clipped some pixels from right edge of display.
- A590/A2091 didn't work in all supported CPU modes.
- CPU polled disk reading was unreliable in some situations.

Check out Projects website for further information.

    Monday, November 04, 2013
WinUAE 2.7.0 WIP

WinUAE is a desinged for Windows program, which emulates the hardware of the Commodore Amiga range of computers. It emulates most of its functions: Original Chip Set (OCS), Enhanced Chip Set (ECS) and Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA), Motorola 68000/010/020/040 CPU, optionally a 68881 FPU, 2 MB Chip RAM and 8 MB Fast RAM, or 8 MB Chip RAM without Fast RAM. 64 MB Zorro III Fast RAM, independent of Chip RAM setting (68020+ only). 1 MB Slow RAM, for compatibility, Picasso 96 graphics with 8 MB of memory, Serial port, and Simple parallel port is only sufficient for printing. Networking via bsdsocket.library. WinUAE has reasonable compatibility for most software but, just like a "real" Amiga, for some old games it requires careful configuration in order to match the originally-supported hardware.

Here's list of upcoming features:

- Cirrus Logic SVGA based hardware graphics board emulation.
- Use graphics board in emulated Amix, Linux, NetBSD and others.
- Use CyberGraphX and Picasso96 RTG in emulation using native drivers.
- Emulates most Cirrus Logic based Zorro II/III RTG boards.
- SCSI tape drive emulation.
- Both reading and writing supported.
- Can install Amix without hacks.
- Works with most backup software that supports tape drives.
- SLIRP user mode NAT emulation.
- A2065 and uaenet.device emulation without need for host side extra drivers.
- Lua scripting.
- Modify memory, registers and configuration and more from scripts.
- Script can register callback functions that gets executed when specificed event happens (config changes, memory changes etc..)

Check out Projects website for further information.

    Saturday, July 27, 2013
WinUAE 2.6.1

WinUAE is a desinged for Windows program, which emulates the hardware of the Commodore Amiga range of computers. It emulates most of its functions: Original Chip Set (OCS), Enhanced Chip Set (ECS) and Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA), Motorola 68000/010/020/040 CPU, optionally a 68881 FPU, 2 MB Chip RAM and 8 MB Fast RAM, or 8 MB Chip RAM without Fast RAM. 64 MB Zorro III Fast RAM, independent of Chip RAM setting (68020+ only). 1 MB Slow RAM, for compatibility, Picasso 96 graphics with 8 MB of memory, Serial port, and Simple parallel port is only sufficient for printing. Networking via bsdsocket.library. WinUAE has reasonable compatibility for most software but, just like a "real" Amiga, for some old games it requires careful configuration in order to match the originally-supported hardware.

Here's changelog:

2.6.0 bugs fixed:

- OFS formatted partition hardfile didn't mount.
- Some AGA demos had horizontally duplicated graphics.
- Direct3D hq2x shader filter did nothing.

Other bugs fixed:

- Reset didn't fully reinitialize SCSI emulation.
- A3000 SCSI emulation compatibility improved, original A3000 1.4 ROM
driver hung during writing to the disk.

New features:

- Input panel Invert option added (press becomes release and vice versa,
joystick and mouse movement is inverted)
- FPU unimplemented instruction emulation can be optionally disabled,
emulates real 68040/68060 CPU behavior.
- >2M Chip RAM is now merged with original Chip RAM pool.

Check out Projects website for further information and files.

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011
WinUAE v2.3.2 Beta 4

News via AEP

Another beta version of the Amiga emulator WinUAE 2.3.2 is available for testing.

Beta 4

added new autofire option. Button released = autofire. Button pressed = normal non-autofire firebutton.

231b13 reset fix fixed again (A1000 and Arcadia emulation crash)

automatic resolution switch interlace detection was unreliable

show a message and refuse real harddrive write attempts to block zero (=RDB write attempt) if drive has one or more mounted PC partitions. Partitioning is going to fail even if write appears to succeed.

screen mode change (fullscreenwindowed or windowed mode window size change) released all currently pressed keys, it should only happen when WinUAE loses focus, not when switching modes

window title bar mouse text shortened, F12 note added

stop the cpu and wait until blitter has finished if any blitter register is accessed while blitter is busy and cpu mode is fastest possible


    Friday, March 25, 2011
WinUAE v2.3.2 Beta 2

News via AEP

Agat Emulator an Apple ][ and Agat 7/9 (soviet clones of apple) emulator for Windows has been updated. Thanks to Emu-France for the news.

