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    Sunday, March 21, 2021
hpsx64 v0350

Highly-Experimental Playstation and PlayStation2 Simulator for x64 based systems.
In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release. Testing usage only

Here's changelog for latest build, released Mar 15, 2021:

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator:
+ dma interrupt fixes

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator
+ early experimental multi-threaded vu1 option (disabled by default)
+ R5900 DCache fixes

Sourceforge project repository
hps1x64 small binaries archive
hps2x64 small binaries archive

    Sunday, March 07, 2021
DuckStation dev.0.1-3431

DuckStation is an simulator/emulator of the Sony PlayStation(TM) console, focusing on playability, speed, and long-term maintainability. The goal is to be as accurate as possible while maintaining performance suitable for low-end devices.

Latest changes:

- 2021/03/03: RetroAchievements are now available. You can now log in to your retroacheivements.org account in DuckStation and gain points in supported games. Currently only for Windows/Linux/Mac, Android will be added in the future.
- 2021/03/03: Multitap is now supported for up to 8 controllers. You can choose which of the two main controller ports have taps connected in Console Settings and bind controllers in Controller Settings.
- 2021/03/03: Ability to add/remove touchscreen controller buttons and change opacity added for the Android app.
+ Fix master enable not having any effect;
+ Fix crash when loading input profile and multitap disabled;
+ Make hardware renderer init failure an OSD message;
+ Prevent quick menu opening over other windows;
+ Don't pass key input to controllers/hotkeys when ImGui has focus;

Latest development builds
:: Older builds for Linux and Windows, Android, Mac and Source code.

    Saturday, January 23, 2021
DuckStation dev.0.1-2956

DuckStation is an simulator/emulator of the Sony PlayStation(TM) console, focusing on playability, speed, and long-term maintainability. The goal is to be as accurate as possible while maintaining performance suitable for low-end devices.

Latest changes:

+ CPU/Recompiler: Fix hang in AArch32/armv7
+ Android: Disable PGXP options when geometry correction disabled
+ Android: Defer rotation request until after start
+ Android: Default to digital controller type for mapping port 1
+ SPU: Move voice key off/on outside sample loop
+ CDROM: Double audio FIFO low watermark size
+ GPU/HW: Flush after each primitive for B-F transparency

Latest development builds
:: Older builds for Linux and Windows, Android, Mac and Source code.

    Monday, January 18, 2021
hpsx64 v0340

Highly-Experimental Playstation and PlayStation2 Simulator for x64 based systems.
In development - Pre-initial Source code and binary release. Testing usage only

Here's changelog for latest build, released Jan 10, 2021:

hps1x64 - Playstation 1 simulator:
+ improved multi-threading,
+ multi-player control pad fixes,
+ R3000A reg read recompiler fix

hps2x64 - Playstation 2 simulator
+ improved multi-threading,
+ partial data cache implementation (except lock bit),
+ partial btac simulation,
+ R5900 reg read recompiler fix

Sourceforge project repository

    Saturday, December 26, 2020
DuckStation dev.0.1-2663

DuckStation is an simulator/emulator of the Sony PlayStation(TM) console, focusing on playability, speed, and long-term maintainability. The goal is to be as accurate as possible while maintaining performance suitable for low-end devices. "Hack" options are discouraged, the default configuration should support all playable games with only some of the enhancements having compatibility issues.

Latest changes:

+ Support multiple updater channels
+ Don't save/load input profile rumble for motorless controller types
+ Fully clear controller section before loading profile
+ Support screenshotting 16-bit display formats
+ Atualização Português do Brasil
+ Fix inconsistent forward/backward slashes in Memcard Editor
+ Qt/CheatManager: Fix checking groups not updating child nodes
+ Shaders/Cccalibrator: Fix compile errors
+ Support emulating a depth buffer from PGXP depth values
+ Add game settings/hotkey for PGXP depth
+ Add PGXP Depth Buffer options
+ Fix relative shared paths not opening in Memcard Editor by default
+ Update Simple-Chinese language file to latest
+ Fix default value of PGXP depth buffer
+ Atualização Português do Brasil
+ Update Simple-Chinese language file to latest
+ Fix missing translation files
+ Adding 2 more games that needs CPU PGXP - Alundra 2 and Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge
+ Remove guncon/mouse/negcon controller types
+ Rename beta builds to preview builds, stable to development
+ Remove unused scripts
+ Fixed Slide Code cheat type
+ Second part of beta -> preview

Latest development build
:: Older Dev. builds for Linux and Windows.

