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    Saturday, February 20, 2016
Massive's gamecube adapter

Massive's gamecube adapter
Wii U GCN USB Driver

The latest version is 3.2.1 and is being hosted here:

Older versions are available here.
This project is open source, and can be forked/viewed/cloned/whatevered with git:
Supported Versions of Windows: 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
This driver supports the official Nintendo Wii U Gamecube USB adapter,
as well any third party adapters emulating the device WUP-028.

    Monday, May 19, 2014
Wine 1.7.19

Wine enables Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, and Solaris users to run Windows applications without a copy of Microsoft Windows. Wine features: support for running Win64, Win32, Win16 and DOS programs, optional use of external vendor DLL files, X11-based graphics display and X terminal remote display, DirectX support for games, good support for various sound drivers, support for alternative input devices, PostScript printing, modem, serial device and winsock TCP/IP networking support, full-featured debugger and configurable trace logging messages.

Heres's condensed changelog for latest development build:

- New JSProxy DLL for automatic proxy configuration.
- More OLE Accessible Object support.
- Improvements to the XML writer.
- Fixes for various memory issues found by Valgrind.
- Initial headers for Direct2D support.
- Various bug fixes.

Visit official website for further information and latest files.

    Saturday, April 19, 2014
Wine 1.7.17

Wine enables Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, and Solaris users to run Windows applications without a copy of Microsoft Windows. Wine features: support for running Win64, Win32, Win16 and DOS programs, optional use of external vendor DLL files, X11-based graphics display and X terminal remote display, DirectX support for games, good support for various sound drivers, support for alternative input devices, PostScript printing, modem, serial device and winsock TCP/IP networking support, full-featured debugger and configurable trace logging messages.

Heres's condensed changelog for latest development build:

- More implementations for the Task Scheduler.
- C runtime made more compatible by sharing source files.
- Fixes in the Mac OS X joystick support.
- Various bug fixes.

Visit official website for further information and latest files.

    Sunday, May 29, 2011
Altirra 1.9

News via http://emu-russia.net/en/

Atari 800/800XL/130XE emulator for Windows has been updated. Changes:
[features added]
* Debugger: Multiple memory access breakpoints can now be placed.
* Debugger: Added option to break on run address of loaded executable.
* Debugger: Conditional breakpoints (bx) are now supported.
* Debugger: Commands can now be run when a breakpoint fires.
* Debugger: Added ? (evaluate) and .printf commands.
* Debugger: Trace and assert statements can now be embedded in assembler listings.
* Debugger: Added vta, vtc, vtl, and vtr commands to control verifier OS entry point checking.
* Debugger: Added .dumpsnap command.
* Debugger: Memory access breakpoints can now be placed on an address range.
* Debugger: History window now has a Copy Visible context menu option.
* Debugger: Verifier modes are now configurable.
* Debugger: Verifier can now catch register corruption across interrupts.
* Debugger: .writemem now supports extended address syntax.
* Debugger: Added .sio command.
* Debugger: Added .sdx_loadsyms command.
* SoundBoard: Initial support.
* UI: Added emulator crash dialog.
* UI: Show FPS option now also shows CPU usage.
* Input: Added Amiga mouse support.
* Input: Added CX-85 keypad support.
* GTIA: NTSC and PAL modes can now have separate palettes.
* GTIA: Added option for PAL encoding quirks.
* GTIA: Added PAL high artifacting mode.
* Disk: Initial version of disk explorer.
* Serial: Inbound connections are now supported.
* Serial: Added support for A, L, M, P, Q, S, T, V, X, &C, &D, &F, &G, &P, &T, &V, and &W modem commands.
* Serial: Added DTR and CRX signal support.
* Serial: Added IPv6 support.
* Serial: Added option to force specific connection and DTE communication rates.
* Serial: Added option to bypass accurate serial port rate throttling.
* Cartridge: Two cartridges are now supported for 800 left+right and stacked cartridge configurations.
* Cartridge: 2K and 4K cartridges are now supported (as mirrored 8K cartridges).
* Cartridge: SIC! cartridge support.
* PCLink: Initial support.

