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    Tuesday, May 06, 2014
openMSX 0.10.1

openMSX is an emulator for the MSX home computer system. openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM, MIPS and Sparc CPU's. Its goal is to emulate all aspects of the MSX with 100% accuracy: perfection in emulation. openMSX has also a built-in command interface called the console, which allows you to control almost all aspects of openMSX while it is running.

Here's list of new or improved emulator features:

MSX device support:
- fixed bug in YM2413 (FMPAC), that was audible in BPS Tetris
- added Sharp/Epcom HB-4000 80 column cartridge extension

New or improved emulator features:
- extended save_msx_screen script to take VDP(24) into acount
- fixed crash on Visual Studio build when using wav files (e.g. in the cassetteplayer)
- fixed crash on 32-bit Visual Studio build when recording videos without the -doublesize option
- fixed crash on 32-bit Visual Studio build when using scale_factor 3 and SDL renderer
- fixed waves shown upside-down in the SCC Viewer OSD widget
- fixed crash when loading a savestate that has JoyTap plugged in
- performance improvements:
+ several improvements that result in shorter start up time
+ fixed reverse-performance when using hard disks
- fixed handling of corrupt hardware configuration XML file
- fixed crash when MSX with TC8566AF FDC (e.g. turboR) crashed
- fixed possible hang up when reversing with harddisks
- fixed Tcl error when changing horizontal stretch in OSD menu
- fixed displaying of error messages on OSD
- Mac OS X MIDI support:
+ fixed MIDI output on Mac OS X (was not working for some applications)
+ added support for running status
+ added support for system realtime messages
+ added support for MIDI in
- fixed issues with on-screen-keyboard on Android 4.4
- added default keybindings for controllers targeted at gaming
- added mapping of B-control button to press CTRL or SHIFT in OSD keyboard
- added fine grained control in which slots carts and extensions will end up
- added support for single sided disk drives for dir-as-disk
- added support for hard disk images to the OSD menu
- added warning if ROM images with larger size than supported on real Konami and Konami SCC mappers are used

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Saturday, March 15, 2014
openMSX 0.10.0

openMSX is an emulator for the MSX home computer system. openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM, MIPS and Sparc CPU's. Its goal is to emulate all aspects of the MSX with 100% accuracy: perfection in emulation. openMSX has also a built-in command interface called the console, which allows you to control almost all aspects of openMSX while it is running.

Here's list of new or improved emulator features:

+ added subdirectory support for dir-as-disk
+ added configurable host to MSX joystick mapping, e.g. useful to bind the crawl command (button A+B) in Metal Gear 2 to a single PC joystick button
+ added support for bash completion (useful for using openMSX on the bash command line)
+ performance improvements:
- improved start-up performance (on Dingoo openMSX starts over 20% faster)
- reduced CPU overhead when enabling reverse
- further optimized CPU emulation
- sped up CAS loading (use 3744 baud instead of 2760 baud)
- reduce input latency (poll host events more often and remove delays)
- speed up reverse in combination with harddisk by using incremental hashing
+ reverse/TAS:
- added reverse subcommand to truncate the current replay
- show two decimals in the reverse bar time
- added setting to prevent the reversebar from fading out and made that the behaviour in TAS mode
- added bookmarks feature to reverse bar
- added possibility to customize TAS key bindings in an external script
- added setting to auto save replays at intervals
- added command to reset the lag counter
- added commands to go to frame boundaries and advance/reverse to frame boundaries
- show values of TAS widgets also in the middle of a frame
+ several improvements on the OSD menu:
- several improvements on the file browser
- better error handling
- only show media menu options that are relevant for the current machine (e.g. do not show disk drives when the machine has none)
- added support for LaserDisc
- added a quit menu with confirmation
- added limitsprites setting
- added basic mouse/touch support, including:
* right click to close current menu
* support for scrollwheel of mouse to scroll in lists
- only show video options if they actually make sense
- added option to make current machine default (started when launching openMSX)
- added resampler setting (for performance tuning)
- added detailed sound chip control (balance, volume, per channel mute)
- added possibility to browse to other drives on Windows
- added possibility to insert a new tape in the cassette player and made it easy to browse to your newly created tapes
- added short cuts to browse to your file pools (if they contain stuff)
- added confirmation dialog before overwriting existing save states
- added feedback when executing actions like inserting disk, saving state
+ remove SSE and MMX assembly routines, only keep rewritten SSE2 routines
+ added interleaving with black frame for monitors with LightBoost support
+ added OSD widget that displays how busy the VDP is
+ enable grab on fullscreen (workaround for Mac issue)
+ added Cmd+I hotkey to press Insert key on Mac

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Monday, January 07, 2013
blueMSX v 2.8.2

blueMSX is a Windows based application that can emulate an MSX computer. The blueMSX application simulates behavior of the hardware components in the MSX computer with software. The result is an application that behaves like a real MSX in and enables you to run a great amount of software written for the MSX computer.

Here is list of latest changes:

--- v 2.8.2 -------
- Added support for MSX1 VDP timing checks in the debugger
- Added support for .der copy protected disk files
- Fixed multiple bugs in DRAM management that fixes many known Turbo R issues
- Fixed memory write bug in debugger that made memory writes occasionally fail
- Fixed default directory for hard disk insert
- Fixed memory leaks
- Fixed Moonsound FM bug
- Speed up save states and pause/resume

--- v 2.8.1 -------
- Added support for 16kB, 32kB, 48kB and 64kB external ram cartridges
- Added support for Joyrex PSG module
- Added support for PSG pin 6/7 quirk
- Added support for VR bit in VDP register 8
- Added 35 new machine configurations
- Added 23 new cheats
- Updated support for NoWind USB Diskroms
- Fixed SVI M1 Wait state
- Fixed ColecoVision Keyboard read error
- Fixed ColceoVision PSG noise bug
- Fixed DirectX initialization bug
- Fixed V9958 Scroll masking bug in Screen 4 (introduced in 2.8)
- Fixed Screen 2 scroll bug
- Fixed R15 PSG register read
- Fixed bug in VDP line engine
- Fixed bug in obsonet write method
- Fixed bug in Harryfox rom mapper
- Fixed bug in Crossblaim rom mapper
- Fixed bug in Korean bootleg rom mapper
- Made bluemsxlite compile on OSX
- Fixed bug in Arkanoid Pad emulation
- Fixed addressing bug in R-Type mapper
- Fixed x/y flags on scf/ccf
- Fixed instructions ld a,i or ld a,r to handle interrupts correclty

Check out official website for further information andgithub repository for latest files.

