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    Saturday, March 15, 2014
openMSX 0.10.0

openMSX is an emulator for the MSX home computer system. openMSX is confirmed to run on the following operating systems: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD; on x86, x86-64, PPC, ARM, MIPS and Sparc CPU's. Its goal is to emulate all aspects of the MSX with 100% accuracy: perfection in emulation. openMSX has also a built-in command interface called the console, which allows you to control almost all aspects of openMSX while it is running.

Here's list of new or improved emulator features:

+ added subdirectory support for dir-as-disk
+ added configurable host to MSX joystick mapping, e.g. useful to bind the crawl command (button A+B) in Metal Gear 2 to a single PC joystick button
+ added support for bash completion (useful for using openMSX on the bash command line)
+ performance improvements:
- improved start-up performance (on Dingoo openMSX starts over 20% faster)
- reduced CPU overhead when enabling reverse
- further optimized CPU emulation
- sped up CAS loading (use 3744 baud instead of 2760 baud)
- reduce input latency (poll host events more often and remove delays)
- speed up reverse in combination with harddisk by using incremental hashing
+ reverse/TAS:
- added reverse subcommand to truncate the current replay
- show two decimals in the reverse bar time
- added setting to prevent the reversebar from fading out and made that the behaviour in TAS mode
- added bookmarks feature to reverse bar
- added possibility to customize TAS key bindings in an external script
- added setting to auto save replays at intervals
- added command to reset the lag counter
- added commands to go to frame boundaries and advance/reverse to frame boundaries
- show values of TAS widgets also in the middle of a frame
+ several improvements on the OSD menu:
- several improvements on the file browser
- better error handling
- only show media menu options that are relevant for the current machine (e.g. do not show disk drives when the machine has none)
- added support for LaserDisc
- added a quit menu with confirmation
- added limitsprites setting
- added basic mouse/touch support, including:
* right click to close current menu
* support for scrollwheel of mouse to scroll in lists
- only show video options if they actually make sense
- added option to make current machine default (started when launching openMSX)
- added resampler setting (for performance tuning)
- added detailed sound chip control (balance, volume, per channel mute)
- added possibility to browse to other drives on Windows
- added possibility to insert a new tape in the cassette player and made it easy to browse to your newly created tapes
- added short cuts to browse to your file pools (if they contain stuff)
- added confirmation dialog before overwriting existing save states
- added feedback when executing actions like inserting disk, saving state
+ remove SSE and MMX assembly routines, only keep rewritten SSE2 routines
+ added interleaving with black frame for monitors with LightBoost support
+ added OSD widget that displays how busy the VDP is
+ enable grab on fullscreen (workaround for Mac issue)
+ added Cmd+I hotkey to press Insert key on Mac

Visit official homepage for further information and latest version of emulator.


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