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    Saturday, March 11, 2017
RPCS3 Major announcement

So for all following rpcs3, yesterday it had an update with a countdown to a major announcement...

What could it be so many thought...well the time has come and....

They've finally got the game Demon's Souls running on using i7-5820k + interpreter + OpenGL

Currently the site is down, however you can view the video of it on the above link.

Tell us what you think in comments, was it worth the hype!

    Tuesday, February 28, 2017
RPCS3 Progress Report: February 2017

rpcs3 has posted its progress report for this month, and its been quite a big month for this emulator, here's a snipit:

February 2017 was one of the most eventful months in RPCS3 history. Earlier this month we reached the first Patreon goal of $500, thus ensuring that Nekotekina can continue to work on RPCS3 full time for the time being. A total of 17 authors have pushed 127 commits to the master branch, with 9882 lines of coded added and 6575 lines of code deleted. This represents several hundred, if not thousands hours of work on the project, and it really shows.

In this progress report we will take a look at what each person has been working on for the past month, and highlight some of the more noteworthy changes. This is however far from a complete list of contributions and improvements. Several people in the community have tested hundreds of games, reported several issues, made YouTube videos and supported people on Discord. Nekotekina, kd-11, and the rest of the RPCS3 team would like to thank everyone for their contributions to the project.

The talented graphics developer kd-11 made great changes this month fixing a lot of graphical issues in several games. With fixes to RTT shader access Catherine went from a half screen mess to looking perfect with Vulkan and DirectX 12. Several other games were also fixed with this commit such as Turbo Super Stunt Squad and Bakugan Battle Brawlers. Moreover Eternal Sonata’s main menu isn’t black anymore.

kd-11 also implemented the BRB opcode improving a lot of games such as Yakuza 1 & 2 HD, One Piece: Pirate Warriors, Hellboy: The Science of Evil, Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers and Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. Specifically Yakuza 1 & 2 HD went from only a black screen to going ingame and running quite well:

To read the whole report for this month go here.

    Wednesday, May 06, 2015
rpcs3 - The guided fate paradox update

Some interesting stuff from the rpcs3 camp.
A intro from The guided fate paradox.

Well, we have a long way to go yet but the below intro is proof that small steps are taken towards the main goal, emulation of playstation 3 games. Check out the game’s intro at 50 fps and enjoy!


Video in comments.

    Wednesday, August 21, 2013
PS3 price cut to €199/£169/$199

Sony has cut the price of the PlayStation 3 to €199 in Europe.
The 12GB Super Slim PlayStation 3 will also see similar price cuts across America, with Sony reducing the price tag to $199.
SCE president and CEO Andrew House confirmed the cut during Sony's Gamescom presentation, along with detailing a series of price cuts to next-gen titles.
Sony confirmed consumers who purchase titles such as Call of Duty: Ghosts, Watch Dogs and Battlefield 4 on PS3, will for a limited time be eligable for a "significantly reduced price" on the game's next-gen editions.
House said: "It's a great way to reward PS3 gamers."
The CEO didn't reveal the level of discount players can expect on the blockbuster titles, but it's certainly a move designed to ease the transition between console generations for consumers.

PS3 News

    Sunday, July 24, 2011
Windos final

Heres another multi emulator released for the PS3:

Samson posted this

now slimmed down to 100mb
added xmb menu music
dpad mapped to arrow keys , start=enter, select=backspace

new programs and games all launchable from the start menu..

added games:-
another world
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
ghouls and ghosts
metal gear
and lots more also a few wolf 3d mods

colecovision.. some launching problems , run as dos session
Fmsx (msx) (windows and dos versions)
x5200 (atari)
pc64 (com64)

i've set up dos based emus to launch from a run.bat so end user can edit and add game to be run, if you have problems try running from explorer, run, run as dos session.

also added, ps3hax theme wallpaper by Kajika, usb support(no hot plugging) a fake cd rom(folder) to copy file into (ps3 file manager or ftp) a windows based hex editor, so i think i am about done with it most 3d game lag.. but all 2d and simple 3d work. running slow-Pentium fixed@4000 BUT you can bump the cycles up as much as you want, but sound will suffer.

also i still cant get win32s to work on ps3 , works fine on pc .. go figure.