Changes in the version 1.19

Version 1.19 contains implementation of CMS SCSI card.
This SCSI card was compatible with all models of Apple II.
SCSI emulation module allows to connect up to 3 virtual hard drives with specified SCSI bus ids.
Each drive with size larger than 32MB (maximum ProDOS size) will be divided to several logical partitions.
Only two of logical devices will be available to use from ProDOS.
To specify which partitions will be available to ProDOS, press left Alt key during system startup as it was with original CMS card.
This release contains example of 64MB SCSI disk with all ProDOS, Basic and hardware utilities for CMS card.
Second logical partition of this disk was formatted as empty ProDOS volume /PART2.

To create your own SCSI disk image, just specify non-existing file name in controller configuration interface, format you new device by CMS.SYSTEM utility (low-level format) and create new ProDOS volume by FILER utility.

Good luck!


    Thursday, March 10, 2011
Amiga Forever 2011.1.0.0

News via AEP

The commercial Amiga emulator Amiga Forever is now available in a new version.

2011-03-09: Amiga Forever 2011.1 released. This update includes improvements and fixes, including optimized interaction with WinUAE, which is now also available via the check for updates functionality. Other changes include saved state portability improvements, better handling of Amiga screen resolution changes (also fixed loss of input focus), easier content rescan after RetroPlatform Library update, and new advanced options for setting DirectX mode and enabling other tests. Amiga Forever 2011.1 is a free update to all 2011 customers. The internal version is 2011.1.0.0. Additional updates to Amiga Forever 2009.2.2.0 and 2010.1.6.0 are being released for users of the 2009 and 2010 versions.


    Tuesday, March 08, 2011
WinUAE v2.3.2 Beta 1

News via AEP

The next beta series has just started and the first beta version of the Amiga emulator WinUAE 2.3.2 is available for testing.

Beta 1:

- added built-in AROS KS ROM (alpha development build), used by default if no ROM files available, not very useful at this point but more compatible than very basic UAE KS replacement
- serial port telnet server (win32.serial_port=tcp://host/port, add /wait to delay startup until client connects)
- DSKLEN=0x8000 emulation timing improved (Codertrash / Mexx crash after fractal part)
- improved disk wordsync bit timing (El Egg Tronic Quarts / Quadlite)
- improved CIA emulation accuracy in cycle-exact modes (Risky Woods sound glitches)
- fixed random sample ripper crash (ancient bug)
- CDA sound volume configuration entry (sound_volume_cd), default = same as sound_volume value, no GUI yet
- on screen led bar position configuration. config file only, "osd_position=x:y" 0:0 = default, negative value = offset from top of screen, add % to make it percentage of display height (osd_position=0:95.0%), x-coordinate positioning not fully supported yet)
- restoring statefile with memwatch point didn´t automatically enable debugger memwatch subsystem


    Wednesday, March 02, 2011
WinVICE v2.3 palette fixed

News via AEP

A new version of the Commodore emulator VICE available for many operating systems has been released. The current version emulates the C64, the C64DTV, the C64SC, the C128, the VIC20, almost all PET models, the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610).

- win gui palette fix


    Monday, February 28, 2011
WinUAE v2.3.1

News via AEP

The final version of the Amiga emulator WinUAE 2.3.1 has been released.

WinUAE 2.3.1 released (26.02.2011)

New features:


Gamepad joystick type for games that support 2nd fire button but can´t read it without pullup resistor. (for example Aladdin)

Manual filter configuration fully implemented.

Autoresolution supported (automatically selects lowest used resolution on the fly)

MIDI device names are stored in configuration file.


Custom chipset undocumented feature compatibility updates. (For example Magic Demo / Diabolics, MoreNewStuffy by PlasmaForce, Kefrens Party Intro by Wiz)

M68K AROS compatible IDE and RTG emulation.

Statefile compatiblity updates. (Initial audio glitches, mouse counters updated correctly, CPU exact mid-instruction state saved, active disk DMA state saved)

New filter defaults, 1x (not FS) and always scale if selected screen/window size is very small or large enough.

Auto resize and center filter modes 1x/2x.. modifiers now adjust window size.

Attempt to load disk image and harddisk paths in state files from current directory, current adf/hardfile path and finally state file directory if original path or file is missing.

SCSI emulation physical drive tray load/eject passthrough.

SCSI emulation CD audio support improved. (for example T-Zero and The Shadow of the Third Moon)

Clipboard sharing disable option in GUI.

2.3.0 bugs fixed:

Audio pitch errors if audio period rate was near minimum audio DMA limit.