    Monday, December 14, 2020
XEBRA 201209

XEBRA is a closed-source Japanese PlayStation emulator which focuses on accuracy.

There is no info/changelog for latest build released Dec 9, 2020

:: Grab file from HERE
:: Visit official Site

    Saturday, May 30, 2020
The state of playstation texture replacement

Its always nice to see something that changes an emulation scene. With n64 emulation that brought texture replacement to your favourite games, and continues today with many packs posted on our forum.
But its nice to finally see progress even if its baby steps with the support of high res texture replacement for the original playstation, with the bounty for support in beetle for libertro making strikes towards its goal, along comes another modification of beetle to support high res textures that you can try today.

stoofin has released a build of 0.1wip that supports texture replacement of the popular game chrono cross, with a supporting 5gb texturepack available to try it out:

Modified retroarch's beetle psx core to replace chrono cross' textures. Dumped the textures from the isos using various community tools and upscaled 4x with waifu2x, gigapixel, and esrgan (using some of the models on the wiki).

The texture pack right now is 5GB, but it's a bit bloated because it's using pngs. If anyone wants to try it out there are core binaries on github with instructions and here's a mega link for the texture pack itself. Probably not the best place to host this.

If anyone wants to try their hand at a better upscale let me know and I can share some tools that would be useful.


    Wednesday, February 17, 2016
ePSXe 2.0 for window

ePSXe has finally updated to 2.0 after the teases on twitter
The (long) list of changes are:

- First of all, ePSXe 2.0 now requires Windows Vista or superior. While it could work on Windows XP SP2, it has not been tested.
- Multi-language support. Currently there is support for English, Spanish, Japanese (thanks to Nekokabu) and Italian (thanks to Domus). If you want to help us translate the emulator to other language let us know at [email protected].
- Added a gamelist window. Now you can open a gamelist window by selecting File->Open Gamelist or clicking on the letters "PSX" from the ePSXe logo.
- Improved CPU/overall timing accuracy.
- Improved GTE accuracy. and added support for widescreen and subpixel precision (GTE Accuracy hack thank to Edbla).
- Ported the Soft GPU from the Android version. The new GPU Core requires a videocard supporting OpenGL2 + GLSL shader. Supporting increased internal resolution at x2/x4, brightness profiles, stretching modes, 2D filters (Thanks to Zenju), Shaders (Thanks to Lottes & Hyllian), Scanlines and Sub-pixel precision. (Special thanks to Pete Bernert :)
- Included the Pete Opengl2 GPU core with support for sub-pixel precission (gte accuracy hack) and memory detection. Millions of thanks to Pete Bernert, Tapcio and Edbla.
- Teamviewer incompatibility is resolved with the internal GPU plugins.
- Added a configuration window to select options for the internal SPU Plugin.
- Fixed support for CDDA music in external SPU plugins.
- Improved the internal input plugin. Improved multitap andd added autofire support.
- Added support for Konami Justifier gun using the mouse.
- External Input plugins support.
- Added game profile by game.
- Improved auto-PPF support. (PPv3 and several files by game)
- Improved cheat support. Fixed cheatcodes gameshark conditional, added increment/decrement types (0x10-11, 0x20-21) and copy type (0xc2).
- Improved HLE bios emulation. Starting with version 1.9.25, the HLE bios has been improved to support more games: Wild Arms, Jet Moto, Toca World Touring, Simcity 2000. Memcards support was improved for a lot of games such as Dinocrisis 2, Metal Gear Solid, V-Rally2, Diablo, Ridge Racer Type 4, Driver, Echo Night and Azure Dreamns.
- Fixes to the CD-ROM decoder and the core which made around to 40 more games playable or better working: Agile Warrior F-111X, Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 2, Blasto (PAL), C-12 - Final Resistance, Captain Commando, Cinema Eikaiwa - Ai No Hate Ni, Cinema Eikaiwa - ArasshigaokaA, Cinema Eikaiwa - Interceptor, Cinema Eikaiwa - Tengoru Ni Ikenai Papa,, Cinema Eikaiwa - This boys life, Cinema Eikaiwa - Zombiew, Duke Nukem - Land of Babes (PAL), Fantastic Night Dreams - Cotton Original, Formula One 2000, Glocal Hexcite, Jumping Flash 2, Legend of Legaia, London Racer 2, Mary-Kate and Ashley - Crush Course (PAL), Mary Kate & Ashley - Magical Mystery Mall (PAL), Medievil, Medievil 2, Metal Slug - Super Vehicle 001, Maboroshi Tsukiyo, Millennium Soldier Expendable, Nightmare Creatures II, Nishijin Packinko Tengoku Vol 2, Perfect Weapon, Psybadek, Rock'n Roll Racing 2 - Red Asphalt (PAL), Rugrats Studio Tour (PAL), SD Gundam G Generation Zero, Sidewinder II, Slots, Soul Blade, Star Wars - Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire, Super Pang Collection, The Hive, USA Racer - A2 Racer goes USA, Virtua Pachi-Slot Olympia Special
(New logo thanks to Robert Typek)

So what you waiting for go here now!