[bugs fixed]
* UI: Pane dragging is less twitchy and no longer undocks a pane as soon as you click on the caption.
* UI: Fixed undocked panes getting lost on exit when no other panes were docked.
* UI: Optimized Direct3D9 code to reduce flickering when switching artifacting modes.
* UI: Fixed current beam position indicator not updating properly when stepping with interlacing enabled.
* UI: Auto-size command now works when menu wraps.
* HLE: Fixed crash when NMI handler is invoked with no NMIs pending.
* HLE: Added support for XL OS PENTV vector.
* HLE: E: device now excludes prompts from data returned by get-line commands.
* HLE: Increased HLE kernel compatibility with SpartaDOS X.
* HLE: Fixed BASIC ^ operator with HLE kernel or floating-point acceleration.
* HLE: Fixed AFP not accepting leading spaces (which broke the Atari BASIC READ statement).
* Simulator: Default kernel mode now prefers ROM images properly again.
* Simulator: BOOT? and DOSINI are now set at the beginning of EXE/XEX loads to support more WARMSV tricks.
* Cheats: Enable checkbox on cheats was broken.
* CPU: Added missing SHA abs,Y ($9F) instruction.
* CPU: Fixed CMOS BIT #imm ($89) instruction.
* CPU: Fixed 65C02 $FC instruction.
* CPU: Back-to-back interrupts are no longer allowed.
* CPU: Added emulation of BRK/NMI bug.
* CPU: Added option to emulate masked NMIs (off by default).
* CPU: Fixed dp,X, dp,Y, and (dp,X) page wrapping behavior in 65C816 E=1 mode.
* ANTIC: DMACTL bits 6 and 7 are no longer reflected in .dlhistory output.
* ANTIC: Fixed CPU not being halted when playfield DMA occurred on cycle 10.
* ANTIC: Fixed timing of when VSCROL affects DLIs.
* Debugger: Optimized History pane.
* Debugger: Avoid re-requesting the same source file when it is not found on disk.
* Debugger: Improved reliability of source-level stepping.
* Debugger: Added XL OS entry points to default entry points allowed by verifier.
* Recorder: Fixed crash on recording errors.
* Recorder: Fixed incorrect format on video stream when using ZMBV compression.
* Disk: SIO receive speeds are now validated for more reliable high-speed SIO detection.
* Disk: VAPI (ATX) images can now be loaded from .zip files.
* Disk: Fixed problems binding disk images to D9:-D15:.
* GTIA: NTSC high artifacting mode now respects artifact phase setting.
* GTIA: Fixed trigger state sometimes being initially wrong when enabling latching.
* GTIA: Improved accuracy of transitions from mode 8 to mode 9/10.
* GTIA: Fixed hires lines not artifacting correctly with the extended PAL height setting enabled.
* Serial: Telnet emulation now reads out of band data.
* Serial: Telnet emulation now handles incoming WILL and WONT commands.
* Serial: Telnet server now attempts to turn off local echo on remote end.
* Serial: Fixed sporadic missing newlines on modem status messages.
* Serial: Control line state is now reported in non-concurrent mode.
* Serial: Ring pattern adjusted to match US standard (2s/4s).
* Serial: Re-opening the R: device now flushes buffered data.
* Serial: Closing the R: device deactivates concurrent mode to make subsequent status requests work.
* Serial: Fixed crash in R: when invoking GET BYTE with an empty input buffer or PUT BYTE with a full output buffer.
* Serial: Fixed BASIC GET command failing after XIO on R:.
* Serial: Fixed erroneous CR-to-CRLF conversion on transmit path.
* Serial: XIO commands to R: instead of R1-R4: now work properly.
* Serial: Closing R: waits for queued output data to flush.
* Printer: Fixed close command not actually closing IOCB.
* VBXE: VBXE memory no longer overlays extended memory in 1088K mode with shared memory disabled.
* IDE: Cold reset now also resets the emulated IDE device.
* IDE: Addressing is now restricted to offsets $00-07 to avoid conflicting with OS PBI scan.
* Cartridge: Corrected banks 1 and 2 for OSS 034M cartridge type.


Ootake 2.54

News via http://emu-russia.net/en/

PCEngine/Turbo Grafx 16/PCE CD/TG16 CD6 emulator for Windows have been updated recently. Changes:
- V-Sync (function to redraw screen smoothly) processing has been improved. The tempo of a built-in sound source (carve of a detailed rhythm) is steady, and it has approached a real machine. And, when the window of Ootake was brought to the upper part of the screen in some personal computers, the bug of V-Sync was solved.
- The message display processing has been improved. The overall operation lightened in some measure. And, when the desktop is used by a classic style with WindowsXP, the bug that the label of the window blinked (generated from v2.50) was corrected.
- The speed and timing were brought close to the movement of a real machine. In "Final Lap Twin", when the hero enters the course in the field, the problem that the screen occasionally fell into disorder by one frame (generated from v2.07) was solved. In the stage 3 of "Dragon Saber", when the wall moves, the problem that the display of one line falls into disorder was solved. I think that the timing approached a real machine in other games, too.
- Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.

News source: http://www.ouma.jp


Emu 1.01 (11-05-2011)

News via http://emu-russia.net/en/

Emulator of BK-0010 and other Russian computers has been updated. Changes:
- added Vector-06c+VM1 configuration.

News source: http://bashkiria-2m.narod.ru


    Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wine v1.3.19

News via AEP

A new development version of Wine, an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix, has been released.

Wine Ankündigung

The Wine development release 1.3.19 is now available.

What´s new in this release (see below for details):

New sound driver architecture for MMDevAPI.

Better support for relative mouse events in DInput.

Debugger support for the ARM platform.

Various improvements in D3DX9.

More MSVC runtime functions.

Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:


Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:


You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/documentation

You can also get the current source directly from the git repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/git for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.

Bugs fixed in 1.3.19:

1544 Recurring error in direct draw
11561 Page Four text rendering problems
12018 SPSS 16 eval for Windows won´t install
12372 BreakQuest crashes on startup; "file not found"
12958 winrar extract files slow with msstyles.
16095 Charset translation in standard output
16815 Cyborg shows splash screen and hangs
17143 Micrografx Designer freezes at start
17804 Sim City 3000 +NoCD fails to load
17863 Some apps can not launch Installshield uninstaller from shortcut
18823 The Typing of the Dead freezes during intro
19152 SimCity 3000 Unlimited Black Main Menu
19493 socket option IP_PKTINFO is not implemented
20509 gdb proxy mode: random reply to Offsets query
20982 shell32 appbar test fails in wow64 wine
20983 shell32 systray test fails in wow64 wine
21268 TheFilmMachine doesn´t run
21830 Kurso3 crashes when using the microphone
22761 Qtracker 4.71 crashes on exit
23684 Mass Effect 2 demo: decals on walls and floor flicker
23789 dap94 : cannot find import; DLL may be missing,corrupt or wrong version. File "MSVCP60.dll",error 126
23847 ntdll: NtQuerySystemInformation(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION) should provide NT-style 100ns units (.NET 1.x CLR)
24120 Mp3tag: Runtime Error if "Extended Tags" window is opened
24214 ole: Java SE JRE subinstaller (msi) dies due to OLE compound storage reader failure on some stream (the one after _StringPool stream)
24271 Oblivion loses sound during gameplay
24317 3DMark Vantage needs msvcp80 unimplemented function
24364 Enemy Territory: Quake Wars EditWorld: needs msvcr80.dll._vsprintf_p
24523 Portal: Rendering glitches on menu screen
24573 Freelancer: complete freeze on selecting New Game on fresh install
24794 mytrader2009 crashes lately
24954 Need For Speed Underground 2 installer won´t start
25232 Razor2: Hidden Skies has parts that are not rendered
25504 League of Legends - In Launcher Store not displayed
26028 Buitin IE crash while open a activex control from Bank of Communications (wrong instance handle when registering a class using AtlModuleRegisterWndClassInfoA/W)
26059 Garena client GGSAFER driver crashes (needs ntoskrnl.exe PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine stub)
26137 comctl32/tab tests shows an invalid read under valgrind
26314 Champions Online: Mouse Problems
26318 Blood 2 The Chosen: mouse-look problem
26356 Mouse "lags" and doesn´t pick up quick movements.
26413 Construction Documents and Services Practice Program: Limited functionality
26580 Assassin´s Creed Brotherhood: unimplemented function msvcr90.dll._set_printf_count_output (purist)
26655 Wizard101 crashes when rendering webpage
26667 Dangerous Waters crashes on exit
26693 Neverwinter Nights 2 installer window is obscured by installer background image
26718 dbghelp has lots of ´parse_inlined_subroutine Unhandled Tag type´ (gcc 4.7)
26722 XP clipbrd.exe crashes on unimplemented function NDdeApi.dll.500
26764 winecfg is picking up the wrong Windows version
26780 Bulletstorm Demo: main menu is pink with glsl disabled
26781 Office 2007 crashes when using the file open dialog
26788 Vista findstr.exe crashes on unimplemented function kernel32.SetThreadPreferredUILanguages
26795 White scrollbar background in builtin iexplore
26811 Office 2003 installer: settings on advanced customization screen cannot be changed
26817 ZBrush 4 crashes.
26836 winedbg continuously emits error messages when attempting to debug a PE executable
26838 CDBurnerXP 3.0 crashes on entering options
26884 Qlione demo crashes on launch
26889 wineserver loses fd_ops in debugging interface.
26896 Chaser v1.50: mouse pointer behaves weirdly in the menu
26899 unimplemented function ole2.dll16.RELEASESTGMEDIUM
26902 VarDateFromStr parses yyyy-mm-dd as yyyy-dd-mm in European locales
26940 advapi32: Windows Sysinternals Process Explorer v14.x needs OpenTraceA/W() and ProcessTrace() stubs


Classic99 v3.5.1

News via AEP

Classic99 is an open-source Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Home Computer emulator for Windows.


Added SRAM to MPD
Fix FIAD disk paths to always end with backslash
Make MPD repair broken configuration bytes
Fix lockup problem after browsing a disk folder-Added TurboForth
Numerous tweaks to P-Code card, still doesn´t work. I don´t think I have disk images for this!
Updated long filename support - open as IV0 to get long filenames


WinArcadia v15.7

News via AEP

The multi system emulator WinArcadia for Windows and AmiArcadia for AmigaOS has been updated.

Changes between v15.62 beta and v15.7 (so far):

debugger CLI: added DOKE command.

elektor: fixed: input tape buffer was never freed.

wa: elektor: added HEARTAPE #define.

elektor: fixed: output tape WAV headers had an incorrect sample rate (44100Hz whereas data was actually at 22050Hz).

in turbo mode, it now says so in the titlebar.

added "Settings|Speed|Adjust..." command, and associated functionality.

aa: fixed: "Log|Inefficient code..." was missing from menu.

aa: fixed: "Log" menu items were out of order.

wa: added two more menu item bitmaps.

updated Dutch, French and Russian translations.

Changes between v15.61 and v15.62 beta:

monitor now allows editing of sprite coordinates and condition code.

various minor improvements and bug fixes to monitor.

incorporated Samir´s latest Italian translation.

arcadia: improved PDC/UDC demultiplexing (improves Macross, Missile War, Space Attack, Space Mission, Space Vultures, The End).

incorporated Damaso´s latest Spanish translation.

wa: opcodes subwindow legend text gadgets were too narrow for some languages.

arcadia: sprite editor now allows viewing of PDCs.

arcadia: IDEALIZED #define to fix bad-looking "7" and "9" glyphs.

aa: Ctrl-cursor keys no longer interfere with subwindows.


nGlide v0.96

News via AEP

A new version of the 3Dfx Glide wrapper nGlide has been released.

nGlide 0.96 changelog:


added support for Gulf War: Operation Desert Hammer

added support for Screamer 2 (with DOSBox + Gulikoza patch)

added support for Screamer Rally (with DOSBox + Gulikoza patch)

fixed Nascar Legends car decals

fixed Nuclear Strike menu bugs

fixed Tomb Raider credits crash

fixed Unreal & Unreal Tournament textures bugs


added support for Fifa 2000

added support for Fifa 2001

added support for GP 500

added support for Hardwar: The Future is Greedy

added support for Hype: The Time Quest

added support for TEXTUREBUFFER extension (used by Glide64)

fixed Arabian Nights in-game resolution change crash

fixed Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis menu glitches


added ability to choose screen aspect ratio

50% faster texture palettes handling

improved internal Glide FPS limiter (smoother animation)

improved gamma correction scale

improved splash screen rendering (no resolution switching)


Raine v0.51.11 (Bugfix Release)

News via AEP

A quick bugfix released for the latest version of the arcade emulator Raine has been published.

A quick new binary to fix a stupid bug in the version of yesterday with the colors of esprade and guwange.


    Monday, April 18, 2011
MESS 0.142

News via http://emu-russia.net/en/

The Win32 port of MESS has been updated. Full list of changes is available in emulator's help file.


WinArcadia 15.6

News via http://emu-russia.net/en/

Emerson Arcadia 2001 emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- Elektor: "Project|Tape|Skewing..." command;
- "Log|Inefficient code?" option;
- PIPBUG, Chaos 2: Japanese character set support;
- "Help|Opcodes..." subwindow (WinArcadia only);
- Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.


    Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Wine v1.2.3 (Stable)

News via AEP

The stable version of Wine, an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix, has been updated.

The Wine maintenance release 1.2.3 is now available.

What´s new in this release (see below for details):

Translation updates.

Various bug fixes

The source is available from the following locations:


Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:


You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/documentation

You can also get the current source directly from the git repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/git for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.

