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    Thursday, April 07, 2011
Fuse v1.0.0.1a

News via AEP

Fuse (Free Unix Spectrum Emulator) v1.0.0.1a has been released.

2011-04-01 Philip Kendall

* Fuse released.

* Remove all ROMs for which there isn´t explicit permission to
distribute (Philip Kendall).


    Wednesday, March 30, 2011
DSP Emulator 0.11b2 WIP 27/03

News via AEP

A new version of DSP Emulator has been released. DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.

What´s New!!! DSP Emulator

DSP 0.11b2 WIP 03/27/11
+ M680X CPU: Fixed a bug when initialized [leniad]
+ MCS51 CPU [leniad]
+ Fixed many bugs
+ Added many opcodes
+ Added timers
+ HD6309 [leniad]
+ Added some specific addressing modes
+ Added specific opcodes
+ Chip Pandora: Added external definition. [leniad]
+ Konami K007121: Added external definition. Fixed some bugs. [leniad]
-Contra [leniad]
+ ENHANCE: Changed CPU to HD6309
+ ENHANCE: Fixed CPU clocks
+ ENHANCE: Added IRQ control
-Snow Bros [leniad]
+ ENHANCE: Fixed communication with the chip ´Pandora´
+ ENHANCE: Simplified, more speed.
-Combat School [leniad]
+ NEW: Added driver with partial sound, uPD7759 missing.
-Heavy Unit [leniad]
+ NEW: Added driver with sound


    Tuesday, March 08, 2011
DSP Emulator 0.11b1 WIP 07/03

News via AEP

A new version of DSP Emulator has been released. DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.

What´s New!!! DSP Emulator

DSP 0.11b1 WIP 03/07/11
+ Lazarus [leniad]
- Added Coleco console. For now you can not save snapshots.
- Added GameBoy console.
+ M6809 CPU [leniad]
- Core Optimized, more speed.
- Fixed DAA opcode
+ M680X CPU [leniad]
- HD63701: Added OCI timer and especific opcodes
- Added more opcodes
- Fixed many bugs
+ HD6309 CPU: Core Optimized, more speed [leniad]
+ Namco Sound: Added CUS30 chip, digital audio missing. [leniad]
+ MCS51: New CPU, includes i8751 [leniad]
+ Controls: Reviewed the engine, improved joystick control [leniad]
+ GFX: Some fix in scroll [leniad]
-Spectrum [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed mouse use
-Black Tiger [leniad]
+ENHANCE: Added i8751 MCU, removed protection patches
-Breakthru Hardware [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed ROMs loading
-Legend of Kage [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed graphical errors
-CPS1 [leniad]
+BUG: Fixed sprites priorities over the layer of tiles of 32x32 (most obvious in "Captain Commando")
-Sky Kid [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-Namco System 86 [leniad]
-Rolling Thunder: Added driver with sound
-Hopping Mappy: Added driver with sound
-Sky Kid Deluxe: Added driver with sound
-Roc´n Rope [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-Repulse [leniad]
+Added driver with sound
-The NewZealand Story Hardware [leniad]
+The NewZealand Story: Added driver with sound
+Insector X: Added driver with sound
-Pacland [leniad]
+Added driver with sound


    Friday, February 25, 2011
UnrealSpeccy v0.37.5 23 feb 2011 (deathsoft)

News via AEP

The ZX Spectrum emulator Unreal Speccy has been updated again.

