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Project: iDeaS
Developers: Lino Maglione
Official Site: Click Here
Source: Closed
Status: Active
iDeaS screenshot


iDeaS is a Nintendo DS emulator. It's even able to run some commercial games.

Download latest version

iDeaS alpha (Linux 32-bit)


 Filename  Size  Downloads  Updated

1.  iDeaS alpha (Linux 32-bit) 268.77 KB 4738 2008-01-03
2.  iDeaS DInput Plugin (Windows 32-bit) 21.74 KB 7480 2007-12-03
3.  iDeaS - Audio plugin (Windows 32-bit) 29.46 KB 29180 2007-11-29
4.  iDeaS (Windows 32-bit) 232.74 KB 17753 2007-11-26
5.  iDeaS beta (Windows 32-bit) 205.65 KB 4774 2007-11-17
6.  iDeaS - WiFi plugin beta (Windows 32-bit) 16.57 KB 6496 2007-09-30
7.  iDeaS - AVI Capture Plugin (Windows 32-bit) 11.15 KB 5544 2007-07-03

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iDeaS - AVI Capture Plugin has been downloaded a total of 75,965 times.

We have 1428 files available for download.
Our files have been downloaded 11,334,936 times.

This page was last updated 2008-01-03.

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