    Monday, December 10, 2012
openMSX 0.9.1

openMSX is an emulator for the MSX home computer system. openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM, MIPS and Sparc CPU's. Its goal is to emulate all aspects of the MSX with 100% accuracy: perfection in emulation. openMSX has also a built-in command interface called the console, which allows you to control almost all aspects of openMSX while it is running.

Here's release notes for 0.9.1 version:

This release mostly fixes a bug in dir-as-disk that was introduced in openMSX
0.9.0, when adding support for the DMK format and low level disk emulation. We
not only fixed that bug, we rewrote dir-as-disk almost completely, making it a
lot more robust.

Here's the list with all highlights:

MSX device support:
- Accuracy improvements:
- improved some details on the laserdisc emulation
- improved timing of the VDP LINE command (thanks to NYYRIKKI for the ideas)
- added Toshiba HX-21, Toshiba HX-22 and Toshiba HX-22I. The latter two have a
switchable RS-232C interface (use the new toshiba_rs232c_switch setting)

New or improved emulator features:
- fixed crash with fast resampler and 8192 samples
- dir-As-Disk:
- dir-as-disk works properly again and is now a lot more robust
- improve error reporting when something goes wrong
- console support/scripts:
- added script to save current screen to file in MSX loadable format, thanks
- performance improvements:
- improved console rendering speed (uses less CPU)
- improved Tcl integration
- speed up low level disk emulation
- optimized rendering of superimposed modes (Video9000, laserdisc)
- several other performance improvements

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Added build support for DragonFly BSD, thanks to John Marino

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Saturday, January 28, 2012
openMSX 0.8.2

openMSX is an emulator for the MSX home computer system. Its goal is to emulate all aspects of the MSX with 100% accuracy: perfection in emulation.

Here's the list of new or improved emulator features:

- Video output:
- Faster laserdisc rendering
- Added horizontal stretch for SDL renderer (useful for Dingoo for instance).
As horizontal stretching is enabled by default, the CPU usage of openMSX
when using the SDL renderer will now be higher than before. Set
horizontal_stretch to 320 to disable it and gain some performance (but have
a less accurate aspect ratio of the screen).
- Sound generation:
- Sync sound to EmuTime (greatly improves sample playback in e.g. Real Motion
and TRAX Player
- Added new sound driver based on libao
- Fixed sound quality of blip resampler
- MSX developer features:
- Added vdpcmdinprogress_callback setting, which can be used to trigger a
script when a write to the VDP command engine registers is detected while
there is still a VDP command in progress.
- Fixed memory usage issue when using step_back (e.g. via debugger)
- Greatly improved performance for step_back
- Fixed bug with watchpoints that triggered too late sometimes
- Command line options/support:
- Added recognition of .tcl extension as extra start up scripts
- Fixed recognition of OMR/OMS files which were re-gzipped
- Added command line option -replay to load and view a replay and also
support dropping replays (OMR files) on openMSX to view them
- Added command line option -savestate to load a savestate and also support
dropping savestates (OMS files) on openMSX to view them
- OSD menu improvements (mostly useful for hand held users):
- added connector submenu
- added support for running tapes
- added support for horizontal stretch setting
- Joystick support:
- Allow joystick axis motion events to be bound, as the manual promises
- Made real joystick support a bit more flexible: read all axes
- Channel recorder:
- Fixed record_channels command to record to the soundlogs directory
- Added option to record all channels of all sound chips with record_channels
- Platform specific improvements:
- Fix Caps lock behaviour on Mac OS X
- Add support for MIDI output to a virtual endpoint for Mac OS X
- Comfortable machine configurations:
- Added new fantasy machine: Boosted MSX2+ JP, based on Panasonic FS-A1WSX
- Added basic compiler to Boosted MSX2 EN
- Miscellaneous:
- Updated all scripts to make full use of Tcl 8.5 (and clean them up in the
process) to improve performance
- Support in the hardware config XML format for using a single ROM image (i.e.
a physical (EP)ROM dump) which is used by several devices
- Make PgUp/PgDn reverse step depend on the speed setting
- Reverse bar now indicates recording (red) and replaying state
- The 'about' console command can now also be used to find settings
- Fixed 64k ROM mapper detection

Download here

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Monday, March 14, 2011
openMSX v0.8.1

News via aep

A new version of the MXS emulator openMSX has been released.

Release Notes for openMSX 0.8.1 (2011-02-xx)

This release builds on the previous one, in the sense that we worked out the
features a little more. We added a lot of scripts to help you with Tool
Assisted Speedruns (TAS), one of the reasons openMSX got officially approved as
a TAS capable emulator on TASvideos.org. The reverse feature also got some
updates while doing this.
For the rest, this release does a lot of smaller fixes and additions, see the
list below.

