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    Spotlight on Roor

Date: 2004-05-11
Current Project(s): PS2emu
Location: Mar del Plata, Argentina

Today we focus our Spotlight on Roor who is best known for his wonderful work with his Playstation emulator AdriPSX and his newest project PS2emu. Roor is a very humble person who doesn't care about being famous or known and usually stays quiet and lets his work speak for himself. He has been a great friend over the years and I am happy he still has the drive and willingness to continue with his great emulation projects. Ok now onto the interview.


Q : When did you get into emulation either as a coder or just a fan?
A : I got myself into emulation as a coder, I wanted to play some of my favourite PSX games, and I wasn't able to buy a real PSX, at the time.

Q : What was your first coding experience for emulation?
A : Well, that would be AdriPSX. At it's first incarnation, in DOS by the end of year 1999.

Q : What interested you in creating emulator for the Playstation system?
A : Well... there were a couple of games that were available only for PS1 platform... and I really wanted to play them...

Q : What interested you in creating emulator for the Playstation 2 system?
A : I got interested, as I felt myself done with PS1 emulation after AdriPSX... but I wanted something where to work our several ideas that I developed for AdriPSX, but I never had the time to implement.

Q : What do you think about the current state of the emulation scene as a whole?
A : For the last two years, it got a bit of a slowdown... as most older console/computers have been correctly emulated, and only the new generation ones were left. Pocket consoles like GBA have been succesfully emulated, but bigger systems like PS2, XBOX, GameCube or even Dreamcast are even now a bit far from complete success. If you ask me, best chance of "big" system to get completely emulated soon is for Saturn, which has shown some interesting progress lately.

Q : What do you think about the current state of the NextGen scene?
A : Except for the case of XBOX, where CPU&GPU performance can be emulated in a very particular way because of its similarities to a "PC", NextGen emulators are and will continue finding problems related to speed and performance. I'm sure that full compatibility will be attained sooner or later, hopefully in less than a year for all current major projects... but it may take a little longer for developing the needed technologies for a faster and acurate gameplay performance, that will be attained through both hardware and emulation software evolution.

Q : How do you feel about the response you have received so far for your projects?
A : Regarding AdriPSX even as it is not completed yet, as I would like. I can say that I'm quite pleased. As for PS2EMU, it's still too early in its developement stage as to think about a "response" from user.

Q : What is your best experience when it comes to Emulation?
A : That would be when I feel that I can feel and enjoy a gameplay experience using an emulator. It is something that usually is difficult to occur when you spent most the time looking at an emu from a developer point of view instead of being just a player.

Q : What was your worst experience when it comes to Emulation?
A : I really wouldn't know what to say... Hmm... Maybe it would be the few times when you are able to arrange to work as a team for a project, and soon you realize that you can't force other people to work on section or something they don't really want to, but it is really needed for the project.

Q : Are you currently working on any other projects besides PS2emu?
A : Well, I have my "real-life" job as a software developer, making my own products or working as a third party developer. On the "amateur" projects side, apart from AdriPSX (which I haven't touched for nearly two years), I have two projects. One on Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining, which doesn't even have a name yet. And an MMORPG, which is in quite an advanced stage, although the project is lacking of 3d artists, level designers and scripters nowadays. Currently its named Hectorum Online.

Q : Does the amount of lame request ever make you second guess what you are currently doing?
A : It may sound funny, but if you ask me... only about the 10% of email related to my projects is what you may consider "lame requests". I presume that that kind of request is most common to emulation news sites and forums... than to be directly made to emu developers.

Q : Do you ever plan on working on another emulation project after PS2emu? If so what would interest you and challenge you?
A : Well... after I'm done with PS2EMU... surely I'll go on PS3, at least one year after it becomes available to the public.

Q : Are you satisfied with the work you have done up to this point?
A : Yes, and no. I'm quite satisfied with the results of my work, but I always complained to myself about my little dedication and lazyness. There's lots of stuff that could have been done earlier in time if I was a little less lazy. For example, AdriPSX was DOS version for a long time... because I was too lazy as to port it to Windows... when the time came, and I made the port, it took me just a couple of hours to make it. And I was quite angry because I hadn't made it one year earlier.

Q : Does the progress of your projects surpass all of your expectations so far? Or do you think you would have been further along in development?
A : That's a silly question for a developer. It is sad, but our projects NEVER reach our expectations... I presume that that it is the reason why we always continue working on them for such a long time.

Q : Who else do you currently work with on your projects?
A : Well, on PS2EMU we are three people for the time being. Scar_T who has done our plugins interface, part of our VIF and our compiler macros. Shunt for our COP2 and VPU upper opcodes. And me for the rest of the emu. On AdriPSX, for some time I worked with Juan, who helped me with teh GUI at appeared for AdriPSX ILE Editon.

Q : One last thing is there anything you would like to say or anybody you would like to thank?
A : Well, to begin with I would like to thank to Mark from the late emutech2000, it was thanks to him that I published my first work on PSX emulation. Then to Bobbi, who took charge of all web stuff that I never liked. To PsYcHoJaCk, who provided me with my first real 3D card (which I still use) and made possible a lot of further developement for me on the emulation world. And to Samuel Sonsmith, which encouragement made us possible to restart and continue working on PS2EMU.

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Related Links:
:: PS2emu Official Site
:: AdriPSX Official Site

Small Tidbits:
Age: 24
Name: Héctor San Martín
Food: Gnogis
Movie: Chojiku Yousai Makurosu : Ai Oboeteimasuka
Book: Fiodor Dostoievsky's The Gambler
Game: The Elder Scrolls : Daggerfall
Hobbies: Software developement

Hectorum Screenshots:
Hectorum Screenshot 1
Hectorum Screenshot 2
Hectorum Screenshot 3
Hectorum Screenshot 4
Hectorum Screenshot 5


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