WinDos Final 3.41

WinDos Final 3.55


News via http://blackbird.usask.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?id=41

This is the official thread of PS3roar at Homebrew Café, I'll try to keep this thread upto date as much as possible as development completes.

What is PS3roar? Good question!

PS3roar is a port of xroar for X windows, as well as; the Nintendo DS, GPX32, PSP and AMIGA OS4. PS3roar is a Dragon 32 and 64 Computer emulator that runs on a wide variety of platforms, now including the PS3. Due to hardware similarities, PS3roar also emulates the Tandy Colour Computer (CoCo) models 1 & 2.

The PS3 port and modifications completed by CrashSerious (me). The PS3 port uses PSL1GHTv2, a free and Open Source SDK for the PS3.

PS3roar is a Dragon/Tandy Coco emulator, is a port of xRoar by Ciaran Anscomb.

xRoar is Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Ciaran Anscomb
Below is an image as it currently is in development:

The currently working options in the emulator are:

- 6809 emulation
- Video display (at original pixel size) on the display w/ background
- Keyboard emulation with PSL1GHT_SDL that has a keyboard Driver (https://github.com/CrashSerious/SDL_PSL1GHT)
- Cart loading from /dev_hdd0/game/PS3Roar00/USRDIR/ROMS/ (CTRL-I)
- Cassette loading from /dev_hdd0/game/PS3Roar00/USRDIR/CASSETTES/ (CTRL-L)
- Cassette Saves from /dev_hdd0/game/PS3Roar00/USRDIR/CASSETTES/ (CTRL-W)
- New Cassette creation (currently only one filename is used, a input mechanism is needed)
- Disk loading from /dev_hdd0/game/PS3Roar00/USRDIR/DISKS/ (CTRL 1-4)
- Disk Saving from /dev_hdd0/game/PS3Roar00/USRDIR/DISKS/ (No Key, automatically writable)
- New DISK (.dsk) creation (currently only one filename is used, a input mechanism is needed)
- Snapshot loading from /dev_hdd0/game/PS3Roar00/USRDIR/SNAPSHOTS/ (CTRL+S)
- Snapshot saving to /dev_hdd0/game/PS3Roar00/USRDIR/SNAPSHOTS/
- Emulation Soft Reset (CTRL-R)
- Emulation Hard Reset (SHIFT-CTRL-R)
- Exit (CTRL-C)
- trace mode (with DEX or Ethboot payload)
- Fixed emulator in all resolutions supported by the PS3. 480p, 720p, 1080p, etc (576p still needs tested, but should work)
- Switching to and from full screen mode enabled, set full screen to default.

Known issues:

- Sound (Sound is there, but not 100% correct)

rpcs3 - PS3 Emulator Announced

A new PS3 Emulator has been announced, in reality its going to be years before anything decent will run and on one mega powerful PC, but anyway, heres whats new so far:

List of recent project changes over the last week:


- implemented ELF compiler (Asm, only for test).

- Fixed ADDI opcode.

- fixed FileSystem syscalls..


- Fixed dump code.

- Founded and emulated more instructions.
- Fixed sc value..


- Emulated more instructions.

- Fixed SetPc value..


- fixed compilation bugs for debug mode

- fixed read/write 16/32/64/128
- implemented fast read/write.


- emulated some file system SysCalls
- rewrote MThread mode (now use pthread 2.8.0)
- rewrote memory manager
- rewrote save (ini) manager
- main and Log frames now save current position and size
- added more opcodes
- fixed crash if Log/DisAsm/Memory Viewer frame is closed
- implemented OGL video mode

- implemented MT dumping.

Homepage - http://code.google.com/p/rpcs3/downloads/list

    Monday, June 20, 2011
PS3 MAME v0.142 (Preview).

News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/ps3-mame-v0142-preview.html

PS3 MAME v0.142 (Preview) is released. It's a PS3 MAME arcade game emulator GameOS port by the PS3 developer Robo Hobo.

Attached is a preview release of MAME 0.142. It's still a little rough around the edges, but it is usable. I hope to improve it greatly over the next couple of weeks, so please post any issues, feature requests, or complaints to the issue tracker on the google code page.

