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    Tuesday, February 01, 2011
EmuCenter2 v1.5.8.0 beta

News via Nmax

EmuCenter2 is a simplistic interface that combines the best emulators *
cfor video game consoles with greater simplicity

* Console emulation: enables a computer to run games like a video game console

Highlights :

- A simple interface that combines all your games (emulation, pc or internet).
- Brings together the most popular console emulators for both 32 and 64 bits.
- Sets all emulators for immediate use with good settings.
- Brings together the most common settings for all emulators on the same page.
- Automatically sets the controller for all possible emulators. (plug and play
- Automatic and regular update of EmuCenter2 and its emulators.
- Download the game covers with a few clicks.
- Automatic seeking of description and a slideshow of the game (Work in progress to make the last 2 points automatic)

Supported consoles :

- Nintendo : Nes, Super nes, Gameboy, 64, Gamecube, DS and Wii
- Sega : Master system, Genesis, Gamegear, Saturn and Dreamcast
- Sony : PlayStation 1, 2 and PSP
- Other : Neogeo and arcade systems (Capcom CPS, Taito, Sega model 2, Arcade LaserDisc, ...)

version (Complete / Full)
- Ajourne emulateur PCSX2 (PS2) -> SVN 0.9.7 build 4271
- Ajourne emulateur Dolphin (GAMECUBE / Wii) -> SVN R 6954 x86/x64
- Fixed some games appearing in the wrong section

Version beta (partial)
- Prevents automatic search of covers more than 3 times per day
- Fixed various bugs
- Improving the filter before renaming a search (pouches, descriptions)
- Add passive mode to share games MD5 (avoids an error)
- Add a delay of 3 sec. before applying an update
(Supposed to fix an error when updating: s) (partial)
- Allows a large amount of ROM to be displayed without problems
- Option to display a list of games in list
- Redisplays description when the cursor returns to the game
- Add a search function pocket auto
(Uses a database being created)
(Option to share the results are output to enlarge the database)
- Removes extension displayed in the title description
- Attempts to correct aspet ratio pockets Nintendo DS (110px/100px) / (partial)
- Fixed interface colors applied even if cancel
- Attempt to filter the name of the game before finding description
- Adjourn translations (Français corrected: fredi125-> [email protected])
- Google Images.nl for Dutch language
- Corrects the name of a language Deutsch -> Dutch (Netherlands)
- Improved search function description and slideshow
- Fixed bug: Unable to delete a file storage for Megadrive
- Add support for missing extensions (*. rom; SEGACD *. mp3, ...)
- Fixed refresh after adding faulty games (PS2, Sega Genesis)
- Straighten resolution does not MAMEUI modifiée (partial)
- Added option to change the language interface
- German Language added Thank tom9358
- Allows the addition of several storage directories games section
- Recursive Search games in their cases
- Adds a 1900x1080 resolution 16 / 9
- Fixed bug when adding bios when there is already
- Try to avoid having the residue icon JoyToKey
- Add support for missing extension (PSX, Fusion)
- Fixed window Desmume partially hidden for small resolutions
- Saving window position before leaving EmuCenter2
- Compact the interface principale
- Copy inftead move the games when adding (Partial)
- Adds search function automatically description (EN) and slide show of a game
(To function, the name of the game must be perfectly written)
- Adds a description and a slideshow (5 images max) for games
- Allows the addition of several games in one section of a sudden
- Fixed location of the backup bios Saturn
- Improves various things (Partial / Partial)
- Fixed an error in the update
- Simplifies the operation of the daphne emulator in EmuCenter2
'.EmuCenter2EMULATEURSdaphneromsREADME - daphne roms PART1 (Arcade LaserDisc emulator).txt'
'.EmuCenter2JEUXArcadeREADME - daphne roms PART2 (Arcade LaserDisc emulator).txt'



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No Description in database.

No Description in database.

No Description in database.

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