    Wednesday, January 13, 2016
epsxe updates

Are we in for a new version of epsxe for windows?
Well from the looks of things something is stering, with a new post on their twitter page showing a new screenshot with the title: ePSXe for Windows WIP

source : twitter

    Friday, July 31, 2015
It Might be NES


It Might be NES (imbNES) is a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) emulator for the Sony PlayStation. It allows NES games to be played on a Sony PlayStation console.

It Might be NES was originally written by Allan Blomquist sometime around 2000, and updated for several years thereafter. The last version released by Blomquist was 1.3.3-WIP1.

Due to a series of circumstances, the project was discontinued.

It was, at that point, a dead-end, since the source code for the project was not public. In 2008, the original author released source code for version 1.3.2, under the GPL license on his website, as he was no longer planning to work on it due to having moved on, so that an interested person could start to make improvements to the emulator.

Unfortunately nobody started to work again on the emulator and the emulator sat unmaintained until 2015, until being picked up again.

A note: source code for 1.3.3-WIP1 was never released, as it was probably lost.

The emulator supports mappers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 33, 34, 38, 66, 70, 71, 79, 87, 140, 180 and 185. Not all games are guaranteed to work correctly, and some games may have graphical glitches.


Windows binary archive

If you run Windows on a personal computer, you are not interested about contributing to development and you just want to run NES games on your PlayStation, download:
It Might be NES (imbNES) version 1.3.4 Windows binary archive

Source code archive (and for everyone not running Windows)

You need to have PSXSDK installed in order to compile the emulator and create an ISO image with the games.
Instructions are provided inside the archive.
It Might be NES (imbNES) version 1.3.4 source code


    Wednesday, January 28, 2015
ePSXe 1.9.25 for windows and linux have been released.

A new release of the Playstation emulator ePSXe has been released.

The changes are:
- Added HLE bios support (an official PS1 is recommend yet). From this version ePSXe can run games without an official PS1 bios. Compatibility is lower and memcards support limited.
VERY IMPORTANT: Savestates done with a official PS1 bios are NOT compatible with savestates done with ePSXe HLE bios (Besides it uses a different namespace).
- Fixed multi-bin format in Windows version (redump format). Now it supports the games saved in multiple bins files + cue file directly.
- Better SBI subchannel support (for example in Medievil) and fixed SBI in games with ECM format. Added SBI support in MDS/MDF format.
- Added support to save memcards by game. Enabling this option it will create 2 memcards by everygame in memcards/games/ folder, using the serial of the game. In multidisc games, it will share the same memcards by all of discs
- Fixes to the CD-Rom decoder and the core which made almost 20 more games playable or working better like. For example this fixed: Arcade Party Pak: Rampage now works, Crash Bash: Pause menu now works, Final Fantasy V, Junclassic C.C. & Rope club, Kamen Rider v3, Minakatakudou Toujyou, NHL Face Off 2001, Nishijin Pachinko Tengoku Vol.3, Omizu no Hanamichi, Sentient (-i), Simple 1500 Series Vol.006 - The Hanafuda [Rerelease], Standby Say You, Tombi, Tombi 2, Twins Story - Kimi ni Tsutaetakute, Vanark: Pause menu now works, Worms Armageddon, Yuukyuu no Eden - The Eternal Eden, Yeh Yeh Tennis
- New experimental dmachaincore that maybe can fix some graphic glitches in some games like Tomb Raider Chronicles or Metal Gear Solid. Usage execute epsxe.exe -dmachaincore

For more news and downloads go to the epsxe site here, and discuss on our forums here.

    Saturday, June 14, 2014
ePSXe for Android v1.9.18

ePSXe for Android is a Playstation emulator (PSX and PSOne). It is a port from the famous ePSXe for PC. ePSXe provides high compatibility and good speed. It is designed for smartphones and tablets, including a fun 2 players option for tablets using split screen mode. Games must be provided by user. Include virtual touchscreen pad support, and hardware buttons mapping (Xperia Play, Phones with keyboard, and external pads like WiiMote or Sixaxis).

