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KlipFolio Wednesday, December 18 - 09:45 AM CET

KlipFolio Information and Setup

Serence KlipFolio is a personal dashboard for Windows that saves you time and effort by using Klips to intelligently monitoring remote data sources--like weather, stocks, Hotmail, news, RSS feeds and even auctions--right on your desktop.

Emulation64 is a premier news source for emulation and one of our goals is to provide news to you every way we can. I am personally a fan of KlipFolio and have used it in an earlier version of EmuFanatics and found it to be a great tool for news feeds. I have taken the time to write up a step by step guide on how to setup KlipFolio and how to add Emulation64's klip file.

So lets get started. The first thing you will need to do is to head on over to the KlipFolio Site and download the latest version. Currently the latest version is 3.0 beta, which I recommend because of the better memory management and other features that come along with it. Once you have it downloaded you will of course want to install it. The default comes with a few feeds and other stuff. You can easily remove these by going to the preferences option. You can also mess with the other options while you are here as well. Check out the screenshots below for a visual.

Ok now that we have successfully installed KlipFolio lets add the Emulation64 klip file. I have made 3 different options for checking times. If you would like it to check every hour then download the 60 minute file, if you would like to check every 30 minutes then select the one for 30 minutes and finally one that checks every 15 minutes. You can also change the time by right clicking the file name and selecting "save target as" and then editing the klip file in a text editor.

:: Emulation64 Klip File - 60 Minute Checking
:: Emulation64 Klip File - 30 Minute Checking
:: Emulation64 Klip File - 15 Minute Checking

Once you selected the file of your choice the klip feed should be automatically added to your KlipFolio. Once you have the feed added you have a few options you can use by going to the preferences. Just select the Emulation64 feed and select the setup button. One of the nice options is popup notification which I use since I keep my KlipFolio minimized in my system tray. You can also be notified of updates with sound if you want as well.

Well thats about it for now. You also might want to check out the Klip Farm for more feeds and check here for the latest skins. I didn't add any bells or whistles in the first version of our klip feed but I may look into ways to enhance our feeds at a later date when I have some time. Well .. enjoy. :)

- Keith

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