Here´s the list with all highlights:

New or improved emulator features:
- Quite complete support for TAS (see http://www.tasvideos.org/)
- TAS mode with many TAS widgets activated automatically
- extended tools: keyboard view per frame, frame reverse/advance, robust
frame counter, save slot mechanism, RAM watch, etc.
- Updates on reverse (and related features):
- enabled by default now (except on Dingoo)
- changed (default) extensions of replays and savestates to OMR and OMS
- added a view only mode to the reverse feature (watch replays without
interrupting them)
- replays now usually contain multiple snapshots, so you can quickly jump
around in a just loaded replay (e.g. to the end!)
- huge performance improvements when loading replays/savestates
- added filepools to put your software files in; when loading a replay with a
file which is not available, openMSX will scan the filepools: default
location is share/software
- added hover with time indicator on reverse bar
- fixed bug when using DirAsDisk in combination with reverse
- added step_back function: while debugging step back one instruction
- Added info topic to query VDP timing information
- Fixed saving of replays, screenshots, etc., when the directory wasn´t
available yet
- Fixed bug in per-soundchip-channel audio recording
- Fixed auto stereo recording for mbstereo-like configurations (was done in
- OSD:
- Show warning/error messages that were previously only shown on
standard-output in an OSD text box
- Added gradients for rectangles to make the OSD look more polished
- Added border property to OSD rectangle
- Added script to find cases of too fast VDP access (of which the consequences
are not emulated)
- Added setting to disable sprites and option to make screenshot without
sprites (especially useful for map makers!)
- Added script to record movies in multiple files, especially useful for
YouTube (record_chunks)
- Replaced automatic printing of ROM info (from the software database) with a
command to get the info on demand (rom_info)
- Automatically plug in real joysticks into the MSX
- Several performance improvements to several toys scripts

MSX device support:
- Fixed accuracy of mouse emulation
- Fixed bug in sprite collision detection (sprites can´t collide in the border)
- Better support for keyboard of Brazilian MSX machines
- Don´t emulate Yes/No keys on machines that don´t have them
- Accuracy improvements:
- (minor) fixes in MSX-AUDIO, YM2413 (Okazaki) and R800 emulation
- Added emulation of the Mega Flash ROM SCC+ and ASCII Japanese MSX-DOS2
- Added emulation of seek delay, head-load and rotational delay on TC8566AF
based disk drives
- Added Sony HB-F5 and CIEL Expert Turbo machine

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Updates of libraries used in the static builds
- Windows binary built with Visual Studio 2010
- Basic (experimental) support for cross compilation of Windows 32 bit binaries
from Linux (using MinGW)
- Updated C-BIOS to 0.25, with support for various localized machines

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

In "doc/manual/index.html" you can find a set of HTML manuals for openMSX.
Make sure you read this if you haven´t used openMSX before, but also to learn
more about the new and changed features.

Known issues / caveats:
- Emulation is not perfect yet.
See the bug tracker on sourceforge.net for known bugs.
- Until we reach version 1.0.0, file formats can change in an incompatible way
without backwards compatibility. This happened between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0, for
example. Keep this in mind if you create machine descriptions, ROM database
entries etc. We do try to be backwards compatible for at least one release,
though. Keep in mind that openMSX is still evolving at a considerable speed.
- openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux,
Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM,
MIPS and Sparc CPU´s. Running on other operating systems (wherever SDL runs)
or CPU´s should be possible, but may require some modifications to the build
system. If you are compiling on a new platform, please share your experiences
(see below for contact info), so we can make openMSX more portable.
- CPU and graphics performance varies a lot, depending on the openMSX settings
and the MSX hardware and software you´re emulating. Some things run fine on a
200 MHz machine, others are slow on a 2 GHz machine. For performance tuning
tips, see the Setup Guide.

openMSX Home Page:
Project page on SourceForge:
Contact options:
- Send a message to the openmsx-user mailing list.
Go to the SourceForge project page and look under "Lists".
- Post on our forum: http://forum.openmsx.org/
- Talk to us on #openmsx on irc.freenode.net.

Thanks to all contributors for their feedback, support, bug reports, testing,
coding and other help!

Have fun with your emulated MSX!
the openMSX developers


    Thursday, March 10, 2011
openMSX v0.8.1 RC3

News via AEP

A release candidate of the MXS emulator openMSX v0.8.1 has been released.

Release Notes for openMSX 0.8.1 (2011-02-xx)

This release builds on the previous one, in the sense that we worked out the
features a little more. We added a lot of scripts to help you with Tool
Assisted Speedruns (TAS), one of the reasons openMSX got officially approved as
a TAS capable emulator on TASvideos.org. The reverse feature also got some
updates while doing this.
For the rest, this release does a lot of smaller fixes and additions, see the
list below.

Here´s the list with all highlights:

New or improved emulator features:
- Quite complete support for TAS (see http://www.tasvideos.org/)
- TAS mode with many TAS widgets activated automatically
- extended tools: keyboard view per frame, frame reverse/advance, robust
frame counter, save slot mechanism, RAM watch, etc.
- Updates on reverse (and related features):
- enabled by default now (except on Dingoo)
- changed (default) extensions of replays and savestates to OMR and OMS
- added a view only mode to the reverse feature (watch replays without
interrupting them)
- replays now usually contain multiple snapshots, so you can quickly jump
around in a just loaded replay (e.g. to the end!)
- huge performance improvements when loading replays/savestates
- added filepools to put your software files in; when loading a replay with a
file which is not available, openMSX will scan the filepools: default
location is share/software
- added hover with time indicator on reverse bar
- fixed bug when using DirAsDisk in combination with reverse
- added step_back function: while debugging step back one instruction
- Added info topic to query VDP timing information
- Fixed saving of replays, screenshots, etc., when the directory wasn´t
available yet
- Fixed bug in per-soundchip-channel audio recording
- Fixed auto stereo recording for mbstereo-like configurations (was done in
- OSD:
- Show warning/error messages that were previously only shown on
standard-output in an OSD text box
- Added gradients for rectangles to make the OSD look more polished
- Added border property to OSD rectangle
- Added script to find cases of too fast VDP access (of which the consequences
are not emulated)
- Added setting to disable sprites and option to make screenshot without
sprites (especially useful for map makers!)
- Added script to record movies in multiple files, especially useful for
YouTube (record_chunks)
- Replaced automatic printing of ROM info (from the software database) with a
command to get the info on demand (rom_info)
- Automatically plug in real joysticks into the MSX
- Several performance improvements to several toys scripts