Bugs fixed in 1.2.3:

4432 Blobby Volley - corrupted graphics
8640 Oziexplorer Save Image Problem
10140 Most grayscale JPEGs cause abnormal rendering artifacts in CDisplay
12808 indexed bitmaps support is broken
14882 UpdateResource fails to delete a resource
15025 HxD crashes on opening disk
16703 Wineconsole: Fallback from curses to window based backend
16704 wineconsole: Allow specifying the console backend to use when wineconsole is launched implicitly
18075 IE8 crashes due to missing urlmon.dll.423 API
19314 IE8 for Server 2003 refuses to install (Service Pack 2 for Windows Server 2003 install required)
20552 Memory leak in alloc_thread_tls?
23872 Steam: Windows will automatically reopen after being closed
24294 corrupted icons in SolidWorks sketches
24680 loader: segfault after loading krnl386.exe, while LoadLibraryEx for any buildin dll
24800 wine try to use float texture even if driver don´t support them
25107 When panning on SeaClear, bits of the chart get ´left behind´
25155 Creative Writer 2 only installs in Win9x modes on WoW64
25206 Anarchy Online v18.4, Ingame browser crashes (Awesomium.dll)
25273 msvcrt/misc.ok I10_OUTPUT long double crash with winetest.exe, not make test
25283 Unimplemented function urlmon.dll.410
25301 Occasional sock_check_pollhup() error on Solaris
25354 King´s Quest Collection Series (1997): setup.exe crashes
25401 WSAStringToAddress doesn´t update lpAddressLength on success
25491 BearShare: Fails to install
25510 Wine-generated desktop files are not compliant with XDG standard
25583 Starcraft II fails to start
25616 Comet Busters: Error displays indicating Wine cannot continue
25678 ´Wine reg add´ with longer hive name error
25680 Stale file associations are not properly removed
25685 When printing diagrams & charts in Family Historian 4.1.3 characters are upside down
25691 ImageList_Duplicate doesn´t correctly duplicate full length of has_alpha byte array
25910 Notepad tries to open a file using wrong sharing mode
26014 Printing produces garbled output, characters rotated and sliced.
26281 regedit: Doesn´t export decent newline in Unicode (NT5) Format.
26367 Winecfg crashes when selecting Graphics tab
26393 Temple of Elemental Evil refuses to run
26505 file associations built by winemenubuilder lack wineprefix


    Thursday, April 07, 2011
MESS v0.142

News via AEP

The multi-system emulator MESS has been updated to version 0.142.


New System Drivers Supported:
- Victor Wondermega M2 (not working) [Justin Kerk]
- Ferguson Big Board [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Sanyo MBC-550, MBC-555 (boots but partial keyboard) [Phill Harvey-Smith]
- Fujitsu FM-Towns II UX (not working) [bernhardh, Anna Wu, Barry Rodewald]
- Fujitsu FM-Towns II HR (not working) [bernhardh, Anna Wu, Barry Rodewald]
- Mikrosha-86RK [Miodrag Milanovic]
- IBM PC 5155 [Lord Nightmare]
- EA Car Computer (not working) [Robbbert]
- 68k Single Board Computer [Robbbert]
- PB-1000, PB2000c (not fully working) [Sandro Ronco]
- DataSlim 2 (not working) [Sandro Ronco]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
- ZRT80 terminal [Robbbert]

Skeleton drivers:
- Applix 1616
- Commodore PC 30 III
- Ferguson Big Board II
- Hewlett-Packard HP9816
- IBM PC 5140 Convertible
- Olivetti M24
- Olivetti M240
- PDP-11 [Unibus](M9301-YA)
- PDP-11 [Unibus](M9312)
- PDP-11 [Q-BUS] (M7195 - MXV11)
- SacState 8008
- Savia 84
- Terak 8510A

System Driver Changes:
- [ABC802] Connected to ABC99 keyboard, removed keyboard hack. [Curt Coder]

- [ABC806] Connected to ABC99 keyboard, removed keyboard hack. [Curt Coder]

- [ABC1600] Implemented video and ABC 99 keyboard. [Curt Coder]

- [AC1] Added cassette support. [Robbbert]

- [ADAM] Added dumps of the internal M6801 ROMs. [KevinP]

- [ADAM] Rewrote driver to use the M6801 CPUs. Currently the only working peripheral is the keyboard. [Curt Coder]

- [ASTROCDE] Add options for several RAM expansions. Some features are not implemented yet, as noted in comments. Extended BASIC carts
are now playable. [ranger_lennier]

- [BBC] Made the SAA505x implementation a device. [Atari Ace]

- [BW2] Set proper FDC type and removed floppy side select hack. [Curt Coder]

- [Einstein] Fixed addressing of character ROM for 80 column mode, added dump of 80 column rom, fixed bit 0 of status register to reflect 6845 DE line. 80 Column interface is now usable. [Phill Harvey-Smith]

- [GBA] Fixed EEPROM detection for "Banjo-Kazooie" and "Custom Robo GX". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Fixed an ARM7 carry flag bug. This fixes the palette corruption in "Banjo-Kazooie". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Fixed timer overflow/reload bugs. This fixes the lockups in "2 in 1 - Dragon Ball Z 1 and 2", "Aggressive Inline", "Bibi und Tina" and probably other games too. [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Implemented an undefined ARM7 THUMB instruction used by "Moto GP". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Allow reading of the BLDALPHA register. This fixes the lockup in "Donkey Kong Country". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Implemented FLASH bank select command. This fixes the NVRAM issue in "Super Mario Advance 4". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Generate SIO data transfer completion interrupt. This fixes the lockup in "Digimon Racing". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Removed "Metroid Fusion" DMA hack. This fixes the lockup in "Caesar´s Palace Advance". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GENEVE] Made SRAM size configurable. Added MEMEX emulation. Genmod is now a mode of the Geneve, not a separate system. Fixed Genmod. [Michael Zapf]