Very heavy CPU usage if program continuously plays really short audio samples.

ROM scanner again detects *.rom files in root directory.

Sample ripper works again.

Bugs fixed:

Directory filesystem was slow on most modern multicore systems.

CDTV CDA playback didn´t work if play ending track was set to last track. (Prehistorik CDTV)

2352 byte sector plain ISO images didn´t mount correctly.

Some drives had problems reading Mode 2 Form 1 data tracks.

SPTI+SCSI SCAN didn´t detect any non-CD devices (broke in 2.2.1)

Automatic resize filter didn´t always work correctly.

Topmost scanline was usually not visible in autoscale modes.

GamePorts parallel port joystick configuration crash fix.

Random RTG color errors when switching to/from fullscreen 8-bit RTG modes.

Archive mounting crashed if something prevented complete unpack (for example non-dos dms image file)

Harddrive state files didn´t save correctly if more than one harddrive was configured.

A2065 Z2 board emulation fixes. (Lost interrupts, broadcast packets getting ignored, transmitter dropping big packets.)

A500 power led fade tricks really work now.

HRTMon didn´t work in cycle-exact modes.

And more...


    Friday, February 25, 2011
WinUAE v2.3.1 Beta 13 (RC1)

News via AEP

Another beta version of the Amiga emulator WinUAE 2.3.1 is available for testing.


Beta 13: (RC1)

- fixed RESET instruction compatibility problem introduced in previous betas, broke action replay roms.
- BPLCON4 BPLAMx color changes were ignored in far right border (location where actual hpos is 0-7 or so)

Known bugs that won´t be fixed in 2.3.1 (too large changes to do in this beta series):

Codertrash / Mexx, crash after few parts. (Disk related)
El Egg Tronic Quarts / Quadlite, not loading. (Disk related)
Risky Woods, sound glitches. (CIA related)


    Sunday, February 20, 2011
WinUAE v2.3.1 Beta 12

News via AEP

Another beta version of the Amiga emulator WinUAE 2.3.1 is available for testing.

Beta 12:

- emulate A3000 Fat Gary/RAMSEY configuration address space mirroring (no real world effect but I was testing m68k AROS ROM on my A3000 and noticed this mirroring)
- hrtmon 2.32->2.33 update
- hrtmon didn´t work in cycle-exact modes
- MIDI device names are also stored in configuration file (overrides old style id numbers)
- in auto resize and center filter modes 1x/2x.. modifiers change window size
- manual filter configuration size adjustments added, saved to config file
- RTG: do not refresh area outside of bitmap if bitmap is smaller than RTG screen resolution (AROS does this)
- some read write-only custom register changes, bset (and other similar instructions) don´t have previously read prefetch data appearing in data lines when reading (like most other instructions do), data is zero. This explains why buggy programs that for example bset #x,$dff096 don´t mess up register contents too much. (Fixes Kefrens Party Intro by Wiz, coder thought that bset #10,$dff096 is the right way to enable blitter nasty)
- sample ripper ignored most samples (broken when audio emulation was rewritten in 2.3)
- topmost scanline was usually not visible in autoscale modes
- weak bit copy protected ipfs broke in earlier betas (only if using latest dll)


    Saturday, February 05, 2011
WinArcadia v15.34

News via AEP

The multi system emulator WinArcadia for Windows and AmiArcadia for AmigaOS has been updated.

Changes since V15.33:
. "Tools|Memory editor..." command.
. Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.


    Sunday, February 03, 2008
WinUAE 1.4.6 Released

1.4.6 will be the last version that runs on Windows 98/ME. Following
versions will require Windows 2000 or newer.

1.4.5 problems fixed:
- Mouse never capturing. (Windows 98/ME, rarely on W2K/XP)
- Some games crashing.
- Broken sprite outside playfields-feature and SWIV score information.
- Fullscreen mode with non-default refresh rate fallback problem.

Other bugs fixed:
- A600/A1200/A4000 IDE emulation freeze if >2G drive/HDF.
- CDTV E.S.S. Mega "semi-hidden" track now loads properly on W2K/XP.
- Crash when switching between <=2MB Chip + Fast and >2MB Chip setting.
- Sound emulation tweak. (Dungeon Master II, perhaps some others)
- Unstable NMI (IRQ7) option in cycle-exact and more-compatible modes.
- "Full-window" mode didn't always allow Windows desktop RTG resolution.