MSX device support:
- Fixed accuracy of mouse emulation
- Fixed bug in sprite collision detection (sprites can´t collide in the border)
- Better support for keyboard of Brazilian MSX machines
- Don´t emulate Yes/No keys on machines that don´t have them
- Accuracy improvements:
- (minor) fixes in MSX-AUDIO, YM2413 (Okazaki) and R800 emulation
- Added emulation of the Mega Flash ROM SCC+ and ASCII Japanese MSX-DOS2
- Added emulation of seek delay, head-load and rotational delay on TC8566AF
based disk drives
- Added Sony HB-F5 and CIEL Expert Turbo machine

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Updates of libraries used in the static builds
- Windows binary built with Visual Studio 2010
- Basic (experimental) support for cross compilation of Windows 32 bit binaries
from Linux (using MinGW)
- Updated C-BIOS to 0.25, with support for various localized machines

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

In "doc/manual/index.html" you can find a set of HTML manuals for openMSX.
Make sure you read this if you haven´t used openMSX before, but also to learn
more about the new and changed features.

Known issues / caveats:
- Emulation is not perfect yet.
See the bug tracker on sourceforge.net for known bugs.
- Until we reach version 1.0.0, file formats can change in an incompatible way
without backwards compatibility. This happened between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0, for
example. Keep this in mind if you create machine descriptions, ROM database
entries etc. We do try to be backwards compatible for at least one release,
though. Keep in mind that openMSX is still evolving at a considerable speed.
- openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux,
Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM,
MIPS and Sparc CPU´s. Running on other operating systems (wherever SDL runs)
or CPU´s should be possible, but may require some modifications to the build
system. If you are compiling on a new platform, please share your experiences
(see below for contact info), so we can make openMSX more portable.
- CPU and graphics performance varies a lot, depending on the openMSX settings
and the MSX hardware and software you´re emulating. Some things run fine on a
200 MHz machine, others are slow on a 2 GHz machine. For performance tuning
tips, see the Setup Guide.

openMSX Home Page:
Project page on SourceForge:
Contact options:
- Send a message to the openmsx-user mailing list.
Go to the SourceForge project page and look under "Lists".
- Post on our forum: http://forum.openmsx.org/
- Talk to us on #openmsx on irc.freenode.net.

Thanks to all contributors for their feedback, support, bug reports, testing,
coding and other help!

Have fun with your emulated MSX!
the openMSX developers


    Tuesday, March 01, 2011
openMSX v0.8.1 RC 2

News via AEP

A release candidate of the MXS emulator openMSX v0.8.1 has been released.

Release Notes for openMSX 0.8.1 (2011-02-xx)

This release builds on the previous one, in the sense that we worked out the
features a little more. We added a lot of scripts to help you with Tool
Assisted Speedruns (TAS), one of the reasons openMSX got officially approved as
a TAS capable emulator on TASvideos.org. The reverse feature also got some
updates while doing this.
For the rest, this release does a lot of smaller fixes and additions, see the
list below.

Here´s the list with all highlights:

New or improved emulator features:
- Quite complete support for TAS (see http://www.tasvideos.org/)
- TAS mode with many TAS widgets activated automatically
- extended tools: keyboard view per frame, frame reverse/advance, robust
frame counter, save slot mechanism, RAM watch, etc.
- Updates on reverse (and related features):
- enabled by default now (except on Dingoo)
- changed (default) extensions of replays and savestates to OMR and OMS
- added a view only mode to the reverse feature (watch replays without
interrupting them)
- replays now usually contain multiple snapshots, so you can quickly jump
around in a just loaded replay (e.g. to the end!)
- huge performance improvements when loading replays/savestates
- added filepools to put your software files in; when loading a replay with a
file which is not available, openMSX will scan the filepools: default
location is share/software
- added hover with time indicator on reverse bar
- fixed bug when using DirAsDisk in combination with reverse
- Added info topic to query VDP timing information
- Fixed saving of replays, screenshots, etc., when the directory wasn´t
available yet
- Fixed bug in per-soundchip-channel audio recording
- Fixed auto stereo recording for mbstereo-like configurations (was done in
- OSD:
- Show warning/error messages that were previously only shown on
standard-output in an OSD text box
- Added gradients for rectangles to make the OSD look more polished
- Added border property to OSD rectangle
- Added script to find cases of too fast VDP access (of which the consequences
are not emulated)
- Added setting to disable sprites and option to make screenshot without
sprites (especially useful for map makers!)
- Added script to record movies in multiple files, especially useful for
YouTube (record_chunks)
- Replaced automatic printing of ROM info (from the software database) with a
command to get the info on demand (rom_info)
- Automatically plug in real joysticks into the MSX
- Several performance improvements to several toys scripts

MSX device support:
- Fixed accuracy of mouse emulation
- Fixed bug in sprite collision detection (sprites can´t collide in the border)
- Better support for keyboard of Brazilian MSX machines
- Don´t emulate Yes/No keys on machines that don´t have them
- Accuracy improvements:
- (minor) fixes in MSX-AUDIO, YM2413 (Okazaki) and R800 emulation
- Added emulation of the Mega Flash ROM SCC+ and ASCII Japanese MSX-DOS2
- Added emulation of seek delay, head-load and rotational delay on TC8566AF
based disk drives
- Added Sony HB-F5 and CIEL Expert Turbo machine

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Updates of libraries used in the static builds
- Windows binary built with Visual Studio 2010
- Basic (experimental) support for cross compilation of Windows 32 bit binaries
from Linux (using MinGW)
- Updated C-BIOS to 0.25, with support for various localized machines

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

In "doc/manual/index.html" you can find a set of HTML manuals for openMSX.
Make sure you read this if you haven´t used openMSX before, but also to learn
more about the new and changed features.

