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    Falcon4ever - September 2005

Gent: Hi Falcon4ever , First of all thanks to agreeing to this Chilling With Gent Session many thanks.I want to ask you some questions on behalf of The Emulation64 Network Browsers/Users who are interested in you and what you are doing ok?

Falcon4ever: Sounds fine to me

Gent: cool What have you been up to since the release of the excellent njoy v0.2 plugin for dolphin which lets the user use their controller instead of just the keyboard? and how is life treating you?

Falcon4ever: Since the release many things has happened. In real life I just entered my new master study at the uni. So i guess life is going to be a bit busy from now on. However I still work on nJoy v0.3 of course...

Gent: cool all the best with uni and great to hear about further progress on njoy The njoy v0.2 plugin was released 14th July 2005 and already has had 19591 downloads alone to date from the Emutalk post. What are your feeling on the response of your plugin so far?

Falcon4ever: Since it was my first big "public" project, it felt like a honour to write it. (Thanx to F|RES and ector for the opportunity). I'm glad so much people are enjoying the plugin so far .

Gent: yep i am definitely one of those enjoying this great plugin thanks for a wonderful way to use dolphin. What are your plans for further features and progression on this amazing plugin?

Falcon4ever: Well firstly of course, I've heard many request on the "config by click and button press" feature. That's one which is definitely going to be included in the 0.3 version. Because 0.3 will probably be ported to DirectInput, rumble support will be on its way. Another small feature is that multiple pads will be supported I think (but that needs to be combined with a new dolphin release, since port 2 3 4 are internally disabled). but don't expect a beta soon or smth

Gent: wow those are excellent features and i know im excited to see these introduced cause ill definitely be using then and we can wait until you are ready, just don't make it too long

Falcon4ever: Well dolphin is known for it's nice release dates (once a year) perhaps i should use the same release frequancy

Gent: lol lets hope not What other emulators are you into and what are your favourites at the moment? and are you thinking of coding anything for those in the near future?

Falcon4ever: Well I guess most people will know me as a beta tester of Dolphin and PCSX2. At the moment I guess PCSX2 is going to be my favorite, although I haven't been testing that one for a long time. PCSX2 0.9 beta shows lots of promising stuff . I don't know if i ever going to do a plugin for PCSX2 since the plugins which are out atm fullfill on all areas (input, sounds, gfx).

Gent: Rumble?

Falcon4ever: errrr perhaps

Gent: lol ok another thing most people may or may not know is you have a great sense of humour so i want to dig into that part of your Personalty

Falcon4ever: lol

Gent: soo ..... there is a urban terminology for a word Gented referring to me of course Here When was the last time you Gented and what was it?

Falcon4ever: Err that's a tough question. I can barely remember situations where i gented . I guess using regular popcorn in microwave won't count? After setting the timer on 3 minutes the whole microwaves was smoking and black . Didn't knew how to explain it after my parents and friends came by So never use regular popcorn, just buy that damn expensive microwave popcorn .

Gent: lol wow see im not the only one who is a hazard in the kitchen

Falcon4ever: hehe, thank god someone invented instant noodles

Gent: roflmao Now these next Questions i stole from the Actors Studio and love it, so i am going to ask you them too. When you get to the gates of heaven what would you like to hear Arc Angel Gabriel say to you?

Falcon4ever: Come in, we still have a lot of virgins left.

Gent: as in emulation right

Falcon4ever: yea NEXT QUESTION

Gent: What is your Least Favourite Word ?

Falcon4ever: lazy, most people are calling me that

Gent: lol

Falcon4ever: But i'm not lazy, i just save up the work for later

Gent: What is your Favourite Word ?

Falcon4ever: i guess 'love' or smth

Gent: awww sweety What is your Favourite Yahoo or any Smillie ?


Gent: What question would you of wanted me to ask that i haven't ?