Here`s list of changes for latest version:

* Updated OpenGL plugin - better Adreno 320+ support and faster (http://epsxe.com/files/libopenglpluginv2.so)
* Added a new video renderer with FXAA filter (prefs>video renderer=fxaa)
* Added a flag in prefs to enable more accurate graphics
* Added DualShock vibration support (enable on prefs)
* Mapped left stick to dpad in digital mode
* Fixed a crash when scanning games
* Fixed Digimon 3 freeze during battle
* Fixed open menu in Android 3.2

Visit developers homepage and Google Play app page for further informations.

    Wednesday, May 21, 2014
FPse for Android 0.11.134

FPse for Android is a program designed to run PlayStation One games on devices running Android Operating System 2.1 to 4.x and up.
FPse For Android contains many features included : Real-time save/load state, Force Feedback emulation (vibration) and True overlay pad widgets that emulate Digital Pads as well as Analog Pads.

Chere's changelog for latest build:

- Added new shaders 5xbR and 4XHQ
- Shaders can now be changed while playing games
- Fixed L2 and R2 mapping on shield
- New OpenGL plugin, much more optimized, faster and more compatible

Visit Google Play app page for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Sunday, March 16, 2014
ePSXe for Android v1.9.17

ePSXe for Android is a Playstation emulator (PSX and PSOne). It is a port from the famous ePSXe for PC. ePSXe provides high compatibility and good speed. It is designed for smartphones and tablets, including a fun 2 players option for tablets using split screen mode. Games must be provided by user. Include virtual touchscreen pad support, and hardware buttons mapping (Xperia Play, Phones with keyboard, and external pads like WiiMote or Sixaxis).

Here`s list of changes for latest version:

* Updated UI and Logo (Robert Typek)
* Full screen inmersion (4.4)
* 32bit blit.
* Very low latency sound mode.
* Improvents and gamepads support (more pads, automap on gameplay, l2/r2 mapping)
* Bluetooth keyboards support.
* New ECM indexer.
* Option to download the OpenGL plugin.
* Option to delete savestates
* Korean language (Duo Jeon)
* Fixed Ppf support.
* GPU: Fixed Mad Stalker.
* ixed Kidou Senshi Gundam - Gihren no Yabou CD2

Visit developers homepage and Google Play app page for further informations.

    Monday, August 05, 2013
ePSXe 1.9.0

ePSXe is a Sony PlayStation emulator for your PC running under Win9x/2k/XP/Vista/7 or Linux, which takes advantage of the popular PSEmu Pro plugin system, and provides high compatibility and speed.

Here's changelog:

- Added support for more types of Gameshark cheat codes. (D0-D3, E0-E3).
- Added support for multi-bin iso format (redump format), and preliminary support for ECM iso format.
- The internal SPU plugin has been updated to the 1.9.0 version. It includes fixes on interpolation (Square games) and other minnor fixes (Kururin Pa!).
- Added support for joysticks with Circle analog Range. Choose "Full Circle" on the kind of analog on configure gamepad screen. (Logitech and Xbox gamepads).
- Fixed analog full range to -128,127. (Ape Escape)
- Fixes to the CD-Rom decoder and the core which made almost 30 more games playable or working better like. For example this fixed TempestX3, Duke Nukem Land of Babes, Rayman, Kiganjo, Kids Station - Motto! Oja Maho Doremi Dokkan! Maho Dou Eigo Festival, Firo & Klawd, Stahlfeder ...

Check out Projects website for further information and files (both Windows and Linux version is available for download).

    Sunday, July 14, 2013
FPse for Android 0.11.110

FPse for Android is a program designed to run PlayStation One games on devices running Android Operating System 2.1 to 4.x and up.
FPse For Android contains many features included : Real-time save/load state, Force Feedback emulation (vibration) and True overlay pad widgets that emulate Digital Pads as well as Analog Pads.

Here's changelog for latest builds:

FPse 0.11.110:
- Fixed external SDcard recognition on somes devices..
FPse 0.11.109:
- Fixed Audio engine, works far better especially on old devices...
- Fixed possible hang/crash at scanning storage
- Fixed Ipega Directional Cross emulation (set the Pad in Joystick mode and assign all buttons except Analog sticks and Directional Cross
- Fixed a problem of Detection of External Sdcard on somes device like Iconia
** If after updating FPse doesn't start, just clear datas of FPse application**.