Known issues / caveats:
- Emulation is not perfect yet.
See the bug tracker on sourceforge.net for known bugs.
- Until we reach version 1.0.0, file formats can change in an incompatible way
without backwards compatibility. This happened between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0, for
example. Keep this in mind if you create machine descriptions, ROM database
entries etc. We do try to be backwards compatible for at least one release,
though. Keep in mind that openMSX is still evolving at a considerable speed.
- openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux,
Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM,
MIPS and Sparc CPU´s. Running on other operating systems (wherever SDL runs)
or CPU´s should be possible, but may require some modifications to the build
system. If you are compiling on a new platform, please share your experiences
(see below for contact info), so we can make openMSX more portable.
- CPU and graphics performance varies a lot, depending on the openMSX settings
and the MSX hardware and software you´re emulating. Some things run fine on a
200 MHz machine, others are slow on a 2 GHz machine. For performance tuning
tips, see the Setup Guide.

openMSX Home Page:
Project page on SourceForge:
Contact options:
- Send a message to the openmsx-user mailing list.
Go to the SourceForge project page and look under "Lists".
- Post on our forum: http://forum.openmsx.org/
- Talk to us on #openmsx on irc.freenode.net.

Thanks to all contributors for their feedback, support, bug reports, testing,
coding and other help!

Have fun with your emulated MSX!
the openMSX developers


    Wednesday, February 09, 2011
openMSX v0.8.1 RC 1

News via AEP

A release candidate of the MXS emulator openMSX v0.8.1 has been released.

Release Notes for openMSX 0.8.1 (2011-02-xx)

This release builds on the previous one, in the sense that we worked out the
features a little more. We added a lot of scripts to help you with Tool
Assisted Speedruns (TAS), one of the reasons openMSX got officially approved as
a TAS capable emulator on TASvideos.org. The reverse feature also got some
updates while doing this.
For the rest, this release does a lot of smaller fixes and additions, see the
list below.

Here´s the list with all highlights:

New or improved emulator features:
- Quite complete support for TAS (see http://www.tasvideos.org/)
- TAS mode with many TAS widgets activated automatically
- extended tools: keyboard view per frame, frame reverse/advance, robust
frame counter, save slot mechanism, RAM watch, etc.
- Updates on reverse (and related features):
- enabled by default now (except on Dingoo)
- changed (default) extensions of replays and savestates to OMR and OMS
- added a view only mode to the reverse feature (watch replays without
interrupting them)
- replays now usually contain multiple snapshots, so you can quickly jump
around in a just loaded replay (e.g. to the end!)
- huge performance improvements when loading replays/savestates
- added filepools to put your software files in; when loading a replay with a
file which is not available, openMSX will scan the filepools: default
location is share/software
- added hover with time indicator on reverse bar
- fixed bug when using DirAsDisk in combination with reverse
- Added info topic to query VDP timing information
- Fixed saving of replays, screenshots, etc., when the directory wasn´t
available yet
- Fixed bug in per-soundchip-channel audio recording
- Fixed auto stereo recording for mbstereo-like configurations (was done in
- OSD:
- Show warning/error messages that were previously only shown on
standard-output in an OSD text box
- Added gradients for rectangles to make the OSD look more polished
- Added border property to OSD rectangle
- Added script to find cases of too fast VDP access (of which the consequences
are not emulated)
- Added setting to disable sprites and option to make screenshot without
sprites (especially useful for map makers!)
- Added script to record movies in multiple files, especially useful for
YouTube (record_chunks)
- Replaced automatic printing of ROM info (from the software database) with a
command to get the info on demand (rom_info)
- Automatically plug in real joysticks into the MSX
- Several performance improvements to several toys scripts

MSX device support:
- Fixed accuracy of mouse emulation
- Fixed bug in sprite collision detection (sprites can´t collide in the border)
- Better support for keyboard of Brazilian MSX machines
- Don´t emulate Yes/No keys on machines that don´t have them
- Accuracy improvements:
- (minor) fixes in MSX-AUDIO, YM2413 (Okazaki) and R800 emulation
- Added emulation of the Mega Flash ROM SCC+ and ASCII Japanese MSX-DOS2
- Added emulation of seek delay, head-load and rotational delay on TC8566AF
based disk drives
- Added Sony HB-F5 and CIEL Expert Turbo machine

Build system, packaging, documentation:
- Updates of libraries used in the static builds
- Windows binary built with Visual Studio 2010
- Basic (experimental) support for cross compilation of Windows 32 bit binaries
from Linux (using MinGW)
- Updated C-BIOS to 0.25, with support for various localized machines

And of course the usual various bug fixes.

In "doc/manual/index.html" you can find a set of HTML manuals for openMSX.
Make sure you read this if you haven´t used openMSX before, but also to learn
more about the new and changed features.