- [M5] Added FD-5 floppy interface ROM, renamed driver to m5. [Curt Coder]

- [MEKD2] Fixed keyboard. System is usable except for cassette. [Robbbert]

- [PCFX] Added BIOS v1.01. [trap15]

- [PDP1] Made the CRT implementation a device.[Atari Ace] Made papertape, cylinder and printer into devices and added back in (not working) [Robbbert]

- [PIPPIN] Added pre release rom

- [PSX] Added CD-ROM support. Some commercial games work well. Some don´t. [pSXAuthor, R. Belmont]

- [PSX] Added memory card support, not working yet. [pSXAuthor, R. Belmont]

- [PV1000] 4 new cartridge dumps for the software list. [anondumper]

- [QL] Added support for Miracle Systems Trump Card disk and memory interface
Added support for Sandy SuperDisk disk interface
Fixed up WD177x so disks can be formatted (single sided only) [Phill Harvey-Smith]

- [SNES] uPD96050 DSP (aka Seta ST-010) is now emulated instead of simulated. [R. Belmont, byuu, Dr. Decapitator]

- [STE] Added a proper dump of some French TOS ROM. [ElBarto]

- [TI] Converted strata/733_asr/911_vdt to devices. [Atari Ace]

- [X68K] Refactored to use new MC68901 device. [Curt Coder]

- [TX0] Made papertape, printer and magtape into devices and added back in (not working) [Robbbert]

Imgtool Changes:

Source Changes:
- The core is based on MAME 0.142. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]

- Added support for a new template to -snapname to use software names for snapshots. It is now possible to use %d_XXXX to name snaps after the name of the file mounted in the device XXXX, being XXXX the brief name of any device. E.g. you can use "-snapname %d_cart" to use the name of the game mounted in the cartslot, or "-snapname %d_flop2" to use the name of the game mounted in the second floppy drive, etc. If you are loading software through software lists, its shortname will be used; if you are using the fullpath of the software, its filename is used. Any combination of the new template with the old "/", "%g" and "%i" templates is supported as well. Notice that if you specify an invalid device, or if you have no software mounted in the chosen device, MESS will revert to the default template "%g/%i". [Fabio Priuli]

- softlists: Added new lists, new dumps and info [anondumper, Barry Rodewald, Curt Coder, MESSfan, Fabio Priuli]

- Cleanups; static qualifiers, added driver_states, consistent get_safe_token usage, reduced calls to ram_get_ptr() and region(...)->base(). [Atari Ace]

- [WD17XX] Added device types WD1795, WD1797, WD2795, and fixed wd17xx_has_side_select(). [Curt Coder]

- [WD17XX] Set complete command delay to 16/32 usec based on DDEN. [Curt Coder]


Agat Emulator v1.19.2

News via AEP

Agat Emulator an Apple ][ and Agat 7/9 (soviet clones of apple) emulator for Windows has been updated. Thanks to Emu-France for the news.

Changes in the version 1.19.2
Implemented "Character generator card" for Agats (still searching for soft which was using this card).
Improved emulation of floppy drives, both Shugart and Teac.
Implemented new sound effects for floppies.
Improved mouse emulation for Agat-9.
Improved GUI.


DCMOTO v2011.04

News via AEP

A new version of DCMOTO has been released. DCMOTO emulates all Thomson 8-bit computers: Thomson MO5, MO5E, MO5NR, MO6, T9000, TO7, TO7/70, TO8, TO8D, TO9, TO9+ and Olivetti Prodest PC128. Thanks to Emu-France.com for the news.

Version 2011.04
New gamma adjustment function available in Options/Settings menu
$41 and $42 invalid instruction warning disabled when no MO5 nor MO6 cassette are loaded
Error in 2011.01 version fixed : erroneous RAM adress in the ´RAM supersedes the ROM´ process
TO8 keyboard interface emulation error fixed (Sapiens, Le 5e Axe, ...)


Supermodel v0.1.1a

News via AEP

Supermodel is a new emulator for the Sega Model 3 Hardware in a very early stage of development.

Revision History

Version 0.1.1a
- Minor source code update.
- Set Render3D to NULL in the CReal3D constructor. Fixes crashes that
occur on some builds. [Nik Henson]
- Cleaned up the UNIX Makefile and added an OS X Makefile. [R. Belmont]
- Small changes to ppc_ops.cpp for C++0x compliance. [R. Belmont]
- Included glew.h into the source tree. [R. Belmont]
- Changed WIN32 definition to SUPERMODEL_WIN32.

What´s New?
April 3, 2011

Thanks to Nik Henson, a 64-bit Windows build is now available from the Download page! I haven´t tried it myself (I don´t have 64-bit Windows) but Nik says it is a little bit faster at points where the 32-bit build normally slows down. I´ve also made a very minor source update, adding GLEW headers that were missing. The annoying GLEW-related warnings on Microsoft Visual C++ are now suppressed.
April 2, 2011

Thanks, everyone, for all the positive feedback! It´s nice to hear that people are enjoying themselves.

I´ve posted a small source code update. R. Belmont fixed the UNIX Makefile and added a Mac OS X Makefile. He also made some other minor changes to the source code. Thanks to Nik Henson, a bug that was causing crashes on some 64-bit builds has been squashed. The Render3D object pointer was not being initialized properly in the CReal3D class. None of these changes seem to affect the 32-bit Windows executable, so it has not been updated.

Some users have reported shader linkage errors and severely crippled 3D graphics (particularly on older ATI GPUs). There is a solution for this that ought to work in most cases.

April 1, 2011

Supermodel is here! Although very prelimary and far from where I ultimately want it to be, I feel that I´ve teased everyone for long enough. Version 0.1a can be grabbed from the Download page. Make sure to read through the Help section for installation and basic usage information. So what´s new in Supermodel that hasn´t made it to MAME yet? The graphics should look substantially better. Lighting and shading are generally more accurate, although still imperfect. Fog has been implemented and so has the spotlight effect. The 2D graphics emulation still has some issues, namely with regards to priorities, but is otherwise much more accurate. Layer masking and scrolling are mostly working. Several games are playable -- check out the About page for a compatibility list.