Postby deathsoft »23 Feb 2011, 18:44
version 0.37.5 23 feb 2011 (deathsoft)

* Fixed handling checkbox Port FF
* Fixed a reset in trdos for ATM2 / 3 (was spoiled when you add memory ATM3)
! Fixed condition codes for the team Dx in VG93 (bits processed backwards)
! Fixed handling of the team Dx in VG93 (after this command has not been updated status was spoiled in the last version)
* Fixed redaktirvoanie field intlen in gui (before the preset is not changed to custom)
+ Added a choice of memory size for ngs (through the ini file)
* Fixed handling of commands read VG93 mode no delays (in the RDS earned para analyze track)
* Fixed inability to edit the port expansion memory in the debugger (was marred when one of the earlier versions) (witchcraft)
* Fixed support for NT4
+ Added filter for 1x mode 16c (pentagon and ATM1/2/3)
+ Added option to zoom the window (winscale, with ini file)
+ Added a new output driver through direct 3d 9
(Hardware scaling, without blurring the picture, with the selected filter is normal
and winscale 2 or 3)

Postby deathsoft »23 Feb 2011, 18:45
Testing, reporting a bug. If the error will not pass on the version Striker´u vtrdos and lay sortsy.


Fuse v1.0.0.1 win32

News via AEP

Fuse (Free Unix Spectrum Emulator) v1.0.0.1 has been released for Windows.

What´s new?

* Fix temporary breakpoints when using replacement Glib routines
* Ensure Amiga port can load files
* Fix SVGAlib compilation


    Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Xpeccy Build 20110210

News via AEP

Xpeccy Build 20110210 has been released. Xpeccy is a continuation of the Sinclair Emulators SAMulator on Linux and Windows.

Capture the mouse moved to Alt + C
Fumbled with the VG93. Found a bug in StepIn / StepOut. In command of 1st type is added to the delay in lowering their heads flop in 50mks (without turbo). Outcome - MOA service without bdi-turbo running at full, with a bdi-turbo there is no better format.


FBZX v2.4.2

News via AEP

FBZX is a Sinclair Spectrum emulator for Linux. A new version has been released.

Version 2.4.2 (2011-02-17)
Fixed a bug with ALSA sound


    Sunday, February 20, 2011
DSP Emulator 0.11b1 WIP 02/17/11

News via AEP

A new version of DSP Emulator has been released. DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.

DSP Emulator 0.11b1 WIP 17/02
Another release of DSP 0.11b1 WIP binary and source.
Namco System 86 cleans, optimized HD6309 CPU and fixed M6809 DAA opcode. Added ´Roc´n Rope´ driver with sound.


    Monday, February 14, 2011
sz81 2.1.7

News via AEP

sz81 is a Sinclair ZX80 and ZX81 emulator very much based upon the work of Ian Collier´s xz80 and Russell Marks´s z81 but employing the highly portable SDL and including additional functionality and features for desktop computers and portable devices.


2.1.7 released

Added forced (non-LOAD) program loading via a load file dialog

Added a save state system for saving and loading sz81 save states

Moved command-line emulation options to GUI runtime options

Added support for 1 to 4, 16, 32, 48 and 56K RAM (UDG now works)

Added the ability to save screenshots via PrtScn (SDLK_PRINT)

Added support for o, 80, p and 81 program file types

Added autoloading of ZX80 program files in addition to the ZX81

Added sequential filenaming for ZX80, printer and screenshot files

Added a ZX80 BASIC xxxx REM SAVE "progname" filenaming hack

Added an emulator pause feature via Pause (SDLK_PAUSE)

Added mouse wheel support, used within the load file dialog

Added a machine code PipePanic game and a machine code template

Added the GNU GPL´d Open80 and Open81 source code and ROMs

Added Win32 support via the _WIN32 preprocessor macro

Applied several graphical and usability tweaks

Fixed a couple of bugs

In addition to the source code, official binary packages are available for AmigaOS4, the GPH GP2X/Wiz and Sharp Zaurus.


    Wednesday, February 09, 2011
DSP Emulator v0.11b1 WIP 06/02

News via AEP

A new version of DSP Emulator has been released. DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.

Released DSP 0.11b1 WIP binary and source, fixed Breakthru hardware, added Sky Kid. Many changes on HD63701, added OCI timer, added many opcodes and some bug fixes


    Saturday, February 05, 2011
Qaop v1.3

News via AEP

Qaop is a ZX Spectrum emulator Java applet.


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