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    Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Altirra v1.9 prerelease test 19

News via AEP

A new Test version of the 8-bit Atari computer emulator Altirra has been released. Altirra emulates the Atari 800 OS- A/OS-B, 600XL/800XL and A5200.


Altirra config:


Version 1.9 prerelease:
features added
Debugger: Multiple memory access breakpoints can now be placed.
Debugger: Added option to break on run address of loaded executable.
Debugger: Conditional breakpoints (bx) are now supported.
Debugger: Commands can now be run when a breakpoint fires.
Debugger: Added ? (evaluate) and .printf commands.
Debugger: Trace and assert statements can now be embedded in assembler listings.
Debugger: Added vta, vtc, vtl, and vtr commands to control verifier OS entry point checking.
Debugger: Added .dumpsnap command.
SoundBoard: Initial support.
UI: Added emulator crash dialog.
UI: Show FPS option now also shows CPU usage.
Input: Added Amiga mouse support.
Input: Added CX-85 keypad support.
GTIA: NTSC and PAL modes can now have separate palettes.
GTIA: Added option for PAL encoding quirks.
GTIA: Added PAL high artifacting mode.
Disk: Initial version of disk explorer.
Serial: Inbound connections are now supported.
Serial: Added support for A, L, M, P, Q, S, T, V, X, &C, &D, &F, &G, &P, &T, &V, and &W modem commands.
Serial: Added DTR and CRX signal support.
Serial: Added IPv6 support.
Serial: Added option to force specific connection and DTE communication rates.
Cartridge: Two cartridges are now supported for 800 left+right and stacked cartridge configurations.
Cartridge: 2K and 4K cartridges are now supported (as mirrored 8K cartridges).

bugs fixed
UI: Pane dragging is less twitchy and no longer undocks a pane as soon as you click on the caption.
UI: Optimized Direct3D9 code to reduce flickering when switching artifacting modes.
HLE: Fixed crash when NMI handler is invoked with no NMIs pending.
HLE: Added support for XL OS PENTV vector.
Simulator: Default kernel mode now prefers ROM images properly again.
Simulator: BOOT? and DOSINI are now set at the beginning of EXE/XEX loads to support more WARMSV tricks.
Cheats: Enable checkbox on cheats was broken.
CPU: Added missing SHA abs,Y ($9F) instruction.
CPU: Fixed CMOS BIT #imm ($89) instruction.
CPU: Fixed 65C02 $FC instruction.
CPU: Back-to-back interrupts are no longer allowed.
CPU: Added emulation of BRK/NMI bug.
CPU: Added option to emulate masked NMIs (off by default).
ANTIC: DMACTL bits 6 and 7 are no longer reflected in .dlhistory output.
Debugger: Optimized History pane.
Debugger: Avoid re-requesting the same source file when it is not found on disk.
Debugger: Improved reliability of source-level stepping.
Debugger: Added XL OS entry points to default entry points allowed by verifier.
Recorder: Fixed crash on recording errors.
Recorder: Fixed incorrect format on video stream when using ZMBV compression.
Disk: SIO receive speeds are now validated for more reliable high-speed SIO detection.
Disk: VAPI (ATX) images can now be loaded from .zip files.
GTIA: NTSC high artifacting mode now respects artifact phase setting.
GTIA: Fixed trigger state sometimes being initially wrong when enabling latching.
GTIA: Improved accuracy of transitions from mode 8 to mode 9/10.
Serial: Telnet emulation now reads out of band data.
Serial: Telnet emulation now handles incoming WILL and WONT commands.
Serial: Telnet server now attempts to turn off local echo on remote end.
Serial: Fixed sporadic missing newlines on modem status messages.
Serial: Control line state is now reported in non-concurrent mode.
Serial: Ring pattern adjusted to match US standard (2s/4s).
Serial: Re-opening the R: device now flushes buffered data.
Serial: Closing the R: device deactivates concurrent mode to make subsequent status requests work.
Serial: Fixed crash in R: when invoking GET BYTE with an empty input buffer or PUT BYTE with a full output buffer.
Serial: Fixed BASIC GET command failing after XIO on R:.
Serial: Fixed erroneous CR-to-CRLF conversion on transmit path.
Printer: Fixed close command not actually closing IOCB.



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