So where to from now? Besides boosting compatibility, the really big things left to do are sound, a dynamic recompiler for the PowerPC, and a proper user interface. I´m not yet sure how I´m going to prioritize these things, but I´m leaning toward tackling sound first. I anticipate having much less time to devote to Supermodel in the coming months but whatever progress is made will be reported here first. So keep your eyes on this spot. In the meantime...

Gentlemen, start your engines!


Common Source Code Project (4/2/201)

News via AEP

Toshiya Takeda has released new versions of his emulators.

What´s new (4/2/2011):

Common Source Code Project is updated.

* [EMU/WIN32] support stereo sound
* [EMU/WIN32] fix joystick initialization
* [VM/DATAREC] support to load wave file with 16bit/stereo and any frequency
* [VM/DATAREC] support to load TAP tape images (used for SHARP X1 series)
* [VM/DATAREC] support to rewind tape image
* [VM/EVENT] support stereo sound
* [VM/FMGEN] fix timer not to cause overflow
* [VM/FMGEN] support interface to read int signal
* [VM/SN76489AN] fix mixer issue that volume mixed by other device is doubled
* [VM/YM2151] fix irq handling to refer int signal from fmgen
* [VM/YM2203] fix irq handling to refer int signal from fmgen
* [VM/Z80SIO] support monosync/bisync mode
* [VM/Z80SIO] support auto enables bit in wr3
* [VM/Z80SIO] support send break bit in wr5
* [VM/Z80SIO] support sync/abort bit in rr0
* [VM/Z80SIO] support signals to notify transmitt/recieve is done
* [VM/Z80SIO] support sync signal (input/output)

EmuZ-1500 is updated.

* [MZ1500] support quick disk drive

ePC-9801, ePC-9801E are updated.

* [PC9801] support irq connection from PC-9801-26
* [PC9801/DISPLAY] support 200 lines screen mode
* [PC9801/JOYSTICK] support joystick

eX1twin is updated.

* [X1TWIN] support CMT device
* [X1TWIN/EMM] support 512kb emm board
* [X1TWIN/MEMORY] fix memory mapping for ipl rom
* [X1TWIN/SUB] fix irq handling


    Wednesday, March 30, 2011
jDosbox v0.74.16

News via AEP

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Mouse capture now works, use dbl right click to exit
* Windows 3.11 now works
* Source will now compile with Java 1.4
* CD audio now works, include mp3 support for bin/cue
* About a 10% performance improvement over build 15


Emu 1.01 (27-03-2011)

News via Emurussia

Emulator of BK-0010 and other Russian computers has been updated. No changes info available.


    Friday, March 25, 2011
Agat Emulator v1.19

News via AEP

Agat Emulator an Apple ][ and Agat 7/9 (soviet clones of apple) emulator for Windows has been updated. Thanks to Emu-France for the news.

Changes in the version 1.19

Version 1.19 contains implementation of CMS SCSI card.
This SCSI card was compatible with all models of Apple II.
SCSI emulation module allows to connect up to 3 virtual hard drives with specified SCSI bus ids.
Each drive with size larger than 32MB (maximum ProDOS size) will be divided to several logical partitions.
Only two of logical devices will be available to use from ProDOS.
To specify which partitions will be available to ProDOS, press left Alt key during system startup as it was with original CMS card.
This release contains example of 64MB SCSI disk with all ProDOS, Basic and hardware utilities for CMS card.
Second logical partition of this disk was formatted as empty ProDOS volume /PART2.

To create your own SCSI disk image, just specify non-existing file name in controller configuration interface, format you new device by CMS.SYSTEM utility (low-level format) and create new ProDOS volume by FILER utility.

Good luck!


Classic99 v3.4.9

News via AEP

Classic99 is an open-source Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Home Computer emulator for Windows.


Fix AMS registers to map throughout the DSR space
Set AMS to map mode by default


jDosbox v0.74.15a

News via AEP

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Compile jdosbox.jar for java 1.5 instead of 1.6


    Thursday, March 24, 2011
jDosbox v0.74.15

News via AEP

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Improved performance
* Fixed CWDE instruction. Now Duke3D, Tomb Raider, and MOO2 work
* Fixed video bug affecting Empire
* Mouse now works in applets
* Fixed Smacker videos


    Sunday, March 20, 2011
Wine v1.3.16

News via AEP

A new development version of Wine, an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix, has been released.

The Wine development release 1.3.16 is now available.

What´s new in this release:

New version of the Gecko engine, based on Firefox 4.
Better support for Dwarf debugging information.
Improved handling of animated cursors.
GnuTLS no longer required on Mac OS X.
Improvements to the GDI driver infrastructure.
A number of MSI fixes for the .NET installers.
Several GdiPlus improvements.
Various bug fixes.


Agat Emulator v1.18.1

News via AEP

Agat Emulator an Apple ][ and Agat 7/9 (soviet clones of apple) emulator for Windows has been updated. Thanks to Emu-France for the news.

Changes in the version 1.18

This release of the emulator contains a lot of changes dealing with emulation of new systems:
1. Implemented full support of the famous computer Apple I (including ACI);
2. Apple II and Apple II Plus systems are now implemented as two different configurations with different initial settings;
3. Implemented basic support of Apple IIe-class systems. At present emulator supports Apple IIe and Enhanced Apple IIe systems.
Also this release contains several fixes of 65C02, floppy and memory emulation bugs.
Added ability of the keyboard input redirection from a file (this feature is especially important for Apple I system).
Distributive contains some programs for Apple I and tape recording of Integer Basic.
Added several new configurations for demonstration of emulation of Apple 2e.
All Apple-based systems are now includes new much more realistic color palette.

Subversion 1.18.1
Some minor bugs has been fixed.

Good luck!


