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    Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Cxbx-Reloaded Patron page

cxbx-reloaded now has a patron page.

LukeUsher has started a patron page for the emulator cxbx-reloaded, and has this to say:

Cxbx-Reloaded is a work-in-progress Xbox Emulator for Microsoft Windows. Thanks to recent developments, it now boots more titles than ever before and is finally making progress at a steady rate. This is very exciting, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

Money received will go towards funding myself to spend more hours working on Cxbx-Reloaded, purchasing games to test, and purchasing equipment required to further develop the emulator.

So if you want to back this emulator of the original xbox, then its worth checking out, plus there are several videos of work in progress games, if that doesn't encourage you to donate :)

    Monday, June 20, 2011
Cxbx SVN r169

News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/cxbx-svn-r169.html

Cxbx SVN r169 is released. Cxbx is an Xbox emulator for the Microsoft Windows operating system developed by a group of programmers led by a hacker named Caustik and written in the C++ programming language. Cxbx's goal is to convert a game from an Xbox executable to a native Windows executable.

Cxbx SVN Changelog:
Whacked is playable + lots of other random updates!
Added XG for 4432.
Added XG for 4432.
Added XG for 4432.
Quick update
Added preliminary native XInput support files and new HLE database files.

Download http://www.dcemu.co.uk/content/92482-Cxbx-SVN-r169

    Saturday, May 28, 2011
Surreal64 CE B5.5

News via http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EFpyVEFppACNXZyTLv.php

Ez0n3, freakdave & weinerschnitzel released a new version of Surreal64 CE, a Nintendo64 emulator for the Xbox1:

Surreal64 CE is a continuation of the Surreal64 project where Team XXX left off. Originally developed by oDD and Lantus, Surreal64 included ports of three Win32 based Nintendo64 emulators including 1964, Project64 and UltraHLE. Our goal is to improve Nintendo64 emulation on the XBOX
with the addition of:

- New or updated N64 emulators
- New or updated video, audio and RSP plugins
- Improved controls
- a user friendly and skinnable GUI

Changes since B5.4:

* Native 720p output for all video plugins and the launcher
* Full Screen Anti Aliasing modes up to 4x
* VSYNC setting to eliminate tearing
* Save state previews
* Paths for Saves and Screenshots
* Mupen64plus updated JttL audio plugin (still testing)
* M64p HLE RSP plugin (Hacktarux & Azimer)
* HLE RSP plugin (Hacktarux, Surreal CVS)
* New setting UseRspAudio
* Rom history which auto-selects the last rom at launch
* Option to toggle background music for the launcher
* Launch current rom using Y from the emulator settings menu
* Temporary messages (as known from Surreal 1.0) for launcher and all video plugins
* UltraHLE mem settings to ini - Ultra Code Mem/Ultra Group Mem
* Favorites for rom list from Surreal 1.0 (BLACK = list all/favs, WHITE = add/rem fav)
* Skin.ini for many new skinning features
* XMV Video support
* Real Time Clock support for 1964 (thanks to Shapyi and zoinkity)
* EmuXtras Synopsis by MegaMan(?)

* Music Manager so that it plays more than one wma file (LEFT THUMBSTICK = next track)
* Deadzone now calculated as a percentage of total range
* Load/Save State text to reflect date created
* Paging methods now user defined setting in Launcher
* Max Video Mem so that 0 is auto (keep to 2MB free)
* Set VertexMode default to 2 (hardware)
* Stripped non audio SDLx code from JttL
* Toggling menu items in Launcher/IGM does now also work with DPAD/LEFT THUMBSTICK
* Expanded ingame debug info output
* Control Config Panel reorganized to better fit an image panel

* Mempak issue (still needs work - UltraHLE is still missing)
* Rice Video 5.60 fog reverted to that of Rice Daedalus 5.10
* Screenshot name problems
* Switching paks in menu issue
* Countless ini fixes for all Rice plugins, PJ64, 1964 (BIG thx scorp316)
* GoldenEye crashes if 4 players were facing each other in multiplayer (UltraHLE)
* Minor core (1964) and dynarec (1964/PJ64) optimizations
* Increased volume for launcher and all sound plugins except Basic Audio (missing source code)
* Several missing boxarts
* Squished boxarts

* Consistent PAL and NTSC definitions
* Added libSDLx source from HuntsVegas
* Moved all OSD code into a single file
* Added Build.bat
* Added Profile, Profile_FastCap, and Release_LTCG configs
* Changed all projects to have unique GUID's
* Switched launcher ini parser to simpleini
* Mem Decommit from 1964/PJ64 to UltraHLE for IGM
* Added Doom 64 1.1 to boxarts (rename of existing)
* Added GoldenEye:X to Surreal.ini

Official Site: http://surreal64ce.wikidot.com

    Tuesday, April 11, 2006
New X360 review added!

I just added my latest Xbox 360 review!

Tomb Raider Legend


    Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Another X360 review added!

Two in a week - I'm finally speeding up!

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

It's a superb game, I hope you enjoy the review.

    Monday, March 13, 2006
Xbox 360 Review Added

Just finished my latest review.

EA Sports Fight Night Round 3


    Thursday, February 02, 2006
Xbox Review Added - TOCA 3

New Xbox review added to Emu64!

TOCA Race Driver 3



    Monday, January 23, 2006
Xbox 360 Reviews Added

Two more Xbox 360 reviews have been added to Emu64.

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

Call of Duty 2



    Wednesday, December 14, 2005
X360 Review - Madden NFL 06

The first of my many Xbox 360 game reviews has been added to Emu64.

Madden NFL 06 Review - Click Here to go read it!

Watch this space for more Xbox 360 reviews!


    Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Hands-on with the Xbox 360!

Lucky me!

My first impressions of Microsoft's Xbox 360.

Click here for the full story.


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