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    Wednesday, April 26, 2017
MAME 0.185 released

mame have released their latest version of their arcade emulator, now at 0.185 and as usual its a long list from the whats new file:

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06402: [Interface] UI:: Switch Item Ordering corrupts software list (Nathan Woods)
- 06481: [DIP/Input] (mac128.cpp) All classic Macs: Keyboard input is not working anymore in the emulated macs since version 0.181 (R. Belmont)
- 06516: [DIP/Input] (coolpool.cpp) 9ballsht and clones, coolpool and clones: Can't coin up (O. Galibert)
- 06526: [DIP/Input] (nbmj8891.cpp) club90s: dsw b should not exist (system11)
- 06532: [Save/Restore] (alpha68k.cpp) skysoldr skyadvnt timesold: No Sound (Osso)
- 06534: [Crash/Freeze] (fm7.cpp) fm77av: BASIC doesn't boot (Barry Rodewald)

New working machines
Acchi Muite Hoi [David Haywood, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, Jred, Mike Krug, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Dame Sensory Challenger [hap, yovan]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 8 [hap, yovan]
Galaxy Games StarPak 4 (prototype) [Keith M. Kolmos, The Dumping Union]
Novag Presto [hap, Berger]
Pirate Ship [Phil Bennett, R. Belmont, Jared Bresee]
TI-2550 III [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tekken Card World [ShouTime, Rob Carr, The Dumping Union]
Wireless 60 (Jungle Soft / Kids Station Toys Inc) [RebeccaRGB]

New working clones
Bionic Commandos (bootleg, set 2) [TeamEurope]
Gals Panic DX (Asia) [arcademodbios.com]
Knights of Valour / Sangoku Senki (ver. 100, Hong Kong) [Pasky Junk]
Mach Breakers (World, MB2) [caius, Silvio Grazini, The Dumping Union]
Martial Masters (ver. 103, 102, 101CN) [kuze, The Dumping Union]
Megatack (set 2) [OriginalJohn]
Novag Octo [hap, Berger]
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World, bootleg) [The Iron Goat]
Rastan (World, Earlier code base) [System11, The Dumping Union]
Sonic Blast Man (US) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (UPL bootleg) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Up Maguila (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.) [Asociacion A.R.C.A.D.E.]

Machines promoted to working
HP 9845T [fulivi, A.Kueckes]
Popper [Dirk Best]
Soreike Kokology Vol. 2 - Kokoro no Tanteikyoku [AJR]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
GI-Classic EX (satellite terminal) [R. Belmont, Jacob Kesinger, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
GI-Classic EX (server) [R. Belmont, Phil Bennett]
Gaelco Championship Tuning Race [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Galaxy Play [PinMAME]
Game & Watch: Boxing [hap, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Donkey Kong II [hap, Sean Riddle]
MegaTouch XL 6000 (Version r07) [R. Belmont]
Megatouch XL Gold (Version r01) [R. Belmont, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
MegaTouch XL (Italy version R1) [any, R. Belmont]
Megatouch XL Super 5000 (Version R5I) [R. Belmont, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Otomedius (ver GGG:J:A:A:2008041801)
[R. Belmont, dopefishjustin, G. Paziouros, S. Fauveau, R. Higashi, R. Howard, B. Munger, S. S. Neilson, Tormod, Smitdogg,
The Dumping Union]
Police Trainer 2 [R. Belmont, gamerfan, Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Ring Riders (Software version v2.2) [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Shark (US Billiards Inc.) [Stiletto, Siftware]
Super Derby II (Satellite board) [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Super Star (Recreativos Franco) [AJR, Akiles500]
Unknown 'VIP 2000' game [TeamEurope, f205v]
Unknown Poker Game by Chain Leisure [Gerald (COY), The Dumping Union]
Unknown Sega gambling game (M1 Satellite board) [Jacob Kesinger, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Megatouch XL 6000 (Version r02) [R. Belmont, AeroCityMayor, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
MegaTouch XL Gold (Version r00) [R. Belmont]
MegaTouch XL Super 5000 (Version R5B) [R. Belmont]
MegaTouch XL Super 5000 (Version R5E) [R. Belmont]
Rocky (French speech) [PinMAME]
The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players, revision ?) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Tokyo Cop (US, dedicated version) [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Tokyo Cop (US, kit version) [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
U.S.A. Football (R01u) [PinMAME]

For more info and downloads go to mamedev.org

    Wednesday, March 29, 2017
HBMAME 0.184 released

HBmame has also released today which is a version of mame for homebrew and hacked games for arcade hardware.

You can download here.

Other mame v0.184 builds released

Here's a rundown of other Mame builds today.

mameui, has released its new build of mameui, which bring its in line with the current version of mame, for its front end.