New features:
- Inverted mouse and analog joystick input sources.
- Input device (USB joystick, mouse etc..) on the fly insertions and removals supported. Device names saved to configuration file.
- Automatic joystick switching, firebutton 'inserts' any non-selected joystick to Amiga joystick port, mouse port selected if second button pressed or there is already other joystick in joystick port with firebutton pressed.
- Dynamic JIT direct memory allocation. Increased Z3 and RTG maximum sizes to 1G and 512M. (If at least 2G physical RAM)
- A3000 confirmed 2.04 ROM added to ROM scanner.
- CD32 FMV cartridge ROM added to ROM scanner. ROM and autoconfig emulated. Overlay and video/audio decoder chips not emulated.
- Directory filesystem ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL implementation is now more compatible with buggy programs.
- CIA/Gayle overlay emulation setting added to advanced chipset.
- Original early A1000 non-EHB Denise added to advanced chipset.
- Original A1000 (and early A2000) Agnus blitter busy bug added.
- Keyboard reset warning emulated and added to advanced chipset.
- Debugger improvements, hex/dec/bin converter, all commands that accept numeric parameters also accept register names (RAx,RDx,PC,USP,VBR,..), number prefixes supported, hex = 0x or $, bin = %, dec = !.
- 1M (both 0xe0/0xf8 and 0xf0/0xf8) and 2M (0xa8/0xb0/0xe0/0xf8) ROM image support.
- Implemented "stretch to fullscreen" filtering option.

WinUAE Official Site

    Friday, December 21, 2007
WinUAE 1.4.5 Released

New features:
- Sana2 compatible net device (uaenet.device) emulation. WinPCap required.
- Full doublescan mode emulation (DBLPAL, DBLNTSC, MultiScan etc..), sprite doublescan support.
- Full SuperHires emulation, bitplanes and sprites, including ECS Denise "scrambled palette" superhires mode. Also does not downscale hires sprites to lores anymore when bitplane resolution is lores.
- SuperHires resolution added to display panel, replaces old GUI lores setting with lores, hires and superhires select box.
- .dsq (DiskSqueeze) and .wrp (Warp) disk decompression support.
- "Automount" and "Do not boot" harddrive options added.
- Axis movements can be mapped to buttons in input panel (left/right and up/down)
- Picasso96 resolutions 320x200, 320x240, 640x400 and 640x480 added to resolution list, even if no native Windows support.
- optional ini-file registry replacement. (winuae.ini or -ini <file>)
- Autocomplete added to most path text boxes.
- Added information text to hardfile panel (shows type, size,.. of HDF)
- Nordic Power 3.0 freezer cartridge support.

Bugs fixed:
- lzx decompression stability and compatibility improved.
- Debugger C-command word and long word support fixed.
- Heavy CD32 Akiko C2P usage caused huge performance loss.
- AGA statefile restore crash fix.
- Analog joystick mouse emulation fix.
- A500 cycle-exact mode freeze in some cases.
- Picasso96 display preferences resolution list corruption.
- A590/A2091 SCSI emulation buffer overflow crash fix.
- Some types of HDF didn't mount properly.
- Some automount issues fixed.
- CDTV and CDTV SCSI emulation compatibility improved.
- Some ECS Denise-only features fixed.
- Miscellaneous fixes here and there.
- Blank screen in windowed mode fixed (RGB overlay incompatibility)

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.4.5

    Sunday, September 23, 2007
WinUAE 1.4.4 Released

New features:
- major directory filesystem emulation update:
  * removable drive automounting on the fly (USB memory, USB HD, memory cards, any removable drive that mounts as a drive letter in Windows)
  * drag'n'drop directory/archive automount
  * more missing filesystem packets supported (including ACTION_EXAMINE_ALL)
- major "Add Harddrive" uaehf.device update:
  * removable drives (real harddrives, x-in-one memory card readers, zip drives, etc..) supported on the fly
  * configured drive but no media or [USB] drive not connected when emulation was started: automounted when inserted (no RDB automount yet)
  * empty drives listed in "Add Harddrive" dialog.
- X-Power Professional v1.3 and Nordic Power v1.5 support
- Pro-Wizard module ripper updated to v1.62
- hq2x filter added.
- Added two basic A4000 quickstart configurations.
- More accurate CD32/CDTV end of audio track detection.
- Current configuration name added to window title.

Bugs fixed:
- Windows 2000: "Add Harddrive" was always disabled.
- "Add Harddrive" HD controller selection was missing.
- Better compatibility with OS 3.1 and older HDToolbox versions.
- CD32 statefile support works again.
- Paths handling updates (yet again..)
- Disappearing mouse pointer in fullscreen modes when GUI was active.
- bsdsocket emulation crashing or freezing when emulation was reset.
- directory filesystem file/directory deletion failing and Windows recycle bin support enabled returned wrong error codes.