Due to the large file size a version run through package-finalize is not provided. If you use a CFW where this is required you will need to run it yourself.

Unofficial MAME 0.142 PS3 GameOS port

Install the psmame package onto your jailbroken PS3 using normal means.
By default all data paths for mame are located under /dev_hdd0/ROMS/mame_data.
ROMS themselves can be placed anywhere and their location chosen with the frontend. The recommended path is /dev_hdd0/ROMS/mame.

Default controls:
As of right now the only defined controls are R3 to open the MAME config menu, Select for coin, and Start for starting the game.
Further control changes can be made in the MAME config menu as needed.
Up to four controllers can be used at one time.

The frontend can display screenshots of games, these should be placed in /dev_hdd0/ROMS/mame_data/snaps. You can find a full set at http://www.progettosnaps.net/snaps_en.html

Under /dev_hdd0/ROMS/mame_data
hash: path to hash files
samples: path to samplesets
artwork: path to artwork files
ctrlr: path to controller definitions
ini: path to ini files
font: path to font files
cheat: path to cheat files
crosshair: path to crosshair files
snaps: path to screenshots for frontend

Under /dev_hdd0/game/MAME90000/USRDIR/data
cfg: directory to save configurations
nvram: directory to save nvram contents,
memcard: directory to save memory card contents
inp: directory to save input device logs
sta: directory to save states
snap: directory to save screenshots
diff: directory to save hard drive image difference files
comments: directory to save debugger comments

Known issues
When adding ROMs into your ROM dir, you must tell the frontend to rescan them. This can be done in the R3 menu.
The display currently only supports scaling by pixel aspect ratio. Future versions will support various aspect correction modes.
Changing video settings in the menu may crash MAME, they don't work anyway so don't bother.
Games which require a recompiler will not run.
Games which have high memory requirements will not run, the PS3 only has a little of 220MB of RAM available.
The default controls will need to be tweaked by the user

Download http://www.mediafire.com/?wbdrjtbnk8sbm1n

    Sunday, June 19, 2011
FBANext-PS3 SVN r455

News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/fbanext-ps3-svn-r455.html

FBANext-PS3 SVN r455 is released. FBANext-PS3 is a FBANext for PS3. FBANext (Final Burn Alpha) is a multi arcade emulator based on the source code for Final Burn. FBANext is a native port on the Xbox 360 Platform. A port to the PS3 console is currently underway. The goal is to have one source repository for both systems.

These are the currently emulated systems:
- Capcom CPS-1
- Capcom CPS-2
- Capcom CPS-3
- Cave
- Neo Geo
- Sega System 16 (and similar), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board
- Toaplan
- Taito
- Psikyo 68EC020 based hardware
- misc stuff the authors like

FBANext-PS3 SVN Changelog:
- CPS3 bios fix
[Core] - added Oriental Legends Plus driver to PGM (oldsplus). Thanks iq_132
[Core] - fixed endian issue in Cps3PatchRegion()
- Frame_count shaders work now
- Updated/added all new shaders
- Use left/right to cycle then X to set shader
- No resampling for new Cellframework 2 audio
- Input improvements
- multiMAN support


SNES9x-PS3 v4.4.9 SVN r1ce50fe9859e

News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/snes9x-ps3-v449-svn-r1ce50fe9859e.html

SNES9x-PS3 v4.4.9 SVN r1ce50fe9859e is released. SNES9x PS3 is an SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) emulator based on SNES9x. With it you can play SNES games on your PS3.

SNES9x-PS3 SVN Changelog:
- 'Return to Multiman' now returns to multiMAN even if
you start SNES9x from the XMB instead of multiMAN
- Added shader CRT-caligari.cg
- The Game-aware shader now works correctly
- Improved interface menus
- Added support for Multiman


    Sunday, March 06, 2011
FBANext-PS3 R424

News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2655

Squarepusher proposes a new version of FBANext, after FB Alpha (Final Burn Alpha). As a reminder, this is a multi arcade emulator based on the source code for Final Burn.

Changelog focusing on changes for developers, we provide it untranslated. The amendments mainly improve the overall operating speed.