Visit Google Play app page for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Friday, May 10, 2013
FPse for Android 0.11.93

FPse for Android is a program designed to run PlayStation One games on devices running Android Operating System 2.1 to 4.x and up.
FPse For Android contains many features included : Real-time save/load state, Force Feedback emulation (vibration) and True overlay pad widgets that emulate Digital Pads as well as Analog Pads.

Chere's changelog for latest build:

- Added Japanese language support.
- Fixed Old software mode crash (remember this mode make FPse running much more faster on multi core devices).
- Fixed crash for somes devices when starting FPse.
- Added OpenGL game config sharing system.
- Fixed OpenGL video options saving
- Fixed Pad size for new full hd devices
- Added more Framelimiter tunning value as requested
FPse propose since 0.11.88 a new experimental OpenGL plugin, much cleaner and faster. check it.

Visit Google Play app page for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Friday, April 05, 2013
ePSXe for Android v.1.8.9

ePSXe for Android is a Playstation emulator (PSX and PSOne). It is a port from the famous ePSXe for PC. ePSXe provides high compatibility and good speed. It is designed for smartphones and tablets, including a fun 2 players option for tablets using split screen mode. Games must be provided by user. Include virtual touchscreen pad support, and hardware buttons mapping (Xperia Play, Phones with keyboard, and external pads like WiiMote or Sixaxis).

Here`s list of changes for latest version:

* Added experimental multitap support (4 players). Depending on the game you need to enable multitap port 1 or 2. Dont enable if you aren't going to play >2 players.
* Added xperia play touchpad support (enable on preferences-pad1-map axis)
* Optimizated opengl plugin for 2d games (Chrono cross/Valkyrie Profile)
* Fixes some core bugs (sf2 alpha, nba live 98)

For help, mail us: [email protected]
Note: Do NOT use Androzip (reported to corrupt games), instead to use 7zipper.

Visit developers homepage and Google Play app page for further informations.

    Wednesday, February 13, 2013
FPse for Android 0.11.84

FPse for Android is a program designed to run PlayStation One games on devices running Android Operating System 2.1 to 4.x and up.
FPse For Android contains many features included : Real-time save/load state, Force Feedback emulation (vibration) and True overlay pad widgets that emulate Digital Pads as well as Analog Pads.

Chere's changelog for latest build:

- Native support of the Moga controller and Moga Pro (Need you install first Moga pivot application)
this Gamepad has won the price of the Best E3 2012 device!! very good gamepad for Android devices!
- Fixed Old Frameskip , it's recommended to use it if you own a low end Device
- Fixed Left Onscreen Analog Pad when G-sensor is ON
- Fixed OpenGL graphic bug with Snapdragon Processors S4 Pro.

Visit Google Play app page for further information and latest version of emulator.

    Wednesday, November 07, 2012
ePSXe for android 1.7.11

ePSXe for Android is a Playstation emulator (PSX and PSOne). It is a port from the famous ePSXe for PC. ePSXe provides high compatibility and good speed. It is designed for smartphones and tablets, including a fun 2 players option for tablets using split screen mode. Games must be provided by user. Include virtual touchscreen pad support, and hardware buttons mapping (Xperia Play, Phones with keyboard, and external pads like WiiMote or Sixaxis).

Here`s list of changes for latest version:

* Added a touchscreen virtual pad1 editor. Now you can move/resize/hide the buttons. (hw renderer)
* Added Gameshark cheat codes suppport, check the docs to enable it in your games. (stephen, zakwan)
* Added a new pad skin. (hw renderer)
* Fixed some GPU bugs (Alundra 2, Legend of Dragoon US, Pro Pinball TimeShock). (julius)
* Fixed some MDEC bugs (Yarudora Series Vol.1 - DC, Heart of Darkness) (bxk07344)
* Fixed some SPU bugs (FF7-FFT-Xenogears effects) (Tikalat)

Visit developers homepage and Google Play app page for further informations.

    Monday, June 20, 2011
PCSX Reloaded SVN r67977

News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx-reloaded-svn-r67977.html

PCSX Reloaded SVN r67977 is released. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.

PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
dfsound, openal.

Download http://www.dcemu.co.uk/content/92480-PCSX-Reloaded-SVN-r67977

    Wednesday, June 01, 2011
PCSX Reloaded SVN r67247

News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/pcsx-reloaded-svn-r67247.html

PCSX Reloaded SVN r67247 is released. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlayStation Emulator, with support for both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems as well as several bugfixes/improvements.

PCSX Reloaded SVN Changelog:
Ape Escape.


