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    Sunday, June 14, 2015
xenia website news

With all the goings on with this xbox 360 emulator, seeing the website have a major change wasn't unexpected, although the website looks like its still unfinished, its certainly worth noting for things to come, and at looking at their news post "HELLO WORLD" they do say about needing some style love.

So why don't you head over to the http://xenia.jp/, and say from me :)

In over xenia news, we have compiled a nice selection of vids of this emulator in action, if you have any to contribute check out the topic here.

    Thursday, June 11, 2015
Sonic 2006 running on xenia video

Following our last news post on xenia with a video of sonic 4 ep1 playing, we now have a new video for you, this time Sonic the hedgehog, the 2006 xbox 360 game "partially running" on the pc, which shows some significant progress lately with this emulator, there aren't any official builds but you can get the source from github

And you can view the video on youtube.

Or in comments!

Source: kotaku

    Monday, June 08, 2015
Xenia Git 2015/06/05 running Sonic The Hedgehog 4.Ep 1

Always nice to post something new to http://www.emulation64.com/, so heres a video of Sonic the hedgehog 4 episode 1, running on xenia, a open source xbox 360 emulator for PC.

The video itself shows good speed, some graphic glitchs and sound, and shows just how far this emulator has come.

Source youtube

Video in comments.

    Tuesday, June 21, 2011
MAME 0.72 Release 2 for Xbox 360

MAME 0.72 Release 2 for Xbox 360 is released. This is a port of MAME v0.72 for your Xbox 360 Console.

[Xbox 360] MAME 0.72 Release 2

This is a port of MAME V0.72 for your Xbox 360 Console.

Whats New

- Fixed sound issues
- Added basic options screen.
- Removed software filters and Added Pixel shaders. Additional filters will be added later.
- Source code has been included in this release.


- Easy to use UI
- Previews
- Full graphics and sound
- 4 players supported
- Cheat menu support
- Hiscore.dat support
- Pixel shader filters


You will need to find roms that work with MAME 0.72

By default roms will go into GAME:roms

The mame.ini [Directories] option can be modified so that will hold up to 4 seperate rom paths. Valid devices are:



Controls can be configured easily via the mame configuration menu. The defaults set are:

- Back + Start to exit back to menu
- Right Thumb to enter Configuration Mode
- Left Thumb for On Screen Display


- Add additional UI options
- Additional graphics options. Resizing/scaling etc.


- A small number of roms will crash with a 'Fatal Exception' error.
- Some roms have palette/sprite (endian) issues.
- Some roms have screen aspect ratio issues.

Credits and Thanks

- Thanks to Artik and Logic Sunrise for their continued support.
- Portions of the code is based on MameOX. Credits to the team.


    Wednesday, March 30, 2011
XBOX 360 Controller Emulator

News via Emurussia

XBOX 360 Controller Emulator has been updated. Changes:
- Fix: Now properly saves HookMode under [InputHook] section.


    Friday, March 25, 2011
XBOX 360 Controller Emulator

News via Emurussia

XBOX 360 Controller Emulator has been updated. Changes:
- New: 'Console' setting support added.
- Update: Microsoft XNA Framework classes updated to 4.0.
- New: Preset for "Philips Wireless PC Controller".


    Monday, March 27, 2006
Xbox 360 Working NES Emulator Through MCE

Xexter has found a way to get a Nes Emulator working on the Xbox 360 via MCE, heres a few screens:

Heres what he posted:

I've attached a link to a version of NESCafe that works through Media Center on the Xbox 360. This is currently setup to run at 480p (Widescreen). You can edit the nes.htm file if it does not fit correctly on your screen. I haven't found a way to add a menu for the roms list so you will have to edit the nes.htm and change to whatever Nes rom you want to play. I've included a Public Domain rom for testing but have verified Zelda1-2, Excitebike, and TecmoBowl and all worked.

INSTALL: You will need to extract the rar into C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAccessoriesMedia CenterMedia Center Programs on your media center box. It took a bit for the icon to show up under More Programs but it finally will.

NOTES: Sound is not functioning, Media Center 2005 is required. If it locks up you will need to run something that warns you that it is a web page and check the box that says "Don't show this again". Once you do that it should run fine. I created an MCL that just went to Google and then checked that box. I've also attached an image with the mapping of the Xbox Controller to the corresponding keyboard keys.

Video Link - Your Tube

(Im Unsure where the original story came from but its uploaded Here

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