Known issues / caveats:
- Emulation is not perfect yet.
See the bug tracker on sourceforge.net for known bugs.
- Until we reach version 1.0.0, file formats can change in an incompatible way
without backwards compatibility. This happened between 0.4.0 and 0.5.0, for
example. Keep this in mind if you create machine descriptions, ROM database
entries etc. We do try to be backwards compatible for at least one release,
though. Keep in mind that openMSX is still evolving at a considerable speed.
- openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux,
Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM,
MIPS and Sparc CPU´s. Running on other operating systems (wherever SDL runs)
or CPU´s should be possible, but may require some modifications to the build
system. If you are compiling on a new platform, please share your experiences
(see below for contact info), so we can make openMSX more portable.
- CPU and graphics performance varies a lot, depending on the openMSX settings
and the MSX hardware and software you´re emulating. Some things run fine on a
200 MHz machine, others are slow on a 2 GHz machine. For performance tuning
tips, see the Setup Guide.

openMSX Home Page:
Project page on SourceForge:
Contact options:
- Send a message to the openmsx-user mailing list.
Go to the SourceForge project page and look under "Lists".
- Post on our forum: http://forum.openmsx.org/
- Talk to us on #openmsx on irc.freenode.net.

Thanks to all contributors for their feedback, support, bug reports, testing,
coding and other help!

Have fun with your emulated MSX!
the openMSX developers


    Saturday, December 15, 2007
blueMSX 2.71 Released

- Added support for Forte II Games arcade boards
- Added support for Halnote mapper
- Added support for Arkanoid pad
- Added the Ciel Expert 3 IDE machine
- Added 165 new game cheats
- Reduced SCC volume to conform with an average MSX machine
- Fixed screen 6 sprite collision timing bug
- Fixed properties bug when canceling the Properties dialog
- Fixed bug in Konami mapper that made non standard size roms not run properly
- Rom name in machine config dialog can now be edited in the text field
- Fixed minor SCC timing issue
- Fixed PSG volume initialization in ColecoVision
- Fixed Joystick initialization in ColecoVision
- Minor bugfixes in Yamaha SFG05 emulation

blueMSX Official Site
blueMSX 2.71

    Sunday, May 13, 2007
blueMSX 2.7 Released

- Added support for MEGA-SCSI, WAVE-SCSI and MSX Club Gouda SCSI (NOVAXIS)
- Added support for SCSI CD Audio and CD-ROM
- Added support for keyboard input in the Philips Music Module (MSX-Audio)
- Added support for MIDI input and output in the Philips Music Module (MSX-Audio) and SFG-05 (Yamaha CX5M/CX7M)
- Added support for ESE-SCC, ESE-RAM and Mega Flash ROM SCC cartridges
- New trainer with improved search capabilities and a new .mcf file format
- Added remove all harddisks feature
- Added support for sprite mirroring (screen 2) in MSX1 machines
- Added pixel accuracy in screen 0
- Added Home hotkey in debugger to go to current command
- Added new values in the cpu register window of the debugger
- Added ability to use registers in the 'Go to' feature and the memory viewer of the debugger
- When CPU is stopped by a breakpoint, the sound buffer is cleared
- Fixed z80 timing bugs
- Fixed z80 instruction bugs
- Fixed bug in Cas and Disk leds
- Vram pointer updated correctly in MSX1 machines
- 5th Sprite status bits updated correctly
- Fixed bug with collision detection for transparent sprites
- Screen 0 masking handled correctly
- Fixed digitize enable bit (ignoring it) in screen 0-4
- Fixed scroll bug in screen 4
- TC8566AF format bug fixed : filler byte was not used.
- Fixed a bug in the Panasonic FDC that caused some MSX2+ machines to fail
- Fixed aliasing in SCC filter
- Improved Moonsound emulation
- Fixed bug in mirrored mapper
- Re-added support for old command line rom types

BlueMSX Official Site
blueMSX 2.7

    Sunday, October 01, 2006
blueMSX 2.6.1 Released

- Fixed AVI rendering that caused emulator crash on some PC's
- Fixed fullspeed support that was source of crash on some PC's
- Improved the video capture algorithm (runned out of space in 2.6)
- Fixed bug related to the blending of consecutive frames (didn't take effect on startup in 2.6)
- Changed default width of the memory window in the debugger to 16 bytes

blueMSX Official Site
blueMSX 2.6.1

    Sunday, September 17, 2006
blueMSX 2.6 Released

blueMSX is the first freeware emulator to support the Game Reader, a device that allows an user to play real MSX cartridges on a PC. blueMSX is using Vincent van Dam's API to access the Game Reader device. The support requires the Game Reader hardware and official drivers that can be purchased from Sunrise or MSX-ASSOCIATION.

Note that the support is very different from MSXPLAYer and some cartridges will not run as well as with the MSXPLAYer.

Another surprising new feature is support for ObsoNET, the only Ethernet solution for MSX, developed by Daniel Berdugo. Read carefully the manual as this support requires to install first WinPCap, the Windows Packet Capture Library.

After many requests from gamers, the emulator comes finally with input event logging, replay and AVI rendering. Conceived as enhanced save states, this great feature gives to the user a more complete MSX experience !

blueMSX 2.6 has also support for the Sega SC-3000 and SF-7000 computers, that were very close to the MSX1 system without being compatible.

Which are the other changes ?

- Added support for low resolution in fullscreen mode
- Added SVI printer support
- Added selection of video in grabber
- Added support for Sony Playball roms with digitized speech
- Added support for MegaCart(R), a new type of Coleco rom
- Added dutch version of the user manual
- Fixed crash caused by video grabber card
- Made video grabber unload if not selected (in 2.5, the grabber was always enabled)
- Fixed NMI bug in z80 emulation causing some Coleco games to fail running
- Fixed detection of Sega rom types in menus and dialogs
- Fixed bug in screen 10 vertical border color
- Fixed header of PNG screenshots
- Fixed bug in the S1985 device that caused emulator to crash when debugger was open.
- Fixed the joystick button triggers for the SVI joystick
- Fixed bug in the I8250 UART used in SVI-328 that caused emulator to hang
- Fixed SVI-328 PPI bug
- Fixed default rom mapper handling
- Changed default width of the memory window in the debugger to 16 bytes
- Fixed some printer emulation bugs
- Fixed save state in R-Type rom mapper so it doesn't crash the emulator
- VDP timers are now saved correctly in save states
- Updated MSX Printer emulation to include a static font
- Fixed screen 6 sprites
- Fixed CC sprite bug that made CC sprites visible even if no non CC sprite was present
- Fixed sprite collision index in Status Register 0 for screen 5-8 sprites
- Fixed bug related to CC sprites (having the attribute "Mix color with sprite that has next higher priority")