Classic99 v347

News via AEP

Classic99 is an open-source Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Home Computer emulator for Windows.


Change free sectors on FIAD disks to make sector based programs willing to try to write
open DSK images as binary to prevent read translation errors
Add read/write breakpoints for VDP and GROM addresses
Save file open information into the right buffer
Check a file is open before reading or writing it (or restore or scratch)
Fix bitmap mode masking
Rework X instruction - more efficent and works correctly with jumps now
Fixed case where X instruction may be skipped, depending on race
Fixed case where cycles may be lost due to race condition
Moved debug GUI buttons into drop-down menu
Made fast-forward from debug GUI reset timers correctly
Closing debug dialog should now clear all debug modes and restore normal operation
Changed disk Open() methods to return the new FileInfo object used, fixes certain cases of lost state
Added CHARA1 as a resource for the save RAM dialog
added cycle counting to run result report
Fixed LOAD opcode in FIAD disk not to load more than program says is valid (used to read whole of last sector or more if file was invalid)
Made debugger memory change require a prefix for CPU and display a warning otherwise
Implemented code to create Cartridge Images (GROM and 379) and E/A#5 program files from the Debug panel from loaded memory
Cartridge image code supports injecting lower-case characters and Editor/Assembler utilities, as well as patching C99 programs
Fixed uninitialized memory tracking for 32k expansion RAM
Added 3.BIN extension for autoloading 379 style carts
Clear all cartridge checks when using User->Open
Fixed the Disk Class to run the DSR powerup only once
Allow ´0´ for CALL FILES() (emulates CS1 mode)
Make CALL FILES actually use up VDP RAM to closer resemble real disk system. You can override with CALL FILES(0)
Added disk configuration dialog
Added menu option to open a disk folder in Explorer (or disk image if you have something like TI99Dir configured)
Added ability to make GROM writable (GRAM?) - not really tested as I have no software to test with
Adde Help->Open Manual to open the PDF file
Disable SID Blaster by default
Don´t check for a 6-byte header on 379 type files
Fix reset race by disabling interrupts on reset (fixes 99/4 startup?)
More accurate CPU instruction counting
OPEN opcode shows the requested filetype in debug
Included Line-by-Line assembler and Lines demo for Mini-Memory on DSK1


    Monday, March 14, 2011
jDosbox v0.74.14

News via aep

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Fixed SB16 sound, now music sounds right
* Experimental support for full screen, enable by passing in -fullscreen with the command line
* Fixed some key mappings, now [ ] ` and ~ will work
* Added a download parameter to applets so that if they are signed they can download and upzip files.
* Searching for weird paths won´t crash, like Mech Warrior 2 and @:
* Fixed dos temp file function. Now Descent works
* Fixed video frame buffer support


    Thursday, March 10, 2011
Emu 1.01 (03-08-2011)

News via Emurussia

Emulator of BK-0010 and other Russian computers has been updated. No changes info available.


    Sunday, March 06, 2011
Visual Pinball v9.1.2

News via AEP

A new version of the pinball simulator Visual Pinball has been released: VPForums Visual Pinball v9.1.2.

Full installer for Visual Pinball v9.1.2 * This will associate all vpt files with vpinball912.exe
VP 9.1.2 Changelog
Fixed bugs:
- Set as Defaults is ensured safe - loading a table will ignore the stored defaults to ensure the table is loaded how it was saved
- Deadzone slider is modified to reflect how deadzone worked in previous revisions
- SSE was going to be utilized, but magnets reacted sluggish, so reverted to ´fast´ code without SSE again.


Wine v1.3.15

News via AEP

A new development version of Wine, an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix, has been released.

Wine Ankündigung

The Wine development release 1.3.15 is now available.

What´s new in this release (see below for details):

Support for changing network passwords.

Reflection support in shader compiler.

Tests no longer attempt to cope with Win9x behavior.

A number of MSHTML and MSXML improvements.

Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:


Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:


You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/documentation

You can also get the current source directly from the git repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/git for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.

Bugs fixed in 1.3.15:

11965 gethostbyname requires a successful WSAStartup invocation before performing an operation
12583 clipboard monitor is not working in PSPad
14412 staruml can´t load examples
16551 install fails - msi_cabextract FDICopy fails
18153 Wizard101 will not load
18598 Source Insight: Window Title Bar does not get updated with the new file when jumping to the definition from the current file.
19654 The "Mudokon Status Indicator" in Abe´s Oddysee doesn´t work correctly
21210 Clicking on URL hyperlinks in PowerPoint 2007 results in a crash
23734 Office 2007 installer: cannot add or remove programs after initial install
24250 Sam and Max 304 aborts on unimplemented function msvcr80.dll.getenv_s
24268 mono´s gluezilla uses unimplemented function msvcr80._stat32
24290 GetOpenFileName() triggers read of uninitialized variable
24440 Second Life crashes with unimplemented function(s) from msvcr80.dll
24553 unimplemented msvcrt.dll._wfindfirst64
25033 Solo on Keyboard setup fails
25098 BrainSplode! crashes with Unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXCreateTextA
25273 msvcrt/misc.ok I10_OUTPUT long double crash with winetest.exe, not make test
25443 Unimplemented function msvcr90.dll._ftime64_s
25618 Super Meat Boy fails to output audible sound
25866 Mafia: City of Lost Heaven - Crash when starting Freeride Supreme Mode
26114 gdi32/mapping tests shows a couple memory leaks in valgrind
26133 d3dx9_36: surface and texture tests shows an invalid read under valgrind
26174 Theme internals crash with Unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.EnableTraceEx
26177 Compilation of dlls/msxml3 fails on CentOS 3
26178 MS Word 2003 save document with embedded fonts needs t2embed.dll._TTEmbedFont@44 implemented
26201 wineboot fails to install gecko automatically
26228 msxml3 fails to build when libxml2 is built with +icu useflag
26233 Dragon Age 2 demo - sound sometimes missing in EA logo movie
26248 Pokerstars client, windows pops up just to die


    Thursday, March 03, 2011
jDosbox v0.74.12

News via AEP

A new version of the Java based DOSBox Port called jDosbox has been released.