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.4.4

    Monday, July 30, 2007
WinUAE 1.4.3 Released

New features:
- Built-in lha/lzh and lzx support.
- Mount archives as a harddrive with transparent, recursive (archives inside archive) decompression. Supported: zip, 7zip, rar (unrar.dll or archiveaccess.dll required), lha/lzh, lzx.
- A3000 Kickstart ROM and SuperKickstart disk support.
- A590/A2091 SCSI, A3000 SCSI and CDTV SCSI expansion harddrive (HDF) emulation (WD33C93 + (Super)DMAC based SCSI hardware).
- Action Cartridge Super IV Professional freezer cartridge emulation.
- X-Power Professional 500 (v1.2) freezer cartridge emulation.
- Nordic Power (v2.0) freezer cartridge emulation.
- Debugger improvements (improved deep trainer, copper memwatch points, CPU-model specific registers can be modified, illegal access logger improved, process breakpoints etc..)
- Paths-panel default paths selection improved.
- Separate native and Picasso96 vsync setting.
- GUI will "autoscroll" if fullscreen mode is smaller than GUI.
- Improved rtg.library, speeds up Picasso96 in high resolution modes (obsoletes picasso96fix)

Bugs fixed:
- CDTV emulation improved (DOTC2, Xenon2, ChaosInAndromeda CD player)
- CD32 CD emulation improved (Fightin' Spirit, Base Jumpers etc..)
- Ghostscript printing fixed (again).
- Floppy drive sound selection if fdrawcmd.sys was not installed.
- Video recording sound pitch issue.
- -datapath command line parameter fixed (again..)
- uae-configuration JIT on/off switching fixed.
- Sprite attachment fix, fixes "Great Demo" by "The Tremendous Trio" :)
- Some FPU fixes from Aranym.
- Directory filesystem locked files (most commonly s:startup-sequence) after software reset
- Filesystem emulation not initializing if JIT was enabled and no other expansions enabled (fast RAM, Z3 fast, etc..)

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.4.3

    Monday, May 14, 2007
WinUAE 1.4.2a Released

Bugs fixed:
- Path handling problems fixed. If you still have problems with paths, select Paths-panel "WinUAE default (old)" and click "Reset to defaults" and then manually adjust paths if needed.
- Windows 98SE (and ME?) incompatibility.

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.4.2a

    Saturday, May 12, 2007
WinUAE 1.4.2 Released

New features:
- "Windowed fullscreen" for users with multiple monitors, fullscreen Amiga on secondary monitor, Windows on primary monitor, no more lost fullscreen when focus changes to Windows program.
- A600/A1200 and A4000 IDE harddrive (HDF) hardware emulation, includes also "4-Way IDE" / "IDE splitter" emulation.
- Directory, HDF, IDE and Picasso96 statefile support. WARNING: data loss possible if data in HDF has changed between saving and restoring! Picasso96 statefile support not 100% compatible yet.
- 68030 and 68060 (with FPU. 68060.library required) emulation. (no MMU)
- 68881/68882 FPU type selectable.
- Global brightness, contrast and gamma adjustment.
- "PAL" TV-like filter, with brightness, contrast, gamma, scanline level, blur and noise adjustment.
- GUI debugger, debugger improvements. (xx switches debugger modes)
- New GUI font if running under Windows 2000/XP/Vista.
- Interpolation and filters supported in 4/6 channel sound modes.
- Log and debugger console position stored in registry.

Bugs fixed:
- Improved CDTV emulation compatibility.
- 1.4.0 FPU clamping fix.
- Missing channels in 4 channel sound mode. (Emu10K based cards)
- 10x+ performance increase during "decrunching" color effects when no filters enabled and only background color was visible.
- Crash when loading config and specific chipset extra model was selected.
- Direct HD support improved, SyQuest removable drives detected properly.
- Minor custom chipset emulation updates.
- Rare emulator crash when running Amiga program crashed badly.
- Filter centering improved.

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.4.2

    Sunday, March 18, 2007
WinUAE 1.4.1 Released

Major bug fixed:
- Start-up crash introduced in 1.4.0.

Bugs fixed:
- Yet another bsdsocket crash fix.
- ASPI detection ignored NeroASPI, also ASPI detection was improved.
- Some interlaced programs had color stripes or wrong colors in right border.
- Picasso96 RTG RAM mapping error in non-JIT mode

New features:
- New input targets added. (disk swapper, input configuration 1-4)
- Quickstart-mode automatically selects best available CD access mode.
- Master (Windows main volume) volume control added to input targets.
- map "POV Hat"-type joypad control to joystick horizontal and vertical.

