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    Thursday, April 07, 2011
Supermodel v0.1.1a

News via AEP

Supermodel is a new emulator for the Sega Model 3 Hardware in a very early stage of development.

Revision History

Version 0.1.1a
- Minor source code update.
- Set Render3D to NULL in the CReal3D constructor. Fixes crashes that
occur on some builds. [Nik Henson]
- Cleaned up the UNIX Makefile and added an OS X Makefile. [R. Belmont]
- Small changes to ppc_ops.cpp for C++0x compliance. [R. Belmont]
- Included glew.h into the source tree. [R. Belmont]
- Changed WIN32 definition to SUPERMODEL_WIN32.

What´s New?
April 3, 2011

Thanks to Nik Henson, a 64-bit Windows build is now available from the Download page! I haven´t tried it myself (I don´t have 64-bit Windows) but Nik says it is a little bit faster at points where the 32-bit build normally slows down. I´ve also made a very minor source update, adding GLEW headers that were missing. The annoying GLEW-related warnings on Microsoft Visual C++ are now suppressed.
April 2, 2011

Thanks, everyone, for all the positive feedback! It´s nice to hear that people are enjoying themselves.

I´ve posted a small source code update. R. Belmont fixed the UNIX Makefile and added a Mac OS X Makefile. He also made some other minor changes to the source code. Thanks to Nik Henson, a bug that was causing crashes on some 64-bit builds has been squashed. The Render3D object pointer was not being initialized properly in the CReal3D class. None of these changes seem to affect the 32-bit Windows executable, so it has not been updated.

Some users have reported shader linkage errors and severely crippled 3D graphics (particularly on older ATI GPUs). There is a solution for this that ought to work in most cases.

April 1, 2011

Supermodel is here! Although very prelimary and far from where I ultimately want it to be, I feel that I´ve teased everyone for long enough. Version 0.1a can be grabbed from the Download page. Make sure to read through the Help section for installation and basic usage information. So what´s new in Supermodel that hasn´t made it to MAME yet? The graphics should look substantially better. Lighting and shading are generally more accurate, although still imperfect. Fog has been implemented and so has the spotlight effect. The 2D graphics emulation still has some issues, namely with regards to priorities, but is otherwise much more accurate. Layer masking and scrolling are mostly working. Several games are playable -- check out the About page for a compatibility list.

So where to from now? Besides boosting compatibility, the really big things left to do are sound, a dynamic recompiler for the PowerPC, and a proper user interface. I´m not yet sure how I´m going to prioritize these things, but I´m leaning toward tackling sound first. I anticipate having much less time to devote to Supermodel in the coming months but whatever progress is made will be reported here first. So keep your eyes on this spot. In the meantime...

Gentlemen, start your engines!



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