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    Sunday, March 18, 2018
Nintendo cross


    Monday, August 14, 2006
Interview With StrmnNrmn

StrmnNrmn the coder of Daedalus the Nintendo 64 Emulator for Windows and recently the PSP has been interviewed by Kaiser of DCEmu Interviews,

Check out the Interview Here

    Sunday, June 18, 2006
Spotlight On Refraction

With my return to Emulation64 also comes the return of the Emulation64 Developer Spotlight Interviews. Today we focus our spotlight on the talented developer Refraction who is part of the great PCSX2 development team. Here is a small tidbit from the interview.

Q : Could you give us some information regarding the current state of your projects?
A : well PCSX2 is going well, we have started to focus a bit more on speed as quite a few games are now working in comparison to older versions, but we are still bug finding, slowly trying to get in the bits we have missed and rewriting parts that are completely bugged :P

Head on over to the Spotlight On Refraction for the full interview.

Spotlight On Refraction

    Monday, November 14, 2005
Spotlight On Stef

The Emulation64 Network staff is proud to present another spotlight interview just for your reading pleasure.
This time we focus our spotlight on Stef who is best known for his open source Genesis emulator Gens.

Here's a small bit from the interview:

Q :  Are you currently working on any other projects besides GENS?
A :  No more, I'm back to Gens and 100% (which is unfortunatly not much) to Gens.

Head over to the spotlight on Stef to read the full interview.

Spotlight On Stef

    Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Spotlight on Urchin

A new spotlight has arrived here at the Emulation 64, this time it's all about Urchin! Urchin is the author behind the c64psp emulator, a port of Christian Bauer's Frodo C64 emulator for the Sony PlayStation Portable.

A snap from the interview:

Q : Could you give us some information regarding the current state of your projects?

A : I have some ideas for a couple of utilities and also a side project for c64psp. I don't want to give too much away at the moment, but it will be very cool if it works out.

Head over to the spotlight on Urchin to read the full interview.

Spotlight on Urchin

    Monday, October 24, 2005
Spotlight On Guillaume

The Emulation64 Network staff is proud to introduce a new spotlight interview just for your reading pleasure. :D
Today we focus our spotlight on Guillaume, founder and one of the lead programmers of the open source Saturn emulator Yabause. Here is a small bit from the interview:

Q :  Are you satisfied with the work you have done up to this point?
A :  Yes, a lot of games are booting now and some of them are playable at "correct" speed. I can even play some of my favourites Saturn games again like Albert Odyssey or Tengaimakyoo.

Head on over to the spotlight on Guillaume to read the full interview.

As a side note, Yabause now has a new message board. If you have any problems, questions or requests regarding Yabause don't hesitate to visit the board since posting is also open for guests.

Spotlight On Guillaume
Yabause Forums

    Friday, October 14, 2005
Spotlight On Franxis

A new spotlight interview is up for your reading pleasure. Today we focus our spotlight on the talented GP32 developer Franxis who is best known for his work on MAME GP32 and MultiPac GP32. Here is a small bit from the interview.

Q : Are you currently working on any other projects besides your publicly known ones?
A : I have taken a look to a lot things, like SNES9X, DOSBOX, PCSX... But when I have started to investigate more deeply I have been 'forced' xD to continue working on my MAME GP32 port, because I have got a lot of help from people like TheGrimReaper, Reesy, Una-i, Pepe_Faruk, etc. Also with incoming GP2X appearance, I will have a lot of work to have MAME ported to the new console as soon as console appears...

Head on over to the spotlight on Franxis to read the full interview.

Spotlight On Franxis

    Sunday, August 28, 2005
Spotlight On Hacktarux

A new spotlight interview is up for your reading pleasure. Today we focus our spotlight on the very talented Hacktarux best known for his work on Mupen64. Here is a small bit from the interview.

Q : What interested you in Nintendo 64 Emulation?
A : It was the latest console out at the time i started the emulator, there was zelda and goldeneye. I wanted to do an emulator and i was searching which machine to emulate. When UltraHLE came out, i was like everybody shocked, and i thought, ok nintendo64 emulation is possible but i believe they sacrificed too much accuracy to get it working as fast as possible with a few games. So, let's try to do something really accurate and compatible.

Head on over to the Spotlight On Hacktarux for the rest. Many thanks Hacktarux for the great interview. :)

Spotlight On Hacktarux

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