Date: 2005-03-24
Current Project(s): 1964 and Rice Video Location: USA

Today we focus our spotlight on Rice, best known for his development on 1964 and his video plugin Rice Video. Currently there is some very cool things going on with the Nintendo 64 emulation scene and high resolution texture replacement thanks to Rice's video plugin. This has brought new life and excitement back to the Nintendo 64 emulation scene.
Q : When did you get into emulation either as a coder or just a fan?
A : As a Zelda OoT fan.
Q : What was your first coding experience for emulation?
A : 1964 is the my first project. I was very exciting to play Zelda OoT with UltraHLE. It did not support Zelda MM, and I like to play Zelda MM so much so I took the only open source N64 emulator project - 1964, to read the code and modify it by myself. That was how I started.
Q : What interested you in Nintendo 64 Emulation?
A : Everything, I guess. From the project complexcity, to its challenges, to the amazing graphics we could generate with better coding.
Q : What do you think about the current state of the emulation scene as a whole?
A : I think emulation scene is getting less and less popular. I believe it is normal. From the wide spreading of internet, people have obtained more and more other choice, including games on other platform, movies, comics, and so on.
Emulation scene has also got more mature. There are not many new and exciting things happens as what was happening when it started.
Q : What do you think about the current state of the NextGen scene?
A : I didn't follow nextgen scene very well. As I can see, there will be years to go before nextgen emu can be fully playable as current N64/SNES/.. emus.
Q : How do you feel about the response you have received so far for your projects?
A : I am doing it for fun. I don't take too much pressure from it. I do what I can do.
Q : What is your best experience when it comes to Emulation?
A : Playing Zelda OoT, Banjo Kazooie, Conker
Fixing major bugs in old 1964 code and made it be able to play much more games.
Q : Are you currently working on any other projects besides 1964 and your video plugin?
A : A MP3 Karaoke project, nothing really big and important
Q : What is the lamest request you have every received?
A : I received many requests or questions that were so stupid. Such requests or questions should be very easily answered by the person could just read the Readme file or search around.
I usually just ignore such request.
Q : What is the nicest complement you have received?
A : I received many nice complement. I would like to thank for the people to support me.
Q : Could you give us some information regarding the current state of your projects?
A : I don't think too much will be going on with my N64 project, including 1964 core and my video plugin. The current states are probably the best I can get them to.
Q : Do you ever plan on working on another emulation project after 1964 and your video plugin? If so what would interest you and challenge you?
A : Probably not. 1964 and video have taken years of my personnel time. How many years are there for a person?
Q : Are you satisfied with the work you have done up to this point?
A : yes.
Q : How much has emulation influenced you and how much has it improved your work?
A : The programming experience I have learned by doing the emulation projects had helped to improve my work.
Q : One last thing is there anything you would like to say or anybody you would like to thank?
A : I need to thank for many people who I worked together with me, or who had helped me along in these year.
Schibo, Azimer, Zilmar, Jabo and other N64 emu authors, and all other people who have supported and helped me.
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Related Links:
:: 1964 Official Site
:: 1964 Official Forums
:: High Resolution Textures Forums
Small Tidbits:
Age: 30
Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump, LOTRs, Matrix
Favorite Game: Zelda OoT, Conker |
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