    Monday, April 18, 2011
XEBRA 15-04-2011

News via http://emu-russia.net/en/

Japanese Sony Playstation emulator has been updated. Changes:
- CPU: LWL and LWR to OS ROM were fixed.
- GPU: Line Drawing was fixed. Blending was fixed.
- SPU: The digit of the pitch value was fixed.
News source: http://drhell.web.fc2.com

    Sunday, March 06, 2011
PSXjin v2.0.1

News via AEP

PSXjin is a Sony Playstation emulator for Windows based on PCSX. Quote: "PSXjin is the rerecording version of PCSX with many customized features designed to aid in recording movie input files and a new SPU core."

Changes from PCSX-rr v0.1.3
-New SPU core integrated, designed by zeromus
-Overhaul of GUI design including the fact the menu is no longer separate from the game window
**This means menus can be accessed without leaving the game!**
-GPU Plugin is integrated
-More stable movie recording!
-Audio capturing!
-Window is resizeable, creating separate AVI files for encoders.
-Multi-track recording is built-in
-Recent Rom, Movie, and Lua script menus
-Quick switching Zoom features (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x)
-MultiTap Controllers are available in movie recording
-Analog Control Window
-Text or Binary Format movies
-Numerous bug fixes & small changes


    Monday, February 28, 2011
PSXjin v2.0

News via AEP

PSXjin is a Sony Playstation emulator for Windows based on PCSX. Quote: "PSXjin is the rerecording version of PCSX with many customized features designed to aid in recording movie input files and a new SPU core."


    Saturday, February 05, 2011
XEBRA Version 11/02/03

News via AEP

The japanese, experimental Playstation emulator Xebra has been released in a new version.


Timer was fixed.


    Thursday, February 03, 2011
XEBRA Version 11/01/29a

News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-viewtopic-t-16322.html

The japanese, experimental Playstation emulator Xebra has been released in a new version.


CD: Working area control was fixed.
DMAC: MADR rounding was fixed.
Controller: Virtual DUALSHOCK was fixed.

    Monday, January 31, 2011
Sony: Emulating PSone games takes ages

Heres a news article i spotted at Eurogamer that talks about the hardships of emulating PSone Games, seems they need help from the masters of emulation :P

Why isn't your favourite PSone game on the PlayStation Store yet? Emulating old PlayStation games for new PlayStation hardware isn't as easy as everybody thinks.

Crucially, Sony is still "dedicated" to resurrecting the games you want most, pledged PlayStation Store's Ross McGrath on the EU PS blog. But the process can take "several months".

Each PSone revival requires a good original copy of the game (in all languages), legal clearance (checking expired licenses and who owns publishing rights), Store packaging (image, descriptions for all territories), and submission to Sony QA for extensive bug testing.

"There are two major stumbling blocks between submitting a game for emulation and us being able to publish it," illuminated McGrath. "Not getting legal clearance and failing quality assurance (QA)."

Legal clearance can be halted by intricacies such as real-life branding in a game that is now off limits. In some cases, publishers have died like dinosaurs, and who owns the game can be a time-consuming question to answer.

"The other problem is failing QA because of serious bugs, and when I say bugs, I mean giant cockroach-sized uber-bugs," revealed McGrath. "I have seen a lot of PSone QA reports with some weird and wonderful errors: menu screens with upside down text, explosions that kill your character at random after watching a cut-scene, games that continue to slow down the longer you play them, or music that sounds like it's coming from the bottom of a well... the list goes on."

Final Fantasy VII on PS3.
Those bugs can't just be stamped on by the developer, because that developer washed its hands of the game long, long ago. If a serious enough problem is found, the game may have to be pulled entirely.

"If a game fails QA, there are some things that can be done to fix them but, unlike with a PSN title, they can't simply go back to the developer for another round of fixes, so it can get complicated," said McGrath.

But the PSone emulator is constantly improving, "so often serious bugs that prevent games from loading at all are fixed with new versions".

"The million dollar question," McGrath wrote, is why some PSone games are available on the US PlayStation Store but not in Europe. "This usually comes down to either publishing rights or bugs that occur within the emulated PAL version that did not occur within the NTSC emulated version," he revealed.

Sometimes ancient PAL copy-protection fudges things up; other times, the publisher in America turns out to be different to the publisher in Europe, and more negotiating must be done. Even when a licence is renewed, territorial restrictions prevent this applying worldwide.

"We are still dedicated to bringing you as many PSone games as we possibly can," McGrath said.

"There are some PSone titles that we have been seeking legal clearance to publish from as far back as 2007, some of which are still ongoing and some have only just been legally cleared (Wild Arms).

