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    Saturday, March 11, 2006
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.8 Released

[-] Last fixes in version 2.7 before starting developing version 2.8 (some bugs in the Debugger, Assembler window).

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.8

    Sunday, March 05, 2006
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.7 Released

[-] Core emulation fixed for all undocumented instructions (including BIT n,(HL)). Now ZEXALL test and other tests are executed exact as on real Spectrum machine. A selection of Z80 chip clone added into configuration. Thanks to Boo-boo, Wlodek, CHRV, Smt.
[-] Scorpion model multicolor fixed

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.7

    Friday, February 03, 2006
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.6 Released

[-] ZXAsm++ reworked and moved to a separate DLL (sources for ZXAsm++ are opened and packed with other stuff in add-ons archive).
[-] Some small fixes and improvements in the interface.

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.6

    Saturday, January 21, 2006
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.5b Released

[-] working in Windows9x fixed.

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.5b

    Thursday, November 24, 2005
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.4 Released

[+] Light Gun and Gun Stick optical devices support added, both emulated via mouse (see Configuration).
[-] Small fixes in the Assembler and in the Debugger.

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.4

    Wednesday, November 16, 2005
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.3 Released

[-] Calling Macro in the Assembler fixed.

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.3

    Monday, November 14, 2005
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.2 Released

[-] Font in the Debugger fixed.
[-] Auto-completion in the Assembler editor fixed.
[-] RST instruction in the Disassembler fixed.
[-] Loading memory block (Load and Compare dialog) fixed.
[-] Unpressing RShift fixed (when LShift and RShift were mapped to some different Spectrum keys, pressing and releasing it together got in result that key correspondent to RShift left "pressed").
[-] In some cases when Pentagon was selected after resetting Spectrum, ROM image from S128 was loaded, fixed.

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.2

    Sunday, November 13, 2005
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.1 Released

[+] An option added "Caps on Arrow Keys", which allows to disable this behavior which is on by default. (Useful for games with a Cursor keys keyboard, which do not like Caps Lock therefore).
[-] Pressing Alt+'0'..Alt+'9' crashed the emulator if it was not in NetPlay mode. Fixed.
[-] In the Debugger, breakpoints on Port Write fixed (just were not implemented, but setting such breakpoint was crashing the emulator). Turning on/off separate breakpoint in the Breakpoints Dialog while running could crash the emulator, fixed too.
[+] Very special effect added, Equispaced Frames. It is intended for Anti-Slowdown War (sometimes game speed depends a lot of amount of objects to draw on screen, and in that case game become slower for a time). This effect allows to eliminate this behavior: all frames become equidistant, and in some cases game is running smoother. But sometimes speed become too fast, so do not forget to select another custom speed. And, for some games this mode should not be on while it is loading or showing menus, so to switch the mode quickly, key combination Alt+Q is reserved for turning this effect on/off.

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.1

    Thursday, November 10, 2005
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.0 Released

[+] An option added "Emulate Kempston on Numpad", which allows to disable this behavior which is on by default. (Useful for notebooks and for some Spectrum programs which do not allow keys defining when Kempston presence is detected).
  While saving Hobeta files from Disk Browser, undesired characters in file names are substituted with its hexadecimal code %xx, and an underline character is added to undesired file names (such as PRN.*).
  Faster a bit Disk Browser indication.
[-] "Jump to block" and "Stop if 48" commands in TZX load fixed.
  More exact implementation of command "STOP TAPE" in TZX.
[+] Auto-detection of two-sided tapes added while loading TAP or TZX from the ZIP archive. If answered "Yes", both sides are loaded concatenated.
[+] New option "Disable Sticky Keys (Accessibility feature) while running" added. Turned on by default.
[-] Assembler fixed for some rare errors (leading to infinite loop of the emulator though, bad). Thanks a lot to Derek for a definitive bug report!
[-] Map Builder fixed. (The error is from version 2.6 when memory allocation changed for Spectrum memory blocks, sorry).

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 2.0

    Tuesday, September 27, 2005
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 1.12 Released

A new version of this ZX-Spectrum emulator has been released.

[-] Some fixes from version 1.7 to 1.12. Now I can remove mark Beta. Further working on the emulator are stopped now for a time. But if bugs were found, I'll fix it.

EmuZWin v2.7 Release 1.12
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 1.12

    Thursday, September 22, 2005
UnrealSpeccy 0.32b2 Released

A new build of UnrealSpeccy (ZX-Spectrum emulator for the Windows Operating System) has been released. Here is the changes for version 0.32b2.

! fixed bug (only drive A: can be used) [fb Strunov]
! fixed bug in FDD delays [fb Kubas]
* some changes in multicolor renderer [sb AlCo]
* Pentagon-1024: #7FFD.5 is a 48k mode lock when #EFF7.2=1 [sb AlCo]
* color console output
* AdvMAME scale 2x,4x optimized for SSE2

Head on over to the sourceforge site for UnrealSpeccy to grab the docs and to get more information.

UnrealSpeccy Official Site
UnrealSpeccy 0.32b2

    Wednesday, September 14, 2005
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 1.11 Released

A new version of this ZX Spectrum emulator has been released, but no list of changes has been provided.

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 1.11

    Thursday, September 08, 2005
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 1.7 Beta Released

A new Beta build for the ZX-Spectrum emulator EmuZWin has been released. Here is the changes for 2.7 Release 1.7 Beta.

 Loading Pokes fixed.

 Scorpion ZS model supported mainly (service monitor works now, there are no yet SMUC+HDD, CMOS, programmatic turbo etc.).
 Magic Button for TR-DOS fixed. NMI to service ROM added (only for Scorpion model yet).
 Debugger fixed a bit (setting breakpoints at the same address in another bank, now execution breakpoints are determined only by the address, data address view in decimal fixed) and improved a bit (search in decimal bytes/words, show address of byte under mouse cursor, the same in load block dialog, color of found bytes changed a bit, registers are updated on each step when F7 or space is pressed instantly, other small changes there).
 Both hex and decimal view of the address in the Sprite Finder.
 ZX Assembler++: Many fixes (mainly with new extensions, proclaimed as C-- - like) and some improvements (local labels added, with configurable prefixes, GOTO [cond,]label pseudo-operator added). Compiling speed reduced and is about 5 times faster now. Therefore button Cancel added to stop compiling if necessary.
 Progress in status while loading and saving big snapshots.

Head on over to the official site for more information.

EmuZWin Official Site
EmuZWin 2.7 Release 1.7 Beta

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