You can get it here.

Arcade has released today, which is a is a continuation of the MAMEUIFX project.

Download here.

mameui has released, which is a frontend for mess and mame.

You can download here.

wolfmame has been updated to v0.184.
WolfMAME is a build which is optomised for MARP - MAME Action
Replay Page, where literally thousands of MAME fans play, save and
upload highscore attempts.

WolfMAME does not allow the player to pause games, use cheats, change
DIP switches etc to gain an unfair advantage.

Download here.

With so many releases i'm sure i've missed a few, feel free to add any you find in the comments below :)

MAME 0.184 Released

mamedev has released its new mame as its the last wednesday of the month, and as usual its what's new is a long list of changes and additions.

Here's what they have to say:

Well, it’s the last Wednesday of the month, and I hope you know what that means: it’s time for your regularly scheduled MAME release. There aren’t a huge number of new working machines in this release, but there are some significant improvements. Thanks to kazblox, MAME now emulates some of the peculiarities of Famicom clone hardware, and thanks to shattered, emulation of the Agat-7 Apple II clone is improved. Peter Ferrie provided a superior Apple II language card implementation. We’ve got lots of additions to the BBC and PC software lists from Nigel Barnes and darkstar.

We’ve made substantial improvements to some of MAME’s non-emulation features. The -romident verb is now much faster when used on a folder or archive containing multiple files, and will identify ROMs for emulated slot devices that aren’t inserted by default. The -listxml output now includes all linked devices, and is produced at least 30% faster. We’ve also improved -verifyroms so it covers more devices and is faster when verifying ROMs for a subset of drivers/devices.

MAME 0.184 includes support for plenty of newly dumped versions of supported arcade games, including a rare US prototype of Shanghai III, the world release of Super Crowns Golf, a version of Flashgirl that shows the Kyugo logo, a German version of Raiden II, the Japanese release of Radical Radial, and bootlegs of Bomber Man and Phoenix. There are also several new chess computers, and even more Aristocrat Mark V gambler sets. If you’re interested in the TI-8x graphing calculators, it’s now possible to get an emulated TI-82 or TI-85 to communicate with another emulated instance or with a program running on the host computer over a socket.

You can get the release and source from the usual download page.

    Wednesday, March 01, 2017
HBMAME 0.183 released

hbmame has updated with its latest version, now at 0.183

- kizunaeh set name was corrected to kizunab, and the correct kizunaeh added.
- corrected the parent of ragnagrdeh