"There are titles which previously failed QA that are bug tested again with every new version of the emulator and they come your way as soon as we can release them.

"We've just sent another round of first-party titles for clearance and emulation to fill in the gaps in the catalogue," he added, confirming one of those as Tombi - "so stop asking!". "We will be going back to publishers and specifically pushing for the most requested and popular titles."

    Monday, June 02, 2008
ePSXe 1.7.0 released!

After 4 years without any new version, the well known Playstation Emulator ePSXe has been updated!

ePSXe 1.7.0 has been released. You can download it in the files section.

Short changelog:
Multiple changes has been done in the Pad support.
The internal SPU plugin has been updated to the 1.7.0 version.
The iso support code has been rewritten.
The MDEC decoder has been rewritten.
A new version of the Pete's Software Plugin is included.
The XA/CDDA support has been worked in this new version.
Many things have been fixed in the cd-rom decoder and the core.

The ePSXe team

ePSXe Website

    Sunday, April 06, 2008
ePSXe WIP news

It has been long time since the previous ePSXe status update. During this time the ePSXe development has been on hold and our lives have changed a lot, probably just like yours. In summer 2007 we decided to continue working in ePSXe encouraged by the users support even after 4 years without updates. ePSXe is currently in final testing and we hope to release a new version very soon. We wanted to thank you for your support and show you some screenshots from games that should work better in the next release.

Head over to the official site to view the image.

ePSXe Official Site

    Tuesday, August 28, 2007
pSX 1.13 Released

• Added Korean, Bosian, Serbian and Icelandic translations
• Added some missing translations to Linux build
• Debugger DMA capture buffer now autoresizes
• Fixed streaming music in Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius
• Fixed bug when setting sound frequency in Windows
• Implemented volume and mute in Linux
• Fixed "missing body parts" bug in Deception 3
• Fixed bug that caused XA audio in Deception 3 to not stop correctly
• Fixed random crash in Road Rash: Jailbreak
• Fixed debugger crash when emulator is reading from CD
• Fixed hang opening CD images in Linux
• Per-user settings for Linux (.ini file is now stored in ~/.pSX)
• Removed SSE instructions used during init (should fix crash on AMD CPUs)
• Fixed GTK warnings when clicking window close button in Linux

pSX Official Site
pSX 1.13

    Monday, July 23, 2007
pSX 1.12 Released

• Fixed crash on startup with -f command line option
• Fixed SPU bug that caused FF8 FMV audio to stop sometimes
• Fixed bug that prevented some keys being mapped to controllers
• Fixed bug where window size/position was reset when using fast forward
• Added support for Alcohol 120% MDF/MDS images
• Fake subcode in track gaps (required for TombRaider1)
• Fixed Syphon Filter boot hang
• Fixed infinite loop in Tekken3 and Deception3
• Changed 384 mode to 364 which seems to be correct (based on TombRaider)
• Fixed aspect ratio correction for 5:4

pSX Official Site
pSX 1.12

    Sunday, April 01, 2007
PCSX2 0.9.3 Released *updated*

Well linux users, we promised we'd have you back and here is the living breathing proof!

Along with this release you have a couple of new plugins exclusively!
• ZeroPAD - New pad plugin based off Twinpad, PADWinkeyb and SSSPSX Pad.
• ZeroGS OGL - An OpenGL conversion of ZeroGS. No more GSSoft for you Wink

You also have available a 32bit and 64bit build for your pleasure, we do spoil you sometimes! Take note the 64bit version is far from finished!
The next release will be much quicker than the current implimentation... head over to the download section to grab it.

WINDOWS USERS:- I have some bad news for you, there will be no 0.9.3 for windows, BUT Before you go crying to mummy that weve been picking on you, you will see 0.9.4 very soon, we have some 64bit bugs in windows to sort out, along with some excellent fixes for games such as Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas so it will be worth the wait.


It took only a couple of hours to convince us that it is impossible to make a Linux release without also releasing the source. For those people that had problems with the binaries, they can now go to the sourceforge site and compile their own executables! Hopefully this will resolve all the random crashes and exceptions. Note that the Cg Toolkit is required for successful compilation. To compile everything type

> sh build.sh all

at the root SVN directory. Look at the INSTALL file in the root directory for more options.

Please keep in mind that the graphics in linux are a little lacking due to an incomplete ZeroGS OpenGL plugin. Anti-aliasing and hardcore graphics have not been tested thoroughly; however, the linux builds are still very good. From the tests we've done, performance and features are pretty much the same when compared to the Windows version... which is a tremendous leap for pcsx2. A lot of time was put in to make this release possible.