Falcon4ever: What's your favorite music instrument

Gent: lol ok What's your favorite music instrument

Falcon4ever: hehe yea since i'm a human in real life i also have some nice hobbies like playing the electric guitar , and yes it more enjoyable than using the computer

Gent: Nice im a fan of music and talented people so great to see you are creative outside of emulation also. What was your 1st Video Game Console or PC if relevant

Falcon4ever: my first computer ever was the Commodore 64. Well dad bought a commodore 128 for his study, but as you may know the C128 can run in C64 mode. At that time the C64 was one of the most popular game computers . oh and of course we had the colour! monitor of commodore and the original tape streamers/disk drives

Gent: aww memories for me I had an Amstrad :o, BBC Micro and Spectrum

Falcon4ever: actually I still have the c128 somewhere, probably with 2 inches of dust on it . hehe where is that damn legendary binitone

Gent: roflmao i see you have the same filling system as me and the Binitone died years ago bring on that emu If you could be anyone in the world past or present who would you be

Falcon4ever: well since i'm Dutch i guess that would be Johan Cruijff (the soccer legend).

Gent: ok cant say ive heard of him but im not Dutch or a football fan so im not surprised

Falcon4ever: Oh god, guess you missed a part of the world history

Gent: right Do you belive in love at 1st sight and i mean with other people not yourself

Falcon4ever: Yea I do, although I'm single now atm ...

Gent: no time right?

Falcon4ever: nah time is no issue but then again, in that case the person still doesn't know me from the inside

Gent: too true, but time blossoms into the whirlwind that is Romance
Gent: the wife just walked pass If you went on a different path and never got involved with Emulation or got the Coding Bug, what would you have been doing instead for a hobby?

Falcon4ever: Well I guess I would have found a job by now doing some engineering stuff... (yea sounds boring i guess )

Gent: nah again creative but im glad you found emulation, or rather like most of us it found you

Falcon4ever: hehe, well if dave2001 didn't asked me to test glide64, i would already have ditched the emu related stuff

Gent: yea and then he sodded off What would you like to see yourself doing in ten years ?

Falcon4ever: Well I would like to see me working for some major IT company. Having a GF (perhaps kids?) and a nice home...

Gent: sounds good to me If you was a normal user and used njoy for the 1st time, what would strike you the most about it?

Falcon4ever: err nothing, it's perfect, it suites for all my needs !!! nah j/k

Gent: roflmao apart from Rumble and Config keys

Falcon4ever: Do you even know how hard it is to think of these things as a plugin author ?

Gent: well yea but thankfully i aint gotta do it so erm lets have the goods


Gent: What Book has in grossed you from the start to finish and what was it ?

Falcon4ever: Oh that's just a terrible question, I'm from the "I don't like to read books"-generation. I remember reading some dutch and English books for school... can't really remember the titles tough. Oh, found one: Brian Moore - Lies of Silence. About some guy who livin' in Belfast which gets involved with the drama of the IRA... I bet you have never heard of this book of author before

Gent: /me googles now i can say yea i know that and nah if it aint a film i dont know it

Falcon4ever: hehe, I doubt any sane person will ever make a movie out of it

Gent: all i can say is Battlefield Earth anythings possible Who is a person you most admire and why ?

Falcon4ever: Hmm, choose someone individually is a bit hard, guess this one is going to be cliché but my parents, because of all the love and support

Gent: aww again thats sweet and sorry i dont have a link for that unless you do ?

Falcon4ever: nope , they wish to stay anonymous

Gent: lol thought as much Would you like to look into the possibility of maybe making me the game Aeroguage 2 for the N64 or even the Gamecube?

Falcon4ever: I give you a very small chance, close to not .
And besides that i doubt i have the skills . So better put your bets on smth else

Gent: lol why did i know i was gonna that answer


Gent: Thank you for your time Falcon4ever and being a the great sport, all the best in Life and any thing you are involved in.

Falcon4ever: Thank you for this interview gent, it was a honour . keep in touch

Gent: bless you i will plug all your projects to high heaven


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