* Added Sound Blaster 16 support. The music in games is a bit off.
* Fixed MOVSX instruction. Now back and strafe left work in Doom.
* Fixed XMS_MoveMemory.
* Added reboot command to help diagnose Applet page reload issues
* Hacked together the PageFaultHandler. Not sure if this is good enough. Djgpp "Hello World" now works, but Noctropolis still can´t get pass its page fault.
* Status: Colonization now works. Duke 3D is a lot closer. Can now start the game and play, but there are glitches.


    Saturday, February 26, 2011
altair-rfp v1.1

News via AEP

altair-rfp is a MITS Altair 8800 Computer Emulator for Windows.

breakpoint and reset fixes

Ooops. Fixed trying to start with no command line options

factored out options and sync version number with release

upper case BP target storing and load/save offset and length

More comment clean up

Comment change and refactored upper

Code clean up

First public release

Created wiki page through web user interface.

Fixed help

Initial checkin

Initial directory structure.

AppleWin v1.20.0

News via AEP

The Apple IIe Emulator AppleWin got a small update and is now available in version 1.20.0.

1.20.0 - 23 Feb 2011
. Standard, Text Optimized and Monochrome video modes now support half-pixel rendering accuracy!
. Colors tweaked to better match the real hardware.

. Fixed Mockingboard detection for Ultima III (ProDOS-8/harddisk version).

. See the Debugger_Changelog.txt for the various fixes and changes.

. Updated acknowledgements. Cheers to Mike Harvey! (Nibble Magazine)


    Friday, February 25, 2011
jDosbox v0.74.11

News via AEP

A new version of jDosbox has been released for Java Based on DOSBox.

* Shareware Doom 1 now works with Keyboard. Realtive mouse moves do not work well since mouse capture is not supported in Java.
* Support for Applet has been added. Doom has been test in an Applet on Mac and Windows.
* Support for mounting img files on a remote web server via http has been added. The img file may be inside a zip.
Example: imgmount e http://localhost/doom.zip -size 512,16,2,512
* Code is now Java 5.0 compatible. Removed String.isEmpty references.
* 15/16/32 bit VESA modes now work
* Fixed a font problem, SimCity 2000 installer now works.

* Initial Release
* Civilization 1, with mouse and no sound works.
* Most games do not work
* Sound does not work
* Serial ports do not work
* IPX does not work
* Joystick does work
* Keymapper does not work
* Mouse capture does not work
* Full screen does not work


    Thursday, February 24, 2011
QEMU v0.14.0

News via AEP

A new version of QEMU, an open source machine emulator for various CPUs, has been released.


    Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Visual Pinball v9.1.1

News via AEP

A new version of the pinball simulator Visual Pinball has been released: VPForums Visual Pinball v9.1.1. Thanks to Emu-France for the news.

Visual Pinball 9.1.1 FULL Install

Version: 9.1.1
Category: Essential Visual Pinball Files

Author(s): Cupidf, Destruk, Maddes, Poiuyterry, Shagendo, Toxieainc, Wizard´s Hat, Randy Davis

Full installer for Visual Pinball v9.1.1 * This will associate all vpt files with vpinball911.exe
VP 9.1.1 Changelog
Fixed bugs:
- Copy and Paste Decals
- Layback causing Graphic glitches with ball decals
- Radio buttons in Video Options Dialog
- Tabstops in Backlass Options
- unhandled exception with script errors
- Text Decals not showing
- Kickers and Triggers that are in the same position caused lockups
- transparency issue with 32bpp bmp Files
- bumpers and slingshots were disabled at start of the game when not visible
- Textures were cropped at MaxTexDim at very special conditions
- Alpha Ramps were not showing with Balls created from script.
- Textures near screen border were distorted on some tables
- Scale Dialog default field was checkbox - changed to scaleX-value

New features:
- Added slider for Alpharamps Accuracy. If Alpharamps are causing performance problems (and they will likely do!), try setting this slider to the left. Ramps are displayed with less surfaces then.
- New experimental feature: Ball stretching against table and monitor stretching. Three options: 1st: like before, 2nd: don´t stretch ball, 3rd: don´t stretch ball and take Pixel aspect ratio of monitor into consideration. Choose ( R) Monitors only if you have a rotated Windows desktop.
- Implemented right click ´Set as Default´. This options sets the current properties of an object as the new defaults for that object type.
- little optimizations

Tables made with 9.1.x may be incompatible with older versions due to the new features, but tables made with 9.0.x can be loaded and played in 9.1.x.


Q-emuLator v3.0.3

News via AEP

Q-emuLator is a commercial ($45.95) Sinclair QL emulator available for Windows and Mac OS X.


    Sunday, February 20, 2011
Classic99 v346

News via AEP

Classic99 is an open-source Texas Instruments TI-99/4A Home Computer emulator for Windows.


Improved debugger support for multi-bank cartridges - most addresses and address ranges will also accept a : at the end to specify a specific ROM bank. Cartridge ROM only for now.
Added DSK image support - currently read-only, still configurable only through Classic99.ini. Considered experimental at this point.
Disabled the IDLE instruction´s idling, was causing an unresolvable lockup due to the timing system.
Improved reporting of the illegal instruction to include the bad opcode
Added configuration option to disable reading headless files as DF128 on FIAD drives
Some cleanup in the disk system
Fixed file identification bug in FIAD disk support
Fixed detection of V9T9 files in FIAD subdirectories
Fixed filename matching of V9T9 files where the unknown file is NOT V9T9
Fixed memory leak in FIAD directory listings
Added muting of high frequency tones
Changed disassembly history to include cartridge bank when applicable
Made warning debug display correct PC more often, as well as the cartridge and DSR banks
Fix CPU cycle counting on byte memory accesses a little better
Fix crash bug with a particular sequence of switching between DX and non-DX modes


File Releases

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

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