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.4.1

    Saturday, March 03, 2007
WinUAE 1.4.0 Released

New features:
- CDTV emulation, including CD controller, internal SRAM and 64KB SRAM expansion memory card support.
- More compatible SPTI CD32/CDTV CD support.
- Advanced Chipset configuration. Miscellaneous model specific hardware configuration entries like real time clock chip type, CIA-A TOD clock source, RAMSEY, FAT GARY register emulation..
- Rewritten harddisk configuration system. No more lost hardfile or virtual directory configuration entries if path was missing..
- A3000/A4000 motherboard RAM bank support.
- Added Arcadia bios rom type selection.
- New Windows Vista -style application icon added :)
- Small CIA and custom chip emulation updates.

Bugs fixed:
- FPU emulation floating point to integer conversion fixed (proper clamping instead of truncating)
- uaeserial.device compatibility improved
- New serial port detection didn't detect all types of serial ports
- Random sound errors after adjusting sound GUI setting on the fly
- Directory filesystem memory leaks fixed and compatibility improved
- It was not possible to disable keyboard layout C after enabling it.
- Sound panel settings were not always enabled correctly.
- -datapath command line parameter didn't work.
- Disk image drag and drop didn't work.
- Quickstart panel disk swapping is properly delayed again.
- Some Picasso96 display modes were not available.
- bsdsocket freeze fix (Aminetradio)
- Windows driver Catweasel support works again.
- "Faster RTG"-mode lockups fixed.
- External drive sound selection GUI didn't work if fdrawcmd.sys was not installed.

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.4.0

    Sunday, December 31, 2006
WinUAE 1.3.4 Released

Bugs fixed:
- Improved bsdsocket emulation stability
- Winuaeclipboard crash fix
- Windows Vista compatibility problems fixed
- Filesystem flag handling on FAT volumes
- Page Down-key Input panel remapping works properly
- Sound system improved
- ECS Denise/AGA borderblank feature works properly
- Dualcore/SMP random freezes properly fixed

and more minor fixes..

Bugs introduced in 1.3.3 fixed:
- AVIOutput out of sync fix
- CPU emulation condition code fix
- Fixed handle leak in bsdsocket and AHI
- Sound pitch shifting in VSync-mode and more..
- Catweasel MK4 mouse support

New features:
- Improved emulation of AGA sprites outside display window
- uaeserial.device introduced. Multi-port serial device, unit numbers are directly mapped to PC serial ports (unit 0 = COM0, 1 = COM1 etc..)
- Improved serial port detection, virtual devices also supported
- Improved Catweasel MK3/4 support without Windows driver installed (requires TVicPort, http://www.entechtaiwan.com/dev/port/index.shtm)
- Improved debugger features
- Sound system is not anymore reinitialized when losing/gaining focus
- 1M (1024KB) ROM image support
- Sound volume configuration setting also sets AHI audio volume (previously was Paula audio only)
- Custom chipset interrupt timing improved

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.3.4

    Sunday, November 05, 2006
WinUAE 1.3.3 Released

A new version of the Amiga emulator for Windows has been released. Here is the list of changes for version 1.3.3.

 big E-UAE merge, cleanups, optimizations etc..

Bug fixed:
 Reboot loop if RTG RAM without Z3 RAM enabled (1.3.2 bug)
 Hardfile TD_GETGEOMETRY buffer overflow fix
 RDB emulation failed to mount partition(s) if RDB had one or more not needed filesystems and required FS was in ROM.
 Selecting "Mousehack mouse" crashed if HD emulation was not enabled.
 "Genlock connected" GUI checkbox fixed (1.3.2 bug)
 Clicking eject in GUI and immediately selecting another floppy image enables delayed insert instead of immediately inserting the image.
 Input panel key mapped to reverted back to its default mapping after saving and loading the configuration.
 Directory filesystem Windows flag-AmigaOS flag handling fixes.
 Bsdsocket.library Remote Desktop compatibility fix.
 Dual core directory filesystem freeze workaround
 Some minor blitter timing and CIA emulation fixes.
 Stereo sound channel swap setting stored in configuration.