- (PS3) Added waterpaint-normalcontrast.cg, waterpaint-normalcontrast-scanline.cg, waterpaint-highcontrast.cg,
waterpaint-highcontrast-scanline.cg shaders
- (PS3) Optimized crt.cg shader - now runs at 60fps (fullspeed) at 1080p (1920x1080). Also added crt-highgamma.cg.
- (PS3) Texture references used - far faster graphics code as a result. Also adapted refreshwithalpha so that it
looks the same as it did before without texture references.
- (PS3) Added all the shaders added inbetween r423 and the custom versions
- (PS3) Replaced inlineASM in burnint.h with intrinsic so that it can be compiled with SNC. Also commented out
little endian functions in blargg_endian.h to get SNC to work
- (PS3) Commented out all exceptions and try - catch blocks in files such as ticpp.cpp and others - SNC by default
works with exception support disabled - also exceptions have performance overhead - commenting out the exceptions
and the try-catch blocks for both GCC and SNC increased performance.
- (PS3) Got rid of virtual function call overhead in classes that inherited from a base class with virtual function
definitions - such as the Cellframework Audio driver, and FBA's aud_audio.h itself. Led to measurable performance
increases and lag reduction.
- (PS3) Better button responsiveness - in PS3/run.cpp, for some reason button input was only being registered one
out of every three frames - commented that out. There were tons of other branches in the interface code that are
unnecessary - checking for bDrivOkay for instance in video_interface and vid_psgl - that were commented out for
PS3. This could similary be applied to FBA 360 for some performance gains - same with the elimination of virtual
function call overhead.
- (PS3) Menu scrolling with the D-pad/analog stick in the ROM browser/settings menu/ingame menu by pressing and
holding directional keys.
- (PS3) Shaders now receive three additional input params for the main vertex program (main_vertex). This
allows us to offload some more calculations from the fragment shader which leads to increased performance.
- (PS3) Added back ability to go to Service menu by pressing R3 button.
- (Core) - Rygar driver colors are restored again to normal colors - during the update to FBA beta, a swapword
statement was left out.
- (PS3) Makefile works now for either SNC or GCC. Change CELL_BUILD_TOOLS to set either of the two. The best
speed I currently get with GCC for some odd reason.
- (PS3) Makefile and preprocessor statements in the code now let you compile the source and have it detect
your SDK version automatically.
- (PS3) There is a special debug mode you can activate (CELL_DEBUG_CONSOLE = 1) where a Telnet server will
be running in the background which you can telnet into - in this mode, you can track variables and/or dump
screenshots on the HDD.
- (PS3) Better speed, far less lag as a result of all of the above.
PS. Every change above only affects the PS3 version.

Site officiel: https: / / code.google.com/p/fba360 /

    Friday, February 25, 2011
PS364 in the works..

News from the Emulatemii Team

We’ve been playing with PSL1GHT, the legal, open SDK for PS3, over the past couple days, and we have a basic port of Wii64 to PS3 already. Expect more to come…

PS. There is some recent news about a team claiming to be working on an N64 emulator for PS3. Just so you know, that story is not about us or about PS364.

    Sunday, February 06, 2011
E-UAE 0.8.25 R3

News via Gxmod

Ole proposes a new Amiga emulator for PS3.

Features :

- Supports CPU 68000, 68010, 68020
- Support Chipset OCS, ECS and AGA
- Amiga hi-res (720x576) 32bit depth
- Emulation joystick1, joystick2 (2nd joypad required) and mouse
- Simple Options dialog (support for change disks and more)
- Sound 48000 kHz
- Keyboard emulation
- Support for loading images, zip dms
- Reading of the startup configuration in either / or dev_usb000/uae/uae.cfg / dev_hdd0/game/EUAE00825/USRDIR/UAE.CFG.

Required :

- PS3 to boot homebrew
- Uae.cfg either / dev_usb000/uae / or / dev_hdd0/game/EUAE00825/USRDIR / (sample included UAE.CFG)
- Start-Rom see the file docs / readme


    Tuesday, February 01, 2011
New PS3 Firmware Contains Backdoor

Interesting News from Slashdot

Vectormatic noted the rumor floating around that the most recent PS3 patch has a back door, and
"Sony can now remotely execute code on the PS3 as soon as you connect. This can do whatever Sony wants it to do, such as verifying system files or searching for homebrew. Sony can change the code and add new detection methods without any firmware updates.