PCSX2 Official Site
PCSX2 0.9.3

    Tuesday, March 06, 2007
ProSX 0.2a test Released

StreaK e-mailed and informed that he has released a new front-end for Playstation emulators called ProSX, here's how he described it:

A little handy frontend for epsxe / pSX emu or other psx emulator optimized for speed and functionality. The main goal for me as developer was 'to speed up running any image based game on psx emu' and i must tu say it was succeded on 100%. If you using a ProSX, you'll only need to click any IMAGE *.BIN or *.IMG / CDZ / MDF file in windows explorer to start a game. Nothing more needed except, small config for first time. BTW. This ver is only for TEST purposes, so if you fing bugs or somethin, please infom me about it by email

ProSX Official Site
ProSX 0.2a test

    Saturday, February 24, 2007
pSX 1.11 Released

• Ported to Linux
• Log window keyboard controls
• Added Arabic, Croation, Norwegian, Persian and Russian translations
• Fixed bug in CD not usable error message dialog
• DEP no longer needs to be disabled in Windows for pSX to work
• Added aspect ratio correction
• Centred framebuffer when it doesn't cover the entire screen
• Fixed controller config dialog bug (pressing button fills all controls)

pSX Official Site
pSX 1.11

    Saturday, November 04, 2006
pSX 1.10 Released

A new version of the Playstation emulator known as pSX has been released. Here is a list of changes for version 1.10.

 Allow ADSR changes while voice keyed on (fixes sounds in FF7 and others)
 Localisation for various languages
 Added internal manifest file (dialogs now support XP theme correctly)
 Sound device can now be set to disabled
 Fixed bug where sound was muted when reverb was disabled
 Fixed Chrono Cross hangs introduced in v1.9
 Breakpoints can now be added/removed in debugger while CPU is running
 Added check for valid BIOS

Head on over to the official site for more information. Thanks to Hawq for the news on IRC.

pSX Official Site
pSX 1.10

    Thursday, October 12, 2006
psx4all News: Build 4 of psx4zaurus. Cacko now supported! And psx4dc being worked on!

ZodTTD posted this news:

Zaurus users, enjoy a new release of psx4zaurus.
New in build 4:
- Improved performance for games such as Tekken.
- psx4zaurus now includes both a CACKO build and a PDAXROM build!

Dreamcast users, psx4dc is getting worked on and bugs are being sorted out. Although slow, it is very compatible. There is some specific optimizations in mind for greatly speeding up psx4dc easily.

GP2X and Gizmondo users, a new build is being worked on. Patience...

For those unaware of what psx4all is...well...it's a psx emulator for a wide variety of handhelds.

Download at PSX4All Site

    Wednesday, October 04, 2006
PSX4all Public Beta 4 released for GP2X and Zaurus -(Playstation Emulator)

The PSX4all team have released a new version of their Playstation emulator for the GP2X and Zaurus:

The psx4all team has released a new public beta of it's PSX emu for the GP2X and Sharp Zaurus.

Public Beta 4 brings more performance, better compatibility, and sound.

See this posts comments for downloads.

Note: The Sharp Zaurus build has only been tested to work on pdaXrom. Cacko, OpenZaurus, and 2.6 Kernel distro builds are being worked on.

psx4all team

Download at PSX4All Site

    Monday, September 25, 2006
pSX emulator 1.9 Released

• Various CDROM changes to make Ape Escape work
• Removed incorrect ADPCM autopause functionality (fixes G-Police music)
• More accurate emulation of GPU LCF status bit (fixes G-Police hang)
• Implemented sprite flip draw mode bits (Master system emulator)
• Various root counter emulation improvements (fixes Rhapsody)
• Slight timing change to fix problem where pad stops working intermittantly
• Fixed bug where Crash Bandicoot 2 executes illegal opcodes after intro
• Fixed WildArms XA spell effect bug (didn't stop after effect correctly)
• Changes to CDROM emulation to make Ape Escape work
• Reject large polygons (fixes ChronoCross Dragonia bug and SagaFrontier2)

pSX emulator Official Site
pSX emulator 1.9

    Sunday, September 03, 2006
SSSPSX Pad Plugin 1.7 Released

- Changed to DirectInput9.
- Fixed PADreadPort1/PADreadPort2 API.
- Fixed the confusion about PAD1/PAD2 settings.
- Added x64 DLL.

SSSPSX Pad Plugin Official Site
SSSPSX Pad Plugin 1.7

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