Major new features:
 Lightpen/lightgun emulation.
 Built-in 7zip decompression support.
 Unrar.dll rar archive decompression support.
 Sound emulation partially rewritten, better latency, possible fix for scratchy sound on some systems. Sound emulation will be automatically disabled when emulated audio subsystem is idle. Audio status led implemented.
 Better DMS error handling, encrypted DMS files are transparently decrypted.
 bsdsocket.library ReleaseCopyOfSocket() implemented (AmiVNC fixed)
 Improved AF rom.key support.
 ProWizard module ripper updated to latest version.
 100% accurate sound emulation mode does not cause huge CPU usage anymore with specific games, for example Paradroid 90 and Rambo 3.
 Automatic direct IO Catweasel MK4 support if no Windows driver installed, CWMK4 can now be used under 64-bit Windows XP. TVicPort direct io driver required.

Head on over to the official site for more information.

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.3.3

    Sunday, September 03, 2006
WinUAE 1.3.2 Released

Bugs fixed:
- Debug window won't open automatically anymore
- HRTMon keyboard layout and WHDLoad commands fixed

New features:
- Mouse Up/Down and Left/Right input destinations supported simultaneously
- CD32 state save support (work in progress)
- A1000 Kickstart disk images can be used as a ROM image

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.3.2

    Sunday, August 06, 2006
WinUAE 1.3.1 Released

Bugs fixed:
- Uaescsi.device freeze problem fixed.
- Boot freeze if A4000 ROM was used without AGA.
- Original extended ADF read bug.
- Larger than 1280 wide fullscreen modes work.
- Sound "led" filter configuration data was read incorrectly.
- AVIOutput does not split the AVI anymore when focus was lost.
- D3D filter fullscreen/windowed switching should not freeze anymore.
- Integrated mousehack access fault fixed.

New and improved features:
- AVIOutput codec settings stored in registry and other small tweaks.
- HRTMon updated to 2.30, WHDLoad-commands supported.
- Some custom chipset timing tweaks.

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.3.1

    Monday, July 17, 2006
WinUAE 1.3 Released

New and improved features:
- Input event recording and playback (WIP)
- PC floppy drive drive sound emulation :)
- Mousehack-"driver" build-in.
- PC DD and HD floppy image support.
- Added improved audio filter and interpolation code from uade and other sound setting updates.
- Added build-in HRTMon debugger/monitor. (WIP)
- Action Replay for Amiga 1200 ROM image support.
- Arcadia emulation updates.
- Directory filesystem compatibility updates. (illegal characters in directory names work better now, some protection flag tweaks, more compatible disk capacity check if disk is very big, compatibility issues with \servershare-directories fixed)
- Debugger updates. (improved trainer search command, fa-command, like in Action Replay, AGA color register dump etc..)

Bug fixes:
- Fix for random state restore freeze.
- AVIOutput crash, incorrect window size.
- Random Picasso96 screen mode switch crash.
- "Create hard disk imagefile"-option in harddisk settings fixed, previously it usually created corrupt hardfiles..
- Fixed garbage lines when program mixed interlace and non-interlace modes.
- D3D filter fullscreen freeze fixed.
- Priority-panel "pause emulation/disable sound output"-checkboxes were not initialized correctly.

And more smaller (and maybe bigger) changes..

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.3

    Tuesday, February 21, 2006
WinUAE 1.2 Released

New features:
- New "lores filter" in GUI, fixes incorrect colors in programs that use superhires trick (eg. Virtual Karting, demo Rest-2).
- Logitech G15 keyboard LCD support.
- FPU emulation updates and fixes.
- Ability to create 1:1 HDF from Amiga formatted harddisk.
- ProWizard module ripper updated to latest version.
- Display Filter panel updates, added 1x,2x,4x,6x,8x multipliers.
- PNG screenshots.
- Light pen hardware emulated. (but no trigger or cursor emulation yet)
- Manual language selection.

Bug fixes:
- Right border color problems finally fixed. (Leander, T-Racer, Unreal etc..)
- Misc custom chipset emulation updates. (Bubba'n'Stix second level, Cover Girl Strip Poker title screen, Detonator, Thai Boxing, Wicked etc..)
- CIA TOD counter fix. (demo Harmony by Haujobb)
- Display was shifted by one pixel in lores-mode and horiz centering enabled.
- Overlay windowed mode one pixel position error.
- Swapped parallel port joystick adapter firebuttons.
- Toggling disk image's read-write status don't leave locked files anymore.
- Amiga Forever 2005 path detection should really work 100% now.
- Corrupted wav-files in 4-channel audio mode.

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.2

    Monday, October 24, 2005
WinUAE 1.1.1 Released

A new version of this Amiga emulator for Windows has been released.