    Friday, January 28, 2011
Sony wins court case against hacker 'Geohot'

News via CVG

Following a brief delay, a San Francisco court has granted Sony a temporary restraining order against hacker George "Geohot" Hotz - the man who cracked PS3 wide open.

Hotz, along with the help of hacking team 'fail0verflow', kicked off 2011 by revealing to Sony and the rest of the world that they'd finally cracked open the deepest layers of the PS3's defense against running unauthenticated code, leaving the machine wide open to "homebrew" (and piracy).

Hotz is now banned, via the temporary injunction granted this week, from "offering to the public, creating, posting online, marketing, advertising, promoting, installing, distributing, providing, or otherwise trafficking" any information or software to circumvent PS3's security.

He can't "provide links from any website to any other website", or "engage in acts of circumvention of TPMS in the PS3 System to access, obtain, remove, or traffic in copyrighted works," according to PSX-Scene, via Joystiq.

Basically, before he can even say "PS3", a big lawman with a funny wig will lean through his window and say "SHH!"

It has been recently rumoured that Sony will overcome the PS3's recent security breach by shipping new games with unique PC-like serial codes which users will have to input on their consoles to launch titles.

This might stop Piracy but Homebrewers shouldnt be affected if they dont upgrade their firmware.

    Thursday, January 27, 2011
Linux Back on PS3 soon?

News via GXMod

Kakaroto responds to a crisp interview on the future of Linux on PS3.

Some excerpts:
- Could Be The Reason Why We Have not Heard of any "custom firmware" Allowing Linux installation? Now it just impossible to make today With tools?

Why we have not heard of a CFW that lets you install Linux? Is it because it is impossible with current tools?

No, it's possible to make Perfectly. Already Demonstrated Fail0verflow The team was running Linux natively PS3 Slim. However, it's not ready yet, Because There Are a Lot of Differences Between The GameOS otheros system & the system, so There Are A Few Things That Need To Be Fixed in the Linux kernel Before It Becomes usable again.

No, it is quite feasible. FailOverflow the team has already demonstrated in running Linux on a PS3 Slim natively. Anyway, it's not ready yet, because there are many differences between the system and GameOS otheros, so there's some stuff to fix in the Linux kernel before it usable again.

Some Of The Fail0verflow membres du team are Currently Working on That, and I think That, considering Their skills, Everybody Is Waiting Patiently for Them to Finish Their Works, The INSTEAD OF duplicating effort. Once it is Working Correctly, and There Are Virtually No Risk of bricking the Machine, Then It Will Be Released By The people responsible.

Some members of the team FailOverflow are currently working on it, and I think that given their talent, everyone waits patiently for them to finish their work, instead of duplicating efforts.

- Could be possible to Surpass The hardware limitations HAD Before Linux thanks To The Jailbreaking?

Would it be possible to exceed the hardware limitations that were imposed through jailbreaking?
Yes, definitely. Installing Linux by year as "approved firmware, It Means That Will now run Linux Under GameOS priviledges, Giving It Access to the full hardware SPUs all [of CELL processor] are available, tea est disponible graphics card, etc. ...
There Will Be No more limitations Because The hypervisor [the "security" Intermediary Among All the real hardware & the software] is 'Trusting' Linux now.

Yes, absolutely. By installing Linux as firmware approved / signed ", this means that Linux will run with the privileges of GameOS, giving full access to hardware, to all processors, the graphics card ...
There will be more limitations because now the hypervisor [security among all hardware and software] "will trust" to Linux.

There Will Soon Be a Linux firmware pour la PS3, And Then "any application That Runs on Linux ported to Work Can Be On The PS3. We Could aussi start seeing custom firmware XMB [the "visible" part of GameOS] Running with a Linux backend.
There will soon be a Linux firmware for the PS3, and all applications running on Linux can be worn on PS3. We'll start to see CFW XMB [the visible GameOS] running Linux in the background


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