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    Sunday, February 08, 2009
Rectroaction - New Retro Magazine Released

All of us who like emulation and homebrew are very much into retro games and today ive heard of a new magazine (thanks to kojote for the tip) that specialises in that field.

Heres whats featured:

Raiders of the Lost Arcades - Battle Plan! Vol. 5
Unfortunately, the arcade is becoming extinct as a gaming platform, so we take a trek back through time - using MAME's random generator - to relive some of the arcades greatest, worst, and indifferent games.

Retro Respect - Jill of the Jungle
We've all missed a minor classic during our time. we resurrect the forgotten classics, the misunderstood, the underdogs, the games that are actually quite good, but never gained the attention or accolades it deserved.

GamesMaster Lookback
Lookback at an episode of the classic GamesMaster television show. Challenges, games, celebrities, Dominik. Series one, episode one gets the 'Lookback' treatment for issue one.

Computer Warrior
Memoirs of the Computer Warrior, from the 1980s Eagle comic strip, where gamers discover how to play computer games for real, virtually. We start where it all began with the first story arc.

Retro Respect - Speedball 2
Bitmap Borthers' finest game gets the Retro Respect treatment.

The Weird and Wonderful World of Retrogaming
There have been some truly strange games released in the past. This is our feature where we dig up some of these weird and daft games from yesteryear. Sensible Train-Spotting is first up.

Legend of Wukong
Sub Hunter
Perfect Fit
Shoot Redux

John Wilson - (a.k.a. the Balrog) of Zenobi Software
Brandon Cobb - President of Super Fighter Team (the developer/publisher of Legend of Wukong)
Paul Kooistra - developer of CPC game Star Sabre

Retro Remakes Competition 2008
The competition, all the categories, all the games...

Clash of the 8-bits
Mark Hall takes on the CPC, C64, and ZX Spectrum to discover which machine has the best version of Space Harrier.

Amsoft - A Personal Experience
Richard Goulstone relives some of his fondest memories of Amsoft; the company, the games, and the experience.

Emulator Profile - DOSBox
Duncan Rule informs us all about the number one DOS emulator.

Head on over to Rectroaction to download your mag in zip or pdf format --> http://www.retroactionmagazine.com/magazine/

    Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pandora - The Emulation Fans Dream Console

Finally months after the official announcement 3000 lucky people can now preorder the Worlds fastest handheld console that boasts a processor capable of up to 900MHZ, PowerVR 3D Graphics, a large 800x480 LCD Touchscreen, Wifi, Bluetooth, USB, Dual SD Card Slots, TV Out, Dual analogue and digital controls, a clamshell DS Lite style shape and a 43 button mini keyboard.

The Console already boasts an amazing amount of ready to be released software such as Ubuntu and many full speed emulators for systems such as Snes, Amiga, Megadrive and many more that are not publically announced yet.

The Console is as powerful as original Xbox and on a par with the Nintedo Wii and thats very impressive, add to that the keyboard, bluetooth, dual analogues and you have what is a Pocket PC/Handheld Console Hybrid with software that will amaze and if your an emulation fan then this console will do everything the PSP can and more, we should expect full speed MAME, PSX, GBA, Snes, Megadrive, Master System, Colecovision, Commodore 64, PC Engine and yeah the list goes on, what should also be very doable to full speed should be Nintendo64, Sega 32X, Sega CD, 3D0, the coder of NullDC an excellent Dreamcast emulator for Windows has publically stated that he his looking to port to Pandora.

Those Interested should visit OpenPandora.Org the home of the Pandora Console

For the full history of news about the Pandora from start until now check outPandora Homebrew Site

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