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    Sunday, March 11, 2012
Mupen64Plus 1.99.5 tagged and released

Richard42 has tagged and released Mupen64Plus 1.99.5:

I have tagged and released Mupen64Plus version 1.99.5. It's been over a year since the last tag, and we're long overdue for a new version. There's nothing too earth shattering here, but a lot of minor fixes and improvements have acculumated since 1.99.4. One of the most important changes in this release is that I have finalized the API version handling between each of the different modules. This means that in the future, we can make small or big changes to the API, and all of the compatibility issues will be handled gracefully. I have also added version information to the configuration sections for most of the modules. This will help backwards compatibility as well, because newer versions of plugins will be able to automatically update their configuration information when there are changes.

Some of the highlights of the 1.99.5 release are:

Core: emulate N64 internal real-time clock
Core: use X-Scale's new cracked PIF-CIC algorithm
Core: New config parameter for path to save SRAM/EEPROM/MPK files, so they can be separated from emulator snapshots
Core: bugfix: #290 - OnScreenDisplay text is sometimes captured in screenshots
Core: bugfix: for Interpreter cores, use proper math functions instead of x87 rounding modes (fixes some games)
Input: Improved input setup behavior (auto-config) to make some use cases more friendly
Input: Add new parameter for mouse sensitivity, handle mouse movement differently so mouse is easier to use as controller
Input: New auto-configurations for 7 controllers
Input: bugfix: #392 - fail to switch between rumble pak and memory pak is some cases
Input: bugfix: #424 - problem with USB devices supporting multiple controllers per device
RSP: Handle JPEG decompression, used in Ogre Battle 64 and Pokemon Stadium
UI-Console: New option to disable internal core speed limiter (for benchmarking)
Rice-Video: Hires texture loading: support for 8-bit PNG images
Rice-Video: New config option for forcing vertical sync
Rice-Video: Bugfixes: GUI front-end integration, hi-res textures, crashes
Lots of makefiles fixes and improvements from Lazhur

Read more in this thread at EmuTalk.

Download it from the website or directly here.


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