blueMSX Official Site
blueMSX 2.6

    Sunday, July 09, 2006
blueMSX 2.5 Released

After almost 10 months since the previous release, the new version of blueMSX is a big update, full of very advanced features :
- The implementation of a new controllers and keyboard editor gives still more comfort to the gamers and will allow to support easily other computers or consoles in future versions.
- Requested since a long time by the MSX developers, the hard disk emulation is now a reality and besides the well-known Sunrise IDE hard disk controllers, blueMSX has also implemented the Beer IDE and GIDE supports.
- In the musical domain, blueMSX is the first emulator that is capable to support the Yamaha CX5M, CX5M-128 and CX7M-128 computers by emulation of the YM2151 sound chip and the YK-01, YK-10 and YK-20 music keyboards. The MIDI part of the Yamaha SFG cartridges is not yet available.

Which are the other changes ?
In the emulator :
- Added support for the MHT Ingenieros Gunstick and the ASCII Plus-X Terminator Laser
- Added support for two 80 columns graphics cards on MSX1 : Microsol VMX-80 and SVI-737
- Added support for Video In, Sony HBI-V1 digitizer and the digitization part of the Philips NMS-8280 computer
- Added superimpose and external video source support in V9938 emulation
- Added support for PNG screenshots
- Added support for creating new disk images of various size on MSX and SVI-328
- Added support for undocumented screen mode (screen 0 with screen 2 style name table addressing)
- Added a new display synchronization method
- Added a video option to blend consecutive frames and get smoother picture
- Added support for the YM2149 PSG
- Fixed the MIDI-IN support in the Turbo-R machines
- Added new rom mappers for SFG-01 and SFG-05 (used in the Yamaha music computers), the F&M Direct Assembler System and the SG-1000 version of The Castle
- Improved SRAM enable/disable handling in FM-PAC
- Restructured Keyboard and Joystick input
- Optimized the video rendering
- Added support for running blueMSX from read only media
- Added support for running blueMSX without storing any data on local machine
- Fixed addressing in Konami mappers
- Fixed bug in 1kB ram mapper used in ColecoVision and SG-1000
- Border rendering is now cycle accurate
- Fixed HREFRESH timing in VDP
- Fixed bug in XVRAM emulation
- Fixed sprite status bug
- Fixed VDP timing in Turbo-R and MSX2+ machines

In the debugger :
- Added find dialog to search for strings or values in the memory
- Improved editing in memory window
- Added debugging support of OPL sound chips

In the trainer :
- Extended the cheat database to 396 MSX games

blueMSX Official Site
blueMSX 2.5

    Sunday, February 26, 2006
RuMSX 0.40 Released

- Display driver (normal and hires) are completely rewritten. The new sprite-renderer includes also a completely changed coincidence detection. Games such as "Hydefos" or "Psycho World" are now running properly!
- Added "MSX2[b]" configuration with 256KB RAM in Slot 3-3, which is required by many disk-images. This is compatible to the Sony (HB-F700D) layout, that supports POKE-1,255 for running many games.
- Code is now optimized for Pentium Pro and higher.
- Major enhancements of the RuMSX core do now require at least a processor with 1 GHz (1.5GHz recommended)
- Added support for ROM-database including the RUMSXROM.EXE command-line utility for database maintenance. The initial database contains more than 500 known ROMs.
- "Harry Fox with Snow Demonking" did not run on MSX 2+ and MSX Turbo-R machines. This is now fixed!
- Incorrectly selected 16KB ROM-types (e.g. ASCII/16K) sometimes caused RuMSX to crash!
- Support of OPLL audio (MSX-Music, FM-PAC) slightly improved (notes should no longer 'hang').
- Support of video capture hardware slightly improved (video display is now scaled).
- Switched I/O (ports &H40-&H4F) did not work fully correct, therefore Kanji-modes 1+3 displayed filled blocks instead of proper characters (this bug was new since RuMSX v0.32).
- SCC+ access is now recognized (played as SCC sound).
- Added previously removed Hangul ROMs again.
- Added '/NoSoundOut' command-line option to disable annoying MSX sounds.
- Added "International (DIN)" font to locale settings. (provides the DIN "0" character)

RuMSX Official Site
RuMSX 0.40

    Sunday, November 20, 2005
RuMSX 0.33 Released

Changes from RuMSX V0.32 to V0.33
• RUMSXEMU.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and must be downloaded.
• RUMSXUNI.ZIP (*updated*) contains a trial-version of the RuMSX V0.33 unicode build (MSXW.EXE), which supports world-wide character sets in the single file. This file is NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
• Since V0.29 RuMSX supports a "My MSX" folder. This feature is disabled by default and has to be enabled by separate tools!
• Many problems since V0.32 fixed: conceptual bugs in the interrupt handling are now solved! "Zanac", "Zanac 3", "Super Laydock Last Attack 2" and "F1 Spirit 3D Special" are working again (at least as good as before).
• The ROM-type "Generic MegaROM (with SCC, KONAMI 8 KByte)" was defined incorrectly. Bank 1 (&H4000-5FFF) is now fixed, otherwise it would not work on MSX2+ and TurboR.
• Also: no Konami-ROM is of this type: detection corrected!
• One display frame has been skipped always, even if 0-Skip has been configured
• Screen 8 had wrong colors in HiRes-mode