Bugs fixed:
- Incorrect AF 2005 path defaults.
- Blitter freeze in CE-mode if D-channel was not enabled.
- Misc/Priority panel crash when running under Windows 9x/ME.
- Parallel port emulation. (Gauntlet III)
- Two disk emulation bugs. (Xybots, Disposable Hero and others)
- Incorrect .uae extension path if -datapath -command line parameter was used.

New features:
- Old versions of AdaptecASPI and NeroASPI are now automatically rejected. No more crashes or bluescreens under Windows 9x/ME if Windows build-in ASPI is used.
- Full SCSI device support in SPTI-mode.
- Display panel resolution and depth moved to separate select boxes
- Disk history format changed. File name is now visible even if path is very long.

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.1.1

    Sunday, October 02, 2005
WinUAE 1.1 Released

WinUAE, an amiga emulator for Windows, has been updated.

Major bugs introduced in 1.0 fixed:

- Picasso96 graphics corruption after ALT-TAB
- Zipped Amiga Forever Kickstart ROM image decryption problem
- JIT FPU ACOS bug (incorrect result if argument was negative)

Older bugs fixed:

- More stable on the fly configuration loading
- In windowed mode Amiga window height was sometimes slightly larger than requested size
- "the desktop is too small for the specified window size"-check was not completely correct
- AHI recording mode memory leak
- Some Amiga monitor drivers work now properly (for example Euro36)
- Incorrect paths if WinUAE was run from networked drive
- Some custom chipset emulation bugs (Obliterator intro, Elfmania scoreboard, Warp and others)
- Directory filesystem directory modification date bug if comment or protection flags were modified
- Improved directory filesystem compatibility
- Rare disk emulation bug introduced in 0.9.90
- Action Replay statefile restore bug introduced in 0.9.90
- OCS/ECS color translation to native colors fixed. (this was bug since the beginning of UAE..) Colors are now slightly brighter. No effect on AGA-mode colors.

New features:

- Configurable Catweasel joystick support, MK4 mouse support added (NOTE: Right and middle mouse button may not work with all mice, requires Catweasel driver/firmware update)
- MMKeyboard support added
- Transparent "drive led status bar"
- SPTI (Windows 2K/XP) SCSI emulation includes non-CDROM SCSI devices
- Improved uaescsi.device SCSI interface selection
- Custom emulation updates (Death Trap, Loons Docs, Spanish Rose by Creed, Filled Perspective by Zero Defects, Himalaya by Avalanche..)
- Improved default path setting, Amiga Forever 2005 paths supported
- More missing keycodes added to input-panel
- Copper debugger: tracing, single step and breakpoint
- Disk swapper: right button doubleclick in "Disk image"-column: removes disk in disk swapper panel. right button singleclick in "Drive"-column: remove disk in drive
- New-style ROM config entries
- Compressed hardfiles supported (limitations: max 100MB, all written data will be lost after reset or exit, hardfile file name extension must be either hdz, zip, rar or 7z)
- Hardfile drag&drop to harddisk-panel

and more..

WinUAE Official Site
WinUAE 1.1

    Wednesday, September 07, 2005
WinUAE WIP Report

A new work in progress report has been posted for the Amiga emulator WinUAE.

WinUAE 1.1 WIP #1 (07.09.2005)

Estimated release date: end of september (?)

Major bugs introduced in 1.0 fixed:
- Picasso96 graphics corruption after ALT-TAB
- Zipped Amiga Forever Kickstart ROM image decryption problem
- JIT FPU ACOS bug (incorrect result if argument was < 0)

Other bugs fixed:
- More stable on the fly configuration loading
- In windowed mode Amiga window height was sometimes slightly larger than requested size
- AHI recording mode memory leak
- Monitor drivers work now properly (for example Euro36)
- Incorrect paths if WinUAE was run from networked drive
- Copper emulation bug (Obliterator intro)

New features:
- Configurable Catweasel joystick support, MK4 mouse support added
- MMKeyboard support added
- Transparent "drive led status bar"
- SPTI (Windows 2K/XP) SCSI emulation includes non-CDROM SCSI devices
- Improved uaescsi.device SCSI interface selection
- Custom emulation updates (Death Trap, Loons Docs, Spanish Rose by Creed, Filled Perspective by Zero Defects, Himalaya by Avalanche..)
- Improved default path setting, Amiga Forever 2005 paths supported
- More missing keycodes added to input-panel

and more..

Head on over to the official site for more information and look for the next release soon.

WinUAE Official Site

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