New Working Games
- [deathstar] Death Star (by Stefano Bodrato)
- [fswordsb1] Fighters Swords (Boss Hack v1.0)
- [fswordsb2] Fighters Swords (Boss Hack v2.0)
- [fswordsbf] Fighters Swords (Boss Hack v1.0f)
- [kizunaeh] Kizuna Encounter (Easy Moves hack by 007325 2009-02-23)
- [lbd] Last Blade (Boss hack by Creamymami/Kurouri/Wesker/Ydmis)
- [lbsk] Last Blade Special Moves Revision Final (EGCG)
- [lb2bh] Last Blade 2 (Boss Easy Moves hack by 007325 2009-03-06)
- [lb2uh] Last Blade 2 (Yano's Ultimate hack)
- [lresortpx] Last Resort (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- [maglordpx] Magician Lord (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- [matrimbh] Matrimelee (Boss hack by Creamymami (EGCG))
- [ncombatpk] Ninja Combat (Plus hack by Krizal chen (Dsght))
- [ncommandsp] Ninja Commando (Super Plus hack by e107 2009-08-16)
- [ninjamasasp] Ninja Master's (Plus Remixed by ZKW)
- [ninjamaschl] Ninja Master's (Hack by CHL)
- [ninjamashb] Ninja Master's (Happy Batter Edition hack by 007325 2009-09-09)
- [nitdpx] Nightmare in the Dark (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- [preisle2px] Prehistoric Isle 2 (Plus Max hack by Xyahzhs)
- [ragnagrdbe] Operation Ragnagard (Easy Moves hack)
- [ragnagrdbs] Operation Ragnagard (Boss hack by Yumeji)
- [ragnagrdsb] Operation Ragnagard (Super Boss Easy Moves hack by Lichenzhao 2009-11-16)
- [rotdbh] Rage of the Dragons (Boss hack by Dodowang)
- [s1945peh] Strikers 1945 Plus (Super Shot hack by KrysoFun)
- [s1945ph] Strikers 1945 Plus (Ascender P55 hack by Yumeji)
- [samshos1] Samurai Shodown (Special v0.1 2005-09-19)
- [samshozk] Samurai Shodown (Hack by Zuojie, Kof1996 2008-10-23)
- [samsho2emb] Samurai Shodown II (Easy Move hack by Blackheart 2009-08-11)
- [samsho2hy] Samurai Shodown II (Boss hack by Yashional)
- [samsho2mb] Samurai Shodown II (Moves hack by Blackheart 2009-08-03)
- [samsho2q] Samurai Shodown II (Soul Q Version v1.0)
- [samsho2s2] Samurai Shodown II (Special v0.12 2008-08-26)
- [samsho2zk] Samurai Shodown II (Hack by Zuojie, Kof1996 2008-10-23)
- [samsho3s2] Samurai Shodown III (Special v0.12 2008-09-01)
- [samsho3ss] Samurai Shodown III (Special v0.1 2005-09-19)
- [samsho3zk] Samurai Shodown III (Hack by Zuojie, Kof1996 2008-10-23)
- [samsho4mb] Samurai Shodown IV (Moves hack by Blackheart 2009-08-05)
- [samsho4pm] Samurai Shodown IV (Power Max hack by Pipi899 2009-06-16)
- [samsho4s2] Samurai Shodown IV (Special v0.12 2008-09-01)
- [samsho4zk] Samurai Shodown IV (Hack by Zuojie, Kof1996 2008-10-23)
- [samsho5ba] Samurai Shodown V (Boss hack alternate set)
- [samsho5bh] Samurai Shodown V (Boss hack by Dodowang)
- [samsho5ge] Samurai Shodown V (Genjuro Evil Edition hack by Shiro)
- [samsho5s2] Samurai Shodown V (Special v0.12 2008-08-26)
- [samsho5zk] Samurai Shodown V (Hack by Zuojie, Kof1996 2008-10-23)
- [savagereb] Savage Reign (Boss hack by Yumeji/Dodowang)
- [sdodgebp] Super Dodge Ball (Power hack by Blackheart 2009-09-02)
- [sengoku3eh] Sengoku 3 (Evolution Special hack)
- [sengoku3s] Sengoku 3 (Evolution v1.0 hack by Sjx (FCHT))
- [snakes] Snakes (by Stefano Bodrato)
- [svccprw] SvC Chaos (Plus Remix v2.0 hack by Wesker)
- [svcee] SvC Chaos (Hack by Ethen.H(EGHT) 2008-01-21)
- [svcg] SvC Chaos (Boss Special Kyo Green Edition)
- [svch2] SvC Chaos (Remix v1.1 by chbandy)
- [svcice] SvC Chaos (Ice Edition)
- [svclspc] SvC Chaos (Pink Edition)
- [svcnh] SvC Chaos (Like PS2 Version old)
- [svcplusg] SvC Chaos (Plus Special)
- [svcplusp] SvC Chaos (Plus Purple Fire hack by Kawada7278 set 1)
- [svcplusp2] SvC Chaos (Plus Purple Fire hack by Kawada7278 set 2)
- [svcryu] SvC Chaos (Ryu BT Revision hack by Gordon)
- [svcspjoy] SvC Chaos (Super Plus Joy Modified hack by Wesker/Jason/K3)
- [svcstdse] SvC Chaos (Subdue the Dragon Super Edition)
- [svcxlb] SvC Chaos (Knife Millennium Turbidity v1.0 hack by Lb70)

Download from http://hbmame.1emulation.com/

    Thursday, November 27, 2014
Mame 0.156

The latest binarys of Mame are doing the rounds, with the new build now at 0.156, with updates to the various builds following the update.
As usual theres a quite a few updates and fixes, with a lot of new clones now added:

New Game Added
Pit Boss Megatouch (9234-20-01) [Brian Troha, Mariusz Wojcieszek, The Dumping Union]
Alien Invaders [Seth Soffer, David Haywood, Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Hammer Away (prototype) [( Atro - from Neo-geo.com aka Rui Baptista )
( _rm_ - from Neo-geo.com aka Ricardo Marques)
( 1up - from Neo-geo.com aka Daniel "casebres" )]
Solar War (Anonymous)
Pop'n Music 1 (ver AA-A) [smf]
Super Duck [system11, David Haywood]

New NOT WORKING game added
Western Dream (Yasuhiro, hap)
Club Pacman [Roberto Fresca, ytsejam] (dual inputs not mapped)
Sonic 2 (bootleg of Megadrive version) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Cute Fighters [system11]

New games/clones promoted from NOT_WORKING
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, set 3) [caius, The Dumping Union]

You can get Mame at http://mamedev.org/
Or Mameui (formerly MAME32) at http://www.mameui.info/ for the popular GUI oriented frontend for mame.

File Releases

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