RuMSX Official Site
RuMSX 0.33

    Sunday, September 25, 2005
RuMSX 0.32 Released

A new version of RuMSX has been released for your MSX emulation pleasure.
Here's what's new:

# RUMSXEMU.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and must be downloaded.
# RUMSXLNG.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and need to be downloaded for localization-support.
# RUMSXLNX.ZIP (*updated*) contains partially localized versions of RuMSX (french+russian). In contrast to RUMSXLNG.ZIP the translation is not completed. So these resources are partially english. This file is NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
# RUMSXHLP.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and must be downloaded (it contains RuMSX HTML-help files).
# RUMSXUNI.ZIP (*updated*) contains a trial-version of the RuMSX V0.32 unicode build (MSXW.EXE), which supports world-wide character sets in the single file. This file is NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
# Since V0.29 RuMSX supports a "My MSX" folder. This feature is disabled by default and has to be enabled by separate tools!
# Creation of new configurations created invalid paths to standard ROM images. This bug was new since V0.31.
# New introduced V9948 video processor was mistakenly assigned to MSX2+ and TurboR configurations.
# The VDP version number of the V9958 was incorrect (=1) since the beginning of RuMSX. This is now fixed (=2).
# VDP supports the native modes only (TMS9918A does no longer support SCREEN 4 and higher modes, V9938 does no longer support SCREEN 10 and higher modes). Prior versions reported only the correct VDP version number, but enabled all valid modes and command for every Video-Processor.
# When creating a new disk-image it's now possible to select between MSX-DOS1 and MSX-DOS2 boot-sectors.
# Using TrueColor RuMSX-logo from Marc Donkers in the AboutBox.
# Fixing repaint problems. If RuMSX was running or halted in background not all parts of the MSX display have been properly repainted.
# Extended advanced options to prevent entering of monitor power low/off modes (not recommended for laptops).
# Initial number of 5th/9th sprite is 0 (rather than 31 used until RuMSX V0.31), indicating that there are no hidden sprite lines.
# Minor fix of the Z80 RETI command (should not affect normal MSX programs)
# Pending VDP interrupts (signaled while interrupts disabled) were mistakenly discarded. This is now fixed and corrects
(a) the slowdown of games such as "Track & Field" and "Hyper Sports",
(b) flickering display in games using scanline interrupts such as "Zanac Ex" and "Aleste 2"
# Added support for Z80B CPU.
# Added CYRILLIC (russian) and ARABIC font to the "Locale" dialog.
# Updated MSX-locale and initial VDP-frequency of the CBIOS configurations according to the design- specifications. (RuMSX V0.31 did not contain the specified changes, even if listed).
# ROM cartridges with MSX-Basic programs were not detected properly.

RuMSX 0.32

    Saturday, September 17, 2005
blueMSX 2.4 Released

A new version of this MSX emulator has been released.

Main changes in this version extend the features of the emulator in different domains :

- blueMSX had already support for all MSX machines and for some pre-MSX1 machines like the SVI-318/328 computers and the ColecoVision console, it has now support for the first Sega console, the SG-1000.

This addition comes from Ricardo Bittencourt, a well-known and very talented Brazilian programmer, who has rejoined the blueMSX developer's team.

- A new synchronisation mode has been added, it is linked to the PC Vertical Blank and does a linear interpolation of the MSX frames to match the PC monitor frequency.

It allows to get a video result that is almost as smooth as on a real MSX, but requires a very powerful PC and a videocard that supports this mode.

- The audio mixer is now, like the keyboard editor, a theme-written plugin and appears in an apart draggable window.

This evolution of the emulator is a first step to prepare a future Linux version. To reach this goal, more code must indeed become free from the Windows OS.

Which are the other changes ?

In the emulator :
- Added support for MSX-MIDI OUT in generic Turbo-R machines and in Panasonic FS-A1GT, with checkbox to map the MT-32 instruments to General MIDI
- Added support for the mapper and the soundchip (VLM5030) of the Konami Keyboard Master, an unreleased and rare cartridge
- Improved SCC emulation to support the NYYRIKKI's sample players
- Rewrote completely the interrupt support
- Added support for renewed CAS and DSK databases in XML format with SHA1 values
- Extended the CAS database with new entries and with data for the corresponding WAV files
- Added support for Chinese language (Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional)
- Added 5 new generic MSX machines : MSX1 Arabic, MSX1 French, MSX1 Russian, MSX1 Spanish, MSX2 Swedish
- Added the RS232 rom in all generic MSX machines
- Improved the SVI memory management
- Added support for the SVI-603 Coleco game adapter
- Added 2 SVI-328 machines with second video card (80 columns)
- Fixed different bugs

In the debugger :
- Added support for Chinese and Korean languages
- Added a window with list of values in the I/O ports
- Added a window to read and edit values of peripheral registers (VDP and PSG)
- Added saving of a disassembly in a text file
- Added saving of the memory in a binary file

In the tracer :
- Added support for Chinese and Korean languages

blueMSX Official Site
blueMSX 2.4

    Wednesday, September 07, 2005
fMSX 1.09 Released

A new fixed build of the "c" variant version of fMSX has been released for Nokia series 60 cellphones. Here is the change for version 1.09 that only effects the "c" variant.

 Fixed "c" variant to work on Nokia N90 phone

Head on over to the official site for more information and the download.

fMSX Official Site

    Tuesday, September 06, 2005
fMSX 1.08 Released

A new version of the MSX emulator for Series 60 cell phones, called fMSX has been released.
Here's what's new:

 New "c" variant introduced, support for "a" variant dropped
 Z80 emulation improvements
 HBI-V1 emulation improvements (image size and location parameters are now supported)

fMSX for S60

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