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    Saturday, August 27, 2005
Raine 0.43.0 Released

Hey cool a new version of Raine has been released. Here is a rundown on the changes for version 0.43.0

 Added new games : Pang, Super Pang, Poker ladies, Block Block. All of them playable with sound, adapted from mame.
 Added sound support to these games based on the nmk004 findings in mame: macross, black heart, bio ship paladin, strahl, acrobat mission, mustang, thunder dragon, and even hacha mecha fighter but this one is still totally unplayable.
For mustang, I switched to mustang original set instead of the bootleg version to avoid the infamous seibu sound system, so you'll have to update your romsets. Congratulations go to the mame team for that, everyone has been wondering how this sound emulation worked for YEARS !
 Fixed the file size recorded in the wav files, when recording raine_soud.wav, and the alignement byte which prevented the sound to play in the microsoft media player ! The wav file format is probably one of the stupidest file formats ever invented !
 add the ability to save screenshots in png (default now). You can set the compression level by editing the configuration file. Also you can now use a png file for the raine default background picture !
 Add a new command to save a "video", or more exactly a sequence of screenshots (preferably in png), and at the same time a wav file. You will still need something like mplayer to merge everything together. See README.videos in the docs directory for the details.
 fixed sound not starting when loading a saved game before qsound has been initalised in the capcom games (also fix a few stupid bank switches here and there).
 When choosing the best video resolution if all the available resolutions where too small, then you got a ridiculously small resolution. Now you get the bigest one.
 Added artwork bezel support - see README.bezels in the docs directory.
 Fixed bad sound in bjtwin and sabotenb, now there are no cracks any more.
 Fix a very old bug where the default directories for screen_dir (snapshots) and roms became "", translated to "/". I never noticed it because I always use the same config...
 Fix a 1 pixel alignement issue for the text layer in do donpachi (I never noticed it before because I usually don't have time to read the text in dodonpachi ! I finally saw it because I recorded a video in dodonpachi!).
 For windows choose a windowed default video mode to avoid any problem with weird setups which have vido sync problems. For the other OSes, choose a default resolution based on the video modes really available, take the 1st from 320x240.
 dx2 emudx file format : graphics for emudx are now stored in .dx2 files, which should be available from rainemu.com. These files are smaller than the original .dx files (and it's more convinient to work with these). The emudx files can now be placed either in the main raine directory for compatibility or in the emudx sub directory. .dx files are not supported anymore for the graphics.
 Added hammer music to donkey kong... It's generated from a midi file, oh well, if someone can do something better, let me know !
 Unix behaviour : a long time ago I accepted a patch to make raine to use a personnal dir, and a system wide dir for its files in linux, but I never took the time to test this since I have always used only 1 dir for raine. Well, it didn't work, raine always used one of these 2 instead of trying the personnal dir first and then the system wide directory. It's now fixed for raine.dat, hiscore.dat, history.dat, the snapshots, the language files, and the bezels.

Head on over to the official site for more information.

Raine Official